DJ Pt. 29

17 Eylül 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Note: All sexually involved characters in this story are Eighteen years of age or older. There is a young, gay boy, 15 year old Fernando, who’s father has kicked him out (which happens way to often in real life) and CPS (Child Protective Services) place him with foster parents, a married straight couple. There is no direct, or implied, sexual activity between Fernando and any other character in this story.

In Part 29

Jamie lays a heavy decision on Anthony & Maria

M&M share dinner with Matt’s Mom

Rusty and Jamal share the yardwork at Jamal’s

Fernando almost gets raped in Juvie Hall

DJ Part 29

DJ had his alarm set for 8:00 AM on Tuesday morning, the 13th of February, as he needed to be at work at 10:00 AM. Jamie got up with him, as he needed to go in early to talk with Anthony and Maria, but he was not scheduled to work until 4:00 PM.

DJ, sipping his first cup of coffee, “It seems funny, seeing you up this early on a Tuesday morning. What do you think Anthony and Maria will say?”

“I don’t know, baby, I’m certain that they’ve never had any kids, but I don’t know if it’s by choice or chance. I’m hoping that they might like the idea of having a foster son around. It’s not like having a baby to take care of, and Fernando is old enough to even help them in the pizzeria.”

DJ cooked them both some breakfast, and Jamie left right after they ate, as he wanted to be at the pizzeria when Anthony and Maria arrived. DJ didn’t plan to leave until about 9:30. When Anthony and Maria arrived at the pizzeria, about 9:20 AM, Jamie was standing at the door.

“Jamie,” Anthony asked, “why are you here this early, is something wrong?”

“I hope not,” Jamie replied,” I wanted to discuss something of a personal nature, with both of you, before there were customers around. Can we go inside?” Anthony unlocked the door and the three of them entered, locking the door behind them.

“Okay, Jamie, what’s this all about? I hope we can talk while we start our prep work.”

“Sure,” Jamie said, then asked, “have you and Maria ever had any children?”

“No, Jamie, but it’s not by choice,” Anthony replied, “Jamie, please don’t publicize this, but my semen is no good, I can’t make babies, that’s why we’ve never had any children. Can I ask where this is going?” Anthonys’ eyes are a little wet.

“There is a young Argentine boy, his name is Fernando, and he just turned Fifteen, and he needs a foster home, really bad. I was hoping that you and Maria might consider becoming foster parents to him,” Jamie stated.

“How does that work?” Anthony asked.

“I’m not sure of all the details,” Jamie explained, “but you would take him into your home, like parents, and the state would pay you to care for him. It would be a lot like having your own son living with you.”

“So where is this boy living now?” Maria asked.

“He’s under the care of CPS, and they’re holding him in Juvie Hall, until they can find a foster home for him,” Jamie explained.

“So, I would guess that he committed some type of a crime?” Anthony asked.

“Not at all,” Jamie said, “It’s kind of complicated, I think I need to tell you the whole story.”

While Maria and Anthony (and Jamie) worked on the prep, Jamie explained the whole story.

“Jamie,” Anthony stated, “taking a teenager into our home, would be a major undertaking for us, and probably turn our lives upside down. It’s not something we can give you a quick yes or no answer to, we have a lot to consider, and discuss.”

“We have the room,” Maria said, “we have two spare bedrooms, so giving Fernando his own room is not a problem, and for us, the issue that he is gay, is not a concern, I think you would know that. How soon do you need an answer?”

“The sooner the better,” Jamie replied, “I’m not comfortable with him being confined with a bunch of teenage thugs in Juvie Hall, I fear for his safety. I hope he’s been discreet about his sexuality.”

“Jamie, I can’t say we’ll do it, and I can’t say we won’t. Maria and I will give this some serious consideration, and we’ll try to have an answer for you by the time you come in to work this afternoon.”

“That’s all I can ask,” Jamie said, “see you at 4:00.” Jamie then headed home.

Joe and I had risen and were just on our 2nd cups of coffee when Jamie returned to the house and came in the back door.

Good morning, Jamie,” I said, “you’ve been out early today.”

“Good morning, Dad’s,” Jamie said, giving us both hugs, “I needed to have a talk with Anthony and Maria, before they had customers coming in.”

“I hope nothing is wrong,” I said.

“Well, there is something wrong,” Jamie responded, “but not with DJ or me. I’ll tell you about what is going on, after I get another glass of juice.”

Jamie sat down and told Joe and me the whole story, including the talk that he’d had with Anthony and Maria. It was easy to see that Jamie was highly concerned about Fernando.

“What’s Fernando like?” I asked.

“I’ve never met bursa escort him, but I’ve seen his picture, he’s one of those cute boys that makes you want to grab him and hug the shit out of him!” Jamie exclaimed. Joe and I grinned, having felt that emotion before.

Joe, concerned, “Juvie Hall is not the greatest place for a cute gay guy, I hope nothing happens to him, and he gets out of there soon. At Fifteen, the kid is probably still a virgin. God, I hate it when parents can’t accept their gay kids!”

“I need to call Chuck, and give him an update,” Jamie stated.

Jamie placed the call and told Chuck he’d talked to Anthony and Maria, and they were considering being foster parents to Fernando, and are supposed to give him an answer when he went in to work at 4:00 PM. Chuck told him there had been no changes on that end, and he and Serena hoped that the answer from Anthony was positive.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

About 8:30 AM on that same Tuesday morning, Grandpa knocked loudly on Rusty’s bedroom door and announced that breakfast was nearly ready. A signal for the boys to get their bottoms covered and make an appearance. Typically, in this household, the male residents just wore underwear to the table for breakfast, although Grandma had on a housedress.

Grandma was old school, evidently enjoyed cooking for her family, and her breakfasts were like a farmer’s breakfast. She baked homemade biscuits nearly every morning, unless she made pancakes. This morning’s faire was Fried Ham and Eggs, Home Fries, biscuits of course, with Redeye Gravy, and orange juice. Unlike Jamal was used to, Rusty’s grandparents did not say grace before most meals.

Jamal, as the boys dug in, “I think I could get used to eating like this, breakfast at my house is usually a bowl of cold cereal, and maybe a couple of Pop Tarts.”

“You young guys need more nourishment than that,” Grandpa said, “if you’re going to have enough energy to make it through the day, most young people today don’t know how to eat properly, filling up on fast food and junk food.”

“You’re probably right, Grandpa,” Jamal replied, “I think most people’s lives are so busy that they just don’t have the time to cook.”

“Jamal,” Grandma stated, “you make the time, turn off the TV earlier, go to bed a little earlier, get up earlier, and ‘Bang!’, you just found the time to cook a decent breakfast!”

“I never thought of it that way,” Jamal commented. Grandma leaned over and whispered something into Rusty’s ear.

Rusty, whispering into Jamal’s ear, “Baby, I’ve been informed that we are both exposed.”

Both boys looked down at each other and themselves and realized they both had an inch or so of their pricks poking out of the cuffs of their boxers. They both adjusted their penises, and both had blushed faces. Grandpa was watching this exchange and grinned.

“What are your plans for today, boys?” Grandpa inquired.

“Probably knock our homework out this morning,” Rusty said, “and then we’re expected at Jamal’s Mom’s house for lunch about noonish. This afternoon, we’re going to do their yard, have dinner with his parents, and spend the night, and then head to school from there in the morning.”

“Do you sleep together there?” Grandpa asked.

“We haven’t, yet,” Rusty replied, “but Jamal’s father said that he was certain that Jamal would be willing to share his bed with me, so I guess it’s cool.”

“It’s that time of year again,” Grandpa suggested, “maybe you guys can take the tarp off the pool, and get it ready for swimming, after you get home from school on Wednesday.”

Rusty, both boys glancing at each other, “Sure Grandpa, we’d be glad to.” Jamal nodded, and smiled, wondering how soon he might be able to skinny dip with his boyfriend.

After the boys completed their homework, they headed into Rusty’s bedroom, to get dressed, and Rusty packed a zipper bag with a change of clothes to wear to school tomorrow, including his ‘good’ sneakers. He dressed in a pair of old jeans, and put on an old T-shirt, and his old sneakers, dressing suitably for doing yard work.

“Jamal,” Rusty commented, “have you ever worn another type of underwear, other than boxers?”

“Not since I was a little kid, and Mama always bought me those tidy white briefs,” Jamal replied, “why?”

“I’m thinking,” Rusty said, “that maybe something like boxer-briefs might offer more—support, especially when guys are hung—like we are.”

“I’m just kinda used to my cock hanging down in my pants leg, but I always wear rather baggy pants. I’ve wanted some skinny jeans, and I tried some on once, but the bulge in the pants leg was just too noticeable, so I didn’t buy them. Maybe with boxer-briefs, I could wear them comfortably.”

“I think we should try them,” Rusty said, “we should wear the same size, I’d be willing to spring for four-pack, or even a six-pack, and we could try them out. If we like them, we could buy some more.”

“I’m game, baby,” Jamal replied, “I’m kinda wondering what it would görükle escort be like, pulling the snake out through the fly, when we have to pee, and even worse, pushing it back afterwards.”

“Rusty, laughing, “Let’s get some at Target, on our way to your house, and we can try them after we shower today, we’re in this together, baby.”

“I think you know by now,” Jamal said, smiling, “I’ll do most anything together with you, as long as it’s not illegal! If you decide to rob a bank, you’re on your own.” Rusty smiled.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

It was 1:00 PM on Tuesday afternoon, Matt and his Mom, Annie, had just finished lunch and were sitting at the table, chatting. Dinner was planned for about 6:00 PM that evening, and Annie was trying to pick Matt’s brain, as to what Marie would eat.

“I know she doesn’t eat pork,” Matt stated, “Friday night we ordered a half and half pizza, meats on my half, and beef, chicken and mushrooms on hers.”

“Honey,” Annie queried, “Marie does know that you are not all male, doesn’t she?”

“Of course, Mom, there’s no way I would date a girl, without being truthful as to my sexuality, and she is very accepting, as to my status. Marie likes me for who I am, not what I am, can I ask you a kind of personal question?”

“Sure, Matt, and I’ll try to answer it, if I can,” Annie said.

“I know it’s been a while, for you,” Matt asked, “but, like when you and Dad were dating, did you guys kiss and make out?”

“Sure, we did, Matt, why do you ask?”

“I just kinda wondered,” Matt asked, sheepishly, “did you get wet, down there?”

Annie, laughing, “I think it’s quite normal, when couples make out, the boys get hard, and the girls get wet, did Marie get wet?”

“I don’t know, but I did!” Matt exclaimed, “I was afraid, after not having a period for three months, that I was having another period. I couldn’t wait to get home and check myself, but it wasn’t red, it was just wet.”

“Honey, I think you just got aroused,” Annie replied, smiling, “If you had that penis, you probably would have grown an erection, and I’m betting that Marie was wet too. What time are you planning to pick Marie up tonight?”

“If dinner is at 6:00 PM, I’m thinking about 5:00,” Matt said.

“Just a suggestion, why don’t you see if she can be ready earlier, and that way I can get to know her a little, and we can share some ‘Girl Talk’ while I’m cooking dinner.”

“Let me call her,” Matt said.

Matt made the call, and Marie said she needed about 45 minutes to get ready. Annie said that would be great, and she would like Matt to bring her home about 3:00 PM, if it was OK with Marie, and Marie said she could be ready by then. Annie is excited to meet Matt’s first girlfriend.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Jamal and Rusty left Rusty’s house about 11:15 AM and headed to Target. They agreed on a six-pack of colored boxer-briefs and Rusty paid for them with his debit card. They then arrived at Jamal’s parent’s house at just about noon, and Rusty followed Jamal in through the front door.

“MAMA!” Jamal hollered, “We’re here.” Rusty followed Jamal into the kitchen, where Mama was just placing some chicken salad sandwiches on three plates.

“Do you guys want milk, water or iced tea?” Mama asked.

Both boys said that milk was preferred. Mama poured 2 glasses of the white liquid, and a glass of iced tea for herself. Jamal carried the glasses to the table, placing the milk at two seats on one side of the table and the iced tea across on the other side. Mama brought in the two plates of two sandwiches each, and placed them in front of the milk glasses, and then got the third plate, with just one sandwich, and set it down by the glass of iced tea. They all sat down.

“Jamal,” Mama asked, “would you please say grace?”

The two boys held hands and reached across the table and each took one of Mama’s hands in theirs. They all bowed heads.

“Heavenly Father,” Jamal prayed, “Please bless this food, and the one who has prepared it, for us to enjoy. Dear God, I want to thank you for bringing Rusty and me together, to get to know and love each other. I especially want to thank you Lord, for blessing both of us with loving and understanding families. We ask this in the name of your loving Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.”

Rose and Rusty echoed the ‘Amen’ and Rusty performed the sign of the crucifix.

Rose, grabbing a napkin and blotting the tears from her eyes, “Son, that was beautiful, I’m certain that God is smiling upon you two, Rusty, are you Catholic?”

“Mom, I don’t really know if I’m anything right now,” Rusty replied, “typically Irish, I was raised Catholic, but I haven’t been to Mass in quite a while.”

“Rusty, you are aware that Pastor John has sent a message that you are welcome to come to our church with Jamal?”

“Yeah, Jamal’s father told me that on Saturday night, before we left,” Rusty answered, “I’m still considering it.”

“It’s an open invitation, Rusty, please bursa escort bayan think about coming to our church with us this Sunday,” Rose said, “I know you will like Pastor John.”

“I’d probably have to buy a new suit,” Rusty said, “I don’t think my old one would fit me anymore.”

“Rusty,” Rose said, “our church isn’t like that, casual attire is acceptable, you won’t feel out of place, wearing jeans and a sport shirt, and that’s what most of the male parishioners usually wear, especially the younger men.”

“I’ll give it some serious consideration, Mom, and let you know,” Rusty commented, “lunch was great, thanks. Baby, are you about ready to get started on the yard?”

“Yeah,” Jamal said, “let’s go to my room so I can change into some work clothes.”

Jamal led Rusty to his room and closed the door. No sooner than they entered the room, the two boys fell into each other’s arms, sharing a loving hug and romantic kiss. Jamal then changed into an old, but clean, T-shirt and jeans, then put on a pair of old, grass stained, sneakers.

When the boys went outside to start the yard work, they decided to swap jobs between the front and back yards. Jamal will weed eat the back yard while Rusty mows and then Jamal will mow the front yard while Rusty does the trimming. Every time they were close to each other, they smiled at each other. Rusty was right, they actually were having fun, sharing this work together.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

About 3:00 PM Matt pulled into his driveway with Marie, parked, and escorted Marie to the front door, and they entered the house. Matt then took Marie to the kitchen, where his Mom was preparing to place a chicken into the oven to roast.

“Mom,” Matt announced, “I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Marie Walsh, and Marie, this is my Mom, Annie Gill.” Marie loves it when Matt refers to her as his ‘girlfriend,’ and Matt is also her first boyfriend.

“Hold on a second, honey,” Annie stated, “let me wash this chicken juice off my hands, so I can give you a proper hug.” Annie washed and dried her hands.

Annie, wrapping her arms affectionately around Marie, “Matt has told me so much about you, and I very happy to finally meet you, I hope you feel comfortable in our home. Matt told me you don’t eat pork, I hope you like roasted chicken.”

“I actually like most foods,” Marie responded, “and roast chicken is my favorite kind of chicken, it’s much tastier than fried chicken, and not nearly as greasy. I think the flavor of the breading on fried chicken overpowers the taste of the chicken.”

“Do you like broccoli?” Annie asked.

“I think I like nearly all vegetables, Mrs. Gill, and broccoli is my second favorite, next to asparagus,” Marie said.

“Marie, can you just call me ‘Annie’, Mrs. Gill makes me feel old, and if I’d known your favorite was asparagus, I would have bought some.”

“Broccoli is fine, maybe we can have asparagus next time,” Marie said, “If there is a next time.”

“Marie, just how much has Matt told you, about his situation?” Annie asked, “and how do you really feel about him?”

“If you’re referring to his transitioning,” Marie responded, “I think Matt has been very open and honest with me. I’m aware that he has a long, hard road in front of him, and I can handle that. I feel very comfortable with and around Matt, and I enjoy every minute that we spend together, and I care enough about Matt that I’m pleased to call him my boyfriend.”

“Marie,” Annie commented, “do you realize, that even after all the surgery, Matt may never be able to perform sex like a normal man, or be able to father children?”

“Annie,” Marie countered, “do you realize that sex is over rated, real love comes from the heart, and not the genitals, and I’ve got a heart full of love, and it’s all for Matt! If we continue down this path, and eventually marry, adoption agencies can supply us with children.”

“Do your parents know,” Annie asked, “that you’re dating a trans boy?”

“Not yet,” Marie replied, “I’ve seen no reason to tell them, and I can tell that my Dad really likes him, Matt impressed him, the first night Matt came to our house to pick me up. I suppose they’re eventually going to need to know, but I’m not anxious to share that information with them.”

Matt stood up and walked behind Marie and placed his arms around her neck.

“Marie,” Matt said, “I’m glad I overheard that conversation, I was afraid you’d want to dump me, knowing that we probably couldn’t have sex.”

“MATT!” Marie blurted, “I hope you don’t think I’m that kind of girl.” Then, her voice softening, “Matt, that hurt, I don’t think you understand me, I could care less about sexual activity, I’m loving you for the man you are, and I want to be with you. (tears are sliding down Marie’s cheeks)

Matt, hugging Marie from the back, “Baby, I’m sorry, the last thing I would ever want to do is hurt you, I care too much for you to hurt you. I’ve just got so many changes ahead of me to go through, it’s going to be a long hard road.”

“I know, Matt,” Marie said, “I want to be by your side, and travel that road with you. When you come out of your surgeries, I want to be there, holding your hand, and comforting you.”

“You really like Matt a lot,” Annie stated, “don’t you?”

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