The Senior Trip Ch. 02

23 Temmuz 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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When their mutual orgasms complete, they lay there almost in a stupor. Finally, Kenny realized that he was still lying heavily on her, his cock still embedded in her cunt. Raising up on his elbows he pulled out, got on his knees and, then, to his feet. He looked down at his teacher, still lying there, her legs splayed apart, the cunt he had just left, open and wet with cum. Suddenly she came to herself, abruptly pulled her legs together and attempted to get up. Finally, with Kenny’s help she got to her feet and the two of them just stood there, both embarrassed, not knowing what to say or do. The whole experience seemed unreal, but it had happened and someone had to break the ice.

Neither was prepared to take that step, so they just stood there looking at each other and thinking. It’s amazing how many thoughts can ?ow through a person’s mind in just a few seconds. For Kenny and Linda Kramer, it was not quite like “seeing their lives pass before them,” but the result was similar. For Kenny, his mind still was full of the euphoria of having screwed a woman, and, as he looked at her, ?rst, lying spread open on the rug, his cock, which never had relaxed completely began to harden again. That feeling of elation, however, began to be tempered by foreboding as realism seeped in. “What should he say? What would she say? Was he in trouble? Gods, he had fucked a teacher! The witch of Lynwood High School! Unbelievable! But what if she said he had forced her? He had spanked her! He could be expelled, arrested!” These and a multitude of similar thoughts ?ashed through his mind as he helped her up. He seemed to alternate between images that caused his cock to harden and visions of doom. So, when she was erect, he just stood there, unspeaking, waiting for her reaction.

The same thing was going on in her head. As she revived and found herself lying spread open, her cunt displayed as in a porno movie, a wave of embarrassment ?ooded through her. She quickly pulled them together, and, with his help, laboriously got to her feet, her skirt falling into place to cover her. As with Kenny, thoughts raced through her mind like lightning, but, unlike his, none of them were pleasant. The pleasure she had received from the sex act faded rapidly as she could see only problems, disgrace, and humiliation. “My god, what am I going to do’? He made me! Thank heavens I’m still on the pill! It was adultery! How will I face Henry — or anybody else? Will he tell anyone, brag about having me? I’ll die! How did I get in this mess? I’m so embarrassed! He’s seen everything…gods, he spanked me! It hurts!” To her everlasting credit, she never, for a moment, thought of claiming that he assaulted or raped her. In fact, even in this darkest moment, she never denied to herself that she was a party to it, not a victim — except for the spanking. Still, she didn’t know what to do or what to say, so she just stood there, silent, waiting for him.

Who knows which would have ultimately said something, but what ?nally broke the ice was not a statement but an event — her skirt fell off! Evidently the fastening had come loose in the struggle and subsequent action, but, whatever the explanation, she now stood there, no skirt, no panties, naked below the waist except for her garter belt and hose. A rational person might wonder why such semi-nudity mattered, particularly since the person watching had not only seen everything but also had just screwed her. For Linda Kramer, Mrs. Linda Kramer, however, it was like a bucket of cold water thrown over her. As said before, she had always prided herself that no one but her husband had seen her undressed. In addition, she had been a virgin when married and had been literally untouched since — a chaste and extremely modest woman. Suddenly, it was just too much for her to take — her body exposed, sex with a student, adultery, fear of exposure — and she just went to pieces. Dropping one hand down in a ridiculous effort to hide her cunt, she reached up with the other and slapped his face, gasping out, “Look what you’ve done to me! I’m your teacher, a married woman! How could you treat me like this?”

Realizing the futility of her “September Morn” pose, she straightened up and began pummeling his chest with her ?sts, while hysterically continuing her verbal abuse. Actually, the slap stung a bit, but the pummeling was totally ineffective. Kenny held her off with ease, but as her harangue continued despite his efforts to hush her, his anger surged upwards again. “Stop it now or I’ll spank you again! You deserved it before and you’ll get it again unless you settle down!” She was too far gone, almost hysterical, to listen to reason or recognize a threat, ?nally blurting out, “You’re going back tomorrow! I certainly can’t deal with having you here!” That, of course was the last straw and, just as before, she found herself draped over his thighs before she was even ByCasino aware that she was in danger.

Her position was quickly brought home to her, however. This time there was no skirt to get out of the way, no panties to rip off! There was just a bare ass, still crimson from the recent spanking, provocatively poised and vulnerable. Kenny’s hand rose and swept down with a tremendous ear-shattering noise, like the sharp “crack” from two hands hitting together in enthusiastic applause. This was only one hand, of course, smacking viciously on her already sore buttocks. Actually, the spanking was no harsher than before, but the hips were still in?amed and irritated from the punishment in?icted no more than a half-hour before. As the ?rst blow hit the tender flesh, Linda went wild, twisting and jerking to free herself and to dodge the next smack. She was like an eel, squirming and slippery, making it dif?cult to hold her with one hand while spanking with the other. However, the hand that could hold and throw a 180-pound wrestling opponent was far too strong for a 120-pound woman to overcome, and all her wiggling and struggling availed her nothing.

“Smack….smack….smack…..smack….” The blows rained down, Kenny intent on punishing her for her renewed threats. He was further incensed, and worried, by her implication that he alone was at fault, her “Look at what you’ve done to me….how you could treat me like this!” Mostly, though, he was still just reacting to the long term animosity he felt toward her. He was determined to spank her until, somehow, she had been repaid for her haughty mistreatment throughout the school year.

On the receiving end, Linda was just as determined. She would escape! She would not accept this kind of treatment! She was outraged by what had happened. She was blaming him, but her own guilt feeling made her even more stubborn. She continued to shriek at him, demanding to be released, threatening him with all sorts of unspeci?ed punishments if he didn’t stop. (Once again, it was fortunate that the walls and doors were soundproof, for, while the pain being in?icted on her ass was excruciating, being “rescued” would have been far worse. She was a proud and independent woman, and to have someone come in and ?nd her half naked and being spanked by a student would be humiliation and embarrassment beyond comprehension.) Of course it didn’t stop and it became a contest of wills — what would wear out ?rst, Kenny’s arm and hand (as well as his anger) or her bottom and pain threshold.

His hand rose and fell, hitting ?rst one cheek and then the other, sometimes varying the pattern by concentrating on one side for several hard wallops before alternating again. Once in a while he delivered a slap directly on her protruding cunt lips, always eliciting an outraged scream of agony. The whole process was agonizing. It felt as if a ?re or electric shock shot through her with each blow. She couldn’t see it, of course, but the skin covering both hips was now a reddish-purple, like one large bruise, with the promise that it would be bruised tomorrow. A pattern developed: smack , “shriek, stop it,” smack, “ouch,” smack, “OUCH, let me up!” smack each blow followed by a cry of pain and a command to stop. Her legs kicked, her ?sts pounded his legs, her hips twisted from side to side — but the spanking went on.

Suddenly, a change took place. She was struggling and ?ghting, screeching and demanding — and then she collapsed, her de?ance whooshing out like air escaping from a balloon. With no warning, she burst into tears and she began beseeching rather than ordering, begging rather than instructing. She lay limply across Kenny’s knees, not even attempting to avoid the spanking hand. At first, he couldn’t believe that she had surrendered, so vigorous had been her ?ghting against him. A few more swats brought only low moans and pleas, “please, it hurts so much…..please stop…..I’m sorry….please stop…..” He was startled as he looked down at her ass cheeks and saw that the skin was mottled red, looking almost like a red rash showing through, rather than a uniform color. He slowly ran his hand over the burning ?esh of her hips and, when she made no opposition, over and into the bulge of her cunt lips. Then somewhat embarrassed by what had transpired, he raised her to her feet and stood up himself.

They faced each other, neither speaking nor knowing quite what to do. Finally, when she said or did nothing, Kenny reached out and began to unbutton her blouse. She just stood there, docilely, until he ?nished, then just pulled her arms out of the sleeves, shrugged it off to fall on the ?oor with her skirt . Not waiting for instructions, she reached behind her back and unsnapped her bra, letting it fall to join the rest of her clothes. She straightened, standing there naked before him, waiting By Casino for whatever he wanted next, seeming to have no mind of her own. Then, as if a silent signal had been given, they turned, as one, and went into her bedroom.

There, in very undramatic fashion they prepared for sex. She sat on the edge of the bed, unfastened her hose, rolled them off, removed her garter belt and lay back, waiting. Kenny almost ripped his clothes off — zippers and buttons didn’t want to cooperate — and, nude, joined her. This time there was no hesitation, no equivocation: she just lay back, raised and opened her legs in welcome. For a person who had fought so hard, so vigorously, she seemed unbelievably submissive — and she was. Actually, she was like the wild horse, the bronco, independent and feisty, accepting no one as master. When a cowboy attempted to mount and ride the bronco, the horse would jump, buck, twist and dive, anything to dislodge the unwelcome rider. The struggle would be mighty, and sometimes the cowboy was thrown. But, if the cowboy won, broke the spirit of the horse (i.e. “broke” the horse), then the horse was tamed, and the subdued bronco could be mounted and ridden with ease. You wouldn’t want to carry the analogy too far, Linda Kramer certainly was not a horse, but she had been tamed and she was ready to be mounted and ridden.

This time was different from the ?rst. That time, Linda was just overcome by lust, whatever its cause. Then she just lay there, open to fucking, exposing herself because she wanted it. She hardly knew what she was doing in her conscious mind, her baser instincts dominating her actions. Now, she knew exactly what was going to happen and she was a willing, cooperating partner in the inevitable sexual act. Last time, for all the reasons discussed before, she was hot enough to let almost anyone into her cunt. Now, she was serving the person who had mastered her, had spanked and dominated her to the point of total surrender. She had no qualms now about her complete exposure, her complete nudity, or about consciously committing the act of adultery. In fact, her husband, her previous chastity and modesty, never entered her mind. She just lay there, open and available, and when Kenny came down on her, she obligingly raised and spread her legs, welcoming him into her body. At that moment, at least, she was his to do with as he wished. That complete, total surrender has its own attraction and appeal, removing all exterior constraints and obligations, all right and wrong, placing all blame on the other person.

Kenny, of course, had no compunctions about taking her again. Even if her status as a teacher and married woman had entered his mind, it probably would have increased her appeal rather than discouraging him. Actually, at that point, he was thinking no more clearly than she, his actions controlled by the very potent sexual drive of a man who has just forced a woman into total, voluntary submission. Rape gives some twisted men that dose of power that excites them sexually, but for a normal man, the real charge come having an imperious woman willingly offer herself to his cock. That is much greater domination than physical superiority, much more satisfying and exciting than abusing a defenseless victim.

In any case, explanations aside, he lowered himself down on and into her, beginning what would be a longer, actually more enjoyable, sexual experience. The ?rst fucking was really like two animals rutting, driven by instincts and physical urgency, rather than conscious sexual desire. This time, he was consciously screwing Mrs. Linda Kramer, a very attractive woman whose bodily charms had aroused him as he spanked her. Thus, he was driven by both that male domination factor and the appeal of a voluptuous woman. As his cock sank without opposition into her vaginal depths, his excitement was almost beyond containment. Happily, for both of them, he was not one of those unfortunate men who suffer from premature ejaculation, and, as a result, he was able to let the sexual tension slowly build up to a gradual climax. Surprisingly for one so inexperienced, he was able to start deliberately, enjoying the slight friction as he plunged into her and slowly pulled out, repeating the sequence time after time as his passion grew. The speed of the alternating in-and-out pattern gradually accelerated, the contact on the “in” becoming harder, the “outs” briefer. Soon, his hips were a virtual blur as the ?re grew higher and the climax approached.

For Linda, she was, at ?rst, more of a willing receptacle rather than a heated participant. She was hot, but it was as much from that sense of being dominated and taken as from her own sexual drive. That didn’t last long, however, and within a very short time, she was matching his plunges, move for move. She surged up, greeting his entering cock, an electric charge going through her as his pubic bone hammered her clitoris. Even before he did, she began her By Casino Giriş per- orgasmic moves, grinding upwards against him, twisting a bit to prolong and spread the contact. Her increasingly uncontrolled moves, the gasping “oh, oh, oh” cries as passion overcame her, spurred him to his own climax. They met each other, her clit ?attened against him as he slammed in one last time, staying locked against her as he sent a torrent of cum ?ooding deep into her most intimate passages. They held that position, welded to each other at the crotch, until, ?nally, the sexual tension was completely drained from them.

As her orgasm subsided, Linda’s legs drooped down toward the bed as she just lay there, panting, getting her breath after the extreme exertion. Kenny slumped down over her as he also recovered from the heart-pounding strain of fucking. Finally, he pulled his de?ated cock from her cunt and collapsed beside her. They lay there, side-by-side, not speaking, as their pulses gradually returned to normal. With that recovery, came reality, and her ?rst words were, “My god, I can’t believe this! No one but my husband had ever been in me….and no one else has ever even seen me naked! Now, you’ve had me twice and I’m lying here like this! How on earth did this happen?”

Kenny raised up on one elbow and looked down at her doleful face, replying, “Well, we’re even. I don’t believe it either! If it makes you feel any better, yours is the ?rst cunt I’ve ever been in, and you’re the first woman I’ve ever seen completely naked!”

Linda looked up with an astonished look on her face. “Do you really mean that? That’s funny, it really does make me feel better…..I don’t know why, but it does! Still, it’s worse for me because I’m married, and regardless of the circumstances, it’s still adultery. I can’t even claim that I was forced into it or didn’t want it….cause I did!” As she spoke, she twisted on the bed and a sharp pain shot through her bottom, causing her to wince and gasp out, “Ouch! Damn, and you spanked me!” Turning trying to see her hips, she added, “Gods, that hurts! You must have bruised my entire bottom!”

“You’re probably right. My hand is even sore!” Grinning, he added, “For what it’s worth, I never spanked anyone before, either! Here, let’s see.”

Answering his grin with a rueful smile, she replied, sarcastically, “Well, I’m certainly glad I gave you all these opportunities for new experiences!” As she spoke, she meekly turned over on her stomach, exposing her very red, actually blue-red, buttocks to his eyes, a move that would have appalled her an hour or so before — but, of course, her entire front had been open to view before she turned, so perhaps it didn’t matter.

Kenny looked at the curvy hips displayed before him, feeling a twitch in his cock as he did so. Running his hand over her skin, he said, sounding somewhat surprised, “Boy, you really are hot,” receiving a bitter, “Do you really think so,” in reply. Raising his hand in mock threat, he brought it down lightly on one cheek, warning her, “Be careful! I can spank you again!”

Even that relatively gentle slap sent a brief wave of pain through her, and she cried out, “Ouch! Don’t you dare! Oh, that hurts back there. You really shouldn’t have spanked me so hard….I didn’t do anything to deserve it!”

Something of Kenny’s previous feelings returned for a second, as he snapped, “Oh yes you did! You were on my back all semester and you started again here! You deserved everything you got!”

With that, a conversation began that would have been impossible without that second, very severe spanking, the surrender, and the “bonding together” sex that followed. Kenny’s animosity had been dissipated by his physical domination and her complete surrender. For Linda, that domination had defeated her, making her more amenable to listening without defending herself or, worse, counterattacking. She heard Kenny explain, in detail, how she had tormented him, how her intractable and in?exible discipline had made her class a torture and how it threatened to destroy the pleasure of their senior trip.

In her current subordinate position, she actually did listen to him for the first time, and was startled to realize just how despicable some of her behavior had been. It’s amazing how a person can go along, doing things without really recognizing how they appear to or affect other people. Mrs. Linda Kramer had heard the term “the Witch of Lynwood” applied to herself and considered it to be nothing but an insult from disgruntled students, but now she began to realize that it might be all too accurate. As Kenny went on, she became more and more embarrassed as she was forced to admit that she had acted so nastily without even being aware of the impact on students. “Oh, Kenny, I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize just how the things I said would hurt you and the others. I had all those rules to keep the class in line, otherwise no one would pay attention to me.” Without thinking, she blurted out, “If I let down, don’t make everyone stick to the schedule, no one will pay attention to me and the lesson plans won’t be followed….nothing would get done!”

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