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Subject: “A Trial Of Strength” – Part 468 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH � PART 468 By Rob Williams Chapter 468 � “FEUDING JOCKS” IN THIS CHAPTER Pablo and Darius were lovers from way back but everything had gone sour. The muscular, sexy Mestizo, the construction site’s head mechanic, is now a fierce rival of the handsome, rugged black jock, the site’s foreman. Their enmity culminates in a savage fight that badly affects the rest of the tribe, especially their boys. After the fighters lick their wounds Pablo’s boy Tyler shyly askes, “Can I take care of you, sir?” ___________________________________________________________________ THE TROUBLE WITH PABLO & DARIUS The dramatic story of the Forest Ranger Pete and his boy Brandon had at last cooled down, much to their relief as they wanted nothing more than to resume their quiet, loving life together. Brandon had emerged as a reluctant hero after rescuing an injured and unconscious Pete from a remote wilderness trail, using his wheelchair as a rescue vehicle. It was unusual for the Ranger and his boy to be thrust into the spotlight. Their quiet life together usually managed to fly under the radar in a tribe that was predisposed to melodrama, given the mix of highly sexed men and their boys. Adrenaline and testosterone flowed freely, as it seemed to be doing in the next dramatic event on the horizon, if rumors were to be believed. As he recovered from his injury Pete had asked the tribe’s young chef Will what had been going on in the tribe in his absence. Will said, “The gossip don’t amount to much, sir, except for rumors of a big fight brewing between Pablo and Darius.” “That’s a surprise,” Pete said. “Those two have been lovers right from the early days of the tribe, haven’t they?” “Sure, boyfriends from way back. But they were only about eighteen then and they’re both senior boys now, almost masters themselves. Bound to be some kind of jockeying for position between two competitive macho jocks like them.” “Well, let’s hope it all dies down,” Pete said. “I’ll say. Pablo and Darius are such strong characters, with tough hotheaded masters in Randy and Zack, that it could all get out of control. And I worry for Pablo’s boy Tyler. He’s always been pretty shy but he worships Pablo, so any trouble involving his hero would throw him for a loop.” “Well, even if it does come to that we won’t be involved � they’ll have to work it out for themselves. We can stand back in the shadows and out of the limelight.” But that was easier said than done as Brandon was soon to discover. After he had spent another day with Pete making sure he was fully recovered Pete said. “OK, kiddo, you want our old life back and so do I. I can’t keep you away from your job anymore so tomorrow you should report to Jamie in the office.” “What about you, sir?” “I’ll take another day off from work to recover, and kick back with our pal Jason, the hunky fireman everyone drools over. I spoke to him on the phone and it seems he’s worried about his boy Ben. Seems the kid is mixed up in this Pablo/Darius mess. I’m sure you’ll hear all about it when you get back in the mix tomorrow.” Pete was dead right. Right after Jamie had welcomed Brandon back to the office and enquired after Pete’s health, it was the next subject to come up. Jamie was as senior as Pablo and Darius in the hierarchy of the tribe, and he was worried. “I was hoping the whole thing would fizzle out like so many quarrels in the past have. But this time it’s getting progressively worse. “What’s at the root of the problem, Jamie?” “It’s all about territory and control � like two stags fighting for supremacy. In a way it had to happen. Damn, it’s like the script for a movie, though you couldn’t make this stuff up. Pablo is the company’s chief mechanic and he’s Randy’s adopted son. Darius is a foreman and Randy’s right-hand man on the construction site, but he’s also Zack’s boy. “The two of them were the first boys to join Randy and Bob years ago and they soon became boyfriends � the Mestizo with a perfect bubble butt and the black boy with a ten-inch dick. As Darius was always fond of saying, `Your ass and my dick, a match made in heaven, bro’.” “Yeah, I get the picture, Jamie. Like you said, sounds like a soap opera. But how come it’s blown up now?” Jamie frowned. “Brandon, you remember some time ago how the two construction bosses Randy and Zack were having big fights � two alpha males locking horns and fighting for power? It almost led to a breakup when Zack threatened to walk out.” Jamie grinned, “Well of course you remember the details, kiddo, `cos it was brilliant you who came up with a solution. You suggested dividing the construction company in two � a commercial division with Randy as boss and a residential division headed up by Zack. That made them co-bosses, got rid of the sense of competition.” “And you think the same kind of thing is happening with their boys?” “Kind of. Darius gives orders to Pablo and of course Pablo resents it like mad. He thinks the chief mechanic is more senior than a mere foreman and he’s quick to anger, just like his dad Randy. See, they’re no longer boys playing around at being fuck buddies. They’ve grown into real macho studs, naturally competitive in the construction world.” Brandon frowned. “As I recall, the big problem with the Randy/Zack hostility was how it rippled through the whole tribe. Guys took sides and Bob was scared it would even break up the tribe.” “Absolutely, and this one threatens to move up and down the chain of command. At the top it’s natural that their men, Randy and Zack, would take sides. And at the other end, it can affect several of the junior boys.” “Yeah, Jason has already told Pete he’s worried about his boy Ben. As Pablo’s assistant mechanic Ben is bound to get caught in the crossfire. And I told Pete I was concerned about Pablo’s boy Tyler. He worships Pablo but he could be neglected, or worse, if Pablo gets obsessed by this Darius thing.” “Which is why I want you to come up with a solution, Brandon, same as you did with Randy and Zack.” On Brandon’s shocked expression Jamie laughed, “Just kidding. But there is something you could do. Eddie spoke to me and said he wants to call a meeting of the junior boys. I know you and Eddie are now senior boys but the youngsters all look up to you so I thinks it’s a good idea � put their minds at rest. If you like, at the end of the workday you could meet in this office.” “Sure … but Jamie, could you stick around too? Everyone looks up to you, being the cop’s boy and all, and you are on the same seniority level as Pablo and Darius.” “Sure, Brandon. OK, now back to work, dude.” ********************************* THE BOYS CIRCLE THE WAGONS In the late afternoon Jamie and Brandon had just finished work for the day when Eddie came into the office, followed by Pablo’s boy Tyler and Tyler’s buddy Finn. The young chef Will was also there, and Pablo’s assistant mechanic Ben, Randy’s kid brother. Eddie hit the ground talking � as usual. “OK here we are,” he grinned. “I rounded up these guys so we could talk about all this stuff going on with Darius and Pablo. See, the problem as I see it is that if they’re gonna have this big knock-down-drag-out … and it sure looks that way from where I’m standing … and I think we should …” “Er, just a sec Eddie,” Jamie interrupted gently. He knew that once Eddie wound himself up there was no knowing how long it would be before he ran out of steam. “First of all, why don’t you all take a seat? I think there’s enough chairs for everyone. Good. Now if you don’t mind I would like to make a general observation.” Jamie had learned the art of speaking gently but firmly from his man Mark, who as a cop always spoke with authority. The boys respected the cop’s boy Jamie a lot and now listened intently. “Basically we should be careful not to get too involved. We’re talking about two of the most senior boys and I’m sure Randy and Zack would rather let them sort things out for themselves. Only if it gets real bad would those guys intervene. “As for the other boys, we should not get involved at all unless any of them get caught in the crossfire. The guys closest to the action are likely to be Ben, Pablo’s assistant, and Tyler, his boy. So first you, Ben. How are things at work?” Ben, a shy young gypsy was uneasy being the center of attention and he gulped before speaking. “Well, guys, I gotta say it’s pretty tense at work. Whenever I’m working with Pablo and Darius comes over I kinda duck `cos they’re at each other’s throats real bad. I mean, they used to be lovers but now they’re more like enemies. Darius throws around his orders and Pablo tells him to fuck off. Trouble is it’s getting worse and looks like it could all blow up big.” “Have you told Jason this, Ben?” Will asked. “I mentioned it yeah, and he told me to keep my head down, and if things get too bad to come straight home and he’ll take care of it.” “What about you, Tyler?” Will asked. “How are things with Pablo at home?” Tyler also was shy and his eyes became moist as he spoke. “Pablo’s a real great guy and I love him …” “But …?” Eddie said. “Come on, spill, dude.” “Well, he’s become real cold … like, distant … like he’s in his own world. In bed he don’t hold me like he used to and we haven’t fucked in a long time. I … I think he’s getting tired of me.” Finn growled, his tough bad-boy past surfacing. “If he tries anything, dude, just yell. I sleep in the next room and I’ll come right in and deal with the mother-fucker.” “Guys,” Jamie cautioned, “above all we mustn’t escalate the whole thing. All we can do for now is, like Jason told Ben, keep our heads down. If anyone feels scared the guy to go to is Bob. Not Randy or Zack `cos their instinct is to protect their boys. And not even Mark, `cos he’d react like a cop and use force to break them up. Bob always says that if any boy is in trouble to go to him. He’s handled a ton of situations like this in the past and you’d be safe with him.” Well what I always say,” Eddie said, getting a word in at last, “we boys must stick together, like amigos. You know what we always call it, circling the wagons … you know, like the Musketeers, one for all and all for one.” “Not to mix your metaphors or anything,” Brandon grinned and Eddie laughed. “Hey, dude, just because you’re this great big hero right now and you talk better than I do …” He shrugged. “Well OK, I guess that does put you one up on me. So put me down, why don’t you?” “Me? Put you down? And get beat up by that hunky Marine captain of yours? I may look dumb but I’m not crazy.” Amid all the laughter Jamie said, “OK, guys, I think that pretty much wraps it up. Stay safe. And who knows, maybe the whole thing will blow over after all. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.” But they all knew that was pretty much wishful thinking. **************************** THE TEMPERATURE RISES So while all the discussion, analysis and speculation was going on, what exactly was the state of play between the two senior boys Pablo and Darius? In fact it was pretty much as Jamie had summarized it � a hostile standoff. It was not a situation that had blown up overnight. Their current antagonism had been brewing for a long time, exacerbated by the change in their personal relationship. The handsome Mestizo and muscular black boy had met as 18-year-olds soon after Randy and Bob started living together and there had been an immediate chemistry. They were a perfect sexual fit, with Pablo’s stunning bubble-butt and Darius’s ten-inch schlong, but more than that they loved each other’s company � the laughter and playfulness. But in the almost ten years since they met they had inevitably changed � from easygoing kids to tough, opinionated young studs with big egos � the good looking mechanic and brawny site foreman. And their relationship had changed too. They probably still loved each other deep down but there was now a much stronger element of competition � especially on the construction site. They were both bosses’ boys � Randy’s Diyarbakır Escort and Zack’s � and as with all the boys they modeled themselves on their masters. That included, in this case, the masters’ friendly rivalry. But unlike their men, the boys had not yet learned to keep their daily confrontations friendly. The tension had built at home and at work and, as Ben had feared, it was coming to a head. Pablo and his boy Tyler had spent another night of almost no conversation and even less intimacy. Before Pablo left for work Tyler tried a stab at affection. “Sir, I was thinking, maybe in the lunch hour I could bring lunch to you at the site. I’ll ask Will to rustle up something good and we can share it … if you would like,” he added in a small voice.” Pablo, obsessed by the tension at work, barely heard Tyler. He said dismissively, “What? Yeah, whatever … do what you want. I just don’t have time for you right now, boy.” He left abruptly and Tyler’s eyes brimmed with tears, not for the first time. He was so unhappy. He had always worshipped Pablo, from the day he first spotted him on a trip to Palm Springs, and now he was terrified that he was about to dump him as his boy. The nervous kid wasn’t sure what to do. He wouldn’t tell his buddy Finn, whom he worked with as the house gardeners, `cos Finn could be real hot-headed. But often Bob came out to see how they were doing, and if he did today Tyler would ask his advice as Jamie had suggested. When Pablo strode onto the construction site he was still in the same foul mood, expecting more of Darius’s `attitude’ as he called it. They tried to avoid each other as much as possible but some contact was inevitable. Darius’s job as Randy’s foreman was to pass on the boss’s orders to Pablo regarding urgent work on the various trucks and heavy machinery. Pablo’s assistant Ben was already at work, bending over the engine of a truck they were working on. “Hi, Pablo. I reckon this should only take a few hours to fix, like you estimated yesterday. I got the parts from the warehouse and …” “Yeah well let’s get to work on it, kid, instead of standing here gabbing.” “Yes, sir,” Ben murmured, hurt by the unwarranted put-down that came out of nowhere. It was obviously going to be another one of those days. And it escalated almost immediately as he saw Darius striding toward them. There was no greeting � in fact Pablo scarcely looked up as Darius said, “Hey, how’s work going on that faulty backhoe?” Pablo at last faced him, with a withering look. “Maybe your eyes are not so good these days, man, otherwise you’d see that we’re working on this truck here.” Darius clenched his fists and growled, “The point is, asshole, that Randy wants the backhoe pronto to clear that heap of rubble over there. You know how he can be.” Pablo’s muscles tensed and he sneered sarcastically, “No actually, how can Randy be? I wouldn’t know `cos he’s only my dad, of course, and I’ve only known him a lot longer than you have. So how is he, Darius?” “Right now he’s steaming mad `cos he needs the backhoe. So get to work on it and forget the truck.” Ben took a step back and held his breath. Both Pablo and Darius always worked shirtless in black jeans and boots and as they faced off, like rival young stallions, Ben thought that a fight was inevitable. But Pablo grunted, “If Randy needs something he can tell me himself, not send his lackey.” Darius clenched his fists again, his eyes blazing. There was a tense standoff, but it ended when Darius took a deep breath and snarled, “Fuck you, asshole, and fuck your attitude. You got your orders.” He walked away and Ben breathed again. Pablo made a move as if to follow Darius but Ben said quickly, “Sir, should we take a look at the backhoe?” “Hell no. We’ll finish the truck first.” ************************************* THE SHIT HITS THE FAN Ben knew for sure now that trouble would erupt when Darius discovered Pablo had disobeyed his orders. He wondered if he should cut out and go back to Jason, but that would seem like running away and he was no coward. Pablo was more tense than usual. His fight with Darius had led him to ignore his order, that was one thing. It was quite another to willfully disobey Randy, something he would never normally do, especially when it would hold up work at the site and make Randy even madder. Pablo knew he was wading into treacherous waters but his resentment of Darius blinded him. They worked on the truck until lunchtime when Pablo knew the shit would hit the fan and he braced himself. Suddenly, of all people, Tyler showed up, with a shy smile on his face and carrying a lunch pail. “Sir, like I said, I’ve brought you some lunch that Will made. Thought you’d be hungry. Maybe we could eat together.” “Or not,” Pablo snapped. “Kid, I got problems of my own without you showing up with your stupid lunch.” Over Tyler’s shoulder he could see Darius bearing down on them. “Get out of my way, boy …” He shoved Tyler aside so hard that he dropped the lunch and food spilled out on the muddy ground. Tears sprang to his eyes and he stumbled away. He passed Darius with tears running down his cheeks and Darius said, “Hey, kid, what’s the matter?” He looked past him at Pablo and the spilled food on the ground. “Did he do something to upset you?” “No, sir. No thank you, sir. I have to go now …” As he ran away Darius muttered, “Fucking dickhead. That’s his own boy …” They came face to face and Darius snarled, “What the fuck did you do to that kid?” “None of your business. He’s my boy, not yours. You don’t own everyone around here.” “No, but I am in charge around here in making sure jobs get done. Is the backhoe ready?” “I told you, man,” Pablo said icily, “we’re working on the truck. I’m chief mechanic so I say what gets priority.” “Well maybe you’d like to tell Randy that when he hits the roof, which should be any minute now. You know, I’ve just about had it up to here with you, asshole. You hate me so much you’ve totally lost your mind. Well here’s a newsflash, douchebag. I hate your guts too. You and your massive fucking ego make me sick.” Their eyes were flashing and Ben (unwisely) made a last desperate attempt to calm things down. “Pablo, the truck’s almost done and I can finish it off myself. Why don’t you make a start on the backhoe?” Pablo whirled on him and redirected his mounting rage from Darius to Ben. “So what the hell is this? You’re giving me orders now, is that it � like everyone else, including this asshole? Seems you need reminding who the boss is around here. What you are, kid, is just a little gypsy boy trying to learn how to be a mechanic. And I’m your boss. You get that? You get that?” He punctuated his words with slaps to the boy’s face. “You get that?” Darius was about to intervene when Ben staggered back, tripped over and fell to the ground, hitting his head hard against the truck’s huge solid tire. Stunned, Ben groveled in the dirt, stroking his cheek and feeling his head. Darius fell to his knees and pushed the boy’s hair back off is forehead. “No blood, at least. You OK, kid?” “I … I think so Darius.” He managed a weak grin. “Yeah, no bones broken.” “OK, you took a nasty fall and you’ll probably end up with a black eye. I want you to go over there and rest. Is Jason home today?” Ben nodded. “Good, so call him and have him come pick you up. You’re in no state to drive.” He helped Ben to his feet and he stumbled over to the rest area and pulled out his phone. Meanwhile, Darius whirled on Pablo. “What the fuck was that, man …?” “This is all your fault,” Pablo said defensively. “If you hadn’t come on with that big boss ego trip and thrown your fucking weight around giving orders it would never have happened.” Darius snarled, “You really are a piece of work, man, you know that? I can’t stand the fucking sight of you right now.” “Goes for me too, boy. You and Zack are two black muscle-heads who think you own the fucking world because of the almighty club in your pants. Wise up, asshole. My dad Randy is the big boss here and Zack ain’t nothing but a dumb black guy with a big dick.” “OK, that’s it. This whole fucking thing has gone too far. We hate each other’s guts so it’s time we sorted it out once and for all, just you and me. The empty warehouse next door.” “Your funeral, asshole. Let’s go.” ******************************* THE FIGHT Both men were seething with anger when they reached the decrepit warehouse with its broken windows and muddy floor. It was the type of out-of-control anger that could find expression in only one way � flying fists. Pablo was the first to swing a punch that Darius blocked and lunged with one of his own that landed � square on Pablo’s jaw. The bare-chested Mestizo staggered backward and slammed against one of the wooden support columns. He was dazed, but when Darius followed up by charging at him Pablo still had lightening reflexes. Yelling “Mother-fucker!” he raised both arms, hands clenched together, and slammed them viciously into Darius’s stomach in what he always called his signature move � a double forearm smash. Pablo was strong and the move effective. Darius doubled over in pain and fell to his knees. Instantly Pablo was behind him clamping his arm round his neck and pulling him to his feet. Holding his neck in the crook of his elbow he locked his other arm round him in a submission choke hold. “Give up, black boy,” Pablo panted in his ear. “You’re no match for the boss’s boy.” But his towering rage and powerful muscles gave Darius renewed strength that he now summoned as he pressed his back against Pablo, jerked forward and heaved him clear over his head. Pablo flew through the air and landed in a heap in the mud. Darius was on him in an instant and they rolled over the muddy floor trading punches. Two of the strongest young jocks in the tribe Darius and Pablo had been trained to fight by their powerful masters Zack and Randy, so the fight that ensued was predictably savage. After grappling in the mud Darius finally had Pablo pinned on his back, his hands round his throat choking him. “Son of a bitch, I could fucking kill you, man,” Darius growled, but Pablo raised a leg under Darius, planted his boot on his chest and kicked him off him. Darius reared up and staggered back. Pablo leapt to his feet and slammed his fist against his face, one side then the other as he reeled backward. “You’re finished, asshole,” Pablo panted. “Not so uppity now, eh, boy?” That last taunt, with all its racial overtones, made Darius see red and lose all control. With an animal roar he blocked Pablo’s flailing arms and punched back. Pablo had never seen such rage in his eyes, never been intimidated by the muscular black jock, until now. The rain of blows was brutal and his own attempts at retaliation futile. He stumbled backward and one last mighty punch sent him crashing to the ground and everything went dark. It was several minutes before Pablo came back to hazy consciousness and he instinctively tried to get to his feet. But he couldn’t move. Lying on his back in the mud he blinked, shook his head … and realized that his arms were stretched up above his head and roped round the back of the heavy support column. His head cleared and his eyes focused on the shirtless black muscle-jock towering over him. He pulled hopelessly at his bound wrists and groaned, “Fuck you, man.” “No, fuck you, boy … unless you submit to me now and admit you’re a loser.” “Go to hell,” Pablo groaned. “OK, man, if that’s how you wanna play it.” Darius stared down at the shirtless young mechanic, his muscular body bruised, handsome Mestizo features streaked with mud. He ripped open his jeans and pulled out his massive ten-inch cock. “Time for this … what did you call it? … the almighty club. Otherwise known as the final humiliation.” Countless times in the past Pablo had looked up at Darius with lust and longing. But he knew this time would be different as he stared at the black muscle-jock, sweat pouring down his rugged face Diyarbakır Escort Bayan and his flexed ebony muscles. He felt Darius’s boot hook underneath him and flip him over on his stomach. He clenched his jaw and braced himself for what was to come. He didn’t have long to wait. Darius stared down at the beaten man and focused on the mounds of his incredible ass straining against his pants. He bent down, reached under Pablo and ripped open his jeans, then pulled them down over his ass and down to his knees. He knelt astride him and snarled, “Now let’s see who’s boss, eh?” Pablo’s scream echoed round the cavernous building as the massive shaft drove deep in his ass, paused buried inside him, then pulled all the way back and plunged in again. It was a predictably savage fuck, with Darius venting all his pent-up rage and resentment that had been building for weeks. But still, amazingly, the rivalry continued even with the odds stacked against Pablo. “Go ahead, asshole,” Pablo sneered. “I can take that black cock and you know it. You’ll never break me that way.” But he was wrong. In the past Darius had always fucked Pablo carefully, knowing the damage his weapon could do. But now it was no holds barred as his rod ploughed the mechanic’s ass and he slapped the perfect round globes that bounced under the blows and began to glow red. They both knew that even Pablo could not last long under this ferocious attack. Darius yelled, “Give up, man. You know you have to … you can’t take anymore. Let me hear you submit.” “Go to hell,” Pablo groaned. “I’ll never submit to you, asshole.” “OK, stud, I didn’t want it to come to this, but you asked for it.” Darius’s long shaft became a pile-driver, battering the mechanic’s ass. Give up, man. Submit … tell me who’s boss.” “No!” Pablo howled. But then, beyond his control and against all odds, he felt his own cock blast semen on the ground. And that did it. After his orgasm the rod pounding in his ass was unbearable and he screamed “Aaagh … aaagh … OK, that’s enough. I give up, I submit. You win … you’re the boss. Please, sir, I can’t take anymore.” With one final thrust Darius’s cock erupted deep inside the bound jock whose muscular body shuddered beneath him. Darius pulled out, got to his feet and stared down at the beaten man, his body still spasming, cum oozing out of his ass and running down his legs. With his boot Darius flicked the body over on its back and he gazed in awe at the near-naked mechanic, his handsome features grimacing, tears flowing from his slanted Mestizo eyes, his muscular body bound and bruised. Darius stared in surprise at the jizz still oozing from Pablo’s cock and realized that through all the pain he had cum, as he always did when Darius fucked him. “Fucking beautiful, man,” he murmured. Darius found the sight so sexy that he stroked his cock and shot the last of his juice down onto the mechanic’s chest and agonized face.” Disturbed and confused by his own lust for the rival he had just demolished Darius growled, “Fuck you, man.” He shoved his cock back in his pants and strode out of the warehouse. **************************** THE ANGER SPREADS Randy had been working on the far side of the construction site with Zack, who had come over here from his own site for a meeting with him. He and Zack were of course aware of the tension between their boys but Randy had said, “Ah, they’re big boys now, old enough to sort it out for themselves. It was part of the tribe’s creed that the senior boys should be mature enough to manage their own affairs without intervention by the men. Randy’s preoccupation right now was work, and the delay in bringing the backhoe on line. As he strode angrily across the site he met Darius coming back from the warehouse. “Hey dude, so what’s the latest on that damn backhoe. It’s holding everything up.” “You should ask Pablo about that,” Darius grunted. “Shit, what the fuck happened to you, man? You look like a mile of bad road. And where the hell is Pablo anyway, and Ben?” Darius said sullenly, “Ben went home … and Pablo’s in the old warehouse.” “What the hell’s going on here …?” Randy’s anger was mounting. “Maybe you should ask Pablo that too.” “Damn right I will, and you’re coming with me.” He pushed Darius in front of him toward the warehouse. Zack watched them leave and didn’t like the look of Randy’s body language nor his tone of voice. He knew him and his anger well, so he followed them. Walking into the warehouse Randy stared down aghast at the half-naked mechanic roped on the ground, his face and body covered in mud, sweat and semen. “What the fuck? Who did this …?” He turned and grabbed Darius’s shoulder. “You did this …!” “We had a difference of opinion, we fought and I won, simple as that.” “Untie him.” “Let him rot.” “You fucking arrogant piece of shit, I’ll …” “You’ll take your hands off my boy,” Zack barked, appearing just in time. “Or what, big guy? You’ll beat me up like your boy did to mine?” “If that’s what you want, man, just bring it on.” “Randy!” Another angry voice cut through the air and forestalled another fight. It was the fireman Jason pulling a reluctant Ben with him. Ben had a black eye that he tried to hide behind his hand. Jason pulled his hand away and pointed to his face. “This is what happened to my boy at work today. He called me to pick him up and I found him hiding, scared shitless. He won’t tell me how it happened, but I thought you were the big boss who protects boys working for you, especially this boy. He’s your kid brother for god’s sake.” Randy was shaken at the sight of Ben’s black eye. He turned his anger away from Darius and said more gently to Ben. “How did this happen kiddo?” “I fell over, sir.” “Like hell he did,” Jason shouted. “You don’t get a shiner like that from a fall. Someone hit him.” “Is that true, Ben?” Randy asked. “Who hit you?” Ben shifted uneasily as a voice said, “I did.” All eyes turned to Pablo still lying on the ground. “I hit him. He was pissing me off so I slapped him around a bit, he fell and hit his head on the truck tire.” “You hit my little brother?! Will someone tell me what the fuck is going on, for Chrissake?” “Yes, I will.” That voice was Bob’s entering the warehouse with his arm round Tyler. “I found Tyler in the garden at home very shaken, and I insisted he tell me why. He wanted to protect Pablo but I ordered him to tell the truth. Tyler asked Will to fix lunch for Pablo, which he took to the site and asked Pablo if they could eat lunch together. Pablo turned on him, snarled that he didn’t want his `stupid lunch’ and knocked it out of his hand. It seems that ever since Pablo started fighting with Darius weeks ago he’s treated his boy like shit and this was a peace offering from Tyler as he was afraid Pablo was gonna dump him. Darius, untie Pablo.” This time Darius obeyed. “Huh,” Zack grunted, “I see now why Darius beat the shit out of a guy who brutally treats his own boy and his young assistant mechanic. No more than he fucking deserves � I’d have done the same myself.” “Me too,” Jason interjected. “Randy, you’re responsible for my boy’s injury and I expect you to punish this fucking savage.” Randy flared up. “No man tells me how to treat my boy, asshole. If you wanna try me, join up with Zack and I’ll take you both on.” They all started shouting and a shoving match was about to erupt in a fight when an authoritarian voice shouted, “Freeze … back off all of you.” **************************** THE COP INTERVENES The action ceased and all eyes turned to Mark, in his police officer black uniform and high motorcycle boots. It wasn’t only the uniform that commanded respect, it was the steely, commanding look in his eye. “OK, that’s better. I’m here because Jason called me as a precaution. He said there seemed to be trouble brewing here and suggested I drop by in the middle of my shift. I have a fair idea of what’s going on here. My boy Jamie has been telling me of the tension that’s been building for weeks between Pablo and Darius. Good thing I showed up when I did. It looks like open rebellion was about to break out. Now everyone chill out. “In my experience disputes like this can escalate out of control. It could threaten the future of the tribe, especially if everyone takes sides and Randy, Zack and Jason start fighting. It’s my job to cool tempers and de-escalate the tension. Unlike everyone else here I am an impartial mediator. I’m on nobody’s side, I just wanna calm things down and find a solution. Any objection?” They all remained silent, even Randy who was so conflicted by his boy’s actions that he didn’t trust himself to keep his rage in check. Everyone respected Mark’s natural authority and knew he could be fair and impartial. “Good. Now I propose that Darius and Pablo speak. They are the cause of this whole upheaval but as senior boys of the tribe they are men of honor and if they can calm down I trust them to tell the truth. Pablo, we’ll start with you. What’s all this about?” A shamefaced Pablo began the story from when the rivalry began. He tried to explain the roots of it and why it had continued for so long, leading to the inevitable showdown today. Darius basically agreed on the facts but added his own slant on the story. Pablo added, “I apologize to Jason and Randy for hitting Ben. I lost my temper and I’m sorry Ben.” There was an uneasy silence when they finished. Mark said, “I have a feeling this whole thing between you guys runs deeper than just a workplace rivalry. Your personal relationship runs long and deep, based on love which, as we all know, can hit trouble waters sometimes. The one question I have for you both is, can you see a way of resolving your differences?” “No!” they both said in unison. “Too much damage has been done already,” Darius grunted. Mark gave a frustrated sigh. “Anyone else have anything to say?” “Yes, I do,” said Bob forcefully. ******************************* BOB’S DIATRIBE There was anger in Bob’s voice and in his eyes, fiercer than they had seen before in the usually calm co-leader of the tribe. Bob had been profoundly moved by Tyler’s distress when the tearful boy had poured out his troubles to him. The loyal boy had been careful not to criticize his master but it was clear to Bob that he had been mistreated by Pablo. Shy Tyler was the youngest and most vulnerable of the boys and Bob’s heart went out to him. His compassion for Tyler was accompanied by growing anger toward the man who had caused his unhappiness � anger which Bob now gave voice to. “Frankly,” Bob began, “I don’t give a shit whether Pablo or Darius is to blame for all this. They are old enough to work that out for themselves. What does give me serious concern is the collateral damage their animosity has caused, especially when it damages one of the boys. “Normally I would have a quiet word with the perpetrator in private, but I feel so strongly about this that a public shaming is called for. Tyler, I want you to hear this too, even though it makes you uncomfortable. It will help you in the coming days. “Like Pablo and Darius we all go through ups and downs in our relationships but that never excuses projecting our problems onto our boys and making them suffer. And Pablo, you are guilty of this in the first degree. “I hasten to add that Tyler was in no way disloyal to you, nor did he criticize you. He idolizes you, you are his hero, but there was nothing heroic in the way you have been treating him. “I have heard enough and seen enough to be convinced that you have treated him shabbily, even cruelly. You have been cold to him, in bed and in public, demeaning and insulting him, as you did earlier when he brought lunch to you in a sweet act of kindness. You knocked it out of his hand and said you had no time for him. “Pablo, you know better than anyone that one of the major imperatives of this tribe is for men to nurture and protect their boys. You know that nothing enrages your dad Randy more than the mistreatment of Escort Diyarbakır boys, and yet you hit his kid brother. Randy thought you had become mature enough to be entrusted with a boy of your own. Apparently he was wrong. You let him down, you let the tribe down and most of all your own boy � your own boy, Pablo. How could you?” “Even though Tyler’s love and loyalty to you is as strong as ever he is afraid that you no longer want him as your boy. I hope that is an overreaction and untrue. That’s for you to decide. “Personally I am seriously disappointed in you, Pablo, for disobeying one of the first rules of our family, and for causing fear and unhappiness in such a sweet kid as Tyler. In my book that makes you less of a man, Pablo. A real man is judged by his capacity for kindness and compassion, not his instinct to fight and destroy. For your sake I hope Randy’s anger toward you is less acute than mine is right now. “That’s all I have to say.” ***************************** THE PENANCE There was a stunned silence. They all loved and respected Bob and had never heard him give such a long impassioned tongue lashing to a man before. Everyone avoided eye contact, especially with Pablo, whose own eyes were welling with tears. Normally quick to anger his instant reflex would be to hit back against criticism. But he loved and admired Bob. He was Randy’s lover and Randy was devoted to him. What hurt the most was that everything Bob had said was true. Pablo’s major role in life now was to take care of his boy, and he had failed miserably. He loved the shy young kid who depended upon him so much, and yet he had reduced the boy to tears. What was he thinking?! His shame enveloped him like a shroud. Randy was staring at Bob with tears in his eyes too, but they were tears of love. He had watched the man he loved articulate everything Randy believed about protecting boys, something he had practiced all his life from the early days in Texas when he had protected all his younger brothers. Now he had an urge to throw his arms round Bob and never let go. Mark was the first to break the silence. “Thanks Bob for saying that. While you were talking I was thinking what punishment I would recommend for the two men who caused this upheaval. My mind went back to olden times and a common punishment for crimes against the tribe or state � banishment. He grinned slightly. “I’m not suggesting we send Darius and Pablo to a remote island, as they did in Ancient Rome, or exile them to Elba like Napoleon. But I think that for a week or so the two men should be sentenced to go away from the tribe and spend all their time together in some remote place.” There were nods of agreement and Zack reached into his pocket. He threw some keys to Darius. “The keys to my beach shack in the Guadalupe Dunes. Should be remote enough.” Mark looked at Darius and Pablo who nodded their acceptance of the punishment, even though their dislike of each other still ran deep and the idea of spending time together was painful to imagine. Pablo said, “We agree, sir, but I’d like to make one request. That I be allowed to take my boy Tyler with me.” Mark looked questioningly at Bob who, noticing Tyler’s joyful smile, gave Pablo a piercing look. “Very well, if you give me your solemn promise that no harm will come to him. You will love and take care of him.” “I promise, sir. Word of honor.” “Right!” Randy spoke up for the first time. “Here’s what gonna happen. Pablo and Darius will go home and recover from their fight. And first thing in the morning they’ll head out, with Tyler, for a week together in the dunes. And, enemies or not, you will stay together all week. That’s your penance. “Ben, in the meantime you’ll be in charge of the mechanics department. Jason, I hope you will join us for dinner and let us make amends for what happened to your boy. Now Zack and me have gotta get back to work. We don’t have time for this shit � we’ve got a damn construction company to run.” As the group broke up Zack and Randy had a brief, quiet word with their boys. “Darius,” Zack said, “I trust you to do the right thing while you’re away. You’re a great guy and I know you will. I love you, man.” Pablo said quietly to Randy. “I should a’ won that fight, sir. I could a’ beat him.” “Ah some you win some you lose, kid. Did you use that double forearm smash of yours” “Sure I did, sir, but it wasn’t enough.” “When you get back we’ll go over the fight and see what else you could a’ done.” The exchange was overheard by Mark and Bob who were conferring together. Bob shook his head ruefully and sighed. “Randy will never change, Mark. It’s bred in the bone.” ***************************** TYLER TAKES CARE OF HIS MAN Pablo said to Tyler, “Will you come and help me get cleaned up, kiddo?” Tyler leapt at the chance eagerly. When they got back to their bedroom Pablo said. “Let’s get one thing straight, Tyler. I love you, kid. You are still my boy and always will be. As for the past few weeks …” “Oh never mind that, sir,” Tyler beamed. “Just as long as I’m your boy nothing else matters. Er, is it OK I take care of you now? I would like that.” “Sure, kiddo. Do your thing.” Tyler dropped to his knees, unlaced Pablo’s work-boots and pulled them off. He reached up, opened his master’s muddy jeans and pulled them down. He looked up at the bruised and dirt-streaked mechanic. “Shall we go to the shower, sir?” Pablo grinned, pulled the boy up on his feet and they got in the shower together. “Damn, my body aches,” Pablo groaned.” “We’ll soon take care of that, sir. Tyler turned on the hot water and proceeded to lather his master up. Lovingly he ran soapy hands over his muscled body, then gently massaged his neck and shoulders and stroked his chest and abs. He carefully cleaned the dirt from Pablo’s face as Pablo stared at him and then pulled Tyler against his soapy body and kissed him, a long open-mouthed kiss that gave the boy a huge erection. Pablo looked down at it and smiled. “Hmm, after that fight I wonder if I can still do the same thing. You wanna see if everything’s in working order, kiddo?” Tyler’s eyes sparkled. “Yes please, sir.” “OK, come on then. Make your old man feel good.” They dried off and Pablo walked unsteadily to the bed and lay carefully on his back, buck naked. Tyler climbed on the bed and knelt down, straddling Pablo’s waist. He stroked Pablo’s chest then ran the backs of his fingers over his nipples before tweaking them in his fingertips. Pablo gazed up at Tyler’s eager young face and said, “Damn, I love you, kid, always did. I must have lost my mind to treat you the way I did …” “Like I said, sir, that don’t matter � not now I know you love me. Thank you for taking me with you tomorrow, sir?” Pablo gave him that handsome crooked smile Tyler loved so much. “Hey, kiddo. Feels like the plumbing’s working after all. You wanna check it out?” Tyler grinned and shuffled back on his knees until he was staring down at his master’s stiffening cock. He bent forward and licked it lovingly, then sucked it into his mouth and massaged with his lips it to a full hard-on. “Damn, you always could do that to me in seconds, kiddo. Fighting always makes me horny � Randy too.” Tyler sucked harder and faster until Pablo grabbed the boy’s head and pushed it back. “Easy, tiger, you’re gonna make me bust a load in your mouth.” “Oh, that’s not where I want it, sir. I can make you feel even better.” Tyler eased forward to his former position, kneeling astride Pablo’s waist. He rose on his knees and reached back behind him. He held the rigid cock still and slowly lowered his butt until he felt the head between his cheeks. “I love you so much, sir. I want to make you feel really good.” Slowly he sank lower, feeling the long thick shaft sliding all the way inside him until he was sitting on the wiry mass of Pablo’s pubes. “Aaah,” Pablo moaned. “Hell I’ve missed that kiddo. You do it so damn good. Let’s see what you got, boy.” Tyler was in heaven, rising and falling on his master’s shaft, pausing at the top to massage the head, then sinking low and feeling the head press deep inside the warm depths of his ass. He paused often, when either he or Pablo were on the edge of orgasm, and he stared at Pablo’s head thrashing from side to side in ecstasy, his black hair whipping over his chiseled Mestizo features with the high cheek-bones and square stubbled jaw. For the first time in weeks Pablo relaxed entirely, all the tension draining from his body as he surrendered entirely to his boy’s sensual care. But at last he knew he was reaching the point of no return and he moaned, “Do it boy … make me cum …” Tyler ramped up the action, pumping the cock with his ass as Pablo yelled, “Ride it, kid, ride your master’s big dick. I wanna see you shoot.” Pablo wrapped his hand round his boy’s cock and pounded it in his fist while Tyler raised a triumphant arm and road his master like a rodeo cowboy on a stallion bucking beneath him. Master and boy had never felt this close as they reached their climax at the same time. “I’m gonna cum, sir,” Tyler gasped. “You’re gonna make me cum … fuck … yeaahh! ” They howled together as Pablo blasted semen deep in his boy’s ass and Tyler’s cock erupted in a stream of jizz that rose in the air and splashed down on the naked mechanic’s heaving chest and handsome face. Tyler hadn’t cum for days, and all his pent-up juice now smothered Pablo in one wild climax. And it wasn’t just the release of semen, it was the release of all the pent-up sadness and fear that had gripped him for weeks. His happiness found expression in peals of laughter that warmed Pablo’s heart and buoyed his spirits. A few minutes later Tyler was lying in his master’s arms. “I’m so glad I’m coming with you tomorrow, sir. I can’t wait to be on the beach with you.” Pablo sighed. “It’s not gonna be easy, kiddo. There is so much bad blood between Darius and me that the wounds still run real deep. It’ll be like being trapped in purgatory with an enemy, but it’s the punishment the tribe has given us.” “Well at least you’ll have me on your side, sir. I’ll take care of you.” “Kiddo, you and me are gonna take care of each other from now on. Like Bob said, that’s what men and their boys do.” ********************************** THREE MEN IN A TRUCK Early next morning Tyler ran down to the kitchen where Will was already hard at work. “Dude,” Will smiled, “I am so happy for you. Whatever happens with Pablo and Darius you’ll have a good time `cos Pablo loves you. Same with the twins and me. Whenever I feel down I think of the twins and how they take care of me, and nothing else matters. “Now listen, Tyler. I have been cooking up a storm and made all kinds of food in packages here for you to take with you. The packages marked C you can serve to the guys cold. Those marked M can be microwaved and those with H have to be heated in the oven. Should keep you going all of the week, assuming they take you out to eat sometimes. Tyler thanked and hugged Will and loaded the bags in Pablo’s truck. Pablo and Darius came out separately and it was so early Will was the only one to see them off. The atmosphere in the truck as they drove north for a week in the dunes was hardly festive. Pablo was driving, with Tyler sitting happily next to him. Sprawled sullenly in the back seat was a disgruntled Darius. Occasionally the two men’s eyes met in the rear view mirror but they quickly looked away. Hostility still ran so deep that even eye-contact was to be avoided, let alone speech or, god forbid, physical contact. It promised to be a very strange week in the remote beach shack in the dunes. *********************************** TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength” � Chapter 469 Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol. ALSO, I invite you to visit my own Web-site gth. You can read the whole story, with extras including pictures and biographies of all the characters. AND DON’T FORGET � IF YOU ENJOY THESE STORIES, PLEASE DONATE to this site. Nifty needs your donations to provide these thousands of wonderful stories. So please go to fty/donate.html and donate what you can. All the other writers and I thank you.

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