Beach Princess

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Beach PrincessBeach PrincessFriday night I read Peter Pan’s If the Shoe Fits. Over the top, of course, but I couldn’t help being caught up in the sheer bawdiness of his tale and the delight in loving the beauty of young women that energizes his writing. His stories always rekindle my own lusts, fantasies and memories of the gorgeous young creatures I’ve been close to, or wished I could have know more intimately.Saturday morning I went to the Post Office. As I entered the Mail Box area to pick up my “junk mail” there is seldom anything else, even bills are mostly e-mail these days, my attention was immediately drawn to a striking couple making their way from the boxes to a table to sort their mail. My first thought was, ‘c***d bride!’ As my gaze followed them and I thought more about what I was seeing, the image evolved to, ‘Father and daughter!’ He was about six feet, broad shouldered, straight backed, with a thick chest and flat stomach. His face was firm featured and his hair was close cropped. He wore a sweat shirt, jeans and topsiders. Military, presently or in the near past, would be my guess. He was in his mid to late thirties.She was a little over five feet with a trim figure that was clearly womanly but without flair of bust or hips. Her hair was a glowing rich dark brown that cascaded in glorious waves and loose curls to her shoulders. Her golden complexion was clear and highlighted by dark arching brows, dark brown eyes and lightly glossed full lips. A light brown velveteen close-fitting track-suit type outfit with embroidered flowers on the shoulders and waist panels and decorated sneakers complemented and enhanced the allure of this beautiful young woman. Her top was zipped low enough to give the slightest hint of cleavage. The more I looked, the more I realized ‘young’ was the word. Her striking face still had the fullness of youth. I would guess fifteen. It’s hard to tell. This girl/woman had a style and grace about her as she moved and talked with her ‘father’ that was magnetic to me. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. She seemed to move in smooth fluid motions that spoke of self-confidence and inner security – maybe a gymnast. As she talked her face and whole body were animated by her excitement and intensity. I thought, it is the sense of loving and being loved by her ‘father’ that enlivens this young beauty.As I watched and followed them out to the parking lot I was struck by the intimacy between them. He listened and looked at her as she spoke. She gazed at him and followed his every move and action. As he sorted mail she stood close and lent her arm and chest (breast) against his arm and pressed her hip to his leg. As they walked to the car their lively conversation continued. She held his hand and swung his arm so as to rub across her chest.My imagination was off to the races. Were they daughter and father? Were they lovers? Would they become lovers? Was he just a man who lusted for, and found, young women? Did she wear a thong? (Certainly no panty line.) Were her nipples still puffy or had they acquired the contrast to complement her rich honey colored skin? ‘Fortunate the man who could pay tribute to this young Venus,’ I thought. The weekend was largely spent on my fantasies.Sunday evening and here I am, ‘putting pen to paper’.On his website Peter Pan publishes pictures of sweet young things. When images of the Princess of Wellington disappeared after only a short stay, I emailed Peter saying I missed her. He answered by sending me the deleted pictures. In thanking him I explained my attachment to the Princess. To my further surprise Peter proposed writing a story based upon the account of my attraction to this particular girl. I don’t for a minute compare myself with Peter. But the thought crossed my mind, ‘If Peter can write my story, why can’t I?’ Peter’s version of my experience has not yet appeared. So in an effort to use up some fantasy energy with which If the Shoe Fits and my Post Office sweetie imbued me, here’s my telling of the day I met a Beach Princess. Mostly, this is what happened.For the last few years I’ve been able to spend about a month visiting family and friends on the Banana Coast of Australia. Early in the year is a great time not to be in the Northeast of the United States. Eating fresh mango for breakfast on the deck and feeding king parrots verses shoveling snow and chipping ice. 30C vs.10F. Despite the loooong flight, the choice is easy.The family house is a couple blocks from the beach. I’ve gotten into the habit of rising at dawn and walking the beaches for an hour or so each morning. Early mornings are a beautiful time of day. While the walking is good for me, I really need to do something to counter the quantity of food and drink I consume while visiting the family. Duty free Scotch only lasts a week or so and Australian wines are so good. The Banana Coast is characterized by powdery white sand beaches, rocky headlands and occasional creek and river outlets. Small beach communities are s**ttered along the shore. Most of the rest of the coastline is isolated by narrow national parks, nature reserves, marine parks and the like, with access to the beaches open but limited. Since dogs have been banned from the parks and most of the beaches, native a****ls, mostly bush kangaroos, are common sights these days.After about three weeks of walking the same three or four beaches, one morning I decided to drive a few kilometers north a try a new stretch of beaches. I parked at Three Rocks Beach, waded Three Rocks Creek and started north on Three Mile Beach (which I doubt was even two miles long!). The tide was low so the walking was easy on the hard packed sand down by the wave line. The surf was moderate with waves of about one meter breaking about thirty meters out. The remnants of morning fog and surf mist made my view along the beach a little hazy. In the whole length of Three Mile Beach I only encountered a couple of men surf fishing (with apparently some luck) and a woman walking a pair of malamutes (in this climate?). I just nodded to the fishermen as I passed, but one of the dogs bounded up to me to sniff between my legs and lick my hand. The woman, dressed in a short stretchy sun dress, ran over to me, “Sorry about that, Jack is too friendly sometimes.””Don’t worry, Jack’s a beautiful dog.” I answered, as I scratched his throat and chest. She knelt beside Jack, put an arm across his shoulders and her cheek on his head and said, “I just love my boys.” The action of leaning against Jack made the front of her dress gape open giving me a delightful view of the top of her breasts.Out of nowhere the other dog appeared and started licking her shoulder and neck. “You want some smooching too, don’t you Sam.” She put her other arm around Sam and rubbed her face into his neck. Unfortunately, my view was now blocked by her dress being tightened by her outstretched arms, but I did notice the impression of her nipples clearly showing in her bodice.I gave Sam a token pat and straightening said, “They’re beautifully groomed. They must keep you busy taking care of them.”With a pat to each dog, she stood and with a strange smile replied, “Oh, we keep each other quite busy. Enjoy your walk.” With a soft whistle she headed back towards Three Rocks Beach with Sam and Jack in tow.As I went on, my life-long friend showed stirrings of life. ‘What brought you to life? A peek down her front, or is there a… special… relationship with her dogs.’ Pondering those thoughts kept my friend interested all the way to the headland at the end of the beach.Since I’d driven up here and was feeling great I decided to head on over the headland on a somewhat overgrown path I found, to see what was on the other side. Halfway down the far side of the headland I came to a meadow that allowed a view of ataşehir escort a beach reaching almost as far as I could see. The mist on this beach was a bit heaver than on Three Mile Beach.From the exertion of climbing the headland and the rising temperature I was feeling pretty sweaty. I looked around; no-one in sight and no footprints since high tide last night. I stripped and waded into the surf. Out beyond the breakers I just lounged floated with the swells and enjoyed the sensual feeling of the warm ocean washing around me. My friend responded well to this freedom and the memories of the morning’s titillation.I’m not a nudist, as such, however, I’ve always enjoyed being nude. My mother wondered why I seldom put pj’s into the dirty clothes. Not often do I miss a chance to skinny dip. Visiting a friend’s camp in the woods by a lake, I took advantage of sunning and swimming naked with them. When I lived in a house with a pool, only woozer company got me into trunks.I took another careful look. I had this beach to myself. I put my t-shirt, shorts and shoes in the grass at the base of the dunes and carrying only my briefs, just in case, headed on up the beach just as the gods of good feelings intended beaches to be enjoyed. My friend, while not to be forgotten, was not demanding special attention. My mind wondered; ‘sensuousness of the day, glimpse of cleavage, dogs?, romping naked on a beach far away, my daughters and their friends in our pool…’About halfway down the beach I thought I saw movement in the mist ahead. I became sure of it, there were people ahead. I was about to pull on my briefs when I saw a figure by the water line stand up and walk toward the dunes. In a swirl of clearing mist I recognized a man who was also naked. ‘If he can be nude on this beach, so can I.’ As I got closer I heard noise of ‘c***dren playing’ and picked out movement in the grassy dunes. It looked like a family picnic. There were a couple of fishing rods standing in tubes in the sand and a low beach chair by the wave line. k**s didn’t appear to have anything on. As I came abreast of them the man turned and gave me a wave. He was naked. Just then a woman stood, waved and called, “Bonza morning, isn’t it?””Especially when you can enjoy it like this.” I swept my arms down to indicate my sans clothing state.”We love it,” she said with a smile and bob type curtsy, a bounce and spread, which fully displayed her natural charms.”Enjoy,” the man said. By this time a couple of small c***dren were standing beside them and waving to me. I waved back and headed on. Now my friend had more to think about. ‘That woman, probably the mother of two, was attractive. They all seemed at ease with their nudity. And mine.’ He was certainly paying attention to these ponderings. A minute or so later I heard yapping behind me. Turning to look, I saw a small mutt and a girl running after me. ‘A naked girl! Not a stitch of clothing. Of course I should talk.’They caught up to me. She ran a few steps ahead, swiveled and running backward said, “What ya doing mister?”‘Ogling you sweetie. Trying to keep my friend under control.’ “Taking my morning walk on the beach.””Like this? You’re naked. We don’t see many people on this beach and I’ve never seen anyone without anything on before.””What do you mean? Your bikini must be pretty small.” I said as I kept walking.She giggled, “Dah! I’m not wearing a bikini, or hadn’t you noticed?” ‘Hadn’t I noticed? I had already noticed honey blond hair blowing in the wind, pubic hair – a little darker patch that gaped slightly as she danced on facing me, nipples centered in breasts that swirled as she back-stepped, and green eyes that sparkled. I’d already noticed that much.’ “Oh, I noticed,” I smiled. “What’s your name?””Cindy, what’s yours?””Malcolm.”She rolled her eyes and wiggled her hips, “Well aren’t we something special. I’m going to call you Mel.” With that she dropped in beside me and took my hand. “My dad caught some fish and we had them for breakfast. We do this about once a week.” She bent down to pick up a stick to throw for her dog, ‘sweet butt.’ The dog raced after it, shook and then dropped it and wondered off up the beach. Cindy took my hand again and chattered away about family, dog, me, school, etc. She hardly drew breath.Now, I’ve got to tell you, my friend was taking a healthy interest in young Miss Cindy. The dimples in the small of her back, her slim hips, hair that she swept back from her face every now and then, the little gap between her upper thighs, the perfect symmetrical shape of her young breasts, the gold locket that bounced in her cleavage, small tips on her puffy brown areoles, … ‘Oh my.’ My friend of the nether regions did not know his place and was seeking a station higher in the world. Mr. Pecker was not to be ignored.Apart from my condition that was growing more obvious by the minute and my lustful delight with the company of dear Cindy, my better self was uncomfortable with the situation. “Don’t you think you should go back to your family now?””Dad said I could go to the end of the beach with you, but not over the hill,” Cindy said as she took my arm and pulled me along the beach. “You like me don’t you?”‘Yeah!!!!!’ “Sure do, Cindy. How can you tell?”Releasing my arm, Cindy reached over with a finger and gently tapped my semi erect penis. With a foxy smile she said, “I can tell.”‘This is too much. I’m going to be in BIG trouble. And her father is only a kilometer down the beach.’ “I’m going to take a dip to cool off.” Without waiting for Cindy’s reaction I dropped my briefs and headed into the surf.Out past the breakers I relaxed and floated on my back. Mr. Pecker was now on the lookout for Mistress Pussy. For about a minute I was on my own. “Mel, help me. I can’t get through the waves,” called Cindy. On the shore the mutt was barking at Cindy who was taking a bit of a pounding by the breakers with hair straggling down her face and plastered to her head. She called again, “Come get me Mel.”‘A maiden in distress, how could I refuse?’ A few strokes brought me to the line of breakers, a ride down the front of a wave and there was Cindy. I took her hand, “Follow me, stay close and we’ll get passed the breakers.” I turned sideways, raised an arm over my head, pulled Cindy close to me with the other hand and jumped to ride the next breaking swell.Beyond the breakers the depth was up to my chest and at wave height I had to jump and float as the waves swept by. Cindy, out of her depth, hung on to me. ‘I came out here to get away and here I am with this beautiful creature, her arms d****d around my neck, her breasts brushing against my chest, her legs drifting back and forth across my hips and occasionally brushing against my friend.”I am a lost man.’ My friend, Mr. Pecker, joined the party in full force. He stuck himself between Cindy’s legs. She squeezed to hold him tight. “See I knew you liked me,” she said.Cindy gave up pretense of just hanging on to me. Now she was clinging with arms wrapped around my neck and legs resting on my hips about my waist. I had the job of keeping us above water. Slowly she lowered herself until her pussy was resting on my life-long friend. If before I had thought he had joined the party, now Mr. Pecker was quivering with joy and so engorged it hurt. I was so distracted that I allowed a wave to momentarily wash over our heads. The sheer sensualness of our resumed embrace was mind-blowing and pecker throbbing.Then Cindy did the wildest thing. She leant back on her arms, bowed her back outward and rolled her hips forward and upward along my ridged penis. Slowly, she reversed the motion. Chest forward with tits pushing into me, back arched and butt thrust away, all of which made her lips slide out along friend Pecker. ‘Oh my gawd, where did the k** escort ataşehir learn to do this?’ Our natural juices were washed away by the sea and our only lubricant was the ocean. The slide was really a series of pulses, as my shaft and her lips momentarily held and released as Cindy worked her hips back and forth. In miniature, she had a bumpy ride alone my road. I almost drowned us a couple of times, but this angel just kept going, to and fro, gradually gaining speed.The sensation was incredible, excruciating… ‘She going to bring me off!’ “Cindy,” I gasped, “I’m cumming!””Tell me when, I want to see it.” That did it. I started my own hip thrusting. With my pecker between her legs and the top of it against her spread lips, I humped. My balls exploded.”Stop!” She screamed. Her hug tightened as she dropped her legs from my hips and clasped my penis between them. “I can feel you throbbing.” Cindy spun her head to look back over her shoulder. I looked over her other shoulder to see the globs and strings of my spunk drifting up and away in the surf. She reached a hand out to scoop up some of my cum, but as her hand broke the surface, the string, along with the water drained away. Then a wave that was starting to break churned passed and swallowed my offering to the goddess of beach nymphs. For a few moments we just clung to each other drifting in the swells. Then Cindy turned her face to me and I kissed her a gentle lingering embrace that lasted till a wave lapped our faces. The better me said, “We better get back before your Dad comes looking for us.””Don’t worry; he won’t come until he’s ready to go home.” Pushing Cindy ahead of me, to protect her from the breakers, I headed for shore. The mutt came out as far as it could walk to meet us and jumped up to Cindy licking her hand.I thought of heading on up the beach, but knew my sweetie wouldn’t let me go alone. So we started back toward her family. Cindy chattered nonstop seemingly oblivious of what we had done in the surf. All the while as she walked skipped along beside me she held my hand or hugged my arm to he chest. I can still ‘feel’ those soft young breasts and puffy tight nipples brushing across my arm.As we approached the family encampment, a couple of young c***dren, a girl sixish and a boy eightish, came running toward us, naked, of course. “Where you been Cin?” The girl asked as she took my other hand. “We walked a long way up the beach, almost to Lost Head, and went for a swim way out past the breakers.”Not being comfortable about what had happened in the surf, I had hoped to just drop Cindy off with her family and continue on my way with as little said as possible. But Cindy and the k**s would have nothing of me continuing on. “Come have some fish and see Mum and Dad. There’s still lots of breaky left.” And so I was dragged towards the picnic in the dunes. The father stood and came to greet us. He was tall, rangy and tanned (all over) with an open smiling face. I wondered how long that would last. He extended his hand to me and with a twinkle in his eye asked, “Did our Cin take good care of you? Talked your ear off, I’ll wager.” Even while I shook his hand the girl held onto my arm.’God, what does he mean by that?’ “We had a great walk, a cooling dip in the surf and Cindy is charming company on a lonely beach.” ‘For an old duffer like me’, I almost added. Cindy squeezed my hand and hugged my arm.By this time we had reached their set-up, low sand chairs a gas camp stove and a tarp with fishing, cooking and play gear spread on it and a pile of dirty paper plates etc. The mother stood, a mature version of Cindy, short, slender, fuller breasts and hips, long dusky blond hair drifting in the breeze and small gold locket hanging between her breasts. “Thanks for taking our chatter-box off our hands for a while.” Then to Cindy she said, “Did you have a good time, dear?””We had a great time. Mel is from America and it took more than a day to fly all the way here and there’s snow where he comes from and he was a solicitor and a school teacher and he owned a printing business. We went for a swim and Mel took me out past the breakers.””This is Rena, and these two brats are Russ and Tess. I’m Colin,” said the father. “Come sit.” He sat in one of the low chairs, stretching his long legs out in front of him and indicated one across from him for me.”Do you take anything in your tea?” Rena was busying herself at the stove. I couldn’t help staring at Rena’s profile. Hair shrouded face, slender arms, hanging breasts, bowed back and beautifully curved backside I ogled. “A little sugar if it is strong, thanks.””Tess, this one is for your Dad and Mel gets the other, carefully, now. Cin, give this plate to Mel, and get him a folk.” In short order I had a cup of tea, which I placed in the sand to cool and a plate with a large piece of battered fish and a couple of slices of fried bread.”Eat up”, Colin commanded. Rena with her tea sat in a chair near the stove. Although the food had been cooked sometime earlier, it was warm and the fresh caught fish was succulent. As I ate I relaxed and was comfortable with these happy ‘nude’ people.Rena said, “I want to thank you for being so nice to our Cin. She can be a handful at times and she doesn’t warm up to many people the way she has with you.” Relaxed! Not any more. ‘Where is this conversation going?’ Cindy, who had her own cup of tea was standing near Rena. Rena reached up and pattered Cindy lovingly on the butt.To Colin I said, “I was surprised you let Cindy go off with me like that. When I tried to get her to go back she said you ok’d her going with me to the headland.”Colin took a sip of tea, sucked his teeth. Suddenly the mutt set up a racket racing and barking around further back in the dunes. “Mack’s got a possum!” Russ, followed by Tess ran off to see what the fuss was about.Cindy walked over and sat beside Colin, one arm up on his leg and her cheek resting on her arm looking over at me with an indecipherable smile. Colin started to stroke her hair and looking at me said, “You walked passed comfortable with yourself and comfortable with us. You didn’t need to gawk. Cindy is a good reader of people. She liked you. I could tell from the way she responded when you went by and how she danced around you when she caught up to you. If I had whistled the dog back, Cindy would have come running too, wouldn’t you sweetie? While Mack is small, I can assure you, if you had been threatening toward her, Mack would have drawn blood.” Colin paused, then added, “Cindy wanted to go with you, I just told her how far to go.” ‘Now what does that mean?’ Cindy had moved and was kneeling beside Colin hugging his arm and squeezing it between her tits. To my surprise, Colin, with his hanging hand, seemed to be gently caressing her upper thighs.”I told you he was a nice man and he looked like he needed some company. We had a good talk. I told him about how you fish and we come and have fresh fish breakfast and he told me about his trip from America and while we were swimming I rode him like I ride you. We had a good…”Before Cindy could finish, Rena blurted, “Cindy! You didn’t,” pushed herself out of her chair, knocked over her tea, swore, and knelt at the tarp and started pushing things around. She stopped and turning toward Cindy and quietly said, “We’ve told you, things like that are only for family. You promised. How could you?” Rena turned toward me with a questioning and very troubled look.The shit had hit the fan. Where do I go now? What do I say? How do I keep myself out of jail? How do I be kind to the sweet beautiful, charming, innocent? wonderful Cindy?Colin was hugging Cindy to him. She was trying to hold back sobs that shook her body.’Try straight shooting.’ I cleared my throat and hesitantly started, “Cindy is a beautiful, ataşehir escort bayan charming, lovely young woman who bewitched me the moment she skipped into my life.” Cindy looked up at me and smiled through her tears. Her dad hugged her tighter. I continued, “I have always loved girls young women like Cindy. I love my daughters very much. I would never do ANYTHING to harm them or her.” Looking directly at Rena I said, “I’d suffer anything before I’d let Cindy be hurt.” I was watering up with the intensity of my emotions. It surprised me. I looked at Cindy, half smiled, “It’s a beautiful day. Cindy and I had fun chatting and walking. She is an exquisite creature. I had trouble hiding the degree of my attraction toward her.””She is bewitching isn’t she?” said Colin.”Trying to avoid being too obvious I went for a swim. Cindy followed me. When she commenced her ministrations, I was astonished and torn between enjoying the pleasure we were sharing and rejecting her. Since then, I’ve felt guilty for letting it happen. I wish I could have walked on passed and started to pretending it didn’t happen.” Cindy shot me a dark stare.Rena came over and bent to hug me, “I should have known, Cin chose well,” she said quietly to me and planted a warm kiss on my cheek. Yes I did feel her breast pressed into my shoulder and see her other nipple inches from my lips. She then stood for a moment looking at Cindy. Finally she said, “Girl you are my love, but you frighten me sometimes.” More calmly now Rena went back to tidying the breakfast things.”Cindy, you made my morning walk very, very special.” I said. “It’s something I’ll never forget. An old guy like me has a duty to be careful of what we let happen with a young woman like you, that’s why I loved what we did and why I felt as if I should not have done it. I was confused. I’m sorry I upset you.” Cindy came over to me, and from the other side this time, pressed against me and kissed me on the cheek just the way her mother had. Her nipple didn’t quite reach to my lips. “You’d better not forget me, Mel.””Now that we have that out of the way and peace and harmony reign, Mel, why don’t you tell us about your travels and how you come to be naked on our beach?” Colin lightened the mood. Cindy returned to Colin and sat in his lap with her legs spread and hanging outside his. I now had a direct view of her pussy, curls and slightly parted lips. ‘My god, this k** doesn’t stop.’We talked about my life, family, and my search for a new beach to walk. Australian politics, the parks that protected the coastline from overdevelopment, wars, the US President and so on, all needed an exchange of our views. Rena kept at her business but took an active part in our conversation. Her movement continually diverted my gaze from Colin and his lap warmer.I couldn’t believe what I was seeing as we talked. Cindy started out by squirming in Colin’s lap. After a while she reached between her legs. I thought she was playing with herself, but then I realized she was playing with Colin! Somewhere between Iraq and the price of petrol, Colin’s cockhead appeared between Cindy’s legs. While Colin seemed to manage unphased, my contribution to the conversation became disjoined. I thought I saw Rena glare at Cindy, but Colin waved her off.About the time Colin slid forward and leant back to allow his full erection to emerge the conversation died. Cindy nestled herself down on the extended cock with her lips on each side of it and started to slowly ride Colin’s prick back and forth, the way she had done to me. I would see an inch or so of his member and then the head would disappear behind her hood. Back and forth, slowly, back and forth. Cindy was sitting on his lap and he had his arms crossed on her belly allowing him to fondle her breasts and nipples.I guess the direct pressure of Colin’s cock head and the friction of its ride along the shaft were stimulating Cindy’s clit. She just smiled at me. The cat that eat the canary type smile. I guess about Cindy’s clit. I know about my prick. The old boy stood to attention, wanting attention. I scrunched down in my chair trying to hide my state of arousal. Watching this exhibit was driving me crazy. My cock throbbed. When I thought I could take no more, Cindy gave a little shudder and pulled her father’s arms from around her and lent forward to put her hands on Colin’s knees. Now I had a direct view of: Cindy’s smile aimed directly at me, her tits slightly distended with engorged puffy areola tipped with hard little buds, her rippling stomach, her dusky bush and her lips sliding along Colin’s penis. Colin, with his hands on Cindy’s hips, helped her to and fro action.Too much! I slid forward to give my old friend more freedom and my hand more access to him. He stood proud quivering for action. I took hold starting to stroke in time with Cindy’s motion. Her smile became a grin from ear to ear. In a husky voice she called, “Mum, Mel needs your help.”I had forgotten Rena. Startled, I turned to see her coming toward me smiling at my condition. She was a beautiful woman.Rena stood before me blocking my view of Cindy and Colin. I looked up and she, smiling still, quietly asked, “May I?” I stuttered, “Please do.” Rena stepped across me and as she slowly lowered herself reached down, brushed my hand away and aimed Mr. Pecker right into her cunt. Her slow squat didn’t stop until I was fully embedded in her. Then she rested, putting her arms around my neck and her head beside mine. I could feel the slight touch of her nipples and her locket against my chest.”How’s that?” Rena whispered in my ear.”You’re as horny as I am. You’re so moist you just slid right on to me.”Rena giggled, squeezed my prick with her cunt and said, “That k** drives me crazy. She’s so hot she has me swinging from the rafters and frigging myself at the same time.” She started to very slowly and with very small movements rise up and down on me. Without thought Mr. Pecker tried to follow her. He was afraid he’d lose her warmth.Looking over Rena’s shoulder I saw that Cindy continued her riding of Colin’s cock, but now her eyes were closed and she had a faraway look on her face. Colin smiled at me and gave me a quick thumbs-up and then looked down at Cindy’s back and concentrated on his own bliss.I overrode Rena’s rhythm and followed Cindy’s. Rena still clung to me, teased me with her nipples and gloved my friend. “I guess after Cindy is through with Colin you are left high and dry.”Rena lifted her head looked at me and grinned, “Hell no. She gets him so turned on, he fucks my brains out. I just have to wait my turn.” Then with a real twinkle in her eye, “But not today. I have you.” She hugged, crushing her breasts into me. Our rhythm never faltered.Cindy sped up her motion. We increased our rate. Every now and then Cindy would slow and shudder. I think she was having mini orgasms. As I thrust up to Rena quicker and quicker I was coming closer to eruption. I noticed Colin was now driving forward against Cindy’s back pushes. From the contortions of his face, I thought he was near to cumming. Rena moaned each time I berried into her. Cindy opened her eyes, smiled at me and shoved herself back against Colin. His cock popped out of her hood and started to spurt.I said into Rena’s ear, “I cumming.” She bottomed down on me driving her clit onto my pubic bone and let out a scream. Her contracting and pulsing cunt drove me over. Her tight grip of me made it hard to erupt, but explode I did, stretching her grip of my prick and filling her. I could feel my cum ooze between my friend and her gripping glove.As the four of us sat unmoving and subsiding from an incredible high, Tess called, “What’s wrong Mummy?” Russ and Tess were running towards us. As they go closer Russ slowed and called to Tess, “It’s ok, Mum just did Mel the way Cin does Dad.”When Tess got to the camp site she stopped and looked from Rena, sitting astride and facing me, to Cindy, now sitting up with her back to their father. She, absently fingering her slit, said, “When can I learn to do you like Cin, Daddy?”

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