A Cuckold Story Ch. 56

31 Temmuz 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Although my wife had ended her relationship with Dan, the man who’d first cuckolded me back in high school, we both knew that certain aspects of our marriage would never be the same. I suppose I’d never hidden it well, but it was now clear that surrendering my wife to a man who believed himself superior to me was intensely arousing to a cuckold like me. To be sure, I’d always made it clear through my words and actions that I loved it when my wife dated men who were bigger, stronger and more handsome than me. But now Cheryl knew these qualities were not the only traits I liked her lovers to have.

Sure, I’ve always enjoyed it when my wife fucks the kind of man that most women would find desirable. That’s natural. I love my wife and I want her to always have the best, whether it’s the finest clothes money can buy, or the best looking, muscular stud that can rock her world in the bedroom. But it’s always been more than just wanting my wife to bed men who epitomized the male ideal. I was happiest, or I should probably say, most aroused, when the men who slept with my wife were confident, powerful men who didn’t care one whit that Cheryl was my wife. The kind of men who had no problems seducing her right in front of me and knew that I wouldn’t, or couldn’t, stand in their way.

I’ve often wondered from where this unusual kink stems. Is it a defense mechanism? A way to eroticize the hurt and jealousy from my first cuckold experience back in high school? Since Dan had been a guy who I’d always somewhat feared, was it then natural for me to associate cuckolding with surrendering my woman to a confident, more dominant man?

When I first discovered that my wife had been cheating on me, I automatically assumed that she’d slept with men who were stronger, more powerful, and more sexually skilled than me. But in addition to her lovers’ physical attributes, it seemed that Cheryl inevitably chose men who were self-assured and confident, some might even say arrogant. And when my wife confessed to having fucked certain friends or acquaintances, they invariably were men, like Brad, that I considered full of themselves, or at the very least supremely self-confident.

At first it was a shock to hear how easy it was for certain men to cuckold me, but over the years, however, I’ve grown to envy and admire how these men can assertively stake their claim to my wife, confidently seducing her while I’m expected to passively step aside. I suppose it’s easier for me to rationalize my arousal at being cuckolded, if the men who sleep with my wife are men who I consider alpha-males and to whom I naturally defer and would never challenge?

The other possible reason for my strange desire to have my wife fucked by men who I dislike or by whom I feel intimidated is that perhaps I have some sort of innate desire on my part to be submissive to my wife’s lovers. When another man fucks my wife, he is making it abundantly clear that he is the alpha-male and I, the beta-male. And I only confirm that pecking order when I enthusiastically lick and suck Cheryl’s well-fucked pussy following her extramarital encounters. Is this a natural cuckold hierarchy where Cheryl is submissive to her lovers and I am submissive to both my wife and her lovers? I suppose I’ll never truly understand why I am the way I am, but now that Cheryl had been made fully aware of this deep, dark secret she wasn’t going to let this knowledge go to waste.

Cheryl has never been shy about discussing her attraction to certain men, but seeing me defer to Dan, tolerating his barbs and public flaunting of his relationship with her, my wife now had an even greater understanding of my cuckold psyche. My wife now knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I actually got off on her fucking men who intimidated me, or of whom I disapproved, and she began teasing me incessantly. Whether it was regularly pointing out “hot guys” that she knew I’d find threatening or flirting with guys she knew I disliked, Cheryl had me on pins and needles constantly.

In the aftermath of Dan’s relationship with Cheryl, I, too learned something about my spouse that furthered my understanding of just what motivates she and I to do what we do. It seems that just as I was aroused by my wife sleeping with men who were dismissive of me, she admitted that the sheer wickedness of carrying on affairs with men who I disliked, to be very much a turn on.

Cheryl told me that she first experienced this feeling early on when she was sleeping with Brad behind my back. She said she knew I’d never liked Brad and the feeling was somewhat mutual, but when Cheryl was sprawled out on his bed, waiting to be fucked by his big cock, she’d revel in the illicit nature of fucking a man her husband, or boyfriend when she first started, disapproved of and disliked.

This all made perfect sense considering my wife has always been most aroused when engaged in particularly “dirty” or “taboo” sexual activities. It’s one of the things that make Cheryl Karşıyaka Escort such a natural hotwife. Even the fact that I must remain faithful while she is anything but, is a turn-on to my wife. No, we aren’t swingers, nor do we have an open-marriage, instead she’s a promiscuous wife and I’m a cuckold, a decidedly taboo marital arrangement. And to Cheryl, violating her marriage vows with a man who I dislike or who is a rival of mine ranks high on her list of naughty acts, and is consequently, incredibly arousing.

Once her infidelities were known to me, Cheryl said that at first, she’d felt bad when she’d tell me she was going out with Brad, or some other man that she knew I disliked or had an issue with. And when she’d see my sad eyes, or hear the heartrending quiver in my voice, Cheryl said she’d sometimes wonder if she was doing the right thing. But every single time, she’d look to my crotch and see my “little dickie” twitching in excitement. My wife knew that despite my frightened reaction, I was totally on-board with letting her enjoy the attentions of other men, even those men that I abhorred.

With both Cheryl and I having broached this complex and potentially dangerous subject, we reminisced about all my wife’s encounters involving men to whom I felt some sort of aversion. From Brad to Dan, throughout our courtship and marriage, many of the men who have shared my wife’s bed have been men who I’ve either disliked or come to dislike. Cheryl told me that this dynamic emphasized that what she was doing was wrong, but that only made it more exciting, or “naughty” as my wife described it. And my wife was not shy about telling me that when welcoming one of these guys into her juicy pussy, this sense of immorality and wickedness stoked her passions to unbelievable heights.

All our conversations were more theoretical in nature given that after Dan, Cheryl had remained monogamous despite her frequent flirtations and teasing comments. But my wife frequently toyed with me, telling me that she regretted not fucking my first boss, a handsome man who’d been very much a task-master, or reminding me of all the times Brad had fucked her while I pretended to be asleep, my wife’s lover laughing at my naivete as he cuckolded me in my very own home.

I suppose it was inevitable that Cheryl would take things further. And one evening when I returned home from work, Cheryl gleefully announced that she had a date arranged for the upcoming Friday night. But when my wife told me her date was with a former neighbor of ours who I’d always disliked, I realized that I might have created a monster in disclosing all my deepest, darkest secrets.

Tom, our former neighbor, had always had the hots for Cheryl and more than once he’d tried to convince her to join him for a drink sometime. My wife had steadfastly refused Tom’s invitations, not so much because she knew I disliked him, but because she didn’t really want to screw around with someone who lived just two houses down from us.

Tom was the exact opposite of me. He was arrogant and overbearing, a cop who’d retired at fifty and who spent most days in his garage lifting weights or working on his prized 1969 Chevelle. Tom never really seemed suited to our upscale suburban neighborhood and if it hadn’t been for his ex-wife’s rumored wealth, I doubt he could have afforded it on his policeman’s pension.

Tom’s wife had left him several years earlier after it became common knowledge that he was having an affair with female co-worker. Since then, Tom seemed to have a never-ending parade of women in his life, most of whom seemed to be empty headed bleach blondes with store bought tits. Even Cheryl commented more than once that Tom’s girlfriends were “skanky” and I never thought she’d thought of him as anything more than the neighborhood lout, good-looking for sure, but lacking in most of the social graces.

I’d had a couple of run-ins with Tom over the years, mostly relating to his penchant for parking one of his multiple cars directly in front of our house for days at a time. I’d occasionally politely remind Tom that there was a limit as to how long he could park on the street without moving his car. But each time, he’d tell me to mind my own business, bellowing, “I’ve got friends in the department. I’m not going to get a fucking ticket!”

Eventually, however, Tom received a long overdue parking ticket and that evening he showed up at our front door, accusing me of calling the traffic cops and threatening to “kick my ass.” I tried to explain that I hadn’t called the police, but Tom wouldn’t back down, ultimately shoving me forcefully. As I cowered in fear, Cheryl intervened, and Tom eventually calmed down but from that point on, I tried to stay out of his way. In fact, I never again mentioned that his old beater truck seemed continually parked in front of our house.

When Cheryl said she’d arranged a date with Tom, I just about had a stroke. When Tom Karşıyaka Escort Bayan moved almost six months earlier, I’d breathed a sigh of relief thinking I’d never have to interact with him again. But now that Tom was no longer a direct neighbor, Cheryl took it upon herself to obtain his telephone number from Leslie, his former next-door neighbor who’d remained in touch with Tom.

Cheryl said she’d called Tom earlier that day. And after engaging in some pleasantries, my wife had mentioned that she was interested in taking him up on his offer to grab a drink, if the offer was still open.

The entire time my wife was telling me about her plans to join Tom for a drink, she had a sly smile on her face. She knew that Tom, like Dan, was someone who I disliked and who intimidated me both physically and psychologically. Tom was forceful, brash and self-assured to the point of coming across as a complete asshole. And as a life-long cop, Tom was steeped in a world that I knew little about. A world where brawn was more important than brains and where it was important to instill a sense of fear in your adversary from the very start.

I guess it’s a measure of how I no longer needed to hide anything from my wife but as Cheryl told me how she’d always wanted to see what it might be like to go on a date with Tom, I never uttered a word of protest. And when Cheryl described how Tom had laughed, “It’ll be nice to see you without your annoying hubby hanging around,” I didn’t try to conceal my growing erection pressing against the front of my pants.

Cheryl noticed the bulge in my pants almost immediately as she teased, “Look at you, you’re such a naughty boy. I’m just going out for drinks. I don’t even know if I’ll fuck him.” But then Cheryl instructed me to fetch my chastity device, telling me that she wanted me locked up until after her date with Tom that upcoming Friday night. “I want you to be a good boy until after my date,” she giggled.

It turned out my wife’s drink with Tom led to a second drink and they then decided to skip dinner, heading back to Tom’s house where they fucked twice over the course of the night. And when Cheryl returned home the next morning, I welcomed her home with a soothing tongue between her legs and assurances of my undying love.

That morning, after releasing me from chastity, my wife told me that Tom was very much an accomplished lover and was blessed with both a large cock and a forceful manner that had her climaxing repeatedly over the course of the night. And when Cheryl described how Tom had lifted her up off his bed and fucked her standing up, her legs wrapped tightly around his back, I couldn’t help but orgasm, my semen spurting out of my dick as I pumped it furiously with my right hand.

Cheryl’s initial date with Tom had been a resounding success and over the next couple months she and he got together frequently. Because Tom no longer lived nearby and having acknowledged my arousal when Cheryl fucked men I disliked, I basked in the erotic nature of my wife’s new relationship. In fact, I reveled in hearing all the dismissive comments Tom made about me, the humiliation only fueling my masochistic cuckold tendencies.

Little by little, as she realized I wasn’t going to push back, Cheryl began to brazenly flaunt the fact that she was dating Tom. Cheryl seemed to be taking much the same approach she’d taken with Dan. That is, not fully disclosing that I was a willing cuckold, but doing little to conceal her adulterous activities. Overnights at Tom’s house were common and when she and he spent an entire weekend away, my wife merely told her lover that she’d told me she was with a “new friend” and that I wasn’t permitted to question her further.

I guess Tom took it for granted that I wasn’t going to be a threat and he essentially considered Cheryl his new girlfriend. In fact, he and my wife frequently partied with Tom’s friends and he’d introduce Cheryl as his “married girlfriend” without a second thought. And when Tom let it be known that he loved it when his women dressed “slutty”, Cheryl pulled out all the stops. Only the shortest skirts and highest heels would be worn on their dates and Cheryl’s tops, if not entirely sheer, always showed her cleavage and did little to hide her perky nipples. Cheryl got a big kick out of dressing in this manner and although now in her 50’s, my wife wore clothes that even most women in their 20’s would find risqué.

Fortunately, I rarely had to directly interact with Tom, although like Dan before him, Tom had no problem with picking up Cheryl at our house before their dates. And if the load throaty roar of his V-8 Chevelle didn’t alert the neighbors that Tom was back in the hood, his penchant for honking the horn when he arrived made it no secret that my wife had a new boyfriend. I’d always nervously peer out from behind the curtains as I watched Cheryl scamper out to Tom’s car in her skimpy outfits, teetering Escort Karşıyaka in her high heel shoes. And when she’d greet Tom with a kiss, I’d feel that overpowering cuckold humiliation, made only more intense because of my history with him.

If there’s one thing that Cheryl’s fling with Tom did, it was to confirm that most of the neighbors did at least having an inkling that our marriage was somewhat unusual. Tom told Cheryl that it was common knowledge amongst the neighbors that she stepped out from time to time, with half the neighbors suspecting that our marriage was on the rocks and the other half believing that I was merely a run-of-the-mill cuckold, oblivious to my wife’s adultery. But now, with Tom openly dating Cheryl it was clear that I wasn’t man enough to put a stop to my wife’s infidelities and I quickly became the laughingstock of the neighborhood.

This revelation, while not surprising, was something that did give me pause. Although Cheryl and I’d previously flirted with outing ourselves as a hotwife and cuckold couple, this was farther than we’d ever gone, and I was concerned that it might spiral out of control. What if our friends and family found out about our unique marital arrangement? And how could I interact with our neighbors like I’d always done, when everyone knew I was a cuckold?

One night, however, when I expressed my growing concerns to Cheryl, she shut me down immediately. “You’re just being silly! It’s no big deal! Anyway, they all think I’m a slut, so it’s worse for me!” exclaimed Cheryl. Now, I knew that my wife has never really felt bothered when she’s been characterized as a slut and in fact, I think she takes pride in her uninhibited sexual lifestyle. But I chose not to argue. Instead I backed down and told Cheryl that I’d try to ignore the neighbors and to pretend that I wasn’t aware of her infidelities, although that was becoming quite a stretch given Cheryl and Tom’s brazen behavior.

When I’d said my piece, Cheryl gave me a big smile as she said, “You know, maybe we should just let everyone know that you like it when I’m with other guys. It’d be so much easier that way.”

“No!” I immediately blurted out at Cheryl’s proposed “solution.” No matter how hard I tried, I’d never been able to overcome my aversion to being outed as a willing cuckold. I ended up pleading with my wife not to let on that I was aware of her relationship with Tom although it was clear as day to our neighbors. In the end, Cheryl agreed to keep up the flimsy pretense that she was cheating but not before I promised to let her use the house the following weekend to host a small birthday party for Tom.

Cheryl assured me that the birthday party guest list solely consisted of a handful of Tom’s closest friends, generally cop buddies of his and their wives or girlfriends. And although I hated anyone else being made aware that Cheryl and Tom were an item, my wife let me know that with these folks at least, the cat was already out of the bag. It seems that my wife and her lover had attended a recent retirement party for one of the guys where they’d made no secret of their relationship.

Although I was unsure about the concept of my wife entertaining Tom and his friends, as the fateful day arrived, I dutifully stocked the house with beer and wine. And after picking up chicken to barbeque and salad makings, I straightened up the house making sure everything was perfect for my wife’s little party.

Once I’d thoroughly cleaned the house, changing the sheets on the bed, and making sure all the laundry had been folded and put away, Cheryl had me shave her sweet pussy. And when I was down on my knees, crouching at the foot of the bed as I carefully attended to my wife’s succulent opening, she sprung a surprise that left me speechless.

“You know how I said that Tom was just inviting some of his police friends? Well, I guess he didn’t want John and Leslie to get wind of the party, so he invited them too. I hope that’s okay,” stated my wife while lifting her head and searching my face for signs that I was fine with this revelation.

Now, John and Leslie were Tom’s former next-door neighbors and John and Tom had always been friends so I guess I shouldn’t have been too surprised at this change in plans. But knowing that this couple would be attending my wife’s party for Tom had me literally shaking in fear. In fact, I started to nervously protest. “Uh, but, uh, then they’ll know all about you and Tom,” I whined.

Cheryl seemed to have thought it all out as she merely replied, “Don’t worry, Honey. They can keep a secret. Anyway, Tom already told them we’re dating.”

I was still shell-shocked and when I didn’t say anything in response, Cheryl smiled and giggled, “You’re such a worry-wart. And you know, you can always stick around and help with the party. That’d be fun.”

The last thing I wanted to do was to help my wife’s boyfriend celebrate his birthday. Particularly given that all the guests knew Tom was fucking my wife and so I nixed Cheryl’s suggestion. Instead, I continued shaving my wife’s crotch, sheepishly asking her to roll on her side so that I could run the razor around her little pink rosebud, making sure that not a hair remained to mar the perfect view of my wife’s two beautiful openings.

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