A Mother’s Lust Ch. 05

29 Ağustos 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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I woke up feeling quite surprised that Karla was nowhere inside the guestroom. Even after a few minutes of checking, I couldn’t find any evidence she had set foot in my room while I slept. I was as shocked as I was relieved to find all my clothes where I had left them!

Everything that had happened the previous night still felt like a hazy dream. The fight between Karla and her husband, especially, was something I only remembered when I saw their icy stares at one another during breakfast.

“So…” Karla’s expression was a frozen frown. I didn’t believe for a second she was not in control of it. “Did everyone sleep well?”

There were mutters of agreement across the table. Clearly the two sons were aware of the tense atmosphere between their parents. Even a dog could have probably sensed it. I hoped neither of them chose to dig too deep to find out more about their fight.

The milk I was poured tasted… off. It was not sour enough for me to believe it was spoiled, but certainly sourer than I’d expect any cup of milk with sugar to be. I wrinkled my nose at the drink very subtly.

“Tastes off? You shouldn’t have put so much sugar there, Peter. It’ll kill you!” Karla threw an innocent, motherly smile at me.

Warning bells immediately started ringing in my head when she said that. I panicked. I glanced at the sugar, at the milk… at Karla. What had she done already? I kept shouting internally. I must have looked absolutely mortified, because my friend would soon lay a hand on my shoulder.

“Relax, Pete,” he’d chuckled. “Sugar’s not that deadly!”

I chose not to have any more sugar in my milk. In fact, I hardly even stirred it, leaving a pile of it at the bottom of the mug when I was done. My paranoia was such I didn’t eat any of the colorful cupcakes that adorned their table that morning. Or bread. Or cheese. Karla, of course, smirked whenever I declined a piece of food. It must have been quite pleasurable for her to be the only one who knew why I was so paranoid.

“Are you sure you want to go to college? With this much stoicism, you could consider a monastery!”

Her two boys laughed at that quip. Even George cracked a little smile. Everyone was having a good time, except for me. My rage was only rivalled by the sheer terror I felt related to what had been on that sugar. It took a reminder of the upcoming hike for me to finally relent and eat something else. Grudgingly, I had a single piece of bread with the minimum amount of butter I could put on it. Naturally, Karla opted to make another monk joke, though a less successful one than the first had been.

Time slowly crawled towards the point breakfast was over. I wasn’t certain if my headache was due to Karla’s poisonous sugar (which at this point was nothing short of radioactive as far as my mind was concerned) or due to the rage I was already feeling so early in the morning.

Despite my eagerness to get the stupid hike over with, I will admit seeing Karla geared up for it still managed to please me. There she stood in all her glory, wearing her Scoutmaster uniform for the first time since we’d started our affair. I had seen her in that outfit dozens of times before. Now, however, it felt like a new attire. If I didn’t have a fetish for feminine uniforms, Karla had just changed my mind on her own.

The brown shirt was unbuttoned just enough to reveal some of the flesh between her breasts. Had it always been this tight and short around her torso? When I saw her stretch, it went as far up as her belly button. I couldn’t believe I had taken so long to find out how ridiculously hot Karla looked in that outfit. The black shorts didn’t even reach her knees, and seeing her perform a couple of quad stretches was enough to make me realize those were also irresistible when Karla did them. I don’t think you can blame me for not paying much attention to the sneakers she was wearing. By the time her stretching was done, I was hard as a plank and not at all happy with our impending hike up a hill. Karla’s green eyes flickered with their usual mischief for a moment when they noticed me staring, before quickly reverting back to their motherly ruse. I still didn’t know how she could change their expression so quickly.

Five water bottles were distributed between us on our way to the bottom of the hill. Even in the car, the tension between husband and wife made itself felt. Karla’s voice was so gentle she felt like a whole new woman. The only times it had any semblance of rigidness was when she gave her husband directions or otherwise had to speak to him.

“Remember, we’re doing this for fun,” she’d said as she put the last bottle back in her backpack. “We don’t have to climb the whole thing.”

“But it’s one hell of a view,” George grumbled, hardly in the mood to join his wife even for a basic conversation like this one.

The trip was largely forgettable. Apart from the awkward silence and the dull instructions of how we would be Starzbet able to rest in several spots on our way up, there was little to remember. At one point, my boredom was such I even stopped worrying about Karla and her insanity. Only when the car stopped was my friend comfortable enough to start talking to me openly. I was hardly focused on what he was saying, though.

The truth is that I had largely ignored the hiking part of this little rendezvous with Karla. I had wanted to fuck her. I had thought as far ahead as the dinner, but no more. Now, as the steep trail stretched before me up a tall hill in the middle of nowhere, I was finally coming to grips with what I had truly agreed to do. Needless to say, I was not too happy with the day that laid ahead of me.

“Daunting, isn’t it?” Karla stretched herself in front of me again for good measure. I couldn’t even focus on her mocking eyes when all her body was showing me the different ways she could be fucked. Even the muscles on her lower back turned me on.

“Yes,” I managed to murmur once my eyes were successfully averted.

As soon as we started the climb, Ricky took it upon himself to race further ahead into the unknown, with little concern from either of his parents. George, by himself, kept his eyes on his son from afar. Further behind were me, Karla and her oldest son.

“I have a feeling you’ll have to give Peter part of your lunch, honey,” she kept telling him. “With that kind of breakfast he is really going to struggle today.”

I had grown used to Karla’s behavior at this point. Just by looking at her, I could tell when she was trying to get on people’s nerves. Or to make them squirm. Or to humiliate them. There was not only a certain nastiness in her voice and eyes, though. There was also a hunger of sorts, a dose of impatience that made her eager for her next thrill. Like a mean kid poking a dead animal. What Karla was desperate for was a reaction. She was lucky that she usually got what she wanted before too long. I was, this time, able to predict exactly when she would try to make me squirm.

“Oh, I almost forgot to tell you! Peter yesterday told me such a great joke.”

“He did?” my friend raised a brow.

He knew me well, I’ll give him credit. The last joke I had intentionally cracked must have been before I was out of primary school. Still, Karla pressed on with her lie, undaunted. My mind was quickly mustering its defenses for whatever was coming.

“I was surprised too! What was it, again? It was about centaurs? And their…”

Karla held up her hands to very obviously hint at a dick joke. Then, she stifled a laugh in the most artificial way possible. I lost my patience before things got much further than that.

“Shut up, Karla…” I muttered without even thinking.

My friend and his mother both widened their eyes, him no doubt a lot more genuinely than her. Karla quickly went silent, before hastening her pace to leave me alone in the mess I had just created for myself. She was fucking delighted with this turn of events, I’m sure. Even the way she retreated from us gave away her vicious happiness to me.

“What the hell, man?!” my friend looked reasonably outraged.

“Ugh…” I ran my hands through my hair.

“That was my mom you were talking to!” he seemed to believe I had forgotten.

I shook my head with a sigh, trying to find a proper excuse to explain this. Was there ever a proper excuse to tell a friend’s mom to shut up? Even as an adult? My explanation was hardly a masterpiece, but I really could find nothing else.

“I’m sorry… I didn’t sleep too well. Mosquitoes…” I grumbled.

“Well, you shouldn’t apologize to me,” he glanced at Karla, still walking ahead of us, no doubt listening in to everything we said.

At that moment, I was genuinely reminded that yes, I should. If there was anyone there that really deserved my apology, it was him. For this whole mess. For my meddling in his family life. For encouraging and reinforcing the worst aspects of Karla’s already terrible personality. Despite this, I sighed sadly and like a coward, I simply nodded:

“You’re right. I will.”

My friend merely shook his head, before hastening his pace and leaving me behind. If there was one upside to this whole disaster, it was that Karla’s made-up centaur joke was now safely forgotten without ever having been said. I saw him speaking to his mother for a moment, before hurrying to catch up with his father. Karla, meanwhile, was slowing down so I could catch up. Part of me wanted to just grab a rock and hit her while her back was turned to me. The other part wanted to do the exact same thing as usual: lower her shorts, spank her pale buttocks and fuck her brains out.

God, I was horny. I had just cringed my way out of a horrible interaction with my friend, and I couldn’t even stop thinking about fucking his mother mere moments after he’d left me be. Karla gave me a neutral Starzbet Giriş glance, no doubt trying to feign disappointment or offense.

“That was rude,” she tried her best not to smirk.

“I’ll tell you to shut up again…” I glowered.

“Well, they might start suspecting something is up!” Karla chuckled.

“Yeah, I dropped the ball. It doesn’t worry you? Are you fucking retarded?!” I tried not to shout.

“Not really, no,” she smiled cheekily. “I think you are careful enough.”

“You aren’t!”

“So you make up for it,” she tapped the tip of my nose with her finger playfully. “Besides, it was you who ended up fucking up. Not me.”

“Because of you!” I was practically burning with rage.

Karla merely hummed an annoying little tune, the message of which can best be described as ‘it is what it is’. Then she readied her bottle and drank a long, provocative swig from it. Fuck… even watching her perfect, white neck swallowing water was a turn-on. Surprising even myself, I grabbed her ass firmly before she was done.

“Mmm!” she exclaimed approvingly into the bottle.

“You’re an insufferable bitch, Karla… but my God, I need to fuck you,” I whispered as close to her ear as I dared to lean.

“Don’t worry…” she winked. “You will.”

Perhaps conditioned by watching her drink, I ended up reaching for my bottle too. As soon as I started drinking, I noticed my water had taste. That by itself would be a bad sign. It only became worse when I recognized the taste, though. My milk had had that same bitterness during breakfast.

Before I could take the bottle off my lips, Karla took the chance to tip it even further with one hand, while the other pulled my hair back. I was suddenly choking on water, no, whatever substance was in my bottle, and very much unable to breathe. There came a point when my mouth was so full water was pouring straight out of it and down into my shirt.

My arms were eventually able to push Karla away, dropping the bottle and finally letting me break free. I coughed and spat out whatever water I had not yet swallowed, tears welled in my eyes thanks to the lack of oxygen. My coughing fit was so vicious even my friend’s father turned back to see if I was alright.

Karla immediately took the chance to slap me mildly behind my neck, muttering platitudes about choking safety measures. George was quick to get back to walking, while my friend still came back there to check on me.

“What happened?”

“Too much water,” Karla pursed her lips innocently. “Peter looked like he wanted to have the whole bottle at once!”

I did not have the energy to even consider telling her to fuck off.

“Did he…?”

“Yes, honey. He apologized like you said he would. Everything is fine.”

Karla’s eyes glinted perversely as my friend smiled awkwardly. He had to. What else could he do? What could he possibly say to that? Without many places to hide in, he chose to again catch up with his dad and leave us in each other’s company.

As soon as he had gained enough distance, I grabbed Karla’s red curls as viciously as I could, pulling them back as much as her neck allowed me to. She half-grimaced half-smiled, though her contained moans denoted only pleasure and happiness.

“You fucking bitch…” I muttered between gritted teeth. “You fucking, fucking bitch…”

“Haa… I’m a bitch… haa…” she let her tongue out. “Say it again, please…”

Even with my blood boiling like this, with me still catching my breath, I wanted to fuck her more than I wanted to bash her face in. How could I be this fucking horny?!

I let go of her hair bitterly and spat out some vestiges of the sour water I had just ingested. Then I remembered what I had wanted to say moments ago.

“What the hell was in my water?!”

“The same I put in your milk,” Karla bit her lip.

I could already tell she was going to hold off telling me the answer for as long as she could to maximize my frustration. This time, I chose to remain calm. I would not give her the satisfaction of getting me angry with such a childish tactic.

“Which was?”

“A special surprise.”

“I’ve drunk the water…” I glanced at my wet shirt. “Much of it, anyway. I think it’s safe to reveal the surprise now.”

“Well, can’t you guess?” Karla’s green eyes looked as vicious and hungry as I had ever seen them, though no less alluring than they always were.

“I never tasted anything like it,” I sighed. “I can’t guess.”

“Try,” she whispered naughtily.


Karla giggled girlishly at that.

“Why would I want to kill my fucktoy? Try again!”

“If it was laxatives, I’ll…”

“Wrong again, Peter,” Karla unbuttoned the top button of her shirt.

I felt my blood rush and my arousal surge just by seeing a little more of her freckled cleavage. At this point, I could feel my body begging for an orgasm of any kind. That was when Starzbet Güncel Giriş it hit me.

“Does it have anything to do with how fucking horny I am?!” I growled in a mix of outrage and frustration.

“Bingo! You are filled with fuckjuice and ready to pump into the nearest slut!” she bit her lip while she pointed at her own face with her index finger. “Isn’t it great?”

She pressed her lips against my cheek for a playful kiss. Then she moved them down towards my neck. I immediately became harder. I was on fire, at this point. I pushed Karla’s skull away from me when I realized she wasn’t going to stop kissing me, no matter how close her son and husband were.

“I’ll give you credit, Peter. Very collected of you to keep guessing. I expected you to strangle an answer out of me at any point.”

“You would have deserved it…” I grimaced at her, still throbbing under my shorts.

Of course, I kept thinking. Of course she’d drug me and make me permanently hard on the day we have to walk up a fucking hill. No matter how unappealing my thoughts became, I had a really hard time making my body not feel like its most urgent need was sex.

Karla must have got bored, because she left me alone moments after this. I tried my best not to stare at her hips as she strutted in front of me again. I dug up all kinds of unpleasant thoughts and memories, trying my best to stifle my own libido. My friend, thankfully, approached me after a while, which indirectly helped distract me from my furious desire to fuck his mom.

“I wanted to say sorry…” he rubbed his arm awkwardly. “I know that you must be a bit… tired. And my mom can be a bit… mean, sometimes. I know you just slipped.”

And that immediately made me feel like shit. Why couldn’t I have fucked the mother of someone who hated me? It certainly wouldn’t have burned any bridges, and it would have been warranted. But no. I had to fuck the mother of one of my few friends. If this was how I treated those closest to me, why should anyone bother to befriend me at all? And my friend kept talking as these thoughts ran through my mind.

“You endured the dinner, and the breakfast, and the shower,” he wrinkled his nose awkwardly. “What I’m trying to say is… I understand your slip. I’m not saying you should have done it, but… you know. You know?”

“Uh… yeah…” I avoided his eyes.

We kept talking (and by this, I really mean he kept talking while I dwelled on my negative thoughts) as we climbed. My balls eventually started hurting, despite me no longer feeling aroused. The closest I can liken that pain to would be what you get when you go a few days without an orgasm of any kind, but far more intense. It felt like they were about to explode, to the point that it was a little hard to walk straight.

Our first stop was at a small picnic area that was, to my delight, quite empty. I became even more delighted when I found out they had a non-portable bathroom there, made of brick and cement like God wanted. As soon as I saw it, I internally decided that I would masturbate as many times as I needed to empty my balls and clear my head of any arousal.

Ricky, Karla and George had already chosen a table. The father and the son hadn’t even bothered to wait for us before they got started on their sandwiches. Something told me it wasn’t good manners what was motivating Karla to behave any differently from them. I didn’t really feel comfortable to leave the table as soon as I got there, so I opted to instead have my sandwich first.

Throughout my meal, Karla acted surprisingly tame. Yes, she had her legs constantly spread and I am fairly certain the way the breadcrumbs landed and were picked out from between her tits was intentional, but that is still tame by her standards. The fact she didn’t humiliate anyone or reference dicks in any way was by itself extraordinary in my book.

As soon as my bread was finished, I prepared to dash to the bathroom. I was only able to get inside the building before I received an SMS from Karla.

“I know you’re planning to spank the monkey in there. I’ll really make it worth your while if you do what I tell you instead ;)”

“Why should I do that?”

“Because you’re a little degenerate who loves my tight, adulterous pussy. And you’ll get it as many times as you need, HOWEVER you need, if you, for once, help me have fun with you.”

With my horniness, I had a bigger priority than denying all the things she had just called me.

“What do you need me to do?”

“Easy. Stay locked up in there for as long as it takes. When they ask you what is wrong, tell them you are feeling ill. And act like it.”

“They’re going to wait until I’m out.”

“I’ll take care of the rest. But only if you do this first. Do that and we’ll fuck however you want.”

This would be one of the few times my greed paid off, as far as Karla was concerned. It was not difficult to keep myself entertained inside my bathroom stall. Not with a phone, anyway. The hardest part, the physical need to cum, could be ignored with the help of a sufficiently entertaining screen. The minutes ticked by quickly enough, with my friend messaging me after about fifteen.

“U ok?”

“I’m sick.”

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