Diane to Sam

28 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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[This is a story about how two people come together with the intention of staying together. There is a little nudity, a little oral sex and the shortest segment of coitus in any of my stories. There are hints of Domination/submission, hints of non-consent, but the story really belongs in Erotic Couplings. Trust me? Your comments are welcome.]


Why she married him, I could never fathom. Of course he had everything. He was good looking, had his own business that allowed him to drive a new Mercedes every year, live in a house right on the beach in Malibu, and fly off for short vacations about once a month. He treated her like she was entitled to be the very high maintenance woman she had become. But why him? She looked like she belonged in my dreams not his life.

She is tall, almost six foot tall. Natural blond, athletic build, medium sized breasts and legs that seem to go on for days. When she walks in heels and a tight skirt she could get the statue of David hard. Erect. He’s already hard.

She has eyes that look into people. Even in a casual social situation if she looks at you she is focused on you and everyone and everything else disappears.

I have a business as well. I am one of his competitors. I do things a bit differently than he does and therefore I have not made quite as much money for myself as he has. He cheats. Until a year ago I didn’t know how he did it. When I was approached by a third party who was in on it I was able to avoid becoming involved.

Checking on things I discovered that he, Dilan McGreggor, was being used by a crime family to launder money. It took months to discover how it was being done. I went to the feds with what I knew. They knew part of what I knew and they knew lots that I will never know.

Back to her. When I met her she was on his arm at a fund raiser for AIDS. The dress she wore said, “Look at me! I am beautiful and under this dress I’m not wearing anything. I want you to want me.” Her breasts were not plastic. They moved too freely for that. He was like the owner of a show dog who was walking his dog through the neighborhood. He wanted her seen because she belonged to him.

Three months later I saw her again at their wedding. It was at his house. Her white dress was more sequins than cloth and I wondered if there was some glue holding the flimsy cloth covering her breasts. During the reception we danced. She talked with me and I discovered she loved his money, the attention and the lifestyle. What she didn’t like was that he didn’t know she was smart.

Over the next six months I had occasion to speak with her a few more times, at social occasions, fund raisers, a dinner to honor the mayor.

On the fifth of October I attended a meeting with the feds. They asked if I knew anything about a business deal that McGreggor was involved in. I didn’t. From the things I heard I knew McGreggor and his empire were about to be taken down. I also discovered that it would happen while McGreggor and wife were in Las Vegas. The search warrants would be served to his lawyer and all his assets seized before the feds knocked on his suite door in Las Vegas.

I went to Las Vegas and booked into the hotel across the street from the one where they stayed. On the day that the feds were coming I went to the casino of the hotel where they were staying. My guy told me that from eleven until three each day McGreggor stayed in his suite and his wife sat in the casino gambling. No big bets. No excitement. She checked her watch often enough that it was clear she was just killing time until he was available.

I took a seat next to her at the black jack table. She remembered me. We talked and soon I invited her to have lunch with me. We walked to the restaurant and over lunch we talked. I asked questions about McGreggor’s business. She knew nothing except he was doing well and worked a lot. Even when they were on vacation he had meetings every day.

“I’m going to tell you something and make you an offer. You can’t do anything about what I’m going to tell you because it has already started. You can do something with the offer I’m going to make.”

“Talk to me.”

“As we speak the government is seizing everything your husband owns except the clothes you have on. Everything. By four this afternoon you won’t even have a room to stay in tonight.”

“That can’t be!”

“Then this is just an interesting story. If it doesn’t happen, we just wasted an hour of your day that you were wasting anyway. If I’m telling the truth then your life with McGreggor is over. He will sleep in a federal detention center tonight. You will be on the streets. No money except the chips in your purse. No credit cards that work, no car, no change of clothes.”

“You’re scaring me.”

“Good. Sometimes the truth is scary. Now, to the offer. When you discover that my story is, in fact, what’s happening, you have some decisions to make. You can call everyone you know and ask for a loan or a gift. None of your friends Escort bayan will come anywhere near you. Your husband is associated with the mob. Guilt by association will have all of them running away from you.

The other choice is to come across the street to suite 1126. My suite. I will let you in and I will help you. Before you decide to come to me you need to know the rules.”

“The rules?”

“Yes. Here they are. You will be given a contract to sign giving me the right to everything you own now or may ever own. You will sign papers filing for divorce from McGreggor. You will move into my life and live as my wife for the rest of your life. Beginning today you will work for me and if you are as smart as I believe you are our business will dominate the field within two years. You will no longer be the pampered trophy wife but the powerful, respected woman of commerce that you can be. It will cost you. I am a dominant man. Disobey me and I will punish you. Fuck anyone except me unless I ask you to and you will find yourself back on the street penniless and with the bonus of a reputation as a thief.”

“If I knock on your door I am your slave. A well kept, hard working, well fed, well dressed slave.”

“Yes!” I took three five-hundred dollar chips from my pocket and handed them to her. She took them and then looked at me.

“You may need a little money between now and decision time. Those ought to take care of you until then. Do not keep them in your purse. In your bra would be a better place. If I guess correctly the feds will take everything from you except the clothes you have on and your driver’s license. By the way, I’m having dinner for two delivered to my suite at eight. Then we are going shopping. You will need more clothes than the one’s you have on.”

When she stood, I stood, and watched her walk away. She didn’t say anything.

I looked at my watch. I had about three hours until she knocked at my door. If I guessed correctly she was headed upstairs to see if my story was correct. I headed for the exit and back to my hotel. I saw two men in gray suits approach her near the elevators. They showed her their identification and she looked around to see if I was standing there. She didn’t see me. The look on her face was terror.

In my suite I relaxed, watched a little TV news and waited. On the six O’clock news they announced that an arrest had been made in Las Vegas of five people involved in a money laundry scheme while property was seized in Los Angeles, Denver and Chicago. No names were given.

At seven there was a knock on my door. I opened the door and she was standing there in the hallway. Over her arm were her blouse, bra, pants and panties. All she had on were her shoes. She had been crying.

She handed me her wardrobe and entered my suite. I didn’t speak. I watched. She walked to the table where the papers were stacked. She picked up the pen and signed at every red “X” and then she put the pen down.

She turned back to me and said, “My life is over. You were right. I lost everything. They wouldn’t even let me take my purse. My driver’s license and your chips are in the pocket of the pants you have in your hands. I signed your papers. I am yours from this moment on.” That said she began to cry again. I put her clothes on the bed and held her as she cried.

I wanted to hold her ass. I wanted to console her by bending her over and slamming my cock into her delicious body. I didn’t. I held her in a hug that would best be described as caring but nothing sexual.

She cried for quite a few minutes. When I felt her getting control I reached for some tissues and gave them to her. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose. She looked into me and asked, “So, what’s next?”

“I want you to tell me why you were standing in the hallway nude.”

“I guess it was the best symbolic way I could think of to surrender. I have no privacy, no wealth, no marriage, nothing. Someone with nothing shouldn’t try to hide anything.”

“If I ever hear you say that again I will punish you. You have lost things. You are of more value than any or all of those things. If you weren’t worth the investment I wouldn’t make the investment.”

“Is that what I am, an investment?”

“Yes. One hundred percent. I am investing my entire life in your life. You signed papers that are, in fact, a marriage agreement. I promise in legal terms to take care of you, love you, respect you, listen to you, partner with you in everything for the rest of my life! That, sweet lady, is an investment.”


“Please get dressed. Our dinner will be here soon.”

“You don’t want to claim my pussy first?”

“You are my wife. I will have sex with you, and often. Anytime that pleases me. To turn me down is to request punishment. I will not rape you. The first time we join will be at your request. Today has already been quite emotional for you. Making you spread your legs for me would be an insult.”

“Thank you.” She dressed. When she Bayan escort was dressed she handed me her license and the three chips. “I don’t need the chips, I have you. I don’t need the license, I don’t have a car.”

I put the license in my wallet and the chips in my pocket. She used the bathroom and our dinners arrived. She ate and she told me about the hours between our conversation and knocking on my door. She sobbed a few times in the telling. When the story was told and dinner eaten we parked the cart of dirty dishes in the hall and left our suite.

We took the elevator to the shopping mall within the hotel complex. Two hours later she had three suitcases and enough clothes to fill all three. They were not the clothes she was used to. In her previous life she was a trophy. Now she was a business woman and the partner of a businessman.

Back in our room at eleven o’clock or so she hung up the clothes that hung and put the rest in drawers. She was stalling. In our suite there was one bed. I had not bought a nightgown or pajamas.

“Have you noticed I have not once referred to you by using your name?”

“Yes. I noticed.”

“The name you had yesterday was a name for who you were then. You aren’t her any longer. If you’d like we can get your hair cut, styled, colored and whatever you like to have you look in the mirror and see you, not Mrs. McGreggor. I would like it if you would change your name. We will change your last name if we ever formally get married. I’d like you to think about what name you would like to be called from now on.”

“Before I moved to California I had another name. I liked it. Dilan wanted me to be called Diane McGreggor. I changed my name to please him.”

“What do you want to be called by me and everyone who meets you from now on?”

“Sam Peterson.”

“Peterson was your name before you met McGreggor?”

“No. It’s your name. If I’m with you, living with you, then I need to be Peterson. A woman who goes by Sam is strong. People will assume her name is Samantha and that she has the balls to be Sam.”

“Sam it is. I notice it is taking you a long time to put things away. I think I can speed the process. I’m going to bed. I sleep nude and so do you. I want you in the bed with me and I promise you this; I am not going to force myself on you. When you want to join with me, say so.”

“You want me naked in your bed and you won’t fuck me?”

“Please understand, I want to have sex with you. I will probably fall asleep with an erection because I think you are beautiful but I am an adult. I want to eat you, kiss your neck, chest, face and other parts. I will not until I am invited. I can take what I want. That lessens the value of it. When you give yourself to me, truly give yourself to me, I will be the happiest man you will ever know.”

I went into the bathroom and showered and shaved. When I was dry I came out and climbed into bed. Sam went into the bathroom and closed the door. I waited a few seconds and called out, “Sam.”

She opened the door. “If you shower, please shave your pussy. All of it.” She looked at me for almost half a minute without saying anything. She closed the door and a few minutes later I heard the shower start. Her bedside light was the only light on in the bedroom when she came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel.

She sat on the far side of the bed and shut off the light. She slid into the bed and got comfortable. I waited until her breathing slowed and she seemed relaxed and then I said, “Good-night, Sam. I love you.”

I said it loud enough I knew she heard me and soft enough that it qualified as a whisper. I closed my eyes and in a few minutes I was asleep.

In the morning I awoke to sunshine. I opened my eyes and noticed Sam wasn’t in bed. My first thought was that maybe she bolted. My second thought was that she wouldn’t, she had no where to go.

I sat up and turned to get out of bed. Sam was sitting looking at me from a chair. I smiled.

“Good morning, Sam. How did you sleep?”

“Not good. I kept waking up thinking about losing everything. I kept waking up and thinking about the mess I’m in.”

“You’ll soon see that you aren’t in a mess. Mr. McGreggor is in a mess and he won’t be out of the mess for about twenty to life. You aren’t even Mrs. McGreggor for long. Legally we can’t change you name until after the divorce. The divorce will take six weeks to establish residence and a month after that you can officially be Sam Peterson.”

“I had a thought last night. A reporter took my picture as Dilan was led from the hotel. I will be hounded from now on. Changing my name is not enough.”

“Pick up the phone, call the concierge. Have someone from the salon downstairs come up and cut, style and color your hair. Do not ask what it will cost. Do ask how soon they can be here. Then, please call room service and get us some breakfast. I’d like a Denver omelet, wheat toast and coffee, black. Get whatever you want.”

She picked Escort up the phone and did exactly as I asked. I smiled and went into the bathroom. I shaved and did the other things on my morning ritual. When I came out of the bathroom I brought her a robe. I dressed in casual clothes. The knock came on the door.

Sam looked up and I said, “Answer it. Sign for the food and give a nice tip.”

“I’m in a robe.”

“Don’t show them your tits.”

She got up and opened the door. A young man wheeled a cart in and she signed the slip carefully. When he was gone I asked, “What did you sign?”

“Mrs. S. Peterson.”

“Good for you. This transition may be easier than I thought.”

We sat and had breakfast. She had only fruit, toast and a small glass of apple juice. I wheeled the empty cart back out in the hallway. I saw a woman pushing another cart towards our room. She was not from housekeeping. I held the door open for her and said, “Sweetheart, the lady from the salon is here. I will adjourn to the casino for a couple hours.”

Sam looked at me and said, “How short? What color?”

I looked at the stylist and said, “She is already beautiful. Change her hair, change the color so she is still beautiful. Not flashy, not a hooker, a beautiful powerful woman. Her hair needs to be easy to care for. Is two hours enough?”

The woman looked at Sam and said, “I can do this. May I have three hours?”

“What will three hours cost?” I asked.

“Three hundred and fifty dollars.”

“I have two five hundred dollar chips in my pocket. When I come back in three hours and like what you have done they are both yours.” She smiled and I closed the door with me outside in the hallway.

Three hours passed quickly. I watched a TV news channel talk about Mr. McGreggor and four other men being indicted in Los Vegas, Chicago and two other cities. They showed old footage of McGreggor’s home in California, the front of his business building in Westwood and a five second shot of him leaving the hotel. In that five second shot Diane McGreggor was seen for two seconds and identified as Diane McGreggor.

I sat at a blackjack table for a while and walked away with ten thousand more than I sat down with.

When the three hours were almost gone I used the elevator to get back to our room. I opened the door and smiled. Sam was beautiful. Her hair was brown with red highlights and instead of a little longer than shoulder length it was about the same length as mine. It was curly and looked like she had taken a ride in a convertible with the top down. It looked fun and strong. No. She looked fun and strong.

“Sam, what do you think?”

“I love it! Consuela showed me how to take care of it easily and I love how it looks!”

“I do too. Give me the bill Consuela.”

I put the three hundred fifty on our room and handed her the two chips, as promised.

“A thousand dollar tip?” Consuela asked.

“You did just as I asked. Please do not tell the salon manager what I gave you. I know some managers want a cut of all the tips.”

“Yes. He will ask what you gave me.”

From my wallet I pulled out a hundred dollar bill. I handed it to her and said, “When he asks show him this. He will be happy to take his cut from this.”

“He will say you are cheap. He says the tip should be half of the bill. I don’t care. Thank you both.” She pushed her cart out to the hallway, slipping the three chips into her bra as she did.

“Why are you so generous? You just spent fifteen hundred dollars on my hair!”

“If she recognized you, she will probably keep that information to herself. She will feel a bit protective of you. If she didn’t recognize you she feels good about what she did today and that’s good too.”

“She probably would have been just as happy if you had given her the two chips and she paid the bill with it as well as her tip and the skim.”

“Maybe. If I gave you a grand and you knew half of it wasn’t yours to keep, would you feel as good as she feels right now?”

“No. She’ll float on that high for days.”

“I love how you look, Sam. We can go somewhere for dinner, if you’d like.”


“Pick anywhere in Vegas except across the street. Every hotel has great food. Would you like to go to a show?”

“We need to stay here for three months for my divorce. We don’t need to try to see everything this week. Let’s have dinner somewhere nice and maybe do some dancing. Do you dance?”

“We have danced twice. At the AIDS fund raiser earlier this year and at your wedding reception. I loved dancing with you then and I would love dancing with you tonight.”

“It’s quite early for thoughts of dinner. What would you like to do between now and going to dinner?”

“It isn’t too hot outside. Let’s take a walk out by the pools and through the gardens. We can talk while we walk.”

Sam dressed in casual pants and blouse and we went. Every time we passed a mirror she looked at herself. When we got to the pools she said, “I like how my hair feels but I still don’t look like me to me.”

“You look wonderfully to me. It would please me if you would touch me as we walk. Hold my hand, hook your arm in mine, put your arm around me.”

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