Becca XXX. The Eden Project. Ch. 05

22 Kasım 2022 0 Yazar: admin

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Author’s note: – This is a follow on to the previous chapters of Becca XXX The Eden Project. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.


After sleeping on my decision to help out with Father Tobias’ charity work, my answer was still the same. I needed to get into the Eden project to find out what had happened to Hannah. I was convinced there was more to the community than just building a new life for people.

The bonus for me was that, if I helped them out, I would be in an environment where fucking strangers was encouraged and the one thing I loved, was fucking strangers. I’d have a never-ending supply of men and women to fulfil my every desire. If I was their official sex therapist I could pretty much do what I liked with my patients. I’d accepted his proposal and agreed to meet Father Tobias at the church on Monday evening after I finished work at the clinic.

Today was Sunday however and I thought I’d have a lazy day to myself and relax after a stressful week. I’d woken up with sticky panties mainly due to the vicar’s spunk leaking out of me all night but also due to the sexy thoughts going on my head about what was to come.

It was around ten o’clock in the morning and I was still in my cosy bed. I stretched the sleep from my muscles and slipped my hand inside my knickers. I spread my lips open to expose my clitoris and began to rub slowly and rhythmically at the thought of such an exciting opportunity.

‘Oooooh, fresh young cocks and tight juicy pussies, another perk of the job,’ I thought to myself.

Ring. Ring.

Ring. Ring.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, it’s Sunday morning who the fuck’s that?” I said out loud.

I kept my fingers playing with my clit and picked up my phone with my free hand.

“Yes,” I said sleepily.

“Becca, have you just woken up, you lazy bitch?” laughed Lexa.

“Hi babe. Yes, I thought I needed a lie in,” I said.

“There’s no time for that. How did you get on with the old perverted vicar?” she asked.

“Do you know where my fingers are right now?” I groaned sexily, ignoring her questions.

“Beccccaaaaa,” she said in a drawn-out tone. “Are you touching yourself?”

“Mhmmm,” I moaned, slipping a finger into my sticky hole.

“Where are you?” she quizzed

“I’m in bed, thinking of you,” I teased.

“Stop it. I’m at the office you dirty bitch, you know I can’t do anything naughty,” she scorned.

“Why don’t you ‘cum’ and join me,” I put extra emphasis on the word word ‘cum’.

“I’d love to, but this is an important call. How did you get on with the old perv yesterday?” she asked more sternly.

“I don’t know if I’d call him old. He’s only slightly older than me,” I moaned sliding two fingers in and out my pussy. “I think he’s quite young and handsome and he’s got a lovely thick cock.”

I was lost in my own dirty mind and hearing Lexa’s voice in my ear was only turning me on even more.

“What? He’s fifty-two years old! What are you talking about?” she said.

I stopped pleasuring myself immediately.


“He was born in sixty-seven Becca. I’ve got his file open in front of me.”

I sat bolt upright in bed. I knew he seemed older than his years by the way he spoke and the way he carried himself, but that was impossible.

“He can’t be,” I gasped. “Have you got the right person?”

“Of course I have, Peter Tobias was born in ninety sixty-seven. He’s five-ten, athletic build, black hair going grey and blue eyes. I admit he’s quite handsome, but he’s fifty-two,” she explained.

“This guy is definitely no older than thirty-five at the most. The description sounds right, but he’s not got a hint of grey hair. It’s one of the things I noticed most about him when we first met. He can’t be that old.”

“Maybe he dyes his hair?”

“He has no wrinkles; his skin is soft and vibrant. Maybe he’s not Father Tobias,” I said with my mind racing.

“I doubt he could be an imposter Becca. He works with the church. Someone would notice if he suddenly changed from old to young,” she laughed. “Maybe he uses a good moisturiser.”

The most logical explanation was usually the right one. He must be Father Tobias. He did sound older and wiser than he looked and obviously looked after himself well enough to look younger than his years.

“Well whatever he does, it’s working. I had no problem with him stuffing my pussy again yesterday,” I giggled.

“And now you’re lying in bed thinking of him whilst you finger yourself?” she asked, sounding a little jealous.

“I’m thinking of you actually,” I said putting my hand back inside my damp underwear. “I’m all slippery and cummy. I need a little slut like you to come and lick me clean.”

“Well take your fingers out of your snatch and tell me what happened yesterday,” she said sternly.

I did as I was told, but put my hand on top of my underwear and gently rubbed my pubic mound for comfort.

I explained everything to her. His community, bursa escort his philosophy, the number of youngsters he had there and his take on religion and the world in general. She was silent as I laid it all down for her and then she recapped to make sure she’d understood correctly.

“So, let me get this straight. He’s commandeered a disused army base because it spoke to him when he was out jogging. He chose it because the middle four letters of Medena spelt out Eden?” she was right so far. “And he’s bent the rules of the bible to fit his own opinions of how the world should be, so he can build some new perfect world?”

“Yep. Pretty much, but in some ways, he seems to have it right.”

“I can’t disagree, but he seems to be taking advantage of vulnerable people. They either don’t know any better or they just do as he asks because they have nowhere else to go,” she said.

“The weirdest part for me is that he seems hell bent on everyone getting pregnant, like it’s the most important thing in the world. The whole place seems more like a sex cult than a sanctuary for runaways. He has his pick of the girls and I’m pretty sure he’s fucked most of them willingly. He has this almost hypnotic temperament that’s hard to resist,” I swooned.

“Well it doesn’t take much for you to open your legs Becca. We already know that,” she tittered.

“Cheeky bitch. You made me this way.”

She laughed in agreement.

“So, you’ve agreed to help him?”

“Yes. I figure that if I can question some of his people it won’t be as suspicious as asking Father Tobias directly. I may get more information about what happened to Hannah.”

“Do you think they’ll tell you anything?” she asked.

“I’m not sure. They seem a little wary of outsiders, I’ve already had to prove my skills to them, but Father Tobias will vouch for me.”

“Dare I ask what sort of skills?” she said.

“I sucked off five guys in under five minutes,” I moaned rubbing my clit through my panties.

“Wow, is that new record for you?” she laughed.

“Maybe, oh my god I’m feeling so horny Lexa. Do you want to make me cum over the phone while I rub myself off?” I begged.

“Oh my god you’re so dirty…stop it… listen I have some news for you,” she said, staying in work mode.

“DNA results?”

“No not yet. We should have the results from the first batch you sent me by tomorrow. As soon as I have them, I’ll let you know,” she replied. “But I do have some interesting information about their bank accounts.”

“Whose bank accounts? The Eden project’s?”

“The very same. They have hundreds of thousands of pounds in their account. It’s all from charitable donations of large sums of money on a monthly basis,” she explained.

“Who’s it from?”

“I’m trying to trace the accounts, but I haven’t had them come back to me yet. It seems odd to me that these people would donate the same large amount every month, it looks more like they are buying something from them,” she stated.

“You think they’re buying sex from the runaways?” I asked, thinking out loud.

“Maybe. If it’s true you’re not going to find out by visiting them a few times a month for sex therapy sessions. You need to get closer.”

“How the fuck am I going to do that?” I said.

“I have an idea, but you’re not going to like it,” she said sounding serious.

“Go on,” I sighed.

“He only allows runaways and homeless people into his community. Right?”

“As far as I can tell yes,” I replied, wondering where she was going with this.

“So, you need to become one.”

“One what?”

“A homeless runaway,” she replied.

“What? How?”

“Simple. Get yourself fired and under police investigation. It’s the only way in. You’ll lose your job and the house which is part of the job package. You’ll be homeless and if the police are after you, you’ll be a runaway,” she said, like it was already planned out in her sick little head.

“What the fuck are you on about Lexa?”

“Get fired for something outrageous and then go running to your new found friend at the church for sanctuary. If he’s as smitten with you as he sounds, he’ll take you in in a heartbeat.”

I went silent as I took in her plan. She was right as usual. If I helped the Eden project from the outside I’d never be accepted properly and the people inside it might not open up to me. Summer had already given me some grief because I wasn’t part of the group. If I got myself in trouble and became one of them, my chances of acceptance increased and I could infiltrate the group properly.

“Have you got anything in mind as to how I can get fired?” I asked.

“You’re a trained slut. I’m sure you’ll figure something out. I can’t help you out if the police get involved though. You’ll be on your own. As usual all our operations are deniable. If word got out that you were working undercover as a sex therapist we’d be in all sorts of trouble. You’re not qualified for starters,” she said.

“So, I get fired and you cut me loose until I come bursa escort bayan up with the goods? Thanks a fucking lot. Remind me again why I took this job on,” I giggled.

“You love the excitement, the thrill, the adrenaline, not to mention the cock,” she laughed.

I slipped my hand back into my knickers and rubbed my well lubricated clit.

“Something outrageous you say? Hmmmm that does sound fun,” I cooed.

“Are you touching yourself again?”


“For fuck’s sake Becca, I’ve just told you to get yourself into a dangerous situation and all you can do is play with your cunt. You’re getting worse,” she chastised me.

“Mmmm tell me what a dirty fucking bitch I am,” I moaned, feeling my juices trickle out of me.

“No. I’m not done yet, pay attention,” she snapped. “Have you checked your email?”

“No why?”

“I’ve sent you the photos you asked for. They’re of Hannah, as she was found in the woods and also a map of the location. You said you were going to go and check it out.”

“Mmmm I did say that didn’t I. Am I being naughty playing with my…nice… wet… shaven…cunt?” I teased her, feeling a little spark in my belly.

“BECCA! I won’t tell you again. I’ll pull you off the case. Get out of bed, leave your pussy alone and go and check it out.”

I knew she was serious. As quickly as my spark had begun, it was extinguished.

“Ok, ok, I’m sorry mother,” I tried to fight back with a witty remark but it wasn’t helping.

“Right. One more thing. I’m still having trouble opening the file relating to doctor Freeman’s work. I’ve had to call in some favours, the only thing we’ve got from it so far is a file name,” she said

“What is it?”

“It’s called ‘First Element,” she said. “It was some sort of research project he was working on, but it was closed down. We’re still trying to find out what it was.”

“Sounds interesting,” I said snapping back to the job at hand.

“We’ll keep working on it. Now go and check the crime scene and get yourself fired and become part of his community as soon as you can. George is getting impatient here, we need some results from you. Those are your orders. Do you understand?”

“Yes boss,” I said, saluting her even though she couldn’t see me.

I don’t know why I felt so horny or why I was being so mischievous, but I knew she’d understand. This was a high-pressure job and a certain arrogant attitude was required. Most of my time was spent working alone under extreme circumstances, making snap decisions without support, so taking orders didn’t come easy for any of us.

“One more thing, do you have your field agent’s kit with you? They may take your phone away if it’s as closed off from the outside world as you say,” she sounded more concerned for my wellbeing now.

“It’s hidden in my work bag. Don’t worry I’ll make sure I take it with me before I get fired and do a runner,” I said as though it was a stupid question.

The field agent’s kit was given to all of us when we were working undercover. It consisted of a smart phone, surveillance equipment and tracking devices. For example, I could place a listening device or micro-camera somewhere and then pick up the feed on a special app on my phone. It only worked on a local secure network, but I could relay it back to Lexa if I needed to. The kit was sewn into a secure compartment in my work bag in case I needed it.

“Ok. Keep me posted on updates and I’ll keep digging my end. I love you remember,” she said.

“I love you more.”

I jumped out of bed topless and went downstairs and sat at the island kitchen with my laptop. My panties squelched, but I was now in full on work mode.

I opened my emails and looked at the photos of Hannah’s lifeless body. There were over a

a hundred taken of the crime scene where she was found. It was deep in the woods and her body was on top of the undergrowth as though she’d just collapsed rather than someone trying to hide her body. I agreed with the forensics report that she’d died there rather than being dumped.

She was four months pregnant according to the report and was starting to show. Her breasts looked large and engorged and her baby bump was visible. Her belly showed two puncture marks which I had already seen. They weren’t mentioned in the report. Just like all the other people from Eden, she had no pubic hair and her pussy looked beautiful. Big full lips all plump and lickable.

She had died clutching her chest which also fitted with the cardiac arrest from the pathologist’s report.

“What the fuck were you doing there?” I said out loud trying to figure it out.

Attached to the email were the location details showing exactly where she was found. A red marker had been placed on google maps and I zoomed out slightly to get a fix on her position.

“Bingo!” I congratulated myself.

The aerial view showed a large forest where she was found and a large square clearing with buildings visible about a mile away. It was Medena barracks.

I escort bursa made a note of the location in my phone and I was showered, fed and in my car within fifteen minutes.

I drove straight to the place where she was found with a feeling of excitement and sadness. She was young and beautiful and had her whole life ahead of her not to mention that of her unborn child. Both lights were extinguished in the blink of an eye and I was going to find out why, even if I had to question everyone at the Eden project.

It had rained during the night but the sun was up and already warming the ground. Steam rose from the tarmac as I pulled into a layby which looked like it was used by dog walkers. The person that found her must have also parked there.

I checked the photos of her body in the undergrowth and pinpointed the exact spot where she found.

Time seemed to stand still as I tried to relive her dying moments. Gasping for breath and clutching her chest as her life ended.

I pulled my phone out and checked google maps again. I was right on top the red flag, my own was flashing away as a blue dot on the screen. I oriented myself in the direction of the barracks and started walking.

Just as I thought, I soon came across a wire chain like fence, like the one I had seen yesterday with the vicar. It was rusted with barbed wire along the top. I traversed its length until I found a gap in the fence where one reel of chain link had ended and was joined to another. The edges had been prized apart and left needle like shards sticking out.

I imagined Hannah shimmying through the gap and catching her baby bump on the shards. It would be enough to pierce her stomach and I realised where the puncture marks had come from. The trees were thick on the other side of the fence and I couldn’t see through them, but I knew the Eden project was less than a mile away.

I had seen enough and went back to my car after taking some photos of what I’d found. The police team investigating this case had been inept to say the least. How did that miss such a vital clue and why hadn’t they been to the old barracks to investigate it further? It made no sense.

I headed back home feeling pleased that I had been right. I was convinced that Hannah had been part of the Eden projects breeding program and had died trying to escape. Moving too soon after a general anaesthetic can cause cardiac arrest and I knew without a shadow of doubt that’s what had happened.

The only question now was, why? Why had she been given anaesthetic and why had she needed to escape? Why did she have sperm from several men on her body? Had she been drugged and then fucked while she was unconscious in some sort of weird post breeding ritual? What were these sick fuckers into?

There was only one way to find out.

I had to get myself fired!


After an evening telling Lexa my thoughts and findings, I’d gone to bed early after a fulfilling meal. My training had taught me to eat and rest whenever possible before going into deep cover. You never knew what was going to happen or when your next meal was coming.

I arrived at work half an hour early to check patient notes and come up with way to get fired. As I walked into reception Lottie greeted me with her big beaming smile.

“Morning Becca…I mean Doctor Reynolds,” she corrected herself, realising we were in a work environment.

“Morning Lottie,” I replied, giving her a knowing look.

She gave me the same look back. She was so sexy.

“How are you this morning?” she asked keeping her cheeky smile.

“All the better for seeing your sexy smile,” I said, winking at her.

She went bashful, but I knew what a dirty little seductress she was.

I went into my bag and pulled out her white thong with the words ‘Eat me’ written on, that she’d wore on our date. I’d washed them on Sunday afternoon ready to return them fresh and clean.

“You forgot these,” I whispered passing them to her with a closed hand so no one could see.

“You could have kept them as a souvenir,” she whispered back, giggling.

“I nearly did,” I giggled. “Is everything ok? How was your weekend?”

“It wasn’t as good as Friday night, but I had to do my duty and visit my parents,” she replied rolling her eyes like it was the most boring thing in the world.

She put her panties in her pocket and reached under her desk to pull out a plastic bag.

“Thanks for lending me the dress,” she tittered, handing me the bag. “I didn’t get a chance to wash it. I hope it’s ok. I only wore it to get home in.”

I took it from her and smiled. “I don’t mind, it will smell of you,” I winked.

We both giggled sharing our private jokes before I cleared my throat and got back to work stuff.

“Who’s my first patient today Lottie?”

She leaned forward so no one could hear.

“It’s that lady with the two kids again. She said you wanted to see them together and to make an appointment as soon as possible. Are they ok?” she asked.

“I can’t discuss it Lottie you know that,” I smiled.

She handed me the files and I scooted off to my treatment room knowing she was looking at my ass. I over extenuated my walk and looked back over my shoulder to see her covering her mouth.

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