A NOT so Welcomed Guest Ch. 5

29 Ağustos 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Ephus – A demigod possessing the power to repower the gods

Quinn Markov – human wife of Ephus


Norse Deities


Odin – War god, main god of the Norse gods

Freya – a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr.

Frigg – Wife of Odin, promoter of marriage and fertility

Loki – a mischievous god who can shape-shift and can take up animalistic forms.




Göndul – War Valkyrie

Egyptian Deities


Bast – Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love

Serket – Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites

Thoth – God of knowledge


Ephus, Freya and Göndul appeared back in Epaphus home a moment later. Reaching out Ephus could feel Zeus when he appeared at the temple they had just left.

Ephus breathed a sigh of relief for a moment. A look of concern crossed his features when he suddenly felt Zeus as he moved in their direction.

All three of them were immediately hiding their power as Zeus stopped outside the domicile. Surprisingly there was a knock at the door. With a quick change of his appearance, Ephus opened the door.

“My son,” Zeus said as he was looking at the inside of the simple home. “You should really consider moving to Olympus. A godling of your power, living like this.”

“You know that, I am also human, I like to be near and help those that have no power. I feel it helps them to believe in the others more.” Ephus said in the voice of Epaphus.

Zeus stood there and nodded. “Have you felt any other strange gods or goddesses? My priests have told me that, the guards witnessed what appeared to be a god and goddesses. I felt no others though, if they were weaker there is a chance I would not. That is why I came to you; you have never failed to detect them.

Ephus looked at Zeus, then at the wall as he reached out. Stopping a few moments later he turned back to Zeus. “I feel there was one in the desert hours ago, now? Nothing, if they were here, they are gone now.”

Zeus had a shocked look on his face, stretching out his arms he turned toward the desert. The shocked look grew larger as he started to nod.

“I can feel them, there also seems to have been another there. As strong if not stronger,” Here Zeus turned toward Ephus. “you have been to many of the other realms, have you heard even whispers of others wishing to take our realm?”

Ephus pretended to think about it, then shook his head. “I have not heard of anything like that. Nor do I feel that any other realm would have the power to do that. You are pretty powerful.”

A look of pride came to the face of Zeus. “In that respect, I have to agree with you. It was good to see you again Epaphus. Come to visit in Olympus, I know that Hera can be hard to take, I don’t think she will do anything. Especially after the last time.”

“I will consider it,” Ephus said.

Zeus sighed, “you always say that and you, always seem to forget.”

“I have been busy, as you have.” Ephus said.

Zeus nodded, “then there is that. Remember that we are family, not the best, though family.”

Ephus nodded as Zeus vanished. A moment later Freya and Göndul came out of the back room.

“It is good that you possessthe same thinking as your ancestor.” Freya said relieved that they hadn’t been discovered.

“No,” Ephus replied. “I can still hear him even though he is a great distance away. What is good, is that I was able to hold the guise of Epaphus as long as I did. I wasn’t sure I had practiced enough.”

It was at the moment that the guise of Epaphus vanished revealing a slightly panting Ephus. Both of the females looked Ephus over then they both nodded. “It appears that you are indeed stronger than we at first thought.” Freya said.

Ephus could only stare at both females as they were both nodding their agreement. Slowly shaking his head, he sat to think. “We are going to have to have a good plan if we are going to get Odin’s Gungnir. One that doesn’t involve any of us getting caught nor revealing who we are.”

Freya who had been reaching the entire time, suddenly started to shake her head. “It would appear that the number of guards have been increased three times as much as before. Then, there seem to be non-human guards as well. I hope that you are taking this into account as well.”

A quick look at Freya showed that she was serious about her last statement. “Believe me I am, this is going to take exact timing if we are going to accomplish this.” Ephus said.

Ephus then went quiet as he started to try and find a way around all the obstacles. He shook his head obstacles? More like major road blocks that was for sure.

So, not a whole lot to do, get in the temple. Grab the Gungnir then leave, all of this without being seen nor detected ’til it was too late for them to do anything.

Shit Ephus thought. This was going to have to be perfectly timed that was for sure. He was sure that Zeus was going to have more than just his self-there when he arrived.

Ephus thought of the four sons, they weren’t worth all that much, well two of them, they were fiercely loyal. There was a possibility that Zeu’s bycasino daughters might also get involved. Ephus nodded his head, even with Freya and Göndul, they would get a major ass kicking. Especially with the Greek gods at almost full power, with their reserves.

Freya sat quietly to allow Ephus to come up with a brilliant plan. She’d seen his actions to date including those in her realm. The freeing of Frigg was her favorite, though, she was partial to it as she had been involved.

Göndul was watching both Ephus and Freya, going back and forth between them. She was merely a Valkyrie, a servant of the gods. Though he was not a full god per se, to her he was, Göndul wasn’t about to try and get between the two of them.

Ephus sat there for a long time coming up with several scenarios. Each time he shook his head as nothing came out right each time.

It was several hours later when Ephus started to go back through all his ideas again. A heavy sigh came out as he realized that he was going to have to go a different direction.

Ephus was about to go through things a third time, when he felt a slight tingling in the pocket, he had placed the Remira stone. A moment later he started to hear a voice.

Godling? Can you hear me? I may have a solution for this situation if you are willing to try. Came the thoughts of the Remira stone.

Ephus looked into his pocket surprised. A solution? I thought that the crossing of the time lines, too many times, would damage them. Ephus thoughts replied.

Ephus felt a moment of shock then the Remira stone’s thoughts continued. You have a great knowledge of time, what you have spoken is true if, I am not there to keep this from happening. It is a gift that I can bestow unto you for the care you have shown me.

Ephus paused a moment as he heard the thoughts of Epaphus. Ephus was nodding as both Freya and Göndul were staring at him waiting for the obvious conversation that he was having.

Finally, not long after he’d gone completely silent, a small smile lit up Ephus features.

“I believe that I have an idea how to get through this. It is going to involve a bit of lying and misdirection, I think that we can achieve it.” Here Ephus turned to both of the females about to ask if they would be able to achieve this, then stopped his self. He then shook his head as he thought who was he kidding? They were masters at it, they were part of the god realm after all.

Ephus then stood moving to the back wall, there he started to draw on the wall. As he got deeper into it, the larger the smiles on Freya and Göndul’s face got.


In the present Bast was sitting with Quinn Markov. They had been discussing several things though their talk soon gravitated toward Ephus.

Quinn was worried about Ephus though as his human and first wife, she was doing the best that she could to hide it.

Bast was speaking about the current situation when she stopped short staring at Quinn.

“Human sister Quinn?” Bast said as she slightly backed up feeling that something powerful was emanating from Quinn.

Quinn took a deep breath as she too had felt the power within her start to climb. A moment later she felt Bast place a gentle hand on Quinn’s shoulder.

“My sister are you well? For a moment I thought I felt godly power coming from you, then just as suddenly it was gone. Is there something going on that you wish to share?” Bast asked a look of true concern on her face.

A deep heavy sigh escaped Quinn’s mouth as she nodded. “As Ephus explained, all the blessings have awoken something. Ephus said that I am developing godly power, he said that he would help me as soon as he returns. I just hope that he can, apparently my power is linked to my emotions.”

Bast could only stare at Quinn a small smile threatening to cross her lips. Bast could feel the worry that was seeming to ooze off Quinn, plus her power was starting to climb also.

“Perhaps I can help you?” Bast asked.

“I would appreciate it, with this new set of gods and realm, who knows when he’ll be back. I hate it when he is gone like this.” Quinn said, her face showing her worry.

“Well, I think the first thing we have to do is figure out how to calm you. Strong emotions like worry, anger and hate, can produce a great amount of energy. They can also drain you far faster than almost anything.” Bast calmly said surprising herself as much as Quinn.

So Bast thought, it appears that I am as emotionally tied to Ephus human wife, as much as I am to him. Bast looked at Quinn then deeper, suddenly nodding her head. She was closer to Quinn than any human than Ephus.

Quinn was also discovering that she was far calmer with Bast there than she had been. A moment later Serket appeared a look of concern on her face. Her belly slightly swollen with the baby she was carrying for Ephus.

“I came as fast as I could sister,” a concerned Serket said.

Bast pointed to Quinn, Serket turned toward Quinn then her mouth dropped open. “You might say that we have cause for alarm.”

Serket’s head started to shake her disagreement. “No sister, I think that we have far more than a cause for alarm. You do realize that as soon as the weaker ones feel her, they will come to investigate. At the moment it appears that she has more control than I thought she would.” Serket held her hands out bycasino giris passing over Quinn several times, then her mouth dropped open.

Bast started to nod, “it’s bad enough with the problem I have at the moment.”

Serket also nodded, “still no word from father or our brothers?”

Bast sighed as a frown came to her face. “No, at the moment it is starting to worry me. Though I believe they won’t really make a decision ’til Ephus has time.

They both walked to Quinn, “speaking of Ephus, has either one of you heard anything from him?” Serket said.

Both Quinn and Bast turned to Serket their mouths open. “My god!” Quinn said. “I have been so worried about this situation I haven’t tried.” A moment later Quinn’s eyes flew wide. “I…I can’t feel him! Bast?”

Bast stretched her arms out reaching over the world. Suddenly her eyes were also wide, then tears started to fall. “By all of our realm! I cannot feel him either! Thoth, Thoth we need you here.”

There was a large rush of wind as a huge power appeared. A male with an Ibis headed mask, papyrus scrolls and a stylus. Thoth quickly removed his mask looking around. “Sister? This obviously has something to do with Ephus as I cannot see much.”

Bast, was about to open her mouth, when Thoth’s dropped open as he stared at Quinn. Bast and Serket saw Thoth’s reaction as they looked at Quinn then rolled their eyes. “We’ll talk about that in a few moments. Right now, we’re all worried about Ephus, none of us can feel him!”

Thoth, nodded as he stretched out his arms, a look of extreme concentration on his face. A frown came to his face as he started to turn in a circle. Humphing he reached out again as he started to turn again.

All three of the females stood back as Thoth went through several turns searching differently each time. Finally, almost half an hour later Thoth stopped, turning to the females a slight look of confusion on his face.

“I was unsure the first time, though after the third time, I am certain now. It appears that our Ephus is thousands of the human years in the past. How this is possible escapes me as it deals with Ephus.” A slightly surprised Thoth said.

“WHAT!!?” All three of the females shouted. Both Bast and Serket’s lips began to tremble. Both looked at each other with fear.

“Is there anyway that we can help him?” Serket asked.

“At present there are only a few objects that can be used. The stone was in Loki’s possession ’til today. As all of you know Odin’s weapon is also gone. Unfortunately, those are the only two that we would have access to. As I have found with brother? We have to trust that he has a plan.” A slightly nervous Thoth said.


Shit! Ephus thought I haven’t a clue of a plan right now. After the narrow escape, with a fully powered Zeus at his temple, Ephus was more cautious.

So far, everything that came to mind ended in dismal failure. The thing was the timing had to be perfect every time, that wasn’t about to happen.

Ephus was fingering the Remira stone absently, there had to be a way to do this.

Have you forgotten my offer godling? Much of this, that you wish to do, would become simple with my help. The Remira said.

Shocked a moment Ephus quickly regained his composure. “Simple? I thought that you only effected time, I…” Ephus abruptly slapped his forehead, “time! So, you can not only go forward and past in time, you can also stop it. I am sorry Remira for having forgotten this.”

Ephus could almost swear that he felt surprise from the stone. Godling came its thoughts. Never has a being godling or otherwise ever considered how we felt. Indeed, you are the one, that has been spoke of in whispers for many ages.

Again, Ephus was surprised, “I only wish what is right, this feels more than right.”

This time Ephus could swear he felt the stone smile. We will need more power, if you wish to have a greater time. What little you have provided has us, far stronger than we have been in a very long time.

A smile came to Ephus lips as he nodded, concentrating Ephus felt the energy flow from his hand into the stone.

Both Freya and Göndul were staring at Ephus. Then they both started to back up when Ephus power started to climb, a look of fear on their faces.

“Lord Ephus? Won’t the other gods from this time notice?” Freya asked reaching out trying to sense any god coming closer.

“No, I don’t believe so. I have managed to increase the bubble around this house.” Ephus said without looking at her.

“Lord Ephus, it has only been a few days, do you have enough to keep it like that? We all know that you learn fast though many still cannot believe it is so.” Freya said.

Ephus stopped looking at Freya, “Freya I would not attempt it if I didn’t think I could protect us.”

Freya rolled her eyes at this statement. “You are but a godling, it should be I, that is protecting you.”

“Ah yes! Though you need to remember my power? Is continuing to grow, though most of the gods? Most seem to be at the same level.” Ephus told her as he started to power the Remira once again.

A few moments later Ephus heard the Remira. We thank you godling we are as strong as the day we were created. This should allow us to stop everything long enough for you to accomplish that, that you need to.

Ephus was nodding feeling how bycasino giriş much power he had expended. Ephus was shocked when he discovered that he’d hardly used anything. At least he thought that as he felt his legs start to fold under him.

He turned to Freya, “I do believe that I used far more power than I thought I had. Going to have to take a nap,” with that Ephus slowly slumped to the floor.

Both Freya and Göndul were smirking, “I believe I heard your wives telling you that you use too much.” Freya said.

Ephus winced as he could swear that he was hearing his wives especially Bast.

“I know,” Ephus started then felt the darkness take him. To say that he dreamed again would not be accurate. Several large beings started to invade his dreams the deeper asleep he went.

“So,” the largest and most powerful of the beings said. “Look at you, one of the most powerful on the planet and you’ve lost consciousness.”

“Ha,” Ephus laughed. “Powerful, ancient power and you can’t leave the prison you are in. I touched it and was able to leave.”

“Ah, as you would say touché bitch. All of this could be over, just bring one of us out. The one you bring out could do the rest.” The obvious leader said.

Suddenly a tall thin being rushed at Ephus, “you will pay for the pain you gave Iapetus!” Ephus sighed as he backhanded the being, “NO! Iapetus will not be denied!” Iapetus shouted as his form, flew rapidly backwards from where Ephus was.

“You’d think that he’d have learned by now,” Ephus said.

“Well,” the leader said, “he never was the smartest, though he is far stronger than he looks. Then there is the fact that he is highly impulsive.” The leader turned back toward Ephus. “So, what do you say? Helps us to escape?”

“Hmmmm,” Ephus said. “I have seen what all of you did before. I’ve only got one thing to say to you. I was going to say go to hell, though seeing that you are there already? You should stay there!” This last Ephus shouted as he raised both hands, blowing all of the Titans before him back.

“I tried to do this nicely, now? Know that, we will stop at nothing to take you and your power. Then the rest of your world, it will burn from our fury!” Cronus shouted from a great distance away.

“Well, good luck with that. I think that all of you should shut the hell up!” Ephus yelled pushing another blast at them.

Cronus, the leader, his eyes were huge as the titanic force, drove all the Titans back beyond Ephus line of sight.

Ephus could only smirk toward the Titans had gone. What? Did they think that he was that stupid that, he’d just hand the world over to them? If they did, they damn sure had another thing coming.

A moment later Ephus opened his eyes trying to sit up, a big mistake. His head was throbbing which quickly had him falling back to the soft, whatever he was on.

A concerned Freya and Göndul were immediately beside him. “Lord Ephus? Is there anything that we can do to help you?” Freya asked.

Ephus looked at the two females, then groaned again. “I have to thank you for reminding me about, pushing too much power. Then, I have to figure a way to actually remember that simple fact.”

A rather large smile appeared on Göndul’s face. Freya on ther other hand had no reservations as she opened up with uproarious laughter. Then her laughter suddenly died as she remembered her vow to help keep Ephus safe. She shook he head a moment as she went over all that Ephus had done. Keep him safe? Just how in the hell was she going to accomplish that?

Ephus saw the look of concern on Freya’s face, “What has you so worried?” He asked.

Still with a look of concern on her face Freya turned to him. “I was just remembering the vow I told Bast, that I would keep you safe. As I see it right now, I have failed rather dismally at that. I am afraid that your wife Bast will destroy me.”

Ephus let out the breath that he’d been holding, “I don’t think that, that will happen. Not many of my wives can keep me safe all the time. As I seem to remember, I had something of a talk like this, with Bast not long ago. Plus, I think that given the circumstances, she and all my wives will be very forgiving.”

Freya looked at Ephus dubiously, trying hard to believe what he’d said would come to pass. Ephus saw that Freya was still more than worried.

“I don’t mean to seem to call you a liar, I have met many of your wives. I have seen their tempers; they can be somewhat possessive of you. I feel that they are possessive to the point of doing almost anything for you.” Freya said.

Startled, Ephus had to think about that for a moment. He nodded his head in agreement remembering Bast and the present pregnancy.

They spent the rest of the day planning out exactly what they would do. Early the next morning, all three of them appeared a short distance from Zeus’s temple. Ephus had gone over everything again before they left.

They had walked to just around the corner from the temple, Ephus took a deep breath then touched the Remira.

Alright Remira, it’s time. Ephus felt what felt like a nod as the air, shimmered outward from all three of them.

The three of them rapidly made their way into the temple. Ephus, stopped short when he saw Zeus standing next to his statue. Around the rest of the statue were Zeus’s four sons.

Ephus made his way to Gungnir in the arms of the statue. Ephus was feeling that things were finally starging to go his way ’til, he touched Gungnir and it wouldn’t move!

Ephus pulled harder with still no effect. He then nodded his head, just like my luck as always.

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