Sixteen Year Wait For Steve’s Arse

29 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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It was two years ago on a lovely June summers afternoon that I met up with Steven, we hadn’t seen each other for about sixteen years when we had left school and like many of our friends had gone our own ways and lost touch with each other.

Steven looked just as he had the last time I saw him, wavy dark brown hair with natural light streaks, clear skin and of a slim athletic build due to the football he played and the training that went with it, he also looked about six or seven years younger than the thirty two that he was.

We were at a pre wedding stag party and were both pleasantly surprised to see each other, we had a few drinks and then mingled with other friends who introduced us to guys who were also friends of the groom to be.

During several hours of drink fuelled laughter the stag party subject of sex cropped up a few times and varying themes and tastes were discussed by the adventurous while eyebrows were raised by the reserved.

The usual topic of who enjoyed having their lady inserting a finger in their ass was at the fore quite often and Steven who had drunk quite a lot more than he was used to let everyone know how much he enjoyed feeling one of his wife’s fingers stroking away at his prostrate while she wanked him off.

There were many guys there who enjoyed the same, some doubtlessly enjoyed fingering their own asses while stroking their cocks but didn’t mention it in front of the other guys but Steven drew attention to himself by regularly making exaggerated sounds of appreciation of the pleasure he obviously received from having a stroking finger inside him.

I had ordered a taxi and made a point of saying goodbye to my old and new friends before I left and noticed that Steven was hovering around which gave me the impression that he wanted a few private words so I gave him a nod and we went out to the driveway where my taxi would pick me up and where we were out of earshot from the others.

Steven was unsteady on the steps leading to the driveway so I placed my right arm around his shoulders and suddenly his left arm snaked around my waist and pulled me in to him, we were cheek to cheek and hip to hip as we got off the last step.

Steven’s left arm still hung around my waist while his right hand held onto my right wrist and slid down to hold my hand; I felt a shiver of excitement run through me due to the unexpected intimacy of being so close to a once close friend I hadn’t seen for years.

“We’ve got a few things in common we have.”

Steven said with the voice of someone who has drunk a lot and which he followed with a knowing wink,

“We need to keep in touch, know what I mean?”

Another large knowing wink,

“Okay then sexy,”

I said teasingly,

“Give me your number.”

And I gave him a large wink and for all the wrong reasons I squeezed his pliable arse with my left hand.

His eyes were suddenly wide and his mouth opened but no words were forthcoming, the taxi arrived,

“Number sexy or it might be another sixteen years until we meet again.”

I said to my slightly drunken friend,

Steven practically whispered his phone number to me and lurched backwards, I entered his number into my phone and decided that I couldn’t leave him here on his own in the semi helpless state he was in so I helped him into the taxi and began the homeward journey.

Steven hadn’t moved far from our old stamping ground and I was able to make sure he got home safely, his wife opened the door and into his house he went, a cold atmosphered house I would have though by the look of his wife.

Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back.

I left things hang for about two weeks and then I called Steven, he sounded uneasy on the phone and suggested that we meet up for a drink at a nice riverside bar not too far away where we could chew the fat as he put it.

Steven arrived the same time as I did but from the opposite direction which gave me a chance to look at his free and easy walk as his arms and legs swung along gracefully and the sun lit up his face.

I couldn’t help but stare at his fit looking shapely legs which were bare except for the very tops which like his cute arse were covered by a pair of faded denim jeans which had been cut down into shorts which went well with the sky blue capped sleeve top with white and pale blue streaks running through it which ended just below his belly button.

I bought us two large Scotch’s and we settled on a river facing bench neither of us speaking for a moment or two.

Our conversation began awkwardly for Steven as he felt rather shy when he recalled his loud and regular statements at the stag party regarding having his ass tickled and fingered but he soon overcame his awkwardness by the time he finished his first drink and began asking me about my own preferences but more importantly told me things which I would soon be able to use as the building blocks of something exciting.

Steven’s mom porn marriage was a sexless marriage, his wife had slowly lost her desire to be fucked but had been happy to experiment in other ways to keep him sexually sated through various masturbatory techniques and ideas which culminated in Steven being fingered and wanked, oral sex was another thing his wife had lost interest in and as time went on his wife decided that sexual contact was no longer going to be part of their relationship.

Due to the mortgage and their children Steven had to suffer in silence, his loyalties to his children prevented him from walking out which meant his only sexual release came in the form of him fingering himself while having a wank.

Having listened to what he had said I thought it best to take the bull by the horns, he was vulnerable and needed a friend to steady him so I told him the truth in that as youngsters I had fancied him and had been afraid to tell him for fear of ridicule and rejection but had dreamed about being in bed with him and making love, squeezing his ass and kissing him in the showers after football and that I’d probably just been a mixed up unsure of his sexuality schoolkid but now that the cards were on the table I could open my heart.

I suggested that as he was missing a sexual partner and was afraid of ‘straying’ I could help him by fingering him while he had a wank; I had nothing to lose and neither did he.

“We haven’t got suck one and other off or kiss, I’ll just finger you while you have a wank, you can close you eyes and imagine I’m your missus.”

“Well, what do you think Steven?”

I asked him,

“Wow, what do I think? I think you could start calling me Stevie and come back to my place, free house as they’re all at her mother’s!”

We walked hurriedly through the park and back to the main road bus stop as driving after several Scotch’s wasn’t worth the risk.

We were like a pair of sex starved teenagers rushing back to a parentless house.

“Butterflies in the belly…”

Is that a question or a statement I asked Stevie,


Came the husky reply.

Butterflies were certainly fluttering around in my belly as I wondered what situation I was creating for the pair of us sex mad former school friends, the bus came to a jerky halt and we nearly got stuck in the door such was our speed to disembark and make our way back to Stevie’s house.

With a lightly shaking hand Stevie unlocked the front door and in we walked, Stevie seemed flustered but steady enough,

“The kitchen’s through there”

He said nodding his head toward a large door,

“You make yourself a coffee and I’ll have a quick shower.”

A short while later Stevie entered the bright and airy living room wearing a pair of black joggers and a polo shirt, a feeling of disappointment and rejection stabbed at me while Stevie smiled and said,


I swallowed and said I was ok but my obvious surprise was apparent,

“Hey, chin up there”

Stevie said with a big smile and a wink,

“Thought it best if I closed the curtains while I’m dressed…”

I watched him close the curtains in one smooth movement, his boyish good looks and easy walk gave him the appearance of someone years younger as he walked back out of the living room.

Within two minutes he was back in the same room as me but now he was completely undressed, I looked at his hairless belly and chest, smooth then looked him all over, he was slim and lightly muscled with good definition just like he had been all those years ago.

Stevie was carrying some towels and more importantly a small pot of petroleum jelly,

I looked on almost breathlessly as he spread out a large beach towel on the sofa and placed the other smaller two towels on the floor while his smooth round ass which I had fantasized about as a youngster was within touching distance.

“Come on then, don’t be shy, strip off.”

Stevie said to me as lay on his back and began stroking semi hard cock.

I undressed in under a minute and knelt down on the soft carpet next to Stevie who was now sporting a nice looking 6″ hard on; my right hand began caressing the back of his thighs which caused my 8″ cock to come to immediate attention.

Stevie’s head and neck resting on the arm of the sofa while his feet were as far apart as the wide sofa would allow and his feet were up close to his ass which also gave me reasonable access to it; my finger tips were floating over the soft warm skin of his buttocks while sliding deeper between his cheeks every few strokes until my middle finger brushed his asshole.

Stevie gasped deeply as my finger caressed his tight hole, the fingers of my left hand roamed over his left side from his hip to his head but it was the fingers of my right hand that were causing his heart rate to rise, the face of my middle finger was flat against his asshole making circular mobil porno movements while ever so gently pressing it’s way in and then out, tracing circles around his tight hole then stroking the surface of it a few times before a gentle teasing push at his wanting entrance.

Stevie slid his head down onto the sofa so he was lying flat on his back and I then lifted his lower back up and placed a cushion under his arse which left him nicely exposed; as he began to squeeze his cock with the fingers of both hands I placed my chin and the right side of my face on the sofa and let my tongue make it’s eager way to his hot tight hole.

In the low light caused by the thick but light coloured cutains I couldn’t appreciate the pinky purple colour of his neat hole but I could certainly appreciate the taste of it.

Stevie’s hands were off his cock and holding his ass cheeks apart as he bucked his attention seeking arse up against my mouth while my nose and forehead rubbed against the back of his hot left thigh and my chin pressed into his right ass cheek, I held his hips and pushed my tongue against his sweet salty hole, I couldn’t penetrate him with it but I could certainly pleasure him with it.

I licked and sucked at his hole until the tip of my tongue ached but didn’t want to stop as we were both enjoying the experience so very much; so very much so in my case I could feel precum dripping from my cock onto my thighs.

I knew from experience that the way Stevie was riding my tongue his prostrate wanted some attention, I wanted to explore his boy pussy find his G-spot and give him best sex he’d had for a while.

My left hand found the pot of greasy jelly which I opened with a pop, a weak moan escaped Stevie’s lips when he heard the sound of it opening and his lower back curved upward giving me even better access to his arse; I kissed the back of his thighs as the middle finger of my right hand scooped out a generous amount of the thick jelly and then tantalisingly slowly began to coat his ring with it.

As my finger was on target centre Stevie pushed his very tight asshole onto my cautious digit, I pushed against him while rotating it and ever so slowly pushed the tip in.


And then half my finger slipped past his tight ring, I pulled most of it back out then pushed in slowly and gently until the whole length was in stroking his boy pussy G-spot as I made small in and out movements; I placed my right knee on the sofa to make things easier for me while I pleasured my friend who by now had his hands on his arse ensuring that I had total access to his hot finger gripping hole which would grip my middle digit in its vice like fleshy grip demanding all the attention it could get while his stiff cock stood to attention unfazed by its lack of attention.

Stevie’s tight ring gripped my knuckle as I moved in and out of his slippery arse, not long strokes but strokes which kept in contact with his G-spot which was sending waves of pleasure coursing throughout his hot moist body, he was panting and gasping, moans of pleasure were the only sounds in the room, neither of us spoke, words were not needed, we both knew that Stevie would cum soon.

His asshole slackened then tightened in an almost regular pulsing rythym, as he gave himself to me he’d slacken but when he tightened, wow, he was tight.

Stevie was bucking against my finger and perspiring freely as he made low drawn out moaning sounds of extreme pleasure while still holding the cheeks of his arse apart so with my left hand I held his hot hard cock, I rolled back his tight foreskin and stroked the underside of the end of his swollen shaft with my thumb while my fingers encircled it, my index and middle finger rubbed along the end of his cock on the topside as the middle finger of my right hand kept stoking his boy pussy G-spot.

His wet hot arse slackened then tightened, his asshole gripping my finger then releasing slightly as his cock began twitching in my hand, I watched his asshole pulsate as his cum spurted up in the air with some landing on his belly as some still rose up in the air above my forearm while all the time his ass kept pulsing although not with the grip it had had before he came.

Stevie lay there panting and making small sounds of extreme satisfaction while I kept my finger in his now very relaxed arse, still lovely and hot in there, still wet and slippery in there but now so relaxed my finger could slide in and out with ease.

I brushed the hair from Stevie’s wet forehead with the fingers of my left hand and caressed his face as he squeezed the last of the cum from his cock, it had pooled in his neat belly button and run down each side of his belly and under his back onto the towel he’d placed underneath himself, with my left hand I scooped up some of his cum and dribbled it onto the tip of my finger which I slowly withdrawn from his arse and then pushed it back into him xnxx porno spreading some of his own cum inside his ass while gently stretching his asshole by withdrawing my stiff finger at different angles which opened him up slightly more as time went on.

“That was awesome, the best cum I’ve ever had, how do you learn to do the things you do?”

I didn’t answer his question as by telling him that my boyfriend was the best fuck I’ve ever had and could almost make me cum just by looking at me would’ve spoiled the moment especially as he seemed to think that I had never had any sexual encounters with other guys and I wanted him to feel special, very special.

Instead I told him that I knew what I liked and hoped that I could do for him what I’d like done to me and that his enthusiasm had inspired me.

Stevie asked me if there was anything that he could do that would ensure that I would have a lovely cum like he had had, I squeezed his now semi stiff cock and told him that I’d like to rub the end of my cock in his hot slippery asshole and have a slow wank; his face lit up at the thought of it and he said that he could give himself a slow wank with his now stiff cock, I reached for the pot of thick jelly and a ‘Go on then’ smile of approval wreathed his face.

As I thumbed open the rectangular lid of the pot Stevie’s right hand found its way to it and a couple of fingers hooked their way in and gouged out a dollop of jelly while he smiled at me with a glint in his eyes.

I couldn’t take my eyes off his arse even as I felt his fingers encircle my hard cock which twitched in unison with my balls as he did so, he slid my foreskin back until the slippery jelly caused him to lose his grip, he did it again, and again and then he fingered himself, his middle finger had a quick probe before pulling my cock closer to his asshole.

He told me later that as I looked so surprised, lost and unsure he decided to shuffle and bump himself closer which was when my cock mad contact with his curious but interested arse; I could see some precum ooze from the end of my rampant cock as Stevie rubbed it up and down and side to side over and against his pink-ish purple asshole and I knew that I had to try and take things further than just wanking over his slippery and possibly willing hole.

I genuinely began to rub the slit of my cock in the slit of his fingered asshole with the intention of spunking over his lovely hole but the more I pressed the slit of my cock into the slit of his arse I could imagine the end being buried inside him; in silent encouragement Stevie ran his hands up the backs of his shapely football players legs and pulled his knees toward his chest and then relaxed his grip which in turn relaxed his arse; he looked at me dreamily then closed his eyes in what I took to be submissive approval.

I took my weight on my left hand as I pressed on the arm of the sofa while I controlled my position with my right leg upon which I was almost sitting and became aware that the toes on my left foot were hooked rigidly into the carpet – relax I told myself, relax and savour the sensations which accompanied the wonderful sight of my cock at the entrance of Stevie’s magnificent curvy arse.

I held my shaft slid my foreskin back and began to rub my precum and jelly coated cock in Stevie’s precum and jelly coated asshole; I knew that what felt heavenly to me might feel hellish to Stevie so with the patience of a saint I ever so slowly and gently pushed the tip of my cock into his hot slippery slit and reluctantly pulled it back rubbed it over and across his asshole and then pushed it gently back in but a little further each time.

Watching his hole stretch and begin to accommodate my very eager cock caused my pulse to quicken and me to perspire but this time I didn’t pull back I stopped then pushed forward a little more into his tight ring, I moved fractionally backwards and then pushed forwards – the classic two steps forward and one step backward but it was working, I steadied myself pushed forward as gently as I could and then I was there – paradise was mine, the end of my cock was inside Stevies’s very tight arse…

I could barely breathe due to the extreme sexual excitement that was coursing through every fibre in me, I knew that I had to remain still so Stevie’s arse could accept my pleasure swollen cock without too much discomfort, he hadn’t pulled away and he hadn’t screamed which encouraged me to remain still, I knew that if I were to twitch my cock it could all be over.

“Oh Stevie baby, are you okay?”

Stevie was panting and moaning softly but had now hooked his heels over my shoulders.

“Stay as you are for a while, you feel wonderful, just don’t move yet.”

That was all the encouragement that I needed, I began to caress and touch him everywhere I could, my finger tips were gliding over his lovely smooth body, tweaking his nipples and his cum filled belly button and then I was kissing his calves and his knees, my knob had relaxed slightly and softened as Stevie’s arse had become used to its size.

“Go on then, let’s see if being bummed is all it’s cracked up to be, just take your time.”

Stevie said to me with his eyes still closed but a very happy smile on his face.

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