Mrs Austin and Todd

28 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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It was on a Thursday that Meg Austin got the phone call. The call from Jared, with whom she’d been having an affair for two months. Quickly, as if he was trying to get it over with, he apologized but said that his girlfriend, Laurel, was getting suspicious, and anyway it felt wrong doing it with his friend’s mom, and it had been fun but maybe they should end it.

She didn’t cry, not at first. Of course, she had never expected it to go on forever; after all, Jared was 18, she was approaching 46, and even if he had wanted a serious relationship there was no way she was going to quit her marriage of more than 20 years, and give up so many other things in her life, to move in with a kid. For one thing it would be the end of her career – she had worked damned hard to rise to the position of deputy to the head of PR at the health insurance company she worked for, just about the biggest employer in the town of Arapaho Falls. For a period covering precisely 57 days she had been regularly fucked by an attractive, fit college basketball player, and they had kissed, sucked and licked every inch of each other’s bodies. Now she was just going to have to go back to being a middle-aged mom who had dull, grunting missionary position sex with her husband two or three times a year if she was lucky.

In bed that night, as Ralph snored beside her, silent tears did roll down her face, and at work the next day after, with hideous embarrassment, she had started sobbing during a meeting for no apparent reason, she had heard two younger male colleagues whispering in sniggering tones about ‘the change’. She was glad the weekend had arrived, giving her co-workers an opportunity to forget all about it (as if).

On the Saturday Ralph headed off early with some of his buddies to drive all the way to Kansas to watch the Denver Broncos play the Chiefs the following day, and Meg took advantage of the rare opportunity to stay late in bed. When she did rise she decided to wear one of her prettiest dresses, just to please herself, white cotton printed with red poppies, buttoned to the waist with a flaring skirt. Her 18-year old son Todd, had also gone out quite early, she assumed to spend the day with his girlfriend, Sara. She was slightly surprised, therefore, when Todd arrived home around midday. He and Meg had similar looks: Todd was only a little taller than her at five-ten and shared her big dark eyes and naturally curly chestnut brown hair. He was stockier than Jared, but muscular, not fat, through training for the college football team, for which he was the alternate quarter-back. On this day he stalked through the kitchen door that led to the back yard and the car porch, and wordlessly walked straight past his mother and up the stairs to his bedroom. Meg sighed: Todd and Sara hadn’t been getting on so well lately, and she guessed they’d maybe had a row.

Meg went out shortly after that to visit a friend, and when she returned she found Todd sitting at the kitchen table, apparently waiting for her. He rose as she entered and gave her a smile. Then he told her, “Mom, there’s something I want to show you in the lounge.” She would have liked to make herself a cup of coffee first, but there was something in Todd’s voice that told her that whatever was so important that she had to come and see it was also quite urgent, at least in his mind. In that way Todd was like his dad: when he wanted something, he was difficult to deny. So Meg obediently followed her son across the hall, and sat where he indicated on the couch. Then he started the video. At first Meg was puzzled: she saw a fixed camera shot of a room that looked vaguely familiar, a bedroom. Then she gasped in shock as realization came to her, and at the same moment a naked body walked into shot – her body! It was Jared’s parents’ bedroom where, with some reluctance, she had met with him once, about a month ago when his folks were away for the weekend. Usually they had carried on their affair in Meg’s own bed, when Ralph and Todd were out.

Completely oblivious of the camera, the video image of Meg lay on the bed, resting her weight on her elbows. Moments later an equally naked Jared joined her, attaching his lips to her belly then kissing his way downwards before burying his head between her legs. Meg watched in horror, her face Escort bayan burning, deeply conscious of her son sitting a foot away from her, watching her shame as his best friend ate her pussy on the TV screen. Her screen image began to writhe with the pleasure provided by Jared’s tongue, her hands squeezing her ample boobs. After a minute or so Jared lifted his head, positioned himself above her and plunged his erect cock deep into her…

The image froze as Todd hit the pause button. After a few seconds of silence, which seemed to last hours, he started to speak, in a quite matter-of-fact tone. “I’ve kind of known for a while that Jared had something new going on, some big secret he wasn’t telling me about. And the thing with old ‘Jar-head’ is, get him drunk enough and he starts getting loose-lipped. I’ve noticed how much perkier you’ve been lately mom, but even so, when he told me he was fucking you naturally I called him a liar…then he said he had proof. He swears to me this is the only copy he has, and that he made it just for his own entertainment, so I made him give it to me.”

So that was why Jared had broken off their relationship so suddenly. Unable to look Todd in the face, feeling totally humiliated, in a quavering voice Meg replied, “Thank you honey. I’ll get rid of this nasty piece of shit and…”

But Todd restrained her as she began to rise from the couch. Waiting until she turned her head to look at him in enquiry, he said, “That’s not how it works mom. There’s a price to be paid. Jared told me you give great head, and the simple truth is, I want to find out if you’re as good as Sara.” Meg couldn’t quite believe she’d heard him correctly, but in answer to the perplexed look on her face Todd took one of her hands in his and, in a quiet voice, continued, “You heard me right momma – I want you to suck my cock.”

Her humiliation now mixed with outrage, Meg leapt to her feet and stood before Todd, hands on her hips. “Todd Phillip Austin, if this is some kind of joke it’s in pretty poor taste! I’m sorry you had to see…that, I know you must despise me and I promise I’ll try to make it up to you, but I don’t appreciate your sense of humor.”

Todd sat quite calm during the outburst and, his eyes locked on hers, replied, “It’s no joke mom…Meg…you blew Jared, now I want you to do the same thing for me. I don’t expect you to be wild about the idea, but think of it as just another young cock for you to enjoy.”

Feeling tears of rage forming in her eyes, Meg answered in a quiet, firm tone. “Your sick little fantasy is not going to happen, young man. I am going to get that piece of filth right now and destroy it, then we’ll start working to put this behind us.”

Todd sat upright on the couch. Still in a calm tone, but now with a hint of steel in his voice, he told her, “You can do what you like with that disc. I’ve loaded it onto my PC anyway. Within about 15 minutes I can put it out on the worldwide web, where the whole world can watch my best friend screwing my mommy. I’ll send a copy of the link to the Denver Post too: should make an interesting little tidbit for them, local healthcare manager and mother fucks teenage boys.”

In a matter of seconds the whole horrific scenario flashed before Meg’s eyes. That kind of exposure would cost her her marriage, her job, her home, her friends…heck, she’d been at school with both of Jared’s parents and still met regularly with them. She’d have to quit town, in fact she’d probably have to quit the state. Her entire life would be in ruins, and all because stupid fucking Jared couldn’t hold his liquor. She barely noticed as Todd gripped her hips and eased her into a kneeling position on the floor before him. Now terrified of what confronted her, tears beginning to roll down her cheeks, in a desperate voice Meg appealed to her son. “Baby, you wouldn’t – couldn’t – really do that to me. You know everything it would cost me. And what people would think of you too, doing that to your mama.”

It seemed Todd could no longer hold her eyes, but in a determined voice he said, “Mom, you know that since I was six years old I have never broken my word to you, about anything. Well, I tell you here and now, I will do exactly what I said if you don’t give me what I want. As for what people Bayan escort might think of me, who’d know it was me that leaked it? My guess is everyone’ll put it down to Jared; hell, I’ll probably even get sympathy, having my mother exposed as a slut. I’m not asking you to screw me, just to do this for me, just once, and it really will all be behind us. I know you’re not happy about the idea, but face up to it Meg, you are going to suck my dick.” As he spoke Todd undid his pants and, raising his rear from the couch, slid them and his underwear down to his ankles. For the first time in her life Meg found herself staring at her son’s adult cock. It was longer than his father’s, as long as Jared’s, but much thicker, framed by a dark bush, and beginning to rise to full erection. Trying to keep a sob out of her voice, Meg wheedled, “Please honey, T-bear, if you love me, if you feel anything at all for me, don’t make me do…”

She got no further as Todd reached his hand behind her head and pulled it forcibly into his lap, his growing cock slipping into her open mouth. Before she could prevent the reaction, in reflex her tongue stroked up the underside of the shaft and twirled around the tip. Still holding her head, Todd groaned, “God, that’s nice.” Meg loved the feel of a cock in her mouth and, despite her revulsion at what was happening, she felt her stomach beginning to churn with the first stirrings of lust, and her pussy twitching with excitement. Todd’s cock was far meatier than Jared’s, filling her mouth beautifully. Try as she might she couldn’t control her rebellious tongue, which had switched to auto-pilot, twirling round the shaft then back up the sensitive underside.

Todd fell back on the couch, his eyes closed, and murmured, “Fuck, you are good at this mom – nearly as good as Sara.” Meg knew he was trying to play mind-games with her, comparing her skills to those of his teenage girlfriend, but it no longer mattered. He was no longer holding her head, forcing her mouth onto him, but she continued to pleasure him. Feeling eternally damned, she could not deny to herself that she was enjoying the sensation of sucking his shaft, and the sheer size of it. Okay, if the little bastard wanted to find out how good his mother was at giving head she’d fucking well show him. Fully surrendering herself to the task, she lifted a hand and cupped it around his scrotum, squeezing his balls in time with her lips as she stroked them up and down his length, her tongue lapping round and round him. Todd groaned loudly with enjoyment and gasped “Christ Meg, you’re the best.”

Entirely committed to her task now, and completely surrendering herself to the pleasure of it, Meg continued to caress Todd’s dick with her lips and her skilled tongue, even extending it far enough to lick it up his scrotum, between her softly squeezing fingers. She heard her own moans of arousal mingling with his, and felt her pussy begin to dampen. Almost without thinking about it she slipped her spare hand into her panties and began to massage her feverish clitty. After a few more moments Todd groaned “Here it comes” but she didn’t pull away; on the contrary, she began sucking and licking all the harder. She had come to enjoy the taste of a man’s juices, and as Todd squirted into her mouth, his hips thrusting at her face, she felt her own orgasm taking her, her finger working wildly at her clit to intensify and extend the pleasure.

Todd slumped back on the sofa and muttered, “Jesus, that was truly amazing.” As they recovered their breath, both spent, Meg rested her head on his thigh, tracing little circles with her finger in the hairs. She had enjoyed what they had just done but she was glad it was over. She had given Todd what he demanded, and now she could get rid of that goddamned disc and they could start on re-building a normal mother-son relationship.

As Todd rose to his feet she lifted her head then rested it back on the seat of the couch. She assumed he was going to the bathroom to clean up…but gasped in shock a moment later when, quick as a flash, he lifted her dress from behind and slipped a hand inside her panties! Jerking up her head she squealed “Todd no, you mustn’t, you promised…”

“I’m sorry mom but it’s not enough, you’re just too hot. I’ve got to have you.” Escort Meg tried to stand but her legs refused to respond. Todd’s touch felt amazing, as he trailed a finger down her ass-crack to the very edge of her pussy and back, and she bit hard on her lip to try and stifle the moan of lust that his movements provoked. After several strokes Todd’s finger didn’t stop at the edge of her gash, and she gasped again as she felt it enter her and begin to stroke her burning hot aroused insides. “Christ, you’re so fucking wet – you want this as much as I do.”

Mustering her last shreds of self-control, her body so aroused that she could barely control her breathing enough to speak, Meg groaned her reply. “No Todd, I really don’t. You’ve got to stop this right now, it’s so wro…ahhh, omigod.” Several of Todd’s fingers were inside her now, and his thumb had found her clit, stroking it in exactly the way she most adored. Jeez, much more of this and she was going to cum just to the ministrations of his beautiful, amazing fingers.

Leaning in close to his mother’s ear, Todd whispered, “I want to fuck you Meg.” His fingers stirred her pot again and, unable to restrain it, Meg emitted a huge wail of pleasure. His lips still brushing her ear, Todd chuckled and whispered, “You sure you don’t want my big stiff cock inside you Meg?”

Feeling close to explosion, Meg groaned, “No, no, no….oh God, YES, fuck me you little shit, just this one time , promise.”

Todd chuckled again and whispered “Sure, I promise”.

With his free hand he tried to remove her panties and she helped him, managing to raise her knees for him to slip them down and off. Todd moved closer into her, pushing her knees wider apart on the carpet with his own. He murmured “Wow, I love your ass momma, it’s a beauty.”

His erection stroked up her ass-crack and, suddenly panicked, Meg gasped, “No Todd, not there, please.”

“Uh-uh, not this time.” As the implication of his words hit home he entered her, with a deep plunging stroke that drove the breath from her body. Within seconds of feeling his cock inside her Meg’s second climax crashed over her, a riot of flashing lights and roaring in her ears that threatened to explode her head with its power as her insides somersaulted in ecstasy and her pussy walls clamped around Todd. He had only just started though: he was a much more skilled lover than Jared had been, varying the pace, length and strength of his stokes, sometimes withdrawing so far, and holding position there, that Meg thought he was withdrawing, before another delicious deep stroke that had her almost passing out with pleasure. She loved the feel of his hairs tickling against her thighs with each deep penetration, and she positively gurgled with joy when he reached a hand around her and started stroking her clit again as he fucked her. Before Todd finished she had at least one more orgasm, with maybe another one tacked on the end; but finally he settled to a regular, rapidly increasing pace, and with a final huge push he buried his cock inside her to the hilt as he shot his load into her.

Afterwards, as they sat together on the couch, Meg felt nothing but the deepest lustful joy towards her son. Any last shreds of guilt had long gone, and she gladly accepted his tongue into her mouth, sucking on it as they kissed hungrily. She watched lazily as Todd unbuttoned the top of her dress, eased it and her bra down to her waist and attached his lips to one of her big brown nipples, sucking on it just as he had done as a baby. All those years ago though he hadn’t been caressing the other tit with a hand, and her nipple hadn’t instantly stiffened with desire as he teased it with tongue and teeth. Gazing down at her son-lover, a smile on her lips, she murmured, “You’re an evil little bastard, you know that, don’t you? An evil, horny little motherfucker.”

She heard him laugh into her boob. As one of his hands dropped onto her thigh she instantly opened her legs for him, and gasped with joy as a finger entered her soaking, sticky pussy. Resting his head on her boob, Todd said, “I promised you that I’d only make you fuck me once, and I don’t intend to break my promise. I’d love to go on and on fucking you, every chance I get, but if you don’t want it then I’ll accept that this is the end.”

Meg’s smile widened. Wrapping her fingers around Todd’s think, hot semi-erection, she replied, “You know, baby, I think we’d be more comfortable upstairs, in my bed. I want to find out just how good you are at eating pussy.”

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