Daughter’s Seduction

9 Mart 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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His hands were firm, but gentle at the same time. Squeezing and caressing my breasts. Instantly my nipples hardened. Between my legs my pussy was a hot wet temple fulled with a burning desire to be set free. His lips then covered one of my hard nipples. Tongue was so big and so warm as it lapped my nipples slowly stimulating my nipple more and more.

Moans wouldn’t stop emitting from my body as I allowed him to devour me. As he moved his mouth from one nipple to the other, his other hand ran down my body slowly caressing my naked skin slowly. I could feel the palm of his hand separate my thighs then reach up to caress my lips.

My body was a furnace and I desired for him to give me my release. But he stopped before he entered me with two large fingers.

“Please,” I begged rocking my hips into his hands.

But he said nothing. His lips came back up to cover mine. Kissing me slowly but powerfully, exploring my mouth with his tongue, he drove me up and over the edge so fast I screamed out. My own hands were digging into the flesh on his back.

More moans released from my body. I could feel his hard length ready to enter my opening. But he held back. The desire to make our bodies one was driving me insane. Again I begged, “Please, please fuck me.”

But still he said nothing. I began to feel his body move away and I tried to hold on tight to keep him right where I was. But he drifted farther and farther until he was nothing but a memory.

“FUCK!” Looking over, I slapped the off button of my screaming alarm clock. The loud noise ceased. I didn’t want to wake. The things that were happening in my dream were so real and I could feel my nipples through my t-shirt. They were harder than I’d ever felt them before and straining through my thin material. Below my cotton panties were soaked with my desire.

Opening my eyes for the first time, I replayed my dream over and over in my head. The man of my dreams for the past year was tall, built and dangerously sexy. The way he made me feel in just a dream was amazing. I wanted to relish in my dream but there were things that had to be done. But I was still so worked up I needed a release.

I took off my top and panties tossing them on the other side of the bed. I laid naked with my legs spread. Propping my knees up, I stuck two fingers into my wet, silky heat. I let out a loud moan from impact that surprised me. I was not a stranger to masturbating but, this morning it felt entirely too good. I was soo horny and it was taking over my body. I’ve never been bold enough to give it up yet. No guy, including the ones I dated, were good enough to deflower me. Now I’m 18 soon to be 19 in a matter of weeks. I thought about my dream man as I plunged my fingers in and out of my wetness. Hearing my pussy juices thrilled me even more. My free hand went up to squeeze my breasts and pinch my nipples. I wanted my dream lover to be the one penetrating my walls, causing me pleasure only the way he could. He would be the one to cause my to bleed finally making me a true woman.

My hips shot off the bed as I pounded my pussy taking me higher and higher until my orgasm released. I screamed unintentionally, moaning louder as I rode the wave over and let it leave my body.


I jumped out of my passion to hear my Dad beating on my door yelling my name. “Toni!”

His name was Matt and he had this deep voice that could either scare or sooth you. “Antonia Gibson!”

Finally I was able to answer. “Yes, Daddy!” I yelled through the door. My voice wasn’t steady. It never is after I have such a powerful orgasm. My fingers were soaked with my juice and I pulled them from my pussy to my lips to taste my juice. And it tasted so sweet as I sucked my fingers.

“Are you okay?” he asked. “I heard you scream.”

I giggled. I knew that he knew exactly why I’d screamed. No doubt he’d heard my moans and passionate sounds long before I screamed. There were times while I’d be in the shower and just know that he was by the door listening and each time I would masturbate just for him.

“I’m fine Daddy,” I panted after ending my taste.

Daddy cursed explicitly and I giggled. I sure he didn’t last long this time. It was a habit him for to get off listening to me and he always made himself known after by either just calling my name to ask a stupid question or hitting his foot on something walking past my door.

“Okay sweety. I’ll see you down for breakfast.”

I moaned and pulled myself out of bed for a quick shower. I dressed a bit provocatively in my running gear that consisted of short black Speedos and a black sports bra. Before dressing I made sure to lotion and pamper my body. I would do my morning run right after Daddy left for the office then return for morning chores. Since my mother’s disappearance 4 years ago, I’d been like the wife of the house. I would have dinner ready when Daddy came home and the house would always be spotless. We didn’t live in a small house but Ankara bayan escort with just the two of us, there was never much to clean. Being an executive for a major firm, Daddy was tired and shouldn’t have to worry about taking care of me. I wanted to be the one to take care of him… in ever way. What would he think when he found out that he was the one who’d been invading my wet dreams for the past year.

Daddy wasn’t downstairs yet. I heard the shower running in his private bathroom. The thought of him being naked in the shower was running my temperature up again. My pussy was getting wet again at just the thought of seeing him naked. I’d never seen him in anything less than a t-shirt and shorts. When Mom left, she took a big piece of him. I wanted to see my Daddy happy and again and I wanted to be the one to bring him happiness. I’d even picked a college close to home so I could stay home and tend to him while still getting my degree in accounting. Only about a year ago, I had began to see my Dad in a different way. I’d had a nightmare that I can’t remember and Daddy came in to hold me close protectively telling me that it would be okay. My 18 year old nipples were straining against my t-shirt and I’d gotten wet feeling his hard body pressed into mine.

Downstairs the automatic coffee maker had started percolating. I gathered the things for breakfast. I put a few pieces of turkey beacon into the preheated oven. I cut up different fruits and fixed a couple of eggs. Daddy and I tried to eat well balanced meals and stay away from too many fried foods. But on occasion we did splurge on pizza.

Shortly after breakfast was ready, Daddy came downstairs in one of his crisp business suits. Today’s choice was a charcoal grey suit with a deep green shirt and a charcoal grey tie with deep green trimming. He looked so sexy. He never failed to look sexy and I didn’t know another man who could wear so many colors and look amazing in every one of them.

“Good morning, Daddy,” I greeted before setting his neatly fixed plate in front of him along with his steaming hot coffee made just the way he liked – with no sugar and a small amount of creamer.

“Morning, Sweety,” he replied after kissing my forehead like he did everyday.

I didn’t miss his eyes burning holes in my derriere after I turned back to get my own plate. When he thought my head was turned, he licked his lips. At that moment I made an exaggerated move to bend over to pick up a napkin in ‘accidently’ dropped. I head my Dad’s quick intake of breath.

“So, will you be home late tonight?” I asked after taking my seat across from him in the kitchen. The table was small, so our knees would always companionably bump against each other. My breasts were straining from the tightness of my sports bra. Daddy’s eyes were glued to my cleavage.

Daddy cleared his throat pulling his gaze back to my face. “I have a meeting across town so I will be a little later than usual. Don’t hold dinner.”

I was sad but I knew how important work was to Daddy. “I will leave you a plate in the microwave. I’m making spaghetti and you know how much you love my spaghetti.”

Daddy made an exaggerated ‘yum’ sound and rubbed his flat hard tummy. “I will be sure to get home as quick as possible them.” Then he winked at me and I smiled widely.

We finished breakfast in a strange silence. When he finished eating, Daddy kissed my forehead and walked out the door carrying his briefcase. Alone in the kitchen, I cleared the table and cleaned up the mess. I went out and took my morning run. Since it was summer time, the air was warmer than normal but I embraced the heat as I pushed my body to the limit running faster than a normal jog. My 5ft 10in body came from my dad who was 6ft 4in. I love to run and keep my body in tip top shape. Daddy got me into fitness when I was young and he’s been my motivation since.

Once back in the house, I went upstairs for a quick shower. I changed into pair of black shorts and white t-shirt. The house work was pretty simple since it was just me and Dad. I vacuumed every floor in the house. Cleaned his and my bathrooms, mopped the kitchen and dining room. Then I finished his bedroom. And always when I got to be bed that sat on a little circular platform. The bed was a huge king deluxe covered in black satin sheets. On many occasions over the past year, I would slide between his sheets, in hale his scent and just soak in his essence. I wanted to get off but my wetness on satin sheets was something I wouldn’t be able to hide. Those sheets were sent to the cleaners twice a week, so I would just lay there and dream of what could be between me and Dad.

Finally, after touching my self a little, I made his bed perfectly and tidied up the little work area he had in a corner of the master bedroom. There was a home office, but he never worked in there much since he went into the office on a regular basis. I never went in myself unless I was cleaning.

It was now after Escort bayan Ankara noon and there were a few errands I needed to run. I took out the meatballs for the spaghetti to defrost in the refrigerator. Then I made the 20 minute drive to the grocery store first for stuff to make bread and get the baby corn on the cobs that Daddy loves so much. I also got the makings for a nice garden salad. Before heading home, I had a naughty idea and stopped at the mall. I went into Victoria’s Secret where I purchased a few things. I had planned to seduce my dad early that morning when I realized that he was enjoying listening me masturbate so much. It had been a year since the change between us and I was tired of waiting. My tight body wanted a release and it needed it soon. I really hoped that he liked my purchases and that my plan came together. If it didn’t I could potentially lose my dad forever and thought it was a huge risk, I had to take my chance for the reward would be greater than the risk.

When I got back home, it was a little after four. I made dinner and left it on the oven to cool. I had to work fast because Daddy normally got home at six. With him being just a little bit late meant no later than seven. So I went to work on getting the house ready. I put glass lined candles up all around the house. Using these would insure that I wouldn’t have to monitor them too closely for leaking and potential fire hazzards. On the dining room table – which we hardly used – I lit two long stemmed red candles. I went to Daddy’s bedroom and placed more enclosed candles around the room and in his bathroom. Turning on the hot water in his massive Jacuzzi tub, I put some scented oils into the water, and some bubbles. Knowing Daddy would be tired from work, I added a few of his items that he used to relax his muscles. I turned on the Jacuzzi’s heater that kept the water hot for a prolonged period of time.

Downstairs, I went around and lit every candle. As their fragrance filled the room, I began to feel optimistic about what would happen tonight. Upstairs, I showered and took especially longer to pamper my body with body cream, making sure not to forget any part of my body. I sprayed body spray on the critical parts – I didn’t like wearing too much and I knew Daddy didn’t like women who smelled too perfumey. Another thing that we had in common. I pulled out one of my naughty purchases. It was a black lace bra and thong set. I put on a short denim skirt and a black halter top. My 38Cs were standing proud, not that they needed much help from the bra.

When I got back downstairs, I went into the dining room checking to make sure everything was perfect. I programmed the stereo to a nice jazz station knowing what Daddy likes. Me personally preferred R&B or soul to relax but while Daddy didn’t mind those, he always listened to jazz to relax.

Just as I was checking dinner again, I heard his key in the door. He’d gotten home before seven. Standing in the kitchen with my bare feet in a really short skirt and revealing top, I continued my task of getting plates prepared. I heard rather than saw when he came in the kitchen. He didn’t say anything yet, but I could feel his gaze on my body and it made me feel soo good. I squirm and reached down to scratch my chin. I didn’t have an itch, but I had to make sure that my body was on his mind.

Daddy cleared his throat. “Wow that smells great, baby girl.” He then came over and attempted to kiss my forehead as he normally does, but I guided him to my lips instead. Shock was all over his face but he didn’t say anything and just hovered and extra few seconds over my lips as if he wanted to kiss me again. My long chestnut brown hair hung long past the middle of my back. He ran his fingers through it, massaging my scalp before turning and leaving the kitchen. He was no doubt having a battle inside and it seemed that his body was winning. But something twisted inside of me and just having my daddy’s body wasn’t enough. I was about to put an end to this thinking that while I might get his body, his love was more important.

I took our plates into the dining room where he was already seated.

“It’s been a really long time since this room was fit for dinner,” Daddy commented. He took a deep breath and somehow I knew he wasn’t smelling food alone. While it should have made me smile, it made me nervous. I put a smile on my face and took the seat to the right of Daddy. The table was too big for me to sit across from him and I wanted to be as close to him as possible.

“I thought it was time we used this room again.” I noticed that he wasn’t eating. “Is everything okay, Daddy?”

He looked me over again. “What’s going on, Toni?”

While I wanted to pretend ignorance, I could never and had never lied to my dad about nothing. I couldn’t answer his question, so I forked up some spaghetti to quench an appetite that I no longer had.

Daddy reached over to take my hand. “You’ve always been able to talk to me, Sweety. Bayan escort Ankara Tell me what’s going on between us.”

“Do you think I’m beautiful, Daddy?” I finally asked.

Obviously confused by my question, it took him a minute to gather himself before he answered me. “I think you are simply gorgeous. You have everything going for your body.”

I perked up and changed the line of questioning. “Why haven’t you been with a woman since Mom left?”

That shocked him more and took longer for him to answer. “I guess I haven’t found anyone that I’d like to spend my time with.”

He looked me over again. “Since I’m answering your questions, please answer mine.”

“I want to be with you Daddy,” I found the courage to say. “I’ve been having this desire for you since I turned 18 and everyday it’s getting stronger.”

Daddy didn’t seemed to be as surprised by this as the questions I asked him. He bowed his head in shame. I could feel his inner turmoil and it made me hurt for him but at the same time I’d already come to a decision that our business was no one else’s but our own. Standing, I crossed the short distance to him, lifted his chin and sat in his lap sideways.

He wrapped his powerful arms around me tightly and rested his head into my chest. I didn’t hesitate to wrap my arms around him.

“I’ve never lied to you, baby girl and I won’t lie and say that I haven’t been thinking of how you have blossomed from a little girl into a beautiful woman. Every time I look at you now, I see you more as a woman and less than my daughter and it’s terrifying me. Baby what we are feeling isn’t right.”

He fingers were caressing my skin under my shirt and it felt soo good that I moaned.

“Mmmmm baby girl, your skin is like silk and smells so good.”

I could feel Daddy’s cock start to stiffen and it was starting to poke into my derriere. I couldn’t help but grind into it.

“No.” Daddy began lifting me off his lap. “This is incest and I won’t hurt my baby girl. I know there are boys out there your own age. What about the one you are dating now?”

I sighed heavily disappointed. “I don’t want any other boys. I want you Daddy and I don’t care about what society thinks. I love you and you are the only man I have ever loved. And I know you think that you would be hurting me but no one has to know. Why do you think I stayed close to home to attend college?”

Daddy didn’t stand and I knew he was trying to hide his massively growing cock. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. It was the first time that I’d seen it hard.

“What about your future. I’m your father and more than twice your age.”

I went back and sat in Daddy’s lap and was happy that he didn’t try to push me aside. This time I straddled his lap and could feel his girth at the opening of my now dripping wet pussy. My thong was getting soaked with my juices.

“Don’t you love me Daddy?”

I could feel the strain in his body as it tried not to respond to me. His hands couldn’t help but to feel under my skirt and his cock jumped when he connected with bare skin. “God, baby girl. You are soo beautiful and I love you so much.”

I leaned in and got close to his ear. “I know you get off listening to me cum,” I whispered. “I’ve heard you by my door when I’m in the shower or pleasuring myself in my room. I heard you this morning and it turned me on. I’d never cum so hard.” I leaned in and kissed his neck allowing a bit of tongue to connect. His hands squeezed my ass roughly.

“I should be ashamed but I can’t think of nothing else but how good you feel in my arms. Toni, baby, I want you more than I’ve wanted any other woman in my life. Including your mother.”

I ran my fingers through his short soft hair. “I want you too Daddy. I’ve been saving myself for you. No one else will do.”

For the longest minute, the sound of jazz was the only thing heard other than our labored breathing. I was grinding harder into his length that was getting harder and longer. It felt so thick between my legs and I found myself wondering just how big it was.

Daddy then lifted me all of a sudden and took me over to the sofa laying me on my back. He settled himself between my legs his hands holding most of his weight as not to crush me. He was looking deep into my eyes, penetrating down to the dept of my very soul. “I love you, Toni. While I’ll always love you as my daughter, my love for you now is as a woman.”

I didn’t know how to respond. He leaned down and kissed me hard and passionately. I was not expecting his power and it showed in my inexperience. His mouth was so warm and soft. But it was still firm and I worked to catch up. Daddy pulled away and began kissing my neck. His hands were under my shirt massaging my breasts through my bra. I didn’t know what to do with my hands. They were on his back and then digging into the sofa cushions.

“Let’s try that kiss again. This time slower,” Daddy said. Then his kissed me again, slower letting the kiss take us. There was no lacking in passion and as I found my bearings I took the kiss deeper. My hands wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer to me forgetting about how much he weighed. When it all settled down on me, it felt great.

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