Does Whatever A Spider Can…

14 Mart 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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For the first time in the history of costume parties, Greg had found the perfect costume for the party at his sister’s house. It combined his absolute love of superheroes with his desire not to be tagged in any embarrassing pictures afterwards looking drunk and stupid. It was a simple, Lycra Spiderman costume he ordered off the internet the month before the party, and when it had arrived he spent a full day wandering around the house pretending to be Spiderman. He was a little bit nerdy like that, but everybody knew it.

On the night of the party he stood outside his sister’s house and pulled the tight fitting mask over his head ready to make his big entrance, but after he looked around and noticed no open windows he just went through the door like normal, only making a special effort to jump through and landing in the classic hands-out Spiderman pose to get everybody to turn around and admire his costume.

And everybody did, despite the fact that they had already done the same thing for the four other Spidermen who had also made the exact same entrance before him. As he straightened up, his sister Jennifer came up next to him.

“Nice costume.” She smirked as he pulled off the mask.

“Yeah well, at least mine looks good on me.”

He was referring to Jennifer’s Wonder Woman costume. She had the red Lycra top and blue shorts with white stars, and had even gone to the effort of finding accurate red plastic boots and a yellow tiara, which was sitting in her long brown wavy hair. To Greg the top and shorts seemed a little too tight, and try as he might he couldn’t stop staring at her breasts, which were heaving against the tight Lycra.

“Yeah well, at least I’m unique. You guys could form a crime-fighting gang.” She said sarcastically as she waved her hand towards the group of Spidermen who were standing together, watching with interest as another of their kind had leaped through the door.

The other guys pulled off their masks, and in the middle stood Joe, Jennifer’s boyfriend. She stared at him with her mouth open.

“Joe? Oh for christssakes…”

Joe grinned sheepishly, and in an effort to win back some points he wrapped his hands around Jennifer’s hips and pulled her close to kiss her.

“Don’t listen to him babe, I think you look amazing. Your boobs are fantastic in that tight top and anybody can see it. I can’t stop looking at them.” Joe pulled the top out and looked down the front. Greg rolled his eyes.

“Problem is, Wonder Woman had shortish black hair, not long and brown.” He said and grinned. Jennifer wrinkled her nose at him.

Greg laughed and went to get a drink and circulate.

There were a lot of girls at the party. Greg liked the tall honey-skinned Catwoman in the kitchen but judging by the hand that was permanently rested on her butt she appeared to be with the 1960’s style Batman standing next to her. He checked out Princess Leia and thought that he wouldn’t mind ripping the tape off of her. He wondered if anybody would get that joke if he used it later.

After a couple of drinks he talked to an exceptionally tall Hit-Girl, but found that the more he looked at her the more her long face and full bottom lip reminded him of a picture of Gene Simmons that a child with very few crayons had colored in, so he made his excuses and moved on. It was a shame because he loved the purple costume. Unfortunately the only other person there in purple was a guy dressed like Prince, and Greg didn’t swing that way, even for Prince, who he loved.

As the night wore on he made some headway with one of the three Britney Spears, but she ended up leaving arm in arm with a Wookie when Greg had gone to get drinks and got waylaid by a guy who was dressed as either a funeral director or one of the Men In Black.

All in all, by the end of the night Greg felt like the entire evening had been a bust for him, and not only that but he wasn’t even drunk, which was one of the more achievable targets he had set for himself that night.

He wandered around the house and made his way up the staircase, partly to get away from the people downstairs and partly to see if he could ‘accidentally’ walk in on any action that might be going on upstairs. Unfortunately after bursting into the bedrooms one at a time, he found nothing at all. He even tried Jennifer’s own room with no luck, and found himself watching out of the front window at the amusing spectacle of Ghandi throwing punches at a Hobbit, who then attempted to kick him as the Bee Gees dragged him away.

‘Non-violent protest my ass’ he thought to himself as he closed the blinds.

He flopped onto the bed and laid with his hands behind his head, and thought about what a blow out his night had been.

‘Oh well,’ he thought, ‘might as well just go to sleep.’

He dozed for a while and in his half-sleep he heard the front door opening and closing and the sounds of people saying goodnight to each other. He decided that he should probably go too, etiler escort but wanted five more minutes of sleep before he went. He had no sooner closed his eyes than he heard the bedroom door open, and he opened them just in time to see Wonder Woman stagger slightly across the floor and fall down face-first onto the bottom of the bed by his feet. He grinned to himself, Jennifer had never been able to hold her alcohol. She turned her head and stared at him.

“Don’t look at me like that, Spiderman, I’m not wasted, just tipsy.” And with that she laughed and pushed herself onto her side and looked at him laying on the bed.

“I had fun tonight. I was hoping for more fun, but I guess there’s plenty of time for that, right?”

Greg didn’t really understand but didn’t bother to ask for clarification, he knew from experience that the worst thing to do when confronted by a drunk Jennifer was to attempt conversation. Instead he closed his eyes and relaxed and thought about all the girls at the party who hadn’t explicitly told him to piss off and made mental notes to look for them at the next party. He felt the bed move and opened his eyes in time to see Jennifer’s hand touch his knee and stroke up between his legs to lay warm and flat on his testicles. He opened his mouth to protest and tell her Jennifer that she was about to make a terrible mistake, but she started talking first.

“I know this is a surprise, but I saw how you were looking at me and it turned me on.” She squeezed his nuts and massaged the outline of his penis through the red and blue Lycra of his Spiderman costume and he could feel it swelling slightly.

“I want to show you my appreciation, is that okay?”

Greg opened his mouth to make clear to her that he wasn’t Joe, but to his surprise he didn’t speak at all and found himself just nodding his head as she gently took his now prominent penis outline beneath her hand and rubbed her fingers over it. It stood hard and full against the thin material and he watched as Jennifer stroked her hand firmly along the length, over the rounded tip and back down over his soft balls, which she squeezed gently while shooting him a saucy smile. It felt good and he concentrated on her fingers working along his cock, but felt a little bad at the same time.

She kissed the tip of his penis, and used her teeth to gently nibble at him, working her way down the elongated mound and leaving dark blue circles where her tongue had moistened the Lycra. Then she opened her lips and placed them around the lump where his balls were and teased them through the material and licked her way along his shaft to the tip of his now hard cock where she wrapped her mouth around the head and deliberately slid her tongue all around it.

“I like that you’re keeping the mask on, it’s sexy. I like sexy…and very dirty…” She said, and crawled along his body until her face was next to his where she pressed her lips against his lips through the Spiderman mask. Greg found that he was basically horrified, but knew that if she found out that it was him now she would be angry, so he kept quiet and hoped she would get bored and leave him alone. He felt the tip of her tongue tracing a line along the outline of his mouth, then press fully against his lips and lick along them several times, making the tight mask wet against his lips.

She straddled his waist and he felt the deep groove of her ass around his cock, then as she angled her hips a little the warmth of her soft crotch pressed onto his hard cock and she began to slowly rub against it, moving in long slow strokes and he could feel the indented shape of her pussy against his cock. She tossed her head back and her long brown hair fell over her shoulders and hung around his face, and he felt it faintly brush over the mask as she moved to work his cock deeper between her warm pussy lips. He looked at the blue shorts and saw his rigid outline pressing between her legs.

“Mmmm, it feels so good. Your hard cock is right up against my clit. Does it feel nice, Spiderman?” She looked down at him as she spoke and he became terrified that she would somehow know that it was him, so he nodded and hoped she would look away. She kissed him again and he felt the moist warmth of her tongue against his lips. She broke away briefly.

“Open your mouth you goof. I wanna feel your tongue, Baby.”

As she pushed her lips against the Lycra mask, he met them and felt her open her mouth. He pressed his tongue against hers. It felt unsettlingly pleasant and he could taste the strawberry Jello shots she had been drinking. Her tongue pressed against the fabric and he followed it with his own as she moved it in slow patterns.

She sat up and pulled the Wonder Woman tiara out of her hair and tossed it to one side, then wrapped her arms around herself and began to lift the tight red Lycra top off. Greg panicked and grabbed her hands to stop her. She smiled at him.

“Ooooh, I see Baby, you wanna touch eve gelen escort me through the Lycra you naughty boy. I like naughty, I feel dirty. Do you want to get dirty with me?”

Greg’s only thought was ‘oh fuck’. She stretched her arms up over her head and pushed her breasts out, and Greg saw the gold pattern on the red top stretch slightly as her body strained against the fabric. Her nipples made circular outlines and he could see the shape and size of them clearly embossed against the Lycra.

“Touch me…”

He reached his hands up and cupped her breasts. They were soft and full, and as his hands covered them he felt her nipples press against his palms through the material. She began to move her hips faster and he felt his rock hard cock pressing between her pussy lips and suddenly became aware that she was very wet. He cupped his hands on the sides of her breasts and hoped that she was nearly finished, but unfortunately for him she wasn’t finished just yet.

As he held her boobs, she lifted the top and her pale breasts were bare in front of him. Her nipples were a light brown/pink color and were about an inch in diameter, and at this moment were frighteningly close to where Greg had placed his hands in the hope that he could keep them out of any trouble. His hopes were dashed as Jennifer grabbed his hands and placed them fully over the front of her boobs, and he had no choice but to massage them under his hands. They were hot and felt good, you know, considering. She continued to move and he felt them jiggle and sway under his hands.

Jennifer leaned forwards through his grasp and pressed them against his face.

“Suck my tits Baby. Make my nipples hard and wet.”

He mouthed at them ineffectively through the mask, and he felt a strong sense of panic as she reached down and started to lift the mask, but felt better when she only lifted it as far as the bottom of his nose. It made him feel better to know that she was getting off on him wearing the mask, because if she wanted to remove it he would be in huge trouble.

He took a deep breath and sucked a nipple into his mouth. It was soft and warm and as he ran his tongue around it and sucked gently, he felt it stiffen. He twirled the tip of his tongue around the fleshy point.

“Mmmm, suck me harder. I want it dirty. Bite me…”

He sucked a little more.


He sucked hard and she yelped a little and shocked him. He dropped the nipple and got ready to run.

“Oooohhhh yesssss, suck me Baby, suck me hard!”

He sucked the other nipple into his mouth and nibbled it with his teeth, making Jennifer moan and grab his head to pull it tight against her. He licked it messily with his tongue and then sucked it hard in his mouth while pinching her other nipple. He felt her breasts become hot under his lips and he could see they had flushed a pinkish shade, along with her chest and neck. He felt his cock become even more wet as she was grinding against him. Jennifer pulled his head back and he panicked a little again, hoping it wasn’t light enough in the room for her to recognize his mouth.

“Open wide…”

He opened his mouth as she sucked her tongue and then pushed a long line of spit out between her lips. It hung a little before dripping onto his lower lip and running into his mouth. He fought the urge to scrape his tongue on the bedsheets.

“Do I taste good?”

He reluctantly nodded and she did it again with an even larger amount. It was warm and landed on his top lip this time, then followed the edge of his mouth and down his chin.

She lifted her leg off and as he pulled his mask back down, Greg saw a huge dark wet patch around his waist area. He knew that in any other situation this would be incredibly sexy, but as he readjusted himself on the bed he could feel his sister’s wetness surrounding his cock and making his legs feel slippery against each other. Jennifer leaned over and teased his cock with her lips through the Spiderman pants and when she looked back up at him her face was wet with her own juice and she licked her lips as she smiled at him.

“I love to taste my own juice. Do you want to taste it too?”

He thought ‘no’, but he nodded at the same time, afraid of upsetting her and causing an argument the might expose him. She leaned over again and sucked the blue fabric in several places, then pulled his mask up a tiny amount and pressed her warm wet lips against his, then pushed the contents of her mouth into his using her tongue. Greg didn’t think it tasted bad at all and he felt it lining his mouth as he licked the insides of his cheeks.

She sucked his tongue into her mouth and as she kissed him, her hand slipped into the top of his pants and she stroked his stiff cock under the Lycra. He could hear her hand squelching as her own juice lubricated her hand, and he felt the waist band of the pants get slipped down and she rubbed his exposed cock in long strokes.

Jennifer fatih escort looked down at his cock and was smiling as she moved her hand rapidly along the length and causing his balls to lift and fall as she moved.

“You want me to suck it Baby? To wrap my lips around it and suck you into my hot mouth?”

Without waiting for the answer she moved down his body and licked along the bare shaft of his hard cock. Her tongue was hot and soft and he thought it actually felt nice as she ran it over his balls and sucked one into her mouth and cupped it with her warm tongue, then she nibbled the underside of his cock with her teeth, causing him to arch his back and have to fight an intense moan. Jennifer giggled and carried on as he squirmed under her lips. She sucked on the tip of his cock, her lips splayed and her tongue licked over the end, sending drops of her spit running down the shaft. Then she sucked it slowly and gently into her mouth and he could feel her tongue working it all over inside. It was probably the best blow job he had ever had, and he already had to fight the orgasm off as her head bobbed and his cock strained against her cheeks.

Jennifer’s hand moved between her own legs as she sucked, and Greg saw flashes of Wonder Woman blue as it worked frantically back and forth, and he felt the vibrations of her moans travel along his cock and up his spine. He desperately fought to hang on, holding onto the logic that if he didn’t cum then what he was doing wasn’t as bad.

Jennifer rolled over and he took a calming breath. She pushed both hands into her shorts and was rubbing rapidly between her legs.

“Touch me. Rub my hot pussy. I want to feel your strong fingers inside me.”

She lifted her legs and slipped off the blue shorts, then pushed them under his mask. They were soaked with her juice and he could smell her even after pulling them out, as the juice was smeared all over his lips and face. He looked between her legs. Her pussy was red and extremely wet, and the wide strip of tidy brown pubic hair was stuck down against her her skin, except for one edge which stood up, ruffled from her hand as she stroked herself.

Greg had to admit to himself that she looked good as she laid there masturbating, naked except for her red Wonder Woman boots. Watching women masturbate was his thing and he liked to imagine most of the girls he ever met doing it, sans the boots obviously, but at this point he liked that she was still wearing them, for some reason he thought it was much sexier that she didn’t take them off. Of course, he had never really expected to be watching his sister masturbate, he had never really thought about her like that. His cousins yes, but they were blond twins and it would be inhuman to not think about that.

Jennifer pushed her finger deep inside herself, then held out her hand to him. Greg could see that it was wet and had a small bead running slowly along it and down onto her wrist.

“Suck it Baby. I want you to taste my juice.”

He did. As he opened his mouth she pushed her finger all the way inside and he closed his lips around it and gently sucked her finger, licking the juice off with his tongue. It didn’t taste bad at all. She took his hand and trailed it down over her breasts and stomach and between her legs, and she closed her legs around his hand.

“Rub me hard.”

He pressed against her hot pussy and began to slide it up and down. She was very wet and her skin felt soft and slippery under his palm. As he stroked faster she opened her legs a little and he was able to see that her skin blushed red and surrounded his fingers as he moved them around in wide circles, the tips disappearing into her wet folds before reappearing again.

“Push your fingers inside me.”

He did, her pussy was hot and slippery and his middle finger slipped into her easily so he added another finger. He felt her squeeze the fingers as he slipped them in and out, and his hand became soaked with her juice. She reached out and grabbed his cock and stroked him as he pressed his hand against her pussy.

“I want you to fuck my mouth with your big hard cock.”

He pulled the Spiderman pants off and lifted his leg over her head, then delicately lowered his balls on her face. They sat against her nose and his cock rested against her closed lips. He started to rub against her face and it felt amazing to feel the firm ridge of her nose digging into his fleshy testicles, and it was especially great when she opened her mouth and sucked the underside of his cock as he stroked against her lips. She moaned and he could feel it, and he started to rub her clit with his hand again to make her moan more.

Jennifer pulled his cock down and he angled his hips, then placed the tip between her lips and slowly pushed inside her mouth. He felt her tongue licking him as he slipped into her hot, wet mouth, and she reached up and grabbed his hips to pull him deeper in and move him faster. He leaned forward, lifted the bottom of the mask up and pressed his tongue against her pussy, the flushing red skin felt hotter than her mouth did and tasted faintly of pepper. He took a long, deep lick, feeling his tongue slipping between her lips and into her pussy where he thought she tasted the best.

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