Welcome to town, but for whom?

12 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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My wife and I are very open minded but had yet to do any experimenting since we got married, until last week.

We were having a dinner party and invited our neighbors on each side of us, plus a couple of people from work.

Morgan invited Sherri from her office, who was new in town and didn’t know anyone. Sherri is approximately 5 ft. and around 120 pounds, if I had to guess, and could pass for a Weasley from Harry Potter because of her hair color.

Morgan is 5’3″ and 130 and wears a 34 C and but dresses very conservatively. The night of the party, she wore a purple blouse and black slacks. Sherri, on the other hand, was ready to kill — low-cut thin white blouse, very short skirt, nude panty hose and boots up to her knees, and had on Ralph Lauren perfume which Morgan and I both like.

The party was set to begin at 7:30 and the guests started arriving within five minutes of the start time. Whether on purpose or not, Sherri was the last to arrive around 7:45 and when she walked in, all the guys froze and all the wives smacked their hubbies back into reality.

We all sat on the two sofas and three love seats in our family. Morgan and I sat on one of the sofas and Sherri sat next to Morgan. The hors d’oeuvres were devoured very quickly and the main course was about 30 minutes from being ready when one of our neighbors brought up playing Truth or Dare.

We hadn’t played that since college so we thought it might be fun. Since the neighbor brought it up, he got to start and asked one of the other wives, who chose Truth, how old she was when she lost her virginity.

Bam! Right out of the box a sex question and she answered 14. When he asked with whom, she cut him off, “One question per customer.”

She must have thought it was time to really get the party started so she told Morgan, who chose dare, “Kiss me.” This neighbor had been trying to seduce Morgan ever since we moved in and Morgan knew it, Morgan went over and gave her a little peck on the cheek.

Sherri chimed in, “That wasn’t a kiss” and Morgan replied “She wasn’t specific.”

But Morgan then asked Sherri truth or dare and when Sherri said truth, Morgan told her to kiss Annie, the neighbor. You could see in Annie’s face that Sherri was not the woman she wanted kissing her but Sherri walked over and put a long, slow lingering kiss on her lips, which Annie soon relished.

The cat and mouse, along with four bottles of wine, went on for a couple of hours. Soon the party started to break up and when Annie and her husband left, it was just the two of us and Sherri.

I had not really met Sherri but Morgan had told me about her so I asked Sherri to tell me more about herself. She said “I’m from Denver, got my bachelors in contract writing, a form of journalism, and I’m bisexual.”

What? I wasn’t expecting that and judging by Morgan’s reaction, she didn’t know it. So I questioned her some more on the subject.

“How old were you when you realized you were and equal opportunity lover?”

“My junior Side Escort year of high school,” she said. “There was this girl moved in down the street from us and the first time I saw her, I was breathless. My heart was pounding so hard I nearly fainted.”

“Did she feel the same way,” Morgan asked.

“At the time, I didn’t know,” said Sherri. “I didn’t want to push the issue at first, so I just went over to say hello. Since it was the beginning of summer, we got to know each other better over the break.”

Sherri went on to tell us about what all they did during the summer — swimming, going to the mall, sleepovers. Sherri said the sleepovers drove her crazy — wanting to “test the waters”.

When school started, Sherri said they were inseparable. One night, Sherri went over to Andrea’s house and she was crying. Giving her a shoulder to cry on, Sherri said Andrea let loose.

“I’m so lonely, I can’t make any friends,” Andrea told her. “All I have is my family and you.”

“Well, all you need is me,” Sherri said. And with that, Sherri said she gave her a kiss. She said Andrea was a caught a little off guard and pulled back.

Sherri said they just looked at each other for a few seconds then Andrea returned the kiss but with a little more passion. Sherri said they made love that night and stayed together for the next two years until they went their separate ways for college.

Morgan was in a trance listening to this. I also noticed she was squirming a little, the kind of squirming she does when she gets turned on.

When Sherri finished her story, she took the opportunity to ask us about our personal lives and if we had done any experimenting. I told her that I had never thought about it until we got married but we had discussed it.

That’s when Morgan dropped a bombshell, “I slept with a woman once in college.”

“What? With whom?” I asked.

“A girl named Claire. She was in my Psych I class. We were in a study group together. One night I met her at her apartment and after a couple bottles of wine, we started talking about our sex lives. She asked me if I had ever thought of being with a woman. While she was asking me this she had moved right beside me and I noticed she was stroking my hair.”

Sherri at this point had snuggled up right next to Morgan and began caressing Morgan’s arm.

“Then Claire kissed me and I didn’t know what to do, but I couldn’t stop her. We had sex that night, but that was a one-time thing. We both agreed it was wonderful but it was the wine.”

Sherri then asked Morgan, “How do you feel now?”

“I’m not sure what you mean,” Morgan said.

“Is it the wine?” Sherri asked.

They just stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity then Sherri kissed Morgan. Morgan didn’t pull back and returned the kiss. They kissed for a few minutes before they separated.

“How do you feel now?” Sherri said. Morgan just heaved a sigh and leaned in and kissed Sherri again.

That’s when I moved Manavgat Escort to one of the love seats to give them some personal space. I also wanted to see how far this was going and didn’t want to cause a disturbance.

Once I moved Sherri became more aggressive, unbuttoning her blouse, reaching in with her right hand and caressing a breast. Morgan moaned in a way that kind of said, “Continue”.

Sherri interpreted the moan the same was as she did continue. While rubbing her breast with the right hand, she unbuttoned the rest of Morgan’s blouse and slipped it off.

Morgan, in the meantime, had cupped Sherri’s face and was softly stroking her cheeks. I looked at Morgan and noticed her chest was turning crimson, a sure-fire sign that she was at the height of excitement. If Sherri had stopped, Morgan might have had a stroke — but she didn’t. I knew that Morgan was, at this point, clay ready for molding.

Since Morgan was letting Sherri’s hands roam free, it was time for Morgan’s receive some encouragement. I walked over to them, grabbed Morgan’s hands and placed one on each of Sherri’s breasts.

It took her awhile to get started but Morgan caught on quickly and began squeezing Sherri. I think that was the sign Sherri was looking for as she reached around, undid her bra and let it slip loose.

Then Sherri began kissing Morgan’s neck, sliding down her body until she took a nipple in her mouth. Since I know how sensitive Morgan’s nipples are, I was well aware that this would stop her in her tracks. Morgan’s eyes slammed shut and she let out a loud gasp.

As for me, I was so hard I could hardly move. If I had, I would have exploded and made a mess. I was also afraid I would ruin the moment since I had gotten away with guiding Morgan’s hands earlier.

Morgan had other ideas. She was alert enough to motion me over to her. When I got there, she unzipped my pants and carefully, or should I say extremely carefully, pulled out my penis and began stroking me.

I tried to get away because I was very close to cumming, but she would have nothing of it. She took me in her mouth and sucked me until I came, then swallowed.

Now I could relax and watch the intensity of what was going on before my eyes. Sherri had been alternating between the left and right nipples. Morgan had unbuttoned Sherri’s blouse and bra and now both women were naked from the waist up, and because she hadn’t shaved her armpits that day, Sherri revealed she was a true red head.

Morgan laid down, kicked her shoes off and pulled Sherri on top of her. She wrapped her arms around Sherri and the two began kissing more passionately than at any point so far.

Meanwhile, I had gone to the bathroom and retrieved a towel, which I knew I was going to need at some point. I was sitting on the towel on the love seat, as not to leave a stain, and stroking.

Back to the two love birds. Morgan had taken the initiative and slid Sherri’s skirt and panty hose down below her knees and was working Alanya Escort on unzipping her boots.

For the first time since the two had started their passionate encounter, one of them spoke. “Let me,” said Sherri. With that, she took off her boots, skirt and panty hose and started removing the rest of Morgan’s clothing.

After unzipping Morgan’s slacks, Sherri slid them down and was expecting to find the hem to panties, but was caught off guard when she discovered that Morgan was commando, as she sometimes is when wearing pants or slacks.

All Morgan could do was smile when she noticed the surprise in Sherri’s face. Once the slacks were off, Sherri’s hand began to discover Morgan’s lower extremities. Morgan didn’t need any encouragement as she spread her legs to allow her coveter more easy access.

Morgan’s breathing was now more rapid and heavier. If Sherri had touched her clit at this point, Morgan would have been done and Sherri would have had to start over.

I think Sherri suspected that was the case as she just ran her hands up and down legs, avoiding the area she wanted to attack the most. This was driving Morgan crazy so she reached down, grabbed Sherri’s hand and placed it where she wanted it most.

Sherri tried to pull it away but Morgan was forceful and began rubbing her clit with Sherri’s hand. It didn’t take long before Morgan’s breathing became sporadic and she vaulted her head as her first orgasm was in full affect.

Sherri kept the pressure on as Morgan arched her back and began screaming. I felt inferior because I had never seen that reaction come out of her, but they say a woman knows how to please a woman.

Sherri wasn’t done. She started kissing her way down to where her hand was. When she reached the area of interest, she started licking Morgan’s juices then returned to kissing Morgan.

I later found out that Morgan had never tasted her own juices and was surprised at the taste. She tried to pull Sherri in tighter but Sherri returned to her course of action.

She started licking Morgan’s pussy and Morgan was getting close to another orgasm. Sherri placed her mouth on Morgan’s clit and began sucking on it. Morgan told me afterwards that Claire didn’t do that to her so she wasn’t prepared haw her body would react.

Her eyes slammed shut and her mouth flew open but no sound was coming out of it. All she could do was grab Sherri’s hair and pull her face in tighter.

When Morgan was finished with orgasm No. 2, Sherri kept going. I then heard Morgan say, “You’re going to make my pussy come again. Please don’t. I need a break.”

Sherri didn’t care and she kept going. Morgan began squirming as if she was trying to get away but Sherri held on. Morgan came so hard she actually passed out.

Sherri then laid on top of Morgan and began stroking her hair until Morgan regained consciousness.

“You okay?” Sherri asked.

“Mmmm,” Morgan replied.

Sherri then looked at me and said, “Oh. I forgot about you. You OK?”

“Well, I could use some relief,” I said.

“Later,” Sherri said. “We’re not done.”

And with that they removed themselves to the bedroom and locked the door.

I asked Morgan the next day what went on in the room and all Morgan did was smile.

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