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Subject: “A Trial Of Strength” Part 537 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH � PART 537 by Rob Williams Chapter 537 � “A LOVER’S GUILT � A SOLDIER’S SUBMISSION” IN THIS CHAPTER Handsome Doctor Chad has been unfaithful to his Aussie lover Adam, by having sex with the rugged Marine Hassan. The lovers must sort through the wreckage, and Hassan craves bodily punishment to rid himself of guilt. On a remote beach it all comes to a head when Hassan subjects himself to painful retribution from the rugged Aussie. Chad’s penance is being forced to watch the soldier’s humiliation. ___________________________________________________________________ IN THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER Doctor Chad, a handsome blond orthopedic surgeon, was in a loving relationship with the dark-haired, hunky Aussie Adam. Chad was relatively new to sex with men and was not one to run from one man to another. He had sought a warm, domestic and monogamous life with a lover, and had found it in Adam. Adam, by contrast, was sexually very experienced and popular, with many sex partners. But when he had fallen deeply in love with Chad he had changed his ways. He loved living with Chad in monogamous domestic bliss � with a beautiful house, their boy Nate and their dog Molly asleep on the hearthrug in front of a blazing fire. But domestic bliss can be fragile. Adam, an executive with an Australian airline, had gone back to Sydney for a week of management meetings, leaving Chad alone. Their boy Nate was spending much of his time assisting his buddy Jamie on a movie about lifeguards, involving long days surfing at the beach. At about that time a member of the tribe, the rugged Marine Captain Hassan with dusky Arab looks, had injured his back and consulted Doc Chad, an expert in sports injuries and joint pain. Chad had prescribed a series of daily massage therapy sessions that were to occur every afternoon at Chad’s house. As the tribe’s leader Randy had joked to his lover Bob with a roguish smile. “Hmm … picture that … the lover and the boy are away, and the handsome doc is spending afternoons with the big stud Marine, massaging his naked muscular body. Now there’s a thought.” Bob had countered, “Randy, get your lurid imagination out of the gutter. You know Chad and Adam are rock solid � they’re monogamous and never fool around. That’s how Chad wanted it and Adam agreed. There’s no story there, so you can put it out of your salacious mind.” And Bob had been right � for a while. The blond doctor and swarthy soldier respected a proper doctor/patient relationship in their first few sessions. But, as Randy had predicted, the physical attraction of both muscular alpha males had built steadily, and animal lust inevitably won out. The massages became erotic and the doctor had sucked the captain’s huge dick, then shot his load over his chiseled features. At the next day’s session it was no holds bared. The naked soldier stripped the doctor, threw him on the bed and jackhammered his ass, while Chad begged for more. When it was over they stared at each other in disbelief, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Then Hassan’s swarthy face broke into a smile, he fell forward onto the cum-soaked doctor and they kissed ravenously. And that was the moment Adam walked in. At first nobody moved. Then Adam said, “Oh … OK mate.” He left the room and closed the door quietly behind him. Hassan was galvanized into action. He leapt off the bed, pulled on his pants and strode toward the door. “No,” Chad said firmly. “Please don’t go to him, Hassan. Leave it to me.” “I can’t let you face this alone, man. I’m responsible for it, and a Marine never runs from a fight.” “No, that’s just it, there mustn’t be a fight. I need to talk to Adam alone. Please, go out the back way and I’ll call you later.” Chad reached forward and stroked Hassan’s face. “So damn beautiful.” Hassan left, Chad pulled on his boxers, took a deep breath and went out to Adam. Adam, dressed in smart black pants, his shirt opened down the front, tie hanging loose, was sitting on the couch sipping a beer. He looked up and smiled. “You OK, mate?” “Adam … I’m sorry about … about what you saw. Me, the one who always insisted on fidelity …” “Wait, hold on, mate. Before you unload all that I’ve got something to tell you.” He hesitated. “Dammit, only way is to come right out with it. Chad, I was unfaithful to you in Sydney. That old pal of mine I told you about, Ted. Well he was more than a pal � an ex-lover from way back when I lived there. Well we, er, took up from where we left off all those years ago. The hotel was boring so I stayed with him and … and we had sex … several times. “I guess it was the old me that came back � the guy who used to hang out at the bars and, well, sleep around. But after I left Ted’s place I had a revelation. I realized what I did with Ted was just reverting to type � muscle-memory. It meant nothing to me, mate. “I thought of you and realized you’re everything to me, buddy, infinitely more than the Teds of the world. And I knew then you were right when you insisted that monogamy was the only way to go for us. I saw clear as daylight that I wanted monogamy too. It’s right for us. “So I decided to make a clean breast of it all. I couldn’t wait to get home to you and give you my god’s-honest word that from now on I was fine with monogamy. But I couldn’t tell you all this on the phone, that’s why I didn’t call you, I needed to see you. I caught an early flight and all the way home rehearsed what I was gonna say. But when I got home I saw you and …” Adam smiled through his tears. “How’s that for irony, eh mate? The guy who had a hard time with monogamy now embraces it as the only way. While his lover, who insisted on it, has … has changed his mind.” The tears overflowed and ran down the Aussie’s cheeks. ========= CHAPTER 537 ========= IN THE HERE & NOW Chad was adrift in uncharted waters. It was agonizing to see Adam cry. The only tears he had ever seen from the macho Aussie were tears of joy. His impulse was to touch his lover, but he held back. How would Adam react? Would he slap him away? He had every right after seeing Chad and Hassan naked in bed together, splashed with semen. No he pushed that image from his mind � it was unbearable, he couldn’t begin to process it. He was overwhelmed … a lost soul … when suddenly there was a loud scratching at the door. In a daze he went to the door, opened it … and Molly bounded in with a yelp of joy. The big, ungainly mutt rushed across the room, jumped on the couch and excitedly licked Adam’s face, lapping away his tears. She had been in the garden when she saw Adam come into the house and she rushed to greet him. Adam threw his arms round her neck, and when the big wet tongue got too much, laughingly pushed her away. Molly looked up at Chad still standing by the door and whimpered. He came across the room and Molly jumped off the couch, yielding her place to Chad, next to Adam. As he took her place on the couch Molly flopped heavily on the rug and rested her head on Adam’s foot, heaving a deep happy sigh. Her friend was home, the family complete. Now it was Chad’s turn to weep. “Adam, I don’t want to lose this. Living in this house with you is the happiest I have ever been in my life. And now I’ve ruined it. God, if I could turn the clock back …” “But we can’t, mate � time marches on and we can’t change that. The past, the future, I can’t wrap my mind around them right now. So in good practical Aussie style I focus only on the present � the here and now. What I do at times like this is grab hold of routine, like a man at sea grasping at a lifebelt. “I’ve just come off a fourteen-hour flight and I’m bushed. I need to unpack my bag, jump in the shower and have a nap before dinner.” Under Adam’s matter-of-fact Aussie drawl Chad detected a hard, protective edge to his voice, and all he could think of to say was, “Can I … can I touch you, Adam?” “Sure you can, mate.” They both reached forward and tentatively touched each other’s face, running their fingers over each feature as if to store them in memory for a time when they would no longer be able to do this. “OK, I’ll use the guestroom shower � if I can get my foot out from under this mutt, who’s snoring already.” “I’ll go and strip the bed,” Chad said, but Adam protested. “No, dude, you can’t clean up the past with a change of clean sheets. I wanna sleep on it the way it is.” Chad frowned in confusion, and he embarked on a tortured internal monologue � a frequent habit of his, trying to work things out in his clinical mind. Was Adam punishing himself for being unfaithful with Ted by forcing himself to sleep on the same bed where, only minutes before, Chad had made love to the Marine? Or was he punishing Chad for his infidelity with Hassan? No, too soon to start analyzing behaviors � much too soon, and much too complicated. Adam slung his jacket over his shoulder and walked toward the guestroom. Chad got up and went to the master bedroom. Molly shook herself and looked from one to the other in confusion. Then she made up her mind and trotted after Adam. Chad felt a sharp pang of fear and sadness. Was this what it would be like to break up � making choices about who gets Molly, who gets the house, who Nate would go with?” Desperately Chad pushed such unthinkable thoughts to the back of his mind and went into the bedroom. He looked at the bed and knew that, whatever Adam had said, he had to remove the sheet he had used for the massage, a sheet that was still wet with his and Hassan’s semen. For a split second he flashed on the naked soldier pouring his jizz in his ass, and his cock stiffened. No … no …that mustn’t happen … it hadn’t happened … but it had … and it still turned him on. In an effort to rid himself of those feelings, he yanked the sheet off the bed, screwed it angrily into a tight ball and tossed it in the laundry hamper. He was doing exactly what Adam said wouldn’t work � trying to clean up the past by cleaning up the bed. And Adam was right � it didn’t work He stood in the middle of the room that seemed to be spinning round him. He had to get a grip. Mechanically he went round the room tidying up. He put the massage oil in a drawer, then gathered up his pants that Hassan had pulled off him before throwing him on the bed, shoving his legs in the air, and plunging his cock … No, stop … he was only wallowing in his own guilt. Chad’s compulsive inner monologue resumed, more intense than ever. After all, he thought, just moments ago Adam had confessed to his own guilt � making love to a man who had once been his lover � taking up where they had left off, he said. But Adam had described it as a brief impulsive return to his old ways � muscle memory, he called it, merely physical with no real meaning. After all, Adam had been on a trip miles from home, staying in a boring hotel all alone. It was not a stretch to imagine him reaching out for company. Wasn’t Chad’s own betrayal far worse? Hassan had been a patient, a man coming to the house for treatment. It had not been a simple casual fling. He had wanted the handsome captain, had craved him, had jerked off over this very bed thinking about him. He had been desperate to suck the soldier’s cock, and when Hassan threw him naked on the bed Chad had begged him to fuck him, pleaded for more. His desire had been profound. He had submitted to the handsome Arab, surrendered his ass to him. He had loved being pinned down, a captive at the mercy of the powerful Marine. It was not just physical. He had surrendered to him … body and soul? It sure felt like it. And when Hassan’s semen had flooded his ass his own orgasm had been spontaneous, without even touching his cock. And he would do it again … wouldn’t he? Yes, he would. He noticed one last piece of clothing on the floor and picked it up � Hassan undershorts. In his hurry to leave, the soldier he had pulled on his pants and left the shorts on the floor. These were the shorts Chad had watched the Marine take off, when he stripped naked. He had watched that huge cock spring out, the cock that would soon penetrate his ass and … Chad held the shorts to his face and breathed in the erotic odor of sweat, cum, and old piss. It was the soldier’s smell and it overwhelmed Chad, launched him right back to….. As he spun round, with the shorts pressed to his face … he saw Adam in the doorway. He was naked, his muscular body gleaming wet from the shower, a towel flung over his shoulder. He looked magnificent. CARPE DIEM Chad lowered his arm and dropped the shorts. He stared at the stunning man, his lover … or was he still his lover? Stifling a sob, acting on impulse, he ran to Adam and wrapped his arms round him, clinging to him desperately Didim Escort as if fearing he would fade away, fade from his life. “Adam,” he said between sobs, “I’m such a mess. I love you, I do, and I’m scared of living without you. I’m scared of a lot of things � my feelings, my desires … help me buddy, please …” Adam held him tight. “Like I said, mate, I’m bushed � long flight. I’m gonna have a nap. Care to join me?” They pulled apart, Adam took Chad’s arm and led him to the bed. “Yeah, the same bed, dude. Has to be. We mustn’t run away from things � gotta face the truth, the raw truth, even if it hurts. Adam lay on the bed on his back and held up his arms. “Yeah, it’s me this time. Don’t be scared.” Chad dropped his shorts and lowered himself on the bed. “There, safe now,” Adam said. “At least for now � the here and now. One step at a time, eh mate?” Adam’s familiar Aussie drawl made Chad feel safer, but … maybe it was his imagination but he thought he could detect a slight, brittle edge to the deep voice that he’d never heard before. “Adam, I gotta confess to you that …” “Sssh, I know all that, I watched you just now. Hassan’s a hot sexy guy, enough to drive a man crazy. But right now, here and now, it’s me in your bed � our bed. So let’s get a little sleep, eh?” Was that a brushoff, Chad wondered? It certainly wasn’t the happy-go-lucky affectionate Aussie he was used to. Maybe Adam was just tired. Or more likely he had been angered seeing Chad with Hassan’s shorts, still lusting for him. With a troubled sigh Chad turned over with his back to Adam, separated by a few feet in the large king-size bed. He listened to Adam’s deep regular breathing and tried to gauge the moment when he fell asleep. No sleep came to Chad, though, and his endless, troubled inner monologue continued as his clutched at straws. At least Adam had not yelled at him in anger and stormed out. Maybe that was only because Adam himself felt guilty about his own infidelity with Ted. But that only made it worse. It could mean that Adam had already given up on the relationship. But that couldn’t be right `cos Adam had said they mustn’t run away from things. `Gotta face the truth even if it hurts � take it one step at a time, mate’. What did that mean, `even if it hurts’? Were they taking steps to mending the relationship, or steps toward a clean separation? Chad clung to minor lifebelts, like the words `our bed’ � and at least Adam still called him `mate’. Nah, that was an Aussie thing � he called everyone mate. God, I gotta stop this. It’s senseless paranoia, getting me nowhere, tying me up in knots. He breathed deeply, trying to clear his mind. In a while he fell into the twilight between sleep and awake. He was not aware of how much time passed before he was woken by an arm folding gently over him. His heart leapt, countered instantly by pessimism. Adam had done that in his sleep, a reflex, he always slept with his arm over him � meant nothing. But this time Chad was wrong. He gasp as he felt the head of Adam’s cock press against his ass and heard the soft drawl in his ear. “You know what, mate? A fourteen-hour flight not only makes me tired, it makes me horny. But the man I’m in bed with is probably all sexed out by now, `cos not long ago in this same bed he …” “No … please Adam, I do want it � I want it from you so bad, more than anything in the world right now. I know I don’t have the right to …” “Aah, enough with the guilt, mate. We’ll deal with all that later. Right now I’m horny, I got a boner, and I got my arm round the most beautiful man in the world.” He got up on his knees straddling Chad. From the drawer of the bedside table he pulled out the massage oil. Aha, this the oil you used for the, er, massage and stuff. Mind if I use it too?” Adam’s handsome face broke into the playful sexy smile Chad knew so well and he could have wept with relief. The mention of the oil was not meant as a mean-spirited dig, it was said in fun. He oiled up his cock and Chad pulled his legs back, just as he had done only a short time ago on this same bed � but with a another man. And this time it was different. This time he was gazing up at his lover, his handsome Aussie lover who shared his bed, his home and his life. Chad’s mind was reeling but one thing he was sure of � he wanted Adam to make love to him. He didn’t deserve it, so soon after … “aaahh.” Chad felt the exquisite sensation of Adam’s long hard cock sliding into his ass � slowly, lovingly. It stopped halfway down and Adam smiled. “Good on ya, mate. You’re looking happy for the first time since I got home. How’s this for a massage eh? You want more?” “Adam, you know I do. I don’t deserve it, but …” “Dude, will you stop with the guilt, already? Neither one of us has been a saint, but dueling guilt trips won’t solve anything. Carpe diem, mate. Live for the moment. And this moment is feeling pretty good to me. So look up at me, relax … and enjoy.” Chad had never loved Adam more than he did right now � with his Aussie homespun wisdom and corny sayings, even in Latin. He felt him move deep inside him, then pull back and begin to massage his ass tenderly. Nobody but Adam gave him this. It wasn’t just sex … it was life, their life together, indissoluble, he hoped. His hunger for Hassan had been animal lust for a dominant male. But this was love and, for now at least, it totally eclipsed the carnal appetite he had surrendered to so recently. “That’s it, dude,” Adam smiled, as if reading his thoughts, while his cock moved deep inside him. “Life’s complicated, throws us for a loop. But this, what we have, is simple. We love each other, mate, simple as that. And we’ll prove it right now. Chad stared up at the striking face smiling down at him, the strong, finely etched features, short dark hair, thick eyebrows and clear, confident brown eyes. His tanned, muscular body flexed as it rose and fell over him, and Chad reached up to touch his chest and run his fingers down the deep cleft between the slabs of his pecs. He stroked Adam’s shoulders, his neck, and traced the contours of his square-jawed face. And this was the beautiful man who was making love to his ass. Chad’s mind emptied of all else, all his convoluted fears, everything except the image of his lover, and the sensation of his long shaft making love to his ass. Adam looked down at Chad’s cock that was standing proud and erect. “Bloody brilliant, mate, that’s what I wanted to see. So, you still love me, eh?” “I never stopped, Adam. How could I stop loving you? Such a hot, exciting man.” “Yeah, back at ya, dude. So let’s prove it. I could pin you down but I’ve got other ways to pin a stud like you.” Adam leaned forward, and, instead of clamping Chad’s wrists, braced his hands on the bed on either side of Chad’s face. He stared into his eyes. “Look at me, man � deep in my eyes.” His cock eased further into Chad’s ass and came to rest in the warm inner depths. Chad reached up again and dug his fingers into the rock-hard pecs. Adam smiled, “That’s it, mate. Now don’t move … just look at me … and love me. I’m gonna spill my juice in your ass … I’m gonna cum because I love you.” And that’s how it happened. No one moved, their eyes locked � and they were alone, in their own still and silent world. Their love welled up, consumed them and overflowed as Adam poured cum deep inside his lover’s ass and Chad’s cock sprayed semen over his taught, motionless body. Chad could hardly believe what had happened. This time his spontaneous orgasm had been an expression of love for the man with the seductive brown eyes that now smiled down at him. “What did I tell you, mate? Life can be a mess, throwing curveballs all the time, and there’ll be more to come. But what we got � it’s simple. We look at each other and spill our juice. `Cos we love each other.” Adam eased his cock out of Chad’s ass and lowered himself gently on top of him. “And now, fourteen hours later, I really am gonna take that nap � with you, buddy. Not going anywhere, are you?” “Not on your life, you crazy Aussie. This is where I belong.” And, safe together in their private world, they fell asleep. BOB POURS OIL But of course, they had to emerge from that enchanted world sometime, and they woke up to the real world, with all its imperfections and dangers. Adam woke before Chad and lay next to him trying to think what came next. He knew the story wasn’t over. He knew that asking Chad to simply bury his feelings for Hassan would not be effective. He had known more than his share of lust in his travels and the lasting impact it could have on a man. No, the factor at the root of all this was his relationship with Chad. It was solid, he was convinced of that. The power of their love-making had proved it. But they were wrong to build a wall round it � a wall that was clearly not impenetrable, as they had just discovered in their time apart. And that wall was monogamy, a concept that had been violated by both of them. But there was a more immediate issue. Hassan. Adam could only imagine what he was going through � the guilt he must be feeling. Hassan was a tough military man, stoical and self-disciplined, but this time he had surrendered to his lust and lost control. For a Marine that meant personal failure. Even so, Adam didn’t doubt that Hassan still felt a strong sexual attraction to Chad, as Chad did for him. Just then Chad stirred and groaned, “Oh, what a mess.” “Welcome back to the real world, mate � and first things first. I gotta call Hassan, if only to reassure him that he hasn’t caused any major damage.” “You’re right Adam. And there’s something else too. We gotta keep all this from becoming some kind of tabloid topic in the tribe. Once it’s up on the grapevine, rumor and exaggeration will blow the whole thing out of proportion. I think I should call Bob and enlist his help. Adam agreed and Chad was pleased that Bob picked up the phone right away. He told Chad Randy was with him and they both put their phones on speaker. Chad briefly outlined what had happened and said, “Right now, Bob, the main thing is to keep a lid on this to avoid embarrassing Hassan and having the whole thing become tabloid fodder. Adam wants to call Hassan just to let him know that everything is still OK with us.” Chad was relieved to hear Bob’s typically calm, rational reaction. “I agree, Chad. It’s all a bit delicate at this stage and the thing to do is carry on normally and let the dust settle. You and Adam can start to sort everything out with Hassan later. The first hurdle is the group dinner.” “Yeah, as Adam just got back we would normally come down there to join the tribe, but that’s not on `cos facing Hassan would be …” “I know, Adam, best avoided. He must be feeling the same way. So I tell you what, guys. Randy and I were saying earlier that we haven’t had you two over here for dinner with us for a long time. So how about this evening � just the four of us in our house? I’ll ask Wil to cater it, he’ll love that � and he is ultra-discreet. “And I, er, have another suggestion. A call between Adam and Hassan might be uncomfortable as it’s all so recent, so why don’t you let Randy call Hassan? Those two guys speak the same macho language. It all has to be above board, so Randy will make it clear that we’ve all spoken and that nobody else knows. As you’ll be having dinner here, Hassan can feel free to join the tribe. As I said, it’s important for everyone to carry on as normal, and Hassan will appreciate that. So how does all that grab you?” Adam chuckled. “Good on ya, mate, you are the best pourer of oil on troubled waters I ever met. Chad’s nodding that he agrees with me. OK, guys, what time do you want us?” “Seven o’clock suit you? You can treat our house as a safe harbor. And Will’s cooking is enough to make anyone forget his troubles. Be good to each other, guys.” Bob hung up and shook his head. “Poor guys.” “I told you, buddy. Didn’t I say � the lover’s away, the handsome doc spends his afternoons with the big stud Marine, massaging his naked muscular body. Hell, you do the math, bro.” “OK, OK, you were right, Randy. And we gotta help them and Hassan get through this. First thing is, you gotta call Hassan. Make it clear to him that …” “Hey, you telling me how to talk to the Marine? Me and that stud are cut from the same cloth, we understand each other. So leave it to me, kid.” Randy punched his phone and said, “Hey, bro, this is Randy. Listen, I heard about your little get-together with the sexy doctor …” “Damn you, man,” Hassan growled, “this has fuck all to do with you. Keep your fucking nose out of …” “Hey, chill, soldier, don’t throw a fucking fit. Hear me out. You’re talking to a guy who’s been there, Didim Escort Bayan done that � many times. I’m the asshole- in-chief when it comes to fucking other guys’ boyfriends …” “Ah, sorry, man, it’s just that right now I’m feeling … shit, what the fuck have I done to those guys?” “I know just what you’re feeling, dude. Like I said, I’ve been there. But don’t sweat it, Captain, you ain’t done no permanent damage. Those two have their dicks so far up each other’s ass it’ll take more than a musclehunk Marine to break them up. They called Bob `cos they wanna make sure the shit don’t hit the fan and spread the news all over the place. Adam was gonna call you to tell you no harm done, but Bob suggested I do it `cos you and me understand each other. And only him and me know about all this. “Adam and Chad are having dinner at our place so don’t worry about running into them at dinner in the compound. Go ahead and eat, bro. I always like to face crap like this on a full stomach.” “Thanks, Randy, that helps. I’ll go over there with my kid. But dude, I can’t just paper over a thing like this. I fucked up and I gotta get punished. It’s kind of a Marine’s honor thing. “Soldier, don’t beat yourself up over this. After all, it takes two to tango. And I gotta tell you, I would have done the same thing. Hell, buck naked being massaged by that Greek God. I’m just sorry you got to his ass before I did.” Listening to this, Bob stood in front of Randy and mouthed “No!”, throwing his arms up in protest with an exaggerated shrug and major eye rolls. But Randy waved him off. “But I get the guilt thing, Hassan, and you need to get punished, but you and those guys will work that out. If you need to talk, or need anything else, I’m here for you, dude. So go across the street, enjoy your dinner, and tonight, fuck that cute kid of yours. It’ll make you feel a whole lot better.” Hassan thanked Randy for the call, and when they rang off Randy looked at Bob with a self-satisfied grin. “So how’d I do, bro?” “Randy, you leave me speechless. But I suppose you made Hassan feel a bit better, and that was the reason for the call. So, mission accomplished. Now I gotta speak to Will. When the young chef came in Bob explained the circumstances. “So we would love you to cook dinner, Will, but I have to emphasize that this is a delicate situation and whatever you hear at table is very, very confidential.” “Sir,” Will said indignantly, “I have catered meals for most of the guys in this tribe and I’ve heard stuff that would make your hair curl. But I never breathed a word to a soul.” “Red, you’re absolutely right,” Randy grinned ruffling Will’s red hair. “On behalf of Bob I apologize. You’re a great kid, Red, and a great chef. Er, any chance of prime rib tonight?” Will’s freckled face broke into a smile. “For you, sir, anything … always.” After Will left, Randy looked triumphantly at Bob. “See? You know how I get when you take charge like you did with Adam and Chad. I gotta assert myself somehow.” “Randy,” Bob said. “I think I’ll tie you down and fuck you up the ass tonight when we go to bed.” “It’s a date, buddy.” BOB’S DEVIOUS MIND “Hey, guys, welcome to our humble home,” Bob smiled, as Adam and Chad arrived for dinner. “Not so humble, mate,” Adam grinned. “Randy you’ve made this place look brilliant.” “Nothing too good for my man,” Randy beamed. Will came in with cocktails, dressed as always in his standard dark green apron and white chef’s hat. While he served drinks and Randy chatted with the guys, Bob took a moment to look for clues on their mood. They had both dressed to look sexy and Bob surmised that was for each other. Adam was in snug black jeans and a white shirt opened halfway down his chest. Chad was wearing beige slacks and a navy polo shirt that accentuated his muscular torso. Bob knew they had made love earlier, and the glow still shone in their faces, but his sensitive antennas detected an edge of uneasiness � only natural, he thought, as they still had a lot of work ahead making adjustments to their relationship. At dinner they talked freely of the situation and Randy’s views were predictably provocative. “I don’t see what all the fuss is about. I mean, stuff like this happens all the time and guys should take it in stride. No fuss, no muss.” “Oh really?” Bob said. “So tell us Randy, if you came home and found me naked on a massage table getting fucked by the masseur, how would you handle it?” “Easy. I’d beat the shit out of the guy, then slap you around good.” Bob shrugged. “And there you have it, gentlemen � the mature, sophisticated way of resolving domestic disputes. Should be a model for all family therapists.” There was a roar of laughter and whatever remaining tension there was evaporated. But as the evening wore on they discussed the issues more seriously. Chad wondered if he could possibly go on treating Hassan’s bad back. “You got to, mate,” said Adam. “You’re a doctor, you can’t leave a patient in pain. Ain’t that covered by your Hippocratic Oath? Besides, Bob rightly said we should try to stick to our normal routine, don’t let the situation rule us. You and Hassan should take a deep breath and complete the scheduled treatments.” Bob grinned, “As you would say, Adam, good on ya mate. You’re quite right.” Bob paused in thought for a moment. “Er … what about the upcoming weekend? It’s a four-day holiday weekend you know. Will either of you be working?” “Not me,” Chad said. “I have no surgeries booked till the middle of next week.” Adam added, “And after my working trip to Sydney I’ve got a week’s leave coming.” “Then why don’t you get away together, just the two of you? Change of air and scenery will help you sort yourselves out. The obvious place is Mark and Jamie’s shack at the beach in the Guadalupe dunes, three hours up the coast. It’s remote, isolated, no company, no distractions. Just the place.” Adam and Chad looked eagerly at each other. “Only thing is,” Adam said, “we mustn’t leave it too long before we sort everything out with Hassan. I don’t wanna leave that hanging without some kind of resolution.” “You mean punishment,” Randy said. “I spoke to Hassan and him and me feel the same about a lot of stuff. He knows he lost control and did something real bad, and if I were in his place � hell, I have been in that place � the only way I could get over my guilt is to be punished. He’ll be expecting it. With him it’s some kind of military honor code.” He grinned at Bob. “You got any solutions to that O Wise One?” “Well, now that you mention it Randy …. That’s one reason I thought of Guadalupe. See, I heard Eddie talking to Will in the kitchen and … oh, talk of the devil.” Will came in with a tray of hors d’oeuvres and Bob said, “Er, William, could you tell me what Eddie was saying about Hassan in the kitchen? If it was confidential you don’t have to tell me, of course.” “It wasn’t nothing private, sir. He just mentioned that this weekend Hassan is going up to Vandenberg Air Force Base for military maneuvers. Eddie himself might drive up later and spend the weekend with him at one of those shacks in the dunes. That was all.” Randy grinned at Bob. “Dude, what evil plan are you hatching in that devious brain of yours?” “Nothing evil, I assure you, guys. It’s just that Guadalupe is about twenty minutes up the coast from Vandenberg, and when Hassan goes up to the base he often goes hangs out in one of the shacks afterwards to relax and unwind.” Bob smiled at Will. “Er, William � not that I’m involving you in any plot or anything � but could you happen to mention to Eddie that Adam and Chad are thinking of going up to Guadalupe this weekend? I know I told you anything you hear here is confidential, but I’d be grateful if you would casually drop that little nugget. Eddie’s bound to tell Hassan.” Will gave a conspiratorial smile. “Sounds harmless enough, sir. Consider it done.” After he left Randy said, “OK, now I get it. That remote beach, hidden by the dunes, has been used before by our guys to sort out the beefs they have with each other. I myself was punished up there big time after I … well, we won’t rake up those sore memories. I recall the time Zack was tied up and worked over for � shit I even forget what he did wrong. But the big black stud sure looked hot getting pummeled. But how the heck are you gonna arrange all this buddy?” “I’m not arranging a thing,” Bob smiled. “My work here is done � just a word here, a word there. Chad, Adam, I simply pushed the boat out, and you’re on it … Hassan too if he takes the bait … and I have a sneaking suspicion he will.” Just then the door opened and Will came in wheeling the food cart. “Anyone for prime rib, sirs?” Randy jumped up to help him. “Smells delicious, Red. I could fuck you, kiddo.” He bent down and kissed him hard on the lips. When he released him Will said. “Sir, if you fuck the chef you won’t get desert. It’s your favorite, rhubarb pie, so you might want to re-think the fucking thing.” “You are a wild and crazy guy, Red. Love ya, kid.” Bob laughed. “I love it � bribed into submission with rhubarb pie. Randy, I think you met your match.” EXERCISNG SELF-CONTROL Bob had started the ball rolling and Chad and Adam ran with it. The idea of a long weekend in the remote beauty of the dunes appealed to them, and when they asked Mark he was only too pleased to give them the key to the beach shack he and Jamie owned. They were both anxious to clear up the tense situation with Hassan. They weren’t quite sure how to proceed with that but Bob’s advice was to do nothing right now. He had a strong feeling that Hassan wanted to resolve the matter too, and Randy had said that surely involved the punishment he would want, to assuage his guilt. In the meantime Chad called Hassan and used a formal doctor/patient tone. He asked how his back was feeling and urged him to continue with the last few massage sessions of the series. Both of them had been chastened by the events of the last few days and, although their lust for each other still churned deep in them, they made a valiant effort to stifle it at the therapy sessions The atmosphere bordered on surreal but, unnatural as it felt, they successfully maintained the clinical relationship of a doctor and his patient. Professionally Chad was pleased that his massage therapy had quick results and by the last session Hassan was virtually pain-free. Chad said, “I’m very pleased with your progress Hassan, but I would like to see you again next week, after the long weekend, to make sure everything is still on track.” Hassan got dressed and there was a tense moment when he straightened up, their faces were inches apart and a kiss seemed imminent. But with great difficulty they both exerted restraint and settled for a brief, clumsy hug instead. “See you next week then, captain.” “Yeah … next week, doc.” Chad saw a strange expression on the Marine’s face as he turned and almost ran out the door. When Hassan got into his jeep he yanked open his pants, pulled out his stiff cock and jerked off, spilling jizz over his flexed abs. Feelings of guilt surged again and he clenched his jaw. He knew what he had to do. In the house the equally frustrated doctor was jerking off over the bed his patient had lain on. And when Adam came home from work Chad immediately told him what he had done.” “Thanks for telling me, mate,” Adam smiled. “And I understand why you did that. It’s no good trying to suppress tension � better to release it.” He chuckled, “Even if that means `full release’.” That made Chad smile and he wrapped his arms round Adam. “I love you so much, dude.” “I know, doc. Boy, we really need that weekend away together. Can’t wait to hit the road and take great lungsful of that sea air � let the sea breezes blow our troubles away.” But it would take more than a sea breeze, as they were soon to discover. A SPECK IN THE DISTANCE It was with great relief that they set off next morning in Adam’s SUV and hit Highway 101 for the three-hour drive north to the Guadalupe Dunes. The previous evening they had put their minds at rest on one important front, by telling their boy Nate the whole story. He was shaken at first but they reassured him that their little family was not breaking up and he would always be their boy. Nate had spent a lot of time away at the beach, lately, working with his old pal Jamie on the lifeguard movie. But when he mentioned that shooting would be taking a break for the long weekend, Adam and Chad urged him to come up and join them as soon as he was free. With that settled they prepared to relax and enjoy themselves. The only cloud that persisted over them was the thought of what Hassan must be going through. But they were buoyed by Bob’s optimism Escort Didim that there would soon be some kind of solution there too. Adam had been to the dunes before � most of the tribe had at one time or another � but Chad was relatively new to the tribe and this was his first visit. When their car bounced over the sandy track behind the dunes and pulled up at the beach shack, they walked round to the front and Chad was stunned by the view along the seemingly endless expanse of empty beach. “Wow, this is magnificent. I can see why Bob suggested this place for us. It’s perfect, Adam. Is it always deserted like this?” “Always. Visitors to the dunes always stay close to the parking lot several miles north of here. This part, sheltered behind the dunes, is fairly inaccessible so we have it to ourselves.” Chad sighed. “Man, I already feel a load sliding off my shoulders already. This will be great for us.” He was impressed by the shack too. “Doesn’t look like much from the outside but it’s really well equipped � surprisingly large living room and bedroom and really decent kitchen. Come on Adam, let’s move our stuff in from the car and explore the beach.” For the rest of the day they were like kids again, barefoot in board shorts, running over the dunes, racing down the beach, splashing through the surf and swimming. Tired out they collapsed in the shack and made love. As the sun set they tramped over the dunes to the small Mexican cantina where they had dinner and several pitchers of margaritas. They staggered home in the dark, fell into bed and slept soundly in each other’s arms. In the morning they slept in late, then made breakfast with food they had brought back last night from the old bodega in the village. They took their time over coffee, lazing on the porch as the sun rose higher toward noon. Chad asked, “What’s that structure there, Adam, all alone in the sand? Looks like an old doorframe � should be attached to a shed or something.” “It was years ago, the guys told me, but the wind and weather took their toll and the doorframe is all that’s left.” Adam grinned. “But it’s no ordinary doorframe, mate. Boy, has that seen some action. You know when Randy talked about guys getting punished, that’s what he was thinking off. It’s been used almost like an instrument of torture � even has wrist restraints still tied to the top corners. Picture a guy tied to a medieval rack. Well that’s the rack, mate.” They fell silent and Chad’s thoughts roamed over all the things he’d heard in the last few days. Somehow they were all linked, but he couldn’t work out how. His reverie was interrupted by Adam’s firm voice. “Hey, we can’t just veg out like this, mate. We gotta get some exercise. Come on, that whole endless beach awaits.” They took off � two athletic muscle-jocks in board-shorts jogging along the beach, splashing through the shallow surf. They were lulled by the rhythm of their pounding feet, the hiss of waves breaking onshore and the loud seagulls wheeling overhead. They lost track of time and Chad was surprised when he looked back over his shoulder and there was no sign of the shack. “You wanna turn back, mate?” Adam smiled. “Fine by me.” They wheeled round and jogged back, and gradually the shack appeared in the distance, a small speck at first, growing steadily larger. As they came closer they could make out the shack, the porched wrapped round it, and … Chad stopped in his tracks and squinted into the distance. “Hey, what’s that, dude?” They walked forward, shading their eyes against the sun, then stopped as Adam said. “Jesus … Jesus Christ. I know what that is. Randy was right � damn was he right. It’s Hassan � and it’s just like Randy said. THE SOLDER PAYS THE PRICE The stunning image was clear now. Hassan was standing in the doorframe, arms stretched up to the top corners, hands pushed through the loops of the wrist restraints. Chad flashed on the graphic image Adam had given him of a man stretched in bondage on a rack. The Marine had evidently come straight from the military base as he was wearing combat fatigue pants and boots. The usual khaki tank top was stretched over his torso, his biceps flexed, his wide lats slanting down to his long slim waist where the tank had pulled free of the pants giving glimpses of his dark olive flesh. What startled them the most was the whip � a cat o’ nine-tails � hanging loose round the soldier’s neck. “You see what this is, mate? Randy told us that Hassan would crave punishment. It’s not only the rule of the tribe, it’s kind of an honor code for a strict Marine like Hassan � like a military ritual. The soldier needs to do penance for the offense he feels he committed.” “But Adam, I’m as much to blame. I share his guilt and should share his punishment.” “Not to Hassan, you’re not. For him this is the only way he can rid himself of the guilt he feels at coming between us. As Bob said, this is the place � and now is the time, mate. And I’m the guy who has to do it, though I take no pleasure in it. Chad, I know this is tough for you, but Hassan would want you to watch. With this ritual he is displaying to you his remorse at what he did. Even though deep down his lust for you is probably as strong as ever.” To Chad it sounded like twisted logic but he understood Adam’s need to do what Hassan clearly craved. He hung back as the steely Aussie strode determinedly forward and faced Hassan, their eyes boring into each other. In a last attempt at a peaceful resolution Adam clamped his hand round the back of Hassan’s neck and pulled his face forward into a passionate kiss. But the Marine yanked his head back and stared defiantly. “Do it, man. You have to.” Adam pulled the whip free of Hassan’s neck and walked behind him. Taking a deep breath he curled his fingers over the top of his tank and yanked it down. The shirt tore apart and hung in sheds over his back. Adam raised the whip and lashed it down on the flexed muscles of the bare flesh. The Marine captain flinched only slightly and made no sound, his square stubbled jaw clenched definitely. Impressed by the soldier’s stubborn, stoical resistance, Adam tried to summon enough resentment to continue lashing the soldier. But it went against his natural inclinations, even though he knew Hassan needed to feel the pain of retribution. The muscular Marine Captain’s bound body, shirtless in military fatigues, writhed under the blows as lash after lash striped his back. Tears of pain welled in the soldier’s eyes as his dark Arab features tensed defiantly. The flogging became intense and Adam steeled himself to continue … until he looked over Hassan’s shoulder and saw Chad watching with tears running down his face. Chad was feeling every lash as his punishment too, forced to watch the torment of the man he had so recently made love to. The psychological pain of being forced to watch was even worse than the physical torture Hassan was suffering. Adam couldn’t bear watching Chad’s misery. He stopped abruptly and tossed the whip contemptuously to the ground. He walked up against Hassan’s striped back and said quietly in his ear. “This is all wrong, mate. So much pain, so much suffering � and all because two guys made love. I understand why you did it, man. He’s so fucking gorgeous how could you resist? No red-blooded male is tough enough to stifle his lust for a man like that. Dammit, in your place I would have done the same thing � and it would be me hanging here. “I get it that you need to feel punishment of the flesh, but flogging is so damn medieval. There’s another way, soldier. It’s this …” Adam reached round Hassan, ripped his pants open and pushed them down below his ass. He dropped his own shorts and spat on his rigid cock. “Here it comes, Captain. Adam plunged his barely-wet cock deep in the soldier’s ass, pulled all the way out and slammed in again. And this time the Marine was not silent � his howl of pain was caught by the sea breeze and carried down the beach. More thrusts had the muscular soldier writhing in bondage, the fragments of his ripped shirt hanging over his muscled chest, his handsome, chiseled features twisted in pain. Chad could take no more. He ran up to them, and looked at Adam over Hassan’s shoulder. “Please, buddy … please …” The onslaught stopped and Adam’s cock now moved gently in and out of Hassan’s ass. He smiled at Chad over Hassan’s shoulder. “Good on ya, mate. Good call. Go ahead and make him feel better. You know how much he wants it.” Chad switched his gaze to Hassan and looked deep into his dark, pain-filled eyes. He pushed his chest against Hassan’s … and pressed their lips together in a long tender kiss. This time Hassan didn’t pull back as he had with Adam. Instead the kiss built to a passionate open-mouth tongue-searching embrace. As he continued to fuck the soldier’s ass Adam smiled. “That’s better, mates. Love, not war. Come on doc, we’ll both make love to him together. We’ll show him it’s all good � love, lust, they’re all good.” The kiss grew in passion and Chad ran his hands over Hassan’s chest, grabbing the shreds of his shirt hanging from his shoulders. Feeling his own legs go week he pulled away from Hassan’s mouth and slowly slid to his knees. The captain’s cock was rock hard, from the erotic stimulus of pain and then the kiss. Chad licked it, then lowered his mouth over it. Getting fucked in the ass by one lover and sucked by the other Hassan groaned, “Fuck … you guys … damn that feels good. I’m sorry for what I …” “Don’t go there, soldier,” Adam said in his ear. “It’s a done deal. Think of this as an extension of it � both of us this time � me in your ass and my lover eating your cock. Damn your ass feels hot. You are one hell of man, captain.” Hassan’s only response was long ecstatic groans as the two muscle-jocks worked on him together. He felt his former guilt dissolving, replaced by a sensation he didn’t fully understand, except that it made him feel alive. The rigors and discipline of the military faded away, the tension lifted, and he gave himself body and soul to these two magnificent men. “Captain,” Adam said, “your ass is so fucking hot and my balls are so fucking tight I’m about to unload my pent-up jizz n your ass. I would appreciate it if you would do the same in the doc’s mouth there. I know he wants it … and I always make sure my man gets everything he wants. Including you, mate.” Adam grabbed Hassan’s hips and his cock pistoned in his ass, while Chad swallowed his cock deeper in his mouth. Hanging by the wrists the Marine’s body shuddered and, “Aaagh …” He howled into the wind as he felt the Aussie pump semen in his ass, while his own cock erupted in the mouth of the blond jock kneeling at his feet. Their hearts were pounding but Adam knew there was one more act to play out. He pulled out of Hassan’s ass, then pulled Chad up on his feet and smiled at him. OK, buddy, you’ve sucked the captain’s cock � several times, and let him fuck your ass. But there’s one thing you ain’t done yet. I already lubed the soldier’s ass with my jizz, and it’s such a hot fucking ass you’re gonna love it. So go for it, bro.” Chad didn’t need prompting twice. He stood behind Hassan, grabbed his hips, and with a long sigh of pleasure drove his cock deep inside the captain’s cum-slicked ass. Adam stood before Hassan and grinned, “This time, soldier, don’t pull back.” He clamped his mouth over Hassan’s in a grinding kiss that grew fiercer as they heard Chad’s triumphant yell and a second load of sperm poured into the soldier’s ass. Adam pulled off Hassan’s face, smiled into his eyes and said, “He’ll always be my lover, Hassan, that’s never gonna change. But there’s no reason you can’t be part of our lives too. Life is rich with possibilities, mate, so let’s just see what happens.” As Chad pulled away and Adam released Hassan’s wrists, Adam said, “You’re gonna stick around with us for the rest of the weekend aren’t you Hassan?” Hassan smiled for the first time. “Sure, if you’re sure you both want it. I, er, kind of half promised my kid Eddie that …” “And we kind of promised our boy Nate,” Chad said. Adam added, “And Bob was throwing out strong hints that he wants overworked Will to take a break. Those three kids are all good buddies so let’s have them all here, make the family complete. Like I said, mates, life is rich with possibilities. Let’s give it a shot, eh?” TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength” � Chapter 538 Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol. ALSO, I invite you to visit my own Web-site gth. You can read the whole story, with extras including pictures and biographies of all the characters. AND DON’T FORGET � IF YOU ENJOY THESE STORIES, PLEASE DONATE to this site. Nifty needs your donations to provide these thousands of wonderful stories. So please go to fty/donate.html and donate what you can. All the other writers and I thank you.

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