Melanie Ch. 01

21 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Chapter 01

A beauty bound and packaged

“Oh! oo. Haff erfy o me. lease, oo ore. etty ease.”

Roberta listened for a moment to Melanie begging for mercy through the makeshift gag. Tears rolled down Melanie’s cheeks while silent laughter rocked her shoulders. Unmercifully Roberta resumed tickling her flatmate enjoying the squeals and helpless laughter.

It was a hot Friday afternoon and the two flatmates had stripped down to their underwear. It was hot work packing up in preparation to move into another apartment. An apartment where the air conditioning worked!

The two women got on well despite being opposites. Melanie was soft and feminine in body and soul whereas Roberta had a hard streak and worked out honing a muscular frame.

Melanie was a busty blond smart enough, even at twenty-one, to act dumb to get what she wanted. Roberta was twenty-two, a long limbed, raven-haired beauty with flashing eyes and a short temper.

Roberta was fractious after being ribbed all morning about a naughty weekend away with her boyfriend. She wasn’t ashamed of what she had done but it just wasn’t something she wanted to share with Melanie at the moment and knew the pest wouldn’t let it rest. It was some relief to have stifled the questioning with a gag, if only for a short while.

Roberta could move fast when she wanted, sometimes quicker than her thoughts, leaving it to later to think things through. While her friend was laughing helplessly on the floor she wound string around both wrists and ankles. Tying her up with the string and tape they used for packing had been just a bit of fun as well as sweet revenge.


Roberta looked her in the eye. “I’ll let Martin tell you all about it, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the gossip. He can have you for his plaything until you learn not to ask so many questions.” Roberta fastened her into a hog tie, with ankles attached to wrists, leaving her on her tummy in the lounge.

Trussed like a chicken she had no choice but wait on Roberta’s decision of what to do next. She tried to say enough was enough but Roberta wasn’t listening even if she could understand the mangled clipped words dripping from the gag. Not believing Roberta would let the boyfriend see her in underwear, she thought herself safe. She didn’t believe they would include her in their naughty games either.

She was still curious as to what they had been up to and lay there wondering what it was like to play lewd games for a whole weekend in a sex club. The more she heard from Roberta the more she had wanted to know and had become excited at the idea of playing naughty sexy games. Melanie had heard of such games but up until then hadn’t thought it would excite her.

Listening to the phone conversation she began to wonder how much trouble she was in, but then realised her friend must have omitted a digit when she dialled. Her friend was playing a game pretending to talk to the boyfriend, Martin.

Enjoying the efforts her friend was going through distracted her from realising how much she enjoyed being confined. Powerless to move she lay on the carpet amused at the effort Roberta was taking to frighten her into submission.

The carpet smelt a little stale and there was plenty of dust under the sofa, apart from that she was pretty relaxed. Determined to remain calm, to avoid cramp and avoid becoming irritable, there was nothing she could do but relax and meditate.

“OK. You’re lucky. He was out.” Roberta said. When Melanie chuckled she quickly added. “Perhaps I’ll give you to someone else. I’m sure plenty of men would like a helpless naked woman to play with.” Roberta pulled the gag away from Melanie’s lips to see what she had to say for herself.

The silliness and illogic of the statement was not lost to Melanie. “I’m not naked and if you give me away, how will you organise the move without me!” She laughed.

Marching back from the kitchen with a pair of scissors Roberta tried again. Waving the scissors in front of her face Roberta told her. “A trim of those lovely golden tresses will change your mind. A short back and sides?” she asked.

The sound of the scissors scrapping back and forth worried her for a moment but when no hair fell to the carpet Melanie realised it was the sound of an empty threat. Laughing with relief caused Roberta to growl in frustration.

The scissors were cutting now but not easily. At first she thought her bonds were being cut but it was the toughness of a bra strap that was so difficult. The straps pinged back with the release of a heavy load. Snips in little bites at her panties soon had them in shreds.

Roberta pulled the underwear from around the string in pieces pilling them next to her flatmate. “Now you’re naked. Are you prepared to submit? Submit to someone who will teach you to do as you’re told and not make mischief?” she said with a slight edge to the tone of voice.

Melanie was outraged. “You’ll pay for that underwear first! I won’t give in until you get me some new underwear.” Defiance and silence was a tactic she knew would Sahabet work with Roberta, as the young woman would tire of the game long before she did.

“OK. Have it your own way. I’ll have you spanked like the spoilt brat you are then we’ll see who gives in first. Anything to say?” Roberta taunted her.

Melanie wondered what all this talk of being spoilt meant for it was Roberta who was being childish. She shook her head in defiance anyway. She was confident Roberta would give in soon. They could get back to the serious business of packing ready for the delivery men.

“Yuck!” This was all Melanie could say at the spoon of lemon juice shoved between her lips. Her friend knew she hated anything sour. While she closed her eyes and exclaimed disgust she felt something rudely shoved into her open mouth.

Deftly tying a ribbon behind her head, to hold the gag in place, Roberta smiled a little victory. “That will give you something to think about. I didn’t tell you much about that weekend did I?” She left the statement in the air to thump down hard upon the prisoner.

Melanie was taken by surprise, shocked even. Trying to speak, to give in, she found her voice effectively muzzled. Nothing reached her own ears but a muffled murmur. Exploring the intrusion she found her mouth was held open by a ball with ribbon through it extending out over both cheeks and tied behind her head.

It was simple and more effective than the make shift one used before. It was stopping her from saying she was ready to give in. “Damn!” She tried to say but heard only a muffled hum.

‘How the hell did this happen.’ Melanie thought. It had only started as the usual friendly banter, now she was bound helpless on the living room floor. She had been helpless with laughter and tears rolling down her cheeks, but not now, this was getting too serious.

Comfortable despite the situation she tried not to think about it in case she again fell into fits of laughter leading on into hysteria. It was ridiculous. Bound and gagged naked in her apartment. Why it was so funny, she couldn’t understand.

The familiar sound of the doorbell stilled the fidgeting completely, flattening out any comical feelings to a dull dread. The old fashioned bell had always been a joke between them as it represented the boring old couple that owned it before them. Now it represented an outside threat.

An unknown element had been introduced, be it boyfriend or stranger, or even a mutual friend. This could be very embarrassing. With the door open a breeze from the outside world fell upon her whispering she was vulnerable. The door slammed closed.

“What was the message you left on the answer phone all about?” The voice of Martin, Roberta’s boyfriend echoed through the hall. His nasal ringing tones made goose bumps flesh out on her buttocks sending a little thrill along her spine. The hair on the nape of her neck stood out. He always did that to her. Now more than ever she would find it difficult to talk to him.

She imagined a young man tanned and muscular with an obvious sex drive that drove her to a state of desperation. One night she had been in heaven when Roberta had shared him with her. He had shagged her brains out all night eventually sating her desire in the early hours of the morning.

On waking next morning it had been a serious disappointment to be hugging just a pillow, but then again the obvious complications weren’t there to face either.

Obviously Roberta would steer him well clear of the living room. Would Roberta make noisy love to him in the bedroom next door while she had no choice but listen?

Her lips were twitching at the thought he would find her naked. At his mercy she was bound to let him take whatever he wanted. He could simply use her on this carpet. She imagined the carpet burns with pleasure. It wouldn’t matter about stains for they could be left for the next tenants to wonder over.

No, he would not be allowed to see her naked. ‘Pity’, she thought. He might compare her favourably with Roberta. Her hair was longer and silkier and men seemed to like the slim waist for it accentuated a pair of firm large breasts. Not fat by any means but not skinny, or lean as Roberta insisted on calling herself.

“Come on we can’t wait all day. If you’re ready how come you’re in a dressing gown? The guys are here so I hope you and Melanie have packed up ready to be moved.” Martin complained.

“Yes, yes. Just go and make sure they don’t back over someone in that truck.”

Roberta ran back into Melanie’s narrow vision encompassing not much more than an unusual angle of the floor. After a few seconds of frustrated snipping she threw the scissors across the room then cursed as they disappeared into an open box. They were too blunt to tackle the string.

“I can’t get the bloody string undone!” Roberta exclaimed.

In desperation she dragged an empty case over beside Melanie and rolled her friend into it. With a levered heft the box was upright with Melanie looking up at her, eyes wide in bewilderment. Sahabet Giriş

“Sorry Melanie! I can’t get you free and the men are on their way up. I’ll tell them to leave this box here and I’ll release you when they’ve gone,” she explained.

Tipping a bag of white plastic snow into the box soon buried the accusing stare. As she snapped the last clips into place Martin and the removal guys walked in.

“Don’t say a thing! I’ll be ready in a moment.” Roberta said through gritted teeth stomping out to the bedroom. Pulling on the last set of unpacked clothes she wondered what she would do about Melanie.

Her friend would be furious at being delivered to their new flat in a packing case. What could she have done? Leaving her friend for the delivery men to untie would be interesting but unreasonable. Roberta laughed out loud. Melanie wouldn’t have thanked her for that humiliation!

“We’ve got to pick up the keys and be at the apartment before these removal guys arrive. So come on shift yourself. Move!” Martin told her while making waving motions with his hands as though shooing pigeons from a park bench.

Roberta’s plan crumbled on realising she wouldn’t be able to get back to the apartment soon enough to release her friend. Melanie would just have to be delivered to the new apartment by these guys. The men looked strong enough to carry her out to the van without dropping her and what else could she do but let things take their course.

With Martin backing out of the drive Roberta watched the packing case being man handled onto the back of the truck. She should have put a handle with care sticker on it! She closed her eyes trying not to think about what Melanie was going to say about this indignity when unpacked.

“I didn’t know Melanie had an aunt. I thought she was an only child, well an only family member with her parents gone.” Martin said, trying to break into her thoughts.

“She doesn’t. Oh! Yea! The friend of the family, she just calls her an aunt.” Roberta recovered her thoughts remembering explaining Melanie’s absence with a fabricated story.

“The aunt must have been very ill to leave you to do all the packing. I’m sorry I shouted at you,” he apologised, just in case it was that making her so withdrawn. It was unlike Roberta to be quiet and thoughtful and he didn’t want her to remain so distant for he was hoping for a good first night in the new apartment.


Melanie was furious. Why hadn’t Roberta stalled them long enough to get her undone and dressed? “You stupid bitch!” She shouted around the gag. Taking a deep breath, trying for calm, she told herself it wouldn’t be for long. Once they were out of the way her friend would release her. Then Roberta would be for it!

Yet another deep breath and she was beginning to reach a peaceful Yoga meditation state. The small world inside the box began to recede until her mind expanded far greater than the small black packing case.

A pleasant dream began involving Martin and a can of spray cream.


Bob and Tommy lifted the lid on the packing case wondering if in this one there might be something of value. “What the?” At first Bob thought it was a dead body but the muted complaints and rustling movement of hundreds of plastic packing flakes left no doubt. Someone very much alive was in there.

He picked himself up off the floor wondering if this was a set-up.

With less imagination than his partner in crime, Tommy peered in, gawping, with a silly grin on his face.

Bob looked again into the box where Tommy was smoothing away the loose packing, to reveal a naked body. The squirming had stopped, perhaps because Tommy’s hands kept brushing against her breasts and thighs. The older man watched his partner’s hands becoming bolder, caressing and pressing between the legs.

When he started to rub hard the body began squirming once more but there was no escape tied up like that. This was no police set-up, unless there was a police fetish department. A department he hadn’t been arrested by, yet. “Stop that. I’ve got to think. What are we going to do now? With this, I mean, with her. No not that! Leave her alone.”

She was lying on her back with arms and feet tied. Her head, breasts and knees were poking up out of the packing where Tommy had cleared it away. The loose piles had settled back between her legs.

The problem was she had seen them. Her eyes were closed and there was a dreamy look on her face but they couldn’t take the chance. Otherwise they could have dumped the packing case somewhere leaving the problem to someone else. She must have been kidnapped and now they were in the frame for it. They didn’t have enough money to go on the run so what could they do?

“Stop that.” Bob told his partner. “Put the lid back on. Hang on.” He said. Grabbing a bottle of water he dribbled water around the gag. He didn’t want her to die on him. It took awhile but that didn’t matter for he had thought of something. With the lid finally back on they loaded the packing case back Sahabet Güncel Giriş onto the truck.


“The phones just ringing, there’s no answer. I guess they don’t have anyone in the office on a Saturday, just the two guys moving furniture and stuff. Hey, don’t worry, they just got delayed in traffic or had a flat. Besides, all the stuff is insured.”

Roberta growled again. They had been waiting over an hour for the truck and Martin had been reciting useless platitudes for forty-five of those long minutes. Should she tell him, or rather, when should she tell him her friend was in a packing case in that truck?

“I’m going to the police.” Roberta sputtered angrily at him. Her nerves couldn’t take much more of this waiting.


Melanie was in a cocoon of packaging and lost deeper still in her own thoughts. Dehydrating in the hot box her mind was wavering in the heat. When a hand gently stroked her body it merged with dreams of Martin finding her naked so she struggled to give him what she wanted him to take.

Her own delirious fantasies had brought her to a state of heightened expectation until the fingers found her sex. She thrust up at them wanting more. She was ready for anything, only the sensations abruptly stopped leaving her unsure if it had happened at all. A moan of frustration went unheard.


Back in the apartment it was plain nothing had been delivered. Roberta looked around at the bare walls, picture hook holes neatly filled in, and carpets smelling of cleaning fluid. Taking a deep breath she shot a stern look at Martin daring him to comfort her with more trying banality.

“The police said to keep in touch meaning they don’t intend to do anything about it. I didn’t even have the truck number or much of a description of it or them. The removal outfit phone just rings. They said it might be a scam to pick up valuables and just to wait and see. They weren’t interested! They just told me to claim on the insurance.”

Martin had learnt not to open his mouth and just shrugged.

Worrying about Melanie she wondered if her friend were stuck in some lock up garage needing to pee. ‘The first bloody sensible thing he’s done all day.’ She thought, as he put his arms around her for a gently cuddle. ‘And, there’s more!’ She thought, on hearing bubbling sounds and the tangy smell of ground coffee brewing.

So he wasn’t completely useless. He had gone out to buy a coffee machine while she wasted time at the cop shop. Sinking onto the carpet she waited for the desperately needed caffeine. She just hoped Melanie had been discovered and this was all a ploy to upset her. It didn’t matter so long as she was safe! She would give her a hearty hug just so long as the damn woman turned up safe.

“Don’t worry. Melanie will be OK. When she gets back from her aunt we might have recovered some of the stuff. They won’t want photos and the personal junk that you treasure. We can get some furniture and have the place looking good before she get back. Come on, cheer up, its only stuff!”

She hit him hard enough to wind him wanting to hurt but feeling already too guilty to harm another of her friends. What was she to do but bother the police and wait it out?


“So it’s you two lousy thieves. What ever it is I don’t want it. In fact get it out of here before someone sees you.” The large man barked at them.

Bob smiled what might have been a winsome look if he had been a puppy, only his old craggy face split into a leer. “You will be surprised. Pleasantly, honest, Eddy.”

The two ruffians carried on into the back office ignoring the barrage of protests.

“It’s a woman.” Bob whispered conspiratorially.

This stopped Edward’s protests long enough for them to place the packing case down in the middle of the office and for Tommy to unfasten the lid.

Wondering what scam they were up to this time he peered in. Tommy pushed aside the packaging revealing areas of smooth skin. He pinched a nipple and both breasts rose up seeking a hand. Moving between the legs the hips thrust up obviously seeking more.

“She’s a fuck machine Eddy. We had to tie her down or she would’ve raped us. She needs it all the time. Just the kind of girl you need here.” Bob began, wondering now if this was the right place to dispose of their awkward cargo. Would he buy it?

“Bloody hell! You two into kidnapping now? That’s a bit out of your league isn’t it boys.”

Looking at the two of them and the girl he wondered what they were up to. He knew them long enough to play a game of patience, knowing they would break sooner than later. If he hadn’t been intrigued they would have been kicked out by now. He just couldn’t see what the scam was.

Eventually Bob broke and explained what had happened, how a simple theft had gone wrong. For the past month they had put in low quotes to move furniture and riffled the belongings for anything valuable then dumped what they didn’t want.

“You stupid buggers! She isn’t a part of your scam then. So you thought you would dump her with me. Nice one Bob. Bloody typical of you to share your troubles.” Edward stroked her thigh watching the reaction. She had a nice face, lovely clear skin, and stunning figure. She was in a different league to the girls working for him.

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