Amulya fucking brothers friend Neeraj Part 1

9 Temmuz 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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Amulya fucking brothers friend Neeraj Part 1deletedI am Amulya, female in my late twenties, Married from last five years and have three year old daughter. This is about my having sex with someone other than my husband for the first time and since then I am in this sex relation as now I cannot resist myself from doing that.The person because of whom I somewhat cheated my drunkard husband was Neeraj Bhaiya, he is very close friend of my elder brother and I have always considered him my brother till that day since I was in 9th standard of my schooling. To start from the beginning I would say I belong to one of the small towns of U.P and in my school days Neeraj Bhaiya was doing his graduation with my brother from our town.Basically he belonged to Delhi and after graduation he moved back to his birth place but till he finished his graduation he remained part of our family. As I said at that time I was studying in9th standard and like Harish Bhaiya (my real brother) I always considered him my elder brother and as far as I could see he too considered me his younger sister.Three years of his graduation passed like flash and I do not have much to talk about them except this that I have studied few topics like Statistics from him in which I was always weak. By the time I reached to 12th he was over with his studies and after that as such I was not in his contact, although sometimes I use to hear from him from my brother but I can say that in that time span he was totally out of my mind.As I finished my graduation, once again I came in contact of Neeraj Bhaiya as now I was planning to do some professional course from Delhi. Neeraj Bhaiya settled me down in the city as PG and remained in my touch throughout my stay in town during the course and met me occasionally to see if I am ok.Once again after couple of year I somewhat got detached from Neeraj Bhaiya, as now I was back in my town and concern of my marriage started. Till then I can easily say that I did not had any such feelings for him but certainly by now I was big admirer of him as he is wonderful person in all aspects.Nature wise he is simple and very down to earth and always helping and I always sensed that he is considering me his younger sister. Moving back to experience, at my personal life I was going through a love affair with one guy since my collage days, he was Rahul with whom I got married later after bit of struggle from my families end.My family was against this marriage basically because he was not of my cast and with all the habits which guys have these days like smoking and bit of drinking, with non-vegetarian food, which was not part of my family’s lifestyle, but at my end I never felt anything wrong about it, as I always found him in control especially while drinking.Anyway anyhow I got married to Rahul and started leading married life and slowly I started realizing that nature wise Rahul is not exactly what he use to pretend before marriage and suddenly his drinking habit increased significantly and because of his habits within a span of six months he lost his job and now slowly he was getting more and more into all this.Some bursa escort time passed like this, to meet life expenses I too started working and Rahul too changed couple of jobs but never settled down and never bothered about his responsibility and went on spending life like this. Next I conceived from him and delivered a baby girl and expected that now Rahul will try and understand his responsibility and he somewhat tried to change himself but not for long and failed to retain his focus and once again got indulged into drinking and fighting and got imprisoned for a night. That moment for a instant life seemed like a hell to me as now my in-law were also not ready to tolerate all this and they wanted us to leave there house. I was regretting my decision of going against my parents and marrying Rahul.My parents, rather to be more precise my brother told me to shift from here and settle down in Delhi purposely to break Rahul’s friend circle which seemed whole sole responsible for whatever was happening with us and like that once again I came in touch of Neeraj Bhaiya.As I said he was very close friend of my brother so my brother detailed him every minor detail of my husband and my married life and like past once again Neeraj Bhaiya gave his hundred percent to help me in my difficult phase. We both, I and Rahul stayed at his place in the beginning, till we got a good place to reside.Now if I will detail about Neeraj Bhaiya then I will say that he is the only c***d of his parents and yet not married and he was residing with his old parents. At professional front he was working with one NGO for not much financial gains. Basically he was not working to earn, he was doing exactly what he loved to do and he was not at all attracted towards money.His father was getting reasonable amount as his pension and their combined total was more than enough to retain average living standard, and in addition to that I can say that now Neeraj Bhaiya was much simpler then what he was in past, because he was not financially sound I could not see any style in his clothing and all that was something which was appealing to me, that is no style at all.Anyway after a week’s time we shifted on rented flat, at my end I was qualified to get a reputed job, so within one months’ time I was working and earning again but Rahul was yet not changed. Although Neeraj Bhaiya referred him at few places where he could work easily but Rahul’s irregularity and indiscipline made us suffer and at certain places Neeraj Bhaiya felt embarrassed because of Rahul and finally stopped referring him for a job.Somehow life moved on and after putting my baby in a daycare I continued my job and now apart from all problems of my life somewhere I was positively occupied by Neeraj Bhaiya, at very initial stage I could say that I did not had such feeling for Neeraj Bhaiya and like past I was his admirer but gradually I started liking him.The way Neeraj Bhaiya helped me to settle down and the way he cared for me in all aspects, especially financial, I was obliged by his gesture but his casual nature and concerned behavior never made me feel burdened. bursa escort bayan Even when I was settled in my job and I was managing things on my own Neeraj Bhaiya was very conscious for me and always tried to remain in my touch through phone.I really don’t know what his perspective was to look at me, but because of his care my perspective to look at him was gradually changing. Whenever he crossed my living area he always met me with something like fruits or packed beverages which I could hardly in that income.Although I was getting help from my brother too, financial and mental both but awareness of this fact that Neeraj Bhaiya is around to help me anytime made me feel secured and also made me seek life positively and gradually with a passing time I could see that I was getting attracted towards him.At the other end I don’t know what was Rahul doing with his life, he was totally back on his track of drinking and throwing money, now he had new gang of his kind. Even though he was working somewhere as a supervisor but whatever he was earning it wasn’t enough for him and he initially borrowed money from the people around, which ultimately I paid but later in addition to that he started fooling people for money and like that I continued falling in trouble because of him.Life went on going like this and for me there was only one person around to whom I could say all this and it was Neeraj Bhaiya. He came to me whenever I was upset and asked him to come and as I said he was always something, sometimes fruits or sometimes something for my daughter.Like this we; I and Neeraj Bhaiya met several times had good time while having coffee and all such meetings always took my stress off for a while and made me think about him affectionately. Certainly It was lack of love in my life from my husband’s side which my husband never realized, which actually made me think about Neeraj Bhaiya in that perspective and now I was falling for his every style and gesture and unknowingly I was getting conscious about my looks in front of him. Talking about sex life, I would say virtually I did not had any sex life, though I had sex with Rahul many times during this time span but slowly I stopped expecting that Rahul will be able to satisfy me sexually.Because sexual satisfaction does not come from just fucking, I use to have sex with my husband just to fill my urge and truly speaking from my side those sensual feelings of getting intimate with Rahul were gradually sinking and as far as urge is concerned because of drinking and smoking physically Rahul was getting weaker in all aspects and during intercourse he hardly retained for minute or bit more inside me and always left me unsatisfied.All such conditions went on increasing my love and lust for Neeraj Bhaiya and It may seem funny to readers but truly speaking sometimes I started day dreaming that after giving divorce to Rahul I am getting married to Neeraj Bhaiya.Whenever I met Neeraj Bhaiya I started staring his body and later in solitude while being on bed in the dark room I started visualizing myself lying under Neeraj Bhaiya on the bed busy in love escort bursa making and all these thoughts made me shiver with pleasant sensation and I started enjoying all this and soon it became my favorite pass time and I started fingering myself in bed while thinking about him and gradually I found myself deeply in love with him.Talking about my and Neeraj Bhaiya’s physical appearance I would say we both do not match with a physic which we usually read on this site, neither I am very beautiful and slender nor he is tall and muscular. I am bit taller than average Indian woman but overweight with heavy bony structure, having ample flesh all over my body and Neeraj Bhaiya is almost equaling my height with an average health.I don’t know if I have succeeded in detailing my life to readers and gradual change of my feelings for Neeraj Bhaiya but this is for sure that my all such feeling were reserved up to me only and I never dared to give him any hint of that. Life moved on like that and one day destiny bought us closer on its own. Once again I was in trouble because of my husband.He was missing from almost 48 hours. Initially I assumed like past he will be back on his own but later in the night when I called him someone else picked up the and told me that the person who was carrying this phone is lying u*********s in the municipal ground on outskirts of NCR. I spoke to him and tried to ask him the location and called Neeraj Bhaiya.At that time Neeraj was reached to his home hardly an hour back from outstation trip but sensing the seriousness of the moment he moved from there immediately and first picked me up and we both moved to the described location. By now Rahul’s mobile was also switched off, actually it was taken by the person who picked up the phone and described me Rahul’s condition.Anyway we both had really hard time to find Rahul rather it was Neeraj Bhaiya who did all efforts, initially to find him and then to put him in his car in drunk and u*********s state because I was carrying my daughter in my arms and could not help him much. Finally around 12 we reached back home and Neeraj Bhaiya bought Rahul up to the house.I could see that he was dead tired but he was thinking about going back to his place. It was a drive of at least 20-25 km, I insisted Bhaiya to stay there and after bit of persuasions he agreed and informed his parents. I was happy, although initially I had nothing like that in my mind that I will be able to get him physically but when after bit of meal when I gave him a casual t-shirt to wear to sleep, I saw him in undershirt, strange sensation went through my body. I desired to touch him, to feel him physically. Truly speaking that night was really strange as far as my mental state was concerned, I wanted to have sex with Neeraj Bhaiya, just not because I was sexually unsatisfied since long but because I was somewhat in love with him.I wanted to surrender my body to him because I did not knew any other way to express my love and my this desire was rising in my gesture very fast, may be because I knew this very well that I will not get this chance again. I changed from Salwar Kameez and wore a gown and intentionally did not wear Bra underneath but retained the Salwar on my lower half and came to him and I asked him for a coffee, may be because I wanted to spend more time with him.

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