Autumn Walk

27 Nisan 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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To think this story all started with a text saying: “*thinking about whispering into your ears the words… ‘Beg. Make me feel how much you mean it’…*”

“…and that’s just the start…”


It’s been a lazy day… enjoying the crisp fall air, just enjoying each others company. Our chatter bounces back and forth from the mundane to the concerns of the world and back again. Eventually our lazy day takes us to one of the parks we’ve been to before, again to wander the trails and the woods. Even now, I know you have those little hairs on the back of your neck starting to stand – you always have been an observant ‘Little One’ and trust me implicitly (albeit earned slowly over a vast amount of time), yet still… I don’t know if you’re noticing my tone of body language shift slightly, or perhaps that little glint in my eye when ‘Sir’ is preparing to surface…

Either way, we laugh and smile and continue through the autumn canopy of color dancing in the light breeze. Pausing in wonder when you catch sight of a wandering doe. Enjoying those tender moments of silence and company and nature entwined…

We pass a bend on the trail, and I lead you off the beaten path… nothing new there, both of us often taking the paths less traveled and forging our own into countless sunsets. I see you notice the fact it’s been traveled before… ah yes, you are an observant one, love.

Deeper into the woods, still unseasonably warm, the sounds of the city are all but a distant memory now. The sounds of anyone else are but a silent whisper on the wind. With each passing step now, I feel my posture shift. My gait changing from casual footfalls to deliberate footsteps. My pulse steady… calm… already drumming the rhythm of a sensual intensity.

You slow down and look at me, probably to say something more in our endless conversation, and you catch yourself. You manage not to do a double take (good girl), but your eyes go as wide as the doe we passed earlier. For as much as I noticed my own subtle changes as we approached this path, your own transformation is a silent supernova of flowers blooming. Your eyes, still wide, are staring straight into mine. Your lips, moments ago doing a two step of conversation and laughter, are now slack… slightly open… in that small and scared look you slide into during ‘Our’ times. Yes, in front of my eyes, my blond Valkyrie shifts into something small, something submissive, something totally and completely… Mine.

I approach you and gently brush that little wisp from your bangs away from your eyes. I nod lightly and slowly at you, not once breaking eye contact yet, to do our little ‘check in’ as we always do. Somehow, your eyes go even wider, and you shake your head rapidly ‘yes’ for a moment.

At this point, I smile, lean in and whisper into your ear: “I love you…”

My mental safety catch releases. Suddenly, my hands are now my weapons and my voice is my instrument of command. My right hand is now tangled into your hair, having knotted each finger deep into the strands. My left hand is around your throat – pressing against you.

Your only reaction is your quickening of breath and an almost imperceptible leaning into my left hand.

One more exchange of nods between us, you are pushed and pulled down to the ground by your hair and neck – onto your back into the grass and leaves, with my hands still in your hair and my hand still around your neck, partially catching your breath before you even can. I hold you down with my hand around your throat – I’m still varying the pressure around your neck from just holding you down, to cutting off your kocaeli escort breath for moments… as my other hand starts ripping open the shirt you have on. Buttons go flying, seams rip, fabric tears. Pity strikes me for a moment… it was one of my nice dress shirts. However, now it is just another tool for me to use.

I lean in again and growl: “Do *not* move unless I move you”

I release your throat and you remain as still as the bedrock miles beneath us. (Good girl) A shirtsleeve twists in my hands to become a binding for your wrists. A large piece of the back of my once comfortable shirt becomes your blindfold. Kneeling beside you, I pause to enjoy the beauty laid out before me, panting with desire.

I reach into a pocket, and pull out another tool. I can see you visibly shudder as I open the pocket knife near your ear – teasing you with that audible ‘click’ the blade makes as it snaps into place. Honed to a razor’s edge, it barely pauses at the resistance from the sides and straps of your bra. A moan escapes your lips as I drag my fingernails up the inside of your calf and thigh… to roughly yank your skirt up above your hips. Again, the knife sings as it slices through each side of those once pristine panties along your hips. Pulling the soon to be pile of scraps higher, one last cut goes through the wet crotch of your panties… leaving only the back half still under that slightly undulating ass of yours. A quick brush of the hand slides the now removable top half of your bra away from your breasts. The knife clicks closed, disappears again back into my pocket, I lean in yet again to your ear: “You are loving this, aren’t you…”

You hear the brief sound of something, and me adjusting my position nearer to you… then you feel your head being lifted from the ground by your hair by my hand – only to have your slightly open lips hit the tip of my very hard cock pointed right at your throat. As I keep my cock a mere breath away from your opening mouth, I say “Beg… Bitch”

For the first time since we stopped, your voice recovers itself. Frenzied begging, pleading and incomprehensible moans of desire pour past your lips, all but demanding I let you put me into your mouth. I let your begs continue for a bit, drawing you deeper into my web yet again, as your volume steadily rises from frenzied whispers to audible lust.

“Good girl” I say, as I slowly sink my cock past your lips and deep into your mouth.

Between your single minded focus on the cock in your mouth and the moans that send waves of pleasure up my spine, it takes quite a while for you to realize you are now starting to hear… something else. You don’t stop nor miss a beat, but I can see you straining to hear what else it is in the background.

As your mind’s eye shifts to more than what is happening between us, you realize that those sounds you are hearing are actually catcalls… both male and female… from an unrecognizable male voice saying “That’s it man. Make her beg more!” to an unknown lady in a sultry voice calling out “Oh god. That’s so hot!” Their catcalls do nothing but push your desire even higher, finally having that outlet you have whispered in the dark of lust to me about wanting to be made to feel ‘dirty’. The catcalls subside a little bit, to your dismay… but you realize some are being replaced by muffled moans of both genders.

With a shade of reluctance, I finally withdraw from your mouth. Your repeated moans for more tempt me to enter you again, but that would end this way too soon. I raise your back off the ground, and gracefully flip you over… putting your bound hands in front of you, kocaeli escort bayan sliding your legs apart, leaving you on your hands and knees. I smile as I see the wetness glistening between and along your thighs… and refrain from chuckling as I grab the remnants of your clothes from where you once lay, moving away from you.

You stay perfectly still, blindfolded and wanton, a picturesque decadent statue. Footfalls come nearer to you from a different direction… and you hear knees land on the grass in front of you. The rough sound of a zipper on a pair of blue jeans precedes a different cock pushing against your face. Torn with indecision, you pause… until you hear me call out: “Do it.”

Indecision withers and blooms into wanton again. I almost feel a twinge of jealousy for the effort you exert on pleasing the anonymous cock presented to you – however, I return to the task at hand, and grab the travel case from underneath the brush. Opening it, I quickly find my two favorite toys: ‘Pride’ and ‘Joy’, my pair of canes, and head back to you.

I’m impressed with what I see. It seems your ministrations were too intense for the first man, his seed already sprayed on your shoulder… sparkling in the autumn light filtered through the trees above. Now, with her pants kicked off a few feet away, a lithe redhead kneels before you… pulling hard on your hair to grind your lips and tongue against her clit. The heat of that sight makes me pause and watch for a bit… it’s as if she’s just using your tongue to masturbate against – pulling and shoving your face against her like you were a toy she pulled out of the bedside nightstand.

After the redhead achieves yet another climax, I come to stand back by your side while the lady goes contentedly back to fetch her pants. Holding up my hand to delay the next one moving up towards you, I start swinging the canes through the air so you can hear what is coming soon.

I grin as you adjust your knees a bit, to take the blows better – and start a light staccato rhythm on each of your ass cheeks. A nod back to the next ‘contestant’ and again a cock is placed at your mouth. Your wantonness has not diminished one bit, and you inhale the offering to the hilt at first swallow… and begin your glorious art.

On my side, the swings are picking up heat and intensity. I vary the speed of my blows to the rhythm you are using your mouth, to accentuate and heighten the moment for you even higher. Soon enough, your ass cheeks are a nice and even shade of pink… ripe for me to go harder. As my intensity doubles, it seems that you are riding the energy of the moment to its fullest in as many ways as you can. Barely five blows fall on you and this gentlemen is unloading down the back of your throat, holding your lips up against his pelvis… gagging you with his cock as he explodes.

The scene slips into a section out of time. Men and women watch or join in. Couples screw each other silly within yards of us. Your face is a mélange of dried cunt juice and wet cum from the people around… however, time only lasts for so long – and our little scene is the same. Placing my canes down, I notice that redhead coming back for another go at your face. Excellent. As she is dragging your face into her crotch again, I kneel down behind you, open my pants, and slide my hard cock deep into your cunt. Considering this is the first attention it has received this whole time, I can hear your moans over even the lady riding your tongue. There is no need for tender or a buildup… I just pound again and again into your deep wetness – my balls slamming forward into your clit.

My escort kocaeli gods, you feel so good.

At some point, I give two harsh claps of my hands, and both the redhead and I remove ourselves from you. I lean in, and position you again on your back, removing the bindings from your wrists and the blindfold from your eyes… upon vision returning to you, you see an indeterminate amount of people in a circle around you. Men and women, some which you know, and some you don’t – and each one with a hand or hands between their legs, stroking or fingering themselves idly. After you’ve had a moment to adjust back to the light, I reach down and put your hands between your legs. “Do you want to come, Little One?”

Your moan is the best answer I could ever have heard.

“Then do it. But you must beg for me to let you cum when you get close… beg so hard EVERYONE knows how much you need to cum.”

Your fingers are already in a flurry across your clit as you shake your head rapidly to the affirmative. Your eyes snap rapid fire amongst the circle of people masturbating over you… trying to see everything at one time the whole time… and then your eyes catch mine and stay.

“Sir… Please?”, you ask.

“Like you fucking mean it, you dirty little slut.”, I reply.

I swear you almost cum from me saying that… almost. Again the words fall like a comet across your lips. Desire and pleading, begging almost to the point of demanding, building to an upcoming explosion.

“Keep begging, bitch.” I demand of you…

I nod to the circle, and all of us quicken our own paces… not that much more is needed. Someone starts gasping – being so close to the point of oblivion. As if that was some mental cue to the rest of us, we are all right there… ready to cum on or over my wonderful Little One… as you are vocally praying a rosary of lust and wanton and need.

A woman moans that she’s cumming – and the tide wall breaks. The circle erupts physically and loudly into a mass of orgasm. Men’s seed landing all over your body. Women’s juices running down their thighs.

Looking down at you, my Little One, I demand: “Cum… NOW!”

The death or birth of a god could not hold a candle to the explosion of energy you put out. Shaking, crying, screaming, moaning until all that is left is a whimper… and still your eyes remain locked on mine, not wavering for a single moment.

On unspoken cue, the rest of the crowd brings me a pile of towels, some damp, some dry. Each one gives me a smile or a nod — as they dissolve back into the forest and the countless paths back to their other lives.

Picking up the first damp towel, I start slowly cleaning off my love, but first I remove the unbelievably soiled skirt that is hanging idly at your waist. Then, I sit you up softly and raise a small bottle of water that had been nestled within the pile of towels up to your lips. You drinks lightly. Your energy depleted, you have a palpable aura of contentment… and have yet to break eye contact with me. I take my time, bathing and cleaning you… pampering you with care, attention and love. From the travel bag I take my old gray sweater and pull it over your head. A comfortable pair of jogging pants are pulled up over your legs – and I gently take you to your feet so I can get the new set of clothes settled onto your body.

Looking deeply into her eyes, I ask “You OK?”

“Wonderful” is your simple reply.

From the travel pack, I grab one last thing… a small blanket. Taking you in my arm I lead us farther through the forest. You do not speak, nor do you have to. After some time, we come to a clearing at the top of the park… just in time for another sunset. Laying out the blanket, I sit down and motion you to the blanket.

You curl up with your head in my lap – and I run my fingers softly through your hair. A hand sneaks up to hold mine. A strong yet tender squeeze follows. Looking back into each other’s eyes, we both whisper “I love you”.


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