Annie’s Bad Night

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Annie’s Bad NightM, F, MMF, gang****, oral, anal, NC,Annie’s Bad NightLife was good for Adam! The last year had been a tough one but it wasall over now. Final exams were finished and he had passed with flyingcolours. Come September, he would be entering his final year of college.The twenty-one year old was now back in his hometown for the summer. Hewas living in the apartment over his parent’s garage which gave him acertain degree of independence and he was working at his uncle’s cardealership. It was good to be back home, he thought. Seeing old friendsand familiar faces he hadn`t seen in a long time.So now here it was, the first weekend of July. One of his old highschool buddies, Mitch Wizniak, had decided to have a party. Back in highschool, Mitch had had a reputation for always throwing the best parties. His parents were loaded and had owned a big place just outside of town. They had a pool and a huge yard.Mitch’s parties were definitely THE highlight of Adam’s social lifeduring his high school years. Especially for the popular crowd, whom,fortunately, Adam had had the privilege of belonging to, being on thefootball team and all.Mitch always made sure there was LOTS of hot girls at his parties. Ifyou wanted to get laid, it was the place to be! As a matter of fact, itwas at one of Mitch’s bashes where Adam lost his virginity. In a threesomewith two hot blonde cheerleaders by the names of Carrie and Amanda!Man, that was awesome, Adam mused to himself. A night he wouldcertainly never forget as long as he lived. It proved to be one of manysexual adventures Adam would have at Mitch’s parties. But of course thegolden rule always was, what happened at Mitch’s, stayed at Mitch’s!Mitch, like Adam, had went off to college but always came back home inthe summer. He worked for his father, who owned a very successfulcontracting business. He was living in a house his father owned. Completewith a pool and a big backyard patio.So when he had phoned Adam and told him he was throwing a party thatFriday, Adam was ready and rarin’ to go! He knew he would have a blastand, most likely, get lucky with a member of the opposite sex.Adam got to the party that night around 9:30 p.m. There was people wallto wall. Most of them already very drunk or in other states of alteredconsciousness. The haze and scent of marijuana smoke was pervasive. Thestereo was blasting out AC/DC. Good ol’ Mitch, he chuckled. Some thingsjust never changed.But best of all, everywhere he looked, he saw cunt! Adam saw a lot ofcollege-age girls. A few he recognized from when he went to high school,but there was a lot of fresh faces too. He noticed quite a bunch of highschool seniors there, ready to party after just graduating. And all ofthem hot as hell! Adam smiled to himself. Mitch always did like theyounger ones.A cute petite blonde smiled at him as she walked by in a tight tank topand a skimpy denim skirt that barely covered her ass. She had gorgeoustanned legs.”Hey man, what the fuck YOU looking at? That’s my little sister!” Adamspun around. There was Mitch Wizniak, holding out a plastic cup full ofbeer for Adam.”Thanks, dude,” said Adam taking a big swig from the cup. He jerked athumb toward the little blonde. “That’s your fucking sister? Kendra?!””Damn straight, man! She just turned 18 last week. Graduated thisyear! She’s one of the reasons I’m throwing the party. Kind of a latebirthday gift,” laughed Mitch.”Holy shit!” exclaimed Adam. “Don’t mean to be a pig, but your littlesister is a major hottie! I remember when she was just a scrawny littlebrat with braces.””Yeah, they grow up, don’t they?” chuckled Mitch. ” And now I gottakeep horn-dogs like YOU away from `er.””Ahhh, don’t worry, Mitch,” Adam said over the loud music. “I’ll keepmy hands off her. I’ll try anyways!”The two young men high-fived each other as they laughed.”Hey, speaking of hotties, where’s your sister, Brooke?” asked Mitch.”Oh, so who’s being the pig now?” Adam joked as he playfully punchedMitch in the shoulder.Adam had to admit Mitch was right. He too couldn’t help but notice thathis younger sister Brooke had also turned from a gawky teenager into a bitof a hottie. She had just turned 18 earlier in the spring and, likeMitch’s sister Kendra, had graduated from Grade 12.She stood about 5′ 6″ tall, and weighed around 115 lb. Brooke had longauburn hair and a very tight, athletic body, toned from cheerleading andplaying high school sports. She was a very popular girl in her class. Adam was pretty certain she had not graduated from high school as a virgin.So, he figured, if he looked at other peoples’ sisters and imagined whatit would be like to have his dick sunk deep inside them, it was onlynatural that other guys were gonna look at HIS sister and think the samething. Hell, he thought, blushing a bit, if Brooke wasn’t his sister he’dprobably hit on her himself! He came back from his sick little daydream.”Oh, she had a date with some guy tonight,” Adam said to Mitch. “TylerMaxwell. Remember Shaun Maxwell? That quarterback from Midland High? It’s his little brother.” “Fuck!” said Mitch disgustedly. “Shaun Maxwellwas a douche-bag! His brother’s probably no better. You gotta give yoursister a lecture about her taste in men.””Yeah,” smiled Adam. “I told her she needed to raise her standards abit.””For sure!” said Mitch. ” Send her over to me! I’ll show her a goodtime!” “Like you did the time you dated Arnie Brown’s sister? Ask her fora blowjob in the drive-thru at McDonald’s?” Adam said with a grin.”Hey,” said Mitch, with a shrug. “I let her order whatever she wantedthat night!”The two friends burst into laughing again. Then something caught Adam’sattention from the corner of his eye. A young teenage girl walked by in apair of insanely tight white denim jeans and a bright pink t-shirt. Shelooked over her shoulder as she brushed past and gave Adam a small wave.”Hi Adam! ” she called out, as she brushed her long brunette hair awayfrom her extremely attractive face.”Annie?!” Adam yelled back. “Annie Harris?!” “Yeah! Who did you think?Megan Fox?” the young girl laughed as she walked over and gave Adam a bighug, pressing her firm body against him.Adam stepped back, looking her up and down. “Wow, Annie! I didn’trecognize you at first. Excuse me for saying, but you look DAMN good!” hesaid.”Oh, thank you!” she giggled, blushing slightly. “I’m 18 now, youknow.””Well yeah, Brooke told me you’d had a birthday. But geez! I haven’tseen you since like Christmas. You’ve, uh, changed a bit since then!” Adamreplied.It was absolutely true. She HAD changed a lot. And all for the bettertoo! Adam had known Annie Harris since she was about 5 years old. Thatwas when her family had moved into their neighbourhood, only 3 doors downfrom Adam’s family. Annie was the same age as his younger sister, Brooke,and the two girls had quickly become inseparable friends.Growing up, Annie had spent so much time at their house, Adam almostbegan to regard her as a second sister. He teased her relentlessly! But,as she grew older, he began to realize she was turning into a verybeautiful girl. Annie was one of those lucky people blessed with naturalbeauty, and it only got better as she got older.Around the time she turned 14, Adam began to notice he was becoming veryphysically and sexually attracted to her. Of course, at this time he was17, and as with most teenage boys, his hormones were constantly raging. Heremembered one occasion, in particular.It was just after the memorable party where he had lost his virginityand his brain was on constant `sex mode’ as it was. One hot summer day,Adam’s mother asked him if he would give Brooke and Annie a ride to theswimming pool. He said he would as he was driving over to his buddy’splace anyway. He waited in the car for the two girls to come out of thehouse.They finally came running out to the car, and Adam’s lower jaw almostdropped into his lap! Both girls were wearing their swimsuits. Annie waswearing a skimpy little yellow and black striped bikini, that BARELYcovered the essentials. Adam could not believe what a body she wasbeginning to develop. He had seen hot girls his own age that didn’t lookeven HALF as good as Annie did that day! Both girls jumped in the backseatand Adam had proceeded to drive to the pool.The whole way there, he remembered glancing constantly in the rearviewmirror, admiring Annie’s sweet little body, her long brunette hair in acute ponytail. Her smooth tanned thighs, flat stomach, curvy ass, andbudding breasts made him so hard, he could barely drive. All he couldthink about was how tight she would be with his raging hard-on deep insideher, her tanned legs wrapped around him.After he dropped the two giggling girls off at the pool, he had had toturn off into a back alley and furiously masturbate. He cleaned himselfwith some Kleenex he found in the glove compartment. The vision of Anniein that bikini had always stayed with him and even now, four years later,he could picture it in his mind like it was yesterday.After that, Adam no longer viewed Annie as an annoying little k**. Herealized she was growing into an incredible hottie. And even though he was3 years older than her, he started to flirt with her a lot when she cameover to the house. And the thing was, SHE flirted back! Adam hadn’t beensurprised, though.As a teen, he was a very handsome and attractive young man. At 17, hehad stood about 6 ft. tall, and very fit. With his curly blonde hair andbright blue eyes, he had kind of resembled Owen Wilson but without theshnozz. He had developed a very muscular physique, made all the betterfrom being involved in football and other high school sports. In highschool lingo, Adam had definitely been someone the girls would say was`do-able’!Over time, he realized he had quite a crush on his cute dark-hairedneighbour. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, he was reluctant to try andtake things to the next level. Even though he had a good feeling Anniewould probably not say no. It just felt weird to him, the idea of wantingto fuck a girl who he still kind of looked at as being more of a sisterthan just another sexual conquest. And also out of respect for hissister’s friendship with Annie, he never attempted anything.Not to say he never had his opportunities. It was hard, but he managedto keep things on a strictly platonic level. But in the privacy of hisbedroom, Annie became the object of many masturbation fantasies!Then along came high school graduation and college and he didn’t see somuch of Annie anymore. But he never forgot about her. He would still runinto her when he came home for things like Thanksgiving, and Christmas andsummer vacation. Every time he did, she just got hotter and hotter! Andthe urge to fuck her became stronger and stronger!Now here he stood, finding it incredibly difficult to take his eyes offthe pretty teenager. And the more he looked, the harder he could feel hiscock growing. She had NO idea, he thought, how incredibly turned on shehad just made him by telling him she was now 18! The long-time object ofmany of his sexual fantasies, now of legal age!Annie only stood about 5 ft. tall and was lucky if she weighed 100 lb.soaking wet. But she had a body that ROCKED! Adam did a quick mentalassessment of her measurements. Probably about 34B-24-30, he figured. Slender and awesomely toned! Like his sister, Annie had also been verymuch into cheerleading and sports during high school.Being as petite as she was, she looked more like she was 15 or 16,rather than 18! But she exuded a sexiness that Adam could tell was ALLwoman! In addition to her hot, tight athletic body, Annie had silkybrunette hair that fell just past her shoulders and framed her gorgeousoval face. She had big, brown, sensuous eyes and full red lips. Adam alsonoticed the little mole on her left cheek. He used to tease her about thatwhen she was younger. Now, however, it just made her that much sexier!To top it all off, she had a beautiful radiant smile that lit up herentire face. Her smooth, tanned complexion showed that even though it wasearly in the summer, she had already been spending quite a bit of time inthe sun.Adam wondered if she was still a virgin. He knew she’d had a fewboyfriends in high school. God, he thought, if she WAS still a virgin, sheshouldn’t be! Any guy with a set of balls and half a brain would havetapped that long ago. HE certainly would have, had he been dating her!It was funny. On the one hand, it made him kind of jealous, to think hehadn’t been the one to get to pop Annie’s cherry. But on the other hand,it excited Adam, the idea of some guy banging the hell out of her tightpussy.Then an idea began to germinate in Adam’s brain. Maybe, just MAYBE,tonight could be the night! It was obvious she was getting a bit hammered.And she was already being kind of flirty with him.He thought of the tight hug she had just given him a few minutes ago. Adam was experienced enough to know that it felt like a lot more than justa `say hello’ kind of hug. Annie was getting drunk and, he suspected, abit horny!But Adam wasn’t going to jump into things. He didn’t want to scare heroff. He would just play it cool and see where things led. Perhaps, if heplayed his cards just right, Adam would finally get a chance to make afantasy come true. He continued his visual survey of Annie.She was wearing a pair of white denim jeans that Adam swore, HAD to bepainted on! They tightly hugged EVERY curve and really accented her small,firm ass. Annie also wore a tight-fitting pink t-shirt. The thin cottonwas stretched across her firm breasts. Printed on the shirt was thePlayboy Bunny logo and underneath it in glittery letters,`Playmate-In-Training’. On her feet she had a pair of white Nike tennisshoes.Annie noticed Adam reading her t-shirt and gave him a teasing slap. “Like my shirt or what?” she asked. “You’ve been staring at it longenough!” “Uh…y-yeah! It’s cool!” Adam said sheepishly. “Playmate-In-Training, huh? I’d definitely buy ANY magazine YOU were in!”Annie gave a look of fake astonishment and slapped him on the arm again.”Adam Johnson! You are terrible!” she said.Adam looked around. Mitch had wandered off and was talking to a groupof girls out by the pool. He looked at Annie’s beer cup and then his own.Both were nearly empty.”Hey, I think we need refills,” he said. “May I?” he asked as he tookAnnie’s cup from her hand.”You most certainly may!” she said, with a shy smile. “You’re such agentleman.”Adam chuckled to himself as he walked to the kitchen where the beer kegwas set up. A gentleman, huh? If Annie could have only seen inside hismind all the disgusting things he wanted to do to her, she wouldn’t becalling him a gentleman!He filled their beer cups and made his way through the crowd of peopleback to Annie.”Let’s go outside,” he suggested to her. “It’s too bloody hot in here.””Good idea,” she said.The two of them walked outside and found a couple of open patio chairs.For a while, they just sat and talked and drank a couple more beers. Adamwas enjoying talking about old times with her and slowly realized he wasgetting a bit drunk. And so was Annie! She was getting very touchy-feely,constantly putting her hand on Adam’s arm.He decided to test her and placed his hand on her left thigh. Shepushed his hand away. ” Now, now, Adam. What do you think you’re doing?”Annie asked with a coy smile”What am I doing?” he repeated. “I’m sitting here with a hot girl andfinding it very hard to keep my hands to myself!””Well, you’re gonna have to try harder,” she replied jokingly.Hmmm, Adam wondered to himself. Maybe this wasn’t going to be as easyas he thought.After a little while they began to mingle with other people at theparty. But, he noticed, she never strayed too far away from his side.This was confusing him. On the one hand, she didn’t seem to want to doanything with him. But on the other hand, she wouldn’t let him out of hersight. And every time she needed a refill for her beer cup, she’d alwayscome to Adam and ask if he’d get her another one.While she was away for a bathroom break, Mitch came staggering past. Hewas getting very inebriated.”Hey, man!” he slurred, putting an arm around Adam. “So, you gonna bangthat little cutie? She been all over you like white on rice!””I don’t know,” said Adam. “She kinda acts like she wants it, but kindaacts like not too.””You just gotta be more forceful, Adam, my man,” slurred Mitch. “Yajust gotta lay down the rules to these chicks. Put out or get out! Yaknow what I mean?”Adam looked at him with a puzzled look on his face.”I ain’t that kind of guy, Mitch””Pppfffttt!” Mitch spat. “Bullshit, dude! Hey, you remember littleMandy Lassiter?”Adam nodded. “Yeah I remember her. Sweet little redhead. She’s goodfriends with your sister, isn’t she?””Oh fuck yeah!” answered Mitch, leaning against Adam for support. “Well, I been getting weed for her and Kendra for the last couple years. Just last week, Mandy hits me up for a bit. I say to her, `Hey babe! Ibeen getting weed for you for a while now, you gotta start doing favoursfor me!’ She asked me what the fuck I was talking about and so I told her.Next thing I know, I’m banging the hell outta some sweet 18 year oldpussy!””You fucked Mandy Lassiter?” Adam asked incredulously. “You got it,man!” grinned Mitch. “Fucked `er hard! The point is, I laid down the lawto `er, man. She wanted to get stoned, I wanted to get fucked. So we bothgot what we wanted. You just gotta tell that little Annie, `you wanna hangwith me, there’s things you gotta do.’ She don’t like it, well, give `erthe punt!””Fuck!” Adam said. “She’s kinda like a sister to me, though.””Hey!” Mitch said impatiently. “She ain’t though, is she? I know youwant to fuck her. You been telling me that for years!””Oh man, in a fucking heartbeat!” replied Adam.”Then get past all that other bullshit and just slip her the oldAdam-stick,” said Mitch. “I’ll betcha she wants it just as bad as you. Now, seeing as how we’re talking sisters, mind if I fuck yours?”Adam shoved Mitch away from him playfully, Mitch almost falling headover heels over the couch.”Fucking asshole!” Adam laughed.Mitch drunkenly pointed a finger at Adam as he staggered away towardsthe patio doors.”If I find out tomorrow, you didn’t do that little honey, I’ll befuckin’ disappointed! Make me proud, dude! Make me proud!””What’s he disappointed about?”Adam turned around to see Annie walking up.”Oh, nothing too important,” Adam replied. “Just Mitch being a drunkenidiot.””One of those, huh?” she laughed. “Well, there’s a house full of themright now.””Including you!” Adam said, mussing up her hair. “You’re getting apretty good glow!”Annie gave him a small slap on the chest. “Fuck you!” she laughed.”You know what,” said Adam. ” Now I gotta go to the can! I’ll be backin a minute.””Okay,” said Annie. “I’ll be waiting.”She flashed him that beautiful smile that just made him melt. He walkedupstairs to the bathroom, thinking about the things Mitch had said to him.Adam had never had to be the kind of guy who manipulated women to havesex with him. They were just naturally attracted to him. He never had toswing deals with someone to get what he wanted. But Annie was proving alittle more difficult.He wanted her! BAD! But Annie kept sending him such mixed signals. Maybe he was going to have to just call her bluff and do what Mitch hadsaid. Hey! It had worked for Mitch, who had managed to get his sisterKendra’s hot friend in the sack.Adam was getting the feeling he was being played and he didn’t like it!He had to do something about it. If Annie was going to play her littlegame, she had better start backing it up with some actions.Adam did his business in the washroom and came back downstairs. As shehad said, Annie was waiting for him on the couch. Damn, she looked good,thought Adam. Her t-shirt had slid up a bit, showing off her tanned bellybutton.”Hey, big fella!” she said drunkenly as Adam came to sit down besideher. “Almost gave up on you!” “Awww, come on, Annie. You know I’d neverskip out on you,” joked Adam.He took a look around, The house suddenly seemed emptier and quieterthan it had earlier.”Where the hell did everybody go?” asked Adam. “The place is halfempty.””Oh, somebody said there was a big party happening out at the lake, soeverybody started leaving,” said Annie with a dismissive wave of her hand.”And apparently Mitch is passed out beside the pool.”Adam looked out the patio doors. Yep! He could see Mitch’s inert formstretched out in a deck chair. He wasn’t surprised.Suddenly a group of 4 guys came wandering into the living room. At thefront of the group was a tall, very muscular guy. He was about the sameheight as Adam and sported a brush-cut. He also had a goatee.”Holy shit! Adam Johnson! I didn’t know you were here! How’s it beengoing, man?” he yelled.He and Adam high-fived each other. “Rodney Becker! Becker the Pecker!”Adam beamed.Rodney Becker was one of Adam’s old high school football team mates. They hadn’t been huge friends in school, but they got along pretty good. Rodney had developed a bit of a reputation in school of being rather, um,well-endowed. Hence the nickname, Becker the Pecker, or sometimes justPecker. Rodney had always been quite good-spirited about it. After highschool, Rodney hadn’t went to college, choosing instead to apprentice as amechanic at his father’s repair shop.”What’s up, dawg?” Rodney asked.”I don’t know,” replied Adam. “Wizniak is passed out and it looks likeeverybody is kinda leaving.” “Well, me and a bunch of guys are heading overto my place. Why don’t you come on over? Haven’t talked to you in ages!”Adam shrugged his shoulders.”Yeah, what the hell? Might as well,” he said. “Where you living now?”Rodney gave him the address and he and the other 3 guys headed out thedoor.Adam looked over at Annie.”You wanna go?” “Sure,” she said. “I’ll go with you. This party haskinda died out. I got nowhere else to go tonight.”Adam had to help her as they walked out to his car. She was becomingquite wobbly on her feet, he noticed. The many beers she had consumedearlier that night were catching up to her.As he began driving, he glanced over at Annie. God, she looked good! She was sitting with her legs slightly apart. She looked over at him,smiling. Adam thought about how sweet it would be to just unbutton herjeans and slide his hand down inside. Or to have those soft lips wrappedtightly around his shaft. He felt his cock growing hard.Just be patient, he told himself. One way or another, he was going toget some action from this hot little brunette before the night was out. Eventually, she’d drop her guard and he’d move in!Soon he pulled up in front of Rodney’s house. It was a two-storeybungalow in an older part of town. He and Annie walked up to the frontdoor.”We don’t have to go here if you don’t want to,” Adam said to her. “No,it’s fine,” she said. “Of course I want to go. I’m having fun hanging outwith you.””Okay,” he said. “Let’s go then.”They entered the house. It was a typical bachelor’s place. There was acouple of old couches and three recliner chairs s**ttered around the livingroom. In the middle of the room was a large wooden coffee table covered inempty beer cans and bottles and ash trays. Along one wall was a huge flatscreen TV and a home entertainment system.Another wall was practically wallpapered with centerfolds of nude womenfrom Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler magazines. In the centre of thedining room, just off the living room, was a large pool table.”Hmmm, interesting décor,” Annie mused sarcastically.Rodney and his three friends were sitting in the living room, watching amovie on the flat-screen. One of the men was in the process of rolling ajoint on the big coffee table.Adam recognized one of the other guys. His name was Trevor, another oldfootball buddy. He didn’t know the other two guys though, one of whomlooked to be in his 30s. Adam made a bit of a mental note that they werethe only ones there. There was no other people and certainly no otherwomen.Rodney waved at them as they walked in.”Hey man, glad you made it! You know Trevor. These other two are Hughand Greg. They work for my dad.”The two men looked up at Adam and nodded hello.”And that’s Adam,” said Rodney. “He’s an old high school buddy. Usedto play football with me and Trevor. We had some pretty wild times, didn’twe?””Oh yeah”, grinned Adam. “They were wild times, all right.”He pointed to Annie. “Hey guys, this is Annie. A friend of mysister’s.””Hi Annie!” all four men said in unison.”Uh, hi!” Annie replied weakly. She had to lean against Adam forsupport. Adam couldn’t help but notice all four men’s eyes scanning acrossher body.”I saw your sister, Brooke, the other day,” said Rodney. “Man, has shegrown up nice! I feel sorry for your old man. He must have to keep ashotgun by the front door to chase all the boys away!””Only for guys like you, Rodney,” laughed Adam.”Hey, fuck you!” said Rodney good-naturedly. “Beer is in the fridge. Help yourself!”Annie and Adam went down the hallway to the kitchen. Adam opened thefridge, which was almost completely full of beer.”You want one?” he asked her. “Or you want some Pepsi?””Yeah, I’ll have a beer,” she said. “And what are you, my mother? Think I’m getting too drunk or something?”She playfully slapped Adam on the arm.”No!” he protested. “It’s a little too late to worry about you gettingdrunk! You’ve done a pretty good job of that already!””You are an asshole, Adam Johnson!” she laughed as she tried to slap himagain. Adam sidestepped her and grabbed her by the arm. Pinning heragainst the kitchen counter, he began to tickle her under the ribs with hisother hand. She squirmed and twisted against him trying to bursa escort get away. Shelet out a little squeal.”Adam! Let me go! You’re gonna make me pee!” she giggled.Her firm, toned body pressing back against him felt awesome. Hesuddenly let go of her as he felt himself growing hard. As he pulled hishand away, it inadvertently brushed against her right breast. “Hey, bub!Watch that hand!” she said in mock outrage. “It was an accident!” Adamsaid with an innocent grin. Annie gave him a suspicious look out of thecorner of her eye as she smiled. “Accident, my ass!”As they walked back to the living room with their beers, Adam grinned tohimself. God, her body had felt SO fucking good against his. He HAD tofuck her! That was all there was to it!When they got back to the living room, Trevor and Hugh were having agame of pool. Rodney and Greg were smoking a large joint. Rodney passedit to Adam.”You want some, man?” he said as he coughed harshly.”Sure!” said Adam. “Ain’t had a good puff in a long time!”He took a big drag from the joint, inhaling deeply. Looking at Annie,he held the joint out to her.She took it from him and also had a good pull off it before handing itback to Greg.”Whoa!” she said, her eyes wide. “That’s powerful stuff!”The party carried on and they smoked a couple more joints over the nexthour or so, as well as downing more beers. Annie was having fun playingpool with the guys. Adam, Rodney and Trevor reminisced about their highschool days.Annie had went to the washroom, when Rodney suddenly said to Adam, “Sodude, what’s the deal there with you and little Annie? You two an item?”Adam blushed a bit as he replied, “No! We ain’t going out or anythinglike that. I just ran into her over at Mitch’s. But I AM hoping to getinto those jeans before the night’s over!”Rodney high-fived him.”That’s the spirit, man! I wish you luck. Shit, I’d give my left nutto fuck her. That girl is KILLER! I can’t believe she’s 18! Looksyounger to me!””Holy crap, yeah!” piped up Trevor. “I’ll bet she is SO fucking tight!Makes my balls ache just thinking about it!””All I can say is, after being married ten years, the old lady justdon’t cut it like she used to,” added Hugh. “It would be a dream come trueif I got myself some young cunt like that!”Something suddenly clicked inside Adam’s brain. A feeling he’d neverhad before. He wasn’t sure how to explain it. He felt like he should bemad and disgusted at these guys for the way they were treating Annie like apiece of meat. But he wasn’t! No, instead he was feeling….turned on. It was getting him hard hearing them talk about her.Adam’s body was filled with a rush of excitement, as he wondered what itwould be like to watch this group of drunks fuck the hell out of her. Itcould be her just dessert for being such a little tease all night.He began to speak in a low voice, his heart pounding. He couldn’tbelieve what he was about to say.”Well guys, I’ve got a deal for you then. You let me fuck her first andget what I want, and then you guys can have her. And do WHATEVER the hellyou want! All I ask is, I get first dibs on her pussy and ass, and afterthat, she’s yours!”A lascivious grin crept across Rodney’s face. “Buddy, you have gotyourself a deal!” He slapped Adam on the back.Just at that time, Annie came wobbling into the living room. “So!” sheyelled. “Whose ass am I gonna kick this time in pool?Greg stood up from his chair. “Hey honey, I’ll kick YOUR sweet littleass. Matter of fact, that’s not ALL I wanna do to it!”Annie gave him a strange look, but said nothing. As the two of themplayed pool, the other four men began to watch a movie. Rodney called overto Annie, “You mind if we watch a porno?”Annie shrugged her shoulders.”I don’t care!” she said. “It’s your TV!”The guys began watching a porno video. It wasn’t long before they beganmaking rude remarks about the girls in the movie.”That one kinda looks like Annie!” yelled Rodney.Annie looked up from taking a shot. “It does not!” she exclaimed. “Nah, you’re right, Annie,” said Adam. “You’re waaay hotter!””Yeah, hot as hell!” said Rodney.Then a scene of a girl having a threesome with two guys came on.”Wow, that’d be awesome!” said Trevor. “You ever do something likethat, Annie?””No!” she said in a disgusted tone.”That’s a pity,” said Greg. “Me and Trev would love to have a threesomewith ya!”Annie rolled her eyes. “Have one with Rodney!””OH! Burrrrnnnn!” Adam laughed.”You just forget about those losers,” said Hugh. “You wanna be with aREAL man, like me!”Annie set her pool cue down and came over to sit by Adam. “Listen”,said Annie. ” Adam and I are together. So please leave me alone. I’m notinterested in any of you!””Awwww, that’s a shame,” said Trevor. “Ya don’t know what you’d bemissing!””Probably not much!” Annie retorted.”Shot you down hard, man!” chuckled Hugh.” She’s a feisty one. Remindsme of my wife when she was younger.”Annie looked at him incredulously.”You’re married?! Why the HELL are you hitting on me then? That’s kindof sick!””Hey, I might be married but I ain’t dead,” said Hugh. “I can still beattracted to pretty girls, can’t I?””I guess, but just don’t do it around me, okay?” she said sliding alittle closer to Adam. Hugh flashed her a stern glare.She asked Adam if he would like to have a game of pool and he agreed.”I just need to get away from these guys. They’re being pigs!””Ahhh, they’re just getting drunk, Annie,” said Adam. “They’re having abit of fun.””They’re creeping me out”, she said, screwing up her face.”So”, said Adam hopefully, “we’re `together’, are we?””Oh, don’t get yourself excited! I just said that to get these guys toleave me alone,” Annie explained. “Yeah, I like you, Adam, but not thatway. You’re like a big brother to me. I couldn’t imagine us doinganything. It’s just not something I would do. I respect my friendshipwith Brooke too much to fuck it up by sleeping with her brother! To tellyou the truth, I hung around with you at Mitch’s because I thought it wouldget guys to stop hitting on me.””Yeah, I can understand that, Annie,” he said.But Adam was rather taken aback by this. You little bitch! he thought.You fucking little manipulative prick tease! You have teased and flirtedwith me all night to the point of making me cum in my goddamn pants, andnow you’re telling me you just like me as a big brother! You used me allnight as a bodyguard? Well, this night ain’t over yet. You’re gettingfucked, if I have anything to say about it!They started playing pool. As Annie was bent over taking a shot, Rodneywalked by on the way to the kitchen to get a beer. He reached out with hisleft hand and grabbed one of Annie’s ass cheeks. She spun around,blushing.”Sorry,” Rodney said putting his hands up. “My hand slipped. It doesthat whenever it sees a nice ass. Bad hand!”He slapped himself on the hand, laughing as he walked away. The otherguys in the room also erupted into laughter.When Rodney returned, Annie was taking another shot. Rodney leaned inclose to her, his body pressing against hers. “Hey, if you like playingwith balls, I got a couple you can have.” “Haha, funny!” she sneered.After the game was over, Adam and Annie walked back over to one of thecouches to sit down. Trevor was sitting at the end of the couch and asAnnie went to sit down, he quickly slid over so she inadvertently sat downon his lap. Trevor put his hands on her hips and bounced her up and downon top of him a couple times.”Yeehawww!” he yelled. “Ride the wild stallion! ” “Get away, you pig!”she said as she slapped his hands away. She looked over at Adam. “Are yougoing to let these guys get away with this shit?”Adam shrugged. “Okay. Trevor, quit being a pig!” he said with a grin.Annie got up from the couch. “I gotta pee!” she said. “You need somehelp with those pants?” asked Rodney. “I can pull `em down for you.””No thank you!” she snapped. “I think I can manage myself!””Well, can we at least come and watch?” asked Greg.”NO!” she said as she stomped off down the hallway.”I think she’s getting mad,” laughed Adam. “Better watch out, youguys.””Oh, I like it when they get mad!” said Greg, licking his lips.Annie did her business in the washroom and was coming back down thehallway when she ran into Hugh who was coming out of the kitchen.He stood so he was blocking her path.”Well, well. If it isn’t little Annie!””Would you mind moving, please?” she asked.”Tell ya what, sweetie,” he said with an evil smile. “You show me yourtits and I will!” “I am NOT showing you my tits! Now, move!” she saidindignantly.A little wobbly from all the beer she had drank, she tried to squeezepast and fell against him. Hugh reached out to steady her, his left handclosing around one of her breasts.”Oh baby! That feels nice! Just let me have a little suck on one!” hewhispered in her ear. He tried pulling her closer to him, his handsqueezing tighter on her tit.Annie twisted around, slapping him across the face.”Let me go!” she yelled.Hugh released her and stepped back, rubbing his cheek where she hadslapped him. He laughed.”Oh, a little wildcat! You like it rough, huh?”Annie stormed into the living room and grabbed Adam by the hand, pullinghim up off the couch.”Come on Adam! Let’s get the fuck out of here!” “Why? What the hellhappened?” he said with a confused look.”Because that PERVERT,” she said as she spun around, pointing a fingerat Hugh, who stood in the entrance to the living room with a big grin onhis face, “tried to m***** me in the hallway! The fucking pig is married!I’ve had enough, I want to leave!””But I thought we were having fun,” said Adam. “I don’t wanna leave!””LET’S GO, Adam!” she insisted. “I don’t wanna be here anymore! I’mgoing home! If you won’t give me a ride, I’ll just walk then.”She turned away from Adam, but he grabbed her arm and spun her around.”NO! You ain’t leaving!” he blurted. “You owe me something first!””Owe you something? What the hell do I owe YOU?” she asked angrily. “You’ve been teasing and flirting with me all night!” he snarled. “It’stime you put out for me! And you AIN’T leaving until you do!”Annie’s mouth hung open in a look of utter astonishment.”So that’s it, huh? I thought you were a nice guy, Adam! You’re as badas the rest of these pigs. All night, that’s ALL you’ve wanted? Is toFUCK me?””Maybe not ALL night, but yeah, that’s pretty well it in a nutshell,”Adam said with a shrug. “Can you blame me? Fuck, girl! You don’t knowhow goddamn turned on you’ve got me! My cock has been hard since the firsttime I saw you tonight!”Annie shook her head in disgust, tears welling up in her eyes. “Ithought you were a friend! You’re just as fucking sick as all the rest. Good-bye!”Annie spun around to leave. She came to a sudden stop as she saw Trevorand Greg blocking the door. “Outta my way!” she ordered.Adam came up behind her grabbing both her arms.”You AREN’T going anywhere!” he said, a tone of coldness in his voice.”You’re fucking me tonight, whether you want to or not! And ALL these guystoo!”Annie had never heard Adam talk this way in her life. She felt a coldball of terror form in her stomach at the sudden realization of what wasgoing to happen to her. It hadn’t really sunk into her at first, when shearrived there, that she was the only girl amongst a group of men. Now, shewas totally helpless, about to become the victim of a gang-****!She tried to pull away from Adam but he had a firm grip on her arms.”Let me go, you son of a bitch!” she yelled. Adam wrapped his armsaround her, pinning her arms to her sides and easily picked up the petitegirl, carrying her, legs flailing and kicking, into the center of theliving room.”Get her pants off!” ordered Adam. “NOOOOO! NOOOOOO! LET ME GO!” shescreamed. “Oh yeah!” yelled Hugh, a look of sick anticipation on his faceas he moved in towards Annie.”GET AWAY FROM MEEEE!” she shrieked, her left leg kicking out. Sheconnected with Hugh’s crotch. He grabbed himself, yelping in agony.”Motherfucker!” he groaned. “That fuckin’ hurt!” He grabbed the frontof Annie’s t-shirt, cocking his arm back as if to strike her. Annie’s eyesgrew wide with terror.”You are gonna pay for that, you little bitch! I’ll knock every toothout of your fucking mouth!””Hugh!” Rodney yelled. “Back off! None of that bullshit, you hear me?”Hugh put his arm down and let go of her t-shirt. He leaned in close toher.”You want it rough, you’re gonna get it fucking rough!” he hissed. “Youain’t gonna forget my name after I’m done with you!”Annie spit in his face. “GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU SICK FUCK!”Hugh just smiled as he wiped it off. “That’s fine, bitch. You’ll getyours!” he said.”Jesus Christ, you gonna get her fucking pants off today or tomorrow!”yelled Adam impatiently.”Yeah, come on, dude!” said Trevor. “We’re waiting here!””Okay, okay!” growled Hugh.Adam held her up, her feet off the floor, as Hugh grabbed the button onher jeans and undid it, while trying to dodge her kicking legs. He yankeddown the zipper, Annie bucking and twisting her body the whole time.”NOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOO! LET ME GO!” she screamed.Rodney stepped in to give him a hand. With Adam holding her upper body,Hugh and Rodney each grabbed a leg, stretching her out between the three ofthem. They first pulled her shoes and socks off, then with an arm wrappedaround each leg of the frantically struggling girl, hooked their fingersinto the waistband of her jeans. Pulling and tugging from both sides, theyslowly worked her pants down off her smooth hips.The men’s eyes lit up with excitement as they caught their first glimpseof panties. She was wearing pink thong underwear.”Fuck, she’s got nice legs!` said Greg breathlessly as more of her silkytanned thighs came into view. Finally, Hugh and Rodney had Annie’s pantspulled completely off. They pulled her down to the floor, Annie violentlytwisting and thrashing her body in a vain attempt to break loose.”LET ME GO, YOU BASTARDS! ADAM! STOPPP!” she continued to scream,tears streaming down her face. Adam looked over at Greg and Trevor.”Come over here and hold her arms!” he said.The two men pinned her arms down to the floor on either side of her asAdam walked around to her feet. He began to unbuckle his pants.Annie looked up at him, fear in her eyes.”P-p-please, Adam!” she tearfully begged, shaking her head. “D-d-don’tdo th-this! I beg you! You’re going t-t-to get in a-a l-lot oft-trouble!””Only gonna get in a lot of trouble if you open your fucking mouth,”sneered Adam.He quickly undressed, exposing his thick 8 ½ inch circumcised cock as hestripped his underwear off. Adam stood around 6 ft. and weighed around200-205 lb., just a little heavier than when he had been in high school. He prided himself on keeping very fit, no spare tire or flab on his body!He still had the same curly blonde hair and twinkling blue eyes the girlshad fallen so hard for in high school.Adam got down on his knees, between her outstretched legs. He grabbedher panties with both hands and with a single hard tug, easily ripped themoff her as she twisted and fought against him.”NOOOOOOO!” screamed Annie.His heart jumped as he glanced down at the tight pink slit between herlegs. She was shaved! Awesome!”Oh man, that is fucking sweet!” said Hugh, a small dribble of slobberon his lip.”PUSSY! PUSSY!” Greg and Trevor cheered in unison, like a couple ofjunior high schoolboys looking at a Playboy centrefold for the very firsttime.Adam looked around and spied a pair of scissors on the coffee table. Hegrabbed them and began cutting her “Playmate-In-Training” t-shirt up themiddle, slowly exposing her flat stomach. He continued to slice open hershirt, right up to the collar, then pulled the two halves away from herbody. She was wearing a pink bra to match her thong panties. It had aclasp in the front. Anna looked up at Adam. “NOOOO! DON’T DO THIS!” shepleaded.Adam looked down at her, his tongue running across his lips, and undidthe clasp, letting her bra fall away from her tits.My God! They’re perfect, he thought as he ran his hands across thesmooth roundness of her breasts.His breaths were coming in short gasps as he gazed down at the teengirl’s exquisite body. His mind went back to that summer day when he hadseen her in that little black and yellow bikini. For years he had thoughtabout what she looked like under that bikini. Now, he was finally findingout. It exceeded ALL his wildest dreams!Annie’s screaming and pleading brought him back from his reverie.”NOOOOOO! DON’T DO THIS, ADAM!”Adam just gave her a smile as he positioned himself between her legs. “Sorry, Annie. But you brought this on yourself!” he said. He gripped hiserect cock, guiding it up to the edge of her pussy. His whole body wasshaking with anticipation.”COME ON, MAN! FUCK HER!” yelled Rodney. Adam pushed his hips forward,feeling the large purple head of his cock spreading her apart. She was dryand he had to twist his hips to work himself inside her. With the head ofhis cock inside her, he grabbed her firmly by the hips and powerfullythrust his entire length into her.”OHHHH!” he groaned with absolute ecstasy, as he felt the tight walls ofAnnie’s cunt close around his thick cock. Annie tried to twist and turnher body, but that only helped for him to push deeper into her.Adam was living his fantasy! Well, she isn’t a virgin, he said tohimself. He hadn’t figured she was, but wondered who the lucky bastard waswho had been given the golden opportunity to pop her cherry. Didn’t reallymatter, Adam decided. HE was deep inside her now, and that was all thatmattered!Annie, feeling Adam drive his thick cock into her, threw her head back,her mouth wide open. A piercing shriek erupted from her. “AAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” “Yikes! She’s a screamer!” laughedRodney.Annie let out a couple more sharp screams as Adam began pumping in andout, pulling back so he was almost out of her, then slamming his entirelength back into her. Again and again.”PLEASE! STOPPPPPP! PLEASE!” she tearfully begged.But Adam just ignored her. His hands were wrapped around her silkythighs and he was in his own little world of bliss, his large cock poundingaway at Annie’s incredibly tight vagina.The other men cheered him on as though they were at a sporting event.”Go, man, go!” “Slam her hard!” “Fuck the little bitch!”Adam could feel his balls tightening as he approached climax. He knewhe couldn’t hold back much longer. Sweat ran down his face and back.”I’m ready to cum!” he panted. Annie cried out.”NOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOO! NOT INSIDE ME! PLEASE ADAM!”His whole body suddenly went stiff, his buttocks clenching together ashe came inside her. Annie’s face went white, tears streaming down hercheeks, as she felt the warm sticky jets of semen coating her insides.Adam held himself inside her, as the head of his cock twitched andpulsated. The sensation was unbelievable!He finally pulled out of her, a smile of utter contentment across hisface.He looked down at the devastated, sobbing girl.”Oh Annie! I’ve been waiting since you were 14 to do that!” “You’reFUCKING sick, Adam!” she spat. “I FUCKING hate you!””Ahhh, well,” said Rodney. “Pretty soon you’re gonna hate us all!”Rodney and Hugh let go of her legs as Rodney began to pull off hisclothes. Adam saw again, why the nickname `Becker The Pecker’ had stuckwith Rodney. His cock was about 9 ½ inches long, and very thick.Physically, Rodney was very fit. He was shorter than Adam, standingonly 5′ 8″ and weighing about 200 lb.. But he had very broad shoulders anda thick muscular chest. Even though it was 3 years since he had playedhigh school football, and he was now 21, Rodney still made a point ofvisiting the gym regularly and kept himself in good shape. Adam noted hedidn’t look a lot older than he did when he was 18. His blonde hair,closely trimmed to his scalp and his square face made Adam think of aMarine recruit.”You two can let go of her,” Rodney said to Trevor and Greg. They letgo of her arms and stepped back.”This is gonna be good!” he said looking down at the teen hottie.Kneeling down on the floor, he grabbed Annie by the hips and flipped heronto her stomach. She tried to crawl away but Rodney grabbed her by thewaist, pulling her back towards him. “NOOOOOOO! LET ME GOOOOO!” shecontinued to beg and plead as she looked fearfully over her shoulder atRodney’s large member.Pushing her legs apart and lifting her up by the hips, Rodney drove intoher effortlessly. She let out a painful scream as the thick penis spreadher wide. He immediately began to brutally fuck her. Annie’s body shookwith every savage thrust.Rodney reached under her and began squeezing and mauling Annie`sbreasts. She squealed and thrashed.”Goddamn!” Rodney said, panting heavily. “I ain’t fucked a girl thistight in ages!”As Rodney pounded into Annie from behind, the other men gathered aroundin a semi-circle, hooting and hollering and cheering him on. Annie’s sharpshrieks echoed around the room.Adam sat down on the couch, his heart pounding with excitement. He wasstill in awe at how great Annie’s tight pussy had felt around his cock. Why hadn’t he done this ages ago, he wondered to himself?He thought back to that wonderful night at Mitch Wizniak’s party when hewas 17. The night he had lost his virginity to two of the hottestcheerleaders in his school. Until now, that night had been relegated to aplace in his memory as `BEST NIGHT EVER!’ But, Adam thought, with a smile,I think I have a NEW winner!Finally getting to fuck the girl of his dreams had been an extremelyexhilarating experience for Adam. Now he could not believe how incrediblyturned on he was becoming as he watched the hot teenager being fucked byanother man. Annie was drenched in sweat and tears ran down her face. Hertight body was being rocked back and forth by the violent assault.Rodney suddenly let out a pig-like grunt as he slammed his hips hardagainst the back of Annie’s thighs, dumping a large load of cum into her. Athin trickle of slobber ran down his chin as he pulled out of her.”Sonuvabitch! That was AWESOME!” he whooped.Greg and Trevor had, by this time, also stripped naked. Both men, likeRodney and Adam, had fit, muscular bodies with little excess fat. Greg was25, stood around 5′ 10″ and weighed in at around 190 lb. He had shortblack hair and a matching goatee. He had a large tattoo of a naked womanon a motorcycle across his back.Trevor was the same age as Adam, at 21. He stood at around the sameheight as Adam but was slightly heavier. Adam estimated him around 220 lb.But it was obvious he also visited the gym a lot too. His arms were liketree trunks and his pecs and abs rippled. He had short brown hair and wasclean-shaven. He reminded Adam a little bit of a taller Brad Pitt.Barely had Rodney pulled out of Annie, when Greg had taken his place,kneeling behind her. Guiding his erect 8 inch cock up to her batteredpussy lips, Greg slid inside her. She was well lubricated now with her ownjuices and the cum from Adam and Rodney still oozing out of her. His cockmade a wet, SLOOSH! sound.Greg grabbed her firmly by the slender waist. His hips bucked as hiscock drove deep into Annie. He began a rhythm of short, sharp thrusts, hismuscular thighs flexing. Her body shook from Greg’s vicious pounding.Hugh was sitting back in one of the recliners, enjoyably watching thegang-**** of the attractive teen. He was also completely naked and wasslowly stroking his 9 ½ inch penis. Although it was the same length asRodney`s monster shaft, it was much thicker. It was 6 inches incircumference!Hugh stood at around 6′ 6″ tall but probably only around 175 lb. He hada very solid, wiry physique, though. He had a long, red scar across hismid-section, a result of a knife fight from his youth. The 35-year-old hadlong brown hair in a mullet-style hair-do that hung down to his shoulders,his hairline receding along his forehead.His fu Manchu moustache and pock-marked complexion reminded Adam ofsomeone you would see in an old prison movie. For all Adam knew, maybeHugh WAS an ex-con! He certainly had the disposition of somebody who tookno shit from any one!”You gonna do something with that tree-trunk, Hugh, or just sit thereand jack off,” laughed Rodney.”Oh, don’t worry,” he said quietly, staring at Annie with his intenseblue eyes. “I have a score to settle with that little cunt. I’ll waituntil you guys have your fun. Then I’ll have MY turn!”It didn’t take Greg long before he climaxed. He ground his hips againstAnnie, revelling in the sensation of her tight cunt gripping him, his cockspurting hot jets of cum into her. He pulled out, giving Trevor, who waswaiting next-in-line, a high-five as though they were in a tag-teamwrestling match.”She’s all yours, dude! Pound her! She feels fucking great!” he saidexcitedly.Trevor was ready, his erect 9 inch cock at attention. The large purplehead had a small bead of pre-cum oozing out the end. The young dark-hairedman said excitedly, “I’m gonna make her ride me for REAL this time!”Trevor grabbed Annie as he lay on the floor on his back, pulling herover on top of him.”Oh God!” she sobbed. “P-please stop!””We ain’t nowhere done with you, Annie! Hey, a couple of you guys wannahelp?” Trevor said impatiently.Adam and Rodney stepped forward and grabbed Annie’s arms. They liftedher up as they positioned her over top of his erect cock. Annie defiantlytwisted and fought back against the men holding her arms. “LET ME GO,GODDAMN IT!” she screamed. “Fuckin’ ride me!” Trevor ordered.Holding her arms tightly, as Annie continued to resist, they forced heronto his large shaft. As he felt the head of his cock enter her, Trevorgripped her by the ass cheeks and pulled her roughly down onto him. “AHHHHHHH!” she gasped painfully.Trevor arched his back, forcing his thick cock deeper into her. Adamand Rodney began bursa escort bayan sliding Annie up and down on him, as she grimaced in pain.”That’s a good little bitch!” said Trevor. “Like I said before, ridethe wild stallion! See what happens when you’re a little prick tease?”Adam was very aroused seeing her riding Trevor. Her back arched everytime Trevor thrust up into her, her breasts jutting out. Her firm,athletic thighs were clamped tightly around him. “Okay, you guys can lether go,” said Trevor.Trevor pulled her down closer to him. His tongue snaked out of hismouth and ran across her small pink nipples. Annie tried to twist away butTrevor had his arms wrapped tight around her. She could do nothing asTrevor licked and sucked on her tits.”Come on, baby! Fuck me!” he grunted, pushing his hips up. “I’ll gether moving!” said Greg.He walked up behind Annie and slapped her hard across her butt cheeks.WHACK!Annie jumped, her hips jerking. Greg smacked her again. WHACK! Heleft a large red welt across her bottom.”AAAAIIEEE!” Annie painfully squealed.”YEAH!” yelled Trevor. “That got ‘er moving!”The other men cheered him on as he vigorously fucked the petite teen,thrusting his cock into her. Annie had her arms braced against his chestfor support.”Holy shit, girl, you are fucking great!” Trevor groaned as heapproached orgasm.He pulled her down onto his cock and held her there as he furiouslypumped his hips against her, shooting another sticky stream of cum into thesobbing girl.As he felt his cock stop twitching, Trevor pushed her off him and hestood up.”Fuckin’ yeah!'” he whooped. “Best bitch I’ve fucked in a long time!”The group of men were all high-fiving each other as though they had justscored a touchdown. They looked down at the pretty teen girl curled up onthe floor. Cum and blood oozed out of her pussy and ran down her bruisedthighs. Her hair hung loosely across her face and shoulders. Sweatglistened on her tanned skin.But the savage violation of Annie was far from over yet. Hugh suddenlystood up from the recliner where he had been sitting. His erect cockjutted out menacingly from between his legs, veins standing out along theengorged shaft.Pushing Trevor and Greg aside, he reached down and grabbed Annie by thearm, yanking her to her feet.”My turn, slut!” he growled. “Gonna fuck you HARD, you snotty littlebitch!”But Annie’s spirit wasn’t broken yet. She lashed out with her otherhand, raking her fingernails across Hugh’s cheek.”GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU BASTARD!” she yelled.Hugh grabbed her hand, squeezing her fingers inside his fist. Hesqueezed down hard, eliciting a scream of pain from the girl. Hughcontinued to squeeze, Annie’s face turning pale.”Try that again and I’ll bust your goddamn fingers!” Hugh said, finallyreleasing Annie’s hand from his fist, her fingers red and bruised. Hepulled her towards him. Then he grabbed her by the hair and yanked herhead back, clamping his mouth down hard onto hers.”MMMMPPPHHH!” Annie tried to pull away as he pushed his tongue into hermouth. He made a grotesque noise in his chest as he hawked a huge gob ofsaliva down her throat. Hugh pulled away from her mouth, Annie choking onthe vile spit.”There!” he sneered. “You wanna spit on me bitch, that’s what you get!”Pulling her by the arms, Hugh dragged Annie over to the nearest livingroom wall.”GET AWAY FROM MEEEEEEE!” screeched Annie.He slammed her up against the wall hard. Annie’s mouth flew open as thewind was driven out of her lungs.”Holy shit! Watch this!” said Rodney with a look of anticipation. “Hugh is gonna go wild on her. He’s a fucking a****l!”Hugh lifted her up by the hips, her legs frantically kicking. In onefluid movement, Hugh impaled Annie on his stiff cock, the thick shaftspreading her pussy wide apart. Easily holding up the small teen with hispowerful arms, Hugh began slamming in and out of her.Annie’s tiny fists pushed at his chest as she was sandwiched between thewall and the large man. The wall shook as Hugh drove his hips forward. The petite girl’s body shuddered with every violent thrust. Mashed againstthe wall, she was unable to scream.Her mouth hung open, emitting loud gasps of pain as the massive cockrelentlessly assaulted her insides. Sweat ran down Hugh’s face and veinsstood out on his forehead as the 34 year-old plowed his rock-hard dick inand out of the teen girl’s tight vagina.Adam sat on the couch, with a look of wild exhilaration. This wasawesome! he thought. Watching Annie being so violently fucked by an olderman was getting him very hard.Rodney had left the room for a few minutes and when he returned he washolding something in his hand. A video camera!”What the hell you gonna do with that?” asked Greg.”I’m gonna make us a little movie!” said Rodney with a sly grin. “Idon’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t feel like going to jail. After this is all over, we gotta keep this little slut’s mouth shut. So,we’re gonna need a bit of blackmail material.””Great idea!” said Adam.He had to admit to himself, in all the excitement, he hadn’t reallyseriously considered the consequences of their actions. His mind had beenconcentrating so much on getting to fuck Annie, he had been blinded to allother rational thought. Now he was realizing this wasn’t just a highschool party fuck-fest like they used to have when he was a teenager. Andnone of them were using condoms. Their DNA was all over her! This was afull-blown gang-****! A very serious offence that could put them all injail, if Annie went to the police!So yes! They needed some kind of a plan to ensure the activities oftonight remained a secret. A home video would be the perfect blackmailtool!BAM! BAM! BAM!Adam turned back to the action. Hugh was still savagely fucking Annie,her body banging against the living room wall . Hugh was grunting andpanting heavily as he increased his tempo of thrusts. Adam could seeHugh’s large balls slapping up against Annie’s thighs. FWAP! FWAP! FWAP!Hugh’s whole body suddenly jerked, his hairy buttocks quivering as hecame inside Annie. He continued to thrust his hips as his balls dumpedtheir large load. The look of utter despair and humiliation on Annie’stear-streaked face was priceless.Hugh continued to hold himself inside Annie for a few more seconds,before he finally pulled out, his cock making a sucking noise. He let goof her legs, her limp body sliding down the wall and onto the floor.In a final act of humiliation, Hugh leaned down and wiped his slimy cumand blood-streaked cock across her cheek.”I told ya, bitch!” he smirked. “Said I’d give you a fuckin’ yawouldn’t soon forget! And I meant it! Us older guys ain’t so bad afterall, are we? Better `n your tiny-dick high school boys!”Rodney noticed a large crack in the drywall where Hugh had beenhammering Annie against the wall. “Jesus Christ, Hugh!” exclaimed Rodney.”Look what you did to the wall. You’re wrecking the place!””Woohoo!” yelled Trevor as he gave Hugh a high-five. “Man, you are aMACHINE!””Fuckin’ right!” replied Hugh as he received high-fives from the rest ofthe group. “Ain’t fucked an 18 year-old in a long time. Felt prettygoddamn good! A lot better than the wife’s sloppy old hole, I’ll say thatmuch!”The room erupted into laughter as Hugh headed to the kitchen to gethimself a cold beer.Adam walked over to Annie, who was curled into a ball on the floor. Hegrabbed her by the arm and pulled her to her feet. He looked down at hercum-streaked thighs, her brunette hair matted to the side of her face.”Annie, you are a fucking mess!” he laughed. “P-p-please A-Adam! N-nomore. P-p-please!” she pleaded, her voice barely audible.”I’ve wanted you for a long time, Annie,” said Adam. “And the nightain’t over yet. I’m having a lot of fun!”He began to pull her by the arm towards the couch. The teen girl’s legswere weak and she had trouble walking. She collapsed to the floor.”Okay!” said Adam. “You don’t wanna walk, then crawl! Like a fuckingdog!””Yeah!” yelled Rodney as he turned on the camera and began filmingAnnie. “She’s our bitch tonight! Let’s see you crawl, bitch!”Adam grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked on it. “Come on!” heordered. “Crawl!”Annie slowly crawled across the floor on her hands and knees.”Bring her over here, Adam!” Rodney said. He was stroking his erectcock as he trained the video camera on Annie.”Sit!” snapped Rodney as the girl approached his chair. Adam pulled onher hair, forcing her into a kneeling position.”Good little bitch,” said Rodney. “Now, repeat after me! ` I am alittle cum-swallowing cocksucker. I love sucking cock and I loveswallowing cum!’ SAY IT!”Annie shook her head in defiance. Adam motioned to Trevor to hand himan empty beer bottle off the coffee table.”Say it or I drive this beer bottle up your ass!” said Adam menacinglyas he kneeled beside Annie and pressed the neck of the bottle between herass cheeks. She jumped a bit as she felt the cool glass of the bottletouch her.”Okay! Okay!” she cried. “I-I’ll say it!”” I-I’m a-a cum-swallowing c-c-cocksucker and I l-love cum!” shestammered as tears rolled down her cheeks.”You like to SWALLOW cum!” Rodney corrected her. “Say it right, bitch!””I-I LIKE TO SWALLOW CUM!” Annie said loudly as she felt Adam press thebottle harder against her anus.”Okay,” said Rodney contentedly. “Next I want you to say, ` Rodney,because I am such a cocksucking whore, may I suck your cock and swallowyour cum!'”Taking a deep breath, Annie began speaking, her voice quavering.”Rodney, b-because I-I am a cocksucking wh-whore, m-may I suck your, um,c-c-cock and sw-swallow your- c-cum?”Rodney laughed as he looked down at the teen. “Gee, I thought you’dnever ask, Annie. Of course you may suck my cock, bitch!”He handed the video camera to Greg.”Here”, he said. “Make sure you get lots of close-ups.”Adam pulled Annie up so her face was in Rodney’s lap. As Rodney lookeddown at her with excited anticipation, he noticed she had a small silvertongue stud.”Well, well, a tongue stud! I’ve always heard girls with those aresupposed to be good at sucking cock. Let’s find out! And don’t you DAREbite!” Holding her by the hair, Adam pushed her mouth down onto Rodney’serect penis. Rodney let out a sigh of pleasure as he felt Annie’s warmmouth close around him.Adam kept the beer bottle pressed against her anus as she began to moveher head up and down on Rodney’s shaft. Greg had the camera zeroed in onher face.Adam realized he was getting incredibly hard as he watched Annie suckingon Rodney’s dick. He HAD to be inside her again!He dropped the beer bottle and hurriedly gripping Annie by her slenderhips, he plunged into her. Annie’s body jerked and twisted as she felt himenter her. Rodney put both his hands on the back of her head and held herthere.”Don’t worry about him, bitch! Just concentrate on what YOU’RE doing.”Adam was in heaven. Annie’s vagina was more lubricated this time fromthe fuckings she had received from the other men. Adam worked his thickcock in and out effortlessly of her still tight but slick fuck-tunnel. Ashe pulled back, her pussy muscles involuntarily contracted around him.Then he would drive his hips forward, feeling her vagina spreading apartto accommodate him. As he felt the head of his cock come up against hercervix, he would grind his hips hard against her. This second time felteven better than the first!Meanwhile, Rodney was timing the movement of his hips with Adam’s. Whenever Adam would thrust into Annie, he would also shove himself fartherinto Annie’s mouth. She choked and gagged as his cock pushed into herthroat and then back out. Rodney’s fingers were tangled in her silky hair,holding her face down onto him.As Annie’s mouth and tongue moved along his entire length, Rodney felthis balls tighten and he knew he was ready to blow. Adam looked at him,sweat running down his face. “Yo! You ready to cum?” he asked Rodneybreathlessly. “Fuck yeah!” answered Rodney.”Okay on the count of three!” said Adam. “One……Two….. THREE!”Adam ground his hips against Annie as he felt his cock release deepinside her. He let out a sigh of pure ecstasy. “OHHHHHHHHH!”At the same time Annie felt Rodney’s cock jerk inside her mouth, as hesprayed a thick stream of cum into her mouth.She worked her throat muscles as she struggled to swallow as much as shecould. Annie had never swallowed cum before. The vile, musky taste madeher retch.As Adam came inside Annie, though, he suddenly had an evil idea. Grabbing the empty beer bottle off the floor, he quickly pulled out ofAnnie. Holding the beer bottle up to his dick, he squirted a stream of cuminto the mouth of the bottle.Adam and Rodney high-fived each other.”Excellent job, old chap!” grinned Rodney. He looked down at Annie, asmall trickle of cum running down her chin. “And you my little cum-bitch,YOU were great! Say `thank you, Rodney for allowing me the privilege ofsucking your cock! Your cum tastes SO good!'””Th-thank you Rodney, f-for allowing me t-t-to suck your c-c-cock and ittasted s-s-so g-good!”Rodney took the video camera back from Greg. “Okay bitch! Now you knowwhat you’re gonna do? You’re gonna suck us ALL!”You can do me next,” said Trevor, who was sitting on the couch, hislegs apart and his nine-inch monster standing at attention. He reached outand grabbed her by the hair, pulling her over in front of him.”OWWWW!” Annie squealed.”Shut up and start sucking,” Trevor growled as he forced her bottom jawopen. He placed his hand on the back of her head and pushed the thick headof his cock between her lips. Trevor gave a loud sigh of pleasure as hislarge member disappeared into Annie’s mouth. Her eyes bulged out and herchest heaved as she struggled to breathe.She began to slide her mouth up and down on him as best as she was able.Annie could only manage about 3 or 4 inches of his girth. She wrapped herhands around the bottom of his shaft and stroked him as she sucked.”Oh, baby! That’s the way!” moaned Trevor. His mouth hung open and hiseyes were half-closed as he watched the pretty teen girl suck and lick onhis thick cock. Feeling himself on the verge, he thrust his hips up intoAnnie’s face, the head of his cock pushing right into her throat. Herchest heaved and she gagged violently as Trevor tried to force her toswallow the entire load.”Fuckin’ yeah!” Trevor said. “That’s a good cum-whore. Swallow itall!””Hold on!” yelled Adam. “I need a bit of that!”He pulled Annie’s head off Trevor’s cock and made her spit some of thecum into the beer bottle.”What the fuck are you doing?” asked Trevor, puzzled.”Oh, you’ll see later,” said Adam with a smirk.Trevor looked over at Rodney who still had the video camera running.”Hey man! You get all that?””You bet!” replied Rodney. “In living colour!”After watching Annie suck on Trevor’s dick, Adam couldn’t take itanymore. His cock was hard again and he was ready for more action. Hepulled Annie over to him and lifted her head up.”You know what I want, Annie!” he said with an evil grin.She looked up at him through her blood-shot eyes. “P-please st-st-stopthem! Please, Adam!” Annie begged hoarsely. Her brunette hair hung downover her face and her eyes were red and swollen from crying. Her chinglistened with slobber and cum.In spite of her dishevelled appearance, she was still amazingly hot,thought Adam. “You needed this, Annie!” Adam sneered. “Now suck me!” Heplaced his hand on the back of her head as he pushed her mouth onto hiserect cock. He sucked in his breath as he felt her soft lips close aroundhim.Adam felt a shiver of excitement run down his spine at the sensation ofAnnie’s tongue stud sliding along the bottom side of his large shaft. Adamhad both hands on the back of Annie’s head as she bobbed her head up anddown on his cock, her tongue sliding along his length. Her hair fell downover her shoulders and brushed against his thighs.He pushed his hips up, forcing his cock to the back of her throat. Heclosed his eyes and a soft moan escaped from his lips. Many times in hisdreams, he had imagined what it would be like to have Annie’s sweet redlips clamped around him. He didn’t want it to end.”Oh Annie, that feels so fucking good!” he sighed. “Little bitch isdefinitely a championship cocksucker,” observed Rodney, licking his lips asthe camera rolled.Adam felt his balls preparing to release. He wrapped his fingerstightly in Annie’s hair forcing her mouth down tighter onto him. Anniegagged and put her hands against his thighs, trying to push him away, butto no avail. His body shuddered as he felt his cock jerk inside her mouth,spraying cum against the back of her throat.He held himself inside her mouth as she frantically worked to swallow itall. He finally released her, his cock slipping free of her mouth. Anniecoughed and gagged, spitting slobber and cum onto the floor.”Hey, bitch!” Rodney snapped. “Don’t you be puking on my floor. I’llwipe it up with your fucking face!” Thank you, Annie!” said Adam with asatisfied smile. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for that!””You’re all a b-bunch of fucking p-perverts!” Annie said tearfully. “You’ll all go to jail for this, you know!”The men all began to laugh and jeer. “I believe there are two people inthis room who haven’t received the pleasure of your mouth on their cockyet, bitch!” said Rodney. “As a cum-swallowing whore, you’re not leavinguntil the cum of every man here is deposited in your stomach!”Annie began to crawl over to Greg who was sitting in a recliner on theother side of the room.As Annie crawled on her hands and knees to him, the others threw potatochips and bottle caps at her.Greg sat in the chair, his cock at attention. He watched withanticipation as Annie wrapped her small hands around his shaft and began toslowly stroke him. Her lips parted and she slid her mouth over the head ofhis cock. Greg’s eyes opened wide as he watched Annie’s mouth engulf hishard cock.Rodney walked over with the video camera so he could get a good close-upas she slid her mouth up and down on Greg’s shaft. Greg was lying back inthe chair, fully enjoying the experience, his fingers wrapped in Annie’shair.Suddenly, he let out a sharp gasp and lifted his hips as he felt himselfcumming in her warm mouth. He grabbed her head as his cock jerked andtwitched, shooting a gooey steam of cum into her throat.Adam quickly ran over with the beer bottle. As Annie pulled her mouthaway from Greg’s cock, Adam told her to spit some of the cum into thebottle. She did so, looking at Adam with disgust.”Well, gentlemen!” said Rodney as though he was an announcer at abaseball game. “It looks like it is the mighty Hugh’s turn to have hisdick sucked by our little resident cum-whore!”He turned with the camera towards Hugh, who was slowly stroking hismassive member.”Get over here, bitch,” said Hugh with a leering grin. “Gonna give youa GOOD throat-fuckin’!”Annie looked at the large man with fear in her eyes. “Go on! Get overthere!” barked Rodney, giving her a little shove with his foot.Annie crawled towards Hugh’s chair. Hugh reached out and grabbed her bythe arm dragging her closer. Wrapping a meaty hand around the back of herneck, he pressed her face into his crotch.”Suck my fuckin’ balls!” he ordered gruffly.Annie screwed up her face in revulsion as the tangy scent of bag-sweatfilled her nostrils. She opened her mouth, taking one of Hugh’s balls intoher mouth.The taste made her gag. His rough pubic hair rubbed against her chinand lips as she worked her tongue around the large testicle.Hugh kept his hand on the back of her neck as he groaned loudly.Annie pulled her mouth off his ball and began to suck the other one. Hugh ground her face into his crotch, forcing the ball deep into her mouth.”I wanna feel that mouth ALL the way around my ball!” Hugh gasped. “This is one thing I can NEVER get the wife to do!”Annie grimaced with disgust as she rolled her tongue around the largehairy ball.”Okay, get to work on my dick now!” he said.As Annie ran her tongue up the underside of his thick shaft, Hugh leanedahead in the chair so his body was hovering over hers. He reached down andAnnie suddenly felt some thing probing at the entrance to her pussy. Something hard and cool.”Okay, bitch! This is how it’s gonna go!” said Hugh. “You are gonnasuck me hard and fast! `Cause if you don’t, this beer bottle is going upyour cunt! The WHOLE thing!”Annie let out a small squeal as she suddenly felt the neck of the beerbottle enter her. Hugh pressed it hard up into her and she could feel thewide part of the bottle just beginning to spread her apart when he stopped.”That’s where I’m stopping,” said Hugh. “But now you got THREE minutesto make me cum with your mouth or it goes the rest of the way. StartingNOW!”Annie quickly wrapped her mouth around the massive head of Hugh’s cockand began furiously sucking and licking. Hugh began to buck his hips,pushing his cock farther between her lips.She wrapped both hands around the base of Hugh’s shaft and vigorouslystroked. Beads of sweat stood out on her forehead and began to run downher face. Her cheeks and eyes bulged out and the sound of her sucking airin through her nostrils was loud in the room.The other men hooted and hollered, cheering her on. “SUCK! SUCK! SUCK!” they chanted.Rodney had the video camera zoomed in close, filming all the action.Annie twisted her body in discomfort as she felt Hugh press the bottleharder against her vagina. “ONE MINUTE TO GO!” he yelled.Annie tried moving her mouth faster along his cock, her lips wrappedtightly around his throbbing rod. Her jaw muscles were on fire and she wasdrenched in sweat. Her hair was matted against her cheeks.”THIRTY SECONDS!” Hugh called out. Annie was ready to collapse. Herarms were starting to give out and her hands ached horribly as she strokedfaster and faster. Suddenly Hugh let out an a****listic roar as he liftedhis hips up off the chair and his large penis slammed against the back ofAnnie’s throat, cutting off her air.”10…9…8…7…!” the men began counting down.Her body flailed and bucked as she fought for air. Hugh yanked her headbackwards and off his cock as a huge spray of cum shot out of his cock. The stream of cum hit Annie squarely in the face, coating her mouth, cheeksand eyes in a slimy deluge. It dripped down her chin and neck. It waseven in her hair.Hugh pulled the beer bottle out of her pussy and pushed her back. Shecollapsed in a heap on the floor in front of his chair, tears ofhumiliation mixing with the gobs of cum plastered to her face.”OHHHHH!” yelled Rodney excitedly. “Cum facial! Awesome, man,awesome!”He continued to film as Annie tried wiping the sticky substance awayfrom her eyes and nose.Adam’s cock was hard as granite as he sat on the couch stroking it. Never had he thought he would be SO turned on by watching Annie be sexuallyhumiliated in this way. But he was! And it felt great!Then he remembered his beer bottle containing the cum. He jumped up andran over to Annie. Holding the bottle down by her face, he told her tosc**** some off her cheek and deposit it in the bottle. She did so,glaring at him with revulsion.”Y-you’re fucking s-s-sick!” she stuttered. “Y-you’ll p-pay for this,Johnson!”Adam just ignored her as he stood up and went to the kitchen. He cameback with a full beer. Cracking it open, he poured some of the beer intothe bottle containing the cum and shook it up, mixing it all together.”Hey Rodney!” yelled Adam. “Watch this now! I`ve got cum from everyoneof us in this bottle!”He knelt down beside Annie on the floor and put his arm around hershoulders, pulling her up so her face was looking towards Rodney and thevideo camera.”Now, this is what you’re gonna say, Annie,” said Adam. “You’re gonnasay, `I am a cum-loving prick-teasing slut. I love cum so much I letpeople cum all over my face. I even love cum so much, I’ll guzzle it likebeer!'”Annie tried to turn her body away from the camera. Adam pulled herback.”Come on! Say it!” he ordered.”NO!” she cried. “I will not say s-something s-s-so sick!” “Say it, orI let Hugh finish what he wanted to do with that beer bottle,” Adamthreatened.Hugh walked over behind Annie with the empty beer bottle clenched in hisfist.”Yeah, bitch!” growled Hugh. “I would still love to see this shoved upyour tight little cunt!””OKAY!” said Annie, panic in her voice. “I’ll say it!”She looked up at the camera, patches of dried cum still clinging to herface, her lips red and swollen from the furious sucking she had had to giveto Hugh’s cock.”I am a-a-a cum-loving……prick-teasing sl-slut. I l-love cum…..som-much I-I let people cum all over m-my face. I e-even like to g-g-guzzleit ……like b-beer!” she said.Adam then held up the bottle containing the slimy mixture of beer andcum and pressed it to her lips.”Now drink this! Down it!” he said, wrapping Annie’s finger around thebottle.She shook her head. Hugh immediately pressed the neck of his empty beerbottle against her pussy lips.”He said, `Down it’!”Quickly Annie tipped the bottle and began drinking the disgustingcontents.”CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!” the men all shouted. Annie swallowed down thebeer and cum and let the bottle drop on the floor. Her stomach heaved asshe fought the urge to vomit. It had tasted horrible.”Excellent!” gushed Rodney. “This is gonna be one HELL of a movie! Adam, you are one sick motherfucker, but I love it!”Greg stepped up holding a black Sharpie pen.”I think she needs a bit of graffiti,” he said with a grin. ” Hold herfor me, Adam.”As Adam pulled her arms back, Greg began to write on the squirminggirl’s stomach and chest. In big black letters he scribbled the words,`CUM DEPOSITS MADE HERE! TWO HOLES! NO WAITING!’ Then he drew arrowspointing towards her mouth and pussy.Greg motioned to Adam to flip her over on her stomach. escort bursa Greg then alsowrote across her lower back, `COCKS GO HERE!’ and drew an arrow pointingtowards her ass. He drew circles on her ass cheeks to resemble a target,with the bulls-eye being centred on her anus.”All right, time for ass-fucking!” whooped Hugh. “NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!”screamed Annie hoarsely. “NOT THAT!”Adam and Hugh grabbed Annie’s arms and legs and hoisted her off thefloor. Suddenly finding a new reserve of energy, the teenager franticallybucked and twisted her body. “NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!” she screamedhysterically. “Throw her on the pool table!” yelled Hugh.Adam and Hugh flopped her down, stomach-first on the pool table. Gregand Trevor stepped in to help hold her down. Greg grabbed her wrists andheld her arms down as Hugh and Trevor each grabbed a leg. They spread herthighs wide apart.”PLLLLEEEEAASSSSEEEE! LET ME GO!” cried Annie. “Here, Adam! You mightneed this!” yelled Rodney, handing him a roll of duct tape.Adam grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back. As she openedher mouth to scream, he began wrapping duct tape across her mouth andaround her head.”MMMMMMPPPPPPHHHHHH!” she tried to scream through the tape. Her eyeswere filled with wild terror. She fought and struggled against the threemen holding her down. “Goddamn, she’s a wild little tiger!” exclaimedTrevor. “Yeah, she sure is!” said Hugh. “I thought we might have fuckedthe fight out of `er by now, but I guess not.”Adam climbed onto the pool table between Annie’s spread-eagled thighs.He looked down hungrily at the tight little rosebud of her anus. His heartwas in his throat. Fucking her tight pussy had been a dream come true, forsure. But now, he was finally going to get to fuck the tight little assshe had teased him with for so many years.He thought back to all the times he had seen her in tight jeans orshorts. When she had paraded around in front of him in a short skirt or abathing suit. Wiggling her round, firm little ass, flashing him that cutesmile, probably knowing full well she was getting him hard as hell!Hell, even tonight when he saw her at Mitch’s party, that was the FIRSTthing he had noticed. That beautiful tight little ass wrapped up in thosewhite jeans. Now, tonight the teasing would come to an end! He was ready!He forced two fingers into her swollen pussy, covering them with her pussyjuices. Then pulling out of her pussy, he forced his two fingers into thetight entrance of her ass. He slid his fingers back and forth, lubricatingthe inside of her anus.Guiding his cock up to her ass entrance, Adam wrapped both hands aroundher hips. He took a deep breath and braced his knees against the surfaceof the pool table. He leaned his weight into Annie, feeling his cock-headbegin to push into her. She was unbelievably tight, but the lubricationfrom her pussy helped a little bit.Adam felt beads of sweat breaking out on his forehead as his body shookwith nervous excitement. He could feel the walls of her sphinctergradually spreading apart, gripping his cock in a vise-like embrace. Anniecontinued to buck and twist as the other men held her legs and arms. Rodney focussed the camera intently on the action.”MMMMMPPPPPHHHH! MMMMMPPPPPHHHHH!” Annie squealed through the tape overher mouth.Adam pulled back until the head of his cock was almost out. Then,working the powerful muscles in his hips, he drove himself all the way intoher! Annie’s body went stiff as he rammed himself deep inside her ass. Her head flew back, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.”MMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHH!” she screamed. It was like the cry of awounded a****l.Adam dug his fingers into Annie`s hips as he thrust back and forth,feeling her ass squeeze around his hard cock. He grunted, his eyes shuttightly and a dribble of slobber running down his chin.”Fuck, man! She must be tight!” yelled Greg. “Oh…..Yeah!” pantedAdam. “Tight like……you….wouldn’t….believe!” he said betweenpowerful thrusts.All the frustrations of the past years, as this pretty, petite friend ofhis sister had teased and flirted with him, as she had shown off her hotbody, flashed him those innocent smiles, was now being focussed squarely onone small but beautiful part of her anatomy. And all that frustration wasdraining out of him through the iron-hard shaft of his cock buried insideher tight anus.As Adam continued driving in and out of her, her could feel hersphincter slowly loosening up. It was still tight as hell, but he wasfinding it a little easier to stroke in and out.Adam felt himself ready to cum. He began increasing the tempo of histhrusts, gyrating his hips to push as deep as he possibly could. He letout a deep groan as he felt his balls release, flooding the inside of herass with cum. He stared straight up at the ceiling as his hipsinvoluntarily jerked.Annie let out more painful screams as she felt his cock spasm inside herass.He slowly pulled out of Annie, looking down to see his cock streaked inblood and cum. blood was also smeared along the inside of her thighs.”WHOA!” said Adam as he climbed down off the pool table. His legs feltweak. “That was fucking awesome! You guys don’t know how long I’ve dreamtabout fucking that ass!””Well, all I know is, I’M NEXT!” yelled Hugh as he climbed onto the pooltable. He straddled Annie’s thighs and began pushing his massive cockbetween her ass cheeks.”MMMMMPPPPPPHHHHH! MMMMMMPPPPPPHHHH! MMMMMPPPPPPHHHHHH!” Anniescreamed and squealed.Hugh grabbed two handfuls of her hair as he began to ride her like ahorse. His hips made a loud FWAP! as he drove his length into her tightopening. Snot flew out of her nose as her body was shoved violently acrossthe pool table.By this time, Greg and Trevor had released their holds on Annie and werejust standing back, watching with awe. The whole pool table shook with theforce of Hugh’s assault on the hapless girl. Tears streamed down her face,her whole body racked with intense pain.Mercifully, Hugh came after a few minutes, pulling out of her andletting his cock spray its load across her ass cheeks and lower back. Annie lay completely still on the table, her eyes staring straight ahead,her body drenched in sweat.Adam looked at her and smiled. He could tell. She was broken. Theteasing little bitch was broken! He felt a small twinge of sympathy forher, but he also felt that she had learned a lesson and it was a lesson sheneeded to learn.Watching her get ass-fucked was even more of a turn-on than watching herget fucked in the pussy!He heard a loud grunt and turned to see Trevor mounting Annie frombehind. Trevor lifted her up by the hips as his cock slid into hereffortlessly. The muscles in his arms and shoulders stood out as he drovehis body savagely against hers. Annie gripped the edge of the pool tabletightly, her knuckles white with exertion. She had ceased her screamingand the only sound coming from her now was painful groans and whimpers.Adam peeled the tape away from her mouth. It dropped open, slobberrunning down her chin.”Ad-Ad-Adam! P-p-please! Make it s-stop. I-It hu-hurts so b-b-bad!”she said, her voice a barely audible whisper.”I’m sorry this had to happen, Annie,” said Adam. “But you kindabrought it on yourself.”He looked up as Trevor let out a loud grunt and ground his hips hardagainst the back of Annie’s thighs. He pulled out of her ass, a longstring of cum still dangling from the end of his dick.Trevor climbed off her, a huge grin on his face.He high-fived Hugh and Greg. “BEST ASS EVER!” he hollered.Now it was Greg’s turn. Kneeling on the table, he pulled Annie up intoa semi-sitting position on his lap. He began pushing his erect penis intoher tight opening. Grabbing her arms he yanked her back against him. Gregwrapped his arms around her and began moving her up and down on his cock.Annie let out a sharp gasp as she felt Greg penetrate her, but she hadgiven up on struggling. Her energy was spent and her head flopped forwardlike a rag doll’s. Her arms hung limply at her sides.Greg pumped vigorously into her, sweat running in rivulets down hisface. The sensation of the girl’s tight ass-tunnel around his cock sent himinto seventh heaven. He arched his back as he felt himself approachingorgasm.He ran his tongue up along the side of her neck and across her cheek ashe held her tight against him. His cock jerked and spasmed as his ballsejected another load of semen into the teenage girl. Greg’s body shookwith the force of his orgasm. He pulled Annie off him, his cock making awet SLOOOSH! as it slid out of her.”Goddamn, honey!” Greg said. “By the time we’re done here, you’re gonnahave so much cum in you, you’re gonna slosh when you walk!”Rodney handed the video camera to Adam.”All right!” he grinned. “My turn! It’s about time. All you bastardsgonna have her ass worn out!””Oh, it’s still plenty tight!” laughed Greg.Rodney pulled Annie down off the pool table. He bent her at the waistover the edge of the pool table and kicked her legs wide apart. Puttinghis hand on the back of her head to hold her down, he guided his large cockup to the battered entrance of her ass.Annie was not fighting back in the least. She just stared straightahead with a look of anguish on her face as she felt herself violated yetagain.Rodney plowed into her viciously, driving her thighs against the side ofthe table. He gasped in ecstasy as his thick cock was enveloped in hertight hole. Annie’s ass was very well lubricated now and Rodney’s cockpistoned in and out of her with ease. He began a rhythm of long, powerfulstrokes.Rodney brought his hand down on Annie’s ass cheek, making a loud SMACK!”Yeah! Spank the little bitch!” cheered Hugh. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!Rodney let her have three more sharp slaps, bright red welts springingup. Annie let out a painful squeal.”Let me have a turn!” said Hugh. He reached in and gave Annie threequick hard slaps across the buttoocks. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!”OWWWWWWW!” Annie shrieked.”She’s still got a bit of life in her!” exclaimed Trevor as he also gaveAnnie a good whack on the bottom. SMAAACCCCKKK! Annie’s butt cheeks werenow a bright shade of red.Adam zoomed the camera in on Rodney as he pounded away at Annie. Eachthrust lifted her feet off the floor and her knees banged against thetable. Her arms were spread out in front of her, her fingers scrabbling atthe green fabric of the pool table.Rodney grabbed her by the hair and yanked her head back as he gruntedand groaned.”HERE I CUM!” he yelled. He slammed his hips forward and held himselfdeep inside Annie as his sperm shot into the deep recesses of her ass. Hecontinued to hold himself inside her until he felt his cock stop spurting.He slipped out of her, his chest still heaving from exertion. “Man, oh,man! That was some prime ass-fuckin’!” he panted. Looking down, he beganto laugh.”Adam! Get a shot of this! We wrecked this bitch! She’s gonna havetrouble walkin’ for a while!”Rodney continued to hold Annie down, bent over the pool table as Adamzeroed in on Annie’s destroyed ass. It was no longer the tight littleopening it had once been. It now gaped open, red and bleeding, gobs of cumoozing out and running down the back of her thighs. Adam also pannedbetween her legs to get a shot of her battered and swollen pussy. Herinner thighs were a mass of dark bruises with streaks of dried blood andcum.”Hey boys, I say we cap off the night with some 3-way action!” yelledHugh.”Fuckin’ right!” said Trevor. “Let’s drench this little slut! Coverher in cum!”Hugh grabbed Annie by the arms and dragged her back into the center ofthe living room. She was limp, her legs barely able to move.Hugh laid on his back on the floor and pulled her on top of him.”AAAAAHHHHHHH!” Annie gasped in pain as Hugh lifted his hips up, shovinghis cock deep into her pussy.”Oh yeah!” grunted Hugh. “Feels even better the second time!”As he dug his hands into her ass cheeks, moving her up and down on histhick shaft, Adam handed the video camera back to Rodney. He got on hisknees behind Annie.”I’m tapping this ass again!” he said, his cock standing at attention.He slowly slid himself again into Annie’s rectum, his mouth hanging openas he revelled in the sensation of the tight walls gripping his cock. Hebegan furiously pumping in and out.Annie’s body was being rocked back and forth between the two men. Trevor walked up in front of her.”Looks like there’s one hole ain’t being used,” he grinned. “Littlecum-whores need ALL their holes filled!”Pushing her jaw open, he began to feed his cock between her lips. Placing his hands on either side of her head, he started fucking her mouth.Annie’s eyes were half-closed, her eyebrows arched in despair. She hadresigned herself to the realization that, as far as these men wereconcerned, she was just an object. To be used for their sick pleasure. Her whole body had went numb and she just wanted them to finish and bedone.Adam approached orgasm. He pulled out at the last minute and lethimself spray all over Annie’s buttocks and back. Soon after, Hugh ceasedslamming into Annie’s cunt and also pulled out. His cock jerked andspewed, shooting cum up against her stomach.As Hugh slid out from under Annie, Trevor also reached climax. Hepulled out of Annie’s warm mouth and shot gobs of gooey spunk across herface and into her hair.”Awesome footage, guys!” exclaimed Rodney as he handed the camera backto Adam.Rodney got behind Annie and quickly rammed himself inside her pussy,lifting her knees off the floor. Greg replaced Trevor at her mouth,shoving his cock to the back of her throat. She let out a loud gaggingsound.”Jeez! Thought you might be used to swallowing cock by now withoutchoking!” joked Greg.Annie seesawed back and forth on her hands and knees between Rodney andGreg as they relentlessly pounded her from both ends. Hugh grabbed ahandful of Annie’s hair and used it to wipe off his slimy cock.”Ready?” called out Rodney to Greg.”Almost!” he answered. Rodney sped up, his hips a blur as he slammedagainst the back of Annie’s thighs. FWAP! FWAP! FWAP!Suddenly he pulled out, cum spurting from the head of his cock anddepositing itself across Annie’s back. Greg also pulled out of her mouthand holding her head, shot more sticky strings of cum onto her face. Itstuck to her eyelids and nose and dripped down from her chin.Adam let out a whoop as he filmed it all. Annie was a mess! Her facewas smeared with cum, strings of it stuck in her hair. Her back andstomach and ass also glistened with gobs and pools of semen stuck to her.”See!” shouted Rodney. “Told ya she was a little cum-whore!””Fuck, boys! I don’t know about you, but I need a beer!” said Hugh.”Yeah!” agreed Trevor. “I worked up one hell of a thirst!Hugh went to the kitchen and came back with a round of cold beers foreveryone. As they all cracked their beers open, Hugh raised his bottle inthe air.”A toast, boys! To one of the finest pieces of ass I’ve ever fucked inmy life!””Amen to that!” said Adam. “CHEERS!”The five men clinked their bottles together and all took a big swig ofbeer.Annie in an almost catatonic state, had collapsed onto the floor and wascurled into a fetal position.Rodney walked over to her and propped her up. Her eyes suddenly flewopen, looking at him with wild fear, she pulled back from him.”GET AWAY FROM ME!” she shrieked hysterically. “GET AWAY!””Oh don’t worry, honey. I think we got what we wanted from you. We’llleave you alone now,” Rodney chuckled. “But let’s get you cleaned up.”Helping her to her feet, Adam and Trevor took her down the hallway tothe bathroom. They placed her in the tub and turned on the shower. Thejet of warm water cascaded across her body. Grabbing washcloths, Adam andTrevor, scrubbed the dried cum from her body and out of her hair. Theshower seemed to revitalize her a bit and she seemed not so lifeless.After they had given her a good wash, they dried her off with a couplebig towels. Then they took her back out to the living room. The otherthree men had put their clothes back on and were sitting down, enjoyinganother beer.”If it isn’t Annie,” laughed Hugh sarcastically. “Couldn’t recognizeher with all that cum on her face!””I-I want to go home!” Annie sobbed uncontrollably.”Well, you see, first we need to talk,” said Rodney in a patronizingtone.”You can go home, but you WILL not, and I repeat NOT, be telling anybodywhat happened here tonight. Because we have our little video here!” Rodneypatted the video camera sitting in his lap. “I don’t think you’d like tobecome an internet sensation, would you? What would your mom and dad sayor your friends if suddenly a video of you doing five guys showed up intheir inbox?””I didn’t do anything! YOU ****D ME!” she cried.Rodney smiled.”For your information, girlie, Greg here is a bit of a computer geek. You wouldn’t believe the things he can do. He can take this video and witha bit of very creative editing and overdubbing, he can make it intoanything he wants! Remember when you said you were a cum-loving whore? And all those nice things you had written all over your body. Hmmmm?”Annie’s face went white. “Y-you m-made me s-say that!””That don’t matter. We can make a video that will make YOU look likethe biggest slut in town! And we’ll make sure a LOT of people see it. Bythe time we’d be done with you, you’d have to move to a convent in Tibet!”Rodney smirked.”And there are plenty of witnesses from Mitch’s party to say you wereshit-faced tonight!” Greg added. “Another good point!” said Rodney.”So? Do we have a deal? You gonna keep your mouth shut?” asked Adam.”Fuck off, Adam!” spat Annie. “I HATE your fucking guts!””Now, now,” chided Rodney. “That ain’t no way to talk. So we’re gonnaask you again. Do we have a deal?”Annie looked around at the five men, tears streaming down her face, heronce soft red lips cracked and swollen. Her bottom lip quivered.Hugh stepped in close to her. She backed away from him.”NOOOO! GET AWAY! GET AWAY! DON’T TOUCH ME!” she pleaded frantically.The other four men began laughing.”Jesus Christ, Hugh!” said Trevor. “Why is she so scared of you?A cold evil smile crept across Hugh’s face.”I’m just puttin’ the fear of God into this little slut!” he growled. He gripped her chin with a big hand and looked into her eyes.”You listen and listen good, bitch! You will do as we tell you and notbe blabbin’ to a bunch of people about what we did here. And especiallynot the cops! I got a good job and a good wife and if you do ANYTHING tofuck it up, I will make sure you pay. I have friends who can make youdisappear, just like THAT!”Hugh snapped his fingers for effect, making Annie jump. “But before youdisappear, my friends would do things to you, you can’t even imagine! Youthink we worked you over bad tonight? Fuck! This was nothing compared towhat will happen to you if you open your mouth!”Hugh looked straight into Annie’s eyes. The look of malice on his faceturned her blood cold.”So! Do we have an understanding…..bitch?” Hugh asked.”Y-y-yes! I-I-I under…st-stand! I w-won’t tell a-a-anyone!” Anniestammered, her voice barely a whisper.”Good!” exclaimed Rodney. “Now, are you gonna look after getting herhome, Adam?””Yeah, I’ll take her home,” said Adam. “She’s gonna need some clothes,though.””Just a sec,” said Rodney.He went down the hallway to his bedroom and came back with a bigover-sized t-shirt.”Here! She can wear this,” said Rodney.Adam slipped it over her head and helped her put her arms in thesleeves. Then he put his own pants back on. He spied Annie’s pink thongpanties that he had ripped off her earlier still lying on the living roomfloor. He picked them up and stuck them in his pocket. A little souvenir,he told himself.He also gathered up her white jeans and her socks and shoes. Rodneyspotted her pink bra.”Hey, I’m keeping that!” he said. “I’ll put it with the rest of mycollection.”Adam helped Annie to the door. She could barely walk. As he went outthe door with her, the rest of the men waved and yelled to them.”Good-bye Annie! Have a good sleep! Make sure you dream about me!””Thanks for coming over! We’ll have to do it again sometime!””Goodnight Annie! You go straight home now, you hear!” “Thanks for beingour cum-whore! Call me sometime! We’ll do lunch!”As Adam and Annie disappeared out the door, Trevor turned to Rodney.”You really think she’s gonna keep her mouth shut? We worked her overpretty hard!””Oh, I think we have nothing to worry about, Trevor, old bud,” repliedRodney.”She’ll keep her mouth shut,” stated Hugh matter-of-factly. “IGUARANTEE she will!””You REALLY know guys who would make her disappear?” asked Gregincredulously.”You bet!” said Hugh as he took a swig of beer. He let out a loud burp.”I’M one of them!”The first rays of dawn were appearing in the sky as Adam walked withAnnie out to his car and placed her in the passenger seat. He got in thecar and they headed off down the street.Adam looked over at Annie as he drove. She sat with her legs curled upunder her, her arms wrapped around herself. In spite of everything thathad happened tonight, Annie still looked damn hot. He felt himself gettinghard again.”Annie, what happened tonight wasn’t my fault. It was YOUR teasing thatstarted it all,” he said.Annie stared straight ahead.”Don’t talk to me!” she whispered, her voice devoid of emotion.”You no longer exist to me, Adam Johnson. You are a piece of shit! Iwill never forget what you did to me. I want nothing to do with you!”They drove the rest of the way in silence.As they pulled up into the driveway of her house, Adam asked, “Are yougonna be okay getting into your house?””My parents aren’t home,” said Annie. “They’re gone for a week onvacation. I’ll be okay. Just stay the fuck away from me!”Something popped in Adam’s head. Parents not home, huh? Perfect!He watched as Annie staggered uneasily towards her front door. Hejumped out of the car and ran to her side. He wrapped an arm around hershoulders and helped her up the steps.”Get away from me!” she hissed as she tried to push him away.”I’m just gonna help you in the house, okay?” he said.He knew her parents kept a key under the planter by the front door. Hefound it and opened the door.He helped Annie inside and ,suddenly, slammed the door behind them. Hespun her around and pushed her up against the wall.”Okay, you mouthy little bitch! Time for a night-cap! It’s just youand me now!”Annie tried to swing her fist at him but she was too slow. Adam knockedit away. He pulled her down the hallway to where he knew her bedroom was.”Adam! P-please! NO!” she cried. “Haven’t you done enough?” “Annie, Icould NEVER get enough of your tight little pussy!” Adam snarled.He threw her down onto her bed and pinned her arms above her head. Holding her wrists together with one hand, he quickly pulled down his pantswith his other. He pushed the large t-shirt up over her stomach, so it wasout of the way.This was gonna be good, he thought. He had always fantasized aboutfucking Annie in her bedroom and now it was happening!Annie was too weak to even fight back. She feebly tried to scream butall that came out was a hoarse whimper. But Adam didn’t **** her like hehad before, hard and fast. Guiding himself up to her pussy, Adam gentlyentered her. Annie let out a low gasp of pain as her tortured pussy wasonce again penetrated.Adam slid his hips back and forth slowly, relishing in her tight vaginasurrounding him. Even after the severe abuse it had received earlier inthe night, it was remarkably resilient and still retained its tightness. He twisted his hips, feeling the head push against her cervix.Adam pushed the t-shirt farther up, exposing her breasts. He licked andsucked at her firm nipples. Moving up, he kissed and nibbled at the sideof her neck.Annie lay completely still, staring up at the ceiling, her eyes devoidof emotion. Let the pig do what he wants and then maybe he’ll leave mealone, she thought to herself.Adam thrust himself harder against Annie as he felt his balls begin toswell. He pulled almost completely out and then pushed back inside her. Oh Heaven! He felt like he could do this for hours.He grabbed behind her knees and lifted her legs up, bending them back soher knees were almost on either side of her head. He plunged himself intoher, his balls slapping against her. The feeling was incredible!Increasing his tempo, Adam knew he couldn’t hold back much longer. Helooked down at Annie and smiled. WOW! he thought. He still couldn’tbelieve he had finally got to fuck Annie. It had been wonderful, and nowthis was the perfect end to the night.Feeling the pressure in his balls building, Adam ground his hips hardinto Annie and let himself release. It was about the fifth or sixth timehe had came, and yet still he had a large load built up. He held himselfinside her as he felt his cock spasm and jerk.As he pulled out of Annie, she suddenly spoke after remaining silentduring the whole time.”Are you done now? Are you happy that you finally got what you wanted?””Yeah,” said Adam. “I’m happy.””I can’t believe all these years you’ve just looked at me as an object.Just something to fuck!” Annie said, her voice flat and cold. “If onlyyour sister knew what a fucking pig she has for a brother. You probablywant to fuck her too!”Adam blushed slightly. He didn’t want to admit to Annie how close shewas to the truth.”Give it a rest, Annie!” Adam said defiantly. “I told you before, thiswas your fault. You started out using ME! A guy can only take so muchteasing and manipulating before he gets tired of it! Yeah, I have lookedat you as just somebody to fuck. Like Rodney said, you’re just a littlecum-whore!””Get the fuck out of my room and never talk to me again,” cried Annie,tears running down her face.”You remember what Rodney and Hugh told you. Keep your mouth shut!”Adam snarled as he zipped up his pants and began to leave the room.”Don’t worry! I will!” sobbed Annie.Adam left the house and got in his car. He looked in his rearviewmirror and smiled. Yeah, it had been a great night!THE END

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