Christmas Entanglements Ch. 05

31 Mayıs 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Chapter 5: A not so quiet day

As George was eating breakfast she couldn’t stop thinking about Anna and Chris. She hadn’t heard from Anna since the phone call the previous day that let her know that Anna was going to see Chris for sex. George was very curious about what had happened. However she didn’t want to call Anna or Chris, first she wasn’t sure if they might still be together and second calling might give the impression that she cared what happened. This meant that she was left to imagine what they had done.

Her phone buzzed with a message. George was expecting that it would be from Anna. She was surprised to find that the message had actually come from Katie.

(Hi George, it’s Katie. How did the rest of your day go yesterday?)

George smiled and wondered just how much she should reveal to Katie. She reasoned that it couldn’t hurt to at least share that she did have sex with Chris, especially since Katie had been open about how she had slept with Chris.

(Hey Katie. The rest of my day went very well ;).)

It didn’t take long before her phone buzzed to announce Katie’s reply.

(Wow! 😀 So what did you think of Chris’ package?)

George grinned, amused that Katie would bring that up. It felt a little wrong to pretend that she had only just found out how big Chris’ cock was but the deception wouldn’t hurt anyone.

(It certainly wowed me.)

(I’m honestly feeling a little jealous right now. Are you going to see Chris again?)

George smiled to herself, of course she was. Chris had offered to fuck her until she couldn’t take anymore and she was eager to take him up on that.

(Absolutely. I haven’t had anywhere near enough of him yet.)

(That sounds promising. Let me know if you want to meet up sometime for lunch or whatever. Have a good day, talk to you later.)

(For sure. You have a good day too.)

George reflected on how odd it was that she was getting friendly with Katie. Even odder, they seemed to be bonding over their experiences with Chris. She then furrowed her brow, thinking again about what might have happened between Anna and Chris. After stewing over it for a few minutes, George resigned herself to having to call Anna. She was going to call anyway to see how Anna was feeling but now she was also going to try and find out how things went with Chris. She would just have to make sure she didn’t get too inquisitive about it. Just as George reached for her phone it started to ring and it showed that it was Anna calling her. She quickly picked up her phone and answered the call.

“Hey Anna, how are you?”

“Hi George. I’m feeling pretty good, thanks.”

“So, was seeing Chris a help?” George hoped her question sounded casual.

Anna chuckled. “Yeah, but not in the way you’re probably thinking of. Sorry to disappoint you but I don’t have any dirty details to share.”

George felt a bit relieved and then even more curious about what they did if they hadn’t had sex. As much as she wanted to find out, she decided to avoid asking about that for the time being. “So have you patched things up with Aaron?”

“No. I was still too irritated to call him last night and with him busy with his friends today it can wait till later. In fact I thought I’d take the opportunity to have a quiet day and try not to think about him too much.”

“Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?”

“Mainly watching television or movies. Do you want to join me?”

“Of course I do. I could use a quiet day myself.”

Anna laughed. “Is that so? Cool, I’ll come and pick you up in a bit. See you soon.”

“See you.”

George was sitting in the living room talking with Grace when she received a message from Anna saying that she was out the front of the building. After saying bye to Grace, George headed out. When George opened the door to Anna’s she saw that Anna was dressed in jeans and a hoodie, similar to her. Anna smiled when she saw George. “Hey there, ready for some serious television watching?”

“As long as it’s not reality trash, absolutely.”

“Please, I know you love commenting on how vacuous and shallow the people are.”

George shrugged and then smiled. “I admit that it’s helpful for writing up lists of the bourgeoisie for when the revolution comes.”

Anna laughed. “You’ll give me a warning when it’s coming, right?”

“Of course, I’d never let you get put up against the wall.”

“I appreciate you always having my back.”

When they arrived at Anna’s house they first made some coffee and got out some snacks. As they were doing that they talked about small things and what they might watch. It was an effort but George avoided talking about Aaron or Chris, thinking it would be best if Anna was the one to bring them up. After a bit of good natured arguing on what to watch, Anna and George started watching a sitcom.

For the first few episodes Anna and George sat quietly watching, only laughing and making the occasional comment. As the opening credits to the next episode began Ankara escort to play, George noticed Anna was looking her way so she shifted on her seat to face her. “Something the matter?”

“Do you want to hear about what happened with Chris yesterday?”

George froze, not sure how to respond. Even though she was very interested, Anna had implied that she hadn’t had sex with Chris so George wasn’t sure whether she should act like she was interested in hearing about it. Anna saw her indecision and laughed. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

A fraction embarrassed, George tried to play it cool and shrugged. “Sure, I’m curious.”

“Well, like I told you, there isn’t anything dirty to share. But it isn’t because I chickened out. I asked him if he wanted to have sex but he turned me down.”

George stilled, that Chris had turned down sex with Anna pleased her but she couldn’t tell why he would do that. Since they were talking about it George had to ask. “Did he say why?”

Anna gave her an amused smile and George wondered whether her more than casual interest was transparent or if Anna was simply enjoying having a story to tell.

“Well, it turns out he’s a decent person. Chris could see I was in a mood and remembered our discussion the day before. He said didn’t want to take advantage.” She sighed but it sounded fond. “He was suitably outraged at how Aaron was acting and then we ended up talking for a while.”

“That sounds good, I guess?”

Anna looked even more amused. “It was. Just because we didn’t end up having sex, that doesn’t mean it was pointless.” She smirked. “Anyway, when I was leaving Chris said that if I can’t work things out with Aaron that I should come and ask him again.”

George smiled but there was a tiny stab of disappointment that Chris had left open the possibility of him and Anna having sex. Her feelings didn’t make sense, Chris wasn’t going to be around for that long and she didn’t want anything serious. Maybe it was just that there was something about Chris having options other than her for sex that didn’t feel good.

The real question was whether Anna would be able to sort things out with Aaron. If Anna couldn’t make any progress with Aaron, would she have sex with Chris? The whole situation depended on Aaron, George found she liked him even less than before. “Maybe you should let Aaron know that, that should set a fire underneath him.”

“Ha, that’s a bit dramatic but maybe.” Anna sighed. “That’s enough about Aaron. Today is meant to be a relaxing day, free of frustration. Sorry, we’ve been focusing on me and my petty troubles. I never even asked what you got up to yesterday.”

A light blush began to appear on George’s face. “I called Chris and I spent most of the day with him.”

Anna’s eyes widened. “Wait. Did you two have sex yesterday?” Her head tilted to the side as she studied George’s face. “Did you do anything else?”

“We did have sex but that was a small part of the day.” Anna gave her a look of disbelief and George shrugged. “It’s true, Chris was going to a big group lunch with his friends and he offered to bring me along. Of all people Kate Ward was there too and she’s actually really cool now.”

Anna looked a little stunned. “That’s all kind of surprising. So you slept with Chris after that?”

“Yeah but we kind of got interrupted by Grace arriving home.” George pouted.

“It’s hard for me to be sympathetic, at least you’re having sex.” Anna paused to think for a second. “You’re going to see Chris again aren’t you?”


An interested expression formed on Anna’s face. “You’re spending a lot of time together. Are you sure it’s just a casual thing?”

In response George made a dismissive gesture. “Very sure. He’s not as annoying as he used to be but he isn’t ‘interesting’ either.” That wasn’t quite true but what she most liked about Chris was a different matter to his personality, George smirked. “However, he’s really good in bed. It was completely unexpected but he knows what he’s doing, at least that’s what I’ve found. Plus the way his cock fills my.. “

What she was about to say was cut off by Anna. “Okay. I didn’t need to hear that. You’re just rubbing it in now.” She mock glared at George and then flipped her off.

George stuck her tongue out at Anna. “Sorry, maybe we should stop this conversation before you really get jealous.”

Anna shook her head with an amused smile and they resumed watching television.

A little later they heard the front door unlock, open and close. Anna’s mother soon appeared in the living room. “Hi Girls, I’ve just been to the community centre, I was talking with Jan and she told me that Mr Fischer popped in for a visit. Thankfully he’s feeling a lot better now.”

Anna replied that she was glad he was better, George quickly followed her example. Gayle nodded. “Apparently he was very sorry about missing the activity day and was curious about his replacement.”

Anna laughed. “I don’t think Ankara escort bayan he has to worry about Chris taking over the job. Chris got really hot in the costume and I don’t think he liked the beard at all.”

George couldn’t help smiling widely. Chris had been hot outside of the costume as well. While he might not have enjoyed being Santa she was fairly sure he had enjoyed what happened afterward. That wasn’t something she was about to tell Gayle though.

After hearing what Anna said Gayle was thoughtful. “Oh well. I’m sure he’ll be happy to step in again if we need him.” She paused and her gaze switched between Anna and George. “Are you two going to be around this afternoon? If you are, I might get you to help me with a project for a charity I’m on the committee for.”

George flinched but otherwise kept her face straight. She looked at Anna who seemingly unaffected by the question, thought for a second before replying. “Not sure, we don’t have any set plans.”

“That’s okay. If you’re still here later, I’ll come and get you.” Without saying anything further Gayle exited the living room, leaving Anna and George staring at where she had been standing. They each looked at each other and made freaked out faces before turning back to the television.

After watching a couple more episodes Anna paused the video and asked if George wanted to go out and get some lunch. George was happy to go along with that. Neither of them had a particular preference so they decided to take a look around and choose what to eat later. Anna drove them into town and after a quick look around they chose to get some sushi.

When they had finished lunch and were leaving the sushi place Anna stopped to talk. “I’m not ready to head home yet.”

“You don’t want to get dragged into helping with your Mother’s charity project?”

Anna grinned. “That isn’t what I had in mind for today.”

“Yeah. So what do you want to do?”

“Bridget’s working today, we could drop by and see her.”

George thought for a moment. “She works at the German Bier haus place, right?”

“Yeah. Have you seen the outfits they have the ladies wearing.”

“No. I’m guessing that they’re German beer wench outfits?”

“Yes, but they’re not slutty if that’s what you’re thinking.”

“I hadn’t been thinking that but now I’m a little disappointed.”

“Ha ha. So, do you feel like visiting her?”


Anna led the way to the restaurant where Bridget worked. When they arrived at the Bier Haus they could see through the windows that there were a number of customers but it wasn’t too busy. As they walked inside Anna did a scan of the restaurant and spotted Bridget. “There she is.”

George followed Anna’s gaze and saw Bridget standing by a booth, probably talking to some customers, with the height of the booth dividers it was difficult to see. Her work outfit was a dirndl, the kind that could usually be seen at Oktoberfest. Like Anna had said, it wasn’t a slutty version of the outfit but it was still eye-catching, especially on someone like Bridget. Anna called out to Bridget and waved. George saw her look up slightly startled, when she saw Anna and George she smiled and waved back before turning back to her customers.

Anna turned toward George. “I guess she must be busy. Do you want to wait a bit, or do you want to go?”

George didn’t mind either way and was about to tell that to Anna when she saw Bridget turn back to them and someone rising up out of the booth. Just from the short messy brown hair she recognised that it was Chris. Upon seeing George and Anna he raised an eyebrow and gave them a half smile. Anna looked back and she was surprised to see Chris. Just seeing Chris had an immediate effect on George, she felt a gentle flush of warmth in her pelvis and a jolt of arousal went through her body. Without any thought George started to walk toward Bridget and Chris. George heard Anna chuckle as she followed after her.

When George and Anna got closer they both said hi to Bridget and Chris greeted them with a nod. “Hey George, Anna, this is a pleasant surprise.”

George replied first. “Same for us.” She noticed him looking from her to Anna and thought she saw a hint of unease. Maybe he was concerned about how much she and Anna had told each other about yesterday or had he been doing something that he didn’t want them to know about. “Were you here by yourself?”

It was Bridget who answered. “He was here with some people for lunch.”

Chris nodded. “You just missed Dave and Sarah, we met up for lunch and we’re going to another get together tonight. They left because they had some things to take care of this afternoon. I was looking to kill some time and Bridget was kind enough to give me some company while I thought of something I could do.”

Anna spoke up. “We’re looking to kill some time as well. If we go back to my place too soon we’ll probably get volunteered to help with some charity stuff.”

Chris Escort Ankara made a face as if he had eaten something sour. “Yeah, That would be a pass for me as well. You’re more than welcome to join me if you want.”

“Thanks, but you should know it’s more that we’d be doing you a favour.”

Chris’ eyebrows rose in amusement before nodding. Anna smiled, “I guess we can join you.” She then looked to George. “Is that okay with you?” It was clearly just a courtesy question, she had to know that George was pleased to see Chris.

At the forefront of George’s mind was the possibility of sex. With Anna and Bridget there, it would be awkward to just proposition Chris but George thought that she could make some moves to let Chris know what she was after without blatantly letting the others know. George smiled playfully. “It’s fine with me.”

Hoping to tease Chris a bit, George was going to sit beside him. However, Anna was a bit closer and slid into the booth next to Chris. It didn’t seem like it was an intentional move by Anna so George wasn’t bothered as she sat across from her and Chris. Bridget looked around the restaurant and with a slight apology told them that she should go check if there were any tasks to be done.

George, Anna and Chris sat casually talking, everyone avoided talking about anything related to their sex lives or the lack of one. Bridget came by to join the conversation when she could in between taking care of other customers or small tasks.

It was mid afternoon when Anna’s phone began to ring and vibrate. Picking it up Anna looked at the screen and frowned before answering. “Hi Aaron.”

George exchanged looks with Chris before they both turned to watch Anna. While Anna didn’t speak angrily to Aaron, her responses were somewhat short. There was a long moment where Anna was just listening, her face remained neutral so it was difficult to gauge what she was thinking. Eventually she softly sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “Yes, I’m free to meet you later. Where do you want to meet?” There was a pause as Anna listened to the response. “That’s okay with me. I’ll see you there. Bye.” Anna ended the call and placed her phone onto the table.

George spoke first. “What’s up?”

“Not all that much. Aaron apologised for yesterday and asked to meet me later to talk.”

“So you’re going to confront him about how he has been acting with you about sex?”

Anna nodded. “Yeah we need to talk about it. I’m pretty much at the end of my patience with his avoidance.”

“How are you feeling? Are you going to give him a real serving?” Chris’ tone was lightly teasing but it was clear he was also kind of concerned.

Anna gave him a disdainful look but couldn’t help smiling. “I’ll be fine. I’m not going to rip his head off, even if I think he might deserve it.”

They were all silent until Anna checked her phone. “I’ll have to get myself ready for this. George, are you okay with leaving now? I’ll drop you off at your place.”

Not quite ready to end her day, George looked to Chris. “If you want to hang out a bit longer I can take you home.”

The possibility that hanging out could lead to something more was enough for George to make her decision. “I think I’ll stay here with Chris. Call me and let me know how your discussion with Aaron goes.”

“I will. I hope we can work this out otherwise it’s going to be a weird end to the relationship.” She looked at Chris and seemed about to say something but didn’t. She turned back to George. “I better go. Can you say goodbye to Bridget for me. I’ll see both of you later, bye.”

After Anna left, George moved to sit next to Chris. Before she could start teasing him Bridget appeared at the booth.

“Did Anna just leave?”

George nodded. “Yeah. She got a call from Aaron. He asked to meet with her to talk.”

“I hope things work out between them. How are you getting home? My shift doesn’t end for a couple more hours but I can give you a ride home.”

“Thanks. But I’ll be alright, Chris here has already offered to take me home.”

There was a hint of amusement on Bridget’s face as she looked toward Chris. “You’re quite the gentleman.”

An uncertain expression appeared on Chris’ face before he sarcastically bowed his head and pretended to raise a hat. “Yeah, that’s me.”

Bridget grinned at his response though it also appeared that she was a bit puzzled by it. To George it was kind of comical. Chris appeared unsure if Bridget was poking fun at him, he didn’t know how much George and Anna might have told Bridget and he was being a bit defensive. An awkward smile appeared on his face and he froze.

Fortunately Bridget didn’t appear to notice. “Are you two going to stick around or will you be heading off soon?”

Chris looked at his watch. “I’m not in any hurry. It won’t take me that long to get ready to go out tonight. How about you George, do you want to go home now?”

George had kind of hoped that she could convince Chris to come with her back to her place but she guessed that wasn’t going to happen just yet. “No. I’m happy to stay here for a while longer.”

Bridget beamed a wide smile. “Awesome, that should help the time pass a bit quicker.”

Chris became pensive. “We’re not going to get you in trouble by talking with you, are we?”

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