Confessions of a Firehouse Floozy Ch. 01

28 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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It started innocently enough. Jack lived two doors down. He and my husband Phil had ‘bonded’, or whatever it is guys do, shortly after we moved into the neighborhood. Jack does handyman work when he’s not doing the fireman thing, so my husband saw it as the perfect opportunity to help out a friend and get a few things fixed around the house while he was out of town. The perfect solution, right? Not if you’re me and have a major case of the hots for the man with the tools.

Jack was out behind the garage when I got home, taking a cigarette break. “Kids at school?” He asked conversationally when I joined him.

“I’m a free woman for the next two hours.” I explained, smiling up into the sunshine. My youngest son had just started kindergarten and the sudden onslaught of ‘free time’ was still kind of new to me.

Jack nodded and took a drag from his cigarette. I watched enviously as the smoke curled around him, wrapping him in a loving embrace. “Could I bum one of those?” I asked carefully, already anticipating the rush of nicotine through my veins.

“I thought you guys didn’t smoke.” He remarked, shaking one from the pack and offering it to me.

“He doesn’t.” I clarified, sliding the cig from its pack and gently placing it between my lips.

Jack provided a flame and I inhaled deeply, savoring the forbidden fruit. “Then why do you?”

I exhaled and watched the lazy trail of smoke drift away from me. “It’s my own little form of rebellion.” I admitted, watching him from behind my tortoise shell sunglasses.

“Why would you need to act out?” Jack inquired, leaning against the garage.

“Don’t we all at some point?” I returned. “I mean, I don’t see you smoking in the living room in front of Carla.” I reminded him as I took another deep drag.

Jack smiled in concession. “But at least she knows I smoke.”

I leaned in close and winked up at him. “I promise, I won’t tell him if you don’t.”

He studied me for a while as if really seeing me for the first time, which was good, since I’d been appreciating him from afar for quite a while. I have always had a thing for firemen, and Jack was both HOT and heroic. A dangerous combination. “What other things do you do to rebel, Angela?”

Feeling bold, I leaned in close and flicked at a spec of plaster on his t-shirt. “Oh, I don’t know…whatever I can manage in two hours.”

Jack gulped visibly. “I’ll bet you can manage quite a bit.”

“You’d be surprised.” I took another drag of my cig before stubbing it out on the ground a la Sandy in Grease. “Well, I’m off to shower now. All by myself. Alone…no one to wash my back…” He didn’t say anything, but I could tell by the stirring in his shorts that he wasn’t entirely immune to me, either. “Good thing my vibe is waterproof.” I added over my shoulder as I sauntered off to the house.

I wasn’t really expecting Jack to follow, but I wanted to be sure to leave him a mental picture while I was showering in the room above where he was working. I figured it was only fair that I return the favor and give him a fantasy or two for the many he had given me.

For the next few times he was there, which was generally when he wasn’t busy fighting fires, it was the same thing—I’d join him for a quick smoke out behind the garage after the kids were off in school, flirt shamelessly, then go off for my morning shower. If I didn’t know better I’d say that he was enjoying this little game as much as I was. Either that or it was by an incredible stroke of luck that he just ‘happened’ to be taking a break out back every morning when I got back from dropping off the kids.

“When does Phil come home?” He asked one Friday morning after we’d gone through the normal morning banter.

“This evening.” I rested my hand on his arm and batted my eyes up at him playfully. “We have lots of undisturbed time if you’re planning on joining me in the shower today.”

Jack leaned in a little closer, allowing his chest to brush against mine, and whispered in a deep, sexy, voice that made my panties moist, “Some day I may just take you up on that.”

“Promises. Promises.” I shot back, pressing a little closer into him.

He bent bahis siteleri his head forward and I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. I held my breath. All I had to do was turn my face a little to the right…”Sadly I have some work to finish in your family room before Phil gets home.”

Oh yeah, him. “I’ll let you off the hook this time.” I teased, easing back into my personal space.

Did he have to have such a damned sexy smile? “Actually Carla wanted me to ask you guys over for dinner and games tomorrow night.”

“Killjoy.” I groaned in mock remorse. “All those spouses around are just gonna spoil our fun.” I pouted playfully.

His eyes were riveted for a moment on my nipples, now hard and straining under my t-shirt. “Not if we’re very clever.”

I licked my lips, wishing at that moment for something, anything, to drink to ease my suddenly parched throat. “I can be clever.” I responded brazenly.

Jack winked. “Atta girl! That’s the spirit!”

Okay, this was a different Jack entirely today. I usually did the bulk of the flirting while he just sort of indulged me in my little dalliance. But was I really ready to play with fire? “Phil should be calling from the airport later. I’ll check with him then, but I’m sure he’d love to.”

I was more than a little pre-occupied when I left Jack to go in for my shower that morning. Under the stream of hot water I wondered not for the first time what sex would be like with him. Feeling the press of his chest against mine this morning elicited mental images of Jack pushing me up against a wall, his shaft ramming up into me. Was he as well-endowed as I imagined? It’s not like my studly fireman fantasy lover would have anything but a monster cock to satisfy me endlessly for hours.

I closed my eyes and let my hand slide between my thighs, rubbing over my swollen little nub and wondering if Jack would spend as much time as I imagined he would making love to me with his tongue, his moustache tickling me into a frenzy. I put my foot on the tub ledge for better access and as my finger slid into my hot, tight little hole I wondered again if he would go as deep as I imagined he would. God how I love the feeling of a cock filling me to the hilt, and then sinking in just a bit further, teasing me at first with little jabs before the long, deep, seemingly endless thrusts.

It didn’t take long before I felt the familiar tightening and came all over my eager little fingers. Granted, it was far from the satisfaction that a man could give me, but hell, a girl has to do what a girl has to do. I waited until the quivering stopped before washing up, reluctantly packing away my fantasies for another time.

I reached out of the shower for my bath towel but met only empty towel bar. Shit. I would’ve sworn there was a towel there when I got in. I reached out the other side and found a hand towel hanging near the sink, cursing and my stupidity the entire time. I was trying to decide how to best employ the small green towel in my hand when the phone in the bedroom rang. Shit. Shit. I covered what I could with the towel and dashed for the phone before the answering machine kicked in. “Hello?”

“Hi Hun…did I catch you at a bad time?” It was Phil. As always his timing was exceptional.

“No, just getting out of the shower.” I turned around, looking for something to cover up with and, to my great horror, realized that the bedroom door was open.

“I got out of my meeting early so I’m at the airport now trying to get an earlier flight.” He stated, unaware of my distress as I moved carefully toward the door, trying not to fall out of the hand towel any more than I already was.

“Great. The kids will be thrilled.” I carefully reached to pull the door shut and found Jack standing in the hallway, the missing towel casually hanging off of his finger. “Uhm…Jack and Carla wanted to know if we would be up for dinner and games at their place tomorrow night.” My hand clutched tightly at the green cloth in my hand, but was about as useless as a napkin on the Hoover Dam. I hoped that he would get enough from my end of the conversation, at least, to realize that my husband canlı bahis siteleri was on the other end of the line and not say anything and make things a thousand times worse.

“Sure. That’d be great. But tell them we’re buying after all the work Jack has done.” Phil agreed. “By the way, how’s the family room turning out?”

“Jack is a master.” I assured him, holding my hand out expectantly for my towel.

“Great. Great!” Phil paused to listen to an announcement over the airport public address system. “They just called me to the gate for the earlier flight. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

He was gone before I could say more and I was left standing practically naked and wet in front of the fireman of my fantasies. “Uhm….Phil said dinner would be great. But he’s buying.”

Jack smiled slowly. I’m not sure if he was enjoying the view or my discomfort. “Terrific. I’ll be sure to be very hungry.”

I swallowed hard. He looked pretty damned hungry right now. “Could I have my towel please?”

Smiling, he held it just out of my reach. “So, who was that in the shower with you just now?”

Oh fuck! He had seen me masturbating too? How in the hell was I ever going to face him again? “Uhm…just a guy I know.” I wondered if it was too late to decline the dinner invitation.

“That guy you know…I bet he’d never let you off with just one orgasm.” Jack let the towel drop into my waiting hand. “I bet he’d have you cumming so much you wouldn’t be able to stand by the time he’s done with you.”

Oh God…what he said was almost enough to make me cum again. “I would hope so.” I couldn’t move. I couldn’t take the towel that I had so desperately wanted minutes earlier and wrap it around my now tingling body.

“So, seven tomorrow night?” He asked, stepping back and breaking the spell.

“Uhm, yeah…seven will be fine.” I agreed, quickly covering myself up before I managed to embarrass myself further.

Jack was half way to the stairs before he stopped and added, “Oh, and don’t bother to wear panties tomorrow night. They’ll only get in the way.”

All I could do was nod stupidly. Tomorrow night might prove to be very interesting after all.


None of us were really in the mood to go out Saturday night, so the guys went on a beer and pizza run while Carla and I did the women’s chit-chat thing. “That’s a cute skirt.”

“Thanks. I found it on sale a few weeks ago and wanted to wear it once before it got too cold.” I glanced down at the short animal print skirt that I had bought on impulse. “Of course, I feel a little overdressed now. If I had known we were staying in tonight I probably would’ve dressed down some.”

Carla laughed. “Oh don’t worry about it. It gives this group some class.” Carla teased, handing me a beer. “So, where are the kids tonight?”

“Phil’s mother felt like spoiling her grand kids this weekend.” I explained, taking a drink from the cool bottle in my hand. “Who am I to deny her?”

Carla took a swig from her own bottle. “Aren’t grandparents a wonderful thing?” She gestured with the bottle in her hand and the lack of children in her own home. “I’m wondering if they’ll still be as enchanted with the kids when they hit their teens.”

“Not a chance.” I assured her, leaning back against the counter next to her. “Then it will be all your fault for raising such terrible children.”

“My Jackie was never this bad…blah…blah…blah.” Carla agreed, saluting me with her bottle before taking another drink.

Somewhere in my mind I thought maybe I should feel bad because I oh so badly coveted this woman’s husband. But I never thought about Jack as the guy two doors down with the wife and two pretty little girls. He was always the fantasy firefighter with the mighty hose and a tongue that could bring me to edge with the merest lick.

“Why in the hell did we order this much pizza?” Phil’s voice drifted up from the entryway, indicating that the boys had returned with dinner.

“Because you insisted on paying, pal o’mine.” Jack returned laughingly, dropping a few cases of beer onto the counter.

Phil was right behind him with güvenilir bahis several pizza boxes. “Yea, but I never said anything about feeding you and the entire family for the next three weeks.”

I looked at the stuff they dropped on the counter and pouted. “What?” Phil asked, knowing my looks well enough by now.

“Is that all the beer you bought?” Everyone laughed.

“No, we still have a trailer hooked up to the truck with your private stock in it.” Jack teased, pulling a long neck from its case and holding it out to me.

“And if you’re very nice to me I might even let you have a sip.” I shot back, taking the bottle and using the opener on the counter behind me to open it for him.

Jack accepted the bottle and took a sip. “Damn, I’d hate to think what I need to do for an entire bottle.”

“Oh…refinish the basement for starters.” I pulled another one out and popped the top for Phil. “And I guess you get one too since you sprang for that work.”

Phil laughed and took the proffered bottle. “Generous tonight, aren’t we?”

My eyes locked briefly with Jack’s. “I’m all about giving.” I said, innocently batting my eyelashes.

Everyone laughed and seemed not to notice any other meaning to our exchange. “How about giving me a hand then and getting some silverware out of that drawer.” Carla suggested as she reached into the cabinet behind her for some plates.

Fortunately Phil is one of those guys that must stick to the plans or we would’ve sat at their kitchen table all night talking and missed all the fun stuff. “So, what are we playing tonight?” He finally inquired at a lull in the conversation, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

“Carla, why don’t you take Phil downstairs so you guys can pick out a couple of games.” Jack suggested, casually leaning back in his chair.

“Oh God, they’ll have us playing Trivial Pursuit all night.” I groaned, gathering up the plates and taking them over to the sink.

Carla and Phil laughed evilly before heading downstairs and leaving me alone with Jack. I started to rinse off the plates when I heard his chair creak and felt him slide in close behind me. His fingers tugged up the edge of my skirt and curved over my naked ass. “Good girl.” He whispered in my ear, nudging my legs apart with his knee to allow his roving hand better access.

Okay, so I really wore the skirt tonight because I decided to leave my panties home as instructed and see what might happen. The last thing I had actually expected, though, was his thumb rasping over my stiff clit while I attempted to do the dishes. And holy fuck did it ever feel incredible. I think the absolute naughtiness of doing this while our spouses were downstairs made it that much hotter.

I swallowed hard and forced myself to focus on washing the plate in my hand, feeling the tension quickly building between my legs. Jack didn’t waste any time getting to the heart of the matter, either. He slid a finger into my wet pussy, intermittently fucking me and flicking at my aching nub. I gasped and braced myself against the counter and it took no time at all for me to tighten up and cum all over his marauding digits.

Smiling, he eased his sticky fingers out of me and into the dish water in front of us. “I think maybe you could use some help finishing up those dishes.” As he pressed into me I could feel his cock straining against his shorts. I did a little up and down shimmy with my still naked bottom side and felt him grow even larger in response.

“Help me too much more and you’re gonna have to explain the wet spot on the front of your pants.” I teased with a throaty little laugh.

He would’ve said more but we could hear Carla and Phil returning. “Damn.” Jack backed away from me, smoothed my skirt down into place and headed out the back door just before they returned with a few different games to entertain us for the next couple of hours. I had no idea how I was supposed to concentrate on anything after what had just happened under my skirt, anyway.

“Oh you guys are gonna hate us.” Phil said laughingly, coming over and dropping a kiss on my cheek.

“Where’s Jack?” Carla asked, noticing his seat was now empty.

“Uhm, I think he went to have a cigarette.” I replied, hoping my voice sounded normal. “Something about helping me…”

Carla laughed. “Oh yeah, don’t you love the way he helps out with chores.”

I nodded, a sly smile on my face. Oh boy did I ever.

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