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Big Tits

Subject: Deans Bicha Chapter 28 I have been reading stories for several years, and I thought I’d try writing one, so this is my first attempt. It’s based a lot on my youth with respect to people (names changed) and places and even some events, though most of the sexual situations are fictional. If you are under legal age to read, or in an area which prevents this, please leave now. Remember this was the mid 1970s and HIV wasn’t a thing. Play safely today. Nifty is a wonderful service so please donate to keep it free. I appreciate constructive feedback/suggestions and can be reached ail Feedback is the Author’s only compensation. DeansBicha28 Thursday Afternoon What a wild bike ride home. I attempted to stuff my boner and balls into my torn cut-offs, but every time I pedaled, they just popped put again. Pulling my short t-shirt down proved to be useless too. After several attempts I just gave up and concentrated on riding home as quickly as possible. Now Randolph lived about two miles from my house so it shouldn’t have taken too long, though I had a few obstacles to overcome. I was planning them out while hunched over, working my legs as fast as possible from the adrenaline pumping through my body. After it wore off, I ended up slowing down cause I got tired quickly which caused more exposure time. And because of my bike style, I had to straighten up eventually allowing a better show. First problem was the streets themselves. Getting out of his neighborhood wasn’t an issue for the first 1/4 mile with no cars. Then I hit a busier road. This was the road the factory workers used to get to my street to avoid the main avenue which ran parallel, so it was getting busy at this time. Luckily the traffic was coming up from behind me so the drivers really only saw my back. There was nothing I could do about passengers. Second problem, I would have to cross two four-way stop signs where cars could see me with my junk hanging out. I figured if I took a right at each intersection and went down a ways, crossed the street and pulled a u-turn I would get back to the same spot and take another right. Then I wouldn’t have to stop and wait for traffic. In theory a good plan. In practicality, not so much since drivers looked in all directions before proceeding. At the first intersection two girls about 10 and 12 were walking down the sidewalk and I barely missed running them over. I came to a halt just 6-8 feet in front of them. The girls stopped dead in their tracks so they couldn’t miss seeing my cock and balls. I did my about face u-turn right there and almost got hit by a car. I heard them yelling out, “pervert” and “flasher” as I rounded the corner. There was less traffic at the next intersection so I decided I’d go straight through. While no cars were coming from the left or right, the car heading toward me stopped and the driver, who was probably some high school kid, looked directly at me and called out, “Far Out Dude. Nice ‘stick shift’ you got there.” Being spotted added not only to my humiliation but to the amount of blood pumping into my prick. I actually smiled back at him. What’s gotten into me I thought. Finally, I got to the end of this road at the town line. The main entrance to Mr. Mann’s farm was to the right. I had to make a left and a quick right and I’d be on my street. Turning my bike I saw farm boy Raymond coming out of the barn. By the shocked expression on his face, he apparently saw my family jewels hanging out. I don’t know if he knew it was me. I prayed not. My last and biggest problem was riding down my street to my house. I didn’t have any plan to minimize my chances of being seen. Kids were bound to be outside. I started pedaling fast again. I stood up and leaned over the handlebars so my t-shirt would hang down and cover me. I think it worked cause I never heard any of kids I passed call out anything. I don’t know why I never thought to take my shirt off and tuck it in the front of my shorts. It was too small to tie around me, but stuffed in front would have covered my bits and pieces. By the time I got to the Soarer’s house my legs were killing me and I slowed up. I also wanted to see if there was any sight of Dean and Dale. I thought if they are in their rooms, which faced the front of the house, they might actually see me go by. I wonder what they would think of me riding with my cock pointing skyward for all to see. I didn’t see them and was somewhat disappointed. I got home about 4:15 all sweaty and covered in piss and cum. Boy I stank. I ditched my bike in the garage and headed inside to shower. I washed my clothes and showered at the same time. I contemplated throwing away the ruined shorts but a part of me liked the idea of being forced to wear them again. I hung them in my garage attic/fort hiding space to dry. I rested for about 45 minutes before my mom and dad got home. Dad wasn’t working tonight at the restaurant so he started supper for the two of us cause mom was going over to my grandmother’s with my aunt. After eating I cleaned up the kitchen and started thinking about my campout with Robby. Boy I could hardly wait. After supper, Randolph called to make sure I got home safely. I assured him I did but we couldn’t talk long. I asked again if Eze or Dari were going to be a problem and he said “No”. Eze had had another talk with Dari and scared the shit out of him. Randolph was fairly certain his secret was safe. I was happy for him. We’d catch up more on Sunday and hung up the phone. Shortly after that, Robby called. His mom talked with my dad and cleared everything for tomorrow’s campout. I was super excited to find out his mom would be dropping him off around 11:00AM. Wow! We’d have most of the day and all night. How cool! That night in bed I re-lived sucking six different big black cocks. I had only shot once the whole day when Randolph and I did a 69. My cum shot was so powerful it hit me on the chin, neck, and chest. What I didn’t lick off my fingers I let dry on me and fell fast asleep. ++++++ Friday Even though I am a morning person like my dad, yesterday wore me out. Normally on a non-school day I’d get up around 7:00-7:30. This Friday morning rolled around much too quickly and it was almost 8:30AM. Whoa! I very rarely slept this late. I strolled naked to the bathroom my piss hard on leading the way. Waiting for it to go down so I could pee, I tried not thinking of Robby which I knew would make it go back up again. Ahh! Relief. Mid stream my eyes shot wide open as I heard squealing brakes. SHIT, The Garbage! My dad told me last night to put the garbage cans out but I figured I’d do it this morning. Of all my chores there was not much worse than missing putting the barrels out. If I missed the pick-up we’d be stuck with two full barrels of rotting trash for the week and have no place to put this weeks rubbish. I honestly don’t even remember stopping peeing. Grabbing the kitchen trash I flew out of the house through the side porch and around the side of the garage to grab both barrels. Usually I would take one at a time to the curb, but I didn’t have that luxury. I struggled with one in each hand practically dragging them down the driveway. Giresun Escort At that moment I was paying more attention to where the truck was as it came up the street than I was about my own nudity. The truck stopped in front of our driveway just as I brought the cans to the curb. Phew! I made it. I bent over resting my hands on my knees in order to catch my breathe when I realized I was not only naked outside once again, but at the edge of the street in front of the driver and two “pick up” men on the back of the truck. FYI – Back in the 1970s one guy, (in this case a short, overweight, white guy in his fifties) drove the truck as two guys rode on the back of the truck and jumped off at each house to dump the metal garbage cans into the back. I always thought it looked like fun to stand on the foot rest and hold on while going down the street. The two “pick up” men in this case were in their early to mid 20s and black. Sad to say that was commonplace as an occupation for black men during the times. After yesterday’s adventures, these two black beauties not only made my mouth water, but proceeded to give me a gigantic erection. I stood up wondering just what they had inside their overalls until I heard the driver calling out, “Did you decide to throw your clothes out boy?” My head snapped in his direction where I saw that he had stepped out of the truck cab. The two pick-up guys burst into laughter. I quickly covered my boner with both hands stumbling over my words, “No sir. I was in the bathroom when I heard you coming and remembered I forgot to put the barrels out. My dad will kill me if I missed the trash pick up. I gotta get inside.” Turning to leave, the drivers stopped me dead in my tracks, “Hold it there sport. That doesn’t sound right. You can’t piss with morning wood like that. Besides, you wasn’t hard dragging those barrels down the driveway. You didn’t bone up till you saw us. I think you’re a pervert who wanted us to see you.” Ok, I am a pervert. And I do get hard when embarrassed. But I didn’t forget on purpose or try to expose myself. “No. No. I really forgot.” I didn’t even try to deny the rest cause I know I would have turned bright red lying to him. “You still gotta pee?” he asked. “Yes sir,” I answered meekly still trying in vain to cover my nudity. “Well then prove you ain’t no pervert and you were in the john. Go ahead piss right there,” he ordered. “What?!” You can’t be serious. Somebody might drive by and see me. I got to get inside.” “Boss, he can’t pee all hard like that.” The first pick-up guy said. “Yeah, he should lose that first,” the second said causing everyone except me to laugh. “Good idea boys.” (I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but calling grown black men “boys” was terribly racist.) Looking back at me the driver said, “Ok. Give it a pull,” as he nodded his head at my blood filled cock. “Huh?” I exclaimed. It wasn’t that I didn’t understand what he wanted me to do. It was the fact they expected me to stand naked at the end of my driveway in broad daylight and give myself a wank. I stood in shock until pick-up 1 shouted out, “come on kid, spank that monkey. Let’s see if that thing even shoots,” followed by more laughter. “I… I can’t,” I pleaded with them while still covering my erection which was now throbbing more than before. “Ok boys, let’s go. Leave them cans there. He can explain to his daddy why they are full.” “No Wait! Please.” I was essentially blackmailed into rubbing one out for them as I stood nude for any and all passing cars. Luckily there were none yet. Getting no reprieve I wrapped my right hand around my steel rod and began stroking. Shit, why didn’t I use my left hand and be done quicker I thought. Too late to switch now without bringing more humiliation to myself. Concentrate. My hand was flying up and down the length of my dick so fast it was a blur. Feeling the heat, I spit onto my cock making my hand slippery soft. I barely heard the three trash men making comments about my indecent exposure, “…good boy, yeah whip it kid, faster punk…” Whoosh. My head whipped up as I heard a car go by. They probably didn’t see me as the truck blocked their view. I need to hurry up. Going into warp speed I could feel my balls churning and knew an explosion was imminent. Thankfully, I did NOT catch my load in my other hand. Six or seven shots flew from my dick landing on the driveway. A few smaller drops escaped dripping down my hand. Releasing my cock I shook the cum off my hand and looked at the three trash men who were all smiles. “Atta boy. Didn’t knew you had it in you. What are you? Eleven or twelve years old?” the driver asked. “I’m 13 1/2.” “Shit. Yur pretty skinny and hairless for 13 1/2 kid,” pickup guy 2 said. I didn’t feel like explaining to these guys about my operation. I just wanted to get back inside. “Can I go now?” I asked. “What do you say boys?” the driver asked his men. Pickup guy 2 reminded the boss I was going to pee. “Oh yeah, go ahead boy, let it fly. Start pissing and prove you ain’t no prevert.” Now normally I was very pee shy and had trouble even using a urinal next to somebody. Luckily I was able to start a stream quickly cause my bladder was bursting by this point. I pretty much washed away any evidence of my cum on the driveway and shook my dick off from the last few drops as is normal. “Look, he wants to give it another tug,” Pickup guy 1 said. “Let’s see if you got another load in those hairless balls kid.” Before I could respond, the driver shook his head while looking at his watch and said, “No time. We gotta finish this route.” I was thrilled until I heard him direct me, “to be outside next week only you better be hard the whole way down the driveway.” The two pickup guys roared with laughter. “If you don’t show up kid we’ll drive right by your house.” Shit, if I wasn’t there then they’d leave the garbage cans full. I was fucked and reluctantly agreed. I picked up the two empty garbage cans and brought them back to the garage. When I turned around, all three guys were still watching me and waving goodbye. “SEE you next week,” pick-up guy 1 shouted out as they drove to the next house. It was only 8:41 when I went back inside. It felt like I had been outside naked for 10 hours when in truth it hadn’t even been 10 minutes. What was I going to do about next week? Could I really bring the garbage cans to the street naked again? I was lucky today nobody but the trash men saw. I couldn’t guarantee the same next week. Well, I’ll worry about it then. Now to get ready for Robby. I wonder how he’ll take the news that I got him committed into joining me in sucking off Raymond and Darin this afternoon? I ate breakfast thinking about all the possibilities of today and tonight. What was going to happen with the farm boys? What would Robby want to do? It had been a week since I lost my anal virginity in a gangbang and I was itching for another good fucking. Whoa. I guess I’ve progressed beyond just sucking dicks. Though I think I enjoyed that more. Maybe one-on-one with Robby (or Randolph since he told his brothers he hadn’t done me “yet”) would be more Giresun Escort Bayan pleasurable than taking dick after dick up my butt. I was standing at the kitchen sink finishing my juice deep in these thoughts, gently stroking myself, when my aunt pulled into the driveway. Shit. I flew to my room and grabbed a pair of cutoffs and a t-shirt. I made it back to the kitchen just as she was coming in the back door, pulling my t-shirt down to cover the boner I had pointing at my hip. She was a dropping off a package my mom accidentally left in her car last night after shopping with my grandmother. She asked what I was doing today and I excitedly told her my friend was coming over and camping out tonight. She told me to have fun before she headed to her job. My uncle owned a gas station and she did all the business stuff. My mom had a full time job so her hours were set, but my aunt had a flexible schedule and often dropped by unannounced. Worse still, she frequently drove down our street to get to the gas station as they actually lived not far from Randolph in Eastford. I’d have to be especially careful that she didn’t see any of my streaking around. I watched her drive away relieved that she hadn’t come 10 minutes earlier when I was jerking off for the garbage men. I went into the bathroom to get ready. As I sat doing my business, I wondered if I should clean myself out like Dean did last weekend. Would Robby and I really go as far as anal tonight. Better to be safe than sorry I figured. I flushed and went in the linen closet looking for mom’s hot water bottle. Yup, there it was, hose and nozzle attached. Ok, no stale pee, but luke warm water was soon filling my bum. I didn’t make myself hold it for nearly as long as Dean had made me and rushed to the toilet at the first cramp. Yuck! The second and third enemas did the trick. I didn’t know it but I learned quickly, one full bottle is way too much, let alone two and three. I spent almost the next full hour on the can dumping out some crap, but mostly water. I was spent. A quick shower, a drink of water to stay hydrated, brush my teeth, then a nap. Yeah, an hour of shitting tired me out. I woke up and my clock radio showed it was 10:40. Robby was going to be here in 20 minutes. I jumped out of bed and made it quickly. My mother expected our beds made every morning. I wasn’t sure what I was going to wear. I was under no orders this week so technically I could wear underwear, but did I want to? Needing a piss, I stood in front of the toilet deciding yes or no on the briefs question when Mrs. Wilson pulled into the driveway 15 minutes early. Robby hopped out of the car grabbing his stuff from the backseat as I shook the last drops from my dick. Mrs. Wilson stood just outside the drivers door telling him to make sure he got everything. It didn’t look as she was coming to the door so I figured maybe I could stay naked. Mmm? I wonder. Leaning out the window I called out to them and said I’d be right out as I was in the bathroom and hadn’t expected them until 11:00AM. Mrs. Wilson had to be somewhere and hoped it was ok to drop Robby off a tad early. “Yes ma’am, that’s fine,” I called out. She reminded Robby to put the food in the refrigerator and have a good time. He waived goodbye as he hauled all his stuff onto the porch. “Be Good. Don’t get into any trouble. See you tomorrow,” his mom called out. If he heard her, he didn’t acknowledge it. I watched her back out and drive away. Whoopie! I strolled to the kitchen where Robby had dropped all his things and was putting some food and drinks into the fridge. Closing the refrigerator door he took one look at me and broke out into a huge smile. “Wow, good thing my mom didn’t come in. Or would you have greeted her that way too?” he asked. “No. I wore this just for you,” I smirked back at him. Walking over to him I grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and pulled it off of him. “Let’s get you naked too.” He kicked off his sneakers and I knelt down and pulled off his white tube socks with three green stripes at the top which went to his mid calfs. Ah, the 1970s fashion. Neither one of made the move to undo his shorts as my face was inches from his growing cock. My own dick was quickly filling with blood too. Almost in slow motion I undid the botton and lowered his zipper pulling the flaps apart. I was kind of surprised but happy to see his tighty-whities as I thought they looked sexy. I still do today despite boys wearing boxers or boxer-briefs. His jean shorts fell around his ankles and he kicked them off. His prick was now rock hard, as was my own, and was fully cramped inside his briefs. They might have been tight, but they were hardly white. The front panel was yellowed from numerous piss stains and crusty from many cum shots. I could smell the funkiness of them and said, “Whoa. These look a little dirty. Just like you.” “Yeah. I wore them all week in anticipation of today. I shot off into them at least a dozen times too. Give ’em a kiss.” He said thrusting his pelvis at me. I leaned in and planted a big kiss right over his dick head. I continued kissing down the length of his shaft and then gave each ball a few pecks too. Finally I grabbed the waistband and practically ripped them off of him. His rock hard cock poking me in the face. Placing my hands behind him one on each butt cheek I swallowed his cock to the base. Now this was a snack I had grown to love. Bobbing my head up and down on his dick I fondled his nuts with my right hand while softly rubbing his ass with my left. Robby was moaning the whole time as he held onto my head for balance. I thought he was going to start face fucking me but he allowed me to do all the work just the way I liked it. Suddenly he pulled out leaving my mouth wanting more of his boy dick. I looked at him confused until he suggested we go to my room. Scooping up his clothes we hurried off dropping his stuff on the floor. He commented that his mom never made him or his brother and sister make their beds. How lucky I thought. Seconds later he was pulling down the bedspread and sheet and crawling into my bed. Wow, this is the first boy I’ve had in my bed, and he’s naked too. I practically flew next to him. He covered us with the sheet and snuggled up next to me pulling us close together. Robby rolled on top of me squishing our dicks and balls between us. Then he surprised me even more when he nuzzled his face into the right side of my neck giving me quick, little kisses and nibbling my ears. Wow! I wrapped my arms around him pulling him closer to me, if that was even possible. Robby worked himself under my chin to the left side. I freaked out when he began sucking on my neck thinking I was sure to get a hickie. Reluctantly, I begged him to stop or at least go lower where it wouldn’t be seen. He obliged me by moving to my left nipple. I thought I was in heaven by this point squirming all over the bed. Several minutes later Robby worked his way back up giving me little kisses up my chest, neck, and chin. He stopped before committing himself to kissing me on the mouth and diverted his attention back to my right ear lobe. Who Escort Giresun knew his tongue fucking my ear would turn me on so much. He alternated to the other side. His pecks on my cheeks lasted longer and longer as he moved from right to left and back again. They also got closer and closer to my mouth. On about the fifth time across my face his lips finally brushed across mine. I felt a jolt of electricity go though my entire body as our lips touched. Was Robby Wilson really going to kiss me? I thought I’d be shooting any second now thrusting my parts into his. Each time he had switched sides he would raise his head up just a little bit, except on the last trip. I was going to make sure our lips touched again. When he started back I moved my hands, which had been squeezing his butt cheeks, to his neck and the back of his head not giving him any chance to pull up. Robby responded by giving me one short peck on my mouth. I encouraged him to continue by leaning up and giving him another kiss on his soft lips. After that it was all over. Robby Wilson and I were actually making out, rolling around my bed under the covers naked, rubbing our dicks together. I figured I might as well go for broke and eventually opened my mouth and poked my tongue into is mouth. His moan of surprised was muffled by my lips smashed against his. He was like a man, or should I say boy, possessed. We must have spent the next 15 minutes swapping spit. It was fantastic. Torn between our make out session and sucking his cock, I pushed him off me and swung around so we were both face to dick. Without saying a word we enveloped each others hard rods to the base. After about 6-7 minutes our moaning got louder and we automatically started swinging our hips. Another minute later we fired off blast after blast of hot teenage spunk into my each others mouth. Robby swallowed my seed like a champ. Six, seven, eight shots landed on my tongue and I swallowed them eagerly. I tightened my lips around his member as he fired off three more shots and I milked the last few drops out. Pulling our mouths off our cocks I swung around to face him again. Opening my mouth to show him his sperm swimming around, he commented, “Gross.” I smiled and swallowed them too. I exaggerated it then licked my lips, “Mmm Mmm Good. Thanks for the snack.” “Anytime,” he chuckled. Hopping out of my bed I knew I’d never want to change those sheets again. I would, of course, but I wanted to remember our fun time. He helped me make the bed. It was surreal having a naked 13 year with his bits and pieces swinging freely hand me the bedspread which he had picked up off of the floor. Looking at his clothes and all the stuff he brought I suggested we haul everything out to the tent in the backyard. Robby went to get dressed but I told him to stay naked. He wasn’t sure about it as he might be seen. I dared him and said have some balls. Soon two 13 year old nude boys were dragging his gear out back. We headed back inside and decided to have an early lunch. He wanted to go exploring the corn fields and woods, naked of course. As we sat and ate the grinders his mom bought us I didn’t know how to bring up farmboy Raymond and his brother Darin. Instead I told him about my garbage can experience earlier. “Really!? Thats fucking incredible. God I would have died if I was caught outside bare ass with a boner. You really seem to get off on it. Maybe we can do something crazy this afternoon?” he suggested. “Well. As it turns out I do have something. But first I have to tell you about the other day when my sister left with her friend for a few days.” I proceeded to tell him all about Marla and Elaine. He couldn’t believe that I and my erection waved goodbye to them from the driveway. We were both stroking our cocks as I continued to tell him about farmboy Raymond’s brother Darin catching me and telling us BOTH to be naked on our knees outside the barn in about an hour and a half from now. He practically shot another load across the kitchen until I pushed his hand off his dick and told him he had better save it till later. “Fuck! Really? I get to suck the farmboy while you do his brother? And we have to be naked? What if they want to do us up the butt? I don’t think I want to do that.” Then he added, “With them – yet,” as he looked at me. “What about you?” Now comes the part where I had to confess not only taking it “up the butt” but getting gang banged last weekend. Robby sat with eyes wide open and his jaw practically on the floor as I admitted I was hardly a virgin anymore. He looked as if he was going into shock. I had never seen him so quiet. When I was done I asked if he wanted something to drink. He just nodded his head as he tried to process everything I told him. I didn’t tell him anything about Mr. and Mrs. Soarer or any of the filming. I’d save that for another day. “WOW. You’re turning into a slut.” Then he sheepishly asked, “Do you think I could try it?” “What part? The fucking or being fucked?” I asked. “Yes,” was all he said quietly with a big smile on his face. “Sure.” Now I had to explain my cleaning out and enemas. While the process sounds simply enough, in actual practice he wasn’t too thrilled as I filled his ass with warm water. Four small bags later and he was clean. I gave him lots of water to drink to keep him hydrated. By the time we were finished it was time to head down to Mr. Mann’s barn. Robby started having seconds thoughts until I told him he couldn’t butt fuck me unless he went with me. An idle threat though it worked. Whether he believed me or not he got the balls to walk outside and headed to the cornfields as naked as the day he was born, except for a pair of Ked sneakers, no socks. We were really going naked to meet Ray and Darin and suck their dicks. This was crazy even for me. We had to stop cause some littler kids were in the corn stalks playing hide and seek. I motioned for Robby to follow me and we headed back into the woods and circled wide of the younger kids. Unfortunately that made us about five minutes late. Raymond and Darin were waiting for us outside the barn door each smoking a cigarette, yuck. When we got to the edge of the cornfields, Robby looked as if he was going to chicken out. His dick had started to soften some. I gave it a few strokes and said, “Come on. It’ll be alright.” We slowly stepped out into the opening and Darin dropped his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it. Raymond took one big drag then did the same. “It’s ’bout time you showed up. You’re late,” Darin said sternly. “Sorry. There were some kids we had to avoid being seen,” I stammered out. “I think they should be punished and taught a lesson,” Raymond suggested laughingly. “Good idea,” Darin agreed. To Be Continued… Author’s Note: Now just what `punishment’ will Jamie and Robby endure for being late? Will they both suck some dick? That much you can be assured. Stay Tuned… Time is getting more and more difficult to write. I originally planned to submit a chapter once a month though I have been submitting one a week. This means I am quickly approaching the end of my already written chapters. Chapter 34 or 35 took much longer during my busy season. Thus, I may start only releasing chapters one a month after Jamie returns to being Dean’s Bicha, chapter 33 I believe. I just received two wonderful suggestions and will be incorporating them into the story. Please keep your ideas coming/cuming.

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