Every Man’s Fantasy Ch. 08

13 Ağustos 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Sorry it has taken so long to finish this chapter, which is the longest up to now.

So far in the story: Ezra Goldrick from Earth crash-landed on Samothea, a planet inhabited by cloned women organised into competing tribes. He was rescued by two juveniles from the Herder tribe, Wildchild and Tamar. They took him to the Woodlander tribe and then left with Carlin, a Woodlander girl, on a quest to find Tamar’s mother and the lost Miner tribe in the White Mountains. Ezra, meanwhile, took the fertile Woodlanders in turn as his bedmates, so far impregnating three.

After a fight which injured Urulla, a teenage Woodlander, two women of the Mariner tribe came to live temporarily with the Woodlanders, one (Kalyndra) as reparations, the other (Thalassa) as hostage. Ezra appeared to rape Kalyndra but was exhonerated at a trial and now she is one of his regular bedmates in the forest. Chapter 7 ended with the agreement that Ezra would pay a visit to the Mariners in one month’s time.

In order of age, the Mariners Ezra will meet are:

Yolande (61) – mother of Elinor

Helen (57) – mother of Salema

Ferne (54) – mother of Kalyndra

Belena (51) – Chief of the Mariners, mother of Gerta

Philippa (48) – mother of Devon

Beatrice (45) – mother of Cressi

Calliope (42) – mother of Thalassa

Althea (39) – mother of Odette

Leanne (36) – mother of Juniel

Elinor (33) – mother of May

Salema (30) – mother of Della

Kalyndra (28) – daughter of Ferne

Gerta (25) – daughter of Belena – now at the Cloner City

Devon (22) – daughter of Philippa

Cressi (20) – daughter of Beatrice

Thalassa (18) – daughter of Calliope

Odette (14) – daughter of Althea

Juniel (10) – daughter of Leanne

May (6) – daughter of Elinor

Della (3) – daughter of Salema

1Sex with Annela

Annela was on top, leaning back, fucking Ezra with slow luxuriant strokes. His stiff rod in her pussy gave her the stretch and rub she so craved, that brought out her sweet moans and, lately, a kind of chirruping noise that amused him. Her held her waist firmly and helped her thrust. Her beautiful pregnant belly stuck out in front, like the prow of a boat. Her small tits were heavier than normal and wobbled with the rhythm. Her erect nipples, usually small and pink, were large and dark.

He stretched over her warm belly to suck on a tit, baby-style. She adored when he did this and lent forward to make it easier. He sucked the whole tit into his mouth and rubbed his tongue over the nipple. She sighed with contentment from the sensual tug.

They stayed in this position until she came, with a gasp in her throat and a fluttering in her pussy. Then she collapsed onto him.

Ezra wasn’t done, though. He helped her lay flat across the bed and raised her pelvis with a pillow. She spread her legs wide and held her ankles. He stood before her and stuffed his cock hard into her tight pussy. She moaned louder as he rammed her, the note rising as she reached another peak, which shook her thighs and splashed her cum onto the floor. Then he came himself, slowly pulsing his seed into her quivering snatch.

Afterward they rested together, holding each other tightly, a glow of satisfaction and sexual contentment kept them warm, despite the cold night rain hammering on the roof and flooding the gullies beside the hut.

Annela couldn’t stay long in one place, however. She had to keep moving, trying to get comfortable. It made her tense and agitated.

“Sorry, darling,” she said, as she kicked him again and stuck an elbow into his face.

“Here, try this,” he said. He sat behind her on the bed and she leant back. He wrapped his arms around her belly and she held his arms.

“Is it good?”

“Yes, it’s good,” she agreed.

He gently rubbed her belly, hoping to feel a kick or movement, but the baby seemed to be sleeping.

Annela herself couldn’t sleep. To take her mind off her discomfort, Ezra told her about Earth. This always entertained her. He described the cities, their giant buildings and innumerable people, which she could never believe. Her imagination failed again when he described aeroplanes, space-ships, boats and submarines.

Then she wanted to know his favourite places in the galaxy.

“The best things I’ve seen have all been on moons and small planets. One moon is a pure white ball, its surface covered in frozen methane. If you land on it at an angle and a good speed, your ship will skate along for hours. One planet has got volcanoes on it fifty miles high that spurt out plumes of black and orange smoke, most of which drifts out into space and is washed away by light-pressure from its sun, giving the planet a tail like a comet. But my favourite is a small moon that got hit by a meteorite, so one side is a punched-in crater and the other side bulges out. The crater is filled with an ocean of red water, which steams and bubbles, covering the whole moon in a ghostly pink mist.”

“It’s a huge galaxy,” he concluded, “and the human part of it is less than porno izle one tree in the entire forest, less even than a grain of sand on the sea-shore.”

She had lain still for a long time but was uncomfortable again, the weight of her bump was pressing on her bladder. She tried lying on her side. Ezra lay behind her and reached over to stroke her belly.

“Despite everything I’ve seen on any planet or moon,” he said, “the greatest miracle and the most beautiful thing in the galaxy is a pregnant woman.”

“Beautiful? I’m fat and I waddle like a duck.”

It wasn’t true. Annela was one of those lucky women who had a bump out in front and no other sign of pregnancy than her rosy cheeks, her shining hair and her sparkling eyes. She felt fat though.

He kissed her shoulder.

“You know, ducks can be beautiful, fat can be sexy.”

“You’re rubbish at flattery.”

“Even if I say you’re the sexiest duck in the galaxy?”

“Lie on your back,” she said, ignoring this. “You’re wasted as a comforter but maybe I can use you as a pillow.”

He lay back and she squeezed up against him.

“Useless,” she said. “You’re too hard.” But she stayed where she was and rested her head on his chest.

“Maybe we should get Dagma to sleep with you.”

“Oh, Ezra! That was really mean. I’ve never heard you make fun of her before.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be nasty but she frustrates me, with all that nonsense about us not being bedmates. And she always seems angry when I’m near her, ever since we first met. I don’t understand her at all.”

“Get her to bed, then you’ll understand her more.”

He thought seriously about it for a minute: after all, they’re not called ‘intimate relations’ for nothing.

“But how can I do that?”

“Have you tried seducing her?”

“She barely even speaks to me, and then only about work. How can I seduce her?”

“Turn on the charm. Give her the full Ezra Goldrick experience.”

“What on Earth is ‘the full Ezra Goldrick experience’?”

“Samothea …”


“You should say ‘What on Samothea …?'”

“All right, What on Samothea is ‘the full Ezra Goldrick experience’?”

“You know, all manly and commanding.”


“Well, confident, then. You’re good at saying what you want.”

“Do you think that would work with Dagma? I thought you said she was shy. Mirselene was always telling me to be more patient and understanding.”

“She is shy but maybe Mirselene is wrong: there are other ways to deal with shyness.”

“You know, I’m not sure she’s shy.”

“All right then, tell me your theory.”

“I don’t know I have a theory but it occurs to me that all the other Woodlanders are thin and good-looking, so maybe she’s a little ashamed of her looks.”

“Why should she be ashamed? Besides, didn’t you tell me that fat women are better in bed.”

“Yes, but how would she have learned that? And it’s not the same as good-looking, you know.”

“All right, so Dagma’s either shy or ashamed; if you were extra-charming, you could overcome both.”

“And when should I be extra-charming? I’m going to the Mariner Settlement in three weeks.”

Now that Urulla was recovering, Kalyndra and Thalassa were to go home and Ezra was going with them to stay a month with the Mariners. He was saying goodbye to his three bedmates one week at a time, starting (as usual) with Annela.

Annela pondered his question and decided:

“Tomorrow night, at the feast.”

“What about our week together if I’m successful?”

“I don’t mind and I don’t think Sharne will, either. Dagma deserves a proper go.”

“All right, I’ll try, though I don’t see why I should be more successful than two months ago.”

Contented and relaxed for the moment, she kissed him and rolled over, trying to sleep. He spooned her and wrapped an arm around to hold her warmly. Eventually, she dozed off, but not before Ezra was fast asleep and dreaming.

His dream started off with Annela and him on his favourite moon. They were lying in the warm red ocean, making love, when Kalyndra appeared from under the sea. Red rivulets and pink sea-spume fell off her head and down her perfect bronze body as she rose naked from the water. Ezra was embarrassed: Kalyndra’s wrists and ankles showed the marks from her restraints, her bottom was bright red from a hard spanking and his teeth marks were all over her magnificent breasts. Annela seemed only amused.

“Go, fuck her hard for me,” she said, pushing him away.

Kalyndra walked up to him. He stood and they kissed. She melted into his arms but when he looked to find a place to lay her down, they were no longer in the ocean but on a rocky asteroid with no atmosphere. The surface was so black that they couldn’t see where the rocks ended and space began. There were sharp edges everywhere and nowhere to lie down but suddenly they were sucked into the air-lock of a passing space-ship.

Ezra entered the space-ship through the inner door but it closed behind him, trapping Kalyndra ensest porno in the air-lock. He turned to help her but she waved him on happily, encouraging him to look behind him. There was Tatiana Tcherenkova, his mentor and mistress, kneeling down to take his cock into her mouth. She began sucking on it.

He wanted to speak to her but he couldn’t make a sound. He was worried about Kalyndra, trapped in the air-lock, but when he turned to check on her, it wasn’t the inspection port-hole but the open window of the dormitory at his university. It was a memory, not a dream. The sun streamed through the window on a hot summer’s day. He was lying naked on his bunk as his lovely blonde girlfriend knelt between his outstretched legs and sucked his cock.

She was new to it, as was Ezra, but she was doing a good job for her second time ever. He was loving it and, not knowing what to do with his hands, began stroking her hair.

“That’s perfect, Sandy,” he said. “You’re amazing!”


Suddenly there was no soft mouth on his cock and Ezra was awake.

“Annela?” he asked.

She was crouched on all fours between his legs and had been sucking his cock, stiff with a morning erection.

“Who’s Sandy?” she asked, in an apparently affronted voice.

“Sorry, Darling. An old girlfriend. I was dreaming.”

“Well, I can’t blame you for dreaming of other women, I suppose,” though her tone suggested she blamed him very much.

Annela knew a blow-job was the perfect way to wake him up and she oughtn’t to leave it unfinished for long. But she was having fun teasing him. She let him stew for a minute, then said:

“I know I’m not your dream woman but would you like me to finish?”


“No? You don’t want me to finish?”

“No, I mean, yes, you are my dream woman, in real flesh and blood, and I do want you to finish.”

Smiling she went back to sucking him off and did so nicely. She put a finger on the top of his penis and licked along the shaft, cupping his balls and gently fondling them. When she felt he was ready, she swallowed his cock into her mouth and bobbed her head, her fingers on his shaft squeezing firmly.

She stopped bobbing and flicked her tongue on the underside of his cock, working up to the tip. That was exquisite for him. She swallowed his cock again and repeated this until his panting grew loud and she tasted his pre-cum.

Holding him in her mouth, she ran her tongue around the tip of his cock, feeling the head enlarge. He was almost there.

She bobbed her head again, swallowing him down further, rubbing the head of his cock against the roof of her mouth. Her tongue was working wonders on the underside of the tip and now, when she squeezed his cock hard in her fingers and began wanking him faster, it brought him off. He spurted out his cum in short shuddering bursts. She wanked out the last drops as his climax waned and he relaxed, his eyes shut, savouring the afterglow.

Annela sat up, spat her mouthful of cum into her hands and rubbed it over her belly. Then, after their ablutions, they arrived late (as usual) to breakfast to prepare for a special day. Today was Thalassa’s eighteenth birthday and the Woodlanders planned to celebrate as if she were one of their own, with a feast, drums, singing and dancing.

2Thalassa’s birthday party

It had been the practise on Samothea, as in all the galaxy, to take one day off in seven, but the Woodlanders’ precarious existence meant this was a rare luxury. None the less, Mirselene declared a rest from regular tasks so everyone could contribute to the feast.

There were two surprises that evening. With Dipti’s help, Kalyndra and Thalassa had collected long dry grass from the meadow and woven it into knitted cloth bands to make grass skirts, tops and ankle bands for themselves and for Urulla. They decorated the tops (really just a tube around the chest) with meadow flowers. This was a traditional Mariner costume. Kalyndra had proposed it to celebrate Urulla’s recovery. After five weeks, Urulla had returned to light work duties and everyone was pleased to see how impatient she was of being molly-coddled. She intended to dance at Thalassa’s birthday party, to show how much she had mended.

The three girls dressed in secret and then arrived at the feast together, drawing every eye with their tall thin frames and revealing costumes.

The other surprise was unveiled as soon as Thalassa sat down. Sharne brought over a birthday present. It was a deep wooden box with a lid and compartments inside, filled with phials and small bags of medicines, wooden spoons and spatulas, stone knives and bandages, a perfect present for an aspiring nurse. All the tribe had contributed and Thalassa was overwhelmed. She couldn’t speak but went around hugging everyone, then she held the box on her lap, taking everything out and putting it all back, one by one, gloating over it and neglecting her food.

After dinner, it was time to dance.

Sharne and Erin played the drums and everyone danced, erotik film except for Lenta, who couldn’t move so well, Mirselene, who preferred to watch, Dagma, who had reasons of her own and Ezra, who could dance but didn’t enjoy it much.

The Mariners and Woodlanders had different dancing styles. The Woodlanders danced in a group, stamping their feet, holding hands in a ring or swinging their partners around. All except for Pepi, who was a maverick, keeping to the rhythm but to rules of her own devising, skipping in and out of the line.

The two Mariners danced as individuals, standing still or moving their feet only a little but bending their knees and swaying their hips, sometimes holding their arms over their heads. It was very alluring, especially in the grass skirts, which emphasised their curves (though the gorgeous Kalyndra didn’t need any help in that regard).

The women taught each other their steps and then, by mutual consent, decided Ezra had to come and dance. Previously, he had always resisted but Thalassa was sent to ask him because he couldn’t resist the girl on her birthday. She demanded to learn an Earth dance and held out her a thin delicate hand to invite him up.

His mother had insisted Ezra learn as a boy, which had put him off ever since, but he remembered the moves. Taking Thalassa by the waist with one arm, he placed her left hand on his shoulder and held her other hand, saying “Follow my steps but in reverse.”

She understood and pretty soon they were moving around so well that he could try spinning her a little. She caught on quickly and whooped for joy when he span her around, letting her go and pulling her back in. The grass skirt flew up around her waist and her top began to shed its garland of petals.

Everyone wanted a go and Ezra taught the steps to the other dancers. It was too energetic for Annela, who swapped places with Sharne. Urulla also needed a rest and went to relieve Erin, who claimed her turn with Ezra. Now everyone was dancing again, taking turns to dance the man’s part; yet one young woman still sat out. Annela and Ezra shared a glance. It was time for him to turn his charm on Dagma.

3Seducing Dagma

He approached the stocky girl.

“I understand if you don’t like dancing,” he said, “but it’s for Thalassa’s birthday and I thought you might want to celebrate.”

“No thanks, Ezra, I don’t dance.”

He could imagine Annela’s look, boring into the back of his head, telling him to be manly and commanding.

“Dagma, I think you should dance tonight.”

He saw a hint of nervous doubt in her face, as if she was questioning her own answer, as if he had some kind of power over her. He decided to test it.

“I want you to dance with me tonight!”

Her legs obeyed his voice even though her mind refused. She stood up and, before she could retreat, he grabbed her hand and pulled her into the crowd. Mirselene did her best to pretend not to notice, so as not to spook her daughter as, by an unspoken agreement, everyone seemed to be looking elsewhere, rather than give Dagma even a moment’s cause for embarrassment.

He held her the same way he had held Thalassa but Dagma was a clumsy dancer and couldn’t get the hang of it. Fearing he would drive her away, Ezra signalled the drummers to play something slower.

He pulled Dagma to him and held her close. She could dance this way quite easily: it was little more than swaying to the music. Dagma began to enjoy herself and danced with Ezra until the end of the feast, when night fell and the whispering wind brought the sharp sniff of impending rain.

The women kissed Thalassa goodnight and accepted her effusive thanks, then made for their huts, but Ezra still held onto Dagma.

“Did you enjoy the dancing?”

“Yes,” she said, answering warily.

“Do you want to continue the party in your hut?”

“No … I …” she hesitated and Ezra realised his mistake.

“I want us to continue the party in your hut. Come on!”

Again, her legs did what her mind refused. They entered her hut and sat together on the bed, still holding hands, as they had done ever since starting to dance. She didn’t seem able to let go. Ezra took that as a good sign and leant in for a kiss.

Dagma seemed to enjoy kissing and they kissed for a couple of minutes until Ezra tried to use his tongue and she pulled away. Yet she still held his hands, gripping tightly. Ezra sat back and asked:

“Don’t you want to make love?”


“Why not?”

“It feels wrong.”

“Why does it feel wrong?”

She didn’t answer.

“No one else in the tribe thinks it’s wrong. Your mother doesn’t think it’s wrong.”

“But they don’t understand…” She was upset, almost in tears. “They don’t understand what it feels like to be …”

“To be what?”

Ezra was convinced she was going to say ‘unattractive’ and was prepared to tell her how brains and moral qualities are just as attractive as physiques, but she said:

“… to be so dirty.”

“Dirty? You think sex is dirty?”

“I know it is.”

“How on Earth can you have learned that? Certainly not from anyone here.”

“I’ve always known it. … I’m the only one who thinks this way. The others took bedmates as soon as they were old enough. They didn’t care about being sluts …”

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