Elunara: Mission Specialist Ch. 04

12 Ağustos 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Fucking 8

Elunara stood at attention in Mathias’ office.

He flipped through her latest report. “I often feel bad for the target.” Shaking his head, he sighed. “Elunara, your work is often miraculous and your ruse is, quite frankly, disturbing. That being said, I find that it’s time I move you up in our ranks, and assign you your first handler.”

“My… what?”

Mathias nodded and the door opened. A man walked in and leaned against the wall.

Elunara eyed him with suspicion. “I work best alone.” She turned back to Mathias. “Sir. He would just be a hindrance.”

“This is Gerald, and he will be your spotter. It is common, when our top agents go out in the field, to have one stay behind, and close, in order to best direct the field operative. If the mission should go wrong, he can report back. Once he learns your code, you should be able to-“

“MY CODE?” She cleared her throat. “Sir.”

“Once he learns your code, Whore, you will be able to work more in tune with each other.”

“Sir, have I not proven myself over and over? Why do this now?”

“This is a promotion, Whore.”

“How do I get demoted?” She growled. “Sir.”

“You will be held off of missions until I am satisfied the two of you can work in perfect synchronicity. If you cannot, another will be found. You are not going out again until I am certain of the pairing.”

Elunara struggled to keep her twitching to a minimum. “I fail to see the point of this.”

“The point will be made clear on its own. Meanwhile, Gerald has read your file extensively. Should I deem it necessary, I will give you his. At this time, I do not find it prudent. Am I understood?”

“Of course, sir.”

With a growl, Elunara made her way to a table and flopped down, chin in hand.

“You’re going to have to get used to it.” He flopped down opposite of her and leaned back, his arms behind his head.

“This is stupid.” She snarled.

He shrugged.

Tapping her fingers, she considered her next move. “Wanna fuck?”

“Ugh, no.”

“Fine.” She returned to tapping her fingers.

“Want to play a round of cards?” He dropped a pack on the table.


He snorted. “You probably have nothing to bet with.”

“You’d be right about that.” Her foot began to twitch.

“I’d just mop the floor with you anyhow.” He goaded.

She jabbed a finger in his direction. “Listen here, you. I don’t play cards. I hate them. End of story. I asked you if you wanted to fuck, you said no. I accepted your answer and left you alone. Honor MY wishes and leave ME the fuck alone. I don’t take an unwilling partner and you shouldn’t try for one.”

In complete shock, he blinked at her. “Touchy.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “Want to fight about it?”

Holding up his hands, he shook his head. “No. No, I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry. I just didn’t expect…”

“Didn’t expect the whore to have standards? Well, I do. I have a lot of standards. Deal with it.”

He began to shuffle his deck. “So, why do you do it?”


“Fuck… everything.”

“Because I need to.” She shrugged. “I crave it like a smoker craves a cigarette.”

“Wild.” He began dealing out cards to himself in various patterns.

“How are you doing that?” She cocked her head to the side.

“You have sex, I have cards. Just something I can’t help.” Over and over, he laid them out in various patterns, before reshuffling and trying again.

“That’s… kind of fascinating.”

He fanned out the cards and laid them down. “Pick one.”

Holding her hand over the cards, she eyed him.

“No hinky stuff, just cards.”

Flipping it, she eyed the card.

“Ace of clubs.”

“Cute.” She sat the card aside and pulled another.

“Three of hearts.”

She sat it aside and grabbed another.

“Four porna of diamonds.”

“How are you doing that?”

He looked around and made sure they were alone in their corner. “I feel them. My mind instantly recognizes and understands exactly where a card is in the deck at any and all times. I can’t tell you how, I just know. I could run my finger over this whole spread and tell you every single card, exactly where it is. You can hand me a fresh, unopened deck and I’ll do the same thing to it.”

“Fascinating.” She cocked her head and licked her lips. At once, she gave him his height, weight, length of his dick and size of his balls. He openly stared at her. “I’ll get you’re a measuring tape and weight scale if you want.”

Slowly, he shook his head. “How…?” He croaked.

“Same as you, I suspect. It’s just something my brain tells me. I can measure things. Hilariously, I can give you your height in number of lined up penises. It’s just something I can do.”

“Are you an engineer?”

“A what?”

“Oh, man. You should take up engineering. They do shit like that all the time.” He pointed. “It might also help in the field.”

She tapped her fingers. “Really?”

“They’re always inventing some crazy shit or another. With the information YOU bring back, I bet schematics of weapons and machines would THRILL the SI:7.”


“Want to get a beer?”

“I’ve been known to have one from time to time.” She licked her lips.

“I betcha we could find a drunk guy willing to let you drag him home.”

“Or some drunken idiots stupid enough to play you at cards.” She snorted.

“Sold.” They both said at once, as they high fived each other.

Later, near midnight, they hung on to each other as they made their way through the city.

“I should feel guilty fleecing those shits, but GODS they were annoying.” Gerald snorted.

“How much you bag?”

“Hundred and fifty. Where’d the red head go?”

“I fucked him behind the bar.”

“Geez! No limit to what you’ll do.”

“Pfft, I said I had standards, not limits.” She shook her head. “Hey, can I crash in your floor? I don’t actually have a place to stay.”

“Sure, it’s cool. I got this one room deal. Just… hands off my dick.”

“Pfft. You said no already.”

Gerald rubbed his head. Since when did he drink enough to have a hangover? His hand felt on the bed. Jolting back, he stared at the Night Elf currently sleeping under his covers. He shoved at her. “Hey! What the hell?”

She grumbled and rubbed her head. “Ugh, that’s why I don’t drink.”


Blinking up, she held her head. “Gods, don’t fucking yell.”

“Why are you in my bed?”

“Oh, calm down.” She sat up and stretched. “We’re still dressed, genius. Even I don’t redress people. You were being all chivalrous and refused to just let me crash in the floor. Which I would have been FINE with, thank you. After I promised to sleep in the bed like a good girl, you passed the fuck out.”

“Oh.” He blushed, but she didn’t see it.

“Got anything to eat in this place?” She sniffled and scrubbed her face. “The dumbshits I usually go home with like to make me breakfast in bed.” Digging around in the cabinets, she considered. “Not that I’m asking you to, that would be stupid.”

“You just make yourself at home, don’t you?”

She shrugged. “I’ll replace what I take. Not like I ever use the funds I make off of missions.”

“You don’t?”

“I buy clothes and props. Nothing else in the world I care about. I get fed by those I fuck, and presents people shove on me; I pawn and bank the cash.” She took a bite of some half stale bread.

“That’s kind of a sad life.”

“Why does everyone keep telling me this?” She gave him a strange look.

“Don’t… you find it sad?”

“Sweetie, anal porno I don’t exactly have “emotions”. I’m a tactile creature. I nether love, nor hate. I live for the next fuck, and eat when people feed me.”

“That’s kind of crappy… no offense. It’s just hard to understand.”

“Most of the time I don’t understand it and my mother certainly NEVER did.” She snorted.

“Who is your mother?”

“None of your fucking business. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“Hm.” He tapped his fingers on his leg. “I don’t think I’ll ever understand you.” He finally sighed.

Jerking a shoulder, she sighed. “No one will. That’s why I function best alone, because some of the shit I do…” She licked her lips. “You’ve read my work… what do YOU think happens to me… when I’m being bait?”

“It…” He sighed. “Well, it probably hurts, it’s kind of terrifying… and maybe you bury all that, just so you can write the report.”

“Wrong, wrong and wrong. When I’m getting my brains fucked out by a target, I am the happiest I’ll ever be. I cannot experience happiness like a normal person, because my ability to have emotions is broken. I LIVE to feel when that bastard slips his dick into me. I’m certain you’d see in my reports where I’ve had seven or eight men take me one right after the other, take all my holes, fill them, I don’t care. It’s everything I can do to maintain whatever role I’ve given them. I want to moan and groan and beg for just one more dick, just one more of them in me, I don’t care, pick a hole, just FUCK ME.”

She wiped her mouth. “Hell, I’m drooling just thinking about it. Repeat all they want, fuck me until they can’t get hard any more. If I could I walk around with a dick in my ass and a dick in my pussy, I’d be thrilled. It’s like the most spectacular drug in the world. The bigger the dick. The happier I am.”

Gerald was rubbing his hand over his mouth until he thought his mouth would wipe clean off. His own erection was a major problem at the moment. “I can’t…” He croaked.

“You don’t want me, and quite frankly, I’m good. Who DOES want a pussy as dirty as mine? These little whores running around the city couldn’t have possibly fucked as many men as I have, COMBINED.” She sighed and stood up. “Damn it, I got myself started. Excuse me; I have to go find a few pansy ass twits to fuck.”

When the door slammed, Gerald let out a shuddering breath. He had his own whore to find and fuck.

While he waited for her at the table, he began to play with his card deck. Eventually, she came in and flopped down in front of him. “So, how many did you bang?”

“Only three. My other options were too busy.” She sighed.

He shook his head. “You’re crazy.”

Watching him for a time, she considered. “Hey, want to fleece some assholes?”

Stopping, he eyed her. “How?”

She sat down at the table, and smiled at him. The man eyed her and went back to his card game. After a winning hand, she clapped and giggled.

“What’s your game, honey?”

“Oh!” She blushed and put her knuckle to her chin. “Well, you see… I was wondering if you could help me.”

“What is it, sweetheart?”

She giggled and blushed at the affection. “Well, you see… I messed up. I messed up big time.” She wiggled in her seat. “You see that man over there?”


“Well, he was harassing me… and thinking I was smart… I told him that if he really wanted to… um, well…” She scooted up to his ear. “Have sex.” She jerked back and giggled nervously. “Well, that he’d have to beat me at cards.” Fiddling her fingers and sighing, she hazarded a glance back. “But, I think he’s weird and kind of creepy. I’ve been sitting here watching you, and you seem to be pretty good at the game…” She blushed and ducked her head. arap porno “Maybe you could win me back?” The hope poured into her voice. “I certainly like the look of you better. I would…” She leaned close to his ear again. “Be VERY grateful.” She breathed.

A little while later, she walked into the next bar, snapping her fingers and wiggling her butt.

“I take it that went well.”

“He was delicious. Who else you got?”

Seven bars, twelve men, and a shit load of gold later, Gerald and Elunara leaned against each other giggling.

“You gotta be tired by now.” Gerald snorted.

“Mm, one more hit, come on. I’m not nearly drunk enough to quit now.”

“Fuck, me either.”

She giggle snorted. “You said I couldn’t fuck you.”

He shoved at her. “I hold to it, I don’t care how tight that ass is.”

An hour later, the pair of them were leaning against each other, giggling like morons, as Mathias stood there glaring at them. “I told you two to get along, I didn’t say fleece and fuck half of Stormwind!”

“Ut oh,” Elunara giggled. “Daddy’s angry.”

“We’re so boned.” Gerald snorted, before they both started giggling again.

“Nahhhhh, he won’t bone me… I wouldn’t trust him if he did!” Elunara jerked her finger in the air.

“So what you think he’s packin’?”

“A solid niner… maybe even nine and three quarters.” She cackled at her own strange joke.

Mathias smacked a hand to his face. “Dear Gods. How much did you manage to bilk your victims for?”

“Aw, do I hafta?” Gerald snorted. “I don’t wanna pay it back.”

“Those louts deserved the fleecing, I say!”

“Damned right.”

“NOW!” Mathias growled.

“A thousand gold.” Gerald giggled.

“You…” He blinked.

“One thousand, one hundred, and ninety five gold!” Elunara pointed. “I keep count.” She tapped her head.

Mathias sat back on his desk and blinked.

“Nobody scams like the whore!” Gerald declared.

Elunara snorted. “Nobody scents blood like the shark!” She giggled wildly.

“She does sing like a fallen angel though.” Gerald snorted.

“GAH! Don’t tell him that!” She shook her head. “He’ll mak-” She fell over sideways.

“Whore?” Gerald lightly kicked her with his foot. He giggled. “Down for the count!” He jabbed his finger in the air, before following her.

Mathias buried his face in his hands.

In the morning, they both groaned and grabbed their heads. “Why are we…?” Gerald froze.

Elunara sighed. “And THAT, my dear, is why I don’t go past five fucking drinks.”

“How many DID you both have?”

She blinked up at Mathias. “I know I had like… twelve? I lost track of Gerald’s drinking when I went to fuck a target.”

“Hm.” Mathias leaned against his threaded fingers. “Gerald, you will be giving your winnings to the coffers.”

“Aw, man.” Gerald winced.

“Elunara I have a special punishment for you.”

“Ugh, please tell me I don’t have to remain celibate for any length of time.”

“No, but an impromptu concert in the mess hall would be just the thing.”

She buried her face in her hands “FUCK! I take it back, I’ll be celibate for a month, I swear it.”

“However, after which, from the reports I have been given, the two of you work quite well together. I see the benefit in keeping this team together. You’re back on commission, immediately after your little concert.”

Elunara trudged down to the mess hall and eyed all of the agents sitting down to eat. She glared at Mathias, and at his nod, she threw her head back and began to sing. Even if it was a punishment, she always got into her singing, and would just deal with the embarrassment afterwards.

Mathias blinked, and the rest of the room just stared. “Is she… glowing?”

“It’s faint, but yeah. The first couple of times, I thought it was just weird lighting. Then the glitter…”

Elunara concluded her song and turned to Mathias. “Am I sufficiently punished, or should I do another song?”

“Uh, no, you’re free to go.”

She fled without dignity.

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