Debbie’s Addiction Ch. 06

19 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Jeremy wondered what his uncle Jack wanted to talk to him about as he drove back to his place. The thought of Debbie’s chest trying to burst from the blouse she was wearing for dinner helped him put his concerns of what his uncle wanted to talk about from his mind. He saw his uncle sitting on the front porch, the porch light casting a yellow glow on him as he waited for his nephew.

“It’s good to see you again nephew!” Jack said smiling as Jeremy walked up the steps. “I didn’t want to get too mushy this afternoon with Stacy here. But I have missed our visits the last four months.”

“I’m sorry uncle Jack! I didn’t forget about you. I’ve just been so busy with everything . . .” Jeremy didn’t finish before Jack started laughing.

“Stop apologizing! You have nothing to be sorry for! I can see you’ve been busy. Stacy looks like a handful!”

Jeremy laughed now. “She is uncle Jack! She’s a great girl.”

“You two serious?”

Jeremy thought about how to answer that one. “I think so. I mean . . . we have a lot of the same interests. And I’m learning more about her all the time. Like . . .” He paused. “Nevermind.”

“Like what?” Jack asked.

Jeremy sighed. He and Jack had always spoken freely about sexual things. So Jeremy just decided to let it fly. “I’m learning that the more I take charge of her when we play around, the more she wants it and responds to it.”

Jack just smiled. “Sounds like the apple didn’t fall far from the tree on that one.”

Jeremy had no idea what he was talking about.

“Would you like to learn how to bring that filly under your complete control and domination? A domination so complete that she’ll do anything you tell her to? She’ll obey your every command?”

Jeremy’s pulse started pounding as he thought about what his uncle was talking about. “OH YEAH! You know I would! It seems like the more intense we get, the more intense she wants it! I almost think she needs it!”

“She does need it! So tell me about her mom.” Jack thought he’d have some fun with his nephew before he filled him in on the irony of their situation.

Jeremy’s eyes lit up. “Stacy’s mom is gorgeous! At least I think she is. Nice figure.”

“Is that all?” Jack asked smiling. Prodding Jeremy for his true feelings.

Jeremy knew what he wanted now. “OK uncle Jack!” Now Jeremy was smiling. “She’s got great tits! A pair that I’d love to play with for hours.”

“Go into the kitchen and get us both something to drink.” Jack sat there thinking about his next move as Jeremy walked into the house and then emerged a few minutes later with a Coke in each hand. Jeremy handed his uncle his can then sat down. “I’m about to tell you something that’s going to change your world. I want to know if I can trust you with what I’m about to tell you?”

Jeremy didn’t hesitate. “Uncle Jack, you can trust me with anything. You know that. I would never betray you.” Jeremy and Jack had developed a relationship over the years since his dad’s death that Jeremy didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize. “Whatever you tell me unc will stay between us!”

Jack took a sip from his can. “What I’m about to tell you stays between us. If you betray that confidence I’ll kick your ass like it’s never been kicked before!” There was a sternness to Jack’s words that made Jeremy know this was serious. He just nodded his head, “I promise uncle Jack!”

“I’ve been seeing Stacy’s mom, Debbie, for a couple months now!” Jeremy’s eyes widened as Jack went on. “We started out just having your typical sexual affair. It quickly evolved into something much more as I realized what Debbie really needs in her life. She needs a man to take control of her and dominate her in mind and body. So now she’s my slut. She takes care of my needs and desires, and I give her what she needs.” Jack leaned closer to his nephew. “I would like to include you in my plans for her. But only if I can trust you to treat her with the respect that is due her as Stacy’s mom. Are you understanding what I’m telling you?”

Jeremy nodded his head. “Yes sir! I think so!”

“Listen to me and learn. I will teach you how harness that little nymph you are dating. And I’ll let you sample the sweet taste of the bitch she came from.”

Jeremy just groaned at the thought of having all his fantasies of Debbie fulfilled. Then he had a thought. “Would you like to sample Stacy uncle?” He asked smiling.

Jack just smirked. “Maybe. I’ve never been into kids. I like my bitch’s older and more mature.” He thought for a moment. “But it might be nice to sample something younger. But before you start sharing her you better make sure she’s completely yours, and she wants to be shared. I don’t ever want to hear of you forcing her to do something she doesn’t want to.”

The tone in Jack’s voice left no doubt in Jeremy’s mind that he meant what he said. He’d learned over the years that his uncle was a man not to be messed with. “Unc, I would never force her to do something she doesn’t want to! I give you my word on that.”

Jack nodded his approval. “Good! Now xslot let’s begin your training.” Jack took a long drink on his Coke wishing it was a beer. But he didn’t want to be a contributor to his nephews underage drinking, even though he knew Jeremy drank from time to time. Then Jack laughed to himself as he thought, ‘I’m worried about being a bad influence with alcohol when I’m about to teach him how to turn a woman into his slut. If that isn’t damned hypocrisy.’

“First of all, it’s all about trust buddy. It’s all about trust.” Jack started. “If you expect a woman to submit to you, she needs to know she can trust you completely.” The two of them talked for the next two hours. He filled Jeremy in on his relationship with Debbie and how it had evolved. Jeremy’s eyes widened as Jack talked. His shock was not just because of the relationship Jack and Debbie had, but how much Debbie’s sexual appetite mirrored what he was discovering about Stacy’s appetite. Then Jack spent about an hour telling his nephew how to treat a woman, how to be sensitive to her needs and desires, and how to care for her as a woman. Jeremy soaked it all in like a sponge, hanging on every word his uncle spoke.

Jack finally looked at his watch. “Damn! It’s 9:00 already. You need to get home! You have school tomorrow.” Then Jack had a thought. “What are you doing Saturday?”

“No plans yet.”

Jack smiled as he thought about his plans for the day. “Be back here at 10:00 Saturday morning.”

“Yes sir!” Jeremy drove home wondering what else his uncle was going to teach him Saturday. He knew he could learn a lot from his uncle, and he wasn’t about to blow this.

Jack grabbed his phone as Jeremy pulled out of his driveway and onto the county road. He typed out his message, “Be here Saturday morning at 8:00. House needs some cleaning.” He hit the send button.

Debbie’s heart began to race as she saw she received a text from her master. A wave of anger swept over her as she read his message. “So am I your maid now too?” She hit the send button.

Jack laughed out loud sitting on his porch as he read Debbie’s response. “You’re my slut gorgeous! Which means you’ll serve me however I want you to. And just for that, you’ll get a good spanking first thing Saturday morning.” He hit the send button.

Debbie’s hands began to shake as she read her master’s response. Her cunt twitched and pulse pounded as she thought about what he was going to do to her. She wanted to run out to her car drive over to her master’s house right then and beg him to take her then and there. Now the thought of having to wait till Saturday morning was going to drive her insane with need.

Jeremy thought about all that his uncle had told him the night before as he sat through his classes the next day. It was only Tuesday and he couldn’t wait till Saturday. He and Stacy met for lunch in the cafeteria. “Hey babe! What classes do you have tomorrow?” Jeremy asked her.

“None that I want to be in or need to be in. These last couple of weeks are going to be such a boring waste of time. Why?”

“Let’s skip classes tomorrow.” Jeremy’s pulse quickened as he thought about some of the things his uncle had told him. He wanted to start putting it into practice. “Let’s spend the day together. My mom will be at work all day. We’ll have the place to ourselves.” He said with a smile.

“And what are we going to do all day at your place?” Stacy asked smiling back at him.

Jeremy leaned across the lunch table and took her hand. “I’m going to make you my slut.” He whispered. “That’s what we’re going to do all day tomorrow.” He then stood up and walked away as Stacy stared at him. There was something in his tone that made her pussy begin to throb. She moaned to herself as she thought about what he had in mind.

Jeremy pulled up to Stacy’s house Wednesday morning to pick her up. He walked up to the back door, leading to the kitchen, and knocked. Stacy met him at the door and let him in. Jeremy wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his body, kissing her hard. Stacy’s hands went up to his chest instinctively being in her kitchen. “Mom will be down in a minute!” She whispered.

“So! You don’t think she knows we kiss?” Jeremy teased her as he dropped his hand and squeezed her ass with one hand as he reached up and grabbed one of her breasts with the other. Knowledge is power. And he felt greatly empowered with the knowledge he had of Debbie and Stacy now. But he knew he better not take advantage of that knowledge too much. His fear of his uncle overrode his desire to push things with Debbie.

Stacy moaned into his mouth as her body was pulled into his and his grip on her tit tightened. She felt her resistance fading as he worked her body and took control. Stacy finally broke the kiss. “Not here babe!” She gasped. “I’ll give you whatever you want when we get to your place!” Her face was flushed. “I promise!”

Jeremy slid his hand up her chest and cupped her face. He stared at her tenderly as a devilish grin spread across his face. “You’ll be xslot Giriş giving me what I want, when I want it when I’m done with you.”

Stacy groaned as he began to take control of her. Just the thought of him holding her the way he was knowing her mom could come down at anytime was having an effect on her.

Debbie walked into the kitchen. The first thing her eyes saw was Jeremy’s hand grabbing her daughter’s ass. She was about to say something when her eyes met Jeremy’s. He smiled at her with that smile she felt both unnerving and hot at the same time. She had always thought Jeremy had a manliness about him that she found attractive. She knew Stacy found it attractive. Stacy was drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

“Good morning Mrs. Davis!” Jeremy’s newfound knowledge of Debbie’s relationship with his uncle gave him an advantage that he liked. A sense of power. He felt cocky. Then his uncle’s voice echoed in his head. He checked himself and released Stacy. He was going to maintain control of himself and the situation. “You look very nice this morning!”

Debbie knew he was taking control of the situation. She also knew she had no will to stop him. “Well thank you Jeremy.” Debbie felt herself getting flustered. How could this 18 year old be having this effect on her.

“Is that a new blouse you have on? It looks really good on you!” Jeremy’s stare never left her chest, as her breasts pushed against the thin fabric making it look like it was about to rip from being stretched.

Debbie was beginning the question her choice of blouse for the day. She enjoyed wearing clothing that accentuated her physical assets. Jack had made her feel sexy again. Now she enjoyed dressing that way.

Before Debbie could respond Stacy punched Jeremy in the chest knowing what he was up to. “We better get going!”

Jeremy looked at her and grinned. “That will cost you!”

Stacy’s pussy twitched as he stared at her. She knew exactly what he meant.

So did Debbie. She had heard those very words before from her master. She felt the sexual tension between the two of them. It only deepened her need to be taken and dominated. She thought about calling her master after they left.

“Alright! Let’s get out of here.” Jeremy said to Stacy. “You have a good day Mrs. Davis!” He said smiling again at her.

“You kids have a good day too.”

Jeremy looked over his shoulder at Debbie as they walked out the door, thinking how badly he wanted her. “Your mom is one hot bitch!” He said to Stacy as they walked down the driveway towards his car.

Stacy glared at him. “Would you stop looking at my mom that way!”

The two climbed in his car, Jeremy not saying anything. When they were seated Jeremy reached over and grabbed her by the back of the neck and pulled her over to him. He kissed her hard as he squeezed her breast. Stacy moaned with need. He broke the kiss and stared at her as he continued to knead her breast. Both were panting from the intensity of the kiss. “Do you want to belong to me?” He asked.

“Yes!” Stacy gasped as he squeezed her breast harder. “You know I do!”

He kissed her hard again. Their tongues danced together as he held her tightly. Both moaned and grunted as the sexual tension built between them.

Debbie was watching them from the living room window. Her left hand dropped between her legs, her right hand cupped her breast. She began pinching her nipple as she rubbed her moistening pussy. Her daughter was being manhandled, and she wished it was her in that front seat.

Jeremy pulled away enough to look Stacy in the eye. “You belong to me now. I’m going to own you. I’m going to use you. I’m going to fuck you everyway a slut can be fucked. And when I get you to my place I’m going to give you a spanking you’ll never forget for giving me shit about your mom. I think you’re mom is a hot bitch. Just like I think my mom is a hot bitch. That doesn’t mean I want you any less. That just means I appreciate a hot bitch when I see one. Any problems with that?”

Debbie felt herself getting closer to climaxing as she stared out the window watching her daughter’s chest being mauled. She could see Jeremy was saying something. But her real focus was on the look of lust that was written all over her daughter’s face. Whatever Jeremy was saying to her was having its intended result.

“No problems!” Stacy panted. “But . . . ”

“But what?” Jeremy asked squeezing a little harder on her breast.

“But she’s my mom. And your mom . . . ”

“They’re both gorgeous women with great bodies. They’re also women with great needs.” It was like a light went off in Jeremy’s head regarding his mom. ‘My mom’s a hot bitch! She is!’ He thought to himself. ‘She’s a MILF! And I’m just now realizing it!’ He began seeing her in a different light. “Put your seatbelt on!” He started the car leaving Stacy panting with need. She put her belt on as Jeremy smiled as he noticed what Debbie was doing in the living room. He waved at her, letting her know he saw her.

Debbie fell back xslot Güncel Giriş and sat in the chair behind her. Her body was humming with need. She was beginning to find Jeremy’s newfound confidence with her both disturbing and arousing.

Jeremy got out of the car and walked through the back door of his house with Stacy directly behind him. He led her into the living room where he sat down in his favorite chair again as he had the last time they were at his house. He pointed at the picture window again. “Stand there!” Stacy did so without argument. “Strip!” Her hands were shaking as she began to unbutton her shirt. Her whole body began to tremble as she saw the look of pure lust in Jeremy’s eyes. He smiled at her as she removed her shirt and bra. “You really are a beautiful creature.”

Stacy smiled at the compliment. No matter how many times he told her how beautiful he thought she was, it never got old for her. And it only made her want to please him all the more. Her tits bounced slightly as she pulled her jeans and panties down her legs and then stepped out of them. She stood before him completely naked now, her heart racing from excitement.

“Now get on all fours and crawl over here to me!” Stacy dropped to her knees and then her hands and began to crawl across the living room carpet without saying a word, her head hanging. “Look at me!” Stacy’s head shot up. “From now on you look at me unless I tell you otherwise. No bitch of mine is going to hang her head in shame. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.” Stacy crawled up to him and began to unbuckle his pants. Jeremy grabbed her wrists. “Uh-uh! Not yet! You’ll get that cock eventually. Get up here and feed me those sweet tits!” He pulled on her wrists as she stood and straddled his lap.

Stacy looked down at him smiling, her hair hanging in her face, as she held her tits in front of his face. Jeremy took each tit in his hands and began flicking her hardening nipples with his thumbs. Stacy moaned as he began to work her tits the way she liked. She had never noticed how sensitive her tits were until she began dating Jeremy. Now he played with them like they belonged to him. As far as he was concerned, her whole body belonged to him. “You like it when I play with your tits! Don’t you?”

Stacy purred like a cat being stroked. “Ooohhh you know I do babe!”

Jeremy engulfed her tits in his massive hands and pulled them one at a time into his mouth. Stacy moaned like the bitch in heat she was becoming. Jeremy smiled to himself knowing how this turned her on. He sucked on one nipple, nibbling it with his teeth as his tongue flicked over the nub. He did this back and forth between her tits causing Stacy to gasp every time he changed tits. Stacy began to grind her pussy into his lap whimpering with need as he assaulted her highly sensitive tits.

“Sit still!” He commanded her. “I didn’t tell you to move!”

Stacy was almost crying with need. “Oh baby! Please don’t tease me like this! You know what this does to me!”

“I know exactly what this does to you! I plan on doing it all day long!” He bit down on her nipple and sucked it in hungrily.

Stacy wrapped her hands around his head and pulled it into her chest. “Ooooohhhhh baby please don’t tease me! PLEASE!”

His uncle’s voice began running through his head. “Who do you belong to?” He taunted her.

“OOHH you babe! You! I belong to you!” She moaned. She felt her sexual need morphing into something far deeper. A need to be taken, used and dominated by this man who knew her better than any boy she had dated before him.

Jeremy took her saliva coated nipples between his thumbs and index fingers and began rolling and pinching them. Stacy gave off a guttural moan that sounded more like an animal than a woman being pleasured. “You my slut?” They had played with this before. But he knew it was time to push this. He was tired of playing the game. He knew this is what he wanted. The question was whether or not she wanted it. But he was fairly confident he knew how this would play out.

Stacy curled her fingers in his hair as she stared at him with eyes glazed over from lust and need. “Oh babe, you know I am!”

That wasn’t good enough for Jeremy. He wanted her to verbalize what she was. He wanted her to admit it. He wanted to breakdown her resistance to acknowledging what she was to him now. “Tell me! Tell me what you are bitch!” Jeremy pinched her nipples harder with his command.

Stacy grunted as her body, mind and will were being pushed beyond any limits she’d ever experienced. She still felt the need to resist even as she admitted her new status. “Uh! I’m your slut you bastard!” She smiled that teasing smile she gave him when they played.

Jeremy knew she needed to be broken further if they were to share the intensity and intimacy his uncle and Debbie had. With one swift motion he reached up and grabbed her by the hair and pulled her off to the side, and stood up. He led her around to the back of the couch that sat separating the living room from the breakfast nook. He then pushed her over the back of the couch till her head was touching the seat cushions and her ass was sticking up in the air. “Stay there, and don’t move! Move and you’ll only get it worse!” He then released her and undressed, laying his belt on the back of the couch beside her.

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