Two for One Ch. 02

9 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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If you haven’t read Two for One, part one, please do so first. The story will make so much more sense.

As always, the characters in this story are all fictional and are all over 18. Please don’t forget to vote and leave me feedback.

Thanks for reading and enjoy.


The next day was a Sunday and Fred didn’t work on Sundays. We spent the entire day together, the three of us. We drove into the next town over for lunch and had a nice Mexican food meal. It wasn’t my mom’s, but it was pretty tasty just the same. After lunch we went to the WalMart and Fred and Jeff went about getting groceries while I slipped off to the ladies wear department to get a few Farm Appropriate things I didn’t have. Not sure if I was going to stay on there, I didn’t go overboard. I did need a couple of long sleeve shirts and some better cheap trainers for time around the ranch. What I had just wasn’t going to cut it. I also found a cute orange panty and bra set I thought would be nice to share with Fred, just in case. I got my stuff and checked out alone. I wasn’t going to let Fred buy my clothes even though he offered.

We met at the front. Jeff was not looking his best after walking all around WalMart on that knee. He definitely wasn’t back to 100% yet. I would have to work on that. The drive home took about an hour. I felt very comfortable sitting in the middle of the truck seat between two very handsome men. I was thinking to myself I could really get used to this. Maybe I could leave the city life behind and be happy on the ranch. Definitely food for thought.

We had a nice day at the house. Fred thought a nice ride was in order. Jeff begged off saying his knee was hurting and saddle time would probably make it worse. We agreed and he went back inside and watched TV. I was in a sun dress and that wasn’t going to do to go horseback riding so I went in to change as well. Fred said he would saddle up the horses while I changed. I hadn’t been on a horse since I was a teenager at a friend’s house but Fred said it was like riding a bicycle so I was hoping it would work out ok.

Tight jeans and some new boots with one of my long sleeve denim shirts, unbuttoned over a bright pink tank top. Fred’s eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw me. I don’t know why because he had seen me naked already. He called me a vision of beauty. I couldn’t help but blush and smile. I slapped him on the arm and called him a charmer. I warned him to be careful, a lady could get used to all of this special attention the Jones boys were dishing out. He just laughed and mounted up.

We rode for about 2 hours. We passed the pond and this time I saw it from the ridge above. I also saw the hay field where Fred had been working so hard the past week. He told me he had finished up and needed to move it all to the hay barns now. Since it was a two-man job and Jeff’s knee was still bothering him, he asked if I would be willing to help out as the truck was a standard and required both legs. No way Jeff could work the clutch with his knee. I was happy to help out. Maybe I could better earn my room and board. Fred was paying me very well to take care of his son already.

When we got back he told me to go ahead inside and he would be in shortly after he put up the horses to help with supper. When I walked in the door I was very pleasantly surprised to find Jeff with an apron on and sitting at the table cutting up a salad. He informed me that dinner would be ready in 15 minutes and that his dad and I could do clean up since he cooked. I agreed and thought that was a great deal. I asked him what he was cooking and he was very tight lipped and said it was a special surprise. He told me that when he was a young teen his mom would let him help her out in the kitchen and he had learned a few things.

Dinner was very good. He called it Enchilada casserole ala mom. His father complemented him for doing such a fine job of making his mom’s recipe. It wasn’t really authentic Mexican food but hey, it was pretty tasty so I bragged on him as well. He was wearing a big smile all throughout dinner. After dinner Fred informed Jeff that he got him a new movie to watch so we gathered around the TV for a movie. Seating was a little different though tonight. I sat in the middle of the couch and the boys sat on either side of me. I caught a look between them that I wasn’t sure about but nothing was said so I didn’t think about it again.

After the movie I told the guys I needed to wash up because I smelled like horse to myself. They laughed and Fred said I smelled more like a bouquet of flowers to him and Jeff chimed in that he thought that was more like a ray of sunshine. I couldn’t help but giggle at them going up the stairs. Instead of a shower as usual I felt like a good soak in the tub would feel better. To be honest, my butt and thighs were a little sore after riding today and I hoped the hot bath would sooth tired muscles.

I ran the hot bath and slid in moaning as the warm water engulfed my body inch by inch. I was right, it instantly felt good on my butt and inner thighs. I slid totally under, soaking my hair and washing my face before resurfacing. Time now to relax. I laid back in the very comfortable high-backed tub and my mind xslot giriş began to wonder. Last night’s barn experience was very prominent on my mind, but the swimming hole frolic was also mixed in there. I realized that I really did care for Fred. He was very sweet, and kind and I felt I could fall in love with him easily if I let myself, maybe even if I didn’t. Maybe I already was falling for him.

On the other hand, there was Jeff. Young and handsome and full of life and oh so much like his father in his character and kindness. I could see myself letting things get out of hand with him as well. I slid back under the water holding my breath. My relaxation was fading away and I was becoming anxious about these two men now in my life. I soon realized I wasn’t going to figure it out before I needed to breathe again so I surfaced again sputtering and coughing. Just then the door inched open to the bathroom and Jeff’s voice asked softly if I was ok. Was he just trying to sneak a peek or was he genuinely concerned? Laughing, I chunked my wet loofah at him and it splatted against the door right in front of his face. As it flew through the air I shouted I’m Fine at him as I was laughing. He quickly ducked back before it got him and he closed the door. I would get him for that tomorrow.

After I got out of the tub, almost an hour later, I dried and got ready for bed as always. Wearing just my robe I trotted out to my room. The house was dark and so I tried to be quiet as I went in and dressed for bed. I looked and the clock said it was already 10:30. Instead of even laying in bed I went ahead out to the front porch. I wasn’t sure what might take place tonight after last night’s activities. I was definitely horny but also not sure I wanted to make that a part of our nightly routine.

Sure enough, Fred was sitting on the porch, in his usual chair. I smiled and said hello and took my usual place on the swing, but only after walking over to him and giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. I just wanted him to be sure I wasn’t upset or unhappy about last night’s activities. We sat in silence for a few moments before he began to talk.

He started out with, “Ana, you are really a wonderful woman and I’m so glad God saw fit to bring you into our lives. You are truly a God send. I would have been up shit creak if you were not here to help out Jeff.” I smiled and nodded at that comment but felt a but coming. “However, I never expected to have the feelings for you that I have. I want you to know that last night was the absolute first time I’ve been with anyone since my Sara died. I thought I’d feel like I had betrayed her but after I slept on it I don’t. I have you to thank for that. However, while you were taking your bath, how was it by the way?” I giggled and told him it was very nice, and my butt thanked me. He chuckled at that and continued. “However, while you were up there, Jeff came out here to talk to me. I’m not sure if you noticed or not, but as we sat to watch the movie tonight, all 3 of us on the couch, I got a look from him I didn’t fully understand, at least not until he came out and talked to me after we watched the movie. “

“He asked me if I had feelings for you and what my intentions were. I just had to laugh and shake my head. I asked him who he was? Your brother or something? Jeff didn’t think that funny at all and said No Dad I really do like her, a Whole whole lot and it seems you do too. So out with it dad, do you have feelings for her or not?” I sat in silence, nodding to show I was listening, and I was taking in every nuance and word he was giving me. “After I looked at him a moment I had to admit, well yes son, I do have feelings for her. I’m not sure what they are as of yet but there is something there. It’s been a long times since your mother was in my arms and I wasn’t sure if I could even feel like that any more, but it seems I can. Then the little shit asked me if I had kissed you before. ‘he laughed’ I even admitted that I had and then he swore at me.”

“Shit Dad! Why do you have to be falling for the first woman I’ve ever fallen in love with.” My eyes bugged out at that declaration. I knew we had been flirting but love? Oh my gosh what have I gotten myself into.

Fred continued; “I told him that you and I had spent some time together and had kissed, he doesn’t need to know more, and that I had feelings for you and hoped you had the same for me. Then I asked him what he wanted to do about it being that we were obviously falling for the same woman. Well of course he led with ‘I was too old for you’, and that ‘I had already met the love of my life and had a family’. Both of those were true but love seems to know no boundaries. I got him to calm down and asked him to think and talk like a man. Say what he wanted to say and not lash out and blame others. Lay his cards on the table.”

By now I had my face in my hands leaning forward and swinging in the swing. I have done it again, I stepped blindly into a sweet family and my presence alone has fucked it up royally. I’m just trouble and obviously don’t deserve to be loved. “I’m so sorry Fred for causing you this pain. I should leave first thing in the morning and maybe you and Jeff can get back to life as xslot it was before I crashed into your life.” I rose to go in the house, but Fred met me at the door and wrapped me in his loving arms, my face crushed into his chest as I started to cry. He swept my legs up in his arm and walked back to the swing and sat, me still in his lap. Gawd I loved his strong arms around me, I felt so safe and secure.

“There will be none of that Ana. You are not going anywhere, and we are fine. Jeff is just infatuated with a beautiful older woman and I can’t blame him. I see what he sees and can’t deny you are an amazing woman. We both need you to stay here, at least the next 3 weeks until Jeff has finished his rehab. After that we can evaluate where everything is and see where to go from there. Jeff is young, but we are all 3 adults here and we can work it out as adults. Please don’t feel like you have brought this on. Jeff has been pushing my boundaries ever since he got back from college. This is just one of those situations and we will work it out.

Fred was right, we were all adults here. He had just been totally honest with me and so I felt I should be with him as well. He may feel differently about me after, but I couldn’t hide from him and expect the situation to be good.

“Fred, I need to tell you something.” I finally said. “I appreciate your total transparency with me just now and that I feel great knowing where I stand with you.” I said this with a huge smile on my face that he mirrored. “I do need you to know something though.” His smile began to fade a little. When Jeff and I went swimming the other day, he was nude, and I was in my exercise shorts and sports bra. We were very playful and even a bit free handed. When we crawled back out on the dock we dried in the sun and Jeff kissed me. No, that’s not totally right. Jeff kissed me and I kissed him back. Nothing else happened. I told him to behave. I’m sorry if that upsets you but since you are being totally honest with me, I feel I should be the same.”

His smile was gone and I couldn’t read his eyes in the minimal light of the night. I wish I could see him so I could gage how he was reacting. He just sat there and said nothing for the longest time. Finally, he spoke, softly, evenly, and I felt, honestly.

“Thank you for that honesty Ana. I had no idea there was more than some infatuation on Jeff’s side. I realize you are a little closer to his age than mine. It makes sense he wants children, just like you do. It’s not that I’m opposed to children, I’m just not sure how good a dad I would be when I’m 60 and they are still in High School. If you want to pursue a relationship with Jeff, I’ll back off and leave you two to work it out. I’m sorry about last night. I suppose it was a mistake. A very very pleasant one, but maybe a mistake.”

I was still in his lap and we were face to face almost. I didn’t feel last night was anything like a mistake, it was beautiful and loving and very needed, on both our parts, I think. How was I going to tell him that without sounding … I grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him hard. It caught him off guard but he soon got into it and kissed me back just as hard.

I broke the kiss and hugging him tight whispered in his ear. “I’m sorry if I have hurt you and no way was last night a mistake. I’m a crazy mixed up woman and I hate myself for bringing turmoil into your house. Last night was beautiful and I needed you very badly. I’ve felt more sane today than I have in a long time and that is because of you. As for Jeff, I do care for him a lot and yes he is young and very handsome and it’s obvious he was raised right because he has his father’s manners and kindness.”

He hugged me tight and then slid me from his lap to sit beside him. He did keep an arm around my shoulders thankfully. We sat and swang a few minutes in silence. I could tell he was thinking again.

“This is what I think.” He finally spoke. “I think you have had a very hard life situation to handle and you have made the best of it you can. I’m actually proud of you for it. I also think if you are at all interested in my son then I should back off and let you two figure it out. I’m not running away, but there was some truth to what Jeff said. I have already known the love of my life. I have already had a family. And as his dad, I will be the last person to stand between him and happiness. I meant what I said earlier, that I have feelings for you. Even stronger after tonight it seems, but I will give it all up if you and Jeff were to become an item. Honestly, I can’t think of another woman within 100 miles I’d rather him be with than you Ana. You are that special to us both already.”

I was almost in tears. I wasn’t sure if they were happy ones or sad ones. I felt both. I finally stood and once again kissed him. Not just a goodnight peck, but a full on ‘I think I love you” kiss. I felt the same in the return. We finally broke apart and I went to bed.

It was a very long night. I didn’t sleep much. I was so conflicted inside. By early morning I was tired, but a very crazy and unorthodox plan had come to me. I wasn’t sure if either guy would buy into it, but I had come up with a way to make us all happy. At least I hope it would. I wasn’t ready to spring it on them yet. I had to lay some groundwork first.

The next morning, I was up bright and early and helped Fred with breakfast. He needed to get out and get equipment ready to move hay, so he went ahead and ate. I joined him but didn’t eat all of mine as I was going to eat with Jeff too. As soon as Fred was out, I sprinted upstairs and slipped into Jeff’s room. He was so cute sound asleep. There was a nice tent in his sheet as well. With an evil grin I grabbed the sheet and yanked it down and off the bed. He woke with a start and began to try and cover his barely covered morning wood. I told him that daylight was burning and breakfast was getting cold. He had work to do today. He might not be able to drive the truck, but he had experience with a big load and I needed his help. I wasn’t being very nice this morning as I stood there waiting for him to get up and out. He finally asked me if I was going to go ahead and I shook my head no, not until he was out of bed and in the bathroom.

He finally relented and just got up, cock poking a hole in his boxers as it wagged along with him walking out the door to the bathroom. “told you I’d get even mister.” I grabbed his gym shorts and a tee shirt and sneakers and followed him to the bathroom. The door was closed so like he did the night before, I stuck my head in and whispered, “Need any help with that this morning Jeff?” He shrieked and told me to get out. I laughed and then tossed his clothes into the bathroom. “Your dad is waiting on us so let’s get a move on.

I laughed all the way downstairs. I was washing up Fred’s dishes and the pans when Jeff came in. He walked up behind me at the sink and slipped both hands around my waist, leaning into me so I couldn’t move and then groped both my breast as he said, “Need any help with these Analisa?” In response I reached both dripping wet hands behind my head and grasped both sides of his face. He was backing away, and I turned and pulled his lips to mine and kissed him hard. It totally caught him off guard but just like dad, he quickly got into it and kissed me back. I was about to get lost in that kiss, so I broke it and pushing him back and told him to eat, we had work to do. Work first, play later. Now Eat!

He did as instructed. I saw his obvious reaction to that kiss as he once again was sporting a heavy bulge in his shorts. I hoped that my now wet panties didn’t show through my shorts as well. Fred said we could mostly stay in the truck and it would be hot so shorts and t shirt was the dress code for the driver.

A few minutes later Jeff had finished, and I had washed his dishes. Out the door, the truck and trailer were waiting for us and Fred had already gone ahead on the loader tractor. Jeff told me where to go and made sure I knew what gear to run in down the ranch roads. We were going to be sitting and sweating together all day long.

It took about an hour to load and unload the trailer each time. We made 9 loads today, taking off a few minutes under a tree to eat a sandwich that I had made before getting Jeff up. Fred said we were done at about 5. Jeff said he was ready for a swim to cool off and I rather agreed it would be nice. We told Fred and he told us to go ahead. He had a few other chores to do and he would have something light to eat when we got back. “Be back about 6:30 if you can.”

I knew what he was doing. He was giving Jeff a chance to woo me and stay back out of his way. This was playing well into my plan. We crawled onto the gator once back at the house and were off to the pond. Jeff wasted no time stripping and jumping into the cool water. I on the other hand took my time slipping out of my shorts and pulling my tank top over my head. I stood there in matching light pink bikini panties and lace bra. My plan in action. I jumped in close to Jeff and he was razzing me about not stripping but after I came up and my breast surfaced, he shut up. My pink lace bra was mostly transparent in the water. He could easily see my nipples and they were poking proudly out the front of my bra.

He swam to me and pulled me close and started kissing me deeply. I couldn’t kick my legs and he wasn’t either, so we slipped below the surface. He didn’t stop kissing me for several seconds then breaking, he pushed us back to the top and we both sucked in a breath. “Now that’s what I call coming up for air” he offered with a laugh. He had grabbed hold of the ladder by now and I wrapped myself around him and kissed him again. This time we didn’t have to come up for air and my hands soon found their target. With one hand I held onto his neck and the other glided up and down his quickly stiffening cock. His free hand wasted no time groping my soaked bra either. He finally had enough of it and reached around me to unhook it. He did well and in no time it was loose and fell free. It hung on my one arm around his neck, so it didn’t sink. His hand did feel so good on my stiff nipple. He twisted and tugged it until I urged him to do more. He turned us and I was facing the ladder. I crawled up it and knew he could see my ass easily in the transparent panties. When I got waste high to the deck, I leaned over it, bending at the waste, his face was right behind me and I could feel his warm breath on my butt. I knew he could probably see my pussy through the thin material too. I stayed there until he bent and kissed, then bit my butt. I yelped and finished climbing out.

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