The Neighbors Know (Part 5)

26 Eylül 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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The Neighbors Know (Part 5)[ For Julie—and for all the persistent interest and encouragement she’s shown me for a long time now. Thank you for that. Likewise, this is for those who crave a significant change in interracial relations, as well as an end to the sad legacy of ‘white’ hegemony! The ultimate stage on which this may occur is in the wombs of more white females, and the surrender of their male counterparts to such a (hopefully) not-to-distant reality. ]”His name is Habib.”When I confronted my wife regarding the discarded pregnancy test box I had found in the trash can, several weeks earlier, that had been her simple, and surprisingly straightforward, reply.”And your pregnant; and with his baby,” I added.”Yes I am,” returned her simple reply.”When were you going to tell me this?” I asked.”Eventually,” came her answer, and then she elaborated: “I was going to tell you about Habib when it seemed the right time.””So, your’e going to keep the baby, I assume?””Absolutely! I want Habib’s baby very much.””What about me?” I couldn’t help but ask, and the sound of my voice seemed pathetic and weak.”Yes,” my wife replied. “That’s the next thing that needs to be decided, isn’t it?””What’s my role in all this?” I asked. “Or, do I have a role at all?””I guess that depends on you,” she replied. Either way you choose to respond I’m keeping this baby, AND I’m joining Habib as his newest mistress.”By then, he had deduced that there was a growing phenomenon in their extended neighborhood, that revolved around a loosely connected type of harem of sorts; all centered on this one black male African immigrant that he had first noticed across the street; and who had turned out to be not only the biological father of that young married couples recent newborn, but who had likewise ‘fathered’ four other c***dren with four other white married couples—and now, to add to that growing number, his own wife was carrying in her womb this same young African man’s offspring! Among other things that might be said about him, Habib had been extremely busy, and highly productive at fathering all this different c***dren! Whatever else that might be said about Habib, he was extraordinarily fecund!There was no other word for this phenomenon than ‘cult.’ This loose group of people (all white, all married, all apparently well-off in Escort a financial sense) were all connected (even ‘bound’) to this one man; Habib. Over time, it had become quite obvious that everyone in this ‘cult’ (for lack of a better word) were totally, and absolutely devoted to Habib, to a degree that almost bordered on a kind of mania. The men, the husbands, so he had noticed, were just as devoted to this young African man as their wives were. It had intrigued him to see this. It was not a unique situation to notice how these other men doted on their wives as their pregnancies advanced. They displayed a curious sort of elation even as their wives bellies grew bigger over time. These men would fawn over their wives with an enthusiasm that one would have thought, in a different context, would have provoked not devotion, but anger and jealousy—and yet, he’d seen none of that in any of them.So now it was his turn to be the devoted and supportive ‘cuckold’; for such was the only meaningful word to describe the situation he now found himself in!”So, are you leaving me?” He asked his wife.”Habib does not support divorce,” was her immediate reply. “He has no intention of pushing you out of your role as my husband.””But your carrying his baby,” he replied.”Yes, that’s true, but your still my husband—just not the father of my baby. There are still other aspects of our relationship that are yours to fulfill.””Such as?””Such as earning a living; supporting me; and serving Habib by doing so.””Anything else?””Yes, in fact, there is.””And what might that be?””Habib wants you to meet you, and then he will discuss what your role is to be in the future.”This was what occurred several days later.He met Habib at the house of one of the couples with whom Habib had gotten the wife pregnant. When he, and his wife got there, he discovered that there were other couples there as well. There were six different couples there, all with at least one of Habib’s offspring. They all seemed amazingly happy. They were talking and laughing enthusiastically, and Habib wore a smile of great contentment surrounded by his growing harem!When he was introduced to Habib, the two men shook hands. Then Habib began to “explain” what was going to be expected of him now that he and his wife were intimately linked with Habib, and Escort Bayan to the other couples as well.The main role he was to assume was that of a cuckold, for lack of a better word. This would include a total cessation of any, and ALL sexual congress between he and his wife (just as the other husbands there had been expected to obey). That would mean, in short, that these various women, these other husbands wives, were exclusively for Habib.Then it was explained that he would be expected to demonstrate his submission to this new reality—and it was referred to as the ‘Libation.’ In fact, this was to be done then and there, and in front of all the attending couples, just as they had done so earlier as they had joined Habib’s extended harem.Habib explained that it was crucial that he perform the Libation in front of all these witnesses, for in doing so, and openly, he would be demonstrating his complete and total submission to Habib, as well as acknowledging that his former role as sex provider to his wife was now at an end. There was a curious sort of ‘logic’ to this. After all, his wife had already told him she was completely committed to Habib (sexually, and emotionally).The group gathered around a small table, apparently set up for this very occasion, on which there was a white cloth d****d over an unseen object. The room fell quiet.Everyone watched as Habib lifted the white cloth covering, revealing a glimmering gold goblet, something like the sort that is used in Christian communion rituals. All eyes were on him. His wife, standing not far away from him, gave him an encouraging smile. His heart was beating in his chest quite hard as he unzipped his fly and fetched his cock out from behind his undershorts. Then, as per instructions from Habib, he began stroking his cock, which, even in the context of all these other witnesses, who were quietly attentive. He became surprisingly erect within a matter of seconds as his hand moved up and down along his cock shaft; and though he’d never masturbated in front anyone before, and it still felt a little awkward to be doing so, there was also (and this surprised him) a growing feeling of sexual excitement; and this wasn’t entirely due to the novelty of masturbating in front of Habib, or his followers, but because there was something about Bayan Escort the idea of ‘giving up’ his former sexual relationship with his wife that was strangely thrilling; but there was also something even more potent about the idea of submitting to Habib as his superior, as his leader and guide!So it was both fraught with a lingering sense of awkwardness, but also a rapidly growing urgency to ejaculate his sperm, in front of Habib, and his wife, as well as in front of all these other members, that pushed him over the edge at last!As he did come, his wife held the golden goblet in such a way as to allow her husband’s sperm to be captured with in the glimmering cup; and she held it there as her husband emptied his load.”Oh—oh GOD!” He kept saying, as he, his wife, Habib, and the other members, silently watched as spurt after spurt of his sperm blasted out with surprising force! The orgasm, as a physical phenomenon, felt incredibly good; better, in fact, than any he could recall ever having before.When the last of his sperm had been caught in the golden goblet, his wife handed it to Habib, smiling. Habib took the goblet, and as he did, he smiled. Then he put the goblet to his lips and tipped it up; swallowing the entire contents in a single gulp.”You have now given yourself to me,” he said, still wearing that calm, self-assured smile. “I accept your devotion and commitment to me. Welcome!”It was at that point that the other members began applauding enthusiastically, and as he stuffed his now limp cock back into his slacks and zipped up, the others surged around him, congratulating him!”Well done, brother!””Welcome to our Family of believers!””Your one of us now!”Etc. Etc.Then there was a lavish lunch served, provided by all the other couples in attendance, and as the afternoon went on, he felt welcomed by all these other people, who, like him, had joined with this incredible young African man, and embarked on a journey none of them could have possibly foreseen! And now he, and his wife, were to be important players in what was happen next—The slow (perhaps) but steadily declining influence, and numerical representation, of the so-called ‘white race!’ This would be accomplished, not with guns, or bombs, or hate…but but by the increasing dominance of African genes over the Caucasian genes; in other words, through ‘co option’; evolution, in other words. Nature was correcting a misdirection taken a long time before. This would be corrected within the confines of white women’s wombs, rather than in courts of law or legislatures.The End

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