Saving a Lost Kitten Ch. 07

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Here is Chapter VII, the final episode of the “Kitten” story, and, again, my thanks to you for reading. All the characters described herein are 18 years of age or older, fictional; and any resemblance between them and anyone, living, dead, or imaginary, is purely coincidental. For all of you who’ve been waiting with bated breath for the hard core stuff: Now cometh the BDSM!

Best Regards!

– Ham Sandwich


The days passed and turned into weeks, and my concern about Kitten’s possible negative reaction to anal sex proved to be a non-starter. Patience and tenderness easily won the war. First, I began venturing a bit further south during oral sex. The first time my tongue grazed her little pink starfish, she flinched and let out a little yelp, but later, she admitted that she’d enjoyed the sensations it created. From then on, it was more of the same, and frequent, too, since I truly love cunnilingus and was all too often in the neighborhood, so to speak. She was soon looking forward to this kind of anal stimulation and was beginning to learn how to relax her muscles in order to allow my tongue to penetrate her there. Once she began moaning from my mouth there, I knew it was only a matter of time before we went all the way! Mind you, we were still enjoying all the other, more conventional forms of sexual intercourse, and she was no stranger to orgasms by now.

Next I began some penetration with a very wet finger, just slightly at first, and then deeper as she became habituated to it. She soon became able to take the entire length of my finger in her ass without any discomfort or squeamishness. Once I’d worked my finger all the way in, I’d slowly pull out until I felt her sphincter muscles contract, and then I’d hold there until she relaxed once again. Almost at once, she was enjoying more profound orgasms because of the addition of the anal stimulation.

I told her that once she could take two well lubricated fingers without any discomfort, then she was ready for the big banana – but there was no hurry to get there! This at once gave her something to shoot for and took away any pressure or coercion she might have felt. A week went by after we’d reached the two finger milestone, and I said nothing about pushing forward. Then (can you believe it) Kitten actually asked me to try getting my cock into her there!

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“I think I can do it if you go slow,” she replied, so I applied the lube and had her kneel doggy style over the side of the bed.

“OK, we’re good to go here, so you reach behind you and guide the space shuttle up against the docking port. Then I’ll fire the thrusters just a little and see if we can achieve a lock.” Nothing like a little levity to loosen up a tight situation, I thought, pun intended. I could soon feel the head of my cock insinuating itself past her anus. Once it was inside, I told her, “From here, you will control what happens, because I don’t want to go deeper into you until you’re able to take me. So lean your hips back into me when you’re ready to take more.”

Kitten was wisely taking her time and getting accustomed to this larger dilation, and we waited there for a few minutes until she pushed her body back onto my cock a little more. By this time, I had about two inches of it inside her, and the sensation was heavenly already! It was everything I could do to keep from orgasming then and there, what with the tightness, texture and warmth I was feeling.

We continued like this for a little while until she’d taken about half of me. And then, the magic happened. In a matter of seconds, I felt her muscles yield to my advances, and she opened up to me fully. The rest of my cock slid into her effortlessly, and Kitten decided she liked it!

I began moving in and out, stroking her slowly.

“Oh, Gary, I can feel it going all the way into my ass!” she exclaimed. “It’s so good! I can’t believe it! I love how you’re fucking me in the ass! Harder, fuck me harder! Fuck me hard and deep! I can feel your balls hitting my pussy! Your cock feels so good inside me there! Oh, yeah! Oh, IT’S SO GOOD, GARYYYY!! OH, MY GODDDDDDDDD!!” and she had an orgasm. An orgasm from just anal intercourse alone! And she was shaking and trembling and crying and moaning, all at once. It was so awesome that I couldn’t hold myself back any longer and was filling her bowels with my semen and trying with all my strength to remain standing. Neither of us could speak for a while afterward, nor was there anything that needed saying. Tender hands and soft gestures communicated everything that was necessary.

Some time later, Kitten and I were cuddled together in bed. “How is it possible that it was so terrible with Pluto and so wonderful with you?” she asked.

“I’m sorry, what?” I responded, having been shaken loose from the wonderful daydreams I’d been having.

“Anal sex. It was horrible when Pluto did it to me, but with you, it’s amazing! How can that be?”

“I guess it’s because I was suriyeli porno trying to be patient,” I said, but what I really wanted to say – but somehow couldn’t – was, “It’s because I love you.”

Kitten and I didn’t attend the club every night, but my responsibilities did require my presence there rather often, and Kitten would always accompany me. She’d become relatively familiar to many of the regulars, none more than Nigel, who was a former president, now vice-president, and my longtime close friend and mentor. He and his mate, Fiona, were fixtures at the BDSM club. Fiona especially had taken a liking to Kitten, and the two of them were frequently engaged in long conversations while I was occupied elsewhere with my duties.

At the time, I hadn’t given those conversations a second thought. Then one afternoon, Nigel called me. “Are you coming to the club tonight, mate? We’re having the special program, and I could use your assistance.”

“Oh, sure,” I answered. “We’ll be there. By the way, what’s the special program?”

“It’s entitled ‘interrogation by torture,’ and it ought to be quite interesting! There is some historical merit to it,” Nigel went on. “As I’m given to understand, in ancient Greece, the testimony of a slave was not considered admissible as evidence unless obtained under torture.”

“Sounds intense!” I replied.

“Quite. There’s every indication it should be an unforgettable event.”

“Who’s doing it?” I wondered.

“Well, that’s another thing, mate. I’ve been asked to keep the particulars secret until showtime, so it will also be suspenseful as well as unforgettable.”

“Wow! Okay! Oh, we’ll both be there for sure to see this!” I said. I wasn’t scheduled for duty at the club that night, but this was a presentation not to be missed! “Kitten,” I said, “we’re going to the club tonight. There’s going to be some special presentation.”

We both arrived a trifle early, given that Nigel had requested my help with something or other. I found Nigel, who said, “Gary, would you mind lending a hand? We need to have a look at something in the Blue Room. That’s where the program is to be held tonight. There’s been a report that the ceiling hook is becoming loose, so there’s a safety issue to be dealt with.”

I couldn’t imagine how an eyebolt that went into the beam at least six inches could come loose, but safety is a primary concern in our club, so I got up to go with him. “Kitten,” I said, “Nigel and I are going to take a look at this. Why don’t you stay here? It should only be a few minutes.” And off we went.

The room was empty when we got there. A pair of handcuffs dangled from a chain that was connected to the eyebolt in question. Nigel pulled on it and it appeared to hold just fine. “Have a go at it, Gary,” he suggested. I grabbed hold and gave it a tentative pull. “Put your whole weight into it,” Nigel suggested. I did. There was no indication of any looseness at all. “Let me pull on it, too,” he said, and he reached up and grabbed the handcuffs. I looked at him and suddenly he’d snapped both cuffs around my wrists, immobilizing me there. Fiona was behind me unseen and quickly unfastened my pants and pulled them and my shorts around my ankles and hurriedly left the room.

“Wait! What?” I stammered.

Presently, I heard Fiona announce over the PA system: “Good evening, members and guests. Tonight, we have a special program entitled ‘interrogation by torture’ beginning now in the Blue Room. Our own BDSM Club president, Gary Dillon, a Dominant in his own right, has consented to be the one who will be tortured.”

I DID?! WHAT THE FUCK?! I thought to myself. “Nigel, what the hell is going on here!?” I demanded.

“What’s going on is you’re about to be tortured, mate,” he replied, “and my advice to you is to let it be.”

“And you’re going to just stand there and allow it? How can you do this? Nigel, I thought you were my friend! “

“I am your friend, mate. I am so much your friend that if it comes down to a choice between our friendship and making you happy, I’m willing to sacrifice the friendship in favor of your happiness. Trust me, you’ll come ’round to this in a bit.” I had no idea what he was talking about and started to protest. “Excuse me for a sec,” he said and walked away, literally leaving me hanging!

Members began trickling into the room and formed a circle around me. There was some murmuring as they tried to make sense out of what was going to happen. I shared their ignorance!

Fiona came back, followed a minute or two later by Nigel and Kitten, who was holding something slender in her hand that was a little over a yard long and hung limp at her side.

When she came closer, I finally realized just what it was she had in her hand. It was a four foot length of electrical cord, the kind that’s used to connect a lamp or other small device to the wall socket. Now, if you’re into the typical BDSM toys like riding crops, floggers, switches twitter porno and all, you’d probably dismiss a piece of line cord such as this from consideration as a serious implement for discipline, but you’d be mistaken. Gravely mistaken! There were people doing felony time in prison for administering corporal punishment to their kids with instruments like this. Its double strands of copper wire provided a high density strike, and it would be all too easy to deliver a blow that would break the skin. Kitten was behind me now, and I could hear it whistling as she swung it through the air in circles and figure eights. I saw Nigel and Fiona standing to my right side and shot them a look of unbelief.

And then everything happened at once. The whistling sound was replaced by a whack as the wire sliced over the cheeks of my ass. I felt an immediate explosion of intense pain along the line where it made contact with my skin, followed by a sharp burning sensation as the strike became internalized. OW, DAMMIT, THAT REALLY HURT, I thought. I saw Fiona cringe at the sight and knew that a severe welt had been raised instantly. Nigel was attempting with all his might to remain stoic and wasn’t being entirely successful at it.

“OW, DAMMIT! THAT REALLY HURT!” I hollered, and I was about to say more when the first strike was followed by another that was equally severe.

“Be quiet!” commanded Kitten. “This is an interrogation, and you’ll speak when you’re questioned, do you understand?” And then there was a third strike, just as painful, when no immediate response came from my lips. “I said, do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand,” I said slowly and quietly. But, of course, I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand a lot of things: Why this was happening to me, what I’d done to deserve it, and most of all, why Kitten was doing it!

As if she’d been reading my mind, Kitten said, “I guess you’re wondering why this is happening, so I’ll explain.” I looked around the room and saw a multitude of faces in various expressions of shock and concern as she continued. “You’re supposed to be the one who leads this dance that you and I have been doing for weeks now, and you’re not leading. So I’m having to lead it, and now I’d like to know: Am I anything of permanence to you, or is this only a temporary relationship of convenience that we have going? I’ve been waiting for days and days for you to make your intentions clear, and avoidance is all I’ve gotten.”


“No, it’s not a temporary relationship of convenience,” I tried to explain. “It’s just that… well… I didn’t want to take the chance that what we had would go away if I told you how I really felt about you.”

“So, then, what I hear you saying is that you’ve been afraid to be honest with me?”

“Well… yes.”

And Kitten smacked my ass four or five times in quick succession as she said, “And you’re the one who’s always talking about trust and honesty and how important they are to a relationship! Dammit, Gary Dillon, you should be ashamed of yourself!” And then she gave me another whack for good measure! My ass was burning up!

I couldn’t look at anybody. All I could do was to stare at the floor and admit to myself that indeed I was ashamed. I wanted to crawl under a rock and hide, but instead, here I was being forced to publicly face up to my failure to live up to the standards I expected of everybody else.

All I could do was tell her I was sorry.

After awkward seconds of silence, she said, “Gary, the sex is wonderful, and, yes, I love what you’ve taught me and all that you’ve done for me. But I think you’re still hung up over your past failed relationship and afraid to make a commitment. And so it’s come to this as a desperate attempt to get through to you. If you don’t learn any other thing from this scene tonight, you can remember this about me.” And she drew back her arm and began swinging in earnest as she spoke.

Whack. went the wire.”I’M. . .” Kitten yelled. “OW!” I hollered.

Whack. “. . .NOT. . .” “JESUS!”

Whack “. . .DAMMED. . .” “CHRIST!”

Whack. “. . .ANNE!” Kitten concluded. “OW, OW. FUCK! SHIT!!” I screamed in pain.

Then Nigel came forward and unlocked the handcuffs to free me.

I stood there rubbing my wrists to restore the circulation. I tried pulling my pants up, but it was too painful to get them over my hips. My ass was on fire! What happened next made me forget my own pain entirely. Kitten discarded her torture wire and went to her knees in front of me. She looked up at me and spoke quietly but clearly. “Gary, I want you, and want you to want me. I need to be yours and be with you for always, and so I am asking you now – I am begging you – even if you don’t love me, will you have me as your slave?”

Her words astonished me! Of all the things that she might have said, these were the ones that I least expected to hear. Literally, I choked up and stood there mute and dumb in an attempt travesti porno to process and respond to what she’d asked me. It seemed as though the entire world had come to a standstill and was waiting with bated breath for me to answer. I summoned up every bit of strength I had within me and replied: “No” was all I could say, and all at once a deathly hush fell over the room.

In a second, the expression on Kitten’s face changed from hopefulness to horror. She slumped to the floor at my feet, crestfallen and defeated, and the tears began to roll down her face.

I stood there frozen. I wanted to say more, tried to speak, but I just couldn’t get the words to come out of my mouth. I could hardly even breathe. I felt as though incredible spiritual forces were working against me, paralyzing me, keeping me from saying what I wanted to say, what I desperately needed to say. Dammit, this woman whom I loved was grieving and disintegrating before my eyes, and I was powerless to intervene. Fiona began to move forward in an attempt to comfort Kitten in her despair, but Nigel held her back. I heard him whisper to her, “Stop! It’s not over.”

Well, I decided, even if I couldn’t speak, at least I could still move! I reached down and lifted Kitten to her feet and looked her straight in the eyes, and from that moment I could talk once again.

“No,” I said again, “I won’t have you as my slave,” and the silence in the room continued as the finality of what I’d said became clear.

“But I want you as my submitted wife, that is, if you’ll have me,” I added. And this time, I was the one who fell to his knees at her feet. “I love you. Will you marry me, Kitten? Can you somehow find within yourself the willingness to be the obedient wife of a failure like me? I was so afraid of losing you that I couldn’t bring myself to tell you how much I’ve come to love you in these few days we’ve been together.” And it was my turn to look hopeful, but not by much. I mean, why would she marry somebody like me? Somebody who didn’t even have the courage to be honest with her about the way he’d felt. She was right. I was a fraud. I said one thing, but I did the opposite while all the while making those preachy, ivory tower statements about “truth” and “honesty.”

I looked away and muttered something about “not being worthy of being her husband or a Dom, either.”

Kitten pulled my face around and forced me to look at her. “No, Gary. You ARE worthy of being called a Dom. The fact that you were confronted with all of this and were honest enough to admit to your shortcomings in front of all these people proves it. Only a REAL Dom would have the courage to do that. Not some pretender. And that’s the reason why I choose to marry you. You, my Sir! You, my Master! My answer is ‘yes.’ I will gladly, cheerfully and proudly be your submitted wife! I loved you from the moment you rescued me and became my knight in shining armor.” We grabbed each other and held on tight while the room resounded with whooping and cheering. And, finally, the world began turning again.

“Told you he’d get it sorted,” Nigel said to Fiona, triumphantly, laughing out loud in an unusual fit of public emotion. He was the first of the many who came forward to offer congratulations. “I will need to get ’round to having your desk lamp repaired,” he confessed. “After all, where do you suppose Kitten got hold of that bit of flex cable she used to stripe your arse?” He held out the Leatherman tool he carried in his pocket to demonstrate its ability to cut wires, and I laughed and clapped him on the shoulders with my hands. What a hell of a pal!

But his statement did remind me of a pressing need.

“Wife!” I called, and Kitten was at my beck and call in a jiffy. “I have my first task for you as your newly appointed Dominant.”

“Yes, Master?” she asked, radiant with joy. “Anything!”

“Good! Find me some skin lotion or liniment or something for my sore butt, please. It still really hurts, dammit!”


Seven weeks had now passed since that night when I had asked Kitten to marry me and she had agreed. Nigel and I arrived at the club to oversee the final preparations for the wedding, which was to take place there that very evening. In a little more than an hour, she would become my wife!

“An actual priest? We’ve managed to get a genuine, bona fide Roman Catholic priest to come here and perform the ceremony? HERE at the BDSM Club? How in blue blazes did we manage to do this??” I asked him in astonishment as we made our way inside with me carrying my formal wear in a garment bag.

“Search me, mate,” Nigel replied, with a shrug of his shoulders. “I’m sure the $20,000 that we donated to the diocese to equip their school with computer equipment had nothing whatever to do with it.”

“TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS!” I exclaimed. “Where the hell did we get twenty thousand dollars?”

“Everybody ponied up, big time. You’re quite well liked, you know, and we all wanted to make sure you have a wedding that’s spot on. Doesn’t hurt that Kitten is such a darling, either,” he offered. “Look at the way our ladies of the club fawn all over her. They’ve practically adopted her. Took her out and made sure she got a smashing wedding dress and even saw that she had a proper hen-do.”

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