Ravenous Ch. 03

17 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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She sucked in a gasp of air, throwing her head back against the floor as she clutched his silky strands in a tight grip. Kai was currently lying on his stomach in between her legs, licking her soaking pussy as if it was his favorite ice cream sundae. One of her legs draped over his shoulder as the other was held and pushed up and over to the side by his hand so that she was completely exposed. She stifled her low groans as best as she could, biting on her lower lip as she grinded her pelvis up into his face.

They were in the den of the beach house on the floor in front of the sofa. Kai had caught her by surprise once again. It was the middle of the night and she had fallen asleep during the movie marathon she’d had with Jason. The last thing she remembered was watching some movie about a family being tormented by a ghost that haunted the new house they had moved into and nothing else about it. She was suddenly jerked awake by thunder from the storm they were forecasted to have that evening. She looked around and noticed that Jason was nowhere to be found.

“Typical”, she grumbled as she stretched her limbs on the couch. He didn’t even have the decency to cover her with the blanket. At least he had turned out the lights; though he had left the television on. She grabbed the remote off the table along with her bottle of water, taking a couple of swigs to wet her mouth. Instead of returning to her lonely bed, she decided to restart the movie since she had wanted to see it for a long time. Not to mention she hated the thought of being right next door to Kai and Lauren. She sighed at the thought and pressed play.

As the movie progressed and the family was tormented more and more Kory wished she had just gone back to sleep instead. Thunder and lightning continued to crash outside and rain beat against the windows as Kory clutched a blanket to her chest in fear and anxiety as she watched the little girl cry out for her parents on the screen when she suddenly felt two strong hands clutch onto her shoulders.

“GAHHHHHH!!” she screamed out, throwing herself forward off of the couch to land in a heap on the floor, her legs getting tangled in the blanket in the process. She quickly turned over to face the couch and saw Kai standing behind it, chuckling with a smug look on his face. Kory felt relief, quickly followed by rage.

“Kai, what in the HELL is wrong with you?” she hissed out between clenched teeth, quickly untangling her legs and struggling into a standing position with her hands perched on her hips. Through her anger, she couldn’t help noticing Kai’s half- dressed state in the light of the television; she felt her eyes roving his features and body hungrily, licking her suddenly dry lips as she took in his shirtless chiseled chest and lean, muscular form covered only in a pair of loose basketball shorts before making her way back to his handsome face.

“What’s the matter, Kory? Still afraid of the dark?” he teased her, referring to one of her childhood fears as he ran his hand through his long hair, pushing the silky strands back out of his face as his lips lifted in a teasing smirk.

“Oh whatever, you jerk. I’m watching a scary movie, duh. What are you even doing here anyway? Shouldn’t you be in bed with Lauren?” she turned away to face the television as she said the last part, not wanting him to see her face as the words came out of her mouth.

It had been a week since their afternoon at the beach together and she had made it a mission to avoid being alone with Kai at all times. She felt extra worse about their second transgression because she was weak and gave into lust without a fight. It really made her question her character and actions. Who was this person who took so shamelessly without thinking of the consequences?

Kai walked around the sofa until he was standing right behind her; taking a deep breath once he was close enough to breathe in her sweet scent. He groaned internally, the pleasant smell reminding him of their two short times together. He’d been trying to get her alone all week, but she always seemed to be doing something or going somewhere with everyone but him.

He knew exactly what she was doing and he didn’t like it. He harassed Jason until he gave in and agreed to help. They came up with the idea that he should get Kory alone when they wouldn’t be interrupted, which was impossible during the day so Jason told him he’d set up a movie night since Kory always fell asleep during them.

Tonight had been the movie night mission and he had waited for the signal from Jason as he lay as far from the slumbering Lauren in their bed as he possibly could. She had tried to initiate intimacy numerous times over the past week, but he always managed to come up with an excuse.

She was starting to be suspicious but Kai really couldn’t bring himself to care that he was being a giant dick. In fact, he planned on asking her to leave tomorrow, all expenses paid once he talked to Kory tonight. He knew he couldn’t keep pretending with Lauren istanbul escort since he’d finally had what he’d wanted all along. Now, he would just have to let Kory know everything so they could talk about where they both stood on the situation.

Presently, he stepped in closer to Kory’s back until his front was pressed tightly against her form; molding their bodies together so that his growing erection dug into her cushy ass cheeks. He felt her whole body tense as he leaned his head down so his chin rested on her shoulder.

“I’m much more interested in what’s going on here” he said in a low voice before he tilted his head and planted a soft, slow kiss on her shoulder before trailing several more kisses up her neck to her ear; letting his tongue briefly dart out to taste her skin as he went.

Kory gasped and her head slowly tilted to the side to allow him easier access. Her hand holding the remote closed tightly around it, while the other balled into a fist. Kai’s hands came up and wrapped around her waist, slowly caressing her small torso up and down as he kissed a slow, lingering trail down from her ear back to her shoulder. His hair fell forward, draping over her shoulder and upper chest to caress the skin that was bared by her tank top.

Kory’s eyes were clenched shut tightly as she tried to resist the fire she felt spreading through her body from Kai’s kisses and caresses. His clean masculine smell surrounded her, adding fuel to the inferno she felt building within her. When his kisses reached her shoulder, she wrenched away from him and spun to face him. It would have been more effective if he had let his hands fall from her waist, but instead, she found herself pressed front to front with Kai.

She looked up into his gorgeous face as he stared down into hers with that expression she’d come to crave seeing upon his face whenever he looked at her.

“What are we doing?” she asked in a strangled whisper, her heart racing as they locked eyes. Being this close to him she realized his eyes were a sinful dark mahogany color instead of the dark brown almost black color she had thought them to be at first.

“What we should have been doing from the beginning,” Kai replied, soothingly running his hands up and down her back through the light tank top she wore as he spoke. “You’re the one that I want Kory. As a matter of fact, you have always been the one. When I think about the future, you’re the one I picture being in my life for years to come. I want us to experience all the ups and downs that come our way together. I dream of you having my babies, being my woman. I don’t want and probably never will want anyone else but you”.

One of his hands trailed up her back until his fingers burrowed through her soft, short locks and he cupped the back of her head. He used his grip to tilt her head back further as he leaned down, never breaking eye contact as he descended.

“But what…about…” Kory’s words were cut off by Kai’s plump soft lips covering hers. Her eyes closed of their own accord and Kory got lost in the sensation of kissing Kai for the first time in a week. He kissed her slowly, deeply and thoroughly, trying to convey the depths of his feelings through his lips without words. Kory felt as if her heart would burst with the way it seemed to be racing into overdrive. The kiss seemed never ending and she hoped it never would end. Suddenly, she felt a slight twinge of pain in her chest and jerked back from the kiss, panting for breath while rubbing the area.

“Are you okay kitten?” Kai asked breathlessly, rubbing her arms comfortingly as he looked at her in concern. He hadn’t meant to kiss her for so long since the kiss was only meant to strengthen the words he had spoken before, but of course he got carried away like he always did with Kory.

“Yeah”, she replied, still lightly rubbing the area. “I just want to make sure we’re on the same page, you know? What about Lauren? You can’t just leave her for me without considering how she feels.” as she spoke she unconsciously began to slowly caress his arms; groping and fondling the muscles of his biceps and forearms.

Kai held back a chuckle as he basked in her touch. He was sure she didn’t realize what she was doing and he sure as hell wasn’t about to stop her. He loved that she was initiating contact and he wanted it to continue for as long as possible.

“I’m going to speak to Lauren tomorrow and ask her to leave. Honestly, I don’t think she’ll be too broken hearted since I haven’t paid much attention to her for the past week”, Kai said in a straightforward tone, not ashamed to admit to his poor treatment of his girlfriend.

Kory stopped the caressing movements and smacked his arm hard instead. “Really Kai?” she hissed out, “You think that’s okay? To treat someone who’s supposed to be your girlfriend that way? Am I to expect the same type of treatment if I give you a chance?” She folded her arms and waited for his reply; her face grim and serious.

“C’mon Kory, izmir escort you know I’d never treat you that way”, Kai groused, running both his hands through his hair, now feeling a bit uncomfortable. He knew he sounded like an ass and could admit he was being an ass, but he also knew what he wanted so if that was an issue for Kory she would just have to come to accept this trait that was just a part of him.

“Well, there’s just so many things to think about here, Kai”, Kory began in a low voice, stepping back from him a bit more to create some space so she could string her thoughts together. “We haven’t even graduated from college yet and here you are, telling me I’m the only woman you will ever want? I can’t imagine that ever being true, especially given your track record”. At her last statement, one of Kai’s eyebrows quirked up.

“What do you mean given my track record, Kory?” Kai asked in a calm and soft voice, his own arms now crossed over his chest while his face took on a passive expression.

Now it was Kory’s turn to feel uncomfortable, taking in Kai’s body language and not liking the message that was coming through loud and clear. She pressed on anyway, thinking that if they were going to try and build a relationship together, she needed to be up front about any reservations she had.

“Jason has told me about some of the girls you’ve been with and honestly it sounds like you have a bit of a problem with commitment. I mean, you’ve been dating Lauren for how long now and yet you’ve slept with me twice already? Infidelity isn’t something I’m looking for in a partner.” Kory finished, feeling relieved having gotten her feelings off her chest. The relief only lasted for a second until she took in the way Kai was looking at her. He had a scowl on his face and his eyes seemed to flash in the light from the television screen.

“Okay Kory, so let me get this straight. You’re saying that you’re hesitant about being with me because you’ve heard about relationships you truly know nothing about from, I’m guessing my brother and therefore came to the conclusion that I am the kind of guy you don’t want to be with due to that?” While he was talking, Kai walked closer to her, making her back away until he was crowding her up against the wall beside the television until he leaned both his hands on the wall, caging her in.

His voice became lower and softer as he continued. “Oh and never mind the fact that I told you how I feel about you, you seem to believe that I only did this because I can’t control myself and only wanted to get into your pants, right?”

Kory blinked rapidly. The way he phrased things made it seem as if she was making snap judgments and being unreasonable. She felt she had some pretty solid reasons and decided to stick with them. Lifting her head in defiance, and in turn, bringing her face closer to Kai’s, she looked him right in the eyes as she replied.

“Well, what would you like me to think, hmm Kai? That the guy for me is someone who callously treats women like shit so he can get what he wants?” It was her turn to arch an eyebrow, mocking his previous expression.

Kai smiled, though it was more of a bearing of teeth, and let out a mirthless chuckle. “So I’m the bad guy here then? You’re completely innocent?” Kory lost some of her self-assuredness at that and broke eye contact.

Kai scoffed at her reaction and bent his head until his lips were next to her ear as he made his point since she now avoided his gaze. “Listen well Kory. I own up to the fact that I do put getting what I want before other’s feelings. I also own up to the fact that I haven’t handled this situation the best way I could have. But I will never apologize for being upfront about my feelings. In addition, I have never cheated on anyone I’ve been in a relationship with before this. So what I would like is for you to give me a chance and not expect the worst of me when you haven’t even taken the time to get to really know me.” He pulled back to take in her reaction.

Kory was still looking down, worrying her lower lip between her teeth as she contemplated his words. She had to admit; she was insanely attracted to Kai and knew they fit together perfectly when it came to the physical. She just wasn’t sure how she felt about risking her heart and emotional health on a guy who would cheat on his girlfriend so easily. This thought brought another concern to mind.

“What about Lauren though? Where does she fit into all of this?” Kory asked, finally looking back up and into his eyes. She didn’t want it, but couldn’t stop the feeling of hope that was beginning to rise within her and held her breath as she waited for his reply.

“I’m done with Lauren.” Kory felt her heart leap with joy, but the feeling was quickly followed by guilt. She pushed back her conflicting emotions and listened as Kai continued.

“I don’t want to continue leading her on. I’m talking to her tomorrow and will offer to send her back home on my dime. I wasn’t lying when I said izmit escort I prioritize my wants before others’ feelings, but I’m not a complete asshole.” Kai finished explaining, his face once again taking on a smirk, this one self-deprecating.

“Yeah, well, don’t expect me to agree with that anytime soon,” Kory quipped, teasing Kai as she held eye contact. She couldn’t deny her feelings of relief, joy and happiness that rose within her from Kai’s words. Of course, she also felt guilt and shame mixed in as well for having ruined someone else’s relationship. It would probably take her awhile to get over these feelings, but for now, she wanted to just focus on giving Kai that chance he was talking about.

Overall, she realized that he was right; she didn’t truly know him. Most of their interactions thus far had been all physical and they weren’t close at all in the past though they shared many family memories, so she figured it would probably be in both of their best interest to see if they were compatible outside the physical.

“Ha, ha. So funny. Send me a ticket to your next roasting.” Kai deadpanned, making Kory laugh and then pinch him on his side; causing him to flinch and then retaliate. Soon they were pinching and tickling each other; Kory ended up trying to crawl away across the den room floor away from Kai’s tickling fingers as tears rolled down her face and she gasped for breath.

As she reached the couch and tried to pull herself up and away from Kai, he grabbed her, flipped her slight body around and laid her on the floor to pin her down so he could continue his tickle torture. “Stop! Please! Stop! I give!” Kory gasped out between fits of giggles, trying not to be too loud since Jason and Lauren were sleeping on the first floor. She wasn’t too worried since they were in the den, which was at the front of the house and was a bit secluded from the other rooms. The parents had the second level to themselves and wouldn’t hear anything since they were pretty heavy sleepers after drinking.

Kai was chuckling along with Kory. It was so funny to him to see Kory crying from laughing so hard. Her laugh was contagious, not to mention she looked even more beautiful whenever she laughed. Her smile would light up her whole face and her eyes would crinkle as well, making it seem as if they were smiling along with her mouth.

“Alright, I’ll stop under on condition. You have to give me a kiss for truce.” Kai demanded, smirking down at Kory as she caught her breath and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

Kory pouted and looked up into Kai’s handsome face. His smirk only seemed to make him even more handsome to her somehow, which she found annoying since she usually hated smirky guys. She decided it must be the hair, since right now it flowed down and framed his face perfectly as he knelt over her, making his pink lips seem even fuller and more kissable.

“Fine,” she sighed out and crossed her arms, trying to make it seem as if the kiss would be excruciating for her. Kai’s smirk became a full-fledged grin in reaction to her dramatics and she felt her breath hitch; his smile changed his whole demeanor. She felt like Kai was the best looking guy she has ever laid eyes on when he smiled.

Shaking herself out of it, she pushed up from the floor until she was on her knees while Kai moved back and sat next to her on the floor as he waited for her to give him his prize, pushing his long hair back from his face with his hand so it wouldn’t get in the way.

Initially, Kory planned to just give him a quick peck and be done with it. She hated losing and it was obvious who lost that tickle battle, but when she reached out and held Kai’s slightly stubbly face between her hands, she found herself lost in his gaze. The way he was looking at her was so intense; she found herself caressing her hands over his features as he maintained eye contact with her, their faces only inches apart.

As she traced her thumb over his bottom lip, his tongue flicked out and licked at the tip, making her gasp out lightly in surprise. His eyes smiled at her reaction while he maintained a patient expression. As her finger made a second pass over his lips, he quickly sucked the tip of her thumb into his mouth.

No longer able to wait, she quickly closed the short distance between their faces, pulling her finger free from his sucking mouth and replacing her thumb with her lips. Kai groaned into the kiss, loving the way Kory took control. She started off passionately, caressing and sucking his tongue and lips with her own, even nipping his lip occasionally which drove him wild, but then she slowed down, savoring the taste of his mouth and lips as if she was tasting her favorite flavor.

Their hands caressed and touched each other in tune to the pace they kissed. At first they had groped and grabbed on each other’s hair and various body parts as if their lives depended on it, but when Kory slowed the pace down, their touches became soft and caressing as if they had all the time in the world.

They were so into the kissing, and Kory had ended up climbing into in Kai’s lap at some point, straddling him as they grinded their bodies together, her thin shorts and tank top and his basketball shorts flimsy barriers that provided little protection from Kai’s questing hands and throbbing erection.

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