Bustin’ Makes Me Feel Good

31 Temmuz 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Tags: Hyper Cock, Hyper Balls, Hyper Boobs, Excessive Cum, Cumflation, Ghosts, Brother/Sister Incest, Diphallism/Multi-Cock, Lactation, Threesome – M/F/F, Breast Growth, Cock Growth, Ball Growth


“Hey, quit hogging the popcorn dude!” Lily shouted over to her roommate Richard on the other sofa as he munched away at the salty and sweet movie treat. She was a true example of a quirky, indie girl; denim jackets and frilly white blouses, corduroy jeans and clunky Doc Martens, with circular shades and a load of piercings.

She flicked a strand of her long blonde hair away from her eyes to stare daggers over at the handsome 20 year old she lived with, and Richard sheepishly passed the bowl over to her via his twin sister, Stefanie. The brunette siblings were about as identical as they could be despite being different sexes, but Richard was noticeably taller. He was still only around 6 feet tall, but his nerdy yet gorgeous sister Stefanie was particularly petite. She sat between the other two friends and passed the popcorn along and she kept her bespectacled eyes glued to the TV screen while they watched her favourite film: Ghostbusters.

“Do you have to shout so loud?” Stefanie complained as she shoved the metal bowl into Lily’s hands without looking, and Lily just huffed quietly.

“Sorry…” she mumbled as she grabbed a handful of popcorn to enjoy, and the three kept watching the classic comedy intently. Well, two of them watched. Richard had completely zoned out, instead choosing to browse his phone as the others enjoyed their movie. He laughed at the wrong times and the light from his phone screen ended up finally distracting his sister too much. Stefanie quickly paused the film and leapt up to grab her brother’s phone out of his hand, making jump at little from her ferocity.

“Come on Richard! You agreed we’d watch this as a group!” Stefanie whined in annoyance, and Richard simply shrugged his shoulders.

“Yeah I agreed, but… I dunno… This movie just feels kinda stupid.” As soon as the words left his mouth he realised it wasn’t a good idea. Stefanie’s eyes widened with fury and she smacked him on the head in a harsh but simultaneously playful way.

“Hey, this is my favourite movie, doofus! You know how much I like Bill Murray…” Stefanie complained, her voice trailing off dreamily as she mentioned the comedian’s name.

“You know he’s like, 70, right?” Richard scoffed, and Stefanie’s annoyance snapped back and she flicked his nose.

“Shut Ostim Escort up. Watch the movie.” She hopped back down to the beanbag she was sitting on between the two sofas in Richard and Lily’s flat, and got ready to resume viewing before Lily opened her mouth.

“What makes you think the movie’s stupid?” Lily asked inquisitively, tilting her head at the paused image of fat, ugly green ghost downing red wine by the bottle in a fancy ballroom. “I think it’s pretty good.”

Richard rolled his eyes and sighed, knowing he was going to draw some heat from Stefanie for his opinion. Growing up, whenever his point of view differed from hers it meant she would make plenty of noise and nuisance. “I just think that it’s really unrealistic. Ghosts aren’t real so-“

“Yes they are!” Lily shouted, cutting him off mid-sentence. The two siblings looked over at their friend in disbelief, and she stomped her foot gently on the carpet. “I know they’re real, I’ve seen them!” Richard snorted as he held back some laughter, and Stefanie slapped him on the thigh to shut him up.

“You’ve seen ghosts? Like, real ghosts?” Stefanie asked the quirky blonde girl next to her, and Lily nodded enthusiastically.

“Yeah! I saw one at my Grandma’s house.” She stated outright, and Richard shook his head.

“No way, no you didn’t. They don’t exist!” he stated matter-of-factly and Lily gasped, hurt by his lack of belief. Before she could launch into a verbal counter-attack Stefanie jumped between the two to stop a fight from breaking out.

“Hey, I have an idea! Let’s see if we can find a ghost!” She exclaimed as if a lightbulb had lit up above her head, and the two other people next to her stared on and waited for an explanation. “The Ghostbusters found ghosts in haunted places with fancy technology, so why can’t we? We can nick some stuff from the uni research lab and take it over to that abandoned hotel across town to spend the night. If there’s gonna be a ghost in the city, it’ll be there.”

Richard raised an eyebrow in confusion and huffed. “You believe Lily?” He asked, but Stefanie just shrugged.

“I dunno if she’s right, but we can find out. Does it sound like a good idea Lily?” She asked, and the blonde nodded excitedly. “Right. I’ll get the stuff and we’ll meet at the hotel tomorrow at dusk.”

Richard nodded slowly and stood up to head to bed. He figured the whole expedition would be a waste of time in which he’d get very little Escort Ostim sleep in a dilapidated building, so he wanted to get some shut-eye now. However, as he tried to leave Stefanie grabbed his arm and pulled him back down with some surprising strength considering her petite frame. “Hey, movie’s not over bro. Sit down.” She commanded, and Richard sighed. Looks like he’d not be getting much sleep tonight either.


The sun was low in the sky, the bottom of the fiery orange orb just grazing the city skyline as the trio of students arrived at the back entrance to the abandoned hotel. The old towering art-deco building was almost falling apart; paint peeling, windows smashed, wood rotting… it looked like it was on its last legs. Lily walked up to the chain link fence, marked with a sign saying PRIVATE PROPERTY – KEEP OUT and shook it, making it rattle and echo around the rear loading bay for the hotel. Behind her, Richard stood beside his sister with his hands keeping the trolley covered in ‘ghost-detecting-equipment’ steady, and he stared at her back with derision.

“Did you have to bring that thing with you? You know it’s not real right?” He questioned as Stefanie adjusted the shoulder straps on her prized, 1:1 replica ‘Ghostbusters Proton Pack’ she’d got at a convention a couple of years ago. It lit up and made all the right noises, and much to Stefanie’s joy it was signed on the bottom by Dan Akroyd.

“It felt appropriate. Anyway, this stuff is about as real as it gets.” She looked over the equipment lining the trolley and checked nothing had fallen off on the walk to the hotel, and once she was satisfied she joined Lily by the old gate. “Can you jimmy it open or something?” Stefanie questioned as Lily giggled and opened her purse to reveal a small lockpicking set.

“I haven’t used these since I last broke into my Dad’s liquor cabinet. I think I’ve still got the magic touch though…” Lily quickly proved her skills as she wiggled the thin metal sticks in the old padlock keeping the gate shut tight and it quickly clicked open, dropping from the chain it was attached to and landing on the tarmac between Lily’s feet with a loud *thunk*. “Voila!” She exclaimed with a flourish as she pushed the gate open, and it creaked on its hinges to reveal the path to the back entrance.

“Alright, let’s go find a ghost!” Lily cheered, skipping across the paved courtyard to the old door to the hotel foyer as the twin siblings followed on Ostim Escort Bayan behind, the wheels of the trolley squeaking in time with their footsteps. Both Lily and Stefanie approached the boarded up door to yank the wooden planks keeping the double-doors sealed off, finding it surprisingly easy as the old, termite ravaged wood broke apart around its nails.

Once all the boards were gone the three friends entered to look around the infamous Scarlett Veil Hotel just enough to make her thoughts drift to the more lewd variety, but it was certainly there.

Lily glanced over at Richard next to her, and he didn’t seem too fazed. He was checking his phone, scrolling through some website, and didn’t seem to be thinking about her nipple comment. As she looked at his face, looking down at his phone, Lily felt that aroused tingle run down her body to her crotch. Her eyes danced across his rugged jawline, drinking in his tasteful stubble as her gaze ambled up to his gorgeous hazel eyes, and she felt like her view was being sucked into the whirlpools surrounding his pupils.

She snapped her head away. “Fucking hell, get it together!” She mentally scolded herself, and she looked around to try and take her mind off of the heat building in her loins. She looked over at her friend Stefanie, sitting at the computer, and she thought for a moment…

“Okay, at least I’m not that horny,” she thought, relieved at her lack of arousal upon glancing at Stefanie. She stood up and walked over to the window to cool off, hoping the view over the city nightscape and the cool air from the window cracks would act as a cold shower of sorts. She shivered again as the tranquil breeze rolled across her cheeks, and she sighed at the feeling of her pussy still tingling. What was making her so worked up?

“Ooh, you guys, it’s almost midnight!” Stefanie beamed, keeping track of the time at the bottom of the screen. “I bet if spooky stuff is gonna happen, it’ll happen then.” Richard got up to join his sister, hoping to find out if his wasted Saturday night was bearing fruit, and Lily slinked back over to the bed to retake her seat. She watched the other two confer with one another over the piles and piles of data streaming into the laptop as the clock kept ticking.

On and on.




For a moment, all of a sudden, nothing happened. The room stood still as the three amigos held their nerve to see if anything would happen, but nothing did. “Huh,” Lily noted, looking around the decrepit hotel room. “I guess-“

Unexpectedly, the lights the trio had set up around the room cut out along with the equipment they were using to monitor the potentially ghostly activities occurring around them. In the dark, they heard a scream.

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