Watching My New Neighbor Ch. 02-03

10 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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This is the next installation in the Watching My New Neighbor series (first chapter here:

THANK YOU for all the lovely ratings and comments on the last story! Please continue to send me/post all of your comments, thoughts, critiques, reviews, recommendations, etc. I’m looking to improve as a writer and I’d love to know what you all like and dislike! Happy reading 😉



Not only had Laura occupied my every waking thought since I had met her, but she had also occupied my dreaming ones as well. I just couldn’t escape her—those long, tanned limbs, that golden blonde hair, her beautiful smile. I had promised myself that I wouldn’t just let her slip by, that I would make a move on her or at least try to find out if we were batting for the same team. But she was just so damned beautiful, it was intimidating!

I spent my free time brainstorming ways to run into her and reasons to knock on her door. Borrow some sugar? Have a party? Bring her cookies? They all seemed too contrived, too forced. I resigned myself to be satisfied with my X-rated thoughts and dreams. And of course the occasional glimpse through her window. Every time I walked out of the car I couldn’t help but glance up to see if she happened to be changing once again. Most times, the shades were drawn or the window was dark. But one night, I got lucky.

It was early morning and I was just leaving to take my dog for a walk. I glanced towards Laura’s window, expecting to be disappointed once more, but was stopped dead in my tracks by what I saw: Laura on all fours, doing what seemed to be the downward dog position. She was wearing only a sports bra and the tiniest exercise shorts that hardly even deserved to be called shorts. It was by 1080 porno far one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen. Her perfect ass stretched the shorts tight and I could see a glimpse of pink panties where the shorts were too skimpy to cover. Her long, shapely legs were stretched out behind her, calves and thighs taut. Now I know how she maintains that beautiful body, I thought to myself. She held the pose for another thirty seconds and then shifted into another pose where she was lying on the ground, still facing away from me. Her arms supported her weight as she stretched her upper body and head backwards.

With all that flexibility, I could only imagine the things she could do in bed. I imagined her stretched out on top of me, pressing her lithe body against my own. I was desperate to know how her moans sounded…maybe she was a screamer? I doubted it, she seemed like she would have low, breathy moans, the kind made me melt into a puddle. I imagined peeling off those tiny shorts and taking her pink panties with them. She would lift her hips up to help me in the way that women do. That was always my favorite part, the little lift and scoot to help me out. That move said, “I WANT you.” Usually while looking down at me with her eyes only half open. I would run my hands up her smooth thighs to until I was only a movement away from being in her sweet, hot pussy…

All of a sudden she was gone out of the window, and just like that I was released from her spell. I furtively looked around to see if anyone had witnessed my naughty activities and sheepishly noticed that once again my hand was on my pussy, rubbing small circles on my clit over my panties. Pento looked up at me, wondering if we were going on our walk or not.

“Sorry, boy. I was…distracted.” 2 k porno


The next couple weeks after that were pretty uneventful. I went about my daily routine, thinking about Laura, but still lacking the courage to do anything about it. I must have made up my mind a thousand times to just go knock on her door and then stopped myself midway.

That all changed on one Friday night. It was around 8 p.m. and I was still home since I didn’t have an event booked for that night. I decided to just spend the evening in with myself. I had just poured myself a glass of red wine, settling in with some cheesy lesbian movie that was basically softcore porn. I had chosen it since the main character resembled Laura a bit. I had just pressed play when the doorbell rang. Shit, I wasn’t expecting anyone. I looked down at my clothes—threadbare pajama shorts, a wifebeater, and fuzzy slippers. Oh well, I thought to myself. It couldn’t be anyone important. A salesperson or Jehovah’s Witness maybe? I walked to the door and opened it.

“Sorry, I’m not intere—” I started to say, and then stopped in my tracks as I saw who was standing in front of me. It was Laura, looking gorgeous as usual in a white fitted t-shirt, tight jeans, and a leather jacket.

She smiled at me and said, “Hey! How are you?” I stood there stunned, unable to come up with even the simplest response.

“Oh, sorry, did I catch you at a bad time? I can leave…” she continued, after I hadn’t said anything.

“NO! I mean, uh, no, this is a fine time. I just wasn’t expecting anyone. Sorry, I’m in my PJs,” I said, laughing nervously. All I could think about was her half-clothed image framed by the window.

“Is there, ahem, something I can do for you?” I continued, thinking 4 k porno of all the things I’d like to do to her.

“Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you for a second. Can I come in?” she replied, looking at me in a way that made me blush. Talk? Talk about what?! My mind started racing. What if she knew? What if she saw me staring at her through her window? How can I explain that?

I pushed my thoughts away to reply, “Of course! Come on in! I just poured myself some wine. Would you like some?” I asked, opening the door for her.

“That’d be great. I can never say no to a glass of wine,” she replied with a wink.

I led the way to the kitchen, my heart racing, butterflies in my stomach, desperately trying to appear normal by making small talk while I poured her a glass.

While she took a sip, I asked, “So…what is it you wanted to talk to me about?”

“Oh it’s nothing serious, just about your dog Pento.” I breathed an inner sigh of relief. Thank God, it’s only about silly Pento, I thought.

“Oh no, what’s he been up to?” I asked. Pento got up to some tricks sometimes.

“Nothing too bad,” she said, “but it looks like he dug a hole under your fence and has been getting into my yard. It’s not a big deal, I just wanted to make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble! Sometimes I forget to close my gate and I’d hate for him to get out.”

“I didn’t even notice! I’ll have to get that fixed right away. Thanks for letting me know!” I replied, just relieved that this conversation wasn’t what I thought it was going to be about.

We chatted for a few more minutes, mostly about Pento and her cat, Bill. When she finished her glass I offered her another one, but she declined, “I actually have plans to get some drinks with friends. Normally I’m such a homebody, but after a while I go stir crazy!”

I walked her out and opened the door for her and we said our goodbyes. Right as I was about to shut the door she turned around and said, “Oh, and by the way…I hope you enjoyed the show the other night.”

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