Fallen World: The girl in the tunnel

2 Ağustos 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Owl froze at the sight of movement in the tunnel. He felt his heartbeat spike as nerves and fear shot through him. Who was it? Was it just one of the animals that lived in the old subway lines? Or, was it something more dangerous. He slid his hand over to grab the alarm cord, ready to pull it if needed. Something he did a few moments later, as he saw that this was no animal. It was a person, moving quietly and acting as nervously as Owl felt. Glancing around, looking for threats. Owl squinted slightly, using his genetically enhanced sight to see if the person was alone. His enhancement made the dark of the tunnels almost seem like daylight to him as he wanted. After only a few moments he saw that the figure was alone. He focused his gaze on the figure. Instantly he regretted pulling the alarm. It was a woman, and obviously a young woman. Owl guessed she was in her late teens. She was small, pretty, and obviously scared out of her mind right now. He glanced behind him, not seeing the other two of their little group he made a decision to try and save the girl.

“You can’t be here,” he said sharply as he stepped out into sight. The girl stopped with a small yelp of fear. “Go back, get away from here,” Owl added.

“I can’t,” she replied. “There are hunters out, they’ve searched my normal hiding place.” Owl stiffened at the mention of hunters. Half human, half demon monsters that stalked the surface. They could only come out at night but when they were on the prowl every survivor hid and prayed they were not found. The girl caught his expression. “They didn’t see me, I spotted them first. I just need somewhere to hide for tonight.”

“Not here, for your own sake go find somewhere else.” Owl hissed looking behind him. “You have to go now while you can.”

“I can’t, there’s nowhere to go. They’re all over the area.”

“There’s another tunnel it’s only a couple of hundred yards away from where you came in here. Go now!” She shook her head, the fear of the hunters obvious on her face. Owl opened his mouth to make her understand then heard a noise behind him. Footsteps running closer. He shut his eyes in regret as her one chance at escape vanished.

“What do we have here?” Hawk, the leader of their little group, asked as he moved to stand next to Owl.

“She says there are hunters out,” Owl told him. Hawk’s expression went tight as he stared at the girl.

“They don’t know about your tunnel, I made sure I wasn’t seen before I came down here,” the girl said.

“And you felt that allowed you to enter our tunnels?” Hawk said.

“I just need a place to hide for tonight, I’ll move on in the morning.”

“You think we’re going to let you stay for free girl,” Hawk said moving to stand by Owl. Which happened to also give Swift the other member of their group a straight line to the woman. Swift was fast, scarily fast. Owl doubted anyone could outrun him. Like Owl’s eyes, it was the result of genetic altering. Done when they were in the womb before everything went to hell.

“I don’t have much on me,” the woman said. “Most of my stuff is hidden near my home. I can give you something in the morning.” Hawk smiled and slowly ran his gaze up and down her. Now she was closer Owl could see that he had been right in his guess on her age. She was in her late teens. Pretty, with slightly tanned skin. Brown hair, that was fastened up into two tight buns on each side of her head. Some strands of her hair had come loose and hung down past her shoulders. He could not see her figure as her brown jumpsuit covered it. But she was small, short around five foot high. Her knee-high black boots with their yellow laces up the front were not made to increase her height, more to protect her feet as she moved around in the remains of the world outside.

“Oh, I think a pretty thing like you has something to give three guys who’ve not seen a woman in such a long time,” Hawk’s tone was soft and almost sad as he spoke. Owl knew he was being completely false. It had only been a couple of months since they had a woman. And yes, for Owl that had been after a long time alone. He had only just met Hawk and Swift a few weeks before that. In fact what had happened with that woman had nearly driven him back into the world. Nearly but not quite, the outside was too scary alone for him.

The woman’s face showed when it dawned on her what Hawk was asking. The look of shock flashed on it as she blushed with embarrassment. She took a small step backwards. Swift shifted to match, Owl’s eyesight allowing him to see the other man’s actions even though it was in his peripheral vision. The woman’s attention flicked to Swift then back to Hawk and Owl.

“Erm well as I don’t have anything I suppose I’ll just go and find somewhere else,” she said.

“With the hunters outside, no you really can’t,” Hawk said with false concern. “They might catch you, and you might let them know where we are. We can’t allow that, you need to stay here now.” As he spoke Owl felt, rather than saw Swift half crouching ready to catch the girl if she tried to run. The woman caught that and he saw her understanding as it flashed across her face. “Now, as we were just discussing,” Hawk continued. “With the fact it would be too dangerous for you to go back outside and you not having anything to trade. We come back to you being nice to the three of us. After all, you coming here does put our home at risk. So I think it’s only fair don’t you?” Hawk smiled as sweetly as he could, but Owl knew the woman could feel the steel in his words.

“I’ve got lots of stuff in my cache,” she replied. “You can come with me in the morning and take what you want. There’s way more stuff than I need.” Hawk turned to glance back at Owl and Swift.

“What do you guys say?”

“I say we don’t know that she’s got anything useful,” Swift replied instantly. “We should be paid now with what she’s got.”

“But, think what we might miss out on,” Owl said trying to stop what he knew was about to happen. “If she’s been grabbing stuff from all around she could have really useful stuff. We could be giving up a treasure trove of goodies.” He heard Swift give a dismissive snort next to him and Hawk gave him a stern look.

“You see our problem girl,” Hawk said turning back to face her. “Yes, you might have real useful stuff. But you don’t have any of it here now. And I’m like Swift, I want what’s certain rather than risking on a possible goldmine. And what’s certain is that the only thing you have to offer right now is you. So, frankly, you have two choices. One you let us have our fun willingly, or two we take what we want from you.” The woman flinched at the threat in Hawk’s words. Owl could not avoid snapping his head round to stare in horror and anger at Hawk. He opened his mouth to tell Hawk exactly what he thought of the threat. But Hawk gave him a sharp look that told him not to argue. Owl had learnt in the last few months how well it turned out when he went against Hawk. Especially when Swift was on Hawk’s side, which seemed to be nearly always. And right now he could tell that Swift was in total agreement with Hawk on this. With a sinking feeling in his chest Owl shut his mouth and lowered his gaze to the floor. But not before he saw that she had spotted his expression and had realised what he had wanted to say. Once he was certain Owl was playing ball Hawk looked back to the woman.

“What’s it gonna be girl, you gonna be nice or do we have to be nasty?” She looked between them for a moment then closed her eyes as her body sank in defeat. Seeing her response Hawk smiled. “First off then, take that jumpsuit off so we can all see what we’re getting.” She gave a small nod and reached up to the fastening of the suit. With a slow, defeated movement she undid the zip and pulled sakarya escort it down. Then pushed the suit off, sliding it down over her boots to reveal her almost naked body. Only a small pair of panties covered her. “And the panties girl,” Hawk ordered sharply. She glanced up and Owl could see the shame in her eyes as she pushed her panties down then stood naked in front of them apart from her knee-high boots.

Her figure increased Owl’s certainty that she was in her teens. He had seen that she was small and her figure matched that. Small, round pert breasts with pale brown nipples. A flat stomach that showed the same levels of starvation that everyone felt since the fall. A tight arse and firm thin legs. If he had been seeing her naked in any other situation than this Owl would have been very attracted to her. She was very sexy and had a nice cute face, under the layer of dirt. But, knowing what was about to happen to her, all he felt was shame and sorrow. She looked up at them and Owl felt her gaze hover for a few seconds on his reaction. Her eyes flashed with understanding as she caught his expression.

“Very nice,” Hawk growled. “Get over her girl, I’m first.” He ordered as he began to undress. She moved forwards with obvious reluctance. By the time she had reached him Hawk had stripped naked. He reached forward to grab the back of her head and pulled her into him. Planting his mouth on her’s he gave her a hard forceful kiss. “Fuck you’re hot,” Hawk muttered as he broke the kiss, rubbing himself against her. “Can you feel how hard you’ve made me. I’m gonna fuck you so hard girl.” She gasped softly and her eyes flashed with fear. Before she could respond in any other way Hawk grabbed her by her buttocks and lifted her up. Twisting her around he pinned her against one of the metal doors in the tunnel walls. In the old days, it had been how workers got into the machinery of the old railway. Now it was rusted shut and never used. Pressing her back into the door, his hands now wrapped around the underside of her thighs Hawk pushed against it. With a hard thrust, he slammed himself into her. She cried out, Owl shut his eyes at the sharp cry. He heard the sound of Hawk fucking her hard. The slap of his flesh into hers and her sharp cries.

“Oh god, please,” she began to beg. Making Owl open his eyes to see why. “Please not so rough, it’s too much, it’s hurting. Please, unnn ohhhh no.” She gasped the words between sharp yelps as Hawk drove into her. He showed no sign of even hearing her. Instead continuing to ram in and out with the same forceful thrusts. The woman’s eyes shut tight as she realised he was not going to stop. Her attempts at begging fading into sharp cries. Her body shaking with each thrust as she was driven into the metal of the door. It clanged with each impact. Owl wanted to be anywhere but watching this. He knew that if he tried to leave Swift would either stop him or get Hawk to stop him. Instead, he again closed his eyes to cut off the image. But the look of pain and terror on her face was etched on his vision. For several minutes the only sounds were the clang as her body was driven into the door, mixed with her sharp squeals and cries. Hawk’s soft grunts were all but muffled amongst the other sounds. Next to him, Owl could hear Swift, breathing hard as he watched. After what was only minutes but felt longer to Owl, and almost certainly felt like an age to the woman Hawk snarled sharply.

“Fuck, I’m gonna cum inside your cunt girl,” he snapped. Owl’s eyes snapped open at the words.

“God, no you can’t please,” she gasped then her words stopped. Her eyes went wide and she opened her mouth in a silent gasp as Hawk drove hard into her and held himself inside her. His body shuddering as he came, his face twisted into a feral snarl of desire. Owl saw two lines of tears running down her face and he felt ashamed at witnessing this.

Once he had finished coming Hawk pulled out of her. Releasing her sharply. It was only by a quick movement to lower her legs that stopped her falling to the floor. As it was she began to sink down the door, curling her arms around her. She never made it all the way down. Swift moved quickly towards her. Grabbing her by her one arm and hair. Yanking a great handful out of her one bun as he pulled her up and away from the door.

“You ain’t done yet slut,” he hissed to her. “It’s my turn now.” With that he pushed her against the concrete block Owl had been hiding behind when he spotted her. Bending her forwards over it. Pinning her down by her neck he quickly yanked his trousers down. He pushed her legs apart and pressed himself against her.

“Please, give me a chance to…” Her words ended in a sharp squeal as Swift rammed into her hard and deep. Owl grimaced at the pain in her cry.

“Fuck your cunt’s so tight.” Swift hissed to her as he began to thrust in and out. “Fuck me, God she really is fucking tight.” He glanced over towards Hawk. “Dude, I think she was a virgin. We’ve got ourselves a full on virgin,” he shouted. Owl was the only one who could see her expression and saw the humiliation on it that confirmed Swift’s guess. Swift grabbed her hair, pulling her head back as he lent down to snarl into her ear. “You are aren’t you slut, you’re a virgin. We’re taking it aren’t we.” He rammed hard into her, pushing her hips into the edge of the block. Her face screwing up in pain as he did.

“Did you like it, having Hawk fuck you hard for your first time? Was it good having a hard cock inside that tight little cunt?” Swift hissed in her ear as he rammed in again and again. Then pushed her back down on the block and began to thrust into her with rapid, hard movements. “Fuck, your cunts so good. Not had a virgin before, fuck it feels good.” He continued, keeping up a commentary on how much he was enjoying fucking her. On how tight she was, how hot it felt being inside her. She began to claw at the block, then tried to reach back to push him off her, to make him stop. He grabbed her hands and pinned them against her back. Holding her down and driving into her with harsh thrusts.

“Oh no you fucking slut, you ain’t going to back out. Your cunt’s ours, and we’re going to use it till we’re satisfied.” He told her as he continued to fuck her. Each thrust pushed her into the concrete. His hold was pinning her down onto it. Her face twisted in pain and fear as she was taken, unable to do anything other than lay over the block and let him use her. It took Swift longer than Hawk to finally come. All the time he continued with his nasty comments about how good she felt, how tight she was, could she feel his cock inside her. Owl grit his teeth and fought against the growing desire to grab Swift and throttle him. When Swift finally did come he gave her no warning. Just drove into her and emptied himself inside her. She screwed her eyes shut as he filled her with his sperm. Once he had emptied himself into her he pulled back and looked down between her legs.

“Damn girl, you’re dripping come all down your legs.” He said with an almost satisfied tone. Releasing her he stepped back and walked over to Hawk. The two shared a quick high five with each other.

“Good fuck isn’t she,” Hawk said. Swift nodding in reply. “Come on Owl, your turn,” Hawk added, looking over at Owl who took a half step back and gave a small shake of his head.

“I told you he’s not up for it. Little shits too weak. That’s if he isn’t a gay boy,” Swift hissed. “Is that it are you into fucking men Owl?”

“No, I’m not gay,” Owl told him.

“In that case, you can take your turn. She agreed to let us all take our turn,” Hawk told him with a firm expression on his face. Owl knew that he meant it, if he didn’t take part he would be in trouble. Turning his face towards the woman, who had sunk down to the floor, Owl saw her watching what was going on. She could sakarya escort bayan see his reluctance, she glanced over to Hawk and caught the way he was glaring at Owl. Then she turned back to Owl and gave him a small nod. Her expression of understanding showed him what she meant by the nod. He moved towards her, still unsure if he had correctly read her meaning. As he approached she clambered to her feet. Then she reached up, wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a hard almost desperate kiss. Owl was too shocked to respond at first then kissed her back. After a few moments, she broke the kiss then moved her head so her lips were by his ear.

“I get it,” she whispered to him. “Do it, just don’t be rough please.” Owl lifted his head to look at her in the eyes and gave her a small nod. Then she ran her hands down his front to the bottom of his shirt. Pulling it up she yanked it over his head. Then she reached down to undo his trousers. Pushing them down and releasing his now rock hard cock. She sank down to the floor, pulling him down on top of her. Owl worked to push his trousers off as he lay down over her. She looked up at him with big dark eyes that were red from her tears and her cheeks streaked by them. He gave her as reassuring smile as he could. Her reply was a weak, uncertain smile.

“Come on dude, stop messing around and fuck the little slut,” Swift snapped sharply. Owl closed his eyes tightly in disgust. But knew at the same time that if he did not act soon then the other two would react. So, he moved between her thin thighs and positioned his cock at her entrance. Feeling the heat coming off her and the wetness left over from the other two men fucking her. A mix of their cum and her natural juices. With a single, slow thrust he entered her and could not hold in his groan as he felt her cunt opening around him. Fuck, they were right she was very tight. He heard her gasp under him and her eyes close tightly, her face twisting slightly as he entered her. Now inside her, he held himself for a few moments. Letting both of them get used the feel of him being in her. She slowly opened her eyes to look up at him, reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck.

“Do it,” she whispered to him. “Fuck me Owl.” Slowly he started to do just that. Sliding out, then sliding back in to bury himself fully inside her wet heat. She gave a small grunt and he moaned softly at the sensation of being inside her. He began to thrust into her again and again, feeling his cock stretching her cunt. Feeling her tightness around him, the warmth and wetness inside her. As he began to get into a rhythm of thrusts he felt her moving under him. Softly at first, but soon she was rocking with his thrusts. Pushing her hips up into his thrusts. Unconcious, tentative movements in response to his. Her one leg lifted up to curl over his thigh.

With her actions urging him on Owl began to thrust harder. His worries about the situation and what his two ‘friends’ had just put her through fading. Replaced by lust and heat as his passion rose with each thrust. He felt her hands curl into his hair and her soft body pressing into his as he thrust in and out. She wrapped both legs around him, squeezing her thighs tight into him. His thrusts increased in speed and power as his lust grew. He reached one hand up to cup her head. His other hand curling around her small breast, softly kneading it with his fingers. Feeling her breathing as it grew tighter with each thrust. Soon he was fighting not to simply take her hard and fast, he needed more.

“I. Have to. Go harder. Sorry,” he hissed to her.

“I. Know,” she grunted in a low voice. “Do it. Unn, it’s ok.” She looked up at him with her eyes wide. Letting him see that she meant it. He gave a small nod and let his body take over. His thrusts increasing instantly in power and speed. Driving himself into her hard and deep. She grunted under him, sharp gasps of feeling. Owl moaned with each thrust, feeling his cock drive totally into her warm depths. As his thrusts increased in power so did his passion. He could feel his body rising towards its peak. Pushed there by the feel of her soft body under him. The feel of her warm cunt stretching around his cock. The feel of her rocking under him, moving to accept every thrust. The sounds she made with each thrust. Not the screams and sobs that Hawk and Swift forced out of her. If she had been making those sounds Owl knew his cock would have tried to shrink back into his body in disgust. But, she was gasping softly, small moans of feeling that urged him on.

“Yes, please oh,” she moaned looking up at him with half closed eyes. Her arms and legs wrapped tighter around him. Pulling him into her body. He pumped his hips fast, driving into her as she opened her body for him.

“Fuck, close,” he grunted as his orgasm rose towards its release. “Gonna come.”

“That’s it Owl boy, fuck that slut, come in her cunt.” He heard Swift snarl but ignored him. Instead, he watched the woman’s reaction to his imminent orgasm. She gave a slight smile.

“Come in me,” she whispered. He groaned upon hearing the words as his control snapped. He rammed into her hard and deep, once, twice, on the third time he held himself in her cunt as he came.

“FUCK YES!” He groaned emptying himself into her. She gasped and gave a small shudder still clinging to him. Her face buried into his chest. Holding her tight he kissed the top of her head, groaning into her hair as his orgasm ran its course. Emptying his seed inside her as she shuddered under him. When his orgasm ended he gently released her, she uncurled from around him. Her face was flushed and her eyes glinted with a mix of desire and a few tears.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered afraid that he had hurt her more. She shook her head quickly.

“No, it’s ok I know you had to,” she replied. Slowly he pulled out of her, making both of them gasp. Then he rose to his feet and redressed as she lay breathing hard and recovering. Owl stared at her, thinking how much he would have prefered to be with her in any other situation. Not like this, not after what his two companions had done to her. She was an attractive young woman and did not deserve what had happened to her. His thoughts were cut off as he was slapped on the arm.

“That’s my boy Owl, I knew you had it in you,” Hawk said slapping his arm once again. “Now come on, leave her here. I think it’s time for a drink to celebrate.” Owl looked at him blankly. He honestly did not think this was a time to celebrate anything. Swift walked past and also gave Owl a slap on the back. With his eyes down he followed them as they moved away from the woman and into their main home. Past their sleeping quarters and towards the eating area where Hawk had set up a still to make alcohol. Not that it tasted good, or was probably good for them. As they walked Owl heard Swift and Hawk talking.

“I’m gonna fuck that slut again,” Hawk said softly.

“I’m going to fuck her arse next,” Swift replied. “I bet it’s so fucking tight.”

“Shit, I want to fuck her arse now.” Hawk said, “luckily we’ve got all night to fuck her. She’s ours to do what we want to. Let’s give her a short while to rest, let her think she’s safe. Then we’ll all fuck her over and over, mess her up. If we do it right we can make her tell us where her stash is and go grab it.” Swift nodded and gave Hawk a sick smile.

“Umm, yeah gonna enjoy finishing her off.”

“Of course, I know how you get off on that.” Swift’s smile grew bigger and sicker. Owl stopped sharply, no! He was not going to let them do this again. Not to her, she was so young, so innocent. He still heard the other woman’s screams in his dreams from three months ago. He was not going to have another woman’s screams in his mind.

He moved back, away from the other two. Neither of them noticed, too busy discussing their plans for the woman. Swift saying how escort sakarya he loved being inside a woman as he killed her. The thought made Owl feel ill. When he was certain the pair had not realised he turned and moved quickly back into the sleeping area. Even after being with the pair for four months Owl still kept almost all his stuff packed up. A habit left over from his time alone outside, where being ready to run was a necessary survival skill. Now he was grateful that he only needed to grab a few items and stuff them into his backpack. Just as he was about to head back to the woman he stopped. He needed one more thing, just in case.

He scurried over to where Hawk slept, his gaze on the entrance to the room expecting Hawk or Swift to appear at any moment. When they did not Owl crouched down and began to work at the wall. Hawk had kept this hidden, but had not realised just how good Owl’s eyesight was. He had not only seen Hawk opening this panel in the middle of the night, but he had seen how Hawk disarmed the trap. Even though Owl was shaking as he disarmed it and opened the panel. What if he had not seen the proper disarm procedure? When the panel opened and nothing happened Owl relaxed. Quickly he reached in and grabbed what he was after. His fingers curling around the butt of the sawn-off shotgun he had spotted Hawk checking. Next to it was a pile of shells that Owl grabbed as well. A quick check showed that the gun was loaded. Moving back to his pack he shoved the shells into the pack and put the gun on the top where he could easily get it if needed. Now armed he picked up his pack and as quietly as he could left the room. A quick glance showed that the other two were still drinking and chatting. Owl moved out and headed quickly to the woman. She was curled up into a tight ball against the wall. Her body shaking with soft sobs. Owl’s heart cracked at the sight and at his part in causing her this pain. Carefully he moved towards her and gently pressed his hand to her shoulder.

“Hey, you have to get up,” he said in a low whisper. She jumped and gave a small yelp of fear.

“God, no please no more,” she gasped.

“No, no, I’m not here to hurt you. You, we have to leave.” She looked up at him blankly. “They’re not going to let you go. If you don’t get out now they’ll keep taking you, getting rougher and rougher until they kill you. They’ve done it before.” Hawk hissed sharply. “You need to get dressed and we need to leave now.”

“But, where can we go. There are hunters out.”

“Remember that other tunnel I told you about, we can go there. Hideout for the night, then you can go your way and I’ll head mine. If you don’t you’re dead.” She looked up at him blinking for a few moments. “Hurry up, get dressed now before they,”

“Before they what?” Hawk snapped from behind Owl. He twisted around and saw both of them standing only ten feet away glaring at him. “What are you doing Owl?” Hawk asked.

“I’m not letting you do this again. We’re leaving.”

“You’re not letting,” Swift said almost splutter on his anger.

“Yes, I’m not letting. I don’t want any trouble, just let us go and we never have to see each other again.”

“But, the problem is that you both know about this place,” Hawk said in an almost soft tone. “If you get caught you might tell others about us.” As he said this Swift took a step sideways. Opening a small gap between them, while putting him in a better position to attack. Owl caught the movement and frowned.

“Don’t Swift, I don’t want to hurt you,” he said to him.

“You hurt me boy, a pussy like you,” Swift snarled back. With a sigh, Owl slid his hand into his pack and pulled out the shotgun aiming it at Hawk.

“We are leaving, you have two choices. Either you just let us leave, or I force you to let us leave and that is going to get bloody.” Hawk’s eyes tightened as he glared at the gun.

“He ain’t got the balls,” Swift snapped and stepped sideways again.

“Stop moving Swift,” Owl snapped back. Swinging the gun to point it at his former partner.

“Do you honestly think we’re going to let you just leave.” Hawk snapped, Owl spotted the quick glance he swapped with Swift and knew what was about to happen. The pair burst into motion. Swift sprinting out a couple of steps to the edge of what used to be the station platform. Trying to get out of Owl’s targeting circle. Using his speed to keep from being hit. However, like Hawk he had underestimated how good Owl’s eyesight was. As fast as Swift could move it seemed like he was running through treacle to Owl. He quickly moved the gun to aim right at Swift and pulled the trigger once. The shotgun roared, the sound increased by the walls of the tunnel. Owl flicked the gun back to Hawk, aiming it straight at his head and pulling the trigger again to fire the second barrel.

The shot at Swift slammed into his chest, turning it into a bloody mess instantly. His speed was so fast that he actually took three steps forwards, running along the edge of the platform, before his body slumped down. It slipped to the floor and bounced off the platform dropping out of sight onto the old tracks below. Hawk’s head simple exploded as the shell slammed into it. His face vanishing and the back of his skull bursting like an eggshell in a spray of blood, bone, and brains. He dropped where he stood, crumpling into a pile and slumping backwards to lay, fortunately with his head almost out of sight. The woman screamed at the sound of the gunfire, then screamed more at the sight of Hawk’s body.

“Fuck, it didn’t have to go down like this,” Owl said softly. He quickly reloaded the gun. As he did his eyes caught movement deep in the depths of the tunnel. “Crap, I hoped they wouldn’t be around.” He muttered.

“What, who, you,” The woman stammered.

“The pack of tunnel ghouls that live down there. They heard the gunshots.”

“Tunnel ghouls, I thought they were just a story to stop people hiding in these tunnels.”

“Nope, they’re real and there’s a pack that lives down in this tunnel. Hawk had some sort of deal with them to keep them from attacking us. I really never asked what it was. But, they’re going to come look and we really don’t want to be here when they see the bodies. Grab your jumpsuit and let’s get out of here.” As he spoke he could see figures moving up the tunnel. Humanoid forms that moved in the most inhuman manner. The woman quickly grabbed her clothes and yanked them on as Owl led her down the tunnel. Behind them could be heard a warbling noise as the ghouls approached, the noise turned into a snarling as they spotted the bodies.

Owl led the woman out of the tunnel entrance, checking to make sure the way was clear. Spotting no movement he quickly ran the few hundred feet to the other tunnel entrance and opened it to let her in.

“There’s no ghouls down here are there?” She asked.

“Nope, it’s not deep enough for them,” he replied. She moved into the tunnel going as deep as she could. Owl followed until he was hidden from the entrance. Then dropped his pack down. “We should be safe here for the night. In the morning I’ll head out and we can go our separate ways.” She sank to the floor and looked over to him.

“We,” she started then looked away from him in an embarrassed manner. “You don’t have to leave, we could stay together.” He looked at her in shock.

“I thought after what happened you’d not want to see me again.”

“Why not, you tried to warn me, then you only did it because you had to, and now you’ve rescued me. I’m ok if you want to stay around. It’s better to be with someone in this world, safer. You seem like a good guy Owl, and if you want to hang around I’d be ok with us staying together.” Owl looked at her for a moment before slowly nodding his agreement. “Good, in that case my name is Tiff.” She told him and held her hand out for him to shake. Then she sank back down to the ground and curled up into a ball. Owl crouched down where he was, watching the entrance and listening out for any trouble. He might not have helped save her from the assault, but he was determined to do all he could to keep her safe now for as long as she would let him.

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