Modifying Traditions

28 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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I opened my eyes drowsily and saw the bare, broad back of my cousin, Shane, shifting on the pullout bed we were sharing. Along with my sister, Colleen, there were actually three of us on the sofa bed in our grandparents’ living room. We and our parents – our father and Shane’s mother were siblings – were all visiting for Christmas and with the bedrooms all occupied by the “grown folk” we kids were relegated to the living room to fend for ourselves. Despite having lean bodies that comfortably fit on the queen sized bed, with Shane and me at twenty and Colleen at eighteen the adults thought we shouldn’t be sharing the pullout anymore. However for the past few years we had protested and done it anyway because it had become our own little tradition. We stayed up as late as we could watching bad movies and enjoying each other’s company until we passed out. I was often the first one asleep and essentially would be dead to the world leaving Colleen and Shane to continue talking over the TV.

As my eyelids fluttered shut again, I heard Shane whisper, “Is he awake?”

The mattress shook slightly as I assumed Colleen glanced over our cousin’s body at me. I said nothing and kept my eyes closed intending to allow the sleep that was quickly returning to me to take hold.

“Yeah. He’s still out,” came my sister’s reply.

“You gotta be quieter,” Shane said as I felt the mattress shift with greater force as he moved.

Colleen’s whisper was harsh when she responded. “Well you gotta go easier with that thing. I told you I haven’t had anything that big in me since the last time we fucked.”

Upon hearing my sister’s words the sleep that was about to overtake me retreated. Now awake and alert, I cracked my eyelids open just far enough to see while hoping it wasn’t wide enough for the light of the TV to reflect off my eyes. Looking across the bed, I nearly gave myself away as I suppressed a gasp upon seeing our cousin completely naked and my sister without her pants on. He was situated between her legs hovering over her with his hard cock pointing out of his crotch. While it was surprising to see them in such a position, it was the sight of Shane’s cock that nearly caused me to exclaim and reveal my wakefulness. As Colleen had said, it was big but even that word seemed an understatement. Easily in the double digits it was definitely long but it was the girth that made his dick imposing. I couldn’t imagine anyone’s hand being able to completely close around it. Admittedly, his lean frame along with the shadows from the television light might have been playing tricks with my mostly closed eyes but I didn’t think what I was seeing was too far off from what I would see in the light of day.

Shane’s tone was mocking when he said, “Well maybe if you had sucked on it a little to get it wet, we wouldn’t’ve had that problem.”

“Fine,” Colleen said with a huff as she sat up. “But if we get caught, it’s your fault.”

Shane stood on the mattress and tucked his shoulder length brown hair behind his ears. He then aimed his cock at my sister’s mouth while he said dismissively, “We’ll be fine. Everybody’s out cold.”

I watched through my half closed eyelids as Shane sighed and pushed his dick between my sister’s full lips with one hand while he grabbed a fistful of her dark brown hair with the other. She must have grazed the flared edge of his bullet shaped head as it passed her teeth because I heard him hiss. “Careful.”

It wasn’t enough to stop him because he fed a little more length into her before pulling back and setting up a steady rhythm fucking her mouth. Less than half his dick was moving through her but it didn’t seem to matter as he closed his hazel eyes and leaned his head back in obvious pleasure. “Oh, yeah. That’s it. Suck my big dick.”

I could see Colleen’s own green eyes roaming appreciatively over his body. After a few moments, she lifted her hands to do the same. Like me, Shane was a little over six feet tall with a genetically provided lean body that had been enhanced with regular time in the gym. Neither of us were exceptionally muscular but we had some decent definition on our bodies and my sister’s hands were now tracing the defined lines of our cousin’s abs and pecs. Eventually, she left one hand playing with his nipples while the other moved back down his torso, over his trimmed pubic hair then between his legs to his swinging ball sack. Despite the chilly but comfortable air, they hung low and swayed easily in countermotion to his thrusting until she took hold of them. She gently pulled and kneaded them earning a series of soft sighs from him in the process.

After a few minutes Shane suddenly pulled out of her mouth. Gripping his shaft, he raised it vertical while pushing his balls into her face and said, “Suck ’em.”

Without hesitation or protest, Colleen kissed and licked at Shane’s lightly furry sack for a moment before pulling one of his large orbs between her lips. She couldn’t insert it completely into her mouth but it must have been enough because he let out a soft moan and curse of appreciation.

While kadıköy escort Colleen worked his balls, Shane began to slowly stroke himself. Both of us were uncut but I was surprised by how much extra skin he had compared to me. Whereas my own covered just the base of my head once I was hard, as Shane’s fist moved up along his shaft, his foreskin flowed over his tip completely concealing his cock head. When it retreated, the silvery wetness of precum made the supple skin shine. Intermittently, he began to rub his dick over Colleen’s oval face. He pressed it against her nose, slid it across her forehead and occasionally smacked her cheeks with it. Eventually he pulled his balls away from her mouth and replaced it with his dick.

As I continued to lay there spying, I couldn’t believe that this was really happening. My sister was sucking our cousin’s huge cock right there on the bed next to me with the intention of getting fucked by him. I wanted to believe it was a dream, that it was something being produced by my obviously flawed brain chemistry but the occasional soft sound of suction and the random wet noises that came from her mouth on him were hard to imagine as being fake. Not only that, but I could smell the slight funk of Shane’s crotch wafting toward me. There was another scent as well and it wasn’t until I saw Colleen move the hand that had been on Shane’s chest down between her own legs that I realized it was her pussy I was smelling. Using two fingers, my sister began to play with her inner lips that were just peeking out between her tight outer folds and occasionally dipped the digits inside herself. It was never long but it was enough to make my already hard dick jump a few times at the sight. I was just beginning to wonder how long she would tease herself when Shane pulled out of her mouth and dropped to his knees.

“You must be ready now,” he said as he pushed her onto her back. “I can smell you and you look like an addict trying not to play with yourself.”

“Then shut up and fuck me already.”

Shane smirked as he positioned himself between her legs. “Last time you said that, I put it in you and you squealed.”

Shane’s words made me realize what it had been that had originally disturbed my sleep. The sound of my sister reacting to the discomfort of what must’ve been his dry entry was the noise that I had heard just before my eyes opened.

Unfazed, Colleen spread her legs wide for him and said, “Yeah, well now I’m wet and so are you.”

“Yeah, you are.” Shane had pressed his hard length against her slit and was gently humping against her. With long strokes he dragged his cock back and forth outside of her. Despite the shadow produced by his body blocking the TV, I could see the bottom side of his shaft becoming wet with the juices seeping out of my sister’s pussy. He added to the wetness with the slow but steady trickle of precum that left his tip. After a few thrusts he began to smack his hardness against the soft flesh focusing on where her nub was still concealed beneath her folds. Colleen began to writhe and moan softly from the assault and gripped his arms and back as she rolled her hips against him. Over the quiet noise of the TV, the sound of their wet flesh smacking together seemed loud in the otherwise quiet night yet would not have woken me if I had still been asleep.

“Shane. Please. I need you in me.” Colleen said breathlessly.

“With pleasure.” Shane pulled back slightly and positioned his crown just inside her lips. It took him a brief moment to find her opening and line himself up before he pushed forward and buried his crown in one go.

While not as loud as the first time, Colleen let out a whimper of pain that probably would have gone unnoticed had I been asleep. She put her hands on Shane’s chest as if that would prevent any further motion from his hips as she said between pants for air, “Wait.”

With dark amusement Shane said, “I know we only do this a few times a year but you should be used to this by now. Though I really shouldn’t complain ’cause I love how tight you are.” He pushed forward a little more and smiled when Colleen let out another quiet moan.

“Give me a minute, dammit.”

Shane moved his hips forward a bit more. “Too much dick for you?”

“I swear it’s gotten bigger.”

“If only. You’re just out of practice. By tomorrow night, you’ll be used to me again.” Shane pulled out until half of his cock head was exposed before pushing back in a little farther. Though Colleen let out another sound of discomfort she didn’t try to stop him. He again pulled back until the ridge of his crown left her before sliding slightly more into her. Colleen let out a softer moan at the marginally deeper penetration. Having effectively been given the green light, Shane continued to rock his hips back and forth feeding more of his dick into her. It took a while and I could see his body tense from restraining himself. His jaw was set and his eyes focused intently on her. Despite his obvious need, it was easy to see that he didn’t want to kaynarca escort do anything that would cause her to cry out. When he was finally completely sheathed inside of her, he pressed his crotch against hers hard and rolled his hips. It was a motion I recognized as designed to stretch her some as well as to grind against her clit. “Fuck, you feel so good.”

Colleen responded by arching her back and hooking her legs around his. “You’re so deep. I missed this.”

Shane paused to tuck his hair behind his ears. “Sometimes I think you only like me because of my dick.”

“That used to be true. Now I like you because you know how to use it,” she said to tease him.

Shane rolled his eyes and shook his head as he chuckled. “Still a bitch. It’s amazing we ever started fucking at all.”

“My being a bitch didn’t stop you from taking my virginity.”

Shane smirked. “You’re right. That’s what made it fun.”

Despite the fact that the three of us often slept on the pullout together during visits, Colleen and Shane had not always gotten along. Being the same age and with many of the same interests, he and I had always been close. Part of the issue between them was the fact that Shane was an only child and didn’t know what to do with a younger sibling. When we were kids, his awkwardness around her led to misunderstandings that grew into fights that made them dislike each other. Around the time he and I were seventeen and she was fifteen, something changed. It was abrupt and when asked about it they each just said they got over their animosity. As I watched Shane fuck Colleen with short, slow strokes, it all began to make sense.

After letting out a long sigh of pleasure, Colleen said, “Thinking back, I should be pissed at you for talking me into having sex with you but I can’t complain considering how bad some of the other guys have been that I’ve fucked. But maybe that’s the reason I should be mad.”

“Because I’m so good? Are you saying I’m the best you’ve ever had?”

“So far.”

Shane pulled his cock all the way out. The hard piece of flesh bucked and throbbed protesting the removal and shined shamelessly with a mix of their fluids. He sat back and rolled her over onto her stomach. “So far? Bitch, you know you’ll never have another man fuck you like I do.”

My sister moaned as he slid back into her. Her head was turned in my direction and I saw her brow furrow for a moment as she examined my face. I thought I had been caught until she relaxed her face and pushed her ass back against our cousin. “Well, I’m still waiting for you to fuck me.”

Shane laid his larger body on top of hers. While Colleen had the same frame we did, her height was only five feet seven inches which made her over half a foot shorter than either Shane or me. His long, broad body completely covered hers as he hooked his arms through hers and locked his hands together behind her neck. He wrapped his feet around her ankles and with her completely secured beneath him, he began to rapidly thrust into her. Like before the strokes were short and their flesh made only the barest of noise as it slapped together. Other than the shaking of the mattress that probably would’ve gone unnoticed had I been asleep, there was not enough sound to disturb anyone else’s sleep. With his head at her ear, Shane asked, “That what you want?”

“Yes. Oh, yeah. Fuck me. Just like that.” As she laid there continuing to softly vocalize her pleasure, Colleen kept her eyes focused on me through the fall of Shane’s hair. It wasn’t just the blank stare of a woman reveling in the sensations washing over her, it was the look of a woman who knows exactly what she’s doing. Her eyes moved back and forth across my body obviously sizing me up.

It disturbed me slightly because I had the sense that she knew I was awake and was either waiting for me to reveal myself or enjoying the fact that I was watching her. Maybe both; maybe neither. After a few minutes of Shane on her back she saw my dick twitch and a sly smile crossed her face. I knew I had been found out.

“Would you mind if Cole joined in?”

Shane stopped his hips and looked over at me. “He’s asleep.”

“No, he’s not.” Colleen reached over and grabbed my erection through my pajama bottoms.

As soon as her hand made contact, my eyes flew open and I pulled away.

“Shit,” Shane said as he pulled out of Colleen with the same mix of shock and fear on his face that I was sure was on mine. He moved to the far side of the bed and sat on the edge with his back to me. “Shit, shit, shit. Fuck, Cole. How long you been awake?”

“Long enough from the looks of it,” Colleen answered for me.

“Awhile,” I said with some embarrassment. “Sorry.”

Despite his mature, masculine face Shane met my eyes with the look of a kid who knew he had done something wrong but hoped he could avoid punishment. “You won’t say anything, will you?”

I sighed. Even if I wanted to tell someone, I didn’t know if I would be believed. The idea of the two of them fucking each kartal escort other next to me on the same bed that I was sleeping on was ridiculous. Not only that, but I already felt bad for the hell that would rain down on them if anyone else found out. None of our parents were happy with us having premarital sex and the idea of Shane and Colleen together would send them through the roof. Additionally, I knew that I would also be blamed for what had happened and would be subject to whatever punishment they received for being somehow complicit. “No. I won’t tell.”

Shane let out a breath of relief. “Cool. Thanks. So what now?”

“I vote for you getting your dick back inside me,” Colleen said to Shane without hesitation. To me she said, “I’m okay if you want to keep watching, but I’d rather have another dick to play with.”

I didn’t hide my horror. “I don’t think so.”

Colleen moved to all fours on the bed with her ass facing Shane and her head facing me. Seemingly having gotten over whatever qualms he had about my wakefulness, Shane moved behind her and slid back inside my sister. As he set up a sedate, steady pace fucking her, Colleen said to me, “Come on, Cole. You know you want to. Your dick’s still hard.”

“Maybe, but you’re my sister. That’s just so wrong and gross.” Inwardly, I acknowledged my hypocrisy. Though I was surprised by the sight, I had been okay with watching my sister and cousin go at it. Even worse, it had indeed turned me on and I had been anticipating a nice long shower in the morning to relieve the pressure that had been building in my balls from the show. Yet, at the same time, I knew it was one thing to watch or fantasize about engaging in incest but another to actually do it. Shane and Colleen might be okay with it but I wasn’t.

Colleen gave me a lascivious smile. “You’re right. We shouldn’t. But that’s what would make it hot. Even hotter than me and Shane fucking.”

“Well that hurts,” Shane said with mock offense. “But I don’t disagree. Hell, I wouldn’t mind seeing that action.”

Colleen reached out a hand and grabbed my erection again through my pants. This time I didn’t flinch at her touch. “Please. Just this once.”

Despite my better judgement, I didn’t stop her when she slid her hand beneath my waistband and wrapped her fingers around my bare length. My dick was hard and I did want some relief. I reasoned if I limited myself to a hand job, it wouldn’t be so wrong.

As if reading my mind, she began to slowly stroke me and said, “That’s not so bad, is it?”

“I guess not,” I said grudgingly. I watched Shane thrusting into Colleen at nearly the same pace that her hand was moving on me. Over the course of a few short minutes my arousal grew to the point where I felt the concern about Colleen being my sister diminish. I knew guilt would consume me afterward, but in the moment, my hormones and arousal were in charge. I wasn’t exactly okay with what was going on but the almost painful hardness of my dick pushed all other concerns to the side. Needing some relief, I lowered my sleep pants revealing myself to my sister for the first time.

Colleen practically purred at the sight of my dick. “That’s nice.”

Knowing that my thick, eight inch piece, while above average, was not as large as Shane’s I glanced at him for his reaction. For the first time ever, I felt inferior to him. We had always been otherwise evenly matched in most ways and though I had seen how big his dick was, it wasn’t until now when I revealed to him how comparatively small mine was that I felt inadequate. I was pleased when he nodded his head slowly in approval. “Not bad. I bet the ladies love that.”

“From what I hear, they do,” Colleen said causing me to blush. “He had a decent reputation in high school. Now I get to experience it firsthand. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while.”

I didn’t hide my surprise. “Really?”

“She has,” Shane confirmed. “But we both thought you were too uptight to do anything like this. Hell, you told on us for sneaking that beer last year.”

They had a point. I was the good kid who never stepped out of bounds. That’s not to say that I was a perfect child by any means, but it was so rare that I got into trouble that it was always a surprise when I did. I maintained good grades, wore the proper clothes, kept my hair cut and styled conservatively, did everything a respectable young man should. Colleen and Shane, by comparison, had been typical teenagers. They were still better behaved than many of their friends, but where there were tons of stories about their antics and misbehavior growing up, everyone would be hard pressed to recall a similar tale about me.

With no warning Colleen leaned down and took me into her mouth and I gasped in a mix of surprise and admittedly kinky arousal. As my crown disappeared beyond her lips I was already having the horniest sexual experience of my life. My sister had my dick in her mouth while our cousin fucked her. It was something I had never imagined and now that it was happening I didn’t want it to stop. She was able to get more of my length into her mouth than Shane’s, but my girth still prevented her from getting me into her throat. I didn’t mind though as she was doing a better than decent job sucking me off. Technically it wasn’t the best I had ever felt, but just the fact that it was my sister who had her mouth on me made it great.

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