Dan and Me Pt. 24

27 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Most of these stories are standalone, so you don’t have to read them all. This one, however, calls back to Pts 11, 18 and 23.

Ever since I’d washed Dan’s bike, I’d been thinking about going for a ride with him. Eventually I’d mentioned it enough times that he remembered, and came over to pick me up. It was a lovely day, and I’d been thinking about not wearing all the protective gear we usually wear.

When I heard him pull up, I went down and opened the door wearing sneakers and a summer dress. Dan asked me to pull the dress up, showing I was wearing a thong, but no bra. He suggested I wear motorcycle boots, then left his jacket and went down to the bike. We put our gloves and helmets on and got on.

Once we were moving, my dress was up quite a way at the back, and guys were all waving at us enthusiastically.

I kept trying to sit on my dress to keep it down, but whenever Dan braked, I’d be tilted forward, allowing the dress to float free.

After a sedate ride, we got to a roadside diner where motorcyclists often stopped to eat, chat and admire other people’s bikes. We pulled up and stopped, and there was no genteel way to get off the bike, so I ended up flashing my thong to everyone.

Inside, Dan got us a drink. We sat on the stools behind the table at the front window, and I’m sure people could see right up my dress.

When it was time to go home, I’d decided to take her thong off. I pulled it down to my knees, then had a struggle getting it over my boots. People had noticed me getting it off, so there was a small crowd waiting to see my pussy as I got back on the bike.

We rode home with me flashing my butt to everybody, and often the wind was blowing the front up too, so truckers were often able to see my pussy as well.

When we got home, I was really turned on. I pulled Dan upstairs and unbuttoned his jeans, then had a devious thought. I called Rachel’s pizza place and ordered us a pizza.

I pulled my dress off, but could only get Dan’s jeans down to his knees with his boots on. I pushed him onto the sofa and straddled him, and it didn’t take long until I came. I got off and knelt down infront of him. I told him he had to cum before Rachel got coffeedonutfest.com there, and went down on him.

He came in my mouth, and I held it until I heard the door bell. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could in my boots, and opened the door to Rachel. She put her foot in the door to hold it open, as I was almost naked, and I took the pizza from her and put it on the stairs, handed her the money, then squatted down in front of her. I undid her jeans, pulled them apart and pulled her panties away from her, then dribbled, almost spat, Dan’s cum.

Rachel looked down, groaned and said “ew, gross,” and I let go of her panties, rubbed them against her pubic hair then zipped her jeans back up and gave her a kiss before closing the door.

We went upstairs and ate pizza, then I suggested we go out and get a drink. I put on my thong and dress, and sneakers, and we headed out – it was just a short walk.

We’d not been there long when my phone rang – it was Rachel. I took the call, and told her where we were, and she showed up shortly after that.

She was pretending to be angry at having to work with cum in her panties.

“You could have just taken them off”, I said.

“Then I’d have been delivering pizza to complete strangers without my panties,” she replied.

“You could take them off now,” I suggested.

Rachel got up to go and do just that.

“In the men’s room,” I said. “And send us a picture of you in there.”

Rachel sighed, and went to the bathrooms. A minute or so later, she sent us both a picture of her standing in front of the urinals, then a few minutes later, she came back and sat down again, putting her soiled panties in her bag.

“I dare you to go and take a picture topless in there,” she said to me. “And not in a stall, in the mirrors.”

I don’t think she knows what I’m capable of, what I’ve already done, yet. I went to the men’s room. Luckily there was nobody in there, so I stood in front of the mirrors, took my dress off and took a picture. I sent it, then went back and sat down.

“Your turn,” I said to Rachel.

Rachel got up and headed to the bathrooms. She sent us a picture of her standing topless in front of the urinals. I couldn’t see her shirt in the picture. I reckoned she’d undressed in a stall, then quickly taken the picture, then quickly gone back in the stall. Where’s the risk in that?

When she got back, I asked her where her clothes had been, and Rachel said they were hanging up in a stall.

“That’s cheating,” I said, “you have to undress in the main area, like I did.”

I showed her my dress in the previous picture, and Rachel sighed and got up again. Shortly afterwards, we got another picture of her topless, and this time we could see her shirt on the counter.

When she got back, she told me “I want you to take off your dress and panties, then bring your panties back here. I want a picture of you in there, naked.”

Is that all? I got up and headed to the bathrooms again. I pulled my panties off and stepped out of them, then took my dress off again. I took a picture holding my thong and sent it. I headed back, and as I sat down, gave Dan my thong.

“OK,” I said, upping the ante somewhat, “naked in there, but a picture taken by somebody else.”

Rachel looked at Dan.

“He doesn’t count.”

Rachel looked around the bar, then said “who?”

“Go in there and wait to see who comes in. It could be anybody, and that’s the fun of this.”

She headed off, and we watched to see who’d go on while we were chatting. A fairly trim guy, probably in his late 40s or early 50s went in, and shortly afterwards we got a picture of her standing in the men’s room, naked, taken by him.

Rachel rushed back over to us, and said to me “same deal, but I told him you’d let him suck your tits.”

I got up and headed to the men’s room. I said “hi” to the guy, gave him my phone and took my dress off.

“How do you want this?” he asked.

“How about in the mirror, with you holding my tits?”

He came around behind me, and squeezed my left tit, while taking a picture over my shoulder. I took the phone from him to look at the picture, then remembered he was supposed to suck my tits.

“I suppose you’re waiting to suck them,” I said.

“I thought that was the dare, yes,” he said.

I held my phone up, and he put my left nipple in his mouth. I took the picture and looked at it. It was fine. He started sucking my right nipple. I was getting turned on, and I didn’t want that to lead me to do something stupid.

“You can stop now,” I told him.

I put my dress back on, and sent the pictures.

“Tell you what,” I said, “stay here and I’ll send her back in. Slap her tits, and she’ll suck you off.”

He looked pleased, and I headed out.

I sat down, looked at Rachel and said “I told him to slap your tits and you’d suck his cock for him.”

Rachel blushed, and went back to the men’s room, and shortly after she disappeared, we got a close up picture of her with red hand prints on her tits.

We watched another guy go in to the men’s room, and idly chatted about what was happening in there. A little while after that guy came back out, we got another picture – this one of her kneeling down and sucking the guy’s dick, naked.

A few minutes later, Rachel came back over to us. She leaned over to me, like she was going to kiss me, and I leant forward to kiss her back. Rachel pulled the front of my dress out and dribbled the guy’s cum down my front, between my tits. It was gross, as the wet mess started to seep down my skin and through my dress. Then Rachel kissed me.

“Did that other guy see you?” Dan asked Rachel when she’d sat down.

“Nah, we went into a stall. You can hear people coming in.”

“Does anybody want another drink?” Dan asked.

“I think I want to go home and have a shower,” I said, and stood up. I could feel the sticky wetness between my tits and down to my tummy, and it was gross, knowing what it was.

“I’d like another drink,” said Rachel, holding her glass out to me. “I’ll even help you carry them back.”

We went to the bar and Rachel had her hand up under the hem of my dress, occasionally lifting it to flash my bum at people. We got served, and headed back to Dan. I was carrying our two drinks, and Rachel was carrying hers. She lifted the front of my dress, flashing my pussy to Dan and anyone else in front of us. We sat and drank our drinks while chatting.

I said we should play these games from Dan’s place, as I didn’t want anybody recognising me here. When we’d finished our drinks, we headed out. Rachel’s car was outside, so we dropped her off there first, and walked home.

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