Ben And Jan Chapter 9

1 Eylül 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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After Jan had gone home, Addie made another cup of tea and pondered why she had turned cool with her.  Their playing had been delightful initially, but when she began to pleasure Jan with her large dildo, she suddenly had a vision of Jan lying under David, guiding his beautiful brown cock to her ravenous pussy lips, her reaching up to kiss him deeply as he entered her. The idea of sharing David held no appeal for her.When she and David were younger, she had moved with him whenever the Air Force reassigned him. As the boys approached school age they decided that he would go alone. They felt that social continuity for them and career continuity for her were important. Her salary was a significant part of their income.His off-hand comment about her needing male companionship sometimes caused her to wonder if he needed female company while overseas. He called them almost daily and he was pleased to hear that she had a new friend. She had no reason to suspect that he played around.He was less pleased to hear the boys talk about “Uncle Ben,” who had a heated swimming pool, bought them ice cream after Little League games, etc. until Addie explained how old he was. In any case, David would be rotated home soon and they would be a nuclear family again.When Jan got home, Ben was curious about her evening. “You look ridden hard and put away wet,” he commented as they kissed hello. “I thought you were having drinks with Addie.” Jan had not planned to say anything about her little wrestling match with her, but lies of omission were not her style.“I did. Things got a little intense; two horny females, one of whom was experienced in F/F play from her Tokat Escort college days. It was very interesting, and very different from with a man. I think I like it, although she would not let me reciprocate. That was a disappointment.”“Maybe she is concerned that her husband wouldn’t approve. I hope this won’t affect my seeing the boys. I am getting very fond of them. Please don’t let your sexual adventures screw up a good thing for me. I’m trying hard to accommodate your special needs, you know.”Ben’s main indulgence in retirement was membership in one of the most prestigious country clubs in the area. Being in a winter vacation area, it was not unusual for visitors to request access to the golf course. Hence, Ben was not surprised when the head pro called and asked him to host three visitors from up North.He agreed and asked that they meet him in the club lounge for a light lunch before the round. This allowed them to get acquainted and him to assess their golf skills. When he arrived he was directed to the table of two men and a woman. He introduced himself to a white man (John) in his sixties; his very attractive, athletic, younger-looking wife (Joyce); and a handsome black man of indeterminate age (Frank). While they ate Ben learned that the men had low handicaps and was assured that, although tennis was Joyce’s metier she was also a quite competent golfer.While he and John conversed, Joyce and Frank seemed to be in their own world. He noticed considerable contact on that side of the table. After a congenial lunch, they headed to the first tee. John asked the attendant to load his clubs onto Ben’s cart. Joyce Tokat Escort Bayan and Frank took the other cart. As the round progressed the touching continued.Finally, Ben commented that John’s wife and his friend seemed very chummy. John leaned in close and said, “Yes, he is her lover. You must have noticed that I am considerably older than Joyce. She has needs that I have difficulty filling anymore.”“Oh my god,”  Ben replied. “I’m in a similar situation. Please tell me more.”“We met Frank about six months ago on the golf course. For some time I had been wanting to share her with another man. The fantasy nourished many of our lovemaking sessions. Frank seemed the perfect candidate, and she seemed smitten, so I engineered an assignation by plying them with drink, and letting nature take its course. It worked.” John related the entire evening’s events.“Watching them together that night was the most powerful erotic experience of my life. Since then we have gotten together many times and she has opened up sexually. Frank and I are good friends, so I trust him implicitly. He lives some distance from us, so she visits him on occasion with my blessings. He has a strong sense of ethics and morality which I respect.”Ben said, “One of the drawbacks of having a much younger wife is that when your sexual capabilities are going down, her libido is going up. I guess we had a plain vanilla sex life and for the last couple of years I have had trouble maintaining erections; now she needs what she didn’t care about for twenty-five years.” John could relate.“I was blind-sided when she brought this young guy home and announced Escort Tokat that they were going to have sex. At first, I was furious, but as I waited while they fucked in our bedroom, I calmed down and realized that the image of them doing it got me hard. He is gone but now she has a new lover who wants to dominate her/us.”By the end of the round, Ben was convinced that Jan should meet these people. Their situation seemed ideal to him. They sat together for drinks while he outlined his situation at home.  Joyce expressed the opinion that there existed a power imbalance needing correction. “When does she see her lover?” she asked.“She is probably with him now,” Ben replied. She thinks that I don’t know that they meet at least once per week. But I notice tell-tale signs around the house.“Probably left intentionally by him,” she added. Ben nodded his agreement.Ben was impressed by her astuteness. He wanted Jan to meet her, so he suggested that they come to his house on Saturday for BBQ. They all accepted and informed him that they had another person in their group; a non-golfer who was sight-seeing while they played. “Come around two pm; the day is warmest then.”When he informed Jan of the BBQ invite, she complained that she hoped that Tom would come by. Ben said that he was welcome too. Saturday began with a Little League game at which Jan and Addie were friendly but distant. Ben and the twins went for ice cream after, while the women reestablished their friendship and Addie told Jan the good news that her husband would soon be stateside again. She dropped Jan at home to prepare for Ben’s guests.After introductions were made, drinks were served on the pool patio. The three men hovered around Ginger while Jan and Joyce talked separately. “Would you like to help me prepare the salad while the men get the fire started; if they can stop ogling that pretty teenager?” Jan asked Joyce. They went into the kitchen.

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