Enticed Pt. 11 – Sensei

30 Ocak 2022 0 Yazar: admin

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This is part eleven of my adventures in the early 90s with a gay man about 15 years older than me who saw me as a near-reincarnation of his first boyfriend. Check my post history for earlier installments of the story of an older man’s toy.


I stayed late at work Monday to develop and begin printing my new nude photos from the Lodge. I took some of the first 8x10s over to Blaise around 8, which, of course, led to intense lovemaking and a deep sleep in his arms.

Tuesday night, I finished the prints and began scanning them to create another photobook. Blaise stayed with me and he ended up on his knees in the darkroom with my cock deep in his throat. We’d never done anything at work. But, I’d fantasized about it several times. The darkroom was the perfect choice. No one dare disturb anyone in there. I found a special thrill pumping him full of cum under the red safelight. It also reminded me that I needed my own darkroom at home – for a couple reasons.

When I got home Wednesday afternoon, I headed straight out to the pond and set up my video camera to begin shooting vignettes for a new video. Since the days wee beginning to get shorter, I could only shoot an hour or so each day. One day I was walking through the woods and stripping down to trunks on the deck – from several angles. The next day, I walked down into the pond, dove in, swam out and swam back in a few times. Friday afternoon, I walked from the water to a bench and began massaging myself to erection and eventual ejaculation. Blaise helped me Saturday to shoot some B-roll walking through the woods naked, walking into and out of the water from different angles, and sitting or posing on the deck, the benches and the ramp. I didn’t want to do too much since I had a performance that night.

That also was the Saturday that Bear and Jimmy would be coming as VIP guests. Blaise made sure they sat in front and could see everything I did as close as possible. This week was the masturbation act. So, they would be almost close enough to catch some of the jizz they had eaten the previous week.

During the after-party, I made sure to advertise the new photobook that would be available for an extra donation the next week.

Just then, mid-30s blond walked up.

“Speaking of your photobook,” he said, handing me a card. “I work for a small publishing company in Gate City. And, I really like your photobook, or your first one. The photography is amazing! And, I even like the way it’s laid out. It’s great work! The only thing that’s wrong with it is that it wasn’t professionally printed and bound.

“I’d like to change that.”

“Huh?” I was dumbfounded. He had spilled his entire sales pitch in what sounded like a single sentence. I needed to process.

“I want to publish your photobook,” he repeated. “And, I think it’s good enough that we probably won’t need to make many changes to the way you’ve laid it out.”

“That’s great! What does that mean to me financially?”

“I’ll have to get with my people to flesh out the costs and expected returns,” he said. “But, I have to get your approval just to move it to that stage.”

“OK,” I said. “Let me write my number on a copy and you can call me. Just let me know. It can’t hurt to see where this goes.”

“Thank you!” he said. “I really do think you’ve got something here!

“Like I said, the lay-out is great! The pictures flow through in a logical way. Heck, I even like the fonts you’ve used. The less we work we have to do setting up a project, the lower our costs are. And, the lower our costs, the more our returns, which means the more you’ll make. So, I’d say, we’re starting from a great place!”

“Well, that’s great! Give me a call as soon as you know something,” I said. “That’s my work number, home number, and a third number where I spend a lot of time after hours. Feel free to call me any time.”

I looked over at Blaise as he disappeared in the crowd. He just raised his eyebrows. I shrugged my shoulders. We’ll see, I thought skeptically.

A couple minutes later I found Bear and Jimmy. I winked at them several times and gave Jimmy a sultry, lusty look more than once.

“Hey, Big-un,” I said as I let my hand secretly caress his crotch as I whispered in his ear. “I’m glad you could make it. Did you like the show?”

“Um, yes, Sir,” he stuttered nervously. “I loved it! That was great!”

“How are you doing, Bear?” I rubbed his belly and leaned in for a bit of a hug.

He palmed me a tip and I made sure Jimmy watched me pull my thong out and drop it inside.

Later, as we lay in bed, I asked Blaise if we should think about moving my shows out to the Lodge. There was more room with the dining room open to the living room. We’d just have to come up with some seating, maybe folding chairs.

He agreed that was a good idea, especially in the face of the growing number of cars parked around the block at his house. At the Lodge, we could park cars in the back yard.

That pretty much settled it for me. With cars lined around the block in Blaise’s neighborhood karabük escort we were just tempting the police to question what was going on. At the Lodge, parking could be in the back inside the fence and out of sight. Being outside the city and with neighbors much farther away, we could get away with bigger crowds and more cars.

I spent most of the next day shooting video around the Lodge and at the pond. It was similar to my first video, but mostly in the woods and at the pond. When Blaise finally arrived around 5, I was cooling off naked in the pond. When I saw him on the deck I headed straight to his waiting body. One hand went to the back of his head to pull his face down to mine as I lifted myself on my toes. The other hand found his waiting cock in his jeans and began massaging it to life.

Our tongues wrestled and danced their practiced routine and both our cocks responded in turn. One of Blaise’s hands gripped one of my ass cheeks tightly, the other looped around the base of my wet cock and my balls at once, pulling and squeezing desire into them.

I pushed him back away from me and began pulling his polo up off his thin frame. He undid his jeans and in seconds he was as naked as I was.

He kissed and licked his way down my chest until he was on his knees before me again.

My hands instinctively went to the back of his head as his mouth found my almost-hard dick. Without the use of his hands, he pulled me into his mouth and began licking and sucking and swirling and rotating me until I couldn’t help but respond. My eyes were closed and his hair was clenched between my fingers as he worked my sex around his tongue and into his cheek and between his lips. I was stiff as the wood I stood on in seconds at the sensation of his simultaneous pumping, swirling, and sucking on my cock.

I loosened my grip on his hair as his head bobbed back and forth against my crotch. I pushed my hips forward to get closer to him, part of me hoping to go even deeper down his luxurious throat.

As he sucked and stroked, Blaise cradled my balls in his hand, lightly massaging them.

Then, suddenly, his thrusting sped up. His lips and suction tightened around me and his hands clutched and squeezed my balls to near pain. In seconds I felt my cum rising and without conscious thought my hips began bucking into his face in a fitful, violent fuck. Within another few seconds I was filling his mouth and throat with semen.

Finally, he just hugged my hips and legs to him, catching his breath. I was bent, doubled over to drape over his bare back on the ramp to the pond. I was breathing so heavily that after a few minutes I realized I’d been drooling on his back.

At some point I turned and dropped to the ramp and we both sat just at the edge of the water. Blaise wrapped an arm around my bare back and we stared at the water for a while.

A few minutes later, when we both were breathing normally again, I got up and walked down the ramp into the water. Blaise watched me intently. When the water reached about chest depth I dove under and began swimming. I didn’t stop until I was about fifty feet from shore again. I turned and swam back. By the time I felt the ramp under my feet again, Blaise was naked and standing in the water.

I pulled him farther in and began fondling his cock with one hand and squeezed an ass cheek with the other. He reciprocated by grabbing my cock and balls together in one hand. His other hand snaked around and grabbed an ass cheek roughly.

The feeling was so different it made me straighten up a little. His cock got an extra tight squeeze. He began squeezing and massaging while brought his cock to attention.

I led him farther into the water until I was shoulder deep. I dove underwater and wrapped my mouth around his meat for a few seconds.

When I resurfaced Blaise pulled me tight and bent down enough to reach my asshole with a finger and began exploring me internally. I could only moan and reach around to hold his ass with both hands.

He finger-fucked me for several minutes, our cocks straining between our tight bodies.

I grabbed his shoulders, pulled myself up, wrapped my legs around his waist and slid my hips down until his stiff cock pushed against my loosened rectum. Blaise spread his legs for stability. My buoyancy in the water helped with my weight. I held the back of his neck and his hands were tightly gripping and spreading my ass.

I slowly lowered myself down on to hard, wet meat. He had me loosened a bit and was stretching my cheeks far enough that was easier to push him in than normal even without lube.

Once his glans was past my sphincter I began rocking my entire body up and down on him, forcing his cock deeper inside me with each thrust.

My hard dick was sliding up and down on his stomach in the water. I didn’t know how long it would take. But, I was determined to fuck my friend to another orgasm in the pond.

I bounced on him for two or three minutes, waves spreading away from us the entire time.

Finally, karabük escort bayan I felt his cock throb and his back stiffen. He grabbed my back and held me tightly, but let me continue to bounce and milk his juices from him. My own convulsions started then, as well. My rectal muscles began contracting around his meat as my cock pulsed against his stomach. Then I felt his warm life spew into me under the chilled water. I kept moving and fucking him until, in a few seconds my own cum painted our compressed bodies.

We held each other and kissed there in the water for a long time even after I had pushed his spent cock from me. By the time we broke and walked back up the ramp the sky was darkening.

The following Monday, I got a call from Phil, the fan who was with the lawn equipment company. He apologized for taking so long to call me back. He wanted to find something that fit my needs and that was as affordable as possible.

When I asked him when I could come out to his store to take a look at it he said he would bring out to me for s test drive. He could do it any evening or Saturday that I was free.

I told him I’d be home by 5, but that he didn’t have to do that. I would be glad to come to his store. No, he said he wanted to bring it to me. He thought I would like it and he could just leave it.

Something told me he really wanted to see me again, maybe a little more privately than my shows allowed. So, I gave him the address and told him I’d be waiting any time after 5.

I got home a little after 4 p.m. and took a quick shower. I didn’t know what might happen. But, I wanted to be ready in case I had to barter for the mower. I dressed in a clean pair of jeans and a polo.

Like clockwork, at 5:10 a white pick-up pulled in my driveway pulling a trailer with a riding mower strapped on it.

Phil had been a regular at my shows for several weeks. He was about my height and a little thinner. He wore a John Deere ball cap over his brown hair. He had a moustache, but hadn’t shaved his beard in a few days. He also wore jeans and polo with his company’s logo on it.

I met him in the driveway. When he saw me he stopped and eyed me up and down. He seemed to be adjusting to seeing me with regular clothes on. He’d only ever seen me in my and out of my costumes. We shook hands and he seemed very happy to see me and a little shy.

“So, what do we have here?” I asked, walking back to the trailer.

“Like I said on the phone, I’m sorry it took me so long to call you,” he apologized again. “But, I wanted to find you the perfect mower. It’s only a few years old. But, the motor’s just been overhauled. The blade’s brand new. The bagging attachment is new.

“This unit’s really better than a new one because everything’s been gone over again and tested and checked out.”

He climbed up on the trailer, unstrapped the mower and started it up. It did sound great. It actually was quieter than I expected. He pulled it over into the grass, turned it off and got off it.

“Let me show you what it’s got and how to operate it,” he said proudly.

He walked me around it explaining all the features and how to operate each control. He had me sit on it and showed me how to start it, operate the mowing deck and change the cutting height.

I started it up and drove it through the gate to the back yard.

“This is great, Phil,” I said. “How much it this going to run me? It sounds like it’s going to be a lot.”

“In this condition, with all the work that’s been done and all the new parts, this one normally would run you about $800,” he said. My eyebrows went up. “But, because you are who you are, I can let you have it for $400.”

“Well, that’s closer to what I had in mind,” I said. “But, that’s still a lot more than I was planning on spending.”

Phil took off his hat and scratched his head in a classic good-old-boy move.

“I might be able to shave a little more off it,” he said, shaking his head.

“Is there some way we can do a little trading to get that price down?” I asked. “Is there something I can do for you that might be worth more of discount?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” he stuttered a bit.

I popped the button of my jeans as I sat on the mower.

“What would a private show be worth to you, Phil? How would like to see me jack off right here on the mower?”

“I might do $300.” He was staring intently at my hand unzipping my jeans.

“Really? When’s the last time you watched a man cum on a riding mower, Phil?” I pulled my shirt off. “I mean, these things are your life. Wouldn’t be cool to have a live sex show on one?”

“That – that would be pretty amazing,” he said. My cock was out in full view now. “Um – $250’s really as low as I can go. That’s what we really have in this thing. I mean, eight hundred is just a bullshit number. I mean, we have to make money.”

“Come on, Phil,” I said, stroking myself to full rigidity. “What if I let you touch it, Phil? You want to touch me? Do you want to touch escort karabük my cock?”

“Yeah.” He sounded greedy, hungry. “But, I don’t know – .”

“Is the mower worth a taste, Phil? What if I let you taste me?”

“Really?!” His eyes suddenly shot to mine.

“The mower for a chance to suck me dry and swallow everything I’ve got.”

“Done.” He stepped toward me.

I remained in the seat of the mower naked as Phil’s head bobbed up and down furiously, hungrily. I gave him a good show with lots of moaning and hip thrusting. Still, it took several minutes for me to feel that familiar throb and pulsing that signaled an imminent explosion.

Phil wasn’t especially good at blowjobs. He was just an up-and-down kind of guy, never going very deep or doing much with his tongue. But, when I felt my cum flowing I grabbed his and slammed my cock against the back of his throat and emptied my balls down his neck.

When I finally let him go, he came up gasping for air, swallowing over and over.

“Oh, my God!” He took a couple steps back. “That was amazing! You’re so good! So big! You taste so good! I’ve never tasted cum like that!”

“Wait right here,” he said, disappearing around the corner of the house.

He came in a minute with a piece of paper in his hand. It was the receipt for the mower with the words “Paid in full” written in ink across it.

“Thank you, Phil” I said, getting up off the mower still naked.

“I hope you enjoy your mower as much as I just did,” he said, still a little breathless. “I’ll see you.”

“Will I see you at my next show?” I asked.

“You can count on it.”

Two weeks later I announced that my shows would be moving to a another location because of the larger crowds and to get out of the city where the laws were a little less restrictive. I had printed a map and written directions on the opposite side of a very suggestive photo of myself and handed it out to everyone on-hand that night.

I also had a new photobook available. This time, though, it was for sale for $5 each. I sold twenty copies to the twelve men in attendance. A few were autographed.

The next week Blaise found a place where we could buy folding metal chairs and grabbed a dozen of them.

With the open concept between the living room and dining room at the Lodge, we could get 15 to 20 people in my shows. Maybe it was time to start selling tickets in advance and limiting seating, I thought. Blaise wasn’t convinced yet. Neither of us knew quite how we would pull that off.

For whatever reason – possibly because I was beginning to feel a little bored performing the same four shows over and over – I started asking Blaise about “gay culture.”

“What’s popular?” I asked one day over lunch. “What do gay men like to see in their burlesque shows or clubs or strip clubs? Is there anything I can be doing that’s more current or hip?

“I need to make sure I evolve with what the audience wants to see.”

“Well, the first thing that comes to mind is the whole bdsm culture,” he said.

“Leather and studs and collars and chains are all the rage. I don’t get it. But, the younger crowd is really into it.”

“So, – Judas Priest?” I asked.

“Exactly!” he said.

“So, I need a new costume,” I said. “It sounds like that would work well with Big Ben. Maybe we could come up with something where you chain me to the chair and force me on to Ben.”

“That’s an idea,” Blaise said. “Actually, that’s a really good idea. I might like the idea of forcing you to do something.”

“Well, if you like it, we’re definitely going to explore it in private,” I said. “But, if you like it, my audience also will want to see it.

“I’ll look into finding a catalog for leather and bondage stuff.”

The following Sunday, Samuel and Evan happened to walk around the pond as I was swimming. I was trying to take advantage of one of the last warm weekends before Fall really set in.

I’d been in the pond for 30 minutes or more, naked as usual. At one point I turned toward the deck and saw Samuel and Evan staring at me. I waved and swam in.

“What’s up, boys?” I asked as I walked up the ramp brazenly nude and dripping. “I really didn’t think I’d ever see you two again.”

I grabbed my towel and began drying. They watched my every move, their eyes plastered mostly to my groin.

“We were just – uh – taking a walk,” Samuel said not once looking at my face.

“Looking for a private place to have fun?” I asked reaching for my towel.

“Yeah,” Evan said. “We have a hard time getting away.”

I invited them to have a seat and offered them beer.

“Do you have families or something that make it difficult to be open?”

“Yeah. We’re not – . I mean, we haven’t -,” Samuel couldn’t find the words.

“You’re still in the closet?” I asked. ‘That’s OK, y’know.”

“We just haven’t been able to – ,” Evan chimed in.

“Don’t worry about it. The only people who know about me and Blaise are his gay friends,” I said.

“Really?!” Evan was shocked. “You seem so confident and open.”

“I am confident and open,” I said. “But, no one needs to know anything about my private life unless I invite them in. My boss doesn’t need to know who’s in bed next to me. My co-workers have no right to know with whom I have any form of sexual contact. It’s none of their business.

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