Condominium Ch. 10

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Double Penetration

Chapter 10

The Broadhurst Swingers, by my count, had thirty-seven people from eighteen units of our condo building. Since four units were for sale that reduced the number of occupied units to thirty-two. We had more than half the people and half the units participating in our swing group.

How did I come to know these statistics? Steve Betts, the head of the condo association stopped me after a Board meeting with a ‘serious issue,’ as he called it. Somehow I guessed that it had something to do with our swinging circle of friends, but I didn’t realize just what was going on.

Steve hemmed and hawed a little before getting down to business. “Jon, I … errr … know that you have quite a few parties with a circle of friends in the building.” He looked at me hoping I’d understand the issue. I didn’t unless he was going to start preaching to me about sin and salvation, neither of which I believed in.

He went on, “You have … well … this is awkward … three people from the five-person Board at your parties – you, of course; Sara Slarinsky, and Brittany Melaconi.”

I still didn’t see what the issue was. He was not going to lecture me, that became certain.

He continued in an awkward way, “That constitutes a meeting of the Board … and you have to open it to the rest of the residents under the State’s Sunshine Law and our condominium declaration and by-laws, otherwise we’re in violation of the law. The State could shut the building down, and lock everyone out of their homes.”

“WHAT?!!?” I blurted out. “You have got to be kidding.”

“Unfortunately, it’s in our condo documents and the state regulations for condominiums.”

“I assume you have some knowledge of what goes on at our parties, the way you’re blushing and all.”

“I gather that besides the social and dinner parts that there’s some … intimacy … that takes place.”

I nodded, “There is. Now, how the hell do I open up our parties to everyone else in the condo? Oh, hello, Miss. We’re having a Board meeting and orgy that we’d like you to attend. Please leave your panties in your unit and be sure you’re on birth control. Oh, yeah, that’ll go over really well.”

Steve chuckled, “I’m not giving you a solution. I’m only alerting you to the problem. I am curious, but Margo and I are not players, so I have no interest in things one way or the other, but I do think you need to figure out how to solve this.”

“What if we split into two groups?”

“De facto, you are still meeting unless the two groups happen on completely different nights.” He paused and added, “One other thing to consider; I think that most of the other people in the condo who aren’t attending your ‘parties’ have a pretty good guess about what’s going on. You have at least half-a-dozen people from each of the three elevator stacks in your group. Other people watch and observe what their neighbors do, where they go, how long they stay, what they dress like, and so on.”

I rolled my eyes. “What would you do?”

“I’d post an invite on the official condo bulletin board without specifics, of course. If someone shows up that’s not part of your regular party group, I’d politely clue them into what’s expected of them the rest of the night or I’d strongly hint at the adult direction the party will be taking after nine o’clock and that they might not want to be there then unless they want to ‘fully’ participate. Who knows, you might pickup a couple more members.” He chuckled.

“We don’t even have ‘official’ members, and we never talk condo business. Our attentions are elsewhere. Duh!”

Steve laughed. “I can only imagine. Look, think about this. Try the announcement and see if anyone you don’t expect shows up. Deal with it then. Maybe no one else is interested. You know how poor attendance is at our regular board meetings.”

That meeting resulted in me putting up the following announcement on the condo bulletin board a week later:

Notice is hereby given in accord with the rules of the

Broadhurst Condominium Association and the rules and regulations

passed and enforced by the Department of State of our state.

A meeting will take place on this Saturday night, 6:00 p.m.,

commencing in unit 1403. If you attend you are requested

to bring a dish of food to share and your choice of beverage/drink.

There is no set agenda for the meeting and we expect no

condominium business to be discussed. At least three board members

will be present, ergo requiring this notice.

This notice is posted more than 48 hours before the event

as prescribed by law.

I tucked it in a corner of the bulletin board and hoped that no one noticed.

Exactly at six o’clock Saturday night, Greg and Susan Heyden from unit 502 strolled into our open door. He carried a bottle of wine and Susan held a beautifully arranged hors d’oeuvre of hummus, grape leaves, and a few other Middle Eastern delicacies.

I greeted them and introduced myself as malatya escort their ‘host.’ They missed the implication of that word that I had hoped they’d appreciate. I’d met them once at the mailboxes, but they were not part of our party group.

Finally, to get the point across I said, “Welcome to Amber and my party.”

“Thank you. I thought it was going to be some sort of snack followed by a condo meeting or the other way around. We’re new here, and figured this was a way to meet other people from the building.”

“Well, you certainly can do that. Because three or more members of the condo board are here, we had to announce it on the bulletin board. We’re not planning to talk condo business, but apparently the Department of State doesn’t care about that; we still have to announce the gathering – in this case a party.”

Amber waltzed up. “Hi, I’m Amber. Jon’s wife. Welcome. Come on in. You can set that dish over on the table, and if you come with me I’ll introduce you around.”

I gave up at that point, figuring I’d get to them after they’d met some of the others in the room. No one else unexpected showed up that night.

I did size up the two of them. Greg looked to be in his mid forties. He was trim, obviously athletic, and yet had an air of leadership about him that suggested he was in a successful career. Susan was about the same age, maybe a year or two younger. She was trim and also well dressed in a summer frock. She wore low heels, and exuded friendly vibes that I liked. I summed her up as the pretty girl next door.

About an hour later, as we started the serious eating of the entrees and side dishes, I was able to get near Susan. She looked pretty innocent, so I figured that if I hinted at the kind of party we’d be getting into later that night, she might run from the room dragging her husband behind her.

“Hi Susan, may I sit with you.”

“Oh, yes, Jon. It’s your home; sit anywhere. You’ve done such a great job decorating. We love seeing this. We’re just getting our thinking into paint schemes and decorating now that a lot of our moving and unpacking is out of the way.”

“Did you meet everyone?” I asked pleasantly.

“I think so. Everyone is so nice, and so affectionate with each other. I see how they greet each other when someone new arrives. I like that in people. I’m kind of like that.”

I harrumphed and gave a well-orchestrated snicker. “Well, errr, there’s a reason for that.”

Susan said innocently, “There is?”

“Yes. Many of us are intimate with each other. That’s why we have these parties.”

Susan stared at me for a long time and I held her eyes, hoping she got the fairly obvious message that I’d just carpet-bombed her brain with.

Finally, she said, “You mean … most of these people sleep with each other?”

I snickered again in my licentious way, “I don’t think anyone sleeps too much when they’re together.”

“How often do you have parties like this?”

“Every two weeks most of the year. We sort of skip December because of all the other parties and other holiday events. Some people do their own thing then in smaller groups. Some people go off over the summer too.”

She nodded in understanding.

At that point, I couldn’t have planned it better, because Crystal came up beside where we were sitting and leaned over, allowing the front of her scoop-neck top to give way as she bent over to kiss me so Susan and I could see her pendulous breasts in beautiful vivid detail.

Crystal said, “Hi, Lover. I want to be with you tonight. Can I be first with you later … unless you’re going to be with Susan, then I’ll take seconds.” She smiled at Susan, presuming that she knew exactly what the whole agenda of the evening was about.

I said, “I’d be honored. I’ll come find you when it’s the right time. I promise.”

Crystal said, “I’m open to try ‘The Experience’ again tonight too, if you’re willing.”

I nodded and Crystal kissed me and then strolled away.

Susan looked at me, “The Experience? What’s that?”

I decided to be pretty straight with her. “It’s something I learned to do to a woman that usually brings her more pleasure than the sum total of all the other pleasures she’s ever had in her life.”

“You mean orgasms?”

“Yes, but this is truly mind-blowing. Most of the women faint from too much pleasure as the sensations wash over them, but only for a few seconds. They revive quickly, but there is a peak of pleasure that is so great it demands full use of the body.”


“Seriously,” I affirmed. “Ask one of the other women.” I gestured to the room full of people.

Heather came over to give me a kiss. I hadn’t seen her earlier. I made sure she’d met Susan.

Susan put her hand on Heather’s arm. “Could you answer a question or two for me? Jon suggested I ask one of you. I gather you have had ‘The Experience;’ was it any good and what did it do for you?” Her tone was skeptical malatya escort bayan and full of sarcasm.

Heather swooned, and then sat on my knee with her arms around me. She planted a huge kiss on my lips and pulled my head to her breasts so I could suck on one teat through her thinly veiled top.

Heather said, “I’ve had ‘The Experience’ from Jon twice in my life. Both times I have had a transcendent experience with more pleasure than all the other pleasures in my life combined in a single moment. It isn’t just sex – it’s a magnificent transcendent spiritual experience. It’s rapture and pure unadulterated bliss. I have come out of it loving Jon like no other person on the earth. I adore him and that he willingly shared himself with me to allow me that experience. So, was it any good? An unqualified yes, absolutely; and that understates severely the event. What did it do for me? It brought me awareness, love, a deep experience of my inner most soul, and all the other positive emotions you can ever think of rolled into one. They continue to sustain me every day.”

Susan looked surprised. She glanced at me. I shrugged. She thanked Heather who then wandered off to talk to Travis.

Megan Sanders passed by a second later. Susan stopped her, “Excuse me, may I ask you a question?”

“Sure.” Megan replied happily, and joined into our small group. “Susan, right?”

Susan nodded. “Could you tell me what it was like to have ‘The Experience’? Did you like it?”

Megan looked at her a moment, “Are you serious? It’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me.” She hugged me to her and kissed me. “I love this man because of it. I’ve had three of them. You think you want them every day, but you know that you’ll die of too much pleasure if you do that. Did I like it? One billion percent, I loved it. What was it like? It was like a billion butterflies making love to your clit all at once; being washed in the loving light from a trillion stars on a warm summer night; feeling awash in an endless sea of love; and having an orgasm that spikes into every corner of your brain with such intensity that you can’t help but physically surrender to it with your complete body, knowing you’ll be such a better person afterwards.”

“Wow,” Susan said. She looked at me again.

Megan said, “Every woman in this room will tell you the same thing. ‘The Experience’ is fabulous.” She turned to me and kissed me. “And I loved you before that, but I’ve loved you even more since. Ryan knows, but he doesn’t mind. He knows I love him too.” She nodded at Susan.


“My husband,” Megan explained. “I’ll catch you later.” She excused herself and went over to talk to Jason.

Susan turned to me, “And you do this? Why not the other men?”

“Various reasons. A few have tried and come close. I guess I have the magic touch. I’m sensitive to a woman’s needs and her physiology. I understand how to generate that peak of pleasure for her. Although I’m not medically inclined, I did a lot of study about a woman’s sexual physiology and how to please Amber, my wife. Of course, what I learned applies to any woman.”

“It’s sexual?”

“It is.”

“Do you fuck the person?”

“No. Later, if they want; however, that’s not part of it. That has been the urgent request of every women I’ve done it for, but only afterwards. I do move my hand and fingers inside them in different ways.”

“Oh, wow.”

“You’re not putting me on are you?”


“And, if I stayed you’d do this to me?”


“Why maybe?”

“Susan, I need to feel a resonance with the people I make love to. This is an act of love in my book. I don’t know whether we have that yet. I’m open to work on the foreplay to see, but maybe it happens another night.” I paused and asked, “What about Greg? What would he think if you were to do this? I’m not about seeing a marriage break apart because of a party or something I might do.”

“I think he’d be all right with this,” she insisted.

I ventured, “I think you should talk to him. I’d hate to start something and then have him suddenly become unglued became I or someone is making love to his wife.” I gestured to the other men in the room.

I paused and said, “Susan, I want to be clear. In another hour, this will be a sex party; I’m being somewhat crude so you understand what it’ll be like if you stay – and I am not at all trying to get you to leave. In fact, I hope you’ll remain. Just know that everyone will be naked or nearly so. There will be a lot of love and affection, but we choose to have fun using our physical selves to express that love. The men aren’t into each other; many of the women are. There will be a lot of lovemaking taking place all over this apartment. Because we’re a little crowded a few people will migrate back to their own places for a while with their lover of the moment, but they’ll return to always feel part of the larger group. There’ll be threesomes escort malatya and foursomes. Some woman might like to pretend she’s having a gangbang, and some of the men will accommodate her. By midnight, we’ll be pretty tired.

“And people go off with others who aren’t their spouses?”

“Exactly, but only for an hour or so. We sleep with our spouses or partners. It’s better that way, and demonstrates recommitment after some sexual activity with others. That’s especially more important as you start in this kind of activity than it is later when you have learned to trust each other and the outcomes after you’ve both played with others.”

Susan asked, “How long has this been going on?” She looked around and studied some of the other people in the room who were laughing and having intense conversations. No one was drunk or drugged. Everyone was rational and polite. There was an air of kindness and love.

“About two years or more, although the group has grown continuously. No one has left. No one has broken up with anybody. No one has gotten mad. There are no drugs. We’re not very kinky – ‘The Experience’ maybe tops the list, along with a sybian we drag out once in a while. No one has gotten hurt physically or emotionally, unless they’re hiding something from us. We’re all from this condo, and I think most people would say they are closer to their spouse or partner after having participated than before.”

Susan stood. “Don’t give away my chance to be first on your dance card for a few minutes. I’ll be back.”

She started to walk away, but I called her back as I stood. “Susan, come here.” She came back, and I took her hand and pulled her into my personal space, and then up against me. I leaned in and kissed her neck several times, working up to her ear, and then I faced her and kissed her passionately on the mouth. It was long, slow, sultry kiss loaded with promise and possibility. She leaned into me.

Susan held onto me for a long time and looked at me. She whispered, “Oh, I’ll be back … soon.”

I saw her search out Greg and then pull him out of our apartment, no doubt for a private discussion.

I was talking to Sara Slarinsky when Susan suddenly appeared at my side twenty minutes later. She apologized for breaking into our chat, but said she had to ask me a personal question. Sara winked at me and left.

Susan said, “What about Amber?”

“What about her?” I asked, puzzled by the vague question.

“What does she think? If you and I make love what will she think? What emotions will that trigger?”

I shrugged, “Ask her? She’s right over there talking to Doug Carson and his sister-in-law.”

Susan stared. “Do they … are they …?”

“Yes, they have sex. They are in love. Diane lives with her sister and Doug now. They have a beautiful threesome. Marcie has a new baby that’s cute as a button.”

“Oh.” Susan left me and migrated across the room to stand beside Amber. Eventually, I could tell she had her ear, and then the conversation was just the two of them. I watched Amber lead Susan out to our balcony where they could talk outside without so much noise or the possibility of people hearing their remarks.

It was fifteen minutes later, nearing the time our ‘Game Time’ started. There had ceased to be a starting bell. People just kind of waited until after eight o’clock and then paired up for the first round.

Greg Heyden, Susan’s husband, sidled up next to me. “Got a minute?”

I smiled at him, “I do. Do you want to talk here?”

“Here’s OK, I guess. I just want to tell you that I have gone into some funky place in my head where my brain is truly scrambled. I have agreed to participate with your group, and to give Susan her head about all of this. We’re experimenting, I guess.”

I laughed, “Life is an experiment. You try things, you take risks, and if they don’t make you happy or satisfied, you stop.”

“I’m glad to hear you say it that way. I have no idea what I’ll feel like tomorrow or next week or next year.”

I spoke with conviction, “Susan loves you. You won’t lose her. There’s no one here who wants to steal her away from you either. If you went to the hotel bar, that might not be the case.”

He nodded. He touched my arm, “Take care of Susan, please. I love her. She’s the most precious thing in my life. I want her to be happy and excited and to feel loved – by me … and by others – you.”

I patted his hand, “I will treat her like fine china, physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. She will love me by the end of the night, but that won’t mean that she doesn’t love you. Do you understand that?”

“I think I do. Thank you.”

Kelsey came by us at that point. I stopped her. “Kelsey, this is my friend Greg. He lives in 502, and he needs someone special to start the night with. Are you committed? I think he will be a sensitive lover.”

Kelsey studied Greg with her head at a tilt and a slight smile. She put her hand on his face to feel his vibrations. After a minute, he turned into her hand and kissed her palm. Kelsey immediately broke into a beautiful smile. “I will love being with Greg tonight.”

I left the two of them and faded to the side. As I left, I heard Greg saying, “I have no idea how to do this … how to start with you, but I do feel …” I couldn’t hear after that.

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