Sarah’s Skanky Revenge Ch. 03

12 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Hi Everyone,

This story follows on directly from where Sarah’s Skanky Revenge part 2 finished, so this will make much more sense if you read parts 1 and 2 first. I’m still not sure of where this story is going beyond part 4 so idea’s and feedback are very welcome, especially from other girls.

Apologies for the delay in writing this part, the next will follow much more swiftly.

Thanks and I hope you enjoy, Love and Licks, Lucy X X X X

* * * * * * * * * *

Chapter 1: Finally things improve for Holly, slightly!

After a few more seconds Sarah climbed off Holly pulling the strap-on out of the abused girl’s ass.

Holly’s mind was reeling, she had just been forced to tongue Melissa and Christy’s pussy’s and Nicky’s ass and Sarah had just raped her ass with a strap-on. She couldn’t believe anything this horrible was happening to her, the one thing that gave her slight consolation was they hadn’t taken her virginity.

Sarah on the other hand was totally ecstatic at this point, not only had she turned her hated enemy into Lisa the ugliest most disgusting girl in schools personal sex slave, she had just taken her anal virginity with her strap-on and made the little virgin eat sperm out of Melissa’s pussy too. She desperately wanted to pound the strap-on into Holly’s snatch and take the bitch’s virginity but she was saving that treat for her victory party for her now inevitable election as homecoming queen.

Holly snapped out of her daze as she heard the girls starting to giggle again, she noticed Christy had now got up and as she tried to figure out what was happening Sarah sat right in front of her, she still had the pink strap-on around her waste and she had a big smile on her face.

“You skanky little slut, look at the mess you left on my strap-on,” teased Sarah.

As she said this she reached down and opened Holly’s mouth,

“Clean it for me.” She said with delight pushing the tip of the strap-on past Holly’s lips.

Holly was disgusted at the taste, but she sucked and licked the strap-on as ordered as she knew things would get much worse if she didn’t do it. She couldn’t believe even Sarah was cruel enough to make her orally clean a strap-on that had just minutes before been stuffed in her own ass.

The other girls thought this was great and were sat around watching and taunting Holly,

“go on slut, suck that filthy cock,” said a laughing Christy,

“She only wishes it could pump more tasty sperm into her lesbian mouth!” teased Melissa,

“do you like the taste of your own ass bitch? I bet you don’t like it as much as you liked the taste of mine!” Laughed Nicky cruelly.

The girls were disturbed from their fun then as Lisa’s phone rang, the fat girl who had been sitting quietly watching and enjoying Holly’s debasement, went out into the living room to answer it and came back in with a disappointed look on her face.

“I have to go and see my Mum, I’ll be back in an hour or so,” she said straightening out her clothes and picking up her car keys.

Before she left Lisa walked over to Holly, squatted over her face and let out a loud smelly fart right on the blonde girl’s face. As she stood up again she walked to the door, looked back and laughing said,

“Keep my little Holly entertained for me!”.

As Lisa left Christy pulled on her clothes and went to get the other girls some drinks. Sarah went into the kitchen, putting the strap-on in the sink for Holly to give it a proper wash later.

This left Holly still there on the bed and Nicky and Melissa were just discussing what to do to her next when they heard a knock on the front door.

Sarah, now wearing Holly’s dressing gown but nothing else hurried back into the bedroom and closed the door.

“Christy’s going to answer that, as she’s the only one of us wearing any clothes.” Smiled Sarah to Nicky and Melissa.

They heard the door open and then Christy having a brief conversation with a man, before the door closed again.

Christy hurried into the bedroom,

“We’ve got a problem,” said a shocked Christy,

“That was Lisa’s Dad, her parents have seen how bad her grades are and have given up on her taking exams until the summer, so they’re sending her to fat camp, today!” She exclaimed.

“I had to pretend I was Holly, I said I’d get Lisa’s stuff and bring it out for him in about five minutes.”

As she finished saying this Christy grabbed Lisa’s suitcases, she threw one to Melissa and started stuffing Lisa’s stuff into the other one.

“Mel, quick help me,” She said in a panicked voice,

“If we haven’t got her stuff for him in five minutes he’s insisting on coming in and getting it and if he does that he’ll find out what we’ve been up to.”

This got Melissa’s attention and she quickly hurried to help. Sarah looked really shocked and disappointed and Nicky looked very annoyed.

Sarah and Nicky were both as disappointed as they looked, they both loved making Holly the girlfriend of the disgusting Lisa, they couldn’t think of anything hintli porno worse than the thought of what Lisa was doing to Holly and they were disappointed this couldn’t continue.

Christy and Melissa were less disappointed, they both loved the gross stuff Lisa was doing to Holly but they found Lisa repulsive and with her gone they thought it would mean more variety to Holly’s torment.

Sarah and Nicky watched Christy and Melissa franticly packing up Lisa’s stuff, after a couple of minutes Sarah suddenly sprang into action and rushed around the living room and kitchen checking Lisa hadn’t left anything in either room. She returned to the bedroom as Melissa hurried to clear Lisa’s stuff out of the bathroom.

After about 5 minutes they were just about finished packing as they heard more knocking on the front door.

“Just a minute,” Christy called back,

They got the bags closed and Christy dragged them to the front door as the other girls, still not wearing much closed themselves back in the bedroom.

Christy gave the bags to Lisa’s Dad, who now satisfied took them and left.

After locking the door again Christy came back into the bedroom and threw herself out of breath onto the floor,

“that was close, I thought we were really in trouble there.” She exclaimed.

The other girls sat around for a few minutes and reassured Christy, they had a drink and convinced each other everything was going to be okay now.

In all this Holly was still in her prone position on the bed, by this time as well as her ass being really sore from the pounding Sarah had given it, her arms and legs were getting sore from being chained in this uncomfortable position on her stomach, with her arms and legs chained to the bed posts and pillows under her stomach pushing her exposed ass up in the air.

She was glad the other girls weren’t taking any notice of her as she had a big smile on her face, Lisa was gone, the awful, smelly, fat, disgusting, cruel, flatulent, tormentress was gone!

Although she knew she was still in a really bad situation the relief of Lisa’s departure made it all seem so much less bad to Holly.

* * * * * * * * * *

Chapter 2: Relief doesn’t last long

After a while the other girls were confident and smiling again and remembered they still had Holly chained there.

Sarah had the others adjust Holly so she was back flat on her back, whilst they discussed what to do next and tried to come up with a new plan now that Lisa was gone.

“We should cover her ears so she won’t know what we’re going to do until it happens.” Suggested Melissa with a smile.

The other girls agreed and Nicky retrieved some cotton wool from the bathroom, pushing lots of it into Holly’s ears and putting tape across the ears to stop it falling out.

This left Holly hearing absolutely nothing, although she could still see the girls, who occasionally waved or stuck their tongues out at her to remind her they hadn’t forgotten about her.

The conversation they were having seemed to Holly to be going on for hours, but it was actually only 4pm when Christy took out the empty glasses and bottle and the other three started to get dressed.

When Christy came back in she removed the cotton wool from Holly’s ears, it took a few seconds for her hearing to come back to normal but as she focused on the voices she heard the girls chatting and giggling as they finished getting dressed.

Sarah now fully dressed, turned to face Holly and said,

“We’re going shopping, we need to get a few things for you now that we don’t have Lisa to look after you.”

“Just a minute Sar, I need to pee before we go anywhere,” Nicky said with a smile.

She climbed onto the bed and knelt over Holly’s face with her knees either side of the other girl’s head. She positioned her bare pussy over Holly’s mouth

With a huge smile she stuck two fingers in either side of Holly’s mouth and plied her lips apart. With a little moan Nicky started to pee into Holly’s mouth.

“Ah yeh,” Exclaimed Nicky,

“Oh yeh bitch, drink my piss!” Exclaimed the beaming girl.

Holly swallowed down several mouthfuls of Nicky’s hot disgusting piss. Eventually Nicky’s flow stopped and with a smile she grabbed Holly’s hair and used it to wipe herself.

The other 3 girls each took a turn squatting above Holly and emptying their bladders into her mouth. Christy went after Nicky, she didn’t last as long as Nicky and didn’t taste as bad Holly thought. Then it was Melissa’s turn, Holly noticed a slight taste of sperm as Melissa relieved herself. Sarah took her turn last, as usual she decided to go a step further than the other girls and she sat on Holly’s face facing her feet.

As Sarah started to piss she let out a small fart straight up Holly’s nose. With Sarah’s ass against her nose Holly had to swallow the piss as fast as possible so that she could breath.

Sarah kept peeing the longest and as she finally finished she pushed out another, slightly larger fart.

As hizmetçi porno she raised herself up to use Holly’s hair to wipe herself she spat onto her rival’s forehead and used her left hand to rub the spit into Holly’s face.

As Sarah climbed off the bed Melissa approached Holly and said,

“As I am staying at Christy’s tonight I have some spare panties, so I can wear the clean ones to go shopping and you,” smiling, she paused,

She held up a pair of panties and started to giggle as she turned them inside out and pushed them onto Holly’s face.

“You can enjoy the dirty ones!” She laughed.

She adjusted the panties so that the crotch, with obvious cum, pee and sperm stains on it, from Melissa’s sex filled morning, was right over Holly’s mouth and nose.

“You can enjoy that delicious taste and smell for a while whilst we get some fun toys to use on you!” Melissa laughed and taunted Holly.

The other girls, also laughing moved towards the door,

“Don’t go anywhere bitch!” laughed Nicky, as they left the flat and locked the door.

* * * * * * * * * *

Chapter 3: The shopping trip

20 minutes later Sarah pulled her car into a parking space at the local mall. The four girls all knew what they were assigned to go and buy and because they all got $500 weekly allowances money wasn’t going to be a problem.

Sarah threw Melissa her spare car keys after she locked the vehicle and they all went off in separate directions.

Nicky headed to the internet cafe, the girls, in particular Nicky, wanted some items that had to be purchased from specialist websites and she really enjoyed being able to specify the exact details of what she wanted. After about half an hour of searching, entering measurements and specifications she paid, printed her receipt and headed back to Sarah’s car.

Sarah was in the cheapest clothes shop in the mall, she would never normally go in this “trashy” shop, but she was getting some outfits and underwear for Holly. She wanted Holly to look cheap, nasty and slutty and she enjoyed picking out the ugliest, cheapest looking stuff in the store. After a very fun 25 minutes she paid at the register and slipped the girl stacking shelves $20 to carry the bags of “nasty” clothes to her car.

Christy was in a camping store, she purchased a few small items including a thick black indelible ink marker pen. She also purchased a very large multi-pack of dehydrated camping food.

Melissa was in the pet store, she picked up an extra large dog bowl and a bright pink dog collar and leash. Her own shopping complete she hurried over to the camping store and helped Christy carry her purchases back to the car.

The two girls used the spare key Sarah had given Melissa to unload the stuff they’d bought, before heading to the food court to pick up dinner for the four of them.

Christy and Melissa, bags of food in hand, arrived back at the car about 5 minutes after Sarah and Nicky and they headed back to Holly’s flat.

* * * * * * * * *

Chapter 4: A night in with the girls

Laying flat on her back, chained to her own bed with Melissa’s sex stained panties over her face, it felt to Holly like she was alone there for hours. She still had the taste of the 4 girl’s disgusting piss in her mouth and after being forced to swallow all of that fowl liquid she was now desperate to pee herself.

It was actually only 90 minutes before the others returned. She heard the giggling girls come in the front door and Sarah came in to check on Holly while the others brought all the bags in.

“Sarah, I really really need to pee,” Holly pleaded as Sarah entered the room,

“That’s princess Sarah to you,” retorted Sarah,

“You will refer to all of us as Princess from now on.” She added.

“As for your request, you’ll have to wait until we’ve put away the stuff we’ve bought, then maybe we’ll let you go to the bathroom.” Sarah told a clearly uncomfortable Holly.

Christy moved past Sarah throwing down three bags of clothes on the floor by the window and removing the bags containing Holly’s own clothes.

Sarah followed Christy out of the room and Holly could hear Nicky and Melissa giggling over something in the kitchen.

Melissa came into the room carrying a bag and the other three girls followed behind giggling with each other.

“Sarah says you need some help Holly,” teased Melissa,

“Are my dirty panties too far from your nose?” she laughed.

“Princess Melissa, I really need to go for a wee.” Pleaded Holly.

“Well as you addressed me correctly and we did give you the privilege of drinking all of our piss before we went out, I’ll let you go to the bathroom.” Replied Melissa mockingly.

The other girl’s mocked and teased Holly as Melissa moved very slowly in uncuffing Holly’s ankles.

“Before I free your hands you need the first of the presents we bought for you today.” Laughed Melissa.

Holly knew whatever present these awful girls had got her wasn’t something ifşa porno she was going to like and she was just hoping Melissa would hurry and let her get to the bathroom.

The other girls surrounded the bed with big smiles on their faces as Melissa opened the bag and pulled out the pink dog collar and leash she had just bought.

She held it up in front of Holly’s eyes as she used her left hand to remove the dirty panties that she had put on the other girl’s face. Sarah, Nicky and Christy all laughed and mocked as she put the collar around Holly’s neck and locked it in place.

As Nicky and Sarah released the cuffs from the now collared girl’s wrists, Melissa pulled on the leash beckoning Holly to get up.

Holly was very stiff after being chained there for so long and she stretched once she was standing. Melissa took great pleasure dragging the naked girl to the bathroom on the end of her leash.

After Holly had relieved herself Sarah threw a green mini skirt and a skimpy red top at Her,

“Put those on, we have some jobs for you to do and I don’t want to look at your ugly body while you do them.” Sarah told her nastily, which started the others laughing again.

Holly hurriedly put on the ugly, skimpy outfit. The girls had her unpack the food they had bought from the food court and serve it to them in the living room.

Whilst they ate, watch television and drank wine they ordered Holly to change the bedding and give the bathroom a complete clean to get rid of any traces of disgusting Lisa.

Once Holly told the girls she was finished Sarah inspected her work, she was satisfied and then ordered Holly to hand wash the dirty panties Melissa had earlier left on her face.

Once this was done and the panties were hung up to dry they had Sarah take out their empty food containers, empty the trash and once she was finished she was ordered to lye on her stomach in front of Christy and Melissa, who used her as a foot rest, to all of their immense amusement.

As the girls chatted and drank Nicky, who was sat to the side of Melissa and Christy, had a mean idea, she slipped off her shoes and socks. She started by putting her toes over Holly’s nose.

“Like the smell?” she asked with a giggle,

“open wide,”.

Nicky pushed her smelly foot to Holly’s lips, pushing her sweaty toes inside the other girl’s mouth.

“I’ve had a busy day and my toes feel all dirty, use that dirty little lesbian mouth of yours and suck them clean.” Ordered Nicky cruelly.

Nicky sat and enjoyed making Holly suck her sweaty toes, she had her spend ten minutes on each foot and in truth she only removed the second foot as a mixture of the power, Holly’s humiliation and the feeling of having her toes sucked was getting her turned on and she didn’t have enough time to do anything about it.

At about 7 o’clock Sarah said that as they would have to go soon they should give Holly some food before they left.

Nicky pulled Holly up using the leash and pulled her into the kitchen, where she ordered the girl to get down on all fours on the floor.

She tied the end of the leash around a table leg and Christy got something out of the cupboard.

Christy, with a wicked smirk on her face, bent down and placed a large pink dog bowl in front of Holly,

“As you’re a bitch, we’re going to feed you like one!” Nicky taunted.

“Yes, from now on all your meals will be served in this bowl!” Sarah told Holly with a smile,

“and look,” Christy pointed with a smile,

“It’s even got your name on it!” she laughed.

Melissa opened two of the dehydrated camping meals and put them in the bowl.

“The instructions say add water and leave for 2 minutes before eating,” she read out,

With an evil smile she added,

“but with this heavy bowl down there on the floor, how are we going to add the water!”.

The girls all smiled as Sarah knelt down next to the bowl. All Holly could think was, oh god, I hope she’s not going to do what I think she’s about to do.

Sarah squatted over the bowl and with her most vindictive smile on her face, started to piss on the food.

As she finished she looked down at the bowl and said,

“Looks like I didn’t have enough, water,” the others laughed at this,

“anyone want to finish it off for me?” she asked with a smile.

Christy quickly volunteered and took her place above the bowl, she quickly started to piss and the smile on her face showed how much she was enjoying this.

When eventually she finished, the food was well covered and was already clearly expanding as it rehydrated. Christy didn’t miss the chance to mock Holly as she stood up,

“yum, looks delicious.” She exclaimed.

The girls went to get properly dressed ready to leave as Holly was forced to sit there and watch the food, which looked unappetising enough before the girls had peed on it, expand and rehydrate ready to eat.

As the girls came back in Nicky spat into the bowl, right onto the food and the other girl’s followed suit.

“Looks like dinners ready,” mocked Sarah as she came up behind Holly.

Holly’s head was pushed down to the food and she was ordered to eat.

“no hands,” she instructed,

“eat like the bitch you are, using just that lezy mouth of yours.” She laughed.

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