Lost Girl in Transition Ch. 11

12 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Alright, so this story has undergone some heavy revision. Originally I was planning on it being very minor, with just a few minor tweaks here and there, but I ended up making more changes than I’d originally planned. These changes have to do with Tristan’s section of the story. That may be bad for some, or perfectly fine with others, but thought I would let you all know once again.

Anyhow, sorry for any confusion this might cause, but it was something I felt was necessary for my own personal reasons. This is the storyline I’ll be sticking with from here on out, as I’ve plotted everything out until the end. So if you continue to read, wonderful. And if not, I understand, but regardless, I will continue to add chapters.

To those who hang in there and continue on, I thank you in advance for your incredible patience and understanding!


Teeming with students who had gathered for a protest, the center of the university campus was brimming with energy. Adorned with phrases such as “Windmills not oil spills”, and “Stop the pipeline”, the large signs that protesters held expressed their outrage.

Clasping to Kimi’s arm, Claudia allowed herself to be guided through the crowd. Dressed in a pair of leggings, oversized sweater, and a scarf tied fashionably around her neck, Claudia was dressed for the wet weather. Soggy from earlier rain, fall leaves turned to mush beneath her boots, puddles splashing lightly against the rubber soles.

Surrounded by a mixture of races, Claudia marveled at how large of a turnout there was. But Native students in particular had turned out in droves, holding signs that expressed their outrage over the pipeline crossing their land. Approaching a large fountain that sat in the middle of the university quad, Claudia saw that Tristan was standing next to Ethan, who held a sign that proclaimed, “Protect our sacred lands”.

“Hey girls,” Ethan said as they came to a stop in front of the fountain. “We’ve been waiting half an hour. What took you so long?”

“Female issues,” Kimi proclaimed. “I would go into detail, but I’ve got a feeling you’d rather not know.”

“Yeah, think I’ll pass on that,” Ethan replied, and as Kimi lightly chuckled he gestured to a guy with short black hair and ear gauges.

“This is Klee. He’s vice-president of the Native American Student Union.”

“Nice to meet you, Klee. I’m Kimi, Ethan’s girlfriend.” She held out her hand for him to shake, and after clasping palms, he offered a smile. “Yeah, I know who you are. Ethan pointed you out while you were still in the crowd.”

“He said good things, I hope.” She briefly winked at Ethan before glancing back at Klee.

“Oh, he bragged. He’s definitely proud of you, that’s for sure.”

Now turning his gaze on Claudia, he extended his hand towards her, and as they shook, he gave her a friendly look.

“And you must be Claudia.”

“Sure am.”

Smiling back, she took in his punk rock vest, which was denim and covered in patches and various colorful buttons. One of the patches which depicted a Guy Fawkes mask, was accompanied by a slogan that read: WE ARE ANONYMOUS. EXPECT US.

Glancing back at his face, Claudia gave him a curious look. “What’s anonymous?”

“They’re a hactivist group,” Klee responded. “Google them, you’ll find out more.”

“Klee is a computer genius,” Tristan said. “You ever need a grade changed or a test score altered, he’s the man to get in touch with.”

“Yeah right,” Claudia replied with a grin. “And then I’d get expelled for academic dishonesty.”

“I’m joking, babe,” Tristan said while taking her hand, and after sharing a brief kiss, they both glanced at Klee, who offered a smirk.

“That’s what he wants you to think, Claudia. Tristan Isn’t as innocent as he’d have you believe.”

“Oh I know he Isn’t innocent.” Claudia rubbed her hand against Tristan’s chest. “In fact, he’s far naughtier than any of you could ever imagine.”

“Oh yeah?” Kimi’s lips pulled into a soft grin. “Well talk is cheap, girl. So why don’t you and Tristan prove it?”

“What do you mean?” Although still smiling, Claudia’s gaze was uncertain.

“Well, you could always make a sex tape, then let me and Ethan watch.”

“You’re joking…” Claudia wanted to believe it was in jest, but knowing Kimi as well as she did, it probably wasn’t. “That’s crazy, Kimi. No way would Tristan and I ever make a tape.”

“Why not?” Kimi asked. “Ethan and I have, and we’ll probably make another.”

“Okay, this is way too much information,” Klee said, and with a grin plastered across his face, hopped down from the fountain ledge and headed for the crowd. “When you four are done discussing your debaucherous plans, come find me and we’ll all walk together.”

“See what you did? You scared Klee away,” Claudia said, but the smile on her face made it clear that she was amused.

“Yeah, Kimi. You just barely met the guy, and you already told him we made a sex tape?” Ethan shook his head, but lightly smirked.

“Hey, It’s not my fault if he’s a prude,” Kimi replied. escort bayan “I say what I want, when I want. Who cares if someone is uncomfortable with it.”

“So you guys actually made a sex tape?” Tristan looked intently from Ethan to Kimi, and then back again.

“Yeah, awhile back,” Ethan replied.

“But aren’t you afraid of it getting stolen?” Claudia asked.

“By who?” Kimi responded. “It’s not like we’re celebrities or anything, so why would anyone want a sex tape of us?”

“There are people who get off on watching amateur porn,” Tristan answered. “Lots of sites online where they could post it.”

“And how do you know about these sites, Tristan?” Kimi’s face now wore a smirk.

“I’ve browsed a couple from time to time. Not a regular or anything, just a casual peruser.”

“Pervert,” Claudia said, and she playfully swatted his arm before saying, “So that’s what you do when I’m not around.”

“Oh Claude, he’s a guy,” Kimi proclaimed. “They’re all major perverts. It’s like part of their DNA or something.”

“If being a perv is a guy thing, then what’s your excuse?” Ethan asked. “Seems to me you’re always the one in our group to say something sexual.”

“Can’t deny that,” Kimi replied. “But men are perverted on a different level. I mean, you guys fantasize about things that we girls probably couldn’t even imagine.”

“Okay, yeah, that’s kinda true,” Ethan said, and after sharing a brief smirk with Tristan, they both let out a slight chuckle.

“See? That totally confirms it.” Retrieving a bag of tootsie pops from her bookbag, she held out the package as an offering to her friends.

After each helping themselves to a candy, the foursome headed for the crowd that was moving along. So densely packed, it took them awhile to snake through the crowd, but on locating Klee’s position, they joined him in the walk that stretched across campus.

Invigorated by the enthusiastic crowd, Claudia walked pridefully among them. One of the leaders of the rally, a Native man that Claudia recognized as a peer counselor, spoke loudly into a megaphone. His words, which urged everyone on campus to take action, were powerfully felt by Claudia.

She hadn’t ever been a part of something so inspiring, and realizing she’d been politically ignorant up until that point, inwardly vowed to educate herself on pertinent social issues. Clearly just as energized, Tristan shouted along with the other protesters, and noting that Kimi, Ethan, and Klee were doing the same, Claudia followed suit.

The sky above was gray, clouds hovering thickly above the campus. Soon rain began to fall, pelting their faces with its cool wetness. But undeterred they continued on, footsteps sure and strong as they traveled across campus.

* * * *

Thunder shook the roof of Ethan’s VW van, rain strumming across the hardtop with a steady pit-pat. Surrounded by a thick fog of smoke were five teenagers, all cross-legged and sitting in a circle. Ten minutes had elapsed since they’d struck up a joint, and the effects of the pot had already settled in. With silly smiles and hooded eyes, they passed the marijuana cigarette around, giggling at things that were more stupid than they were funny.

“I feel like we’re hippies, guys,” Klee said with a wide, Cheshire-like grin. “We’re sitting in this old sixties van, smoking some ganja and pontificating about life.”

“Pontificating…” Tristan grinned at the way that it rolled off his tongue. “That’s a pretty funny word, man.”

“Fits the situation perfectly though, don’t it?”

“Yeah.” Tristan smiled and looked off into the distance.

“I gotta agree with Klee,” Claudia said. “It’s like we’ve traveled back to the sixties or something.”

“If we were in the sixties, we’d be having an orgy right now,” Ethan said, and snickering through a puff of smoke, he shifted his gaze Claudia and Tristan’s way.

“You and Kimi are overly sexual,” Klee said. “Are you two like sex addicts? Cause I kinda think you might need some therapy.”

“Naw, we’re not sex addicts.” Ethan passed the joint to Kimi, who took a puff. “We’re just comfortable in our sexuality, you know?”

“I noticed you glanced at Claudia and Tristan when you mentioned having an orgy, though.” A smirk crept across Klee’s lips. “You into them, or what? Because if you wanna do a foursome, you should probably just come clean and let them know.”

“Dude shut up,” Ethan responded. “I don’t wanna fuck Tristan. You think I’m gay or something?”

“You can have a foursome without boning the dude,” Klee proclaimed. Just trade your women, know what I’m saying?”

“That would never happen, man.” Ethan now gave Klee a serious look. “Both Tristan and I are jealous dudes. We would never share our girlfriends.”

“Exactly,” Tristan said. “Nobody touches my girl except for me.”

“Hey, I can really respect that.” Now accepting the joint from Kimi, Klee paused to inhale, then let out a swirl of smoke. “You guys are monogamous, and that’s cool.”

“Having said that, though, bayan escort I would be totally okay with a bit of action between Claude and Kimi.” Ethan focused his gaze on Tristan before lightly smirking. “Know what I’m saying, Tristan?”

“Nope. I wouldn’t be okay with that, either.” As if to affirm his statement, Tristan looked Ethan deep in the eyes while stating, “When I said nobody touches my girl except for me, I really meant it.”

“Seriously man?” The expression on Klee’s face was utter bafflement. “But two women kissing is so hot. You can’t tell me that wouldn’t give you a boner.”

“Maybe if it were two random girls that I didn’t care about. But Claudia is my woman. Mine. Not anyone else’s.”

“God, you’re sweet,” Kimi said to Tristan. “I just love how totally devoted to Claudia you are.”

“And I’m not devoted to you?” Wearing a wounded expression, Ethan looked questioningly at Kimi.

“Of course you are, pooh bear. I tell you all the time what a great boyfriend you are, don’t I?”


“Well I mean it. So wipe that pout off your face, because you know that I’m totally in love with you.”

“How in love?” Ethan asked.

“I’d literally have like five of your babies,” Kimi responded. “Not right now, but one day, when we’re both out of college and have jobs and a house.”

“I don’t think promising me future babies is enough reassurance that you’re in love with me.”

“You’ve seen me naked, Ethan. Do you really think I would ruin this gorgeous figure with five pregnancies for a guy that I wasn’t in love with?”

“Point taken,” Ethan replied. “You are in love with me.”

“Silly billy, you already knew that.”

“Course I did, angel,” he said while stroking her hair. “I just wanted to see how you’d respond.”

Leaning in to share an embrace, they allowed their lips to softly meet. But as their kissing intensified and wet, sloppy noises filled the air, Tristan, Claudia, and Klee exchanged glances, then awkwardly shifted to their feet.

“Guess that’s our signal to get lost,” Klee said, and glancing at Ethan and Kimi who were ardently making out, he spoke a few words. “If you’re free tomorrow, Ethan, send me a text and we’ll hang out.”

“Mmm,” Ethan murmured from behind the kiss, not even looking up as Klee walked past him.”

“Later guys,” Claudia said to the entangled couple, and with Tristan following behind her, followed Klee outside of the van.

Now pouring rain, it fell in sheets above them. Wind gusted through the trees, causing them to sway lightly in the breeze, and with the rain misting their faces, the three teenagers said their goodbyes.

“Well hey, it was nice meeting you guys,” Klee said. “We’ll have to hang out again soon, alright?”

“For sure,” Claudia replied. It was great meeting you, too.”

“Later, Klee. We’ll catch you later,” Tristan said, and with Claudia’s hand in his, led her back towards the dorms.

* * * *

By the time they arrived at the residence halls they were soaking wet, soles of their shoes squeaking loudly against the linoleum of the women’s residence hallway. Undoubtedly cleaner than Tristan and Ethan’s dorm, Kimi and Claudia’s was well-maintained.

On first stepping inside, Tristan and Claudia stripped down, throwing their soggy clothes aside before reclining on the bed. In an instant Tristan was on her, parting her legs before settling between her thighs. His tongue moved to the soft flesh of her breasts, lightly skimming her dark brown nipples until they hardened.

Already wet, Claudia moaned as he suckled them, fingernails grazing his back as he pulled and stretched her nipple between his teeth. Ready to have him inside her, she widened her legs and bumped her hips against his. This resulted in Tristan pulling his mouth away from her chest, and with a reach towards the bedside table, procured a condom from the drawer.

“We don’t need it,” Claudia said.

Clearly surprised, Tristan blinked. “Really?”

She nodded. “I’ve been on birth control for months now, and we’re both totally clean so why not?”

Clearly unable to think of any reason not to go ahead, he tossed the condom aside. Giving her a ravenous look, Tristan leaned down to kiss her. Reveling in the softness of his lips, she felt her skin flush and muscles loosen. But as Tristan pushed in and buried himself to the hilt, she cried out in pleasure, arching her back.

“I’ve been waiting a long time to fuck you like this,” he said, and setting a slow, steady rhythm, watched her features contort with bliss.

“Tristan,” she called out, pink tongue wetting her lips as she gazed up at him. “Oh babe, yes.”

“You feel incredible,” he softly said, and to affirm his statement, released a grunt. “Who owns your pussy, Claudia?”

“You,” she softly cried out.

“Say it again,” he demanded. “Tell me.”

“It’s yours,” Claudia repeated louder, and as he thrust faster and harder, her hands clung to his hips.

“Gonna cum so hard inside you.” His breath fell hotly against escort her neck, length stroking her tightness until her juices flowed free. “You like the thought of that, don’t you?”

“Yes.” Her nails dug into his skin, breasts bouncing to the rhythm of his bucking hips.

Feeling hot and hard inside her, Tristan purposely calculated each thrust. His strokes felt like caresses, gentle and slow, yet full of unyielding passion. The delicious rhythm he kept was both exquisite and aggravating, his length penetrating spots so delicately sensitive, her lips parted in a sigh.

Faster,” she moaned, and as he promptly obeyed, Claudia’s legs wrapped around his waist.

He felt good and strong inside her, so manly and firm that she was caught in a daze. His lips captured hers, thrusts quickening with a steady insistence, and as his rhythm took her over the edge, Claudia moaned into his mouth. A deep grunt left his lips as he promptly followed, ejecting his semen deep into her womb.

The force of the climax made her clench, body trembling as she called out his name. She could feel his seed squirting, spreading its way into her deep, hot heat. A look of deep and utter ecstasy was written across his face, and as he lightly breathed those three little words, Claudia raggedly gave a response.

“Love you too, baby.”

His body rolled off of hers, chest heaving as he slowly regained his breath. A minute passed before he finally began to shift, and as his hand reached out for her smaller one, Claudia linked her fingers with his.

“Tristan?” She asked softly while gazing into his brown eyes.

“Yes, honey?” He murmured with cheek resting against his pillow.

“That detective guy…” She paused a moment, as if afraid to speak his name. “He’s investigating you, right?”


“Then we need to get you a lawyer.”

“Can’t afford one,” Tristan responded.

“They have ones who work pro bono. Lucas used one last year in his discrimination case, remember?”

Tristan nodded.

“Then why don’t we get him to represent you? I mean he’s obviously good, because Lucas won the case.”

“True,” Tristan responded, and rolling onto his side, he stretched a leg out over hers.

“You get in touch with Lucas and get the guy’s number, and I’ll get the ball rolling to see what he can do.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Claudia replied, fingers sliding through his black, silky strands.

Tristan lazily smiled at her and in return, Claudia did the same. But silence surrounded them for only so long, because Claudia let loose the thoughts on her mind.

“What do you think happened to Andy?”

“Nothing good,” he quickly replied. “I mean to be honest, I really don’t care about him at all.”

“Well neither do I,” Claudia said. “But I really am curious to know where he is.”

“Probably rotting in hell,” Tristan replied. “Which is exactly where he belongs.”

“Do you think he was murdered?” Claudia asked.

“I don’t know, maybe. But I’m not going to bother myself with wondering, because It’s honestly not worth my time.”

It wasn’t worth hers, either, Claudia decided, but after rolling onto her side and embracing Tristan’s warm body, she found herself holding him tight, as if afraid she would lose him. Perhaps sensing her nervousness, Tristan embraced her back.

Turning her face into his neck, Claudia allowed her lids to drift close, breath gradually becoming shallow as she drifted off to sleep. Lulled to drowsiness by the rhythmic tapping of branches against the window, Tristan joined her in a snooze.

The storm steadily strengthened, rain pelting the glass harder as they slept. But for now they were sheltered in each other’s arms, peacefully snoozing in the warmth of their bed.

* * * *

“What the heck?” Wiping the sleep from her eyes, Claudia blinked at the camcorder in front of her face. “Tristan, what are you doing?”

“Filming you,” he said with a grin.

“While I was sleeping?”

“Yep. You looked so peaceful and gorgeous, how could I not?”

“That’s sweet,” she replied, but as he angled the lens downward and pointed it at her chest, she emitted a light giggle.

“But now that you’re awake, maybe you could show me a little somethin’.”

“Just a little, or a lot?” Her gaze turned seductive, fingers toying with the sheet as she lowered it down.

“Mmm…yeah.” Now husky, Tristan’s voice coaxed her on. “Keep going, babe. Show me more.”

Now bare for the camera, her nipples grew hard, perking at both his tone and the way he was looking at her. Moving the sheet down further, Claudia exposed her taut tummy and then her hipone. But as her female anatomy slowly came into view, Tristan focused the lens on her petal-like folds.

“Oh yeah,” he lustily remarked. “That’s what I wanted to see.”

While staring into the camcorder, Claudia brushed her fingers against her slit, then slowly inserted one of her digits into the tight passage of her sex. With Tristan intently watching she pushed it in past the knuckle, then slowly withdrew her finger which was now wet and slippery with juices.

“You like showing yourself off on camera, don’t you?” Tristan asked, and as she nodded in agreement, he lightly chuckled. “Open those legs, then, and show me that tight little pussy.”

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