Cinder Whore Ch. 05

10 Ocak 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Ellie tried to feel excitement as she watched her father give Ellis the pass code. She tried to believe that this was the moment they’d been waiting for, to escape, but she just couldn’t. Ellis had whispered his reasoning to her daddy and Mal’s eyes had positively glowed. It was obvious that he liked the plan. More and more she began to worry that Ellis wasn’t what he seemed. Every time he built her up, she crashed that much further down until it seemed the only emotions she was able to feel was shame and disappointment. Every time he loved her she would sob through her orgasms, wondering why God had chosen to punish her like this.

Ellis was thrilled. It was the first step in his plan. First he would use the code for a few days to disarm Mal’s suspicion. Not for a moment did he think that Mal wouldn’t be checking the video every time he opened the door, just in case. He needed to push his trust just a little further. Also there was the problem of the photos and videos. Mal had proof showing Ellis raping Ellie, and if he called in his cop friends then it would be easy enough to claim she was kidnapped. He kept wanting to go back to his original idea of simply beating the hell out of Mal, or even killing him, but that left gaps as well. Donny, Danny, the Professor and Dr. Gall would surely implicate him. Measures needed to be taken first before he could just walk away with his beloved sister.

The week before Mal’s retirement had ended, but Mal allowed Ellis to continue working with Ellie on the weekends. This gave Mal the time to go socialize outside the house, and it gave Ellis the opportunity to try and console Ellie. Ellie never told him what went on in the weeks after her father’s retirement, but she didn’t have to, Ellis got a full report from Mal.

“Ellie is progressing perfectly. I’ve brought dozens of men into the house, some from the boys’ fraternity, some from the online group I have, and she offers herself immediately every time. “Please” and “thank you” for every new pain we inflict on her. We even had another party to replace the ink that wore off of her. I commissioned a tattoo artist to make it all permanent the very next day. Now she’s forever marked as the little whore she is! She’s more lithe and firm as her diet is mush only and the chores keep her fit. But the best news yet is that the doctor has confirmed her pregnancy! It must have happened right away. We took an amniocentesis to determine the sex and it’s a girl. We’ve begun to torment her with the knowledge that her daughter will be a useless slut as well, sold to the highest bidder. I actually already have a buyer who is paying for her care, so I’ve got extra income now. This allowed me to bring in a false priest who is mentoring her soul.”

Ellie was in the other room, finishing her chores as her father filled her brother in on what he’d missed. Ellis had a project for work and had unable to come to her for three weekends in a row. She’d felt his absence greatly, especially when the priest had come. Recalling the experience, Ellie couldn’t suppress a shudder.

Ellie’s thin body was already showing a bump at 3 months. The now permanent scrawl on her body was even more excessive on her belly now, stretching with her skin. When she heard the door open, she went straight to the entry way. Hearing multiple footsteps she knew her father had brought a guest. Tipping her head up to greet them she murmured her customary greeting.

“Welcome to my father’s izmir escort home. Please command your every pleasure.”

Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw the man in the priests robes. He carried a brief case with him and looked at her very sternly.

“Ah, I see, this is a terrible case indeed, Mal. She looks as though she is possessed by some lustful demon.”

Ellie shook with fear. It was an idea she’d had before, but had put aside. A medical condition was curable, but a flaw in her soul, not so easy.

“Is there anything you can do, Father Jacob?” Mal asked. “We have been treating her medically and psychologically, but it doesn’t seem to be working. She has become more and more promiscuous, even becoming pregnant! And motherhood hasn’t reduced her lusts, rather it has increased it. Repeatedly she asks us to fuck her and hurt her, in spite of our telling her how wrong it is!”

Ellie watched as the priest shook his head sadly.

“If she is indeed possessed then I can cure her for certain. If it is her soul that is corrupted, I fear there may be no recourse for it.”

Mal nodded, then looked at his daughter who still sat gaping at the two. He was pleased. She had become entirely complacent. She was the perfect slut who asked for everything a man could want and took it as her due. But she had begun to do so without any of the emotions he so enjoyed watching. She no longer seemed to feel ashamed, or afraid. Mal had one more trick up his sleeve before he broke her completely.

“Come daughter, lie down in the living room.”

Ellie quickly walked into the living room and lay on her ottoman, arms above her head and legs spread wide, ready to accept any instructions given. She knew what she was supposed to say and do, had done so a great number of times in the last weeks, but the priest made her stutter with hesitation.

“Please, use my body for your pleasures. Command me, master.”

The priest set his briefcase on the sofa and opened it. Inside was a carefully crafted kit to simulate the Rituale Romanum; “holy” water that would burn, a cross that would brand skin and of course the book of prayers.

The priest asked Mal to be silent as he began to speak the ritual.

“The Mighty One, God the LORD,

Has spoken and called the earth

From the rising of the sun to its going down.

Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty,

God will shine forth.

Our God shall come, and shall not keep silent;

A fire shall devour before Him,

And it shall be very tempestuous all around Him.”

When he took out the vial of “holy water” to splash on her Ellie began to squirm. Her father had turned on her vibrating rings and her nipples and clit were beginning to tingle. This was her first cue that she needed to begin her begging.

“Fuck me, please!”

The priest splashed her with the water and she screamed in surprise as the liquid burned a bright red rash on her skin. When she tried to get up her father grabbed her arms and held her down. The priest continued while she struggled, splashing her again and eliciting another scream.

The pain was not intended to be sexual, but the second splash came close to her pussy lips and her body instantly associated it with pleasure, causing her body to burn on the inside as well. Unknown to Ellie, her daddy had increased the vibrations of her jewelry and she was climbing ever higher. alsancak escort She knew this would only end once they’d both fucked her. It was the only way it ever ended, and so she began her begging again.

“Fuck me hard, please, fuck me! Fuck my ass and my cunt, fuck my mouth, use me for your pleasure, I am your slut!”

The priest began to chant louder while her daddy held her arms tighter.

“But to the wicked God says:

“What right have you to declare My statutes,

Or take My covenant in your mouth,

Seeing you hate instruction

And cast My words behind you?

When you saw a thief, you consented[a] with him,

And have been a partaker with adulterers.

You give your mouth to evil,

And your tongue frames deceit.

You sit and speak against your brother;

You slander your own mother’s son.

These things you have done, and I kept silent;

You thought that I was altogether like you;

But I will rebuke you,

And set them in order before your eyes.”

She immediately noticed the bulge in his robes. Seizing onto this Ellie tried to hurry on the inevitable so they would leave her alone.

“I can see your cock beneath your robes, I am just a worthless cum bucket, please use me, I know you want to!”

The priest was breathing hard through his recitation. He tossed the vial into the bag and took out the wooden cross with a small metal crucifix imbedded into it. Ellie did not see him push the button that began to create a blistering heat behind the metal of the crucifix.

“Now consider this, you who forget God,

Lest I tear you in pieces,

And there be none to deliver:

Whoever offers praise glorifies Me;

And to him who orders his conduct aright

I will show the salvation of God.”

As Ellie arched enticingly towards the priest, who had removed most of his robes and was merely in a shirt, pants and his white collar, his erection beginning to push through an unzipped fly, the priest pressed the crucifix down onto Ellie’s thigh. She screamed as her skin was branded with the shape of a cross. Watching as the excruciating pain crossed her face, the priest reached down and opened his pants, allowing his cock to spring free. Quickly he pressed himself into her moist cunt, holding the cross as he cried out.

” Be gone demon, from this child! The power of Christ compels you!”

As he began to pound into her pussy, he lifted the cross and burned her other thigh, still chanting. Soon Ellie’s daddy was joining in, unzipping his pants and fucking her screaming mouth as he held her arms down, both of them chanting for the “demon” to be gone.

Ellie was certain she was going mad. The pain was excruciating. She didn’t understand why it was happening, was she possessed? Was she evil? If this was supposed to cure her, why were the men fucking her again and why could she feel her pussy quivering in spite of the pain and gushing over the priests cock.

Eventually the priest threw away the cross and gripped her hips tightly as he pounded into her tiny body.

“Yes! Yes, demon! I feel your pleasure, I can feel your juices on my cock. I can feel your evil!”

Ellie whimpered in fear around her father’s cock, trying her best to sneak in breaths between the vicious thrusts. She couldn’t get enough air, however, and felt the blackness creeping in on her. The buca escort priests come spat into her pussy as she spasmed in pleasure then passed out.

When she opened her eyes again she didn’t understand where she was. Panicking she tried to sit up but found herself fitted with a collar and chained to the wall. When her eyes finally focused she screamed in fear. She was in a dark place, with flickering red lights dancing against the walls. In front of her was a creature that could only be described as a demon, with horns and bright red skin. He held in one hand a thick tail with a bulbous end and in the other his own huge cock. It had to be the largest cock she’d ever seen, measuring at least 10 inches long and more than half that wide in diameter. He leered at her and snaked out his pink, forked tongue. Ellie scooted as far away the collar allowed, quaking in terror against the stone wall.

“Welcome, little one, to Hell.”

The reality of it sunk in and Ellie realized she must be dead. Her father and the priest had fucked her to death and now the Devil was going to rape her for all eternity.

He wasted no more words but simply grabbed her ankles and dragged her forward. Ellie went limp instantly and opened herself up wide. She’d learned that resistance would do nothing, better to try and make it less painful and perhaps get her own pleasure from the experience. However, as the monster cock pressed into her tiny pussy she felt as if she were being ripped apart. She screamed and pushed futily against the demon’s chest while he laughed and pressed himself in deeper.

The pain was intense, but as the huge phallus rammed all the way inside of her she willed her body to relax. Soon her screams had faded to mere whimpers and her pulsing pussy began to swell with pleasure. Her clit was thrumming all on its own, even without the jewelry. It was just as she began to moan her pleasure that she felt the Beast’s tail press at the entrance to her ass. Ellie immediately began to whimper. The tail was huge, at least as huge as the demon’s cock. He thrust it inside, only getting a few inches before Ellie clenched tight in reaction to the invasion. She willed herself to relax but the Beast’s next words caused her to sob in despair.

“You aren’t dead, Ellie. When you wake up, you will still be with your father and brothers. I am here to ravage your dreams and steal the soul of your unborn child. Every orgasm you have brings me closer to devouring her while still inside your womb.”

Ellie began to struggle. It had been so long since she’d fought against the assaults she’d become accustomed to. Now, however, she wasn’t fighting merely for herself. She bucked against the demon as it shoved its two cocks deeper inside. The tail had been lubricated and despite her best efforts it eventually rammed deep inside her ass.

“No! Please! Leave my daughter alone! Take me instead, only me!”

The demon laughed and pressed her against the wall, the chains on her wrists rattling as it began to pound her mercilessly, both her pussy and her ass. Ellie fought the urge but it was coming. Her clit was throbbing and her pussy shook with the force of being so full. Her ass burned as it was stretched. When the Beast licked her jaw she lost control. Ellie’s cunt exploded with the strongest orgasm she had ever felt, cum gushing from her so that she could actually hear it drip onto the floor.

“That’s right, cum for the Devil you filthy whore. Squeeze your child’s soul from your womb so that I may suck it into my cock.”

Smoke filled the room and Elle began to feel dizzy as she felt the creature pull itself from her body. It caressed her head and right before she blacked out she thought she heard it whisper.

“See you again, soon.”

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