A Couple’s Toy Party

22 Kasım 2022 0 Yazar: admin

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A few months ago, a woman I work with told me that she was doing these adult toy parties on the side, and asked me if I’d be interested in hosting one at our place. Now, I’d been to toy parties before, had enjoyed going, and had managed to collect a few interesting things when doing so. The difference in this one was, it was for couples. That I was surprised at as I’d never been to one where there would be men present. Knowing how wild and crazy the others had gotten I’d actually been too, I couldn’t image for the life of me that with couples actually being there together, it would be quite the same. I always found it interesting that whenever a bunch of women got together, especially when there were toys present, just how naughty they could really get. I just couldn’t see that happening with couples being together, especially when most of them wouldn’t really know one another.

I agreed to do it however, and put a list together of people I thought might come and actually attend it. Including some very good friends of ours who we had hot-tubed with naked in the past, though there had never been anything sexual take place while together doing that. I likewise invited my sister and her husband, and luckily, they knew another couple who they thought might enjoy coming. In the end, we had six couples who actually showed up, which was the minimum amount that Diane needed in order to make doing one of these parties worthwhile.

What was different about this party that some of the single parties I’d attended, was that this time she asked me if I had a room we could use, calling it the “naughty fun room” which would be somewhere close by. The other thing was, she showed me some cards she would hand out to all the couples, and on them they could anonymously indicate if they were comfortable with the party being X…XX…or XXX in nature. Something whereby Diane would know just how far or comfortable people would go during the course of the evening. Something she explained more fully in detail to everyone after she’d handed out the cards. That also included some of the explicit language and actual demonstrations she herself was willing to show everyone. I seriously doubted the majority would be comfortable with the triple X party, simply because that meant actually having live demonstrations that everyone else could see, and not in just seeing Diane demonstrate something. Though she had warned everyone before hand, dependent upon the type of party selected, that she would be. Even the double X was questionable, though we would have the naughty room set aside just for that at the very least.

As further incentive however to actually participate, Diane had a coupon for a hundred bucks off any purchase to be given to the couple who openly did participate in front of everyone else, even if the party was to be considered mostly double X, and not triple.

I knew that two couples at least, would opt for the triple X party. Jim and I, along with my sister Joyce and her husband Ted. By now, the four of us had experienced a few intimate things together, so I knew there wouldn’t be any problems there amongst the four of us. But that left four other couples that none of us were really too sure of, except for the one couple my sister had invited as being perhaps a bit more open to the possibility of that. She had said that Steve and Lucy had been hinting around at possibly getting together some time and thought that might indeed make things interesting.

As Diane began, and then explained everything to everyone, passing out her cards as my sister and I served drinks, we then played a few mild-mannered games just to basically get into the mood. The game was designed to give everyone a porn name, which we then filled out on cards and sat in front of ourselves. Mine was a bit silly, “Licky-chickey”, which Jim got a kick out of. His was of course “The Boner-Moaner”, which at the time he actually had as I reached down beneath the table only to discover even before the evening had even gotten started!

What was interesting however, once she’d gotten all the cards back, that the “majority” as she informed everyone, had opted for the triple X party! Surprised at that to say the least, it meant that for most everyone there, they were willing to not only see Diane openly demonstrate some of the stuff she’d be showing us, but that there would be some interaction with her as well. Couples too of course would be invited to demonstrate some of the toys while everyone else looked on. Though again for those wishing to use the room, there would still be that option. They however wouldn’t get the full points for doing so, only half. So it was again another competitive issue amongst everyone for the hundred dollar gift certificate off everything and anything purchased.

As Diane had informed my sister and I, she had no intent to go too slow with getting the party started either. “It’s best to just jump in and get used to the water,” she’d said early on, telling everyone that as we finally bursa escort got down to business. Although expecting it somewhat, I was still mildly surprised when she first brought out what was called a “titty” sucker, and then said she was going to first demonstrate that. Almost immediately, she began unbuttoning her blouse, taking a quick look around to see if anyone was acting a bit too nervous in her doing that, which thankfully no one was. If anything, the guys of course were more than anxious to see a little strange titty, to get things going. Though more than one of the other women present, besides me and my sister, were excited to see that too. Seconds later, Diane was standing there topless (which she’d remain then for the rest of the entire evening) though we didn’t know that at the time, though I guess it made perfect sense.

Admittedly it was kind of fun watching her as her nipples got all nice and hard, using the titty-pump sucker on herself as she stood there showing everyone how it worked. I was even more surprised when she allowed herself to show some real pleasure in doing so, not even faking it, or putting on some sort of a show while doing so. Though maybe she was, and did just a little. But it certainly looked real enough by the expression on her face, not to mention the hardness of her rather large nipples after she removed it.

“Ok, so…anyone else here ready to see how this works? How it feels?” she asked.

Joyce and I both raised our hands of course, as did Marlene another one of Joyce’s friends, which we were happy to see, though initially none of the other women did yet. We were then informed we’d all get fifty points for demonstrating it on ourselves in front of everyone, but we could also earn another fifty points if we allowed someone other than our own partner to try it out on us as well.

Quite naturally Joyce and I agreed to try it out on one another, which Diane vetoed, as we were sisters, and considered as almost being partners together. It was then however that Marlene agreed to try it out on me, and then on Joyce, though she only got fifty points for doing that, along with the two of us. Just baring our respective breasts in front of everyone while they all looked on was exciting. Several “strangers” in fact, whom we didn’t know very well yet, all looking on as we did so.

Though Marlene’s breasts weren’t nearly as large as mine or my sisters were, she did have a pair of quite beautiful, upturned perky breasts. Just seeing them, I found to be quite exciting as well as to be suddenly holding them in my hands as I attached and applied the titty-pump to one of them. Moments later taking even more delight in seeing her nipple suddenly harden, thicken as I sat there pumping it. She even sighed pleasurably as I did so, closing her eyes. What I found interesting was…you could have heard a pin drop while all this was going on. Everyone was so focused on watching, that no one dared yet to make a sound. Even a nervous laugh or chuckle wasn’t heard as we all took turns with the titty-pump on one another’s breasts.

“Anyone else?” Diane asked after we’d all had a nice turn getting our tits sucked. I was pleased to see one other woman suddenly raise her hand. Her porn name was Juicy-Lucy, though I think her real name was Karen something. But it was funny as there was of course another actual Lucy sitting there with us. She was a petite looking woman, a small yet curvy form, and breasts certainly proportionate to her body even though they were rather small in comparison to the rest of us. But when Diane asked if anyone (besides us) were interested in volunteering to apply the titty-pump to her, I was even more delighted when Marlene’s husband raised his hand. Neither my sister nor I would have said anything of course, but we both felt that James, or “Jack in it off” as his porn name ended up being, was the most attractive man there. He was tall, ruggedly handsome with a thick head of nearly bright white hair. When Karen looked to her husband questioning him upon doing so, he simply smiled nodding his head.

“Go ahead babe,” he laughed. “You know I’ve always wanted to see you with another man,” Mac told her in front of everyone there, though trying to make it sound more like a joke than actually being serious. But as she blushed, and then began to remove her tee shirt and bra, there was a sense of real interest, excited interest showing in Mac’s face as he knew that moments from now, James would be holding his wife’s breasts in his hands as he tried out the titty-pump on her.

Needless to say, that first round really seemed to get things going. Though the rest of us eventually covered our breasts up once again, Joyce and I both just slipped back into our bras and not our blouses. Diane as I said remained standing there topless, which I think she did more for the men than anyone else. She was smart though, keeping her tits exposed, which would provide some added stimulation to the evening for the guys, and get them bursa escort bayan more likely to participate later, which I think they did.

Her next item was as expected, a bit more naughty in nature. A somewhat simple though very flexible, and life-like looking phallus. I had no doubt it was modeled after some porn-stars real dick, which she confirmed moments later it was.

“Ok ladies, for this one, you each get to have one for a moment. The winner of the next game actually gets to keep it as a prize too, so you might want to consider that as you sit there holding onto them,” she informed everyone.

Though the toy pricks were certainly long, at least nine inches perhaps, they at least weren’t also too big around. Even Jim’s dick was a bit thicker, though not nearly as long in length as these were as Diane passed them out.

“Ok now, I’m going to come around to each one of you, one by one. You’ll have thirty seconds to show me how good of a cocksucker you are. The woman, or man…”she said grinning, garnering some laughter upon saying that, “wins this particular toy. So girls? If you’re ready to show everyone just how good you are at sucking cock, now’s the time!”

I actually thought I had a pretty good shot at doing this. I’d managed to gobble down most if not all of Jim’s cock before, though admittedly, it was easier for me to do that while laying on my back with my head tilted back just a little. This time however, we’d be sitting up as we attempted to see how much of it we could actually swallow. Marlene was the first one to try, but even she said she’d be the first one out too as she had a bit of a gag reflex, and sure enough, didn’t get more than a couple of inches before she was doing just that. I felt a little sorry for James though he urged her on as she made the feeble attempt. She was at least a good sport about it. Sitting up, I still beat Joyce by a quarter of an inch according to where Diane marked it after I tried the best I could to take as much of it into my mouth as I could. But it was Lucy of all people, who surprised everyone, easily gobbling down the entire length, all the way to the balls as it where, and thus becoming the winner, her husband Steve looking on with a knowing smile on his face.

“Damn, you mind teaching my wife how to do that?” James asked somewhat seriously.

“Only if she doesn’t mind me sucking your cock,” Lucy quipped back, though Marlene laughed now too.

“Might be interesting to see you actually do that, since I obviously can’t,” she added somewhat seriously.

Steve continued to sit there grinning, by the look on his face, it was obvious he’d enjoyed her talented ability before on numerous occasions. “She really can suck a mean cock,” he suddenly said having said very little over the course of the evening. “And if anyone’s interested, and doesn’t have a problem with it, after the party, I’m sure she could be convinced to do so for you.”

There was again a few nervous looks, though even more smiles and a few chuckles upon hearing him say that. But it was even more interesting to see Lucy nodding her head as though she was more than ready to do it right then and there if anyone was interested.

I smiled catching Diane’s eye having overheard that. The party was obviously starting to heat up. If things continued the way they seemed to be headed, it could turn into a fairly wild party after all, and a rather lucrative one for Diane if it did.


“Alright, how about we bring something out for the boys to try?” She next stated, and it was interesting to see every one of their heads suddenly perk up in interest. “And as before, those of you who are willing to participate, you get fifty points for doing so. And let me say this, though the points will go towards the eventual grand-prize winner tonight, those same points can add up and become dollars off discounts for the rest of you too. So…no points earned will be going to waste here, even if you aren’t the big winner. Now then…”

She soon began handing out to all the guys what looked and appeared like, to be cock-rings.

“So guys…how many of you have ever tried one of these before?” She now asked holding one up for all to see. There was a smattering of nervous giggles and him-haws going around, but everyone except for the still quiet Larry and his equally quiet wife Cheryl raised their hands.

“Ok then, so you’re all pretty familiar with these,” she said again, once again amidst some laughter. “And like before, you get fifty points for putting one on in front of everyone else, and another fifty points if someone else puts it on you…other than your own partner of course. And for you who do put one of these on the guys, you get a hundred points yourself for doing so. But not a hundred points for every guy you do Debra,” she said looking at me as I had already taken one prepared to jump in and volunteer.

Suddenly the up until now quiet Larry slowly raised his hand. “I will,” he said standing, escort bursa his wife’s face one of total surprise when he did, though she immediately smiled upon seeing that.

“Well I’ll be damned,” she giggled as I too grinned, standing up and walked over to him as he began undoing the belt on his pants.

“This should be interesting,” Joyce said as I passed by whispering to me quickly. I had no idea why she said that, but apparently she knew something I didn’t as I had seen her speaking to Cheryl a bit earlier after they’d arrived, and they’d stood whispering, and then laughing about something a few minutes later.

Holding the cock ring in my hand somewhat nervously while everyone else sat there looking on, I was soon to discover the talked about secret Cheryl and my sister must have been discussing. If I thought the toy cock we’d all tried swallowing was big, I was in for a rude awakening. If Larry hadn’t been so damn shy, and just a little better looking, though as I thought about it later, with the size of cock he had, even that wouldn’t have been a problem remembering John Holmes. Larry had what could only be described as a mammoth prick. And it wasn’t even fully hard yet, though I also wondered if something the size of that could even get fully hard. That had to have taken a lot of blood to get that monster all nice and stiff, though it did slowly begin to rise as I took it within my hand.

There was quite a bit of semi-nervous chatter going on now too, as well as a few whispered comments amongst some of the men and their wives as I stood there somewhat awkwardly placing on the cock ring. Eventually I managed it however, to which Larry and I both received a round of applause, though perhaps he more so than I. His prick was now standing quite firm and erect, and still slowly growing.

“One of the benefits of wearing a cock ring,” Diane went on as she walked over and quite casually lifted his cock in her hand for everyone to see, though pointing out the correct placement of the ring over the cock and the balls. “In this way, as you can see, the guys can get, and keep a rather impressive looking erection.”

“Impressive is an understatement,” Marlene quipped almost swooning. “That’s got to be the biggest fucking cock I’ve ever seen!” She added her face flushed as she sat there staring at the man’s prick. Cheryl meanwhile suddenly looking proud, though still obviously a bit surprised at her naturally shy husband’s open display of himself. Though I could now understand why perhaps he’d actually done it. And I laughed to myself, wondering now after having seen his, if any of the other men would be so openly willing to display their own pricks in comparison.

Luckily, Ted didn’t have any such hang-ups, or pee-pee envy as I called it. He too now stood and allowed his rigidly hard cock to stick out as Cheryl, once again surprising us all came over to him.

“Guess it’s my turn,” she giggled, and then took Ted’s cock ring and began placing it on his prick.

It was amazing, but one by one, each and every one of the guys eventually stood up, and now stood with cock-rings all firmly in place, six nice hard, various sized and shaped pricks. And each one of them standing at attention!

“Now…it’s a party!” Joyce said leaning over to whisper at me, winking.


Joyce and I had already indicated to our husbands to stay the way they were, cocks sticking out…and up. The reason behind that being, with them being so exposed, it would give the girls some incentive (and hopefully keep them aroused enough) to be even more uninhibited themselves when it came time for a few of them at least to try out some of Diane’s toys. In doing so, the rest of the guys noticed, and then likewise decided to remain that way as well, including Larry though his mammoth prick even with the cock-ring on, did appear to droop a little.

Diane, still topless, and if anything her own nipples even harder than they’d been all evening, now brought out a wide variety and selection of vibrators for the women to try out. They ranged from the very basic, simplistic types of toys to the more expensive, many of which did things I’d never even thought of or heard before.

When she removed the skirt she was wearing, we all knew it was about to get really interesting, especially when she revealed she hadn’t worn any panties beneath it. Her pussy was bare, likewise puffy and already swollen, evidence of her own personal arousal. But knowing mine, and no doubt my sister’s were as well, I couldn’t help but wonder with all the hard cocks still sticking up and out (with the minor exception of Larry’s of course) how many of them were as aroused as Joyce and I were. Not to mention Diane.

“Most of you have probably either seen, tried, or even have one of these models,” she began holding them up, showing them. “But…these are brand spanking new, and just out. So for those of you who might be interested in seeing how one of these works, or even possibly, and hopefully for some of you at least…how they feel, I thought I’d begin by personally demonstrating a few of them. Anyone have any objections to that?” She asked, though thankfully no one did as she paused for a moment looking around.

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