Doctor Gets a Prescription Ch. 02

10 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Two years have passed since Sujitha’s torrid experience with Chandran in the plantain grove. However, it wasn’t easy for her to shrug off those horrifying images of a lusty young man, nearly managing to violate her modesty. But, her eyes always searched for her tormentor every time she ventured out of her house or clinic. He did show up on a few occasions, flashing mischievous smiles at her in the bus stop but suddenly he stopped appearing before her. Surprisingly, Sujitha began to miss him.

Being a doctor, she had some theoretical knowledge about human psychology. Chandran perhaps epitomized the typical rural youth who seemed more vulnerable to erotic provocations. He belonged to a generation which had bountiful of temptations with very little outlets. Like most young guys, Chandran might have been more than curious to know and feel a woman for the first time. It never matters to them if a woman would be pleased to let her body be felt in the way most boys preferred to do. They had images of sexy women exposing their cleavages more than anything else and obviously they had resolved about women’s breasts as the ultimate sex trigger.


Sujitha regained her senses hearing her aunt calling her. She turned around and saw Prema, her aunt approaching her.

“What are you doing sitting in the dark?” Prema queried with genuine compassion. Sujitha wryly smiled at her without replying. She knew she wasn’t really doing anything except rolling back her memories about something she couldn’t forget all these days.

“My sweet Sujitha,” Prema sat down close to her niece and sighed. “You shouldn’t be thinking about the past. Be brave and try thinking ahead.”

“I wish I can,” Sujitha murmured with a hint of despondency creeping into her voice.

“Look Sujitha, if I were you, I won’t be thinking about what he did. There is no point in living in the past. We need to come to terms with the present. We have to survive and succeed. Forget it and just concentrate on your practice.”

“Thank you Aunt Prema,” Sujitha spoke with moistening eyes. Aunt Prema has always remained her source of inspiration for all these years.

“Cheer up,” Prema gave a gentle pat on Sujitha’s shoulders. “Get ready. Your cousins are planning to go to some movie. Go along and enjoy yourself.”

“No, Aunt Prema,” Sujitha stood up and said. “I have to go through some reference books. I am not interested in going to any movie.”

Sujitha did not observe a mild cloud of disappointment settling on her aunt’s face. She obviously couldn’t realize that her aunt kept following her nervously till she entered the small room which she used as her study.

“Sujitha, just a minute,” Prema sounded extremely tentative. Sujitha turned around and suddenly realized that her aunt looked pale.

“Yes, you want to say something?” Sujitha asked somewhat perplexed. She wondered what made her aunt look so uncomfortable.

“Yes I do,” Prema quickly replied and looked around the house once. “Let us get into the room. I need to tell you something.”

Sujitha was almost pushed into the room by Prema who hastily closed the door. Sujitha began thinking that her aunt really had something serious to tell her.

“You are a grown up woman. I don’t need to tell you a lot,” Prema began with a prelude. “I can’t tell my children something because they are still very young. You are a Doctor and I know you can approach things practically.”

“I am anxious,” Sujitha intervened. “Please tell me straight. What is your problem?”

Prema went into a shell for a few moments. A deadly silence engulfed the small room before she finally looked up and began to speak.

“I lost your uncle when I was very young,” Prema spoke in a firm but composed voice. “You know what a woman misses in life in the absence of her husband. I am not a saint to miss those moments. I need to pep myself up all the time to keep me going. I have been feeling the need for a man to make me happy once in a while. I have finally found him and he is coming today.”

Sujitha stood stunned like a statue. Mixed feelings started flowing through her mind although she realized that it was the surprise which was overwhelming. She never felt anything disgusting about the frank admissions of her aunt. There wasn’t anything immoral or unethical to be discovering some ways to keep one’s life worthwhile which otherwise could be leading to frustrations. Amazingly, Prema had the conviction to disclose her true feelings without hiding behind the curtains of inhibitions.

“Hmm, now I understand why you are so particular in sending me to the movie?” Sujitha asked with a mischievous smile.

“I am glad you did,” Prema said with a gentle blush. “I hope you don’t think that I am a sort of nymph. It is just that relief I need and let me tell you he doesn’t come very frequently.”

“That sounds interesting,” Sujitha said keeping the smile intact on her face. “I guess you are holding your breath.”

“I altyazılı porno hope so,” Prema replied with a glee. “Now, you have to promise me that you will never disclose this to anyone.”

“I promise,” Sujitha touched Prema’s right hand affirmatively. “It will remain a secret.”

“Thank you,” Prema came forward and gently hugged her wonderful niece.

“But I am not going to the movie,” Sujitha said categorically. Prema shook off from the hug and looked at her with surprise.

“I want to watch something much more interesting,” Sujitha said with a wink. “I want to see you making love.”

“No, you can’t,” Prema stammered. “I can’t let you do that.”

Now, it was Sujitha’s turn to hug her aunt. She gently gave a kiss on her aunt’s cheeks.

“Please! Aunt Prema,” Sujitha pleaded. “I want to see it once. Just today.”

“Oh, Sujitha,” Prema trembled in the hug. “It sounds very odd.”

“Please listen to me,” Sujitha said and relieved her aunt from the hug. “You know I am going through a tough phase as well. I really want to know if a woman can really get excited when someone makes love to her with genuine passion. I am curious to know how man and woman please each other. I can’t be trying things myself.”

Sujitha was persistent and Prema couldn’t refuse for long. After lot of persuasion and pleading, she finally got her way. Prema eventually agreed to let Sujitha have her way. Things began moving in quick motion since. Sujitha’s cousin happily left the house to watch their favorite ‘Mohanlal Movie’. Both the women kept their fingers crossed as they began awaiting the man. In fact, Sujitha’s heart was beating much faster than her aunt.

Prema still looked in reasonably good shape although she was nearing 45. Of course, she had those darkening rings beneath her eyes and her breasts weren’t looking firm. She preferred the traditional ‘mundu’, the creamy strip of cloth with just the little contrasting border alongside the length on either side. She always loved wearing dark blouses and milk white bras which complimented to her otherwise ageing looks. Her waist did showed a deep fleshy curve, a sign enough to caution about her impending obesity. But, she was always worth a look or two if not more.

Sujitha kept watching her aunt who was waiting for her ‘lover’ restlessly. Suddenly, her aunt stood up like an upright spring. Sujitha probed into the darkness in the direction where Prema was looking at. She could see a dimming light of a two-wheeler approaching their house. Excitement took over Sujitha as she hurriedly stepped back inside the house. Prema looked around and followed her niece who had rushed inside like a flash.

“Sujitha, Please tell me are you serious about this?” Prema asked gasping.

“Yes. I am,” Sujitha whispered while her eyes began scanning the street.

“Oh, you are just impossible,” Prema said nervously. “Alright, get into my room and hide behind the cupboard. But, be careful. I don’t want him to know that we were giving a show.”

“Absolutely,” Sujitha said and sprinted towards Prema’s room. She couldn’t resist a chuckle after hearing the place Prema had suggested to hide. She and her cousins have played hide and seek several times and the spot which Prema had suggested was their favorite as playing kids to hide. She didn’t waste any time and squeezed her body into the gap between the tall cupboard and the brick wall. She knew that the longer she stayed there, the more she would be perspiring. But, the excitement of seeing a live action took over her young mind and she wasn’t really minding about some minor inconveniences.

Sujitha began hearing the wooden gate opening with a gentle noise and soon it was followed by some hollow conversations. The whispers became louder and so were the footsteps. She briefly saw the shadows on the room entrance and pushed her head further inside. She could easily make out that they have made it inside the room as she heard the door getting closed rather gently and the sound of the wooden bar lock getting across the door sounded terrifying.

“Usshhh!” was all that Sujitha could hear immediately after the door closed. She gathered some courage and inched forward to have a look at what was happening. Her heart almost stopped. The man looked like being in his early 20s, tall, clean shaven, curly hair and a pair of strong youthful shoulders.

Aunt Prema looked like standing on her toes letting the tall young man hug her and rest his hands on her firm ass cheeks. His head was buried between her breasts. Aunt Prema’s hands went through his armpits to grip him hard against her body. Both of them looked excited as they were breathing hard and loud.

“Where were you all these days?” Aunt Prema asked in a husky voice.

“I was held up in work,” He spoke and Sujitha felt that his voice sounded metallic for his age.

“I feared you have forgotten me,” Prema spoke again, her voice breaking.

“How can I ever mobil porno forget you?” He replied. Again, there was some silence. Sujitha braved another inch and was stunned to see that the young man was actually kissing her aunt on the lips. His hands were holding her face in a tight leash while his lips were pressing really hard on her mouth. Prema’s hands descended from his back and reached to his waist to push him against her body.

Sujitha immediately felt a tingle underneath her bra and it struck to her at once that her nipples had hardened very quickly. She watched the young man drawing her aunt’s lips fully inside his mouth and beginning to chew them with relish. Prema’s moan wasn’t audible enough as her mouth was under siege inside his mouth. He lowered his hands and let them trail through her shoulders and arms before they made a comfortable landing on her breasts. Prema jumped at once feeling her hands cupping her breasts and letting his palms brush against her nipples which were throbbing through her bra and blouse. He was skillfully holding the breasts with four fingers while his thumb began brushing the hardening nipples up and down through the fabric.

Sujitha’s eyes swelled in excitement as she kept watching the show without batting her eyelids.

Suddenly, the young man turned Aunt Prema around and hugged her from behind. His hands reached underneath her armpits and cupped her breasts again. Within seconds, Prema began groaning aloud as his hands gripped her breasts and started squeezing them in frenzy. Aunt Prema’s body arched forward as she began thrusting her ass cheeks against his waist in agony. He smartly let her right breast free from his grip and his right hand swiftly went down between her legs. His left hand wasn’t relenting on her left breast while his right hand began rubbing her clit through her ‘mundu’.

“Ende ponnu kumara ( My golden Kumar ),” Aunt Prema panted in excitement as he went about giving her dual pleasures on her breasts as well as her crotch. Sujitha smiled; at last she knew that the guy’s name is Kumar.

Kumar, the guy seemed like getting excited about arousing Aunt Prema in every way possible. He wasn’t aware of the real reason for her animated excitement. Prema was conscious that Sujitha was closely watching their games and the awkward was making her unusually excited. Her face grew red while his hands kept switching between her breasts and crotch for a long time to keep inducing her sexual arousals. He managed to undo his pants well around his knee level and started brushing his bulging crotch against Prema’s ass cheeks.

“Oh, Kumar,” Prema screamed unable to hold the joyful agony of her breasts being mauled with brutal youthful strength. His bulge was growing vigorously and as they brushed against her butt cheeks, Prema experienced a series of tremors all over her body. She was grinding her teeth as Kumar never seemed like letting her breasts free from his firm grip. She could feel the tension building up inside her bra with her breasts swelling dangerously and she feared that her bra hooks might burst apart anytime. Her nipples were hard and pricking the thick fabric of her bra. Her hands helplessly reached to unhook her blouse and bra.

Kumar suddenly exclaimed in thrill as his fingers felt her free breasts. His hands hurriedly pulled the open blouse and bra to have a feel of her naked globes. He began pressing her breasts against each other. His fingers began teasing and tweaking her nipples. Prema’s body arched back and forth feeling a series of shocking waves passing into her body from her nipples.

“Be gentle,” She was screaming. But, she meant the right opposite. She had always loved the man’s young strong hands coming heavy and hard on her breasts. She had always relished the agony while his brutal hands squeezed and kneaded her breasts with absolute disregard.

Sujitha’s hands involuntarily went to her crotch and began rubbing her panties through her sari. Her eyes widened as she watched Prema groaning in pain although she looked like more than willing to give Kumar a complete feel of her breasts.

“Come on, Kumar,” Prema screamed again. She badly wanted to have his huge manhood inside her after her body felt the heat of the young man’s lust. Her panties were soaking already and her knees were beginning to get weak as seconds ticked. Kumar’s right hand pulled off her ‘mundu’ from the left waist and the impact of his fierce pull sent Prema rolling like a top a few times before she was set free from the long piece of cloth.

Sujitha could sense the whole atmosphere being set on a lusty fire with her aunt and Kumar competing with each other to get naked. Prema looked a bit shabby without any clothes on her body but Kumar never seemed as if he was bothered. He gave a gentle push on Prema’s shoulders sending her fall on the bed with a thudding noise. Prema’s legs went apart to let Kumar get straight in between her well spread body. sex izle He almost jumped on to the bed and turned her body making her lying on her chest. He held his hard erect meat with his left hand and began stroking it with his fist a few times to let it go harder.

His eyes hungrily gazed at Prema’s naked body scanning through her back, her buttocks and her shiny strong thighs. He was breathing heavily admiring her sexy body just inches away from his glowing eyes. His hands rolled her again and his eyes began glaring at her naked breasts swelling with expectation. Prema blushed as she realized that his eyes trailed towards her pussy which had opened a bit after the erotic foreplay.

Prema eyes closed quickly unable to watch the growing excitement in the youngster’s eyes. She opened her legs a little further. Kumar leaned forward to have a closer look at her pussy with just an inch between his face and her womanhood. Prema knew that her body had already been conquered by his lust and moaned feeling his hot breath tickling her public hair. Kumar placed his hands on her thighs, softly massaging her shiny inner skin.

“Come on, Kumar,” Prema began to plead. She wanted him to take her at the earliest for more than one reason. She wasn’t willing to reveal to Sujitha as to how excited she could be while making love. After having handled her very hard, Kumar was now caressing her skin more like a romantic lover which nevertheless drove Prema crazy. She shivered feeling his finger tips trailing through her thighs, calf and feet like a razor brushing its way past her lower limbs. Kumar leaned forward and pressed his mouth gently against her pussy. He worked his tongue to trace around her pussy lips. His mouth restlessly took her clit inside his and his eagerly went about sucking in a quickening pace.

“Yes..Yes..Yes,” Prema’s body arched forward just like a bow, thrusting her chest in the air in extreme excitement.

Kumar was getting more aroused listening to the erotic moans of Prema and he was sucking her pussy harder and heavier than ever before. Prema kept moaning and squealing in pleasure. Kumar kept going unmindful of her body trembling and shaking until she reached her first climax. Prema screamed aloud and her juices started flowing from her pussy. When Kumar eventually released her pussy from his mouth, Prema looked terribly exhausted.

“Ende deivamae (Oh my God!),” Prema murmured. She was gasping for breath after her terrific orgasm. Her lips were fluttering. She sat up and pulled up Kumar towards her face. Their lips met, opened up and soon mixed in an intense kiss. Their naked bodies were pressing against each other, generating the required radiation to prune up their energies to get further.

Sujitha’s fingers were restlessly rubbing her clit. She kept watching with thorough amazement wondering when and how her aunt would resume her adventure. Luckily for her, she wasn’t kept waiting for long.

Prema was holding Kumar’s shaft that tensely stood with vigor and strength. The big head glistened with signs of some pre-cum. Prema’s eyes lit up with desire and she began leaning forward to take the magnificent tool inside her mouth. Kumar let out a gentle moan and breathed hard. Her mouth soon opened wide enough to take the whole length of the hard meat inside. Kumar stood stiff on his knees striving hard stay still while Prema began stroking all over his dick with her tongue. After a while, she realized that Kumar was might explode, but she expedited her sucking even faster.

“Ohhhhh!” Kumar groaned letting the hot stream of his semen flowing from his balls inside her mouth. Prema gulped the loads with ease and passion. Kumar’s legs trembled and he felt his knees weakening in quick time.

Sujitha watched with immense surprise as Kumar began stroking his dick by cupping it with his fist. He looked all set to regain the hardness and vigor. Prema began licking his shaft right from his balls till the crown by letting her tongue stroking all over.

“Prema chechi,” Kumar spoke in a frightening tone. “Are you ready for the final round?”

“Ende kocche (My little man!), I hope you know I can get ready much quicker than you,” Prema said mockingly. Kumar, the young man smiled slightly embarrassed. He looked down and felt relieved to see that his dick was getting back to its hardness.

It was unbelievable for Sujitha listening to their conversation. She had always considered Aunt Prema as a very timid conservative woman. It was amazing to see the stronger side of a woman driven by her secret passions.

Prema chuckled as Kumar’s hands once again reached towards her breasts. But, unlike what he did earlier, he was gripping with soft hands rolling his fingers over the globes. He tried holding each one of her nipples between two fingers and gently pulled them up. His little teasing was enough to make her perky nipples erect within no time. Predictably, he leaned forward and drew her nipples alternately in his mouth. Prema’s mouth yet again began letting gentle moans.

“Kumar, I’m ready, get into me,” Prema whispered. She was for sure burning in lust.

Kumar pulled out a shiny sachet from his pocket, stripped the foil and flipped off the condom he had brought.

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