465 yes gran

28 Kasım 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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Ava Addams

465 yes gran465 yes granIt was a long week especially for Tina, who having seen what Beryl and her son Alec has endured over the last weekends, knew that this weekend, Specifically Saturday would be hard for her. On Tuesday Alec slept with her, very vanilla but hard and most enjoyable, she slept with Beryl on Wednesday, a nice gentle all girl night, that was over by midnight and both sleeping the sleep of the well satisfied by five past, it was soon Friday all too soon and Beryl off out to WI again the young stud was soon fondling his mother .a lady that they both knew the next day would be secured, probably to their kitchen table, for the enjoyment of both her mother-in-law and her son.She asked him “what are you going to do to me tomorrow son?” he smiled and said, “what are you afraid of most mother dear, and why are you so nervy, you know we won`t permanently mark you?”She quivered involuntarily as his hand found her clitorise, her eyes closed then she whispered that “she was scared, she had seen what he and Beryl had endured, and her mind had covered all the things that in its wildest dreams she had imagined,” she said she had had flashbacks of that bastard Cyril and that councillor, burning her, whipping her body, And then sticking needles into her. needles in her lower lips, making her sit on thumb tacks and the tiny droplets of blood after they had let her up, the whip slapping at her clit, and nipples, and being taken by that big black while Cyril was deep up her backside, it had been a week of bad dreams this week.He reassured her that he and gran had something different for her, but that she would not have so far experienced a climax like tomorrows, but that he couldn’t tell her about it, or it would spoil the surprise.She nodded her understanding and they fell to enjoying the evening though her nightmares were not that far from the surface, that she knew.Beryl slipped into the Kitchen with her basket full as usual, she made herself a brew as was her normal procedure before bed, but was surprised when Alec appeared, and told her about Tina`s mental state, and that they needed a plan for next day. There followed a discussion, as they had not given it a lot of thought so far, then off they went to their respective beds once more, happy that they now had a plan. Tina having snored throughout, once sleeping she had gone off well and trulyThey lay in on Saturdays and Sundays, it’s a tradition!So it was fully 10 istanbul escort am when Alec appeared, and started on breakfast, his gran soon following and finally and probably reluctantly Tina, each doing a little towards the meal, Tina buttering bread, and Beryl laying up the table and making tea It was a case of let`s pretend this is not happening so the mornings entertainment was not mentioned, but instead over the meal the conversation was of the WI and the forthcoming fete, (known to Alec as a fete worse than death… but he of course has always had a strange sense of humour) he always got roped in to help, and this year he and his mother as well, were informed they had “volunteered” to run the wheel of fortune stall! Neither were overcome with happiness but grunts of accepting the decision as inevitable they ate on.The meal over, they washed up, and put away, it was as if Tina was putting off the inevitable. So it was Beryl , always the forthright one who said, “Well its Saturday again, and it’s a bright day, so we are going to play in the garden today c***dren…” the garden at the rear of the old house is a high walled garden with a solid side gate, leading into a greenhouse, a big greenhouse which also doubles as a cover to the back door.The garden has a lawn, and a section that is used for vegetables, beryl`s pride and joy, oh and a chicken run in one corner, but the main thing about it is it is not overlooked, in fact unless you have a key to the gate it is totally secluded. So far, they were each wearing dressing gowns, but the time had come. Beryl dropping hers to reveal just skin, and for her age a tidy body. Alec never tired of seeing either of the two women naked and he too soon hung up his gown, then helped his mother from hers.He fetched the rope from the cupboard, then a big hammer and the croquet pegs from the greenhouse,The lay Tina out on the lawn near the bird table. a touch reluctant it must be said, Spread-eagled, and on her back secured using the croquet hoops and the ropes they soon had her unable to move a lot. Beryl slipped away, returning after a few moments with a mixture of honey and birdseed in a dish, and a bag of dry seed. Meanwhile Alec had fetched and put up a couple of deck chairs a distance from the victim and was busy in the kitchen making coffee, which he placed beside those chairs with grans camera.After smears of avcılar escort the honey mix was applied to Tinas breasts and her mons, carefully avoiding the damp bits seed, both sunflower and peanuts, were was s**ttered. A little on the bird table and a light sprinkle was then applied to the sticky substance, her belly button filled with a supply and then Beryl fetched a slug or two and a snail, adding them to the by now wriggling and unhappy body, then she took her seat and over coffee observed the arriving birds. Blue tits, and a robin were first, the regularly fed bird colony, being unafraid of either Beryl or Alec soon following, their beaks small and pecking at any spilled seed on the floor beside the bound body. It fell to the robin to flutter up onto the woman`s belly and begin to feed.She began to wriggle, but the little bird after an initial startled flutter soon returned and the call of food took over once more. She knew it was hopeless, and gave up, to lay, putting on a brave face as the tiny feet scampered back and forth. The watchers each now with a hand in the others crutch, were enjoying Tina`s anguish, a pair of pigeons landed nearby and walking up to the human meal table and began pecking seed with enthusiasm, grunting their calls as they enjoyed the feed but when the squirrel arrived….oh…fluttering pandemonium… birds departing in a flurry of wings and the little grey menace teeth keen, began grabbing at the seed like tomorrow was a long way off. His hind legs on the ground, forelegs resting on her hip and his tail twitching madly as he took nut after nut and sat back to munch , the birds not happy to be pushed away from a good meal eyeing the grey interloper from a safe distance. Tina could feel a slug slithering up from her belly, slime trail left cold and sticky as it progressed, it was all too much, another slug was feasting from the sweaty fold under her belly and the big old snail was making off as fast as his slimy body would allow, perhaps knowing that soon bigger birds would arrive and catch him in the open. Beryl`s camera clicked awayThe squirrel bounded away no doubt to bury a nut or two in the garden for winter… the birds fell on the seed, and a blackbird appeared, this began pecking at the luckless slug that by now was half way up towards Tinas throat, suddenly it spied her left nipple and switched its attack to that, in short time… she began to scream mentally şirinevler escort she had had enough.Beryl soothed her daughter-in-law, saying that she only had another hour or two to endure, which in truth didn’t help. She quietened, though the news gave her much to ponder, and Beryl being Beryl took a fork to a row of potatoes nearby, no doubt with tea in mind. laying the harvest on the surface and picking from the earth a long pink earthworm, This she rinsed in a plastic tray that still had water from the last shower, then stuffed it into the helpless woman`s sexual orifice in a way that brooked no argument, the wriggling worm had Tina crying and wriggling as best she could , no doubt hoping to dislodge the pink invader, the birds watching now from distant vantage points, the squirrel having retreated and Alec sitting with his grans camera snapping away at his mothers discomfort. Beryl now retook both her seat and her camera, telling Alec to “go on give her one you know you want to!” he did not need twice telling, rapidly kneeling and feeding himself into her sex with no regard for the worm which no doubt was by now well inside, or the slugs which were soon squished between their bodies along with the remains of the honey and the seed.Wallowing now in the sticky contact and the depth of his entry he began screwing away like a man possessed, Tina by now though hating the gross feelings on her body and the probably imagined feeling of that blessed worm, was enjoying her only son jabbing himself into her sex, in a merciless way!He was hammering away, as hard as he ever had, no care, no tenderness just jab, jab, jabbing away , a man on a mission.She soon began to climax, back arched, nipples erect, head thrown back and breathing in short and heavy gasps as she came, in a way she could not remember the like, he threw his own head back and as the seed transferred he howled like a banshee, his cry of triumph, his moment of ecstatic joy.He rolled from her, and they lay, sticky dribbling wrecks that had achieved a megga climax. They had not heard that camera clicking like a machine gun, or seen Gran rubbing one out as they achieved the ultimate aim. It had been exciting and the ultimate, Tina and Alec knew for them from now it would be domination not masochistic subservience but for gran anything would go. They still live in the old house, still swap about night-time beds, share the chores, and dominating the president of the local WI whenever she begs them, Petrov, and Cyril have served their time and been deported, and Fridays is still jam and Jerusalem.Well what did you expect…lolI hope you enjoyed this little romp prompted by one of you out there in hamster land…what`s next…well, any suggestions, especially if its trueAlibodge Eddy

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