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161 MRS BRIDGES AND THE SILVER MASTER 2161 MRS BRIDGES AND THE SILVER MASTER 2I visited Joe, explaining she was off with a gypy tummy, he laughed, asked “had I shagged her yet as he knew she wanted me too, and said “he was glad I was alone as he wished to chat man to man.”Perhaps a little sheepishly I told him “I had and she was something special, that I had underestimated her and how good she was at it!” and this is what he told me, first he said I shall be out in a fortnight and I think she has been pretending not to want sex just to save my old heart from strain , bless the girl. Well I`m going to make that 2 years up to her, but I shall need some help if your game. I said “I was but not to the point of getting between them in their marriage.”He said “there was little fear of that if I was casenover! Then went on that “she had been a cook all her life, trained at the big house, they called it service then, After school where at fifteen she had had a fling at some point with the teacher though he had not had her, though he thought it had been close. “Big bones run in her family,” he said “her sisters were both big, she had lost her virginity to her dad on her 16th birthday a tradition in her household, on the kitchen table holding her mother`s hand. (that I had heard of before in some of the village`s) she had loved the whole experience, and in later life had had him de-flower both his daughters, in this traditional way. She had become his at a village dance, and basically he and Alice had soon married and had till 2 years ago screwed one another and apparently every-one bar the postman and the archbishop, ever since.” It was what he called a “very open marriage.” There sort of togetherness being based on mutual trust and confessing to one another, they never kept secrets and for them it worked. He said that; ”she will tell me all the gory details of your tryst, don’t you worry and won`t miss a thing.” Now perhaps I went a bit red, but I could see in his face he had read my expression, and he knew there was more to be found out, so I told him that we had had a long talk, and she had asked to enjoy some pain, to which he laughed, “oh ah she loves a bit of pain my Alice,” he chuckled, reading my face again, he said “ah I suppose she let on she had never tried it afore, cunning old beezome. Look,” he said “in her heyday nothing was safe from Alice, even our old dog got in on the act a time or two, so don’t be fooled and if it pleases you and she wants it, go for it, we will share her” and we laughed together, then as the ward bell rang, he took my hand and said “save that information till were together please we can have a laugh with it!” She didn’t appear for work next day , the first time in three years she ever missed, but she phoned in saying “her old bones were sore but she would be in the next day, and how was Joe?” I reassured her and I dealt with my patient a lady with a desire to be a prostitute, but also had religion, and was in conflict arguing with herself in the streets, of Canterbury and attempting to convert choirboys for pocket money!, I get all sorts referred to me as you can see.Either way with the dogs and her, plus cooking for myself Alice was pushed to the back of my mind , till she appeared next day, moving a little slowly but the old Alice all the same.We sat after breakfast, over coffee, and said “Joe had said thank you for restoring her, whatever that meant!” and she smiled that same old sweet smile of my matronly cook.I didn’t comment, just smiled, and she went about her duties as always, but with a spring in her step.Later between clients I went into the kitchen and thrust my hand up her skirt as she stood at the sink.She neither moved or was surprised it seemed and she was wearing knickers, for which I berated her, saying I had told her, in this house neither knickers or bra were to be worn. She turned and apologised, asking if she could wear them to and from home to which I agreed. I said as a penance she was to remove her top this afternoon, and be topless delivering coffee to me in the sitting room at 2pm where I should be entertaining my next client.She nearly protested, but I said “in fact you can wear a thin blouse but, it you refuse or hesitate with any command your ass will be stinging again and it won`t be for sitting on for a while.” She did a mock curtsey and said “sir!”My client arrived as I knew he would, I sat him in the sitting canlı bahis room and we talked. He was a tiny man, traditional wing collar and worn suit, about 50, red faced, glasses and timid, though after alcohol, he was bold as brass and had been gripping passing lady’s breasts in Tontine street in Folkestone a well-known haunt of holiday makers and shoppers, to the outrage of most of them, and the joy of the p.c.s.o who had arrested him. I had discovered he had a thing about his mother`s breasts, and since her passing had developed a definite fetish, losing all inhibitions with drink which he wasn’t used too. I rang for coffee and Alice soon fetched in the tray, she was bare legged, wore a dark skirt and a bright saffron, paisley pattern, button fronted blouse she had intended to visit Joe in that evening. I could see our little friend eyeing her secretively, and reddening as he did while trying to concentrate on me. She poured coffee and I asked her if she would stay and have a cup, which she did. Now, knowing that Alice was near her build. I asked him to describe his late mother and he did as I asked, stammering a little as he did and sighting Alice as being “some-what near to this charming ladies build.” I asked him about his “thing” about mums breasts and body, and haltingly he explained with much embarrassment, that since puberty he had (like all curious boys) always wanted to see his mother`s body, he had even begged her, but to no avail, he had tried to spy but that had never worked, and living at home with her it had been his only real contact with women. (He being a master in a boy`s school) After she had passed of course the house seemed empty and deserted and he had turned first to sex pages of the internet, and then to the bottle in frustration. And that had led him here. I asked if he had ever in reality seen a naked woman, which he said he had not, so I said that the lady sat with us had volunteered to allow him to see her and was ready to be asked whatever he wished. To say he went red was a definite understatement. I turned to Alice told her not to remove her clothes yet but to stand next to our friend, which she did without a murmur to his surprise. His face was a picture as I explained this was not a reward for his behaviour in any way but a hope that honour satisfied he could interact with women after this “Now xxxx (I can`t of course tell you his name) this lady will not complain, or resist you in any way, and you may remove her clothes if you wish and ask her anything, she is not wearing underclothing at all but will go and fully dress if you wish her to.”“It’s up to you take your time and tell her clearly what you have always wanted, and what to do. I will just sit here and make a few notes.Alice bless her pulled a face at me behind him, then smiled at him realising his reluctance and in an ‘I am your mother way and asked him if it would help if he treated her as mother and if he wanted to call her mum? That was the inspired catalyst, instantly he became her son, begging “please mum you know I want just to see your body, why can`t I mum, you know I always wanted too. In his head, he was about 12 again, begging to see her,Alice had clicked on immediately, as I sat in the armchair she kissed him, like she was his own mother, saying “you know that’s not right xxxx, I`m not supposed to do that am I?”He replied “but mummy I won`t tell, I promise, and no one will ever know mummy!” that’s why I had your underclothes mummy, I`m sorry.Now Alice used this to her advantage, saying, “and that’s why your mother has nothing on under here today xxxx, only this skirt and blouse.” “Please mummy please,” she considered it, then she said in a commanding voice, “if I do let you see me naked will you stop drinking and doing what you have been doing?” “YES MUMMY he shouted then quietly continued; if you will explain everything, I promise I will never do those dirty things again.”Faining reluctance Alice slowly said “Oh very well, but just this once, and I had better not hear a whisper of this from anywhere, do you understand xxxx?” He quickly said he wouldn`t tell and she said that “if he gave her his solemn promise she would, as a special treat let him undress her himself” he promised, oh how he promised, like a schoolboy he promised crossing his heart and hoping to die.She said “very well then go on and he began at her top working nimbly down the line of white pearl bahis siteleri buttons with a fervent speed. She kept the blouse closed, with her hand showing him the cuffs which he again undid with some dexterity, one then the other she the released it and he slid it silkily from her arms, his eyes never leaving those lovely udders he went to drop the garment , but like a mother she snapped “I didn’t teach you to treat clothes like that hang it up” in a trice the blouse hung on a chair back, and he was back his eyes on her pendulous breasts mouth agape. She had this role perfectly! “would you like to touch them, you having waited all this time to see them?” With a “please mummy” and her nod, his hands reached forward and gently fondled the orbs, tracing the dark areola, touching the nipples testing their weight and caressing them softly as if they were fragile porcelain.She let him play for a while then said “I suppose, you mucky little sod, you want to see the rest?”His fervent nod said it all, “Skirt then!” she said turning away so he could reach the zip, he fumbled with fingers un-used to ladies’ clothing finding it hard, but soon zip and clip parted allowing the thing to slide down her stout legs his eyes following it and his hands collecting the skirt from her feet as she stepped out, to my surprise hanging it dutifully over another chair back before even glancing at Alice`s now exposed pubes. His eyes when he did bring himself to look grew like saucers, the sparse blond pubic hair, the labia peeping from between the puffy and excited lips, his eyes missed nothing.She left him sat like a rabbit in a headlight beam, for long moments he just sat, mouth open motionless, staring at the area he had so long wanted access to, it was all too much.Alice glanced over at me, I nodded and she smiled and winked then said to him; would he like her to lay down so he could see better and ask her any questions he wanted. His answer of “would you, please mummy yes,” was gushing and predictable, and he glanced round looking for somewhere to do this awful deed. My cook had planned it well, she lifted the coffee tray collected the cups and placed them next to me. I now feeling she was on top of this client`s problem poured myself a cup, as with his hand to steady her she first sat and then kicking off her shoes and kissing him, with just a mother and son peck as she did so, she lay back relaxing on the table top. I passed him a cushion and she placed it under her head thanking him with a broad smile and telling him he was a thoughtful lad.You had to hand it to Alice she had him and even me believing he was her son of about 12.She lay flat on her back, legs firmly together, and then looked at him still suited a tiny man, in a traditional wing collar and worn blue suit, and said that” he had better take off his school uniform, or it would not be fit for tomorrow.” So completely was he into his role, he complied without a murmur, each item hanging neatly over the nearest chair back in only seconds. She said, “as you, can see me, xxxx, perhaps I should see you too. Take off the rest of your clothes and we can make it our game. His vest and Y fronts rapidly joined the pile, he now stood in just his grey socks, his hands dangling before his hidden cock a scrawny vision of white flabby skin. Sitting up she reached out her hand, and gently moved his hands saying “don`t be shy xxxx, it’s a fine big boys cock, don’t hide it from your mother!” his hands fell to his sides and hers fondled him gently exploring the small but stiff appendage as if it were the most precious thing in this world.She smiled encouragingly then lay back saying that he had grown into a big lad and that she felt he “deserved to know about the differences between men and women.”Slowly she opened her legs, her well used fanny came into sight and she lay with her knees at either side of the wide table and her calves dangling, open to his gaze, her marks from my session with her were easy to see though the worse on her back was flat on the cool table top. With her right hand, the one furthest from him, she reached over and pointed out first her lips, telling him they were to protect her and keep her clean, then opening her-self she pointed out “where mummy pee`s,” her clitoris, which she said “was a small version of his own prick,” the hood which she said was to hide the little thing in and then using both hands she opened her-self bahis şirketleri right up, explaining that this was where he had came from, that daddy had put his cock in there and that from that he had grown inside her and as a tiny baby he had come out of this hole!” Xxxx had taken in her impromptu lesson like a sponge, his cock was now dripping precum like a tap, his face had pinkened and he was having I could see problems keeping himself from taking it in hand, Alice sensed that and sat up once more taking him in hand and squeezing gently as if milking her old nanny goat it was all just too much and with a groan he came shooting his seed across both her hip and her pubic hair in a few strong skeins. He looked mortified, I suspect expecting at least a slap. Slowly and deliberately she leant forward and hooking her hand behind his head, pulled him to her face and kissed him long and deep saying that that was a huge compliment and thanking him.He looked relived, especially as she then asked if he would mind kissing her ‘Down there’. He asked if it would be all right, and reassuring him she swung herself round so he could reach more easily, her bruised buttocks now on the table edge and her feet on the cushions of the two dining chairs bearing their clothing. Xxxx knelt and slowly almost sheepishly began to lap at her sex cavity. She lay back her upper body resting on her elbows watching and groaning as his tongue began to get a rhythm. He went at her like a man possessed, urgent and with enthusiasm, if lacking in expertise. To watch my cook, this butter wouldn’t melt older lady, with a tongue on her clit coming like a banshee, was an un-nerving experience, her legs spasmed and clamped around her little lover`s head holding him firmly in place and she began to moan loudly, I was worried for Xxxx as he was in no position to breath! In fact, I was about to prize them apart as I had no wish for an unexplained death, when she released the poor fellow.That spasm had lasted but a few seconds then she collapsed back and with a red face he emerged gasping for air. I expected him to be annoyed or upset, but he was concerned for her, asking if she was alright and saying that “he hoped he hadn’t hurt or distressed his mummy…”Alice meanwhile regained a little of her composure, looked up at him with a very broad smile and said that “as he had done so well, she was going to reward him by teaching him how to pleasure women” that was greeted by a cry of “really mum, really, you know I`ve always wanted too!She stood him up and looked him in the eyes, and said in a really serious voice; “I will let you have me properly, but, and it’s a big but, Xxxx, “there are two conditions,” by now he would have agreed to any mortal thing in the world and she knew it, “ you stop this mauling ladies about in the street, or wherever, and you don’t ever tell anyone what happened here!”His head nodded like a nodding dog and he promised urgently that he would never tell, and he would stop his ‘games’!Alice kissed the little man lay back on my large and I`m glad to say, solid table, and told him to “get up between her knees then!” in a trice he was up on the polished top surprisingly dextrously for one so old, he knelt between her legs facing her, hands at his sides awaiting her commands. His prick had re-stiffened, (which had in itself, been a surprise) patiently she explained what to do and where he was to place the rampant erection, he nodded, and with infinite care slid himself into her wetness, a look on his face it would be difficult to describe as in his mind he mounted his own mother. He lay along her body his face buried between her ample breasts, which she told him to “suckle if he wished.” He was glad of burying his embarrassed face in her breast, and took her left nipple in his mouth with gusto as she instructed him how to give her the most pleasure with prick and hip.His ride took longer than I expected, her face told me she was in pain before the end, from his constant chewing of her nipple, and that she was enduring for him rather than enjoying the sensation for her. But as a game trooper she made the appropriate noises, as he came, and told him what a good lad he had been.He looked almost sheepish as he got down from the table, he dressed with care and she told him again to remember his promise to her, they kissed and she saw him to the door still naked, kissing him again and telling him to “be a good boy!”He drove away and she returned to me, shaking her head and smiling, silently she turned to my table bent herself over it and said, “for god sake screw me, he just ticked at me!” I was glad to oblige.

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