
1 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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I had followed Her instructions to the letter, purchased the toys and gifts She had specified, booked the time off from work and told my wife that I was going to a conference for a few days. I had booked the hotel room She had requested and arrived there at the pre-defined hour, arranged for a key to be left for Her arrival at the front desk and walked shakily to the room door. Her next set of orders had been very precise, I was to strip naked, hanging my clothes neatly in the wardrobe, stand beside the desk. Next I must shackle my ankles together with a short chain between them, then put the shackle key in the desk drawer, I was then the blindfold myself, handcuff my wrists behind my back and drop the handcuff key into the desk drawer also. Lastly I was to use my bum to push the drawer completely closed before inching forward to kneel on the bed – knees wide apart and forehead down – to await Her arrival. No matter how long She might be.

After what seemed ages I heard Her key in the door and the door opened then closed. I could immediately smell Her perfume and smiled to myself. Being blindfolded meant that all sounds held great significance for me and I listened avidly to Her progress through the room. First I heard the soft rustle of Her coat being removed and draped across a chair. Then She seemed to go on a short tour of the room, not speaking or even acknowledging my existence – as if I was just one of the room accessories.

After a while I heard Her open the desk drawer and pick up the keys – I heard a click which I could only guess was Her purse being closed. She must have walked very quietly because the next thing I knew was Her soft voice very close to my right ear saying:

“I have you now mike – and if I were to leave now you would not be able to escape.”

She then made me adjust my kneeling position – spreading my legs a little wider apart and keeping them that far apart with a bar strapped to my thighs – before placing me in two separate collars. One around my neck – the other around my balls. A cold metal chain was link first to the neck collar, then to my ball collar, next through a ring on the spreader bar to my ankles and finally to my wrist cuffs – She pulled it taut enough to make me stay in position – I could not straighten up, could hardly move unless She released me.

As She tore open the packages that I had brought that day She spoke quietly and with some amusement.

“You know mike, for some time I’ve been of the opinion that You haven’t really understood your position – that you have been a little too quick and self-assured in your declarations of undying obedience and love. Well today we are going to set you straight. I am going to demonstrate to you not only why you must obey and love your Mistress totally, but what will happen if you ever even contemplate promising something to me without really meaning it.

And it is so nice to know you are, despite any protestations, going to enjoy it. But I know you will … you have always said that you live only for My pleasure – so I am going to really enjoy today, and tomorrow, and the next day to the full. Enjoy listening to you beg, watching you cry for Me.”

My heart was beating fast, and my head spinning out of control, all my senses seemed to be keenly alert to any slight touch or noise. When it finally came it was devastating in its surprise and simplicity.

She kissed me.

My Mistress seemed in no hurry to carry out Her plans for me. After all I reasoned, She has me here, at Her mercy and helpless for as long a She desires….

My reverie was broken by the addition of nipple clamps and an almost rough tightening of the chain that was maintaining my knelt position.

“You must pay better attention slave or I will have to make sure you do.”, She said.

“As I was saying, I have you completely and utterly in my power now. For the next few days I am going to show you just what that means and also what it doesn’t mean.

For example, it doesn’t mean you will be in constant pain, or even any pain at all unless I wish it. It also doesn’t mean that I shall be using you constantly for wild fucking sessions. In essence, what it means is that you have to pay complete attention to my wishes – all the time. My needs, fantasies, desires, ideas and decisions are the only ones that mean anything to you from now onwards. Is that understood? Nod once for yes.”

I nodded.

“Good, now one lesson I insist you learn well is patience. To that end I am going to keep you bound and in this position for a few hours. From time to time I may amuse myself by playing with or touching your body – you are NOT to react beyond an initial shudder. If you make any sounds or move too much I will just extend the time you have to stay like this.

Oh, and just to make sure that you don’t get too bored I am going to give you something more to think about.”

With no other warning She spanked my totally vulnerable bottom – slowly – after each 5 resounding slaps She fondled my cock until it was hard again and whispered,

“I istanbul escort wonder how long it would take to condition you to associate the spanking sensations with this arousal slave? Not very long I suspect.”

Finally, after 25 slaps, She stopped and said,

“That was not a punishment slave, only a demonstration of both your total helplessness, and My ability to act upon my whims. Suffice to say that you will only know when your time of confinement is over when I begin to release you. I think I shall just look at all the toys we have now – perhaps try a few…. don’t go away my sore little pet.”

I could hear her rummaging around in the packages and could only kneel and wonder how long this ordeal would last. My bum was throbbing slightly – not burning or stinging – She had not been trying to damage Her property, only impress it. I was certainly impressed – and very conscious of how my fear and psychological dependency on Her was growing.

Thwack! — a light explodes in my skull as something hard hits my bum!

“Hmmmmmm…. not a bad paddle – Yes I like that one, we’ll keep that for later.”

I can hear more packages being undone – soft “oohs” and “aahs” from Her as She discovers something She likes. I realise that I am totally 100% concentrated on listening now.

Just then she places some headphones playing Mozart over my ears. Time dissolves.

For what seemed hours but may only have been minutes a number of contrasting sensations overwhelmed me. Some painful, some arousing, some even painfully arousing – always they lasted just a little too long (or less than long enough) for me to be comfortable with them. I was never quite sure if I had contained my reactions enough to suit Her or was each time extending my sentence further.

Eventually they stopped – completely. I felt my hands, ankles, knees and other bondage being freed and removed – finally the headphones were removed and so was the gag and blindfold.

“Don’t speak slave. I am pleased with you – do not spoil the moment.”

I lay there – allowing my eyes to adjust to the brightness of the light – my ears to the loudness of Her voice. My mouth felt dry, and as if sensing that She placed a cool glass to my lips.

“Today is to be a day of contrasts slave. You have felt a tiny piece of the harsh reality of being owned. Now I am going to allow You to taste the benefits of pleasing me. You have precisely 20 minutes before we dine – you may do anything you desire to my body slave… provided you follow my rules:

Rule 1: you may only touch Me with your tongue

Rule 2: you may not touch yourself at all

Rule 3: you are allowed to cum if you can without breaking Rules 1 & 2

Rule 4: you will be punished if I am displeased

Nod if you understand the rules slave. I already know you must accept them.”

I, of course, nodded eagerly. She stood before me – disrobed completely and lay on the bed with a soft sigh and seemed to be almost composed for sleep.

“Don’t forget slave – watch the clock – in 20 minutes it will be over…..”

I began at Her toes – determined not to miss a square inch on my exploration of Her loveliness….

A few days had passed now since he had arrived at the hotel to stay with his Mistress for a long-term training session. She had already demonstrated to him that being a good slave could mean wonderful rewards and praise. She had also shown him that any failures on his part, or even a bad mood on Her part, were always to be attributed to failure by him and would be severely punished so that he would never forget his position.

His Mistress had also taken great pains to tell him how much She loved him and that She was only teaching him in such a cruel fashion to spare Herself the pain of hurting the one She loved so much in the future. This, She said, meant that She must be very strict, very precise and extremely ruthless in finding and eradicating any incipient faults within Her property.

The term She had used was “Stress Testing and Correction”.

At the time She had been explaining the finer points of Her plans to him he had been in a good position to understand exactly what She was talking about. He had been in constant bondage of some sort for the last few days—had been reminded, forcefully on occasion, of his menial and precarious status as Her property and as a toy with which She might play … or break … as the whim took Her.

Take for example his present condition—he was being punished, again, for not having been able to control his erection properly—well that was partially the reason…

Mistress had been testing him by requiring him to look at some pictures that She had found on the web. Pictures of men and women undergoing torments of various types. She had already attached his wrist and ankle rings to Her chair and had gently held his cock in Her hand to gauge his reaction to each of the pictures in turn. She then made detailed notes after showing him each photograph for about 30 seconds, escort bayan asking him to describe the scene he saw. It seemed very scientific and She said nothing else at all to him during the 45 minutes it took.

He knew instinctively that he was in trouble when, rather than just releasing him, his Mistress had re-attached the wrist rings to his ankle rings and left him kneeling helplessly alone for about 15 minutes. When She returned he was visibly shaking and very afraid but couldn’t imagine what he had done or what would happen to him. His Mistress started speaking softly behind him.

“mike—do not speak just listen. I know you will think I am being unfair when I explain to you what is about to happen, but that too is a part of your training as My slave—I cannot, by definition, be unfair to my property.

During the test just now—especially towards the end I made note of some more than trivial reactions to the pictures I was showing you. Now, I don’t know if you realise but part of your reaction will have been at a deep psychological level—that was one reason why I tested you in that way—to gauge the success of my conditioning of your subconscious mind. Unfortunately, I discovered two disturbing facts.

One—your conditioning is not as strong on the subconscious level as I had hoped it would be by this time, and,

Two—you seem to have developed a sexual fixation around men like yourself being locked in inescapable, sometimes painful, cock chastity devices and then being tormented by their Mistresses.

While I see nothing wrong per-se with that fixation I am extremely unhappy and angry that you have allowed yourself to become fixated on anything without My express permission or orders.

I have decided to kill two birds with one stone, mike—I am going to step up your training regime another notch—we are going to concentrate on those areas which directly affect your subconscious mind, your fear and terror. At the same time I have decided to teach you a lesson about your ridiculous fixation. I am going to first show you just very how unpleasant those devices and torments can be in real-life—and then, once you really believe and fear them with all your heart—make them a regular—vital—part of your training from now onward.

By the time we are through here mike I will have instilled a totally instinctive dread of these devices into your subconscious mind—which of course will make them an ideal tool for future punishments.

Stay there slave and think about devotion and obedience—I shall be back to continue your training in about an hour, maybe longer.”

Earlier that day Mistress had made it very clear that She found my deep-rooted sexual fantasies to be both misguided and in need of physical clarification. She had as much as said that I was in need of some real-life examples of how unrealistic my expectations and excitements were.

She had left me—seemingly hours ago—to contemplate Her opinions and intentions. I was extremely worried—had I made the right decision when I agreed to become Her slave I wondered?

Then with a shudder it came home to me with a thud. It was too late for me to have thoughts such as those—I was a slave now—actually and completely—She had the means, motives and intentions of clamping down cruelly and completely on my life if I so much as hesitated to obey or please Her. I was trapped, captured, confined and helplessly bound in Her web now – no escape, no possibility of rescue—I had better shape up or suffer the chillingly vague yet terrifyingly clear consequences.

So there I knelt—ankles and wrists attached together—not daring to move a muscle. Hoping for Her to return soon—yet very scared of what might happen once She did.

At that moment She opened the door and walked into the room. I tried not to move at all but couldn’t quite stop a tremor of fear and anxiety wash over me.

“Did I say You could move mike?”, came Her cool voice from behind me. That was immediately followed by a cruel slash of a riding crop across my right thigh causing me to cry out in fear and pain—but of course I couldn’t move away from it or even think of escaping.

“I’ve decided, at least in the short term, to make Your dreams come true mike—as well as enjoying mine of course”, She said in quite a normal conversational voice. “Normally I wouldn’t allow a slave’s fantasies to sway me at all in how I treat him—but in your case I think there’s a valuable lesson for you to learn. A lesson about love and obedience.”

She stood behind me and used her crop to encourage me to raise my bum as high as I could while keeping my toes on the floor and using my forehead as a forward pivot—Her taps on my balls getting progressively harder as I struggled to assume the position She wanted.

“Do not move mike” came Her order in a voice the brooked no discussion whatsoever.

I felt something cold touch my cock and balls, She pulled my flaccid cock until it was quite long and thin, and wrapped something around and behind my balls and cock. A number of Bostancı escort loud clicks followed and a feeling of tightness around both my cock and balls remained after She moved away.

“Keep still mike—I want to see how aesthetically pleasing it is. After all it’s going to be there for a while.”

She sat quietly on a chair nearby for a while—walked around me a felt my balls and the tip of my cock.

“Hmmm… I suppose it’s OK—it might need some adjustment by the engineer at the shop. We’ll see how much chafing there is after the first week.”

My mind was a whirl—I was still unused to the speed with which my Mistress could make decisions and then act upon them. It was clear to me now that She had locked me into some sort of cock chastity device and was intending to keep me in it for some time. I was still wondering if this was a fantasy come true or some nightmare I would awake from at any moment.

Mistress unlocked my wrists from my ankles and told me to sit beside Her on the sofa. As I moved stiffly to obey I stole a glance at the device—it looked very strong—small enough to be worn under clothing—and completely impregnable without a key.

“How does it feel mike?”, she asked almost tenderly.

“It’s cold and tight Mistress—not too bad Ma’am”, I replied nervously.

“You do understand that I’m doing this to you because I love you mike? Because I can’t allow you to be anything but my perfect slave from now onwards—and to do that I have to educate you and train you until you understand and act the way I want you to instinctively?”

“Y.yes Ma’am”, I stuttered. Mistress had started rubbing my balls and the protruding tip of my cock—I was becoming increasingly uncomfortable as my cock tried unsuccessfully to burst it’s confining prison—tiny interior pinpoints were making sharp little indentations along the length of my cock already. It was excruciating.

“I’m going to be doing a lot of things you will find sexually exciting over the next week or so mike—you have my permission to become erect whenever you wish until I remove the device my sweet”, she giggled. “But I’m afraid I must insist you do not have any orgasms my love, they make you lazy and slow to obey.”

“Now”, she said smiling, “I bought you another present! It’s a picture book of all sorts of fantasies I just know will turn you on my sweet slave…. and later we can watch a video or two—won’t that be nice mike?”

“Yes Mistress”, I said as enthusiastically as the pains in my cock and balls would allow. I was also coping with that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach—the one that reminds me that my Mistress never ever makes idle threats or promises.

Over the next few days my Mistress concentrated solely on perfecting Her control and honing my reflexes of submission to Her. She found it a simple matter now to extract from me whatever information She wished. All She had to do was allude to or describe, or sometimes start to actually perform the kinds of tasks She had already determined were the one’s that aroused my inner lusts beyond my ability to control.

She seemed to take a great delight in continuing with these, to Her I’m sure, pleasant games far beyond the point where I had fallen to the floor begging Her to stop.

True to Her word (as always) I had been kept locked within the cock and ball chastity device constantly—the chafing had not been as bad as She had feared it might and on a number of occasions She had commented, to my horror, on how She might leave it on indefinitely!

My life had been turned completely upside-down from the moment She had taken my freedom—I realised now that I had never ever had a chance or choice in this—She had decided I was to be Her slave and everything from that moment on had borne me inexorably towards Her goal (and my dream) of total and absolute submission and slavery. Well here I was—uncomfortable, hurting, sometimes in agony—but also very much in love with my Mistress and the way She treated Her property.

My conditioning had taken a while to get going—Mistress seemed to be amused at the things She found out that caused me to beg for mercy now—She had made me read aloud some of Her book selection and also watch a few videos—She always made a careful note of the things which caused my painful outcries—and also, worryingly, the things that most definitely turned me off.

A few of Her tests had seemed quite bizarre to me but She made it perfectly clear that I must cooperate enthusiastically with all Her games or be severely punished—for a single unenthusiastic response I had been chained to Her bed and She had read to me a particularly scary story of how a Lady had used hypnosis and submission training to condition Her slave to become a sissy-slut for his Mistress—She used a similar chastity device to the one I was wearing and conditioned him to not only need to be a girl but to hate it at the same time. This was a story that intrigued me and in places turned me on quite a bit—and also turned me off totally in some places. During the parts that turned me on my Mistress ensured by soft caresses that my cock got big enough to be extremely painful inside its spiked sheath—and during the bits where I became soft and flaccid she massaged and caressed it harder but never to the point that it hurt—just pleasurable.

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