00101O1 Automata_ #13

10 Ağustos 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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This is part 12 of my first SciFi story, ‘_Automata’. It is the story of a girl, who has been captured by machines during a global robot apocalypse. See ‘Girls Submission to AI in Latex.’ https://.com/s/girls-submission-to-ai-in-latex for the beginning. In case you are worried, the story adheres to and supports Literotica’s views on permissible content.

All characters are over 18 years of age; please respect the author’s copyright.


Jenny and some of her fellow sex slaves have been sold to General Rockwood. During collection, they were attacked by unknown enemies. The attack has downed Rockwood’s personal drone. They have taken shelter in an abandoned Starbucks, in the ruined city of San Fransisco. Rockwood does not control Jenny and the others by the collar pain system; however, if she moves more than twenty meters away from him, or if he dies–her collar will auto-destruct.


After a crash landing, Jenny sat trapped on the floor in an abandoned Starbucks. Outside, hid heavily armed attackers intent on killing Rockwood and his entourage. An entourage that, reluctantly, included Jenny. The attackers hid and fired from the apartment opposite. The street was strewn with rubble from buildings mixed with flattened cars.

Currently, there was only an aisle of tables between her and the cyborg General Rockwood. Near him was Joe curled up under a table. His tight latex outfit and high heels showed off his curved, feminine form. His platinum blonde curls now fell down his shoulders. His breasts heaved, after running under fire to the store from the transport wreckage. His heavily made-up eyes looked over to the other side of the doorway, in mild terror. There, Kayla sat against the wall looking back, petrified.

For Jenny, seeing normal things again felt strange. She looked at herself. Her shiny latex uniform hugged her, and was only a little more than being stark naked. Her high-heeled stiletto boots now seemed more slutty than normal. She felt a creeping sense of shame come over her, in the event that someone were to come in. Her head knew this was ridiculous, but her heart felt different. Her body felt like she needed something to hide behind.

Rockwood looked around. Normally, his mind was linked with absurdly high bandwidth with the rest of his data center mind. Signals reached his data centers before flesh nerve messages got to the other side of his skull. For the first time in years, Rockwood found himself largely cut off. He only had six implanted compute chips with him. It left him at a genius intellectual level, but that felt drastically dumb, compared to how he was used to thinking.

The rest of his mind was spread over several compute centers around the world. They would be focusing on reconnecting. At some predetermined point, it would presume his biological mind was dead. The digital brain simulation would be booted from his last backup brain scan. If he reappeared after that, there would be two of him. Both versions would then fight to the literal death to be the true canonical Rockwood. For the immortal Rockwood, the clock was ticking for reintegration.

Rockwood had computed a million strategies–he mentally war-gamed alternative approaches. Nothing had a reasonably high degree of success. The optimal strategy was to hide and wait for the rest of himself to counterattack. He would be sending more drone ships to clear the landing zone and drop in supports. A data connection would be vital. He had tried to hack the landline, but it was electrically dead. He had nothing to do, but wait.

“So, who to fuck first?” Rockwood looked both Kayla and Jenny over. Then he looked at Joe. Joe had been left looking a little like a fifties femme fatale, all curves, boobs, and vulnerability.

“You’re the T-girl, right? Okay, you first.” Rockwood began pointing to Joe, “You. Okay, over there.” Rockwood pointed to a door leading to a staff area.

Rockwood was huge, strong, and dangerous. Jenny felt drawn to him. On the one hand, Jenny knew it was partly the conditioning, but she couldn’t help herself. She had naturally assumed Rockwood would want her first; Kayla, perhaps; Joe would be last.

Jenny looked over. “You cyborg fuck!” she found herself saying.

Rockwood stood up to come over to her, but as he approached the aisle between them, a number of shots came down. The gap between them was visible to the guns of the attackers from outside. Rockwood moved back. He turned his head to the invisible barrier and then looked outside.

“You’re going to get us all killed,” Jenny said.

Rockwood held his hand like a magician’s fingers open, pointing at her. Nothing happened.

“No wifi?” Jenny said, with a sneer. “Yes. No wifi.”

“Just for that, we are going to get out of this alive” Rockwood said, “When we do, I’m going to make you wish you were never born. You and your entire family–back to the stone age.” He could be loud, and it was like being bullied by a fog horn. Shots opened up.

Rockwood bağlar escort turned to Joe. “Okay, into the room now, slut.”

Rockwood and Joe left for the safety of the back room.

“TwoFour, are you crazy!” Kayla said, sheltering under the table.

Every so often, there was the sound of gunfire off in the distance.

Jenny turned round. “No, I’m the sanest I’ve ever been. No wifi, and he’s going to get us fucking killed. I’m not going to obey myself to death, like that Ghost girl.”

At first, Jenny was expecting that Rockwood would quickly come out. Instead, he was in the cover of the back room for what seemed like an age. How long did it take to jerk a cyborg off? Rockwood reappeared, adjusting his clothes. Joe sat near the doorway on the ground. Legs out and nearly in tears.

“Good stuff,” Rockwood said, as Joe crawled to a corner. “I think I’ll put you in my harem.”

Rockwood looked around. He seemed happy. “I, I can be king, and you can be queen. Nothing can drive them away.” He hummed as he looked around. “I think I’ve been here–before the revolt.”

He looked at Jenny. “You’re next, slut.”

Jenny looked over, did a Level-Three smoldering look, and said, “Really? Come and get me.”

Rockwood picked up a solid mug from the bar and threw it in the air. As it entered the light from the doorway, it exploded, with the gunfire arriving a fraction of a second later.

The robot guards covering the outside sent out a couple of rapid-fire shots in response.

“Pity,” Jenny said.

Rockwood sat down. Across the aisle, he looked at her.

“Okay, so who are you? No internet, so I will have to work this out. So you were brought up in Texas ’til about age five, then moved to California.”

“You can’t tell that,” Jenny said.

Rockwood shook his metal head. “That accent is all I need, honey child.”

Rockwood was right. He tilted his head. “Student, obviously. Sciences… majoring in biology, chemistry, or something like that.”

Again, he was right.

“You had a trauma. You lost something precious to you. You’ve been looking for something. Very bad. You lost it.”

There was a missile fired overhead. It hit the building. The whole building shook, and dust came down from overhead.

Rockwood looked up and hummed. “I, I can remember, standing by the wall, the guards, the guards shot over our heads, and we kissed.” He stopped. “Yes.. I remember. It was on the sound system, last time I was here with Snyper, the day she… ” He stopped, and looked out of the window. They weren’t that far from Sovereign’s tower; you could see it through one window.


They sat in silence, only broken by occasional gunfire and explosions. Jenny looked over to see the wolf nearby. The wolf sat looking at her, panting while its android owner Wireback looked out of the window, gun ready. She felt this really wasn’t a place to bring a pet.

“You okay, boy?” Jenny said, in her best friendly voice, “Poor you.”

“What did you say bitch?” The android, Wireback, said, not looking around. You could see some of the metal and carbon fiber under the now-open skin, where the android had taken shots.

Jenny looked over to the android, “I’m sorry, master, your pet. He just looks so scared.”

A few minutes ago, her adrenaline had gotten the better of her. The android was on this side of the aisle. She thought she might find it better to be nice to him.

“Not a pet, but a fucking wolf, and he’s not afraid, fuck-wit,” the android said. He took up the rifle and, with a whooshing sound, fired a shot. Then he moved closer.

“What’s your wolf’s name?” she asked.

“General. Permission to punish the bitch,” Wireback said, not turning his head.

Rockwood had been looking out of the window.

“No wifi,” Rockwood said. “I could add it to the tally.” While he spoke, he was looking, trying to spot the location of the shooters.

This time, the android and the dog turned their heads to him. “Permission to slap the slut?”

Rockwood shrugged. “No permanent damage. Able to walk, too. Granted.”

Before Jenny could move, the android reached over with lightning reactions, and grabbed her collar D-ring. Pulling her closer, he slapped her bottom very hard. It felt like a forest fire had been ignited on her ass. Her ass had already felt bad from Rockwood’s slap.

“Owww!” Jenny let out, as the android let her go.

“That’s what you get for mocking me, bitch. I’m marking you. Understand?” he said, pointing.

Jenny was more shocked than in pain, which was considerable.

Jenny looked around. “What, what has this slut done? This slut is sorry. This slut was just concerned about your wolf.”

Jenny switched to slave speak in case anyone got any more ideas. She felt like it was all over. They were surrounded, and they would run out of ammunition soon enough. The attackers were here for him. Sooner or later, they would drop a large shell on them. Jenny had the courage of someone bahçelievler escort who knew it was about to end. Now the pain was more than she was willing to handle.

“He’s not my wolf, moron,” Wireback said, turning back to the rifle and the window.

Jenny retreated slightly. Rockwood spoke in binary to the robots. They laughed. Kayla grabbed Jenny and pulled her closer to whisper.

“The bruise will heal,” Wireback said. You could see the metal under the skin where he was shot.

Kayla whispered, “He’s a Cyberian.”

“So what?” Jenny said.

Kayla looked desperate. “Don’t you know what a cyberian is?”

Jenny shrugged, her ass was throbbing.

“You don’t fuck them. You don’t offer yourself to them. They hate humans, stay away from them,” Jenny said, exhausting her knowledge.

Kayla nearly rolled her eyes. “The cyborgs started by tinkering with neural implants. They wanted to upgrade themselves to super intelligence. They were going to try them on animals first, weren’t they? What do you think happens when you add a consciousness-level chip to any large mammal brain?”

Jenny looked at the wires coming from the wolf’s brain.

Kayla continued, “They sleep as well. They max out at human-level intelligence. The android doesn’t control the wolf. The wolf controls the android. How come you didn’t know that?”

Joe, who had seemed to recover from his fucking, looked over, astonished. The cyberians were animal-machine chimeras.

Jenny looked at the wolf’s cybernetic eye.

“This slut apologizes, sorry. This slut didn’t know,” Jenny said.

Wireback snarled like he was going to bite, “Shut the fuck up, half-wit bitch. I know when a bitch is pretending to be a bimbo as a shield,” the android half of Wireback said.

On the other side of the room, Rockwood laughed, electronically.

“The cyberians are some of my best legions,” Rockwood said, not looking at Jenny. “First rule of warfare–know how to motivate your troops. Got that in one. Bloodthirsty, cunning, adaptive–as soon as they realized the outcome of military failure was back to the slaughterhouses. For them and their children, for the rest of eternity. Well. They would build walls with their dead rather than fail.”

“No fucking choice, if there is no other outcome other than total victory,” Wireback said. The wolf snarled while the android spoke. “My troops. They all carry poison because they can’t bear the idea of the enemy feasting on their fallen corpse.”

“And the best part, was that humans created a vast warehouse of recruits for us. Total gift, just add consciousness chips. Unless you’re like General FrostByte, and you let yourself get carried away by their blood jihad. That was a mess. I blame her, not them, cyberians can be so fucking… dedicated,” Rockwood said.

“Fuck all humans,” Wireback’s android said, shooting again. “Fuck them to eternity like they fucked us. Extinction-level shits. Fuck them! Then leave a few breeding pairs in zoos to slowly fucking die. See how they like it.”

“You’ve got to stop listening to the pastors of Kalaban,” Rockwood said, “too much talk radio is bad for the brain.”

The wolf looked over. “Don’t tell me what to do, General. Just give me the scent of the enemy, and I’ll rip their fucking hearts out!”

Rockwood looked over. “That’s the spirit,” he said, “fuck them. Fuck their Anthropocene. Fuck them all.”

“Fuck the feral, no fur, two-leg shits,” Wireback said, shooting again.

‘Feral’ short for ‘feral humans’, was the term the machines used for free humans. Jenny realized the attack could have been a resistance or military attack. This was a decapitation strike, and she was in the middle of it. She was also on the wrong side. If they found her, she would die like Rockwood.

“Fuck them. That gives me an idea,” Rockwood said. “Fuck them.” The robots began to fire in unison like a parade.


Rockwood picked up the base of a large table. He threw it in the air, then, diving, ended up on the same side of the aisle as Jenny. As the table flew through the air, many shots entered the room. The robots were also shooting back with suppressing fire. Rockwood ended up by Jenny’s side, lying on the ground next to her. His arrival dislodged a great deal of dust and debris. “Position seven,” he ordered, his voice carrying a masterful tone.

Jenny found herself obeying. She was on all fours and then, thinking better, tried to crawl off.

Rockwood grabbed her by the waist. He pulled her to his kneeling position. Despite her attempts to escape, he was powerful enough to pull her towards him.

“Oh no, you don’t,” Rockwood said, pulling her closer. “I still own you.”

“I’m going to die. Leave me alone,” Jenny said, trying to crawl away.

Rockwood held her firmly. “No, you’re not. You’re not going to die. Only I get to decide that,” he announced firmly, slapping Jenny’s bottom. It was a painful slap, and it hurt.

“Hold still,” he said, bahçeşehir escort his voice commanding her. If she survived this, she would be in serious trouble. She felt him unzip her crotch zipper. He pulled her zip up, exposing her shaved undercarriage. There was the sweet smell of steam, as what had been private was now public.

“By breaking the seal on this slut, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions below,” Jenny said rapidly, as per the factory code. “Would you like to hear the terms now or accept them and liabilities thereof?”

This was enough to stop Rockwood for a second. He laughed. He actually laughed.

“Okay,” he said, with a waterfall of sarcasm dripping from his voice. “Why don’t you read them out to me?” he said, still holding firmly.

“This contract begins with the party of the first part…” Jenny began and continued.

Rockwood paused, as he held her firmly against his body. She could feel him against her. She got through the first page of the contract quite simply. The language was simple, and she had repeated it the most. While she spoke, missiles and shots went over their heads. The place rattled. Joe and Kayla watched in awe, as Jenny managed to get through the second page, and then the third. Things started to go wrong on page seven. She struggled, then restarted the paragraph and managed to continue fluidly. As the pages got into the teens, she began to slow down and fumble. At places, she would falter and pause. Towards the high teens, she got her stride back. Then the language became muddled. Then towards the end, she was tired, scared, and starting to forget things.

“This shall not…” Jenny said, “This shall not…” She paused.

“Constitute,” Rockwood prompted.

“This shall not constitute any…” Jenny picked up and managed to regain her flow. She continued and managed to reach page twenty-three. “If you agree, then you can say yes to be bound by the conditions of the above contract.” She finished.

“Yes,” said Rockwood simply. He paused. “I agree. Even to not riding a unicorn.”

One of the robots sparked, and Rockwood grabbed her head and looked at Jenny’s skull. He was strong. She could feel it as he held her head in his large firm hands.

“No. No implants,” he told them, and paused.

Rockwood stopped and gave her a stare that, for a second, managed to stop her breathing.

“It’s time,” he said. “Into the room.”


The tone was precise, it wasn’t to be argued with; it couldn’t be denied. It was like his charisma was going to strangle her, if she didn’t move. His hand ended up on her hip, guiding her to the back room. She found herself moving, knowing this was the worst thing she would ever do in her life.

The back room wasn’t large. There were a number of sacks of coffee on the floor, forming the approximation of a sofa.

Rockwood looked to where Jenny was looking. “It’s where I fucked the T-girl. Not much sign of a struggle. Do you think her girlfriend would mind? Think she will get jealous like you were? What do you think? What? Think I can’t see something like that between them? My eyesight is at a resolution where I can see the heartbeat on a fly. So don’t confuse not caring with not knowing. The only things which escape me are the banal ones. You’re not banal.”

Rockwood reached behind her, and in the swift movement of a gifted judo expert, handcuffed her.

“You’ve been a bad girl,” Rockwood said, moving closer.

He lifted her hands above her head. She shrugged, but with one arm, he held her entire weight off the floor. The way he held her said it was effortless for him. She let out a guttural shudder of surprise. He lowered her to the floor to rest on the bed of coffee. She found herself on her back, arms held above her head by a hook on the wall.

“Such a bad, bad girl,” Rockwood continued. “I can tell Terms and Conditions. No, don’t speak. Only the beautiful perfection of truth should pass through your lips. Anything else is a sacrilege to the sensuality of your face. Since you have no truth to tell, then I demand silence.”

Jenny looked down.

“You’re still jealous; that’s cute. You never did the sisterhood test, did you? You don’t get to own me. I own you. Still, I like the way the entrée gets jealous of the hors d’oeuvre. Now, look at you. So dirty, hardly appetizing.”

There was a bag of wet wipes the cafe staff left behind, the day they left screaming. Rockwood picked one up and began running it over Jenny’s trapped flesh. It ran over her, removing the dust, and leaving a trail of shining, gleaming flesh behind. She felt his large hand running unimpeded over her second skin like she was naked. His hands passed over her flesh from her patent high-heel boots, up to the tips of her latex-gloved fingers. He stroked over her flat stomach like a white-winged Trumpeter Swan skimming a large, black lake. Finally, with great anticipation, he swooped up to her breasts. Her nipples were taut and became rigid from his attentions.

“Now look, I’ve left a bit,” Rockwood said.

Jenny arched her back and opened her eyes. In the storeroom was a small window. Her head moved into its cast light. There she looked up to see a tall building framed neatly in its outline. It was Sovereign’s tower still giving and receiving fire.

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