Elspeth Delivers A Caning To Remember

18 Eylül 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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The dining room of our suburban semi on a sprawling modern housing estate was dark, with the curtains closed despite it only being mid-morning on a bright October Friday.I’d taken the day off work for what I was going to experience at the hands of my fifty-one-year-old wife. I wanted it. I craved it with an almost all-consuming need, even more than Elspeth wanted to do it to me. But that didn’t mean I wasn’t nervous, especially with how much I had struggled to take it to begin with last time. But on that occasion, she’d given me no choice once I’d committed myself to it by consenting to her restraining me, just as we had agreed and she had done for less severe discipline many times before, and I was thankful that she had neither given me the opportunity to get out of it or gone easy on me despite my initial struggles.I heard the sound of her heavy heels on the wooden floor as she re-entered the dining room. We’d folded up the normally fully extended table to its smallest size and pushed it into the corner, with the chairs moved to the edge of the room. This gave us plenty of room to set up the collapsible spanking stool that we kept hidden under our bed as soon as we’d returned from dropping the kids off at school. I’d also brought down the bag of implements and toys that we also kept under our bed, along with a thick foam camping mat from the top of the wardrobe and the long smoked dragon cane that was normally hidden behind my shirts inside it.On completing the set-up we had a cup of coffee together as the equals we were in our usual day-to-day lives, before hearing the neighbours leave at about 9:15. This day had been chosen because they had asked us to keep an eye on their house while they had a long weekend away, so we knew there was going to be no danger of them hearing what was going on in our dining room through the party wall. Elspeth gave it about a minute before going to the window to double-check. The kids would need to be picked up from school at 3:15, so give or take the short time it would take for one of us to walk to the school while the other put everything away, we had the best part of six hours for what Elspeth had planned for me.“They’re gone. Are you still sure you want to do this?”“Yes, more than anything Elspeth. I don’t just want it, I need it. I’ve needed it for weeks, and before Jon and Louise said about keeping an eye on their house.”“Good, I know I haven’t let you cum for over a month, but I’m so fucking turned on thinking about what I’m going to do to you that I was dreading you changing your mind. My knickers are already soaked at the prospect, so I hope you enjoy it when you smell them shortly. Let’s finish our coffee then go and get changed.”I finished my coffee before Elspeth, and she fixed her eyes on me with a stern look before speaking.“Are you ready to report to your headmistress bursa sınırsız escort for punishment, you naughty, disgusting, boy?”“Yes, Miss Elspeth.”“Good, now go and get changed into your schoolgirl uniform and wait for me against that wall with your legs spread, the toes of your shoes touching the skirting board, your hands on your head, and holding this coin against the wall with your nose, and woe-betide your backside if you drop it,” replied Elspeth sternly as she pointed through the open door of the living room to the corner of the dining room where she wanted me to stand, sliding a two-pence piece to me as she did so.My mind was racing. Previously I’d been dressed in an old-fashioned schoolboy uniform for discipline from Elspeth. However, after confessing as I was cumming during a lengthy tease and denial session a couple of months ago that I found the idea of being told to dress as a schoolgirl both humiliating and a turn-on, Elspeth had been very eager for me to do so, and we’d assembled our idea of a uniform over the intervening weeks. Well, I say us, it was mostly Elspeth – and she had let out a mischievous giggle more than once while choosing it.We climbed the stairs, Elspeth first, her gorgeous voluptuous bottom making me hard as I followed her. She’s a little bit older than me, but God she is stunning in every way, and I had always felt proud to be her husband even before we discovered our mutual enjoyment of me submitting to her sexually, and of her administering corporal punishment.I went into the spare room where my uniform and a teardrop-shaped stainless-steel butt plug had already been laid out by Elspeth while I assembled the stool, stripping my jeans, t-shirt and underwear off before folding them up. My cock was rock hard, and I could see a drop of pre-cum forming on the tip as I briefly glanced at myself in the mirror before beginning to get dressed. I began by kneeling on the bed to insert the plug into my ass, warming it in my hands before lubing both it and my hole with my fingers. A gasp escaped my lips as it stretched me before I felt the relief of the most bulbous part passing, and my muscles gripping the stem. I used some tissue to remove a small amount of excess lube from around the base of the stem and my fingers, before washing my hands in the ensuite and beginning to get dressed. I firstly pulled on the tight pair of maroon regulation gym knickers that instantly restrained my cock, a dark damp patch spreading from where my pre-cum made contact with the fabric. Next, I pulled on the plain white longline bra that Elspeth had insisted we include and inserted the C-cup silicone breast forms, followed by a white blouse, and dark grey box pleated gym slip that I pulled over my head. Next, I sat on the bed and put on a pair of white bursa escort bayan lacy knee-high socks and a pair of patent black Mary-Jane shoes with a one-inch Luigi-style heel. I finally completed my transformation by fitting a blond wig with long pleats and bunches. I personally thought the wig was too much, but Elspeth had thought it would make what I was going to do next feel all the more humiliating. And as ever, she was right.After straightening my uniform up in the mirror, I took a deep breath to compose myself before cautiously descending the stairs and nervously entering the dining room, passing the spanking stool – at present hidden from external view – to stand against the wall. As I did so I moved my legs apart as instructed, and slid the coin into place holding it against the wall with my nose, in full view of anyone passing who looked in the window. Our house is set back from the road with a parking space in front of the garage and a similar length area of grass in front of the bay window of the dining room which meant that, on a bright day outside with the lights off inside, it was highly unlikely that anyone would see me where I was at the back of the room. However, I felt very much on show to the world in my uniform for the more than forty-five minutes that Elspeth made me wait, my arms aching from holding them above my head and the weight of the breast forms feeling surprisingly heavy in the bra as the time passed. I knew not to move out of the position Elspeth had prescribed as she would be checking on the Blink security camera that was situated on the opposite side of the room from where I stood. I also knew that she would have heard the two occasions that I accidentally let the coin drop from the sound of it noisily hitting the wooden floor.After what seemed like an eternity I heard our bedroom door open and Elspeth descend the stairs, then her heels on the wooden floor of the dining room, followed by the sound of the curtains being drawn and finally the sharp click of the light switch. The first part of my punishment was over, but I knew that what was to come would test my limits.“Turn around, boy.” Her Glaswegian accent, though softened from over thirty years of living in South West England, had a tone to it that always sounded authoritative.I turned around to see Elspeth dressed as my fantasy headmistress as she had been numerous times before, but it still made me open my mouth in a silent gasp at the sight of her. She smiled a knowing smile at my involuntary reaction.Elspeth was dressed in a tweed skirt that clung to her wide hips at her waist with a matching jacket that barely contained her ample chest, and a white blouse underneath. She had put her greying red hair into a bun and had included a pair of reading glasses on her nose for effect. nilüfer escort She was wearing the shoes that she knew turned me on most – a pair of brown ladies’ brogues with a two-inch wood effect cone heel and dark leather soles – with black seamed stockings on her gorgeous legs. She looked amazing.“So boy, I have received a note from Matron that you were caught erect, and in the act of self-abuse last night. Is that correct?” This was a background story we often used for why I needed to be punished. Last time Elspeth had played Matron the night before, complete with a navy-blue nurse’s uniform that she looked equally stunning in, catching me in the act. Then giving me an unforgettably long slippering with a heavy rubber-soled plimsoll while I was bent over the arm of the sofa in my schoolboy uniform. But the kids had been restless last night, and I’d unfortunately gone unspanked for a few days.“Yes, Miss Elspeth. Although I was only adjusting myself as I know that self-abuse is a disgusting habit. I did have an erection, but that wasn’t from touching myself.”“Do you really think me naive enough to believe that?” She didn’t wait for a response before continuing. “Regardless of your poor attempt at an excuse you are going to be punished, and punished hard, as this isn’t the first time you have been caught. Is it?”“No, Miss Elspeth,” I responded submissively thinking about how well she played the part of the stern headmistress despite never having worked in a school. We both knew that doing so turned her on as much as it did me.“Nor the second, or the third. In fact, I have lost count of the number of times you have been punished by Matron and myself for your disgusting habit. But you can, and will, be beaten until you learn some self-control. Is that understood, boy?”“Yes, Miss Elspeth.”“How many times did the coin drop?”“Twice, Miss Elspeth.”“Well, at least you were honest about that. So that’s two weeks of daily slipperings from Matron with her heaviest plimsoll before bedtime, starting from tonight, in addition to any other punishments you have earned.”“Thank you, Miss Elspeth.”“Good, I’m glad you have manners enough to express your gratitude to us for taking the time to correct you, although you will have plenty of time to do so in a more intimate way later. Now lift up the front of your skirt and tuck the hem into the waistband of your underwear. I want to check your knickers.”I complied immediately, knowing that she would see how hard I was from her chastisement as well as the damp patch made by my pre-cum.“You filthy-minded, disgusting, boy,” Elspeth scolded. “You were told to wear that uniform as punishment, but you seem to be aroused by it. Have you got anything to say for yourself?”“No, Miss Elspeth. I’m sorry, Miss Elspeth.”“You are not sorry at all, otherwise you would have learnt some self-control long before now. Your punishment was due to be eighteen strokes of the smoked dragon cane on your backside followed by eighteen strokes of the extra heavy tawse on the backs of your thighs, plus any extras you might earn during your punishment. It has now risen to twenty-four of each as a result of your lack of self-control.”

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