My Son Ch. 03

30 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Well, all I can say is that I thought I had really pushed the boundaries last Sunday.

But after your excitement this morning, this is rather tame lol.

I had a vague recollection of a part of one of your stories which I thought fitted in with what had happened that morning, but I really had no idea how, or even if, I was brave enough to try one more step.

But I just knew that I wanted to try.

In the end, it was no different than any other normal mother – son conversation.

Well ok, not “normal” I suppose, as I had engineered the whole thing for my very own personal gratification.

And as a mother/son chat went, it was very gratifying!

But please read on and tell me your thoughts…

It was about 9.45pm and all four of us were sitting down and watching a DVD together.

I say all of us, I wasn’t really watching it at all. My minds eye kept replaying this morning’s events over and over again.

And part of another one of your stories had kept entering my head all day, which the more I thought about it,the more I wanted to try out.

I knew that this morning had probably given me the one and only chance I’d ever get to do what was germinating in that naughty little head of mine but I couldn’t see how I could make it happen.

My head was going around in circles so I decided to give up on that idea and I said I was going to get ready for bed. My husband said that he wanted to see the end of the film. I guessed there was about an hour left of it and I told him not to wake me up.

I went up to my bedroom and changed into my nightclothes. I was wearing what you can see in the photo, so you can see what Tom saw. Including the large portion of my belly which was exposed…urrgh!

I went to the bathroom to clean my teeth and when I came out I saw Tom’s door was now shut. I had a sudden idea and I quickly went into my room and half closed the door, taking off my dressing gown, which I had worn to the bathroom.

I sat at my dressing table where I could see the partially open door in my mirror. I was hoping that Tom would use the bathroom before going to bed and he would have to pass my door to get to it if he did.

I sat there for about 10minutes and I was about to Alanya Zenci Escort give up on the idea as a waste of time when I heard his door open and in the mirror, I saw him glance into my room as he walked past my door. Then I heard the bathroom door shut.

My heart rate had just doubled, as I got ready to put my idea into action. I didn’t really know what I was going to do except try to copy the basic plot line of your story, and then I would be ad-libbing the rest.

I heard the bathroom door open so I quickly picked up my hairbrush and started to brush my hair.

As I saw Tom walk by my door, I called out to him.

He came back and pushed my door open and asked if I had called him.

I was looking at him in the mirror and I saw his eyes drop down to the reflection of my chest and then to my arse, which was showing quite a bit as my knickers weren’t that big.

I said yes I did because I needed to talk to him about something.

He said ok.

I said, “Come in and shut the door.”

He looked worried and said “What have I done wrong?”

I laughed, more out of nervous tension than anything else and said “You haven’t done anything wrong you silly boy, but I’d rather talk to you in private if that’s ok with you.”

He said “I suppose so” and as he shut the door, I swivelled around on my stool and faced him. I patted the bottom of my bed and said “Come and sit down, this won’t take long. And don’t look so worried.”

I saw his eyes glance down to my tits and then carry on down to my panties as he walked over and sat on the end of my bed. Although my legs were closed, I knew he could see the top of them.

My tits started to harden as I saw him look at them and my stomach suddenly got this familiar feeling that started to travel south.

He was now sitting face to face with me with our knees almost touching. I took a deep breath and said ” I don’t really know how to say this, so I’m just going to say it. In future Tom, when you masturbate in the bathroom, could you please make sure that you clean up after you. I don’t want Sam or your father to find anything.”

Tom’s eyes went wide, his face turned red and he said “But I didn’t.”

I said “I used Alanya Manken Escort the bathroom after you this morning Tom and I know what I found.”

His face was bright red and he looked down and said “Sam is probably doing it too you know.”

I said “Yes I know that and when I have to wipe his mess up off the toilet seat, I’ll be having this same conversation with him. But I know it was you this morning.”

He looked shocked as he started to say “You had to…” but I interrupted him saying “Of course I had to clear it up, or should I have come and got you to do it?”

He went even redder and said “I’m sorry, God this is so embarrassing.”

I smiled and said “What is, the fact that we are having this conversation or that I know that you wanked off this morning?”

Tom’s jaw dropped when I used that word.

I said “I think you forget that I was young once too, I wasn’t always just your mum you know. Oh it doesn’t matter what you want to call it, or even that I know you did it. Just promise me that you will leave the bathroom clean next time, ok?”

He nodded and said “Yes I promise.”

I tried to keep the conversation light so I said “Or tell me next time you do it and I’ll clean it up if you can’t be bothered.”

He stared at me and I said “THAT was a joke.”

He said “Oh.”

I said gently “Look, it’s nothing to be ashamed about. Just make sure you don’t leave any evidence afterwards in future, that’s all I’m asking. I really don’t want Sam or your father finding it. Do you?”

He wouldn’t look my in the eyes as he said “No. I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”

I leant forward and placed my hand on his knee and I gave it a squeeze and I saw Tom glance up at my cleavage again.

I said “Oh I bet it does.”

He looked up and I could see he was shocked again at what I said.

I said, “Look Tom, I’m not mad at you honestly. It’s a perfectly natural act that everyone does. Your father does it I do it. God, at your age, I’d be amazed if you weren’t doing it.”

He looked up at me and said, “You do it?”

I laughed and blushed as I said “Of course I do. Or do you think your old mum is too old for that sort of thing now?”

He couldn’t Alanya Anal Escort help but glance down at my tits again as he said “No of course not, I just never thought of you… you know.”

My nipples were rock hard now as we talked and I knew that he would be able to make them out as they pushed against the material of my top.

I smiled as I said “Well now you know a secret about me too, so we are even. So do you promise to clean up properly after yourself next time?”

He looked at me and said “Yes of course, I really am sorry.”

I was still leaning forward with my hand on his right knee, which I squeezed again. This was giving him ample opportunity to look at my rock hard nipples. An opportunity that he did not waste.

I said “Don’t worry about it, it’ll be our secret ok?”

He nodded and said “Ok, Thanks.”

He asked “Have you told dad about this?”

I shook my head and said, “Of course not, I told you, it’s nothing to worry about so he doesn’t need to know, this is just between us two. Is that ok with you?”

He nodded and said “God yes.”

I couldn’t resist saying “Why on earth you needed to do it at 9 o’clock in the morning though is beyond me.”

He couldn’t stop himself glancing down at my tits as he shrugged his shoulders and said “I just had to that’s all.”

I laughed and said “Well next time you get an urge, be more careful, think about what you are doing.”

As I realised what I had said, I laughed and said “You know what I mean.”

He actually smiled and said “Yes I do.”

I said “Good. Now be off with you, I need my beauty sleep.”

Tom stood up, giving another look down at my tits and said ‘Good night mum.”

I said goodnight and he went and opened my door. He turned around, giving one final look at my tits as he said “Do you want your door shut?”

I said yes please and he closed the door and I just sat there, staring at it, not believing that I had just had THAT conversation with my son. We can talk about anything but that sort of talk I leave to my husband – normally.

And then I turned back to my dressing table and I caught sight of my nipples in my mirror. I couldn’t believe how visible they were. They were standing out like organ stops and it was obvious that Tom hadn’t missed them either! Especially when I had been sitting so close, that he could have reached out and touched them!

I found myself wondering if I would need to check the bathroom later!

So, you and your stories are turning me into a right brazen hussy!

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