
26 Nisan 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Nerves almost got the better of her as she reached for the polished brass handle, she breathed deeply, steadied herself and opened the door. The room was vast, mouldings on the ceiling, huge windows dresses with thick woven curtains and set away from the long desk; a chair in the middle of the gleaming wooden floor.

‘Sit down Miss Thomas.’ there he was, the reason she was here, the reason she had spent hours searching the internet, the reason she had written and re written her CV 20 times. She wasn’t proud of the fact she’d looked up where he worked and tried for months to get an interview, applied over and over and over. It felt pathetic, desperate and that wasn’t her, but seeing him sat behind that long, deep mahogany desk she knew it would be worth it.

There were two other men sat beside him, although they had similar frames as him their presence couldn’t be felt in the same way, they looked almost like extras, no not even that more like props. His grey hair looked like he had it cut every morning, his suit was tailored to hug his broad chest, a pale blue shirt open at the collar to show a small glimpse of his strong neck. In that moment she knew she was staring because she caught his intense blue eye as he lifted his head. He knew was she was staring, there was a look of familiarity in his gaze and his bearded lip lifted in a small subtle smirk. Had she been found out? There was no way a man like that recognised her. It was years ago anyway and it was only one night, one amazing night but that was to her a man like that had nights like that all the time, plus she’d changed her hair. She shrugged it off and shuffled in the hard wooden chair, her crisp white shirt rustled as she moved she fidgeted feeling on display.

The interview was so professional; although she was over qualified for the role he really put her through her paces and didn’t make it easy. Neither of the other two men made a sound, they only looked up every now and again; it was very odd they were difficult to explain. They were non-descript, generic in every way, not unattractive but not attractive, she went back to the same thought as before, they were his props but to what end?

‘Now Miss Thomas,’ he lent back in his chair the professional persona slipped away and the smile on his face made her feel uneasy, ‘let me ask the difficult question.’ The man to his left pushed his high backed leather chair away from the desk and walked around to the other side of the desk. She tried to follow him and work out what was going on but he walked right passed her to the door, ‘Miss Thomas don’t look at him, and look at me. Are you ready for the tough question?’ Click. Her head swung round and the man was walking away from the door, did he just lock the door? She couldn’t be sure but her heart felt like it could burst through her chest, panic was starting to take over.

‘Erm, er’ she couldn’t get the words out as her head swung from him to the door again, she pushed her thick framed black glasses up and made sure her perfectly scrapped up bun was still in place, ‘yes’ she cleared her throat. ‘Yes of course,’ straightening up in the chair she crossed her legs and looked him in the eye, ‘Yes’, firmer this time, ‘I am ready.’ Whatever happened she had to work with him, she needed to be around him every day, so yes she was ready for it to get tough. He was smirking, he was really enjoying watching her squirm she just knew it but she also knew this was a test she had to pass.

‘Very good,’ his deep blue eyes fixed on her nervous green eyes, ‘what would you do to get this job?’ he wasn’t leaning back anymore he was sitting up like he was goading her. Silence. She didn’t know what he meant. How could she answer that? She really wanted to say I’d do anything you asked me too but she couldn’t say that. ‘Come now miss Thomas you said you were ready for the questions to get tough, so answer the question. Don’t hold back when it’s just got interesting.’ Now he was just plain smiling at her discomfort. He was really enjoying this.

Her eyes hit the floor she couldn’t look at him when she said it, especially not with his two sidekicks there. In a whisper she muttered ‘anything’, the fact she really meant that filled her with shame and her usually pale face flushed red.

‘Speak up.’ his tone had changed and his words echoed in the room.

Filled with shame and embarrassment she looked up through her long black lashes to meet his gaze, ‘anything.’ Another whisper, she knew it wouldn’t be enough; she lifted her head and looked straight in his eyes. ‘Anything. I would do anything to get this job.’ her tone was defiant, it was almost a challenge.

‘Anything. Mmm I wonder if you really mean that? Let’s see shall we?’ his smile was gone now and all that was left was an intense stare that made her shiver in the most confusing way. She was afraid there was no doubt about that but she was also excited and determined.’ Stand up.’ this was a command she obeyed in a second. ‘Walk towards sex hikayeleri the desk.’ it was as though he was commanding a robot she didn’t even think she just acted. ‘Unbutton your shirt.’ as her hand reached for the button she stopped. Had he just told her to unbutton her shirt, her eyes searched his face for an answer. ‘Unbutton your shirt,’ he did not break eye contact as he spoke. She looked at the two men either side of him and then back to him hoping her silent question could be heard. ‘You said anything Miss Thomas. Did you mean that or were those empty words?’ She opened her mouth to start to object but she knew she was going to do it, she meant it she meant anything.

With her crisp white shirt unbuttoned all the way her full breasts sitting in her white lace bra were exposed to the room. She felt a slight chill in the air, or was it just nerves and shame? She fixed her gaze on the desk in front of him but she could see both men beside him taking in every inch of her on show for them. ‘Take off your skirt, then your shirt and let your hair down.’ his voice had become deeper but he wasn’t giving anything away not really. At first she thought to protest but why she was going to do it anyway so she may as well get on with it.

Her reddish brown hair fell over her bare shoulders as she let it free from its bun. There was no turn back now, her breasts bounced as she shuck her heels a little unsteady on the floor, thin black stockings covered her shapely legs up to her round thick arse. She was grateful for small favours and thanked herself for wearing her Brazilian knickers today instead of a thong. ‘Turn,’ he cleared his throat his eyes had glazed over, she felt smug, he definitely liked what he saw, ‘turn around.’ She turned around slowly feeling like she had won a small victory and having completely forgotten about his sidekicks. ‘Bend over.’ Her head swung back around so fast she almost pulled something. This felt like a test, but not for the job, why did he keep looking at her in that way? Did he remember her? Did it matter? She looked at him hoping for something, some sign. She caught his eye and he just raised his eyebrow she knew what he was saying without a word spoken. Anything.

The floor was immaculate if she concentrated on that she wouldn’t have to think about the fact her arse was in the air and three men were staring at it. ‘I think I want a closer look. Come here and get on the table on all fours in front of me.’ The familiar sting of tears pricked, she was so ashamed. Ashamed didn’t even come close to how she was feeling but she needed to be close to him and this was just one day. S-he had planned this, she knew he would test her he pushed her limits during the night they spent together and she had never been so turned on in her life. One day.

The sound of her heels was deafening as she slowly walked towards the table. She couldn’t look at him or the others she just had to do it. It would be worth it, she’d have a job but more importantly this man who had become her obsession would be there every day. Anything. Getting onto the table was a struggle it was really high, but she did it then she was knelt in front of him. His breath was warm on her side as he looked her up and down. ‘We definitely don’t need this,’ he’d barely said the words before her bra fell at her hands. He had opened that in a second. His warm hands made her jump as he lifted each hand to remove her bra, it felt tender she looked at him. His face was warm and he smiled softly. She knew it was going to be worth it.

‘Mathew pull her knickers down.’ his voice was hard again the moment of tenderness had passed.

They were his props there to humiliate her. Her face was red and she took a deep breath to try to stave off the tears that were pushing their way through. Mathew’s hands were cold and clammy he seemed nervous too, he pulled her knickers down to her knees and then lifted each knee to take them off. A warm hand again, it had to be his this time it was stroking her arse moving closer and closer to where she wanted him the most. With his hand on her arse his finger grazed her pussy, he seemed like he wanted to check her but give her no pleasure at all. ‘What a soaking wet cunt you have Miss Thomas.’ He was mocking her, she was so embarrassed but she was soaking wet the mix of emotions and confusion spinning around her head had not confused her pussy, that knew exactly how she felt and it never lied. ‘Anything.’ it wasn’t directed to her he just uttered it out at her willing body as his eyes ran up and down her. Her whole body jerked when his finger slipped inside her, she let out a whimper.

He took it straight back out again and the loss felt immense to her, for a second she thought he might use his finger to make her cum for him. He grabbed a fist full of her hair and lifted her head, his eyes scanned her face, ‘do you taste sweet Miss Thomas? Is your cunt dripping with sweetness?’ her eyes were pleading with him as he forced his porno hikayeleri fingers into her mouth. It hurt, it was so rough they stung; he ran his fingers over her tongue and then forced them down her throat so far it made her gag. ‘I think we need to work on that don’t we Miss Thomas. Aaron, come here.’ She didn’t look up she tried not to think about what he was making her do she just wanted to make him happy. ‘Get on the desk Aaron and give her your cock to suck.’

The conflict was at war in her mind, she only wanted him, she wanted HIS cock not anyone else’s but he wanted this from her and she wanted to be everything to him. Would he like her more or less with another man’s cock in her mouth? Anything. Aaron stood above her, he unzipped his trousers, he lifted his hard cock out and put it in her face. ‘Feed her your cock, I wanted to see it sliding in and out of her mouth.’ Inch by inch he slide his cock into her mouth, her breath was already hitched as she tried to swallow down her tears but he was so deep in her mouth she couldn’t breathe at all now. Aaron groaned as he slowly edged in and out his cock glistening with her saliva. ‘Fuck her face’ with that command Aaron grabbed her head and slammed his cock into the back of her throat. She moved back and tried to get away but he gripped her head hard to push further in. His cock hit the back of her throat with such force she gagged and was almost sick, her eyes watered and he pulled his cock out to let her breath. ‘Impressive Aaron, try not to cum in her just yet I want to test this theory of ‘anything’. Matthew come here and get on the desk I wonder if she takes it as well in her cunt.’

There was no hiding it now, she was just an object, like his sidekicks, there for his amusement, just a toy for him to play with. She was so confused she felt used and worthless but excited and turned on. The warm hard cock touched her tight wet hole, she didn’t know what she wanted but her body was not so conflicted she had fight the urge to slam back on the cock so it filled her up and gave her the release she so desperately needed. ‘Slowly, Mathew, really slowly.’ Mathew did has he was told, there was no question who was in charge here. It was painful slow, she wanted it, she didn’t want him but she wanted something inside her. His cock was so hard and it was so warm inside her. He moved so slowly she felt every inch of him.

‘Fuck’ Mathew growled, ‘she’s so fucking tight.’

‘That’s it slowly fuck her, god that cunt looks tight. Ease in and out I want to see how long it takes her to beg. Aaron fuck her face I want to see her full of cock.’

‘God,’ she managed to whimper as the cock was pushed into her mouth. The two cocks fucked her from each side she was so overwhelmed she could feel an orgasm building but Mathew was going so slowly she knew it wouldn’t happen. What did she concentrate on? The cock slamming into her throat and not gagging? Or the cock edging in and out of her pussy and trying to cum?

‘Fuck me fuck she’s so wet.’ Mathew was clearly struggling with how slow he was going too.

‘Take your cocks out of her.’ they did without question, she looked up at him her eyes were begging him. ‘oh dear Miss Thomas did you not want that to stop? I think you like being full of cock don’t you?’ was he asking her? She didn’t know she was almost delirious. ‘Get off the table and bend over it facing me.’ her knees were stiff and sore but she climbed down unsteady on her feet but she made it. She saw the pile of drool and tried to lay next to it, the wood was warm and hard. Her tits were squashed beneath her as she bent over the desk. He stood up behind the desk, she could see the bulge in his trousers, she was hoping this was it, please let this be it. He unzipped his trousers and pulled his cock out, without thinking she opened her mouth and pushed her head forward to try to reach it. ‘Wow you really do want it don’t you?’ he teased as he stroked his cock in her face. It was close enough to feel the warmth from it but not close enough to touch it. The head of his cock glistened he must have been enjoying the show for it to be so wet. She wanted to taste it. She was distracted for a second as his arm lifted, but then her eyes fixed back in his cock. She had never wanted to suck a cock so much in her life; she looked up at him hoping he would let her.

‘Oh fuck’ the words escaped without a single thought, the cock that slammed into her pussy took her by surprise.

‘Fuck her hard, don’t cum inside her just fuck her.’ his voice was low and intense he was excited; he stroked his cock in her face as she was fucked hard over the desk. Her thighs hit the desk with a thud with every stroke but all she saw was his cock she wanted it and she had decided she didn’t care anymore.

‘Please, fuck,’ it was hard to speak when her whole body was hitting the table over and over with the brutal onslaught, ‘please can I suck your cock?’ her eyes didn’t move from his as she begged him.

‘Oh seks hikayeleri I like it when you beg miss Thomas, but no I’m enjoying this little display.’ he was mocking her, she hated it but her pussy pulsed as he did. ‘Fuck her hard that’s it, fuck.’ his hand moved faster has he wanked into her face. He kept his cock so close it hit her face sometimes he fisted his cock faster and harder. His fist hit her lips, it stung, he looked at her she caught his eye and he did it again. Harder this time. Her lips stung, she put out her tongue to lick his cock she tasted him and put her tongue back in her mouth.

‘Fuck fuck I’m gonna cum.’ she didn’t know who said it.

‘Swap over.’ he commanded and in that second the cock was gone and quickly replaced by another one.

‘Oh god’ she screamed as the next cock filled her up, she was going to cum but she didn’t know if she was allowed. ‘I’m going to cum.’

‘Oh fuck yes you filthy little slut cum on that cock cum hard for me.’ he stroked his cock faster into her face, every few strokes his fist hit her lips. She liked the pain it was pushing her over the edge. The pleasure ripped through her body she was wriggling and moaning as her cunt was fucked hard and fast.

‘Oh god god I’m gonna cum.’ it sounded like Aaron shouting and grunting.

Waves of pleasure hit her as the sensations took over her, the pain from his fist, the pain from her thighs hitting the desk, the pleasure of the hard cock fucking her tight hole, the shame of fucking two men she didn’t know just to please him, the desperate need to make him happy and the knowledge he was enjoying it was all too much.

‘Don’t cum in her. Both of you go.’

She heard the door slam; she was breathing heavily and trying to recover from the most amazing orgasm while not thinking about what she’d just done. She didn’t even notice he had moved. He was behind her now, teasing her hole with his cock but then he slid it in. It was worth it, all of this was worth it just to feel that impossibly hard cock inside her.

‘Jesus fuck, even after being stuffed with two hard cocks your cunt is still so tight. Did you think I didn’t know who you were?’ she tried to look round as panic crept in but he slammed her face into the desk hard and leaned over her. His hand pushing her head into the desk he was close to her ear now,’ I know who you are and why you’re here. I know you’ve been looking for me,’ every word he said he thrust his cock inside her. She was going to cum his cock was hitting her in all the right places and she couldn’t control it, ‘are you cumming? I can feel it you filthy little whore; your cunt is all swollen from you coming so hard. Oh fuck take that cock you dirty little slut that’s it cum on my cock. Fuck.’ he was growling and grunting in her ear as she screamed out totally forgetting where she was and lost in the pleasure. ‘That’s it fuck, you liked being full of cocks don’t you. Fuck I know you said anything but that was beyond what I expected.’ He wrapped his hand into her hair and pulled her up to him she was almost stood up he spoke into her ear. ‘I remember that night too I remember you staring at me, I remember it all and I remember you leaving.’ As he spoke he grabbed he tits hard, he squeezed them and slapped them as he pounded her cunt.

‘I had to, my friends’ she pleaded.

‘I didn’t ask you, shut up and just take my cock slut.’ he pushed her back onto the desk and shoved her head down. He slammed into her harder and faster she wasn’t sure she could take it, her pussy was it was cumming again.

‘I’m going to cum again fuck’ she said muffled by the desk. He lifted her head and pushed her back down grunting as he pushed deeper inside her.

‘You fucking dirty little slut filled up full of cocks and begging for another. Fucking take it.’ his words where coming fast and his pace increased he showed no mercy he didn’t care he was going to take what he wanted no matter what. ‘Fuck that’s a tight cunt.’ He pulled out of her pussy and she signed. She didn’t want it to end, it hurt everywhere hurt but the pain was only adding to the excitement and she felt like she was on the edge of another orgasm.

‘Come here’ he had stepped back and was stroking his cock again. She scrambled to get to him as fast as she could, on her knees she looked up at him. ‘Make yourself cum slut.’ instantly her face flushed, how can she still be embarrassed after all she’s done? This felt different, intimate almost. ‘Come on touch yourself, I’m going to cover you in my cum and you’re going to make yourself cum.’ Her hand slipped down to her wet clit, she rubbed it then she slipped a finger inside herself and used her wetness to slide her fingers over her clit. She let out a moan as he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. ‘Oh fuck I’m gonna cum all over that pretty face’ his hand moved fast as he came over her face, she was covered in his cum as she rubbed herself faster and harder needing to cum for him. He let go of her hair and waked back to the desk, he sat on the edge as he zipped his trousers back up. ‘That’s it cum for me; look at you covered in cum rubbing your cunt like a fucking whore. You really are a dirty little slut.’ his words pushed her over the edge.

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