Ecstasy in Paradise Pt. 04

31 Mayıs 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Ecstasy in Paradise: Part IV: (Friday Evening)

…..Continued from Part III

They woke up at four, feeling rested and relaxed.

Michelle said, “This is only Day 1 and each of us already “came” twice. Perhaps we should slow down.”

Rick agreed, saying “Yes, sure. Also, I am hungry. Perhaps we should clean up a bit and head down to the restaurant.”

Michelle peed in the toilet and Rick did the same after she was done so that they needed to flush the toilet just once and save water.

“What is the plan for the rest of our stay here?” queried Rick.

She said, “I don’t know. When we go down to eat we can stop by the concierge and find out about the events going on. But first I needed to do something. Influenced by some of the French women, I let my armpit hair grow. I probably need to shave it if I have to be presentable especially in sleeveless or short sleeve attire.”

“OK,” he said, “Also the hair around your pussy has grown long and might show outside any short panties you may plan to wear. Actually it looks wild and exciting but it also covers up the beautiful outline of your pussy.”

Michelle said, “True. I have let it grow too long. Let me tell you what. While I shave my armpits, would you mind trimming my bush so that it looks neat?”

“That would be an honor and my pleasure,” he said.

She fetched shaving cream, razor, a comb and small pair of sewing scissors and sat down on the solid lid of the toilet toward the front and spread her legs. She handed the comb and scissors to Rick. He turned on the bright overhead light in the bathroom so that he could see her pubic mound well. It looked like a forest with the trees growing every which way. He could smell faint traces of her PLF (Pussy Lubricating Fluid) from their matinee episode which had dried on the pubic hair. As Michelle continued applying shaving cream on her armpits and guiding her pink razor closely, occasionally looking at her reflection in the mirror mounted opposite on the door, Rick started combing her pussy hair and snipping long ends. He was careful not to let the scissors venture too close to her pussy lips.

“How much do you want off?” he asked his customer.

Michelle said, “Whatever looks good for you is fine.” Rick had placed the room service menu so that the cut hair would fall on it. He did a good job with the trimming and when he was done, her pussy looked spectacular, the pussy lips adorned with about a half inch pubic hair on the outside. The Ankara escort overall appearance of her bush and pussy was that of a long, curly centipede. He put away the comb and scissors and picked up the room service menu.,

He asked, “Do you want to save the hair?”

Michelle replied, “Not me, but you can save it for keepsake, if you want.”

Rick fetched a small bottle and transferred the hair into it and capped it, then put away the room service menu. He kissed her pubic mound as well as the armpits which she had finished saving.

Michelle said, “I don’t feel like taking a shower or a bath since it takes too long, I am hungry, and we already took a full-fledged bath earlier.”

She raised her armpits and smelled it, saying, “Smells clean.”

“I know you are a clean freak, so I need to do justice here. Let me clean up the clitty litter first,” he said.

“You are funny,” she said.

Soaking a wash cloth in warm, soapy water, he ran it through her pussy cleaning the insides, the lips, its folds and the pubic mound area really well. He did it twice more so as not to leave hair bits.

He said, “Turn around so that I can get your butt too.”

Michelle obediently obliged and spread her legs so that he could more easily access her crack. After dipping in fresh soapy water, he ran the washcloth over her ass hole making sure that it went in at least an inch deep into the hole. Again, he repeated the process until he was satisfied that the clean freak Michelle’s ass and pussy were odor free. After cleaning his own dick to remove any dried residue from the escapade earlier in the day, he tossed the dirty washcloth into the bath tub saying,

“La femme de chambre can deal with it.”

They applied fresh deodorant. Michelle applied copious amounts of her favorite body lotion and started putting her make up on, a light dusting of face powder and mild application of rouge on her cheeks. She applied fresh red lipstick and dark mascara. They both brushed their teeth. Rick put on dress pants and a shirt with collar and wore his tie.

“You look smart,” Michelle said after she pulled up her white thong panties and straightening it.

She then put on a lacy white pushup bra which nicely hoisted her big breasts. She took out a floral print short sleeve wrap dress with a low cut V-neck and put it on and then smoothed it out over her body remarking,

“I am glad I shaved my legs before I left France.”

Her abundant cleavage as well Ankara escort bayan as much of her milky bosom was clearly visible when she stood up straight without even bending.

“How do I look?” she asked.

“Angelic,” replied Rick.

She truly was a stunning beauty. She then brushed her hair and squirted some organic hair spray. She then put on a simple pair of white shoes with three inch heels and took her white clutch purse, saying,


They locked their room and took the stairs down to the ground level where the restaurant was located. It was just past five in the afternoon. The sun was still way up in the horizon. The maitre d’ informed them that all they had left for seating was a table for four and no booths. They said that was fine. They were seated. Rick ordered Malbec, 2015 vintage. They started sipping their drinks and perusing the dinner menu. Michelle finally settled on ratatouille with baguette and parsley butter, while Rick decided to try lasagna with some salad on the side. While they were waiting for their order, the maitre d’ came by asking,

“Is everything fine?”

They nodded while he continued,

“I have a request. Right now all tables are occupied, but there is a couple waiting for a table. Would you two mind if I seat them here since there are two unoccupied chairs? We won’t charge you for your bottle of wine in return”

They looked at each other. Michelle shrugged her shoulders as if in defeat.

The maitre d’ brought a stunning looking couple in their mid-twenties over and seated them. The man, who was 5’10” about two inches taller than Rick introduced himself as Sven.

The woman said, “I am Tina.”

She was the same height as Michelle but with green eyes, was well tanned and wearing a Bengal hydra cover-up dress which stopped about six inches above her knees. Her lacy black bra underneath her dress was clearly visible through her dress. She appeared to be wearing a D-cup size bra hoisting her pair of breasts the tops of which were visible through the semi-transparent dress. She had on skimpy black panties which revealed itself as she crossed and uncrossed her legs frequently in order to get comfortable. She carried a small, black purse. Her armpits were well shaven and silky. Sven wore dress pants, a short sleeve shirt and a tie just like Rick but in addition had a sports jacket on. The couple had a Swedish accent.

“Welcome, I am Rick and she is Michelle,” said Rick.

“You must Escort Ankara be staying here at Le Chateâu too, no?” asked Sven.

“Yes, room 215. It is a nice suite,” said Rick.

Tina agreed, “Yes, this hotel is absolutely stunning. We are in 313, third floor. Nice view of the ocean!”

The waiter came for their drinks order. The Swedish couple ordered champagne. As though to justify their action, Tina said,

“Is our fifth wedding anniversary today. We are sort of, how do you say it, celebrating!”

“Congratulations,” chimed Michelle and Rick, continuing,

“We have known each other almost ever since we were born. We are not married officially. We live in Miami. I am a computer programmer and Michelle here is a marketing research manager.”

“Very nice,” said Sven, “We live in Stockholm. Me, I am a financial consultant and Tina here is a real estate agent. How long are you staying in St. Monique?”

Michelle said, “We leave next Wednesday. And you folks?”

Tina replied, “Monday, I think,” looking at Sven.

“What did you order to eat?” asked Sven.

Rick filled in on the details of their order.

Tina said, “I will have what Michelle is having.”

Sven perused the dinner menu and decided to go for breaded cod, boiled potatoes and a Greek salad. The waiter brought the champagne and took the order from Tina and Sven asking if it was okay to bring the food order together for all four. They agreed. Sven lifted the bottle asking Michelle and Rick if they wanted champagne. The two declined but were willing to raise their own wine glasses to toast the Swedish couple on their anniversary.

“Skål,” said Michelle and the others joined in as they sipped their drinks.

The food arrived and they ate ravenously and cleaned off their plates.

“This has been great,” said Tina, “and thank you for letting us share your table with us.”

“No worries,” said Rick.

They settled their bill.

Michelle asked, “Have the two of you been coming to St. Monique long?”

Tina replied, “For the last three years.”

Rick said, “Shall we go to the concierge to see what events are scheduled for the weekend?”

“Yes, let’s,” Sven and Tina agreed, “They keep changing the programs every year. Let’s see what they have for this year.”

They reached the concierge’s counter. They learned that the programs for the weekend included a Naughty Baking Competition (NBC), Intimate Love Making Demonstration, Masturbation Essentials, Masturbation Advanced, Pussy Shaving Workshop, Only Oral, Secret Moves, and Insertion Techniques. Tina said, “I need to go the WC,” looking at Michelle who said, “I’ll go with you.” The two left leaving the men to look at the various brochures that the concierge was handing out.

—continued in Part V

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